Veterinary Anatomy

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____1. If a dog is stabbed with a sharp object at ____6. The nucleus pulposus of intervertebral
the middle of the 4th intercostal space and disks is a remnant of the embryonic:
penetrated the lung, which of these tissue layers is
spared? a. sclerotomes
b. notochord
a. Pulmonary pleura c. primitive node
b. Costal parietal pleura d. primitive streak
c. Mediastinal parietal pleura e. perichordal mesenchyme
d. Internal intercostal muscle
____7. The primary action of the triceps brachii is
____2. Which embryonic structure is NOT to:
involved in the condition of anodontia?
a. flex the shoulder
a. pharyngeal arch 1 b. extend the shoulder
b. labiogingival lamina c. flex the elbow
c. neural crest d. extend the elbow
d. enamel organ e. abduct the thoracic limb
e. pharyngeal pouch 1
____8. There are 3 basic methods of cell
____3. The primary combined action of the secretion. Which type of secretion is NOT
internal obturator, external obturator and gemellus characterized by the cell cytoplasm itself
muscles is to: contributing to the secretory product?

a. flex the hip a. holocrine

b. extend the hip b. apocrine
c. abduct the pelvic limb c. merocrine
d. adduct the pelvic limb d. anacrine
e. rotate the pelvic limb e. endocrine

____4. Transitional epithelium is a characteristic ____9. It is not a feature of the dog’s scapula:
feature of the:
a. Acromion
a. upper respiratory system b. Coracoid process
b. urinary bladder c. Glenoid cavity
c. seminiferous tubules d. Anconeal creast
d. gallbladder
e. oviduct ____10. A deep wound involving the distal part of
the lateral head of the triceps brachii damages the:
____5. This muscle in the dog is NOT cut when
the pelvic limb is amputated at the stifle joint: a. Ulnar nerve
b. Axillary nerve
a. Superficial digital flexor c. Median nerve
b. Long digital extensor d. Radial nerve
c. Tibialis cranialis
d. Gastrocnemius

____11. In female embryos, the urogenital sinus ____16. In which species are red blood cells
contributes to all of the following EXCEPT the: normally of oval shape?

a. cervix a. cattle
b. vagina b. horses
c. urethra c. camels
d. bladder d. pigs
e. vestibule e. goats
____12. The paired muscle that opens the jaw is
the: ____17. The muscle that most completely covers
the distolateral surface of the femur is the:
a. buccinator
b. masseter a. gastrocnemius
c. digastricus b. vastus lateralis
d. temporalis c. biceps femoris
e. medial pterygoid d. tensor fasciae latae
e. adductor
____13. Elastin makes up a significant proportion
of the: ____18. Most growth in height of a young dog
occurs in the distal portion of the humerus and
a. cornea femur. This growth occurs in the:
b. nuchal ligament
c. myocardium a. physes
d. footpad of dogs b. metaphyses
e. pinna c. diaphyses
d. articular cartilages
____14. Which of these statements is e. primary ossification centers
anatomically INCORRECT in the dog?
____19. In severe fungal infection of the guttural
a. The right kidney is more cranial in pouch in the horse, there is usually an epistaxis
location than the left kidney. observed in the affected animal. Epistaxis could
b. The right adrenal gland is between the be due to ruptured:
caudal vena cava and the caudate lobe of
the liver. a. Linguofacial trunk
c. The renal medulla contains primarily b. Common carotid artery
renal corpuscles and convoluted portions c. Internal maxillary vein
of the renal tubules. d. External carotid artery
d. The expanded proximal part of the ureter
is the renal pelvis. ____20. This is avoided when administering drug
below the external ear in the pig:
____15. Which tissue is normally vascular?
a. Lateral retropharyngeal lymph node
a. cornea b. Parotid gland
b. lens c. Thymus
c. hyaline cartilage d. Parotid lymph node
d. elastic cartilage
e. bone

