Lesson Plan 4
Lesson Plan 4
Lesson Plan 4
March 2, 2023
I. Objectives
At the end of the fifty-minute period, the students are expected to:
a. Identify tools needed in shading
b. Appreciate the importance of shading
c. Practice shading on bamboo, wood and metal products/products.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Routine Activities
f. Review
Now let us have a review, what was our previous Our lesson yesterday was all about on
how to enhance, bamboo, wood finished
lesson about? products through sketching.
Yes, Jerome
Teacher I think our topic is all about
Very good class! That is the end of our activity, now methods of shading.
Yes, Lance!
B. Lesson Proper
At the end of fifty minutes the students
Presentation of the lesson are expected to:
a. Identify tools needed in shading
b. State the importance of shading
Our lesson for this morning is about the Methods of
c. Practice shading on bamboo, wood
Enhancing Finished Products in Shading. But before and metal products/products.
we start our proper discussion, let us read first our
Yes, Lance
The darkening or coloring of an
illustration or diagram with parallel lines
Very good! or a block of color.
Who can give me the meaning of shading
(All students will read)
Yes, Bea...
For me teacher shading is the darkening
Very good! or coloring of an illustration or diagram
with parallel lines or a block of color.
Yes, Jerome…
For me teacher a shading is a very slight
variation and also layer of paint or
Very good! material used to provide shade,
especially for plants.
1. Shading
-The process of marking the inside of an
outline to project shadows or degrees of
lightness and darkness. Creating shades of
lights and dark patterns in a composition or
design, thus creating illusion of space and
distance. Shading can be done through the
proper use of colors of different hues, values,
and intensity.
Yes, Teacher
Did you understand class?
Yes, teacher…
Children, that is the graphite pencil unlike to the
original or our commonly use pencils graphite
pencils has their own uses. Colored pencils are made with wax and
pigment, graphite pencils are a mixture
Do you understand? of graphite and clay. The combination of
these two components allows for smooth
Colored Pencils stroke, but graphite pencils will give
different lines depending on how much
day is present.
Charcoal Pencils
Yes teacher Jen…
Is applied much like graphite pencils, but
because of its structure its structure it allows for
darker shades and a less glossy reflection.
Blending Brush
Kneaded Eraser-
It gives an artist the ability to apply highlights
and adjust shadow tones accurately.
C. Application
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D. Generalization
Now class can you share what have you learn about
our discussion today?
Yes, teacher!
(All the student’s pass the paper )
Yes, Ashley!
Very well said Ashley! (the students will copy the assignment to
their note book)
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment