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Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

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Acta Astronautica
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Towards a standardized grasping and refuelling on-orbit servicing for geo MARK
Alberto Medinaa, Angelo Tomassinia, Matteo Suatonia, Marcos Avilésa, Nick Solwayb,
Ian Coxhillb, Iosif S. Paraskevasc, Georgios Rekleitisc, Evangelos Papadopoulosc, Rainer Krennd,
André Britoe, Beatrice Sabbatinellie, Birk Wollenhaupte, Christian Vidalf, Sarmad Azizg,
Gianfranco Visenting
GMV, Spain
Moog Space & Defense Group, United Kingdom
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft, und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany
OHB System AG, Germany
Thales Alenia Space France, France
European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands


Exploitation of space must benefit from the latest advances in robotics. On-orbit servicing is a clear candidate
for the application of autonomous rendezvous and docking mechanisms. However, during the last three decades
most of the trials took place combining extravehicular activities (EVAs) with telemanipulated robotic arms. The
European Space Agency (ESA) considers that grasping and refuelling are promising near-mid-term capabilities
that could be performed by servicing spacecraft. Minimal add-ons on spacecraft to enhance their serviceability
may protect them for a changing future in which satellite servicing may become mainstream.
ESA aims to conceive and promote standard refuelling provisions that can be installed in present and future
European commercial geostationary orbit (GEO) satellite platforms and scientific spacecraft. For this purpose
ESA has started the ASSIST activity addressing the analysis, design and validation of internal provisions (such
as modifications to fuel, gas, electrical and data architecture to allow servicing) and external provisions (such as
integrated berthing fixtures with peripheral electrical, gas, liquid connectors, leak check systems and
corresponding optical and radio markers for cooperative rendezvous and docking). This refuelling approach
is being agreed with European industry (OHB, Thales Alenia Space) and expected to be consolidated with
European commercial operators as a first step to become an international standard; this approach is also being
considered for on-orbit servicing spacecraft, such as the SpaceTug, by Airbus DS.
This paper describes in detail the operational means, structure, geometry and accommodation of the system.
Internal and external provisions will be designed with the minimum possible impact on the current architecture
of GEO satellites without introducing additional risks in the development and commissioning of the satellite.
End-effector and berthing fixtures are being designed in the range of few kilos and linear dimensions around
15 cm. A central mechanical part is expected to perform first a soft docking followed by a motorized retraction
ending during a hard docking phase using aligning pins. Mating and de-mating will be exhaustively analysed to
ensure robustness of operations. Leakage-free valves would allow for the transfer of fuel to the serviced
spacecraft. The validation of the ASSIST system through dedicated environmental tests in a vacuum chamber
together with dynamic testing using an air-bearing table will allow for the demonstration of concept feasibility
and its suitability for becoming a standard of the on-orbit space industry.

E-mail addresses: amedina@gmv.com (A. Medina), atomassini@gmv.com (A. Tomassini), msuatoni@gmv.com (M. Suatoni), maaviles@gmv.com (M. Avilés),
nsolway@moog.com (N. Solway), icoxhill@moog.com (I. Coxhill), isparas@central.ntua.gr (I.S. Paraskevas), grekleitis@central.ntua.gr (G. Rekleitis),
egpapado@central.ntua.gr (E. Papadopoulos), rainer.krenn@dlr.de (R. Krenn), andre.brito@ohb.de (A. Brito), beatrice.sabbatinelli@ohb.de (B. Sabbatinelli),
birk.wollenhaupt@ohb.de (B. Wollenhaupt), christian.vidal@thalesaleniaspace.com (C. Vidal), sarmad.aziz@esa.int (S. Aziz), gianfranco.visentin@esa.int (G. Visentin).

Received 1 December 2015; Received in revised form 15 January 2017; Accepted 18 January 2017
Available online 19 January 2017
0094-5765/ © 2017 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

