ETC SY Course Syllabus contents-AY 2022-23-SSN
ETC SY Course Syllabus contents-AY 2022-23-SSN
ETC SY Course Syllabus contents-AY 2022-23-SSN
COs After the completion of the course the student will be Bloom‘s Cognitive
able to level Descriptor
CO1 Understand the concept of differential equation, probability II Understand
distribution, integral transform and properties of integral
CO2 Solve the problems on differential equation and Fourier III Solve
CO3 Apply the knowledge of integral transform and use its III Apply
properties to obtain solution of various problems.
CO4 Use the knowledge of probability distribution to solve the III Use
real life problems.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 3 2 1
CO3 3 2 1
CO4 3 2 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one End
Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three units)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content (normally last
three units) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1: Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients and Its 6 Hrs.
1.1 Definition, general form, complete solution
1.2 Rules for finding complementary function
1.3 Short methods for finding particular integral
1.4 General rule for finding particular integral
1.5 Applications to electrical circuits
Recommended Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
2. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, Vol. I, Vol. II and vol. III by P. N. Wartikar
& J. N. Wartikar, Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Dass, S. Chand, New Delhi.
3. A text book of Engineering Mathematics by N. P. Bali, Iyengar, Laxmi Publications (P)
Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Mathematics for Engineers Vol-I &Vol-II by RakeshDube, Narosa Publishing House.
Unit wise Measurable Learning Outcomes:
CO After the completion of the course the student should Bloom‘s Cognitive
be level Descriptor
able to
CO1 Analyze the performance of electronic circuits (like
amplifiers, feedback amplifiers) using small signal IV Analyze
models such as hybrid-parameter model.
CO2 Evaluate the performance of rectifiers, filters,
V Evaluate
wave shaping, power amplifiers, feedback amplifiers.
CO3 Design the electronic circuits (rectifiers, filters,
wave shaping circuits and power amplifiers) for given
VI Design
specifications using discrete components such as diode
and BJT
CO4 Select appropriate power amplifiers, feedback amplifiers,
wave shaping & Voltage Regulators for given III Select
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 2 3 2 1
CO3 2 3 2 1
CO4 1 2 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one
EndSemester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content
(normally last three modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
P-N junction Diode applications-Rectifiers (Half wave, full wave: center tap and
bridge type, parameters: PIV, TUF, efficiency, ripple factor, regulation, form
factor etc.); Filters: Need of Filters, Types of Filters: Capacitor, Inductor, LC
filters, Analysis of above Filters for ripple factor & Regulation. Design of
unregulated power supply using FWR with all types of filters
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits by A.P.Godse and U.A.Bakshiscitech Publication.
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead-PHI
3. Electronic Devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan,N Suresh Kumar, A Vallavaraj TMH Publication
4. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits Saunder‗s College Publishing, 1991.
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad, Pearson Publication.
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits by J.B.Gupta,Katson Publication
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Millman, Halkias, TMH Publication.
4. Pulse, Digital & Switching Waveforms by Millman, Taub, Rao.
5. Schaum's Outlines, ― Electronic Devices and Circuits‖
6. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Mantri & Jain, Nikita Publication.
Unit wise Measurable students Learning Outcomes:
1. To understand the working of transistors and its configurations
2. Apply the small signal models (tools) to analyze the performance of amplifiers built using BJT.
3. Analyze the performance of rectifiers and BJT amplifiers.
4. Analyze and Design BJT amplifiers.
Title of the Course: Digital Systems L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0303 3 -- -- 3
Course Pre-Requisite: Basic knowledge of numbering system and logic gates.
Course Description:
It is a core and fundamental subject. The course focuses on basic skills in method of design and analysis of
digital system like counters, registers,FSM etc.
Course Objectives: The course aims to:
1. Explain Boolean algebra and the various methods of Boolean function reduction, K-map reduction.
2. Understand principles, characteristics and operations of combinational & sequential logic circuits.
3. Design, implement and analyze combinational & sequential circuits (FSM) using logic gates and flip
4. Understand principles, characteristics and operations of Logic families and semiconductor memories.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO’s/PO’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1
CO2 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 2
CO3 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1
CO4 2 2 3 2 1 1 2
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one End
Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content (normally last
three modules) covered after MSE.
Unit 1:-Boolean Logic Simplification.
Review of Boolean Algebra and De Morgan‘s Theorem, SOP, POS, Simplification of Switching
function & representation (Maxterm & Minterm), Boolean expression & representation using 6 Hrs.
logic gates, logic reduction using Boolean algebra and K-map method.
Unit 2:-Combinational Logic Design.
7 Hrs.
Adder, Subtractor, code converters (binary to gray & gray to binary, BCD to Excess 3 and vice
versa, BCD to 7 segment display)( IC 7447, 7448), Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, encoder,
priority encoder, decoder, adder with look ahead carry generator, Subtractor using adder, 4 bit
Magnitude Comparator , Design of barrel shifter, Static and dynamic Hazards.
Unit 3:-Sequential Logic Circuits.
SR latch, Gated latch, Edge triggered flip-flop:- D, JK, master slave JK flip flop, T Flip-flop,
flip flop asynchronous inputs, characteristic table of Flip-flop, excitation table of Flip-flop, inter 6 Hrs.
conversion of Flip-flop. Study of timing parameters of flip-flop: clock to Q, setup time, hold
Unit 4:-Applications of Sequential circuits.
Shit resistor: buffer register, controlled buffer register. Data transmission in shift resistor SISO,
SIPO, PISO, PIPO, Bidirectional shift resistor universal shift resistor. Counter: Classification, 7 Hrs.
Ripple or asynchronous counter, Effect of propagation delay in ripple counters, up-down
counter, Ring counter, Johnson counter.
Unit 5: - Synchronous Sequential Machines.
FSM, Moore/Mealy machines, representation techniques, state diagram, state table, state
5 Hrs.
assignment and state reduction, implementation using flip flops. Design of synchronous
counters, Mod-n counters.
Unit 6:- Integrated circuit, Logic Families and Semiconductor Memories:
Study of Logic families: TTL, CMOS, Comparison of TTL and CMOS families.
Static and dynamic Characteristic of TTL NAND gate, Voltage and current Specifications,
7 Hrs.
Noise margin, fan-in, fan-out, Propagation delay, Tristate logic, interfacing of logic families
(TTL, CMOS) with others.
1. Anand Kumar ‗Fundamentals of Digital Circuits‘--. PHI
2. M. Morris Mano ‗Digital Design‘-- (Third Edition),. PHI
3. Digital systems : principles and applications / Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss.—10th
ed., Pearson Education, Inc.
1] William I. Fletcher.‘An Engineering Approach to Digital Design‘—PHI/ Pearson
2] Norman BalabanianBradle Carlson. ‗Digital Logic Design Principles,‘ Wiley Publication.
Unit wise Measurable Students Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Explain various Boolean laws and its reduction technique.
2. Understand principles, characteristics and operations of combinational logic circuits.
3. Understand principles, characteristics and operations of sequential logic circuits.
4. Design & realize combinational and Sequential logic circuits.
5. Design, realize and Analyze Synchronous sequential machine using Moore and Mealy machine.
6. Explain the operations of logic families and memories.
Title of the Course: Network Analysis L T P Credit
Course Code: UETC0304 3 1 - 4
Course Pre-Requisite: Basic knowledge of Electrical Engineering like KCL, KVL, Cramer‘s Rule,
Laplace Transform.
