Neurology MCQ Mix
Neurology MCQ Mix
Neurology MCQ Mix
4. Where is the body of the first sensitivity neuron of all types of sensitivity
a. Burdach’s and Goll’s nuclei
b. in spinal cord lateral horn
c. in spinal cord posterior horn
d. in spinal ganglion
e. in thalamus
5. Where is the end of the first sensitivity neuron of temperature and pain
sensation localized?
a. in postcentral gyrus
b. in thalamus
c. in spinal cord posterior horn
d. in spinal cord lateral horn
e. Burdach’s and Goll’s nuclei
6. Where is the end of the first sensitivity neuron of deep sensitivity localized?
a. in postcentral gyrus
b. in thalamus
c. Burdach’s and Goll’s nuclei
d. in spinal cord posterior horn
e. in spinal cord lateral horn
7. Where is the end of the second sensitivity neuron of all types of sensitivity
a. in spinal cord lateral horn
b. Burdach’s and Goll’s nuclei
c. in thalamus
d. in spinal cord posterior horn
e. in postcentral gyrus
11. In what part of the brain cortex the projection of a hand sensitive
innervation is presented?
a. in the postcentral gyrus lower part
b. in the postcentral gyrus upper part
c. in the precentral gyrus upper part
d. in the precentral gyrus middle part
e. in the postcentral gyrus middle part
12. In what part of the brain cortex the projection of a head sensitive
innervation is presented?
a. in the postcentral gyrus middle part
b. in the precentral gyrus upper part
c. in the postcentral gyrus lower part
d. in the postcentral gyrus upper part
e. in the precentral gyrus upper part
13. In what part of the brain cortex the projection of a leg sensitive
innervation is presented?
a. in the precentral gyrus upper part
b. in the postcentral gyrus middle part
c. in the postcentral gyrus upper part
d. in the postcentral gyrus lower part
e. in the precentral gyrus lower part
g. segmental
h. anesthesia
17. What kinds of sensitivity will be injured if peripheral nerves are multiple
a. only pain and temperature sense
b. only touch sense
c. only kinesthesia
d. only vibration sense
e. all kinds
20. What are the features of spinal cord posterior horn lesion?
a. conductive type of sensitive disorders
b. anesthesia of “gloves and socks” type
c. preservation of deep sensitivity
d. stretch symptoms
e. pain and temperature sense segmental anesthesia
f. herpetic skin rash
f. thalamic pain
g. anesthesia of “gloves and socks” type
h. dissociative anesthesia
22. Lesion of what structures can cause disorders of all types of sensitivity?
a. spinal cord posterior funicle
b. peripheral nerves
c. half of spinal cord diameter
d. anterior root
e. spinal cord posterior horn
f. postcentral gyrus
24. What symptoms are the most common for polyneural type of sensitive
a. pain in the limbs
b. monoanesthesia
c. sensitivity disorders in appropriate dermatomes
d. anesthesia in the limbs’ distal parts
e. hemianesthesia
Part 2. Motor system
a. nasolabial
b. Gordon’s
c. Oppenheim’s
d. distance-oral
e. Babinski
f. palm-mental
g. lip
h. Schaffer’s
i. Shtrumpel’s
a. in posterior part of upper temporal gyrus
b. in precentral gyrus
c. in postcentral gyrus
d. in posterior part of lower frontal gyrus
17. Where are the crossed fibers of pyramidal tract in spinal cord localized?
a. in lateral funiculus
b. in dorsal funiculus
c. in frontal funiculus
d. in frontal white commissure
e. in posterior horns
18. Where are uncrossed fibers of pyramidal tract in spinal cord localized?
a. in lateral funiculus
b. in dorsal funiculus
c. in frontal funiculus
d. in frontal white commissure
e. in posterior horns
a. paralysis of one extremity
b. paralysis of three extremities
c. paralysis of four extremities
d. paralysis of extremities on the same side
e. paralysis of lower extremities
b. muscle tone support
c. realization of conditioned reflexes
d. constriction of striated muscles
e. miostatic regulation
f. organization of motive emotional elements and defensive movements
7. What kind of speech disorder appears in case of impairment of pallidar
a. scanning speech
b. dysarthria
c. aphasia
d. quiet, monotonous speech
e. mutismus
Part 4. Cranial nerves
d. temporal lobe
e. subcortical optic centers
12. What are the trochlear nerve damage symptoms?
a. ghosting when eye is turned down
b. divergent strabismus
c. sight paresis
d. ghosting when eye is turned outside
e. mild convergent strabismus
e. impairment of all sensitive modalities in the zone of innervation
f. mydriasis
g. partial ptosis of upper eyelid
h. dissociated sensitive disorder on face
21. Where is the source of damage localized in the case of central paresis of
mimic muscles?