1. Introduction markers for cooperative rendezvous. Hereafter they are described

the main elements:
The exploitation of space requires the establishment of both human
and robotic presence. Towards this goal, various roadmaps indicate the • The berthing fixture is referred to the mechanical interface, on the
need for the realization of a robotic orbital infrastructure for tasks such serviced spacecraft, connecting with the servicing counterpart.
as satellite servicing, refuelling of space assets, orbital debris removal • On the other side the end-effector is the mechanical interface
and construction of large assemblies on Earth or other planetary orbits. installed on the servicing spacecraft (on the tip of a robotic arm)
To this end, On-Orbit Servicing (OOS) plays a central role. devoted to the connection with the berthing fixture.
The history of servicing in space is not new; however the earlier • The part of the end-effector, that is foreseen to be the first to get
approaches were inefficient. This was mainly due to the fact that connected with the berthing fixture, is called the capture probe.
initially satellites were built without taking into account serviceability. After such first contact a docking mechanism will perform the
In the wider sense however, the docking operations of Gemini or Apollo docking process.
can be regarded as a preliminary OOS function. As satellite technology • In a symmetric way the deeper part of the berthing fixture where the
became more mature and capabilities increased, the possibility of probe will touch is called drogue cavity.
servicing satellites started attracting the interest of space agencies.
This provision of services in space is more and more an important Also, the following distinction between berthing and docking is
factor in space exploitation and in maintaining the required space adopted:
infrastructure. Through OOS operations a considerable reduction of
operating costs for unmanned space assets such as navigation and • Berthing involves the manoeuvring of the manipulator arm mounted
geostationary communication satellite can be performed. The servicing on the servicing S/C to approach the end-effector to the berthing
of satellites in orbit includes many aspects of component assembly and fixture of the serviced S/C until its capture probe gets in contact with
equipment maintenance (both corrective and preventive), the replen- the drogue cavity.
ishment of consumables and upgrade and repair capabilities. • Docking refers to the servicing S/C manoeuvres related to the
The use of the OOS services can be considered in different phases of engagement of mechanical couplings and solid contact is established
the space mission life cycle: with the berthing fixture of the serviced S/C is established.

• Failure during the injection of the payload into the nominal target or 3. Review of servicing/refuelling systems
transfer orbit. In most cases the satellite cannot accomplish this on
its own; an orbit transfer vehicle could provide support. The purpose of the ASSIST includes only the transfer of fuel and
• Necessity for support unfinished operations during the test and data, therefore the docking systems that enable the passing of humans
commissioning phase. Typical example can be incomplete deploy- (such as the system on-board the ISS) are interesting only in terms of
ment mechanism of solar arrays or of antenna dishes. analysis of their mechanisms but not for the docking procedure per se.
• Premature end of life of the satellite due to equipment obsolescence In the case of transfer of fuel and data the probe-drogue system is the
or wear. most appropriate in terms of simplicity and convenience. The analysis
• Extension of the expected duration of the satellite operative life of the developed forces and torques is more straightforward and the
through a refuelling of propellant tanks devoted to attitude/orbit footprint of the necessary mechanical dimensions is small in compar-
control. This scenario will be the main subject of this ASSIST project ison with other docking mechanisms.
and will be fully explored. In principle, a typical central docking system (APAS [1], LIDS [2],
IBDM [3], ASPS [4] or DEOS BDM [5]) has the following phases during
This activity is led by GMV (coordinator and dynamics simulator) the docking procedure:
together with MOOG (mechanical design, breadboard manufacturing
and environmental testing), NTUA (air-bearing table dynamics and 1. The controller of the active part (usually the part with the probe)
testing), DLR (contact dynamics), OHB (mission requirements and aligns itself with the passive part (usually the part with the drogue)
propulsion provisions) and TAS (mission requirements). using some predefined markers as a guide.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 provides an introduc- 2. The probe enters the drogue, while on the same time a number of
tion, Section 2 introduces the ASSIST concept, Section 3 provides a guiding pins (or similar mechanisms) allow the correction of small
review on servicing/refuelling systems, Section 4 describes the opera- misalignments.
tional scenarios and phases, Section 5 presents the ASSIST design 3. As the most of the misalignments have been compensated the probe
while Section 6 describes the step-by-step refuelling operations, continues entering the drogue. Depending on whether the docking
Sections 7 and 8 present the internal and external provisions respec- system is active or passive, a sensor to define the pass of a certain
tively, Section 9 introduces the Kinematic and Dynamic simulator, threshold or shock absorbers are used (or combination).
Section 10 shows the air-bearing test set-up, Section 11 describes the 4. A mechanism which can perform a “Soft-Dock” is used to hold both
dynamic test cases and validation results and finally Sections 12 mating systems on a loose connection. Usually this mechanism is a
present the conclusions. spring-loaded latch (passive systems) or a mechanism, which is
extended around the probe forming a diameter larger than the
2. Assist concept overview tightest section of the drogue (active systems).
5. Retraction of the probe to secure the “Soft-Docking” takes place and
The ASSIST system is considered to be a set of servicing/refuelling on the same time to bring the mating halves closer. “Hard-Dock”
provisions on a serviced GEO S/C and a set of provisions on the mechanisms start to operate now (again there can be active or
servicing S/C. They are decomposed into external and internal passive mechanisms) such as latches or screws.
elements: 6. Mating of data, fuel, gas etc. connections take place (almost at the
same time with the Hard Docking).
1. Internal: modifications to fuel, gas, electrical, data architecture to
allow servicing in the GEO satellite. All major space agencies turned into searching on how to mature
2. External: integrated grasping/berthing fixtures with peripheral the automated OOS with the extensive use of robotic systems. Up until
electrical, gas, liquid connectors, leak check systems, optical/radio now however, these autonomous robotic OOS mission are strictly