____21. Accommodation for near and far vision is c. Tail
accomplished by contraction or relaxation of d. Penis
muscles in the:
____27. The portion of the mandible that
a. ciliary body articulates with the temporal bone is the:
b. conjunctiva
c. iris a. retroarticular process
d. limbus b. coronoid process
e. retina c. angle
d. condylar process
____22. The muscle most closely in contact with e. zygomatic process
the ventral surface of cervical vertebrae and
intervertebral disks is the: ____28. The period of the hair growth cycle in
which the hair grows is known as:
a. sternohyoideus
b. sternothyroideus a. telogen
c. sternocephalicus b. catagen
d. longus colli c. anagen
e. longus capitis d. halogen
e. neogen
____23. The cervical vertebra with large
ventrolaterally projecting transverse processes, ____29. Enamel is formed by:
each subdivided into 2 projections, is the:
a. odontoblasts
a. first cervical vertebra b. ameloblasts
b. second cervical vertebra c. periodontal membrane lining cells
c. third cervical vertebra d. enamoblasts
d. sixth cervical vertebra e. alveoloblasts
e. seventh cervical vertebra
____30. Sertoli cells function in all of the
____24. Which of these animals have renal following ways EXCEPT:
a. provide support and probably nutrition to
a. Ox and horse developing gametes
b. Dog and pig b. secrete estrogens
c. Pig and ox c. facilitate release of gametes
d. Chicken and duck d. phagocytize damaged gametes
e. secrete testosterone
____25. Aside from the pig, the papillary process
of the liver is also missing in the: ____31. This malformation is generally caused by
viral infections
a. Dog
b. Carabao a. Cerebellar abiotrophy
c. Horse b. Hydranencepahly
d. Goat c. Cerebellar hypoplasia and atrophy
d. Hydracephalus
____26. Ligating the internal pudendal artery will
affect blood supply to the:

a. Large intestine
b. Hind limbs

____32. The embryonic ventral hepatic e. horses and dogs
diverticulum gives rise to the:
____38. In dogs, which tooth has the most roots?
a. left lobe of the pancreas
b. cystic duct a. 4th upper molar
c. liver sinusoids b. 2nd upper premolar
d. minor duodenal papilla c. canine
e. spleen d. 2nd lower premolar
e. 1st lower premolar
____33. If the common calcanean tendon of an
animal is torn (separated), the animal loses most ____39. The accessory lobe of the right lung is
of its ability to: curled around the:

a. extend the stifle a. esophagus

b. extend the hip b. aorta
c. extend the hock c. caudal vena cava
d. flex the hock d. trachea
e. flex the digits e. right azygos vein

____34. Paralysis of which muscle would most ____40. It is during this stage wherein each ell or
interfere with opening of the mouth? cell line attains and expresses a stable phenotype

a. lateral pterygoid a. Patterning

b. medial pterygoid b. Cytodifferentiation
c. digastricus c. Morphogenesis
d. masseter d. Growth
e. temporalis
____41. The coronary arteries are branches of the:
____35. During spermatogenesis, which cell is the
first to become haploid? a. pulmonary trunk
b. aorta
a. spermatid c. right atrium
b. primary spermatocyte d. left atrium
c. secondary spermatocyte e. brachiocephalic trunk
d. B spermatogonium
e. A spermatogonium ____42. Abundant fibrocartilage can be found in:
a. nose
____36. This tooth is mostly commonly involved b. larynx
with root abscesses: c. trachea and bronchi
d. external ear
a. Upper 1st premolar tooth e. intervertebral disks
b. Upper 4th premolar
c. Lower 4th premolar tooth ____43. Intramembranous ossification occurs in
d. Lower 1st premolar tooth bones of the:

____37. Diffuse placentation is present in: a. calvaria

b. extremities
a. horses and pigs c. pelvis
b. horses and cattle d. thoracic vertebrae
c. dogs and cats e. lumbar vertebrae
d. dogs and ferrets