Course Description: This course deals with circuit and graph theory. Detail concept of Resonance and
Two Ports Network. Also it discusses design of different Filters and Attenuators. Course ends with
Transient Analysis.
Course Objectives:
The course aims to:
1) Study various types of network theorems for network analysis and graph theory.
2) Study and classify 2-port network parameters and to understand concept of frequency domain, pole-
zero and network stability issues.
3) Analyze different resonance circuits.
4) Distinguish different types of transient systems.
5) Design passive Filters and Attenuators.
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 3 1 1 2
CO2 1 3 1 1 1
CO3 1 3 1 1 1
CO4 1 3 2 1 1 1
CO5 1 3 2 1 1 1
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one End
Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content (normally
last three modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1: ---Development of Basic Circuit Concepts And Graph Theory: 6 Hrs.
Conventions for describing networks, network Equations, Kirchhoff ‘s Law, source
transformations, Lumped Circuit elements, Ideal Sources (Dependent & Independent), Linear
Passive elements relationship of Circuit elements- Definitions: Node, Loop, Path & Branch,
source transformation, star-delta transformation, loop analysis, node analysis, Super mesh and
super node analysis. (Examples – Kirchhoff‘s Laws and Application, formulations of
networks, loop analysis, node analysis (Both AC & DC).
Graph Theory: Graph of a network, Trees, chords and branches, Incidence matrix, loop
matrix, Tie-set and cutest of a graph.
Note for Paper Setter: 50 % weightage for Numerical Questions and 50 % weightage
for Theory Questions.
1) A. Sudhakar ,ShyammohanS.Palli ‗Circuit & Network – Analysis & Synthesis‘ IIIrd
Edition – Tata McGraw Hill Publication (Unit II,IV,VI)
2) A.Chakrabarti ‗Circuit Theory (Analysis & Synthesis)‘ - IIIrd Edition (Unit I,II)
Dhanpat Rai & co
3) D. Roy Choudhury ‗Networks & Systems‘ - New Age International Publisher (Unit
4) Soni Gupta ‗Electrical Circuit Analysis‘ Dhanpat Rai & Co. (Unit III,IV,V,VI)
5) Boylestad ‗Introductory Circuit Analysis – Universal book stall, New Delhi.(Unit I,II).
1) William H Hayt, Jack E Kimmerly and Steven M.Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis,
Tata McGraw Hill
2) M.E.VanValkenburg ‗ Network Analysis‘ – IIIrd Edition , Pearson Education / PHI
3) JoshephEdministrar ‗Theory & Problems of Electronic Circuit (Schaum‘s series)
Tata McGraw Hill, Publication
4) R.G .Kaduskar, S.O.Rajankar, T.S. Khatavkar, Network Fundamentals and Analysis –
Wiley India.
Course Description: The course aims to provide knowledge of different parts of Measurement system,
instrumentation system & different types of transducers.
Course Objectives:
This course aims to
1. Understand measurement systems performance and characteristics.
2. Provide introduction of different types of Transducers & sensors.
3. Understand the measuring methods and instruments of electrical quantities.
4. Learn the construction and working principle of measuring instrument and their applications.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1
CO2 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1
CO3 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO4 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one End
Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content (normally last
three modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1: - Measurement systems performance and characteristics: 6 Hrs.
Introduction of measurement system, Performance Characteristics, Static Characteristics, Error in
Measurement, Types of Static Error, Sources of Error, Dynamic Characteristics, Statistical Analysis,
Electrical Standards
Unit 2: - Bridges: 5 Hrs.
DC Bridges- Introduction, Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin‘s bridge. AC Bridges- Introduction,
measurement of inductance-Maxwell‘s bridge, Hay‘s bridge, Andersons bridge, measurement of
capacitance- Schering bridge, wein bridge, Application of bridges
Unit 3:-Transducers and sensors 6 Hrs.
Definition, Types of Transducers, Classification of Transducers, Selection Factors and General
Applications of Transducers,
Study of Transducers: Motion LVDT, Flow, Pressure, Temperature, Force: Load cell, strain gauge,
application of all above sensors
DSO block diagram, Measurement of Voltage phase and frequency, Frequency spectrum,
mathematical functions, triggering types, DSO probes: active, passive, current, attenuators, function
generator, harmonic distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer,Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO)
1. Industrial control Electronics Applications and designs: J Michael Jacob, Prentice hall international edition.
2. Ernest O Doebelin and Dhanesh N Manik, ―Measurement Systems Application and Design‖, TMH, 5th
Edition, 2009.
3. H.S.Kalsi, ―Electronic instrumentation‖, second edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Instrumentation: Devices and Systems Rangan, Sharma.
5. Digital Instrumentation by A. J.Bouwens,McGraw Hill Education India.
6. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Bernard M. Oliver, John M. Cage McGraw Hill Education.
1. Identify and classify error sources and explain how their effects can be minimized in Measurement.
2. Design bridge circuits to calculate unknown values of R, L and C.
3. Understand principle of operation of transducers & its selection factors for various applications.
4. Apply knowledge of sensors according to requirement.
5. Explain operating principle of measurement systems.
6. Use Measuring Instruments to determine electrical parameters of signal.
Title of the Course: Analog Circuits-I Lab L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0306 - - 2 1
Course Pre-Requisite: Basic Electrical Engineering
Course Description:
This course provides students, the fundamental concepts of Electronic Devices their analysis and various
circuit applications.
Course Objectives:
1. To construct simple electronic circuits to accomplish specific function.
2. Testing of circuits developed in lab.
3. Evaluate performance of experiment studied.
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO After the completion of the course the student should be Bloom‘s Cognitive
able to level Descriptor
CO1 Analyze circuits(rectifiers, wave shaping circuits, and
IV Analyze
amplifiers) to meet requirements.
CO2 Design circuits (rectifiers, wave shaping circuits, and
VI Design
amplifiers) to meet requirements.
CO3 Build circuits (rectifiers, wave shaping circuits, and
III Build
amplifiers) to meet requirements.
CO4 Evaluate circuits (rectifiers, wave shaping circuits, and
V Evaluate
amplifiers) performance parameters.
CO5 Interpret results of experiment and compare with standard
V Interpret
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 2 3 2 1
CO3 2 3 2 1
CO4 1 2 1
CO5 2 1 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE) having 50%, and
50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ESE 50
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group Discussion/ Internal
oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Experiment No. 1:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives:
Design & analysis of Half wave rectifier (HWR) with & without filter by calculating performance
Outcomes: Student will be able to design unregulated power supply
Theoretical Background: Rectifiers and filters
Experimentation: Performing of Half wave rectifier (HWR) with & without filter
Results and Discussions: Comparison between Practical & Theatrical analysis results
Experiment No. 2:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives:
Design & analysis of Full wave rectifier with & without filter by calculating performance
Outcomes: Student will be able to design unregulated power supply
Theoretical Background: Rectifiers and filters
Experimentation: Performing of Full wave rectifier with & without filter
Results and Discussions: Comparison between Practical & Theatrical analysis results
Experiment No. 3:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Study of different clipper circuits
Outcomes: Student will be able to understand operation of various clipper circuits
Theoretical Background: Clipper circuits
Experimentation: Obtain input output transfer characteristics of different clippers circuit
Results and Discussions:
After the completion of the course the student should Bloom‘s Cognitive
be able to level Descriptor
Design & Construct sequential and combinational logic
CO1 circuits. VI Design
Design & construct synchronous sequential machine
CO2 VI Design
using Moore and Mealy machine.