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

experimental. OOS tasks are extremely challenging and specialized 4.1. The proposed on-orbit servicing mission includes the following
mechanisms and control algorithms must operate effectively in order to phases
reduce the probability of errors. For this reason prior to launch,
extensive theoretical but also experimental analysis is necessary. 1. The rendezvous final/terminal phase, which begins when the servi-
Since the theoretical development is relatively feasible, an issue that cing S/C detects the serviced S/C by its own sensing means and
arises is the accuracy of the simulation results comparing to a real starts the relative navigation phase. For ASSIST we assume a
system in orbit. Human perception, due to gravity and friction, is distance of the S/Cs between few kilometres (e.g. below 10 km)
certainly affected. Therefore is of outmost importance to have experi- and a meter range (e.g. 1.25 m) (compatible within the maximum
mental facilities on Earth, which emulate the zero-g environment reach of the robotic arm mounted on the servicing S/C).
accurately. However to test a robotic system, it is necessary to have 2. The berthing phase, which is entirely operated by the robotic arm
enough experimental time at the lowest possible cost. Methods like whose objective is to mate the servicing S/C end-effector part with
parabolic flights and drop towers provide limited time. Neutral buoy- the serviced S/C berthing fixture counterpart. The robotic arm
ancy facilities like the one used for the Ranger Neutral Buoyancy should be equipped with an illumination source in order to provide
Vehicle are high-cost facilities, even though they allow a three-dimen- a clear view of the markers placed on the berthing fixture mechan-
sional representation of the systems [6]; however the inertia of the ism.
water is not compensated and the robotic systems must be water- After the end-effector capture probe contacts the drogue cavity of
proofed. HIL systems, like DLR's EPOS [7,8] and GMV's platform-art© the berthing fixture (Soft-dock Mode) a central mechanism will be
[9], allow three-dimensional experimentation [10,11] but as they are retracted to ensure an initial soft docking. Later on a second phase of
based on the accuracy and the characteristics of both the manipulators mechanical engagement using aligning pins will be performed
and the software which models the zero-g environment, their complex- ensuring a hard docking (Hard-dock Mode). This phase ends with
ity is higher. a successful berthing/mating and subsequent connection of fuel, gas
The air-bearing facilities give a good compromise: even though it is and electrical interfaces.
not possible to emulate the three-dimensional motion, they can 3. The servicing phase: the ASSIST system keeps the two spacecraft
represent accurately a planar zero-g environment for significant locked thanks to its mechanism. The refuelling takes place during
durations [12]. The characteristics of an air-bearing facility are largely this phase (Refuelling Mode). Servicing and serviced S/C actuators
affected by the kind of tasks to be emulated. However the largest must not overload the ASSIST system interface: the ASSIST inter-
number of the existing facilities is dedicated to the motion of the base face will be able to afford a maximum amount of forces and torques
of a system without manipulator. By adding more DOF's by means of a as defined per corresponding requirement.
robotic arm, the system tends to be more complicated and several 4. The de-mating phase: the servicing operations have been concluded
parameters must be taken into account, such as coupled dynamics, and the berthing mechanism unlocks the two spacecraft (passing
dynamic singularities, tip-over avoidance and control [13–15]. through Hard-dock and Soft-dock Modes). The robotic arm safely
Another issue to be considered is the sizing of the hovering systems, retracts the end-effector within the approach frustum (0.15×0.15 m2
which can be reduced using modern electronics and embedded in small base, 0.5 m height and 0.25×0.25 m2 in large base).
systems. However this size reduction is largely affected by the
mechanical components and the tasks to be fulfilled. The use of some The system shall be designed so that all these operations can be
kind of gas (CO2, N2, air) in many ways imposes restrictions on operated safely and in an autonomous way. For the design and
minimum dimensions and this is a critical design driver. Finally the development of the ASSIST system, the berthing phase is the one that
localization methods should also be carefully designed and adapted to will drive most of the requirements. As the development of the robotic
the dimensions of both the robot systems as well as of the environment arm and its control is out of the scope of this activity, it will be assumed
in which the emulator is located. that the robotic arm will be able to move its end-effector with highly
accurate position control.
4. Operational scenarios and phases During dynamic testing it is assumed that the robotic arm does not
articulate its joints (i.e. appendage-like configuration). In order to
In order to achieve the ASSIST requirements, a reference scenario consider the flexibility typical of robotic arms another assumption is
has been defined at the beginning of the activity. The ASSIST system made: perturbations on an idealized rigid robotic arm induced by the
shall be compatible with: flexibility of some of its parts are modelled as simple straight bending
beams clamped to a rigid hub.
• Large GEO telecom satellites (~4–6–8 Tn.)
• Small GEO telecom satellites (around 2.5–3.5 Tn.) 5. Assist design