____44. Which structure projects into the renal ____50. Venous blood from which structure does
pelvis? not first drain into the liver before passing into the
a. renal cortex
b. renal papilla a. pancreas
c. renal sinus b. spleen
d. renal calyx c. adrenal gland
e. urachus d. descending colon
e. stomach
____45. If the celiac artery is severed, which
organ would be LEAST deprived of arterial ____51. Myoepithelial cells are most prominent in
blood? the;

a. stomach a. apocrine glands of the anal sac

b. gallbladder b. harderian glands
c. spleen c. mammary glands
d. liver d. tarsal glands
e. pancreas e. meibomian glands

____46. Most intrinsic striated muscle of the ____52. Which vein does NOT normally drain
larynx attach to the: directly into the right atrium?

a. epiglottis a. right pulmonary vein

b. arytenoids cartilage b. cranial vena cava
c. thyroid cartilage c. caudal vena cava
d. cricoid cartilage d. great cardiac vein
e. hyoid bones e. right azygos vein

____47. Kupffer cells are found in the: ____53. The number of tissue layers in the fetal
part of the placenta is:
a. spleen
b. large intestinal mucosa a. 2
c. gastric mucosa b. 4
d. liver c. 3
e. cerebellum d. 1

____48. Which cells are NOT found in the retina? ____54.Which bone forms the ventral portion of
the nasal septum and part of the dorsal wall of the
a. sustentacular cells nasopharynx?
b. inner plexiform cells
c. rods a. sphenoid
d. cones b. maxillary
e. ganglion cells c. palatine
____49. Discontinuous endothelium is found in d. pterygoid
the: e. vomer

a. thymus ____55. Which layer is especially well developed

b. brain in the footpad of dogs?
c. liver
d. nasal cavity a. stratum granulosum
e. testis b. stratum basale

c. stratum lucidum ____61. In a dog with a severed common
d. stratum spinosum calcanean tendon, an adjacent structure that
e. stratum germinativum should be examined for damage is the:

____56. Which species does NOT have a tapetum a. saphenous nerve

lucidium? b. common fibular nerve
c. tibial nerve
a. horses d. cranial tibial artery
b. dogs e. fibula
c. cats
d. cattle ____62. Which structure is lined with simple
e. pigs squamous epithelium?

____57. The muscle of the tongue is derived from a. blood vessels

the: b. urinary bladder
c. ventricles of the brain
a. neutral crest d. bronchi
b. most rostral somitomeres e. gallbladder
c. occipital myotomes
d. 1st pharyngeal arch mesoderm ____63. From which embryonic cell layer is the
e. mesoderm of the first 3 pharyngeal arches lens derived?

____58. In which layer of the retina do light a. ectoderm

stimuli se up a series of nerve impulses for b. phthisoderm
transmission to the brain? c. mesoderm
d. ophthoderm
a. Layer of rods and cones e. endoderm
b. Optic nerve fiber layer
c. Inner nuclear layer ____64. In the early development of the brain,
d. Pigmented cell layer there are three brain vesicles. These are the
following EXCEPT:
____59. The portion of the ureter that receives
urine from the renal crest is the: a. Prosencephalon
b. Rhombencephalon
a. renal hilus c. Mesencephalon
b. renal pelvis d. Diencephalons
c. renal sinus
d. renal trigone ____65. Purkinje cells that are histologically
e. renal papilla distinct are found in the:

____60. The vagina is positioned: a. cerebrum and myocardium

b. cerebellum and myocardium
a. directly dorsal to the rectum c. brainstem and myocardium
b. directly ventral to the urethra d. testis and ovary
c. within the pubovesicular excavation e. adrenal gland and testis
d. within the rectogenital excavation
e. ventral to the perineal body