a. corticonuclear tract
b. facial nerve nucleus
c. facial nerve
d. anterior central gyrus lower part
e. trigeminal nerve
23. Where is cortex hearing zone localized?
a. superior temporal gyrus
b. transverse temporal [Heschl's] gyrus
c. postcentral gyrus
d. anterior central gyrus
e. inferior frontal gyrus
24. Where is the lesion in case of tongue muscles central paresis localized?
a. anterior central gyrus lower part
b. corticonuclear tract
c. glossopharyngeal nerve nucleus
d. hypoglossal nerve nucleus
e. hypoglossal nerve root
25. What are the signs of the central paresis of tongue muscles?
a. muscles atrophy
b. tongue muscle fibrillations
c. tongue deviation to the side of the lesion
d. dysarthria
e. tongue deviation to the opposite side of the lesion
f. muscles atrophy is absent
27. What are the signs of the peripheral paresis of tongue muscles?
a. tongue muscles atrophy
b. dysphagia
c. dysphonia
d. tongue deviation to the side of the lesion
e. dysarthria
f. absence of tongue atrophy
g. taste impairment on tongue anterior two thirds
Part 5. Cortex
2. What is the kind of aphasia, that occurs in case of the damage of the left
frontal lobe?
a. semantic
b. motor
c. sensory
d. amnestic
e. total
3. What is the kind of aphasia, that occurs in case of the damage of the left
temporal lobe?
a. motor
b. sensory
c. amnestic
d. total
6. Indicate the signs of temporal lobe lesion
a. acoustic agnosia
b. motor aphasia
c. visual hallucinations
d. sensory aphasia
e. apraxia
f. monoplegia
g. taste agnosia
h. smell agnosia
10. The patient has in the left arm astereognosis, superficial kinds of
sensitivity are saved. Where is the lesion localized?
a. in internal capsule
b. in thalamus
c. lesion localized
d. in left parietal lobe
e. in right temporal lobe
f. in right parietal lobe
g. in left temporal lobe
11. The sensory aphasia is characterized by loss of ability to name familiar
a. disturbance of expressive speech
b. disturbance of speech comprehension
c. speech dysarthria
d. disturbance of logically-grammatic structures comprehension
e. loss of ability to name familiar subjects
d. adaptation of vital functions (circulation, digestion, excretion)
e. maintenance of sensitive innervation
f. trophic function
g. posture regulation
Part 7. Additional methods
3. What rhythms are on the EEG of a healthy person in the alert condition?
a. ∆- delta-rhythm
b. θ- theta rythm
c. α- alpha-rhythm
d. β- beta-rhythm
i. CSF dynamic tests
j. echoencephaloscopia
Part 8. Liquor
6. What are the main meningeal symptoms?
a. Babinski’s symptom
b. rigid occipital muscles
c. Brudzinski’s syndrome
d. Kerning’s symptoms
e. Wassermann’s symptom
f. Lassegue’s symptom
10. What are the eye bottom changes in case of hypertensive syndrome?
a. optic neuritis
b. optic nerve disk atrophy
c. oedema disks of optic nerves
d. Salus’ symptom
e. chorioretinitis
d. dilatation of meatus acusticus internus
e. distension of sella turcica entrance
f. ventricles dilatation
Part 9. Meningitis
b. lymphocytic pleocytosis
c. low content of chlorides
d. cellular-protein dissociation in the liquor
e. neutrophilic pleocytosis
f. positive Wassermann reaction
c. substantia nigra
d. cells of anterior horn
e. cells of posterior horn
f. reticular formation
g. oculomotor nerves nuclei
h. sensory tracts
c. pathological somnolence
d. oculomotor disturbances
e. flaccid pareses of upper extremities’ proximal parts
f. Kojevnikoff’s epilepsy
a. preparalytic
b. paralytic
c. remission
d. recurrent
e. rehabilitation
f. residual
g. not full remission
15. What are the symptoms of myelitis with the lesion in the inferior thoracic
spinal cord?