A survey performed among the most important European space- The principal concept behind the ASSIST capture system is to allow
craft manufacturer has allowed highlighting more specific profiles for for zero force capture to ensure that the target or client spacecraft are
the required fuel categories and quantities as listed hereafter: not pushed away from each other before a latching system can be
deployed. Crucially the assembly allows for clamping of the two
• Spacebus/Spacebus Neo (TAS): 1000 kg of MON/MMH and 300 kg vehicles around a central axis before any further berthing processes
of Xenon. take place. This constraints the alignment problem to a single
• Small GEO satellites (OHB): ~500 kg of MON/MMH (chemical rotational axis; the angular misalignments can be corrected by the
propulsion), 100 kg of MON/MMH +150 kg of Xenon (hybrid robotic arm from the servicing S/C.
propulsion) and 200 kg (typically Xenon for full-electric propul- The end-effector includes a grasping mechanism, which consists of
sion). an expanding pantograph located at the end of a probe. The mating half
• Space-tug (Airbus DS): 200 kg of MON/MMH and 3000 kg (typi- on the client spacecraft consists of a ‘drogue’ type arrangement, which
cally Xenon). includes a central cavity into which the capture probe pantograph is
inserted. The ‘drogue’ is part of the berthing fixture assembly, which
includes fluid couplings and an electrical connector. The berthing
fixture on the serviced S/C also includes three guide receptacles, which
allow the end-effector alignment pins to engage and centralise the

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

Fig. 1. End-effector.