CO3 Demonstrate the operation of sequential logic circuits, II Demonstrate
logic families and semiconductor memories.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE) having
50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ESE 50
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Experiment :- Determination of static characteristics 4Hrs.
a. Input and output characteristics of inverter (TTL, LSTTL, CMOS)
b. Measurement of CMOS propagation delay with different supply voltages
Experiment :- Combinational Logic Circuits (Any Two) 4Hrs.
a. Adder/ Subtractor
b. Code Converters
c. Logic implementation of three input minterm/maxterm
Experiment :- Sequential Logic Circuits (Any Two) 4Hrs.
a. Design and implement S-R flip-flop and D flip-flop and JK flip-flop using logic gates.
b. Conversion of Flip-flops.
c. Shift Registers.
Experiment :- Design and implementation of Counters (Any Two) 4Hrs.
a. Ripple Counter
b. Mod-n Counter synchronous
c. Johnson Counter
d. Cascaded counters.
Experiment :- Design and implement FSM 4Hrs.
a. Sequence detector using Moore Machine
b. Sequence detector using Mealy Machine
Experiment :- Mini Project
Fairly complex application oriented mini-project with digital input and output and
appropriate display.
1. Anand Kumar ‗Fundamentals of Digital Circuits‘--. PHI
2. M. Morris Mano ‗Digital Design‘-- (Third Edition),. PHI
1] William I. Fletcher.‘An Engineering Approach to Digital Design‘—PHI/ Pearson
2] Norman BalabanianBradle Carlson. ‗Digital Logic Design Principals,.‘ Wiley Publication.
3] Rajkamal ‗Digital Systems Principals and Design‘—Pearson
4] A.P. Malvino, D.P. Leach ‗Digital Principles & Applications‘ -VIth Edition-Tata McGraw Hill,
5] R.P. Jain-‗Modern Digital Electronics‘ IIIrd Edition- Tata McGraw Hill, Publication
Title of the Course: Object Oriented Programming L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0309 1 - - -
Course Pre-Requisite:
: A working knowledge of C programming is sufficient.
Course Description:
This course is an extension of courses exposing students to the many concepts of
programming. The course is an expository of the object-oriented programming methodology
with emphasis on software design and code reuse as its core objectives. As a practical course,
the focus is to equip students with adequate high-level object-oriented programming
techniques required for successful design, development, and deployment of today‘s complex
software systems. Furthermore, the students are actually mentored to master how the C++
and Java technology can be used to develop modern software systems.
Course Objectives:
1. Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in C++ including defining
classes, invoking methods, using classes.
2. Describe the meaning of the object-oriented paradigm, and create class hierarchies
using the object-oriented design process.
3. Understand various features of OOP such as data abstraction, encapsulation,
inheritance, dynamic binding, and Polymorphism.
4. Design and implement C++ programs for complex problems, making good use of the
features of the language.
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO After the completion of the course the student Bloom‘s Cognitive
should be level Descriptor
able to
1 Apply the basics of objective oriented programming III Apply
2 Develop simple OOPs using classes and objects. VI Develop
3 Construct programs using polymorphism and VI Construct
4 Build programs using File Handling in C++. II Build
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 2 1
CO2 2 2 3 1
CO3 2 2 3 1
CO4 2 2 3 1 1
Course Contents:
Unit 1: --Introduction to OOP Object oriented programming [C++], applications 2 Hrs.
of OOP & C++, dynamic initialization of variables, storage classes. Functions in
C++, function prototype, call & return by reference, inline function, Default &
Constant argument.
Unit 2: --Classes and objects Introduction, structures, classes, defining member 3 Hrs.
function, making an outside function inline, Nesting member function, private
member function, Arrays within a class, memory allocation for objects, Array of
objects, pointer to members. Pointers to objects this Pointers.
Unit 3:-- Constructors and Destructors Constructors, parameterized and multiple, 2 Hrs.
constructors with default arguments, Dynamic initialization of objects (new,
delete) copy constructor, dynamic constructors and destructors.
Unit 4: -- Polymorphism Function overloading, Unary & binary operator 2 Hrs
overloading, manipulation of strings using operators. Friend function & friend
Unit 5:--- Inheritance Single, multiple, multilevel, Hybrid, Hierarchical 3 Hrs.
inheritance, virtual base classes, Abstract classes. Templates, exception handling.
Unit 6:--- File Handling Classes for file stream operations, opening and closing of 2 Hrs.
files, file modes, file pointer & their manipulations, sequential I/O operations
1.E Balgurusamy–‗Object oriented programming with C++‘ -, IIIrd Edition- Tata Mc- Graw
Hill Publication
2. Robert Lafore ‗Object Oriented Programming in C++‘ The Waite Group
1. Schildt–‗The Complete Reference C++‘ - IIIrd Edition - Tata McGraw Hill Publication
2. D Ravichandran.-‗Programming with C++ ‗-IInd Edition- Tata McGraw Hill Publication
3. RohitKhurana-‗Object oriented programming with C++‘-second edition-Vikas publication
4. Rajesh K.Shukla-‗Object – Oriented Programming in C++‘WILEY,INDIA .
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 2 1
CO2 2 2 3 1
CO3 2 2 3 1
CO4 2 2 3 1 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ESE 50
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Experiment No. 1:--- Characteristics of Object Oriented Programming 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study concepts of Object oriented programming.
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
Explain the basics of objective oriented programming concepts.
Theoretical Background: Basic knowledge of programming
Experiment No. 2:--- Classes and Objects 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study of classes and Objects.
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
write declaration of class and should explain types of defining functions in class.
Experiment No. 3:--- Constructor and Destructor 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Constructor and destructor using C++
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain syntax and types of different constructors and destructor.
Experiment No. 4:--- Operator and Function Overloading 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: C++ Program on Operator and Function Overloading
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain function and operator overloading.
Experiment No. 5:--- Swapping data using Friend Function 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To swap data from two classes using Friend Function
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain definition and declaration of friend function.
Experiment No. 6:---Inheritance 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: C++ Program on single, multiple, multilevel and
Hierarchical Inheritance.
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain importance and various types of Inheritance in OOP.
Experiment No. 7:---. Run Time Polymorphism 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives:Implement Run Time Polymorphism using C++
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain concept of Polymorphism.
Experiment No. 8:---Console I/O operation 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: C++ program for Console I/O Operation
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain concept of I/O Operations.
Experiment No. 9:---File Handling 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: C++ program on File handling.
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
explain concept of file handling in OOP.
Experiment No. 10:---Micro project 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Micro project based on any engineering application.
Outcomes: After the completion of the experiments the student should be able to
design a software system using C++.