____66. A pin placed in the calcaneus to stabilize ____71. Over most of the penile body, the dorsal
the tuber calcanei would most likely pass through artery and nerve of the penis are in contact with
tendons of the: the:

a. gastrocnemius and superficial digital a. bulbospongiosus

flexor b. ischiocavernosus
b. gastrocnemius and deep digital flexor c. corpus cavernosum
c. superficial and deep digital flexors d. corpus spongiosum
d. anconeus and popliteus e. retractor penis
e. cranial tibial and fibularis longus
____72. Another name for interstitial cells of the
____67. Which bone or portion of bone in the testis is:
thoracic limb is LEAST stressed by the weight of
the animal during the support phase of a. seminiferous cells
locomotion? b. Sertoli cells
c. accessory cells
a. ulna d. Leydig cells
b. lateral humeral epicondyle e. supporting cells
c. radius
d. radial carpal bone ____73. Osteoclasts are derived from:
e. humeral diaphysis
a. macrophages
____68. The uveal tract consists of the: b. osteocytes
c. osteoblasts
a. choroid, ciliary body and retina d. osteoprogenitor cells
b. choroid, iris and retina e. chondroclasts
c. choroid, ciliary body and iris
d. choroid, ciliary body and lens ____74. Rouleaux formation (stacking of red
e. retina, choroid and lens blood cells) is most commonly encountered in
____69. The urinary bladder is supported by:
a. dogs
a. 1 ligament or mesentery b. cats
b. 2 ligaments or mesenteries c. cattle
c. 3 ligaments or mesenteries d. horses
d. 4 ligaments or mesenteries e. goats
e. 5 ligaments or mesenteries
____75. Hassall’s corpuscles may be found in the:
____70. Which cell has an eccentric nucleus?
a. spleen
a. lymphoblast b. thymus
b. plasma cell c. thyroid
c. mast cell d. retropharyngeal lymph node
d. basophil e. mammary gland
e. fibroblast
____76. Which segment of gut has the longest
supportive attachment, from the abdominal wall to
the gut segment?

a. descending duodenum
b. jejunum

c. esophagus ____82. The ureters open into the urinary bladder
d. descending colon through its:
e. transverse colon
a. apex
____77. Zymogen cells of the gastric mucosa are b. dorsocranial surface
also known as: c. dorsocaudal surface
d. ventrocranial surface
a. transitional cells e. ventrocaudal surface
b. oxyntic cells
c. extrinsic cells ____83. In red blood cells, a Howell-Jolly body
d. chief cells is:
e. parietal cells
a. a remnant of rough endoplasmic
____78. In which species do circulating reticulum
lymphocytes normally outnumber neutrophils? b. a nuclear remnant
c. a form of hemoglobin that has been
a. horses oxidized
b. dogs d. a phagocytized parasite
c. cats e. an accumulation of excessive cell
d. cattle membrane
e. ferrets
____84. On histologic examination, the thymic
____79. Movement of the proximal portion of the cortex appears darker than the medulla because
tibia caudally, relative to the femur, is an of:
indication of a torn:
a. melanin pigment in the medulla
a. long digital extensor b. lipofuscin pigment in the medulla
b. popliteus c. the high density of epithelial cells in the
c. cranial cruciate ligament medulla
d. caudal cruciate ligament d. the high density of lymphocytes in the
e. collateral ligament medulla
e. hemosiderin in the medulla
____80. Which structure does NOT cross the
stifle articulation from the femur to the crus? ____85. The portion of the penis that is in direct
a. tendon of the long digital extensor contact with and surrounds the urethra is the:
b. cranial cruciate ligament
c. caudal cruciate ligament a. os penis
d. lateral collateral ligament b. bulbus glandis
e. meniscofemoral ligament c. corpus cavernosum penis
d. corpus spongiosum penis
____81. Which species has a nonkeratinized e. pars longa glandis
esophageal tunica mucosa?
____86. Pulsating blood spurting from a
a. dogs laceration across the ventral cervical region would
b. horses most likely be from the:
c. rats
d. cattle a. external jugular vein
e. goats b. internal jugular vein
c. subclavian artery
d. common carotid artery
e. vertebral artery