whole system. The alignment pins have been arranged asymmetrically on the main shaft, which is driven via a stepper motor, a planetary
on the fluid plane so that the end-effector cannot be docked incorrectly. gearbox (27:1), two spur gears and a ball spline. The ball spline allows
Following subsections provide a detailed overview of the end-effector, the rotational motion to be transferred to the lead nut whilst allowing it
berthing fixture and fluid couplings. to move linearly with respect to the driving gear. Since the nut is
rotating along the main shaft, the collar is attached to the nut using a
radial bearing so that when it contacts the drogue throat it does not
6. End-effector apply a torque to the berthing fixture (serviced S/C). The collar stepper
motor to lead nut gear ratio is 42:1 which allows a high torque to be
The end-effector (see Fig. 1) is foreseen to be attached to a robotic applied to the nut.
arm on the servicing S/C and includes the fluid and electrical For the fluid plane translation, a second lead nut on the main shaft
connections and a grasping mechanism which docks with the berthing is driven via a stepper motor, a planetary gear box (100:1) and two spur
fixture on the serviced S/C. gears. When the lead nut is driven, the fluid plane including the
The end-effector also includes one half of the fluid coupling and an couplings translates along the main shaft towards the berthing fixture.
actuation mechanism, which operates the valve in the client-berthing The lead nut is supported on an angular bearing one side and a thrust
fixture half. Included on the end effector are three fluid couplings (fuel, bearing on the other. To constrain the main shaft rotational degree of
oxidiser and xenon), which connect to the berthing fixture half and seal freedom, it has an anti-rotation device attached to the back end. This
with elastomeric O-rings. consists of 2× guide pins attached to the shaft at a radial distance of
The alignment pins, fluid couplings and electrical connector are 37 mm from the central axis, 180° opposite to one another. The pin
mounted on a plane referred to as the ‘fluid plane’. When the system is axis is constrained to the housing using a plain bearing so that the shaft
docked, the ‘fluid plane’ on the servicer and serviced S/C has a can move linearly but cannot rotate. The plain bearings must have a
compressive force between them, which is maintained during refuelling tolerance such that the maximum pin deflection (as a result of the
operations. torque through the main shaft) can be accommodated in the bearing
The end-effector finalizes in a probe tip actuated by a pantograph. clearance. Hence, the small rotational displacement is acceptable while
The pantograph mechanism uses a central actuation shaft, which is the friction is reduced significantly.
driven from a stepper motor at the base of the end effector. A lead
screw arrangement inside the main shaft transfers the stepper motor
rotation to a linear motion. As the central actuation shaft retracts 7. Berthing fixture
linearly, the probe pantograph expands (see Fig. 2). A ball/groove
arrangement at the base of the pantograph allows the pantograph to The berthing fixture (see Fig. 3) provides the serviced S/C with one
rotate through the probe axis with low frictional torque while a large half of the grasping mechanism, which the servicing robotic arm end
axial strength is maintained. The rotational degree of freedom allows effector docks with. This consists of a ‘drogue’ type arrangement, which
the alignment pins to locate in the guides during docking. In addition includes a central cavity into which the capture probe enters during the
to the ball/groove a thrust bearing has been introduced between the docking operation. The provisions on the serviced S/C include three
probe tip and the pantograph to reduce friction. guide receptacles, which allow the alignment pins to engage and
The end-effector has a fluidic plane with a collar that allows to centralise the whole system. Note that the guide pins are positioned
ensure the final and hard docking process. Both the collar and fluid asymmetrically such that the docking cannot occur in the incorrect
plane mechanisms use a common lead screw which has a 12 mm orientation, guaranteeing the correct pairing of the fluid couplings.
diameter by 2 mm pitch Trapezoidal (ISO) thread, chosen over ball There are three fluid couplings and one electrical connector (ad-hoc
lead screws to prevent back drive. Hence, once the collar or fluid plane DB-9 or alternatively the Souriau 8977 model [16]) in the proposed
has been transferred and the preload applied, the system is secured in design. This allows a hybrid GEO platform (MMH, MON and Xenon) to
place and the fluid pressure or external torque does not separate the be refuelled. The baseline design of the berthing fixture is to have
fluid planes. Ball lead screws would require locking mechanisms to common parts for both Small GEO and Large GEO platforms with the
prevent back drive. exception of the third fluid coupling, which will be used for Xenon
The collar is translated along the shaft using a lead nut (collar nut) refuelling. This coupling could be replaced with a blanking plate

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

Fig. 2. 3D section of end-effector (top) and detailed probe-tip section with the pantograph mechanism (bottom).

'soft' dock configuration.

6) Once the probe is expanded, the clamping collar is translated along
the cylindrical section of the probe towards the drogue (see Fig. 5 –
left), thus making contact with the drogue throat, pulling the
expanded probe and the collar together and trapping the drogue's
throat. At this point a hard dock has been achieved and a firm grasp
of the serviced S/C has occurred.