1. E Balgurusamy–‗Object oriented programming with C++‘ -, IIIrd Edition- Tata Mc- Graw
Hill Publication
2. Robert Lafore ‗Object Oriented Programming in C++‘ The Waite Group
1. Schildt–‗The Complete Reference C++‘ - IIIrd Edition - Tata McGraw Hill Publication
2. D Ravichandran.-‗Programming with C++ ‗-IInd Edition- Tata McGraw Hill Publication
3. RohitKhurana-‗Object oriented programming with C++‘-second edition-Vikas publication
4. Rajesh K.Shukla-‗Object – Oriented Programming in C++‘WILEY, INDIA .
Title of the Course:Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Lab L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0308 0 0 2 1
Course Pre-Requisite: Fundamentals of physics, semiconductor physics, basics of
electronic devices.
Course Description:
The course aims to provide knowledge of use of different parts of measurement system,
instrumentation system & different types of transducers.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1
CO2 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1
CO3 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO4 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
Course Contents:
Experiment No. 1:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Study of weight measurement using strain gauge
Outcomes: Students will be able to explain application of strain gauge for
weight measurement
Theoretical Background: Principle of operation of strain gauge
Experimentation: Place unknown weight on load cell, note down
corresponding reading displayed on digital meter.
Results and Discussions: Measure the weight placed on load cell
Conclusion: Strain gauge can be used as load cell for measure the unknown
Experiment No. 2:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Study of temperature measurement using RTD
Outcomes: students will be able to explain operation of RTD
Theoretical Background: Principle of operation of RTD
Experimentation: Immerse the RTD in boiling water & note down the
temperature of water and corresponding resistance of RTD indicated on DPM.
Results and Discussions: Plot a graph of temperature v/s Resistance of RTD.
Conclusion: It is observed that as temperature increases resistance of RTD also
Experiment No. 3:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Study of speed measurement using proximity switch &
photoelectric pick up.
Outcomes: Students will be able to explain operation of proximity switch &
photoelectric pick up for measurement of speed
Theoretical Background: Operating principle of proximity switch and photo
Experimentation: Increase the speed of motor. Measure the speed by switching
proximity switch and phototransistor.
Results and Discussions: If speed of shaft is 1500 rpm this corresponds to 25
revolutions per second & hence frequency of pulse is 25 Hz or delay between
successive pulses is 40 msec. This time period is measured & an average time
period for successive pulse is calculated. Then a simple formula is used to
calculate the gating period for digital counter.
Conclusion: speed of motor can be found out by using proximity switch and
CO-PO Mapping:
CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 2
CO4 2
Assessment Scheme:
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content
Assessment Component Marks
ESE 100
Course Contents:
Unit 1: Nature of Environmental Studies Definition, scope and importance, Multidisciplinary nature of 4 Hrs.
environmental studies, Need for public awareness.
4 Hrs.
Unit 2: Natural Resources and Associated Problems a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation,
deforestation, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. b) Water resources: Use and over-
utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources: Usage and exploitation. Environmental effects of extracting and using mineral
resources. d) Food resources: World food problem, changes caused by agriculture effect of modern
agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems. e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and
nonrenewable energy resources, use of alternate energy sources. Solar energy, Biomass energy, Nuclear
energy. f) Land resources: Solar energy, Biomass energy, Nuclear energy, Land as a resource, land
degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of individuals in conservation
of natural resources.
Unit 3: Ecosystems Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, 4 Hrs.
consumers and decomposers. Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession. Food chains, food
webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of the
following ecosystem :- a) Forest ecosystem, b) Grassland ecosystem, c) Desert ecosystem, d) Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).
Unit 4:Biodiversity and its conservation Introduction- Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. 4 Hrs.
Bio-geographical classification of India. Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social,
ethical, aesthetic and option values. India as a mega- diversity nation, Western Ghat as a biodiversity
region. Hot-spot of biodiversity. Threats to biodiversity habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, manwildlife
conflicts. Endangered and endemic species of India. Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ
conservation of biodiversity
Unit 5:Environmental Pollution Definition: Causes, effects and control measures of: Air pollution, Water 4 Hrs.
pollution, soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards. Solid
waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Role of an 4 Hrs.
Unit 6: Social
individual Issues andofthe
in prevention Environment Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone, tsunami and
landslides. Urban problems related to energy Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed
management, Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Environmental ethics:
Issue and possible solutions. Global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and
holocaust. Wasteland reclamation. Consumerism and waste products.
4 Hrs.
Unit 7:Environmental Protection From Unsustainable to Sustainable development. Environmental
Protection Act. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and control of Pollution)
Act. Wildlife Protection Act. Forest Conservation Act. Population Growth and Human Health, Human
Reference Books:
Course Description:
This course contains fundamentals of FET and MOSFET as amplifier. This course enables to
students to analyze and design of basic application circuits such as oscillators, multivibrators,
and voltage regulators by using discrete components like transistor and ICs.
Course Objectives:
1. To study FET, it‗s types, construction and working principle.
2. To understand various types of oscillator and multivibrators.
3. To understand working principle of various regulators and power supplies.
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 2 3 2 1
CO3 2 3 2 1
CO4 1 2 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE)
and one End Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content
(normally last three modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1:-FET(Field Effect Transistor): 07 Hrs.
JFET: Types, Construction, operation, V-I characteristics, Parameters of JFET,
Biasing of JFET, analysis of Common Source Amplifier (CS) amplifier.
MOSFET: Configuration, construction and operation of different MOSFET
(NMOS, PMOS), Transfer Characteristics, Comparison of FET, BJT & MOSFET.
1. Electronic Devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan,N Suresh Kumar, A Vallavaraj TMH
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Anil K. Maini, Varsha Agarwal- Wiley India.
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by A.P.Godse and U.A.Bakshi, Pearson Publication.
4. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead - PHI.
1. Design of analog integrated circuits by BehzadRazavi, McGrawHill International edition
2. Schaum's Outlines, ― Electronic Devices and Circuits‖
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Mantri& Jain, Nikita Publication.
4. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad, Pearson Publication.
5. Electronic Devices and Circuits by J.B.Gupta, Katson Publication
6. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Millman, Halkias, TMH Publication.
7. National Semiconductor Data Manual.
Unit wise Measurable students Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyze the performance of FET and MOSFET amplifiers
2. Analyze and design various applications of bipolar junction transistors such as
oscillators and multivibrators
3. To define various regulator circuits
4. To describe working of SMPS
Title of the Course: Linear Integrated Circuits L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0402 3 - - 3
Course Description: Contents deal with the basic concepts of operational amplifier, linear & non-
linear application of OP-AMP. It covers design and analysis of frequency selective and tuning
circuits like oscillators, active filters, PLL and its use for communication and industrial
applications. Along with switching applications like that of comparators, course content finds a due
scope to learn IC based design of voltage regulators.
Course Objectives:
1. Explain the internal circuit of operational amplifier and its electrical parameters.
2. Indicate the importance of an Op-amp in building analog computations.
3. Explain the application of Op-amps in building signal conditioning circuits, filters, waveform
generators etc.
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 1 1
CO2 1 1 3
CO3 1 2 1 1 3
CO4 1 3 1 1 3
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one
End Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content
(normally last three modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1: ---Differential Amplifiers 6 Hrs.
Differential Amplifier-Configuration, DC & AC Analysis of Dual Input Balanced Output
Configuration. Comparative study of other configuration of Differential amplifiers,
Constant Current Bias, Current Mirrors, DC coupling & Cascade differential stages,
Level Translator & its need.(Numericals are expected).