a. flaccid paraplegia of lower extremities
b. bulbar disturbances
c. tetraplegia
d. central paraplegia of lower extremities
e. conductive type of sensitive disorders
16. What are the symptoms of myelitis with the lesion in the lumbar spinal
a. tetraplegia
b. peripheral paralyses of lower extremities
c. central paraplegia of lower extremities
d. pelvic disorders
e. decubituses
f. alternating syndromes
a. paresis of extremities
b. oculomotor disturbances
c. facial nerve neuritis
d. meningeal symptoms
e. decreased sensitivity
f. urination disturbances
a. root pain, paresthesias
b. hyperreflexia of knee and Achilles reflexes
c. reverse Argyll Robertson’s syndrome
d. stagnant optic nerve disks
e. Argyll Robertson’s syndrome
f. reduction or absence of knee and Achilles reflexes
d. simplest organisms
c. postcentral gyrus
d. cerebellar and its pathways
e. spinal cord lateral funicle
f. spinal cord posterior funicle
g. spinal cord anterior horns
h. olfactory nerve
9. Indicate main features of multiple sclerosis
a. spastic paraparesis of lower extremities
b. anosmia
c. intention tremor
d. stagnant optic nerve disks
e. nystagmus
f. peripheral paresis
g. decreased vibration sense
h. muscles atrophy
b. peripheral
c. cerebellar
d. trembling
e. lumbosacral
f. cervicothoracic
16. What cranial nerves nuclei are damaged in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
a. III, IV, VI
b. IX, X
d. XI
e. XII
f. VII
17. Indicate the clinical signs of bulbar form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
a. facial sensory disorders
b. dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia
c. atrophy and fibrillar twitching of tongue muscles
d. absence of tongue muscles atrophy
e. peripheral paraparesis of lower exteremities
e. initial signs of cerebral blood perfusion insufficiency
10. Indicate the signs of blood circulation disorders in middle cerebral artery
a. hemiplegia or hemiparesis
b. motor aphasia (lesion in left hemisphere)
c. diplopia
d. hemianaesthesia
e. hemianopsia
f. alternating syndromes
g. dysphagia
h. cerebellar ataxia
11. What are the signs of blood circulation disorders in posterior cerebral
a. motor jackson epilepsy
b. alternating syndromes
c. homonymous quadrant hemianopsia
d. amaurosis
e. visual agnosia
15. What are the basic clinical criteria for differential diagnostics of ischemic
and hemorrhagic strokes
a. consciousness condition (lost or not)
b. patient age (middle or aged)
c. dysfunction of pelvic organs
d. arterial blood pressure level, pulse and breathing
e. neurological deficit degree
f. predominance of general or local brain symptoms
g. electroencephalographic picture
h. presence or absence of meningeal syndrome
b. displacement of М-echo on 1-2 mm
c. red or xanthochromic CSF
d. displacement of М-echo on 5-7 mm
e. hyperintensive type of lesion on cerebral CТ
b. Fovill symptom
c. Babinski symptom
d. Neri symptom
e. Kernig symptom
f. Wasserman symptom
g. Bernar-Horner symptom
9. What are the clinical signs of the facial nerve neuropathy?
a. enophthalmus
b. central mimic paresis
c. peripheral mimic paresis
d. taste disturbance
e. normal supraorbital reflex
f. watering or xerophthalmus
g. absence of supraorbital reflex
b. absence of foot and fingers plantar flexion
c. absence of Achilles reflex
d. Babinski sign
e. absence of foot dorsal flexion
f. pathological foot reflexes
c. electroencephalography
d. spinal MRI-scan
e. craniography
31. What are the main treatment principles of facial nerve neuropathy?
a. dehydration drugs
b. anticholinergic drugs
c. anticonvulsant drugs
d. nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs
e. thermal procedures
f. sleeping-draught
a. subarachnoid hematomas
b. epidural hematomas
c. subdural hematomas
d. brain concussion
d. radioisotope scanning
5. What tumor is mostly localized in pontinocerebellar angle?
a. meningeoma
b. astrocytoma
c. neurinoma
d. medulloblastoma
e. adenoma
f. ependymoma
6. Indicate syndromes which characterize intracerebral tumors
a. optico-pyramidal
b. brown-Sequard syndrome
c. increased intracerebral pressure
d. brain dislocation
e. focal neurological signs
e. frontal ataxia
f. grasp reflex
d. angiography
e. echoencephaloscopy
a. in the precentral gyrus
b. in the postcentral gyrus
c. in the parietal lobe
d. in the occipital lobe
e. in the temporal lobe
10. What additional diagnostic method can prove the diagnosis of epilepsy?
a. brain CT scanning
b. echoencephaloscopy
c. electroencephalography
d. pneumoencephalography
e. radioisotope methods
a. brain tumor
b. toxic encephalopathy
c. stroke
d. Pier Mary family ataxia
e. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
f. Huntington disease
a. anticoagulants, vasoactive
b. antibiotics, sulfanilamids
c. midocalm, baclofen
d. improvement of metabolism and muscle trophy
e. improvement of neuro-muscular conducting
f. biogenic stimulators, vitamins