7) Check that the pins are still aligned with the guides. The capture
process may have introduced a rotational misalignment (about the
probes major axis), which needs to be corrected. To compensate,
the fluid transfer plane is allowed to rotate around the central
cylinder, the pantograph and collar have a rotational degree of
Fig. 3. Berthing Fixture.
freedom with respect to the main shaft.
8) The fluid transfer plane is translated towards the serviced S/C and
whenever is not required. the alignment pins will engage in the guides on the client half. The
guides are tapered and hence they take out any minor misalign-
8. Assist refuelling operations ment. Once the pins have translated deep enough into the serviced
S/C to engage with the parallel section of the guides, correct
The envisaged refuelling procedures can be decomposed into the alignment will have been achieved. The fluid transfer plane
following sequence of operations: continues to translate until it is firmly against the serviced S/C,
which automatically connects the three fluid couplings. At this
1) Berthing phase (up to approach frustum): Servicing S/C approaches point (see Fig. 5 – right) the servicing S/C can proceed with the
serviced S/C using visual camera servoing. process of re-fuelling the serviced S/C.
2) The probe is aligned with the target satellite such that the centre of 9) Pressurise each fluid coupling with Nitrogen or Helium and
the probe is within the drogue's acceptance cone. The roll angle monitor the pressure decay to determine the external leakage.
around the longitudinal axis is controlled via the robot arm to allow 10) Actuate the 1st berthing fixture valve using the valve stepper
the alignment pins to be coarsely aligned with the alignment pin actuator. The actuation shaft will move axially lifting the poppet
guides. (see Fig. 6 – left).
3) Berthing phase (approach frustum): Servicing S/C follows linear
trajectory and end-effector tip enters into drogue cavity through the 11) Fuel transfer (through operation of servicing and serviced space-
'throat' (see Fig. 4. – left). craft valves).
4) Once the probe is past the throat, the probe's force sensor is now 12) Once the client tank pressure reaches the target pressure the
activated and is waiting for a force to be applied at the spherical end isolation valves on the refuelling branches are closed. The berthing
of the drogue. fixture valve is isolated by operating the stepper actuator in
5) Upon contact with the spherical end of the drogue, the command is reverse, retracting the actuation shaft and reseating the poppet
given to retract the end of the probe, keeping the remainder of the onto the seat (see Fig. 6– right). Fluid coupling lines are purged.
unit in position (see Fig. 4 – right). Both S/C are now restrained in a 13) Retract the fluid plane, collar and extend the pantograph. Undock

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

Fig. 4. Pantograph getting introduced into the drogue cavity: initial entrance (left) and deployment (right).

Fig. 5. Pantograph deployed within the drogue: clamping collar attachment (left) and final hard docking (right).

the ASSIST system by retracting the probe from the drogue using ASSIST system, which are needed for the rendezvous and berthing
the robotic arm until exiting drogue cavity. sensors proper working. They consist in targets and markers to be
added to the target satellite (GEO). The ASSIST system strategy
9. Internal provisions consists in a cooperative rendezvous, with the serviced S/C controlled
in attitude, and has the goal of minimizing the impact on the serviced
The internal provisions are designed with the minimum possible S/C for both internal and external provisions by using as simple
impact on the current architecture of GEO satellites, so that accom- navigation aids as possible. Cooperative Rendezvous in space can be
modating them in future satellites will not be seen as a major done with the use of a whole range of different sensors. In case of
complication (both technical and in terms of costs), nor will it ASSIST, the main consideration is that the target spacecraft is an active
introduce additional risks in the development and commissioning of satellite in the GEO orbit, whose orbit is precisely known, therefore no
the satellite. long-range sensor is needed on-board the servicing S/C, which can
As depicted in Fig. 7, the standard chemical propulsion block travel up to kilometre-range proximities of the target serviced S/C with
diagram can be extended by a small branch including a pyro-valve, a the only help of ground tracking, as done by the ATV when docking to
solenoid or latch valve and the berthing fixture with an internal the ISS.
isolation valve. For a bipropellant system two of these branches are Once arrived to the region of few kilometres of relative distance
required. there is the need of using relative sensors; a trade-off between the
This simple design is also applicable for electric propulsion with the following sensors has been performed:
small change that the pyro-valve will be exchanged with a normal latch
or solenoid valve and the additional test port (FDV) can be skipped. All 1. A radio frequency (GNSS-like) sensor with radio emitter/repeater
selected components use standard interfaces (e.g. 28 V valve interface) beacon mounted on the client S/C.
available on GEO communication satellites due to the existing propul- 2. A LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) sensor on the servicing S/C
sion system needs. with or without aids mounted on the client, such as retro-reflectors
arranged in specific geometries.
3. A vision camera on the servicing S/C, with or without aids mounted
10. Rendezvous external provisions
on the serviced S/C.

The rendezvous provisions are the external provisions of the

Fig. 6. Actuation valve actuating (left) and releasing (right) the poppet.

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

Fig. 7. Generic Bi-propellant propulsion system (left) and MON-refuelling branch (right).

Fig. 8. Example of retro reflectors positioning on the large GEO docking face (left) and visual markers on the berthing fixture (right).