Sine wave generator- RC phase Shift, Wein Bridge, & Quadrature oscillator. Square
wave (Astable Multivibrator), & Triangular Wave generator, V-F, F-V converter using
Op-Amp. IC 555 (Timer): Block Diagram, Multivibrators and Applications. IC 566
VCO, PLL- Introduction, Block Diagram, Principles & description of individual blocks,
IC 565 PLL & Applications. (Numericals are expected).
1. Ramakant. A. Gayakwad, ―Op-Amps & Linear Integrated Circuits‖, 3rdEdition, PHI.
2. 2 S.Salivahanan & Bhaaskaran, ―Linear Integrated Circuits‖, 1st Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill.
3. Sergio Franco, ―Design with op-amp &Analog Integrated Circuits‖, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill
1. NationalAnalog&InterfaceproductsDatabook—NationalSemiconductors
2. K.R.Botkar.‖IntegratedCircuits‖Khannapublications,10thEdition.
3. David. A.John &KenMartin, ―AnalogIntegrated Circuit Design‖, Student Edition, Wiley.
4. Roy Choudhary & Shail. B. Jain, ―LinearIntegrated Circuits‖, 2ndEdition,NewAge.
Unit wise Measurable Students Learning Outcomes:
1. Students should be able to have a firm grasp of basic principles of many operational
2. Student should beable to differentiate between different types of op-amps as well as
able to choose proper op-amp as per application requirement.
3. Student should beable to analyze and design op-amp parameter compensating
4. Student should be able to find out circuit stability from frequency response as well as
frequency dependent parameters.
5. Students should be able to analyze and design different op-amp linear and nonlinear
6. Student should be able to analysis of different types of Active filters, different types
of monolithic ICs and its applications.
Title of the Course: Electromagnetic L T P Credit
Engineering 3 1 -- 4
Course Code:UETC0403
Course Pre-Requisite: Knowledge of Basic coordinate systems, vector algebra
Course Description: This course provides the foundations of electromagnetic theory, with applications in
electrical and electronic engineering. Topics include: vector algebra, electrostatics, magneto statics,
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, differential and integral forms of Maxwell's equations,
boundary field conditions, electromagnetic waves, propagation of electromagnetic waves, transmission
Course Objectives:
1. Students recall concepts from vector calculus, integral and differential equations in the analysis of
electromagnetic problems
2. Students will able to define, identify, differentiate, illustrate and simulate electric and magnetic fields
3. Students recognize and analyze Maxwell‘sequations
4. Students describe, recognize and manipulate plane electromagnetic waves in dielectric and con-
ducting media
5. Students determine fundamental characteristics of simple transmission lines in the time domain
and analyze it
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to design the transmissionline.
2. Studentswillbeabletounderstandthebasicconceptsofelectromagneticengineering
3. Able to analyze the parameters of plane waves and transmissionlines.
CO Afterthecompletionofthecoursethestudent should be Bloom‘s Cognitive
ableto Descriptor
CO1 Relate vector calculus to static electric, magnetic fields in II Relate
different Engineering situations.
CO2 Solve problems in vector calculus, electrostatic, magneto- III Solve
static, plane waves and transmission lines
CO3 Analyze the Maxwell‘s equations in free space, time IV Analyze
varying and static fields and apply them to diverse
engineering problems.
CO4 Explain the phenomena of wave propagation in different V Explain
media and Design transmission line by inputting different
CO-PO Mapping:
CO-PO PO3 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
1 2 4 5 1 2
CO1 2 1
CO2 2 2 1
CO3 1 2
CO4 2 1 2 1 2 2 2
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one
End Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE1and ISE2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE:Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with 60-70% Weightage for course content(normally last three
modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1:--- Co-ordinate systems 05 Hrs.
ReviewofvectorAnalysis, vectoralgebra,Pointandvectortransformation, del operator,
Cartesian,Cylindricalandsphericalcoordinatesystems, Coulomb‘s law, electromagnetic
spectrum. (Numerical expected)
Unit 2:--- Electrostatics 08 Hrs.
Electric field intensity, field due to distributed charges, Electric Flux density, Gauss‘s law
and its applications, divergence theorem, Electrostatic potential, potential gradient, electric
dipole and moment, Electrostatic energy density, work done, Boundary conditions for
electrostatic field. (Numerical expected)
Unit 3:--- Steady Magnetic Field 07 Hrs.
Biot-Savart law, examples on magnetic Field Intensity due to infinite and finite line, Ampere‘s
Circuital Law in integral and differential form, Magnetic flux density, Magnetic boundary
conditions, Effect of dielectric medium, vector magnetic potential, Stoke‘s Theorem.
(Numerical expected)
1] William Hayt,Buck,―Engineering Electromagnetics‖,McGraw Hill.
2] E.C.Jordan &K.Balman, ElectromagneticWavesandRadiatingSystems,2 nd edition,PHI.
3] DavidK.Cheng,FieldandWaveElectromagnetics,PearsonEducation.
4] Kraus & Fleisch, ElectromagneticswithApplications,5thEdition,McGrawHillInternationalEdition
Unit wise Measurable students Learning Outcomes:
1. Comprehend the principles of electric and magnetic field.(L1,L2andL3)
2. Apply the fundamentals of electromagnetic to analyze the performance of transmission Lines and
antennas. (L5 and L6)
3. Compare and contrast difference between static and time‐ varying electromagnetic fields. (L3)
4. Design the impedance matching network for maximum power transmission.(L4 and L5)
5. Test, debug and evaluate the performance of a typical transmission line in terms of VSWR, reflection
coefficient using Smith Chart.(L5)
6. Work in team to prepare are port based on survey of effects of radiation (EMI) from cell phone,
transmitters, antennas etc.
Title of the Course: Analog & Digital Communication L T P Credit
Course Code: UETC0404 4 - - 4
Course Pre-Requisite: Electronic devices & circuits, signals & system.
Course Description: Course deals with understanding the principles of Analog and Digital
Communication, study of different types of Noise in communication system .It describes the fundamentals of
baseband transmission, modulation techniques.
Course Objectives:
1 . Describe & demonstrate different types of analog modulation and demodulation techniques.
2. Describe various types of Noise in communication systems.
3. Describe Conversion of analog to digital signals.
4. Describe the transmission and reception in digital communication system.
5. Evaluate performance of digital modulation methods.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO1 1 2 1
CO2 1 3 1 2 2 1 2
CO3 1 3 1 2 2 1 2
CO4 3 1 2 2 1 2
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE) and one End
Semester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc. MSE:
Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content (normally
last three modules) covered after MSE.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
Course Contents:
Unit:1. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation: Introduction to Analog
Communication System The Electromagnetic & Optical Spectrum and its usage; Radio 9Hrs.
spectrum and frequency allocation. Elements of communication systems, Need for
modulation, Amplitude Modulation principles, AM envelope, frequency spectrum & BW,
phase representation of AM wave, AM modulating circuits: Low level AM modulation,
medium power AM modulation, method Vestigial sideband(VSB). AM transmitters:
Block of low level DSBFC, High level DSBFC, SSB suppression techniques. TRF and
Super heterodyne receiver. Technical specification of AM broadcasting.
Unit:2. Angle Modulation: Introduction to frequency and phase modulation. 8Hrs
Mathematical representation of F.M. Frequency spectrum of F.M. wave. Generation of
F.M. methods. Types of FM Receivers. Balanced Slope Detector, Ratio Detector, Foster-
Seeley Discriminator, PLL Demodulator. Case study of AM/ FM relay station.