____87. The external elastic lamina of an artery ____93. Which of the following is a direct
defines the outer limit of the: indication of long-standing pulmonary
hypertension (constricted pulmonary vessels)?
a. intima
b. media a. enlarged right atrium
c. adventitia b. enlarged left atrium
d. endothelium c. dilated aortic bulb
e. vasa vasorum d. tracheal collapse
e. left ventricular hypertrophy
____88. In male dogs, the erectile tissue at the
proximal end of the glans penis that is an integral ____94. Which species has the most well-
part of the “tie” during copulation is the: developed bronchioles?

a. bulbus glandis a. cattle

b. penile frenulum b. pigs
c. corpus spongiosum penis c. horses
d. corpus cavernosum penis d. mice
e. ischiocavernosus e. dogs

____89. The pelvic organs receive most of their ____95. Which of the following structures does
blood supply via the: NOT contain an erectile tissue?

a. caudal mesenteric artery a. Respiratory mucosa

b. umbilical artery b. Vas deferens
c. vaginal or prostatic artery c. Penile urethra
d. caudal gluteal artery d. Clitoris
e. external iliac artery
____96. Which cartilage of the larynx is most
____90. Woven bone is also known as: responsible for preventing collapse or constriction
of the laryngeal airway?
a. lamellar bone
b. fibrous bone a. cricoid
c. chondrous bone b. arytenoid
d. mature bone c. thyroid
e. osseous bone d. epiglottis
e. interarytenoid
____91. Which type of placenta is present in the
cow? ____97. Which species has a relatively thick
a. Zonary
b. Diffuse a. horses
c. Cotyledonary b. dogs
d. Discoid c. cats
d. rats
____92. Which cells secrete rennin? e. pigs

a. Chief cells
b. Parietal cells
c. Macula densa
d. Juxtaglomerular cells

____98. Which neuron has one axon and many c. spleen
dendrites? d. thymus
e. bone marrow
a. Unipolar
b. Pseudonipolar ____104. The lacrimal gland:
c. Multipolar
d. Bipolar a. is ventral to the eyeball
b. is lateral to the eyeball
____99. The mucosal lining of the omasum, c. secretes fluid that enters the conjuntival
reticulum and rumen consists of: sac through the caudal surface of the third
a. stratified squamous epithelium d. secretes fluid that enters the anterior
b. stratified columnar epithelium chamber of the eye
c. transitional epithelium e. secretes fluid that drains from the orbital
d. cuboidal epithelium region into the nasal vestibule
e. pseudostratified columnar epithelium
____105. The vitreous body of the canine eye:
____100. Which structures are found in the fetal a. is formed by the ciliary body
median ligament of the bladder? b. is located within the posterior chamber of
the eye
a. urachus and umbilical veins c. is firmly attached to the caudal aspect of
b. yolk sac and vitelline vessels the lens capsule
c. yolk sac and umbilical veins d. contains blood vessels in the adult animal
d. urachus and umbilical arteries e. forms the tapetum lucidum
e. urachus and vitelline vessels
____106. Keratohyaline granules are present in
____101. If you make a 4-centimeter craniocaudal the:
incision in the linea alba of the abdomen, you will
cut parallel to and between the fibers of the right a. stratum basale
and left: b. stratum lucidum
c. stratum granulosum
a. rectus abdominis d. stratum corneum
b. internal abdominal oblique e. stratum disjunctum
c. external abdominal oblique
d. transversus abdominis ____107. When mineralized, predentin becomes
e. transversus thoracis dentin. Predentin is secreted by:

____102. The multinucleated giant cell a. ameloblasts

responsible for remodeling of osteoid is the: b. osteoblasts and osteocytes
c. odontoblasts
a. osteocyte d. fibroblasts and fibrocytes
b. osteoblast e. amelocytes
c. osteoclast ____108. From a lateral approach, separation of
d. chondroclast which 2 muscles from each other would expose
e. foreign- body giant cell the lateral surface of the femoral bone?

____103. The first site of hematopoiesis during a. triceps surae and semitendinosus
embryonic development is the: b. semitendinosus and biceps femoris
c. biceps femoris and vastus lateralis
a. yolk sac d. vastus lateralis and sartorius
b. liver e. semimembranosus and adductor

____109. Fibroblasts can be differentiated from ____114. The predominant type of connective
fibrocytes by their: tissue in tendons and ligaments is:

a. larger, more oval nucleus a. areolar connective tissue

b. less abundant cytoplasm b. irregular dense white fibrous connective
c. more eosinophilic cytoplasm tissue
d. less prominent nucleolus c. regular dense white fibrous connective
e. more spindle-shaped nucleus tissue
d. elastic connective tissue
____110. The cricoarytenoideus dorsalis functions e. fibrocartilage
____115. Tearing and separation of the tendon of
a. constricting the pharynx insertion of which muscle would most impair an
b. constricting the esophagus animal’s ability to stand on the affected limb?
c. tightening the cricothyroid ligament
d. closing the rima glottidis a. biceps brachii
e. opening the rima glottidis b. common digital extensor
c. deep digital flexor
____111. Which segment of bowel contains the d. gastrocnemius
highest proportion of goblet cells? e. quadriceps femoris

a. duodenum ____116. Hemal nodes are found in:

b. cecum
c. colon a. dogs and cats
d. rectum b. ruminants
e. ileum c. horses and cattle
d. horses and sheep
____112. Which species does NOT have a e. dogs and horses
____117. During surgical correction of an
a. dogs inguinal hernia, one must avoid damaging
b. horses structures passing through the inguinal canal.
c. ferrets These include all of the following EXCEPT the:
d. cattle
e. cats a. external pudendal artery
b. ductus deferens
____113. Which muscle of dogs does NOT c. genitofemoral nerve
normally have a sesamoid bone associated with its d. pudendal nerve
tendon? e. testicular artery

a. popliteus ____118. Which cells of the gastric mucosa

b. long abductor of the first digit secrete materials into the lamina propria
c. superficial digital flexor (subsequently taken up by vasculature) rather than
d. cranial tibial into the gastric lumen?
e. gastrocnemius
a. parietal cells
b. zymogen cells
c. argentaffin (enterochromaffin) cells
d. mucous neck cells
e. chief cells

____119. Transecting the patellar ligament,
parapatellar retinacula, and fascia lata of the right
pelvic limb would most likely result in: ____120. To most completely reveal the dorsal
aspect of the hip joint, which muscle must be
a. overextension of the right stifle joint detached and its tendon of insertion retracted?
b. hyperflexion of the hip joint
c. cranial drawer movement of the stifle a. tensor fasciae latae
joint b. internal obturator
d. caudal drawer movement of the stifle joint c. external obturator
e. increased tension on the long digital d. biceps femoris
extensor tendon e. deep gluteal


1. C 31. C 61. C 91. C

2. E 32. B 62. A 92. D
3. E 33. C 63. A 93. A
4. B 34. C 64. D 94. E
5. C 35. C 65. B 95. B
6. B 36. B 66. A 96. A
7. D 37. A 67. A 97. A
8. C 38. A 68. C 98. C
9. D 39. C 69. C 99. A
10. D 40. B 70. B 100. D
11. A 41. B 71. C 101. A
12. C 42. E 72. D 102. C
13. B 43. A 73. A 103. A
14. C 44. B 74. D 104. E
15. E 45. E 75. B 105. C
16. C 46. B 76. B 106. C
17. C 47. D 77. D 107. C
18. A 48. A 78. D 108. C
19. D 49. C 79. D 109. A
20. B 50. C 80. E 110. E
21. A 51. C 81. A 111. D
22. D 52. A 82. C 112. B
23. D 53. C 83. B 113. D
24. C 54. E 84. D 114. C
25. C 55. C 85. D 115. E
26. D 56. E 86. D 116. B
27. D 57. C 87. B 117. D
28. C 58. A 88. A 118. C
29. B 59. B 89. C 119. E
30. E 60. E 90. A 120. E

Dobber Man.


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