The winner of the trade-off is a scanning LIDAR with the use of 11. Kinematic and dynamic simulator
retro-reflectors on the serviced S/C as it presents the following
advantages: robust to lighting conditions, very high accuracy in range, The K & D simulator for the ASSIST project has been developed
LOS and attitude and extended operating range. Taking into account using the GNCDE (Guidance Navigation and Control Development
that the retro reflectors to be placed on the serviced S/C shall allow Environment) simulator [22], a software providing a set of useful tools
both long range (up to 5 km) and short range operations, and that the for a complete analysis and development of a GNC system but can be
modifications to the GEO satellite shall be minimized, the proposed also used to handle the initial phases of the development of a simulator.
solution is a set of three reflectors foils (50×30 mm) separated a A first architecture of the simulator can be found in Fig. 9. The
distance of 200 mm and placed close to the ASSIST berthing fixture simulator can be decomposed at high-level into the following groups:
(see Fig. 8).
Regarding the berthing phase, a vision camera with at least 60° of 1. Disturbances: the forces and torques perturbing the motion of the S/
vertical field-of-view and resolution of 1024×1024 pixels is envisaged. C will be taken into account in this block (fuel sloshing and arm
Within the approach frustum (1.25–0.5 m) the robotic arm will per- flexibility). Other sources of real orbital/orientation perturbations
form a visual servoing manoeuvre of the end-effector with the aid of the (Solar Radiation Pressure, Luni/Solar acceleration, oblateness of the
camera mounted on the fluidic plane. Several 2D markers will be Earth) have been intentionally disabled to align the outputs from the
placed over the berthing fixture (9 square markers of 2×2 cm and 2 simulation with the expected results from the air-bearing table setup
square markers of 1×1 cm) to assist the referred visual servoing under development at the NTUA facility, where these disturbances
process. cannot be reproduced by the robotic models, and during proximity

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

Fig. 9. ASSIST Simulator Architecture (left) and simulation of the docking (right).

OOS operations they do not play important role. addition, since they are fully autonomous, no external forces except for
2. S/C propagators: orbit and attitude of the involved satellites. The the robots’ weight are applied, and the robots move on the table as if
output of these blocks should be in body reference frame. they were in a zero-gravity environment.
3. Transformation of reference frames. The default setup of the CSL Space Emulator is comprised of two
4. Contact Dynamics Model in charge of computing the Forces/ robots, the Cepheus (chaser) and the Cassiopeia (target). Both translate
Torques involved during the connection. using 3 or 4 pairs of thrusters and rotate using either the thrusters or
5. Shock attenuator to avoid unwished rebound phenomena at the their reaction wheel or both. Cepheus robot has a diameter of 0.5 m
moment of the first contact between the tip of the probe and a and weight adjustable between 18 and 24 kg. Cassiopeia has adjustable
surface of the berthing fixture. side length (0.45 m, 0.6 m and 0.7 m) and adjustable weight between
11 and 24 kg.
The contact dynamics model (including the modelling of a linear For the localization of the robots on the granite table three different
and angular spring-damper mechanism) extends the overall system systems are used. Each robot is equipped with 2 or 3 base-installed
simulator performance by the ability to consider forces and torques optical sensors, operating as those in optical computer mice, and
caused by physical contact of chaser and target satellite component providing relative base displacements. Although these sensors provide
surfaces. The computed contact forces and torques are fed back into the feedback at high frequency, they accumulate error due to occasional
satellite systems’ equations of motion in order to enhance the fidelity of drift. For this reason, an overhead camera located above the centre
motion prediction and system verification capabilities. point of the granite table, detects LEDs on top of each robot. An
external computer calculates the absolute position and orientation of
12. Air-bearing test set-up each robot, but at a lower frequency compared to the optical sensors.
By fusing the feedback from both the optical sensors and the camera,
At the NTUA Control Systems Laboratory (CSL), an air-bearing the position and orientation of the robots are determined and can be
facility [17,18], has been developed for the purposes of the lab's compared (during calibration) with an commercial Phasespace MoCap
academic research as well as for use in applied research projects system. A Fastec HiSpec low light high-speed camera can be used to
[19,20,21]. Its default setup consists of a granite table, two floating capture the moment of impact for off-line analysis.
robots, workstations and other peripheral devices required for the
operation. 13. Dynamic testing cases and validation results
The emulator is located at the basement lab of the CSL in order to
minimize residual vibrations from the environment. The larger part of The CSL Space Emulator has been used to perform a set of test
the emulator is a granite table of extremely low flatness (maximum cases aiming to validate the ASSIST K & D simulator, see Fig. 10.
error is about 5 µm) with side dimensions of 2.2 m × 1.8 m (about 4 m2 During those tests the berthing probe-drogue mechanism was tested in
of surface in total). Robots with CO2 tanks can float on the table using terms of contact forces, proper insertion of the probe in the drogue
air bearings that lift the robots to about 8–10 µm, i.e. higher than any inner cavity, and time in which the probe tip and the pantograph
table peak. Therefore, the robots moves with practically zero friction. In remain inside the cavity, before they (if they ever) bounce off the cavity.