Unit:3. Noise: types and of Sources of Noise, Shot Noise, Resistor Noise, Calculation of
Noise in Linear Systems, Noise Bandwidth, Noise Temperature, Noise in Two-Port
Networks, Noise Figure, Measurement of Noise-Figure, Signal in Presence of Noise. 6Hrs
1) B.P. Lathi, ―Analog and Digital Communication‖, OXFORD University press.
2) Simon Haykin, ―An introduction to analog & digital communications‖, john Wiley& Sons
3) R P Singh, S D Sapre ‗Communication System-Analog & Digital‘ 2nd Edition –Tata Mc Graw Hill
4) Louis E. Frenzel, ―Principles of Electronic Communication System‖,3rd Ed., TMH Publication.
Course Description: Explores array, stacks, queues, pointer, linked lists, graphs, trees and
their algorithms including sorting, searching, iterating over data structures and recursion
Course Objectives:
1. To use & manipulate several core data structures: arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues.
2. To Understand design and implementation of basic data structures and algorithms.
3. To use various data structures effectively in different applications
4. To learn the theory of trees and graphs.
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 3 2 3 3 1
CO2 2 3 2 3 3 1
CO3 2 3 2 2 3 3 1
CO4 2 3 2 3 3 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
Two components of In Semester Evaluation (ISE), One Mid Semester Examination (MSE)
and one EndSemester Examination (ESE) having 20%, 30% and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 1 10
MSE 30
ISE 2 10
ESE 50
ISE 1 and ISE 2 are based on assignment/declared test/quiz/seminar/Group Discussions etc.
MSE: Assessment is based on 50% of course content (Normally first three modules)
ESE: Assessment is based on 100% course content with60-70% weightage for course content
(normally last three modules) covered after MSE.
Course Contents:
Unit 1:---Arrays & Pointers: 7 Hrs.
Introduction to data structures (Linear and Non-Linear) Introduction of linear
arrays: representation of linear array in memory, traversing linear arrays, inserting
& deleting. Sorting: bubble sort & quick sort. Searching: linear search & binary
search. Multidimensional arrays: matrices and sparse matrices. Pointers: pointer
1. Langsam, Rubenstein, Tenenbaun–‗Data structure using C & C++ ‗ - PHI
2. Mark Allen Weiss- ‗Data structure & algorithm analysis in C‘- 2nd edition –Pearson
Education (LPE)
3. M.T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia, D. Mount- Data Structures & Algorithms in C++- Wiley
4. A.N. Kathie-― Introduction to Data structures in C"- Pearson Education (LPE)
Unit wise Measurable students Learning Outcomes:
7. Identify Linear and Non Linear data structures and analyze basic complexity issues of
8. Perform deferent operations on Linear data Structures.
9. Understand and perform operations on deferent types of link lists.
10. Use stack & queue in deferent applications.
11. Study different types of trees. 6. Perform deferent operations on graphs.
Title of the Course: Analog Circuits-II Lab L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0406 0 0 2 1
Course Pre-Requisite: Analog Circuits - I
Course Description:
This course contains fundamentals of FET and MOSFET as amplifier. This course enables to
students to analyze and design of basic application circuits such as oscillators, multivibrators,
and voltage regulators by using discrete components like transistor and ICs.
Course Objectives:
1. To construct simple electronic circuits to accomplish specific function.
2. Testing of circuits developed in lab.
3. Evaluate performance of experiment studied.
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO After the completion of the course the student should be Bloom‘s Cognitive
able to level Descriptor
CO1 Analyze circuits (oscillators, multivibrators and regulators)
IV Analyze
to meet requirements.
CO2 Design circuits (oscillators, multivibrators and regulators)
VI Design
to meet requirements.
CO3 Build circuits (FET, MOSFET, oscillators, multivibrators
III Build
and regulators) to meet requirements.
CO4 Evaluate circuits (FET, MOSFET, oscillators,
V Evaluate
multivibrators and regulators) performance parameters.
CO5 Interpret results of experiment and compare with standard
V Interpret
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 1
CO2 2 3 2 1
CO3 2 3 2 1
CO4 1 2 1
CO5 2 1 1 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ESE 50
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Experiment No. 1:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Calculation of performance parameters using characteristics
of JFET.
Outcomes: Student will be able to calculate
Theoretical Background: Junction Field Effect Transistor
Experimentation: Obtaining performance parameter using JFET characteristics.
Results and Discussions: Comparison between Practical & Theatrical
performance parameter.
Experiment No. 2:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study of single stage common source (CS) amplifier.
Outcomes: The students will be able to design single stage common source (CS)
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of single stage common
source (CS) amplifier.
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of single stage
common source (CS) amplifier.
Results and Discussions: Noted output voltage for different frequencies.
Experiment No. 3:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study of RC phase shift oscillator using FET/BJT
Outcomes: The students will be able to design RC phase shift oscillator using BJT
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of RC phase shift
oscillator using BJT
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of RC phase shift
oscillator using BJT
Results and Discussions: Observed Waveforms
Experiment No. 4:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To design of Colpitt‗s oscillator using FET/BJT
Outcomes: The students will be able to design Colpitt‗s oscillator using BJT
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Colpitt‗s oscillator
using BJT
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Colpitt‗s oscillator
using BJT
Results and Discussions: Observed Waveforms
Experiment No. 5:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To design of Hartely oscillator using FET/BJT
Outcomes: The students will be able to design Hartely oscillator using BJT
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Hartely oscillator
using BJT Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Hartely
oscillator using BJT Results and Discussions: Observed Waveforms
Experiment No. 6:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To design of Astable multivibrator
Outcomes: The students will be able to design and evaluate Astable multivibrator
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Astable
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Astable
Results and Discussions: observed Waveforms
Experiment No. 7:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To design of Monostable multivibrator
Outcomes: The students will be able to design and evaluate Monostable
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Monostable
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Monostable
Results and Discussions: observed Waveforms
Experiment No. 8:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To design of Bistable multivibrator
Outcomes: The students will be able to design and evaluate Bistable multivibrator
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Bistable
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Bistable
multivibrator Results and Discussions: observed Waveforms
Experiment No.9 :--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study Zener shunt voltage regulator
Outcomes: The students will be able to test Zener shunt voltage regulator
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Zener shunt voltage
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Zener shunt voltage
Results and Discussions: Observed Waveforms and noted analysis Parameters
Experiment No. 10:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study Emitter Follower Voltage Regulator
Outcomes: The students will be able to test Emitter Follower Voltage Regulator
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle Emitter Follower
Voltage Regulator
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Emitter Follower
Voltage Regulator
Results and Discussions: Observed Waveforms and noted analysis Parameters
Experiment No. 11:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To study Transistorised Series Voltage Regulator
Outcomes: The students will be able to test Transistorised Series Voltage
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Transistorised Series
Voltage Regulator
Experimentation: Analysis, designing and implementation of Transistorised
Series Voltage Regulator
Results and Discussions: Observed Waveforms and noted analysis Parameters
Experiment No. 12:--- 2Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Design of IC Voltage Regulator using LM317 or LM723
Outcomes: Student will be able to design Voltage Regulator using LM317 or
Theoretical Background: Voltage Regulator using LM317 or LM723
Experimentation: Obtain line regulation and load regulation of IC voltage
Results and Discussions: Comparison between Practical and Theatrical analysis
Experiment No. 12:--- 2Hrs
Aim and Objectives: To study of Step up and step down SMPS
Outcomes: The students will be able to explain Step up and step down SMPS
Theoretical Background: Theory and operation principle of Step up and step
down SMPS
Experimentation: Analysis of Step up and step down SMPS
Results and Discussions: comparative understanding of Step up and step down
SMPS Conclusion:
1. Electronic Devices and circuits by S.Salivahanan,N Suresh Kumar, A Vallavaraj TMH
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Anil K. Maini, Varsha Agarwal- Wiley India.