Fig. 10. NTUA CSL Target and Chaser robots (left) and corresponding K & D simulation (right).

A. Medina et al. Acta Astronautica 134 (2017) 1–10

A total of 50 test cases (5 scenarios × 10 impact conditions) were GEO satellites. The design of the internal provision has been performed
selected. The five proposed scenarios were determined taking into taken into account the characteristics of current and foreseeable GEO
account different combinations of low and high mass for the chaser and telecommunication satellites. These internal provisions are intending
target robots (low/low, low/medium, high/low, high/medium and to impose the minimum possible impact on the current architecture of
high/high masses for both robots). The impact conditions were a GEO satellite and minimum additional risks in its commissioning. The
combination of different angular misalignments (aligned axis and ± same applies to the external provision (berthing fixture) of the client
11.3° tilted angles), lateral displacements (centred vs. 2 cm off-centred GEO satellite, which will have to be designed seeking a minimum
trajectories) and initial velocities (5 and 10 mm/s). impact (in terms of mass, volume and complexity) in order to have a
The ASSIST simulator has been able to reproduce the dynamic chance to be adopted by the industry, while also being able to provide
testing results; from this cross-validation we are deriving the following flexibility in terms of the type of servicing they will enable.
conclusions: The ASSIST system also includes the servicer side of the external
provision (end-effector). This end-effector is supposed to be mounted
1. The chaser/target position and velocity are very accurate (error in on the tip of a robotic arm. A camera system is envisaged to support the
position of 1 cm and in velocity of 0.5 mm/s) within the simulator final berthing phase while a LIDAR sensor is assumed to be used
up to around the 37% of the total simulated time of 23 s (meaning during the previous rendezvous phase.
the first 8.5 s). In all cases within such representative part of the To reproduce the scenario where the ASSIST system is supposed to
simulation the end-effector was able to enter within the drogue operate and simulate the terminal phases of the analysed berthing/
cavity. Doubling such evaluation criteria (position/velocity errors of docking mission, the GNCDE Tool [22] has been used to generate a
2 cm and 1 mm/s) it has been shown that the simulator is able to cooperative Kinematic and Dynamic simulator. Within this activity, a
cover up to the 60% of the duration of the simulated time. breadboard of the end-effector and berthing fixture has been tested
2. The chaser/target attitude is highly accurate (error in attitude of (dynamic tests on an air-bearing table) in order to validate the design
1 deg) within the simulator up to around the 34/45% of the total of the berthing mechanism. We can assess that the ASSIST design
simulated time. If we increase the maximum attitude error up to behaves properly under the defined GEO scenario conditions: the probe
2 deg the simulator is able to cover the 62% of the total simulated tip is flexible enough to be linearly and laterally deflected; such lateral
time (the 1-sigma deviation standard allows to cover up to the 100% flexibility allows to enter the probe tip within the drogue mechanism a
of the total simulated time). certain amount of time enough to deploy the pantograph mechanism
3. The pantograph stays within the drogue cavity an average of 1.7 s and finalize successfully the soft-docking phase. The maximum axial
(between a minimum of 0.3 s and a maximum of 4.7 s and with a loads and torques afforded by the probe tip (as the weakest part of the
standard deviation of 0.8 s). This average of 1.7 s is a very reason- design) are below the maximum values determined from the ASSIST
able time duration for the deployment of the pantograph mechan- design.
ism. This pantograph deployment phase happens within the men- Finally, the activity aims at proposing a refuelling European
tioned first accurate phase of 8.5 s standard (similar to the International Docking Standard [23]), based
4. A small percentage (15%) of the performed tests cases were showing on the results of this project, to be agreed with all relevant European
that the probe tip was not able to enter into the drogue cavity. Our actors. Major European large system integrators (LSI's) are already
explanation is that such test cases were executed within the air- following this activity, providing his feedback and encouraging its
bearing table with initial conditions not compliant with the foreseen definition.
scenario (e.g. trajectories slightly overcoming maximum inclination;
impact speed above the maximum allowed relative velocity). References
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