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by A.P.Godse and U.A.Bakshi, Pearson Publication.
4. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead - PHI.
1. Design of analog integrated circuits by BehzadRazavi, McGrawHill International edition
2. Schaum's Outlines, ― Electronic Devices and Circuits‖
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Mantri& Jain, Nikita Publication.
4. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad, Pearson Publication.
5. Electronic Devices and Circuits by J.B.Gupta, Katson Publication
6. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Millman, Halkias, TMH Publication.
7. National Semiconductor Data Manual.
Experiment wise Measurable students Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand theperformance of FET and MOSFET as amplifier.
2. Compare and contrast the oscillators, multivibrators circuits implemented using BJT.
3. Analyze the performance of regulators and SMPS.
Title of the Course: Linear Integrated Circuits Lab L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0407 - - 2 1
Course Pre-Requisite:
Basic Electronics circuits, Transistor as an Amplifier
Course Description:
The course aims to provide knowledge of operational amplifier, some special purpose ICs
like IC 555 & IC565(PLL) and their applications.
Course Objectives:
This course aims to
1. Provide knowledge of op-amp & its electrical parameters
2. Provide knowledge of op-amp configurations & frequency response
3. Study linear and non linear applications of op-amp
4. Provide basic knowledge of special purpose ICs like IC555 and IC 565
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 1 1 1
CO2 1 1 3 2 1
CO3 1 1 3 2 1
CO4 1 1 3 1
Assessments :
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Experiment No. 1:--- 2 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: Study of datasheets of LM741, LF356, CA3140, OP177
Outcomes: Students will be able to define various electrical parameters of op-amp
Theoretical Background: Definition of electrical parameters
Experimentation: Study datasheets of various op-amp ICs to study their electrical
Results and Discussions: Comparison of electrical parameters of op-amp ICs
Aim and Objectives: Design of inverting , non-inverting amplifier & plot their
frequency response
Outcomes: students will be able to understand the concept of inverting and non-
inverting configuration of op-amp
Theoretical Background: Inverting and non-inverting configuration of op-amp
Experimentation: Apply DC and AC voltage to the Inverting and non-inverting
configuration of op-amp. Measure the o/p voltage for i/p DC voltage. For AC
voltage, increase the i/p frequency and note down the corresponding o/p voltage.
Results and Discussions: Prepare a table of calculated and observed o/p voltage
for DC i/p voltage. Plot the frequency response curve for AC i/p voltage.
Conclusion: For inverting configuration of op-amp, i/p is inverted at the o/p and
the amplitude of o/p is equal to the gain times the i/p. For non-inverting, there is
no phase shift between i/p & o/p voltage.
Aim and Objectives: Design, build and test precision half & full wave rectifier
Outcomes: Students will be able to analyze o/p waveforms of precision HWR &
Theoretical Background: Operating principle of precision HWR & FWR
Experimentation: Construct circuits for precision HWR & FWR. Apply AC
signal of less than 0.7V to the i/p terminal of rectifier. Observe the o/p waveforms
Results and Discussions: Observe the o/p waveforms and plot it on graph paper
Conclusion: Precision rectifiers can rectify signals below 0.7V which is not
possible with diode rectifier
Aim and Objectives: Design of Butterworth High Pass and Low Pass filters
Outcomes: Students will be able to explain operation of Butterworth High Pass
and Low Pass filters
Theoretical Background: Operating principle of filters
Experimentation: Design filter for given cut-off frequency and gain. Apply AC
signal to the i/p of filter. Increase the i/p frequency, observe the amplitude of o/p
signal for corresponding i/p frequency.
Results and Discussions: Plot the frequency response curve of Butterworth High
Pass and Low Pass filters
Conclusion: For LPF filter the remains constant till cut-off frequency. After
reaching cut-off frequency, the gain reduces at the rate of -20dB/dec. Thus LPF
allows signals below cut-off frequency while rejecting the signals above cut-off
frequency. Similarly for HPF the gain increases at the rate of +20dB/dec till cut-
off frequency. Thereafter the gain remains constant. Thus HPF rejects low
frequencies and allows signals above cut-off frequency.
Aim and Objectives: Design and simulate Wien bridge oscillator using Op-Amp
Outcomes: Students will be able to design oscillator to generate sinusoidal signal
Theoretical Background: Concept of oscillator
Experimentation: Design and implement Wien bridge oscillator using Op-Amp
To generate sinusoidal signal of given frequency.
Results and Discussions: Observe the o/p.
Conclusion: Op-amp can designed as an oscillator to generate sinusoidal signal of
desired frequency.
1) Ramakant A. Gaikwad, ―Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits‖, Pearson Education
second and latest edition.
2) D.Roy Choudhary, Shail Jain, ―Linear Integrated Circuits‖, New Age Int.
1) Robert Coughlin, Fredric Driscoll, ―Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated
Circuits‖, Sixth edition,PE, 2006. (Ch-6)
2) David Bell, ―Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs‖,Third ed, Oxford University Press
3) B. Somanathan Nair, ― Linear Integrated Circuits- Analysis, Design & Applications‖,
Wiley India.
4) Sergio Franco, ―Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits‖, Tata
McGraw Hill., Third Edition
Course Description: Course deals with different types of AM and FM transmitter and
receivers with their working. Also course deals with digital modulation and demodulation
types. Experiments are based on types of analog and digital modulation and demodulation
Course Objectives:
1. Describe & demonstrate different types of analog modulation and demodulation
2. Live Demonstration at AIR station of AM or FM transmission.
3. Describe & demonstrate different types of baseband transmission and modulation
4. Describe & demonstrate different types of digital modulation and demodulation
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 1 2 1
CO2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2
CO3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ESE 25
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Experiment No. 1: --- 2Hrs.
Aim: Experiment on practical implementation of Amplitude Modulation.
Objectives: Demonstrate AM Modulation.
Outcomes: Calculation of modulation index in different cases.
Theoretical Background: Working of R.F. amplifiers, audio and power amplifier, balanced
Results and Discussions: m = Em / Ec
Conclusion: We observed that, ideal value of
m=1.When m>1, we call it as over modulation.
When m<1,we call it as
InAM , amplitude of the carrier signal is changed according to instantaneous value of modulating
1) B.P.Lathi,―AnalogandDigitalCommunication‖,OXFORDUniversitypress.
2) Simon Haykin,―An introduction to analog & digital communications‖, John Wiley& Sons
3) R P Singh, S D Sapre ‗Communication System-Analog & Digital‘ 2ndEdition –Tata McGraw Hill
4) LouisE. Frenzel,―Principlesofelectroniccommunicationsystem‖,3rdEd.,TMHPub.
Experiment wise Measurable Students Learning Outcomes:
1. Calculation of modulation index in different cases.
2. Calculation of modulation index using trapezoidal pattern and AM spectrum in different
3. Study how to extract original signal using AM detector.
4. Calculation of modulation index using varactor diode.
5. Observed aliasing effect and Nyquist criteria.
6. Observed ideal, natural and flat-top PAM.
7. Observed PWM using comparator.
8. Observed that to artificially boost high frequency component, we use HPF at FM
Transmitter side and getting back signal to original value, we use LPF at FM receiver side.
9. To get live demonstration of working of all parts of AM or FM transmitter, recording
10. Observed ASK output.
11. Observed FSK output.
12. Observed PSK output.
13. Observed QAM output.
14. Observed different data formats.
Title of the Course: Data Structures Lab L T P Credit
Course Code:UETC0409 - - 2 1
Course Pre-Requisite: Basics of C and C++ programming language
Course Description:
Explores linear & nonlinear data structures and algorithms including sorting, searching, iterating
over data structures and recursion
Course Objectives:
1. Develop programming skills to design simple linear and non linear data structures.
2. Strengthen the ability to identify and apply the suitable algorithm for the real world problem
3. Gain knowledge in practical applications of data structures.
Course Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course the student should Bloom‘s Taxonomy
CO beable to
level Descriptor
CO1 Develop linear &non linear data structures VI Develop
CO2 Apply various searching and sorting algorithms on linear III Apply
CO3 Demonstrate the various operations on stack and queue. II Demonstrate
CO4 Develop Tree & Graph traversing algorithms VI Develop
CO-PO Mapping:
CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 3 2 3 3 1
CO2 2 3 2 3 3 1
CO3 2 3 2 3 3 1
CO4 2 3 2 3 3 1
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ISE are based on practical performed/ Quiz/ Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group
Discussion/ Internal oral etc.
ESE: Assessment is based on oral examination
Course Contents:
Program No. 1: - Program to Insert & Delete the Number in a 1D Array 02 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To Insert & Delete the Number in a 1D Array.
Outcomes: Implement insertion & deletion algorithm for 1D array.
Theoretical Background: Study of linear array.
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 2:- Program to implement different Sorting algorithm 02 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To implement program on bubble and quick sort.
Outcomes: Implement bubble sort algorithm for 1D array.
Theoretical Background: Study of linear array.
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 3:- Program to implement different searching algorithm 02 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To implement program for Linear and Binary Search.
Outcomes: Implement linear search algorithm for 1D array.
Theoretical Background: Study of linear array.
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 4:- Program to Insert and Delete a Node in single Link List. 02 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To implement program for Insertion of Node in Link List
Outcomes: Implement algorithm for Insert and delete a Node in single Link List
Theoretical Background: Study of link list.
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 5:- Program to implement push and pop operation on stack. 02 Hrs.
Aim and Objectives: To implement program for Deletion of Node from Link List
Outcomes: Implement algorithm for Deletion of Node from Link List
Theoretical Background: Study of link list
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 6:-Program to implement Operation on Queue (insert and 02 Hrs.
delete operation)
Aim and Objectives: To implement program for insertion & deletion in queue.
Outcomes: Implement algorithm for Insertion & Deletion in queue.
Theoretical Background: Study of queue.
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 7:-Program to implement Traversing operation of Tree. 02 Hrs.
Aim & Objectives: Implement algorithm for differentTraversing operations of
Outcomes: Understand differentTraversing operations of Tree
Theoretical Background: Trees
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 8:- Program to implement Traversing operation of Graph. 02 Hrs.
Aim & Objectives: Implement algorithm for differentTraversing operations of
Outcomes: Understand different Traversing operations of Graph
Theoretical Background: Graphs
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 9: - Program to implement Warshall’s Algorithm 02 Hrs..
Aim & Objectives: Implement Warshall‘s Algorithm
Outcomes: Understand Warshall‘s algorithm to find out shortest distance
Theoretical Background: Graphs
Results and Discussions:
Program No. 10: - Program to implement Hashing operation. 02 Hrs..
Aim & Objectives: Implement algorithm for differentoperations of Hashing
Outcomes: Understand differentTraversing operations of Hashing
Theoretical Background: Hashing
Results and Discussions:
1. Seymour Lipschautz, ― Data Structures‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. ISRD group, Data structures using C, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
1] Y. Langsam, M. Augenstin and A. Tannenbaum, ―Data Structures using C and C++‖, Pearson
Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2002, ISBN-81-7808-729-4.
2] Ellis Horowitz, S. Sahni, D. Mehta ―Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++‖, Galgotia Book
Source, New Delhi 1995 ISBN 16782928
Experiment wise Measurable Students Learning Outcomes:
1. Manipulate 1D array.
2. Apply bubble and quick sorting algo on 1D array
3. Perform Linear and Binary search algo on 1D array
4. Insert and Delete the Node in Link List
5. Implement stack using linear array
6. Implement queue using linear array
7. Using different traversing algo Travers Tree.
8. Using different traversing algo Travers Graph.
9. Implement Warshall‘s Algorithm
10. Implement hashing operations
Title of the Course: Mini Project -I L T P Credit
Course Code: UETC0410 - - 2 1
Course Pre-Requisite: Analog Circuits, Digital Design, Linear integrated circuits, Network
Course Description: Course will cover all the implementation of theoretical design,
simulation and practical implementation.
This LAB will help to develop sensitivity of students towards social problem, think critically
to findinnovativesolutionsto industrial / engineering problem/ simplifyhuman life.
Course Objectives:
1. Evaluatesocialneeds.
2. Identifysuitableproblemthatcanbesolvedusingfirst yearengineeringknowledgeandbasic
knowledgeof electronics engineeringand programming.
3. Designandimplement the solutionusinghardware/softwareorboth
4. Testingoftheimplementation
5. Writeprojectreportasper standardformat
Course Learning Outcomes:
CO After the completion of the course the student should Bloom‘s Taxonomy
be able to level Descriptor
CO1 Identify social problem that can be implantable using III Identify
first principles of science, engineering and skills like
CAD Tools, Programming, basics of electronics.
CO2 Analyze and Design/ simulate the model of project work VI Analyze
CO1 1 2 1
CO2 1 3 2 1
CO3 1 1
CO4 2 3 3 1
Teacher Assessment:
One component of In Semester Evaluation (ISE) and one End Semester Examination (ESE)
having 50%, and 50% weights respectively.
Assessment Marks
ISE 25
ISE is based on practical performed Mini-Project assigned/ Presentation/ Group Discussion/
Internal oral etc.
The probable areas of the project work (but not only restricted to): Environment
protection, globalwarming, safe drinking water, waste management, renewable energy
utilities, biomedical
ments,humanhardshipreduction,prosthesis,smartcity, smarttransportation, Pandemic
prevention equipments.
Evaluations of reference designs published by various IC manufactures.
CO After the completion of the course the student should Bloom’s Cognitive
be able to level Descriptor
CO1 Explain the significance of Indian Constitution as the Cognitive
fundamental law of the land (Understand)
CO2 Exercise his fundamental rights in proper sense at the
same time Identifies his responsibilities in national II
CO3 Analyze the Indian political system, the powers and
functions of the Union, State and Local Governments in II
CO4 Understand Electoral Process, Emergency provisions and Cognitive
Amendment procedure. (Understand)
CO-PO Mapping: