Codes and Standards For Battery Management Systems
Codes and Standards For Battery Management Systems
Codes and Standards For Battery Management Systems
Apurvsinh Shaileshkumar Dabhi (110096569), Akshay Vasantbhai Donga (110091918),
Dhrumit Kailashbhai Gadhiya (110093095), Brijesh Rashminbhai Somaiya (110086468)
Abstract — The growing number of battery electric storage. The under-charge, over-charge, and temperature
vehicles (BEV) on the road will require the assistance of profiles are the causes of the ESD cell voltage imbalance. To
extensive infrastructure due to customer demand and reduce cell voltage imbalances and temperature risks, the
aggressive government targets for zero-emissions vehicles. ESD cell's lifespan is extended.
The transportation industry must work with electrical
utilities, manufacturers, and other stakeholders to develop The battery management system (BMS) is crucial in electric
sufficient and trustworthy charging infrastructure. Global vehicles (EV). BMS guarantees the long service life, reliable
safety standards must also be unified. [1] The main subjects operation, and safety of the ESD for EV driving. The BMS is
of this review article include electrical vehicle (EV) systems, an extensive framework that includes architectures and
energy management systems, geographic obstacles and mechanisms for evaluating overall performance for various
issues, storage, transportation, reuse, and recycling, ESD types, health status, charging and discharging
applications (passenger electric vehicles, microgrid energy procedures, cell monitoring, data acquisition, heat
storage systems, consumer electronics, long-haul management, power management, lifetime, and thermal
transportation vehicles, manufacturing equipment, power management for cell protection. ESD requirements are
tools, home appliances, etc.), and conclusions. This review considered for EV systems, particularly individual cell safety
paper will give information regarding codes and standards and increased energy storage. The under-charge, over-charge,
related to the safety, performance, and reliability of a battery and temperature profiles are the causes of the ESD cell
energy storage system. Modern battery technologies, such as voltage imbalance. To reduce cell voltage imbalances and
lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, which are a popular storage temperature risks, the ESD cell's life is extended [5-7].
option and one of the most potent, improve the technological
and financial viability of grid energy storage but also
Performance, Reliability, and Safety are three major
introduce new or unanticipated dangers to the management of
categories into which C&S development tasks can be divided.
energy storage system safety (ESS). Fig.1 [8] indicates three main groups with their
corresponding Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs).
Index terms — Super capacitor, Electric vehicle, Energy
Safety includes NFPA (National Fire Protection
storage systems, Lithium-ion batteries, Codes and standards,
Association). Reliability includes NERC (North American
Energy storage safety, Battery management system.
Electric Reliability Corp). Performance has IEC
1. INTRODUCTION (International Electrotechnical
Commission). UL (Underwriters Laboratory), and
Energy storage systems (ESS) are widely employed in IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) are
renewable energy systems, microgrids, and electric vehicles most common organizations among all three areas.
(EV). ICE vehicles, ships, cargoes, and aircraft have currently
used one-third of all fossil fuel. 94% of vehicles in the
transportation industry use oil as their primary fuel, compared
to 1% who use electricity, 2% who use biofuel, and 3% who
use natural gas [2,3]. According to research, industries and
ICE are the main producers of the greenhouse gases carbon
dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide
(CO), and nitrogen oxides that cause air pollution [2,4]. The
policies have been put into place by numerous nations and
businesses, which also encourage the usage of EVs by their
citizens. These methods are more futuristic and make EV
management and application easier. Nowadays, EVs are seen
as an achievable ESS delivered across the grid or microgrid
system that includes coordinated charging attempts to
counteract variable wind and solar power generation.
Some organizations have made it their mission to develop B) Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
standards for various engineering and technological fields. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has served as
Canada's standard-setting body and spokesperson on both a
A) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) national and international level since 1970. We promote
Canadian priorities, foster relationships, and link our
National standards bodies from throughout the world are stakeholders to international networks and resources.
members of ISO (ISO member bodies). Typically, ISO Everything we do is geared on enhancing the standard of
technical committees handle the process of creating living and economic success of Canadians.
international standards. Each member body with an interest The design, effectiveness, and safety of battery
in a topic for which a technical committee has been formed is management systems are all covered under the National
entitled to have a representative on that committee. Standard of Canada. Battery management systems are
The test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems electrical or electromechanical devices that govern or control
attached to electrically propelled vehicles are outlined in ISO a battery or batteries and may have connectivity to the outside
12405 [9]. world. This standard covers battery management systems in
The functional safety approach for electrical automotive all applications, including stationary batteries (such as local
equipment is defined by ISO standard 26262, which is energy storage, smart grids, and auxiliary power systems),
applicable for the whole lifecycle of all electronic and batteries used to power mobility applications (such as electric
electrical safety-related systems. As a result, functional safety vehicles, rail transport, and aviation), and tools, kitchen
measures are a crucial component of every automobile appliances, and manufacturing lines, which are used in
product. The development phase must take the standard's consumer/residential, commercial, and industrial settings
requirements into account, from the specification to design, [11].
implementation, integration, verification, and production C) British Standards Institution (BSI)
release. This presentation will give a general idea of what goes
into getting a battery management system certified to ISO The Engineering Standards Committee, forerunner of the
26262 [10]. British Standards Institution (BSI), was founded in 1901. The
organization received a Royal Charter in 1929 with the
Lithium-ion battery systems and packs that will be utilized in following goals and objectives:
electrically propelled road vehicles must pass tests according
to ISO 12405. The user of this section of ISO 12405 can • creating uniform industrial norms to promote trade.
ascertain the crucial aspects of performance, dependability, • through optimizing production and distribution,
and misuse of lithium-ion battery packs and systems thanks to reduce waste.
the prescribed test procedures. The user is also assisted in
comparing the test results obtained for various battery systems • protecting the customer by identifying standard
or packs. To test lithium-ion battery packs and systems for use compliance with licensed marks.
in electrically driven road vehicles, ISO 12405 specifies the
In 1931, the name The British Standards Institution was
testing procedures. Fig. 2 shows overview of Lithium-ion
chosen for the group. A Memorandum of Understanding
battery standards [13].
between BSI and the UK Government establishes BSI's status
as the acknowledged UK National Standards Organization.
The national committee of the IEC for the UK is the ESSAC
(Electrotechnical Standardization Strategy Advisory Council)
of BSI.
An international provider of services in the related domains of
standards, systems evaluation, product certification, training,
and advisory services, BSI is a non-profit organization. For
the construction of battery cells, such as the lithium-ion liquid
electrolyte cell, for electrically propelled cars, PAS 7062
provides recommendations for health and safety,
environmental performance, and quality management (EVs).
For electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles, PAS 7060, Electric Vehicles - Safe and
Fig.2 Overview of Lithium-ion battery standards
Environmentally Conscious Design and Use of Batteries -
The ISO 12405 standard outlines a series of performance, Guide1, provides guidelines for the health, safety, and
abuse, and reliability tests for approving lithium-ion traction environmental considerations during vehicle design, battery
batteries for use in electric cars. This standard covers high integration, and battery use (PHEVs). The goal is to reduce
energy and high power applications. risk associated with batteries already in use, maximize battery
reuse and recycling, and eventually increase consumer trust in
The ISO 16898 standard covers the size and identification of EVs and PHEVs. It provides a specific focus on vehicle
secondary lithium-ion cells for electric vehicles. It offers manufacture, repair, recycling, and health data and includes
advice on how to adapt a battery system's design for a general health, safety, competency, and environmental impact
factors in vehicle design and use [12].
For the manufacture of battery cells, including the lithium-ion 4. Generation of safety goals: A list of safety goals are defined
liquid electrolyte cell, for electrically propelled vehicles, PAS in order to overcome the identified safety hazards as per their
7062, Electric vehicle battery cells - Health and safety, assigned ASIL ratings.
environmental and quality management considerations in cell
manufacturing and finished cell - Code of practice, provides 5. Safety analysis: This is performed on the relevant system
recommendations. A common concept and method for the components and interactions as defined in Step 1.
production and usage of EV battery cells are expected to be 6. Functional safety: Concept and functional safety
established by the new standard. It includes 12 topics, such as requirements are performed at the system and components
sourcing, chemical management (employee safety and level, based on research results and as per ISO 26262
occupational health), waste treatment, and environmental guidelines[15].
effect [12].
3.1 Hazard analysis and risk assessment
A risk analysis and classification of the hazards brought on by
Due to rising worries over petroleum usage, fuel economy system failure will be conducted. The goal of hazard analysis
rules, the evolution of electric vehicles is more anticipated is to identify all potential risks associated with the system. It
than ever in the world. Despite the fact that Electric Power is a technique that takes into account whether a system's
Train (EPT) is becoming more and more popular, it is also functionality will result in malfunction, will not work at all, or
increasingly difficult to maintain the system's criticality. will function wrongly. The main task of risk assessment is to
Lithium-ion batteries, which are normally controlled by a organize hazard events into categories based on risk. Each
high-voltage electronic Battery Management System, are one identified risk is evaluated in terms of its seriousness (S),
of the most important crucial components of the EPT (BMS). exposure (E), and controllability (C), which results in an
Because to the high voltage Li-ion batteries, the vehicle is automobile safety integrity level, from which a safety
more susceptible to risks including electric shock, thermal objective is deduced [14].
events, and toxic gas leakage. When designing a BMS system
and reducing such risks, functional safety is crucial in order to 3.2 Safety Goals
create a BMS system that is trouble-free[14]. Fig. 3 describes For each dangerous event, a safety objective with an ASIL
a simplified schematic drawing of a BMS [16]. assessment should be established. Similar safety goals may be
consolidated into one if they are identified. Top-level safety
standards for the item are called safety goals. These result in
the functional safety standards necessary to prevent an
excessive risk for each hazardous event. Safety objectives are
defined in terms of functional objectives rather than
technological solutions [14]. Table 1 shows some safety goals
according to ASIL.
Table 1. Safety Goals Description
Safety Goals Description ASIL
Prevent Human Exposure to High Voltage B
Electrical Energy (HV E/E)
Prevent Vehicle Thermal Event which shall C
not be able to spread through the vehicle or
damage of safety-critical components
Fig 3. Schematic drawing of a BMS Prevent Hazardous release of toxic gas from C
the High Voltage Battery (without thermal
incident) whilst the vehicle plugged in and on
Functional safety analysis involves the following steps: charge
1. System definition: Initially the system boundaries within
which the system is intended to operate are identified. Then
the components and their interactions with the system and 4. PERFOMANCE STANDARDS
other components present within and outside the system are
stated. Battery Management Systems (BMS) performance standards
are often used to make sure the BMS is running efficiently and
2. Hazard analysis: An application specific hazard analysis satisfying predetermined performance requirements. Many of
should be carried out to identify a list of possible hazards that the performance criteria that are frequently used to BMS
may occur due to malfunction of components as well as their include:
control functions.
Battery capacity: It is a measurement of how much energy a
3. Automotive Safety Integrity Level(ASIL) assignment: The battery is able to store and release. The battery capacity should
ISO 26262 risk assessment approach is applied to the be precisely tracked by the BMS in order to avoid
identified hazards, and an ASIL rating is assigned to each overcharging or over discharging.
Voltage of the battery: The BMS should be able to precisely Failure rate: This standard calculates how frequently the BMS
track the battery voltage and make sure it stays within safe is unable to carry out the tasks for which it was designed. A
operating ranges. BMS with a lower failure rate is one that is more dependable.
Control of temperature: In order to avoid overheating or Mean time between failures (MTBF): This specification
excessive cooling of the battery, the BMS should be able to gauges how long BMS systems typically operate without
monitor and manage the battery's temperature. failing. The BMS is more dependable when the MTBF is
State of Charge (SoC): With this standard, you can determine
how much charge is still in the battery. The SoC should be Redundancy: To provide a backup in the event of a
precisely estimated by the BMS, and it should also prevent breakdown, the BMS may be configured with redundant
either overcharging or over discharging of the battery. systems or components. Designing the BMS with redundancy
in mind could increase its dependability.
Communication: In order to function properly, the BMS must
be able to interface with other devices and systems, such as Testing and upkeep: By doing routine testing and upkeep on
renewable energy systems and stations for charging electric the BMS, you can make sure that it is operating correctly and
vehicles. that you can rely on it to carry out the tasks for which it was
The BMS's performance can be increased and made more
efficient by adhering to certain performance requirements, 6. APLLICATION
which will eventually increase battery performance and
longevity. Depending on the application, different codes and standards
apply to battery management systems (BMS). For certain
The Electric Power Research Institute's Energy Storage uses, some of the most used standards include:
Integration Council (EPRI ESIC) and the national laboratories
also worked together to create test protocols for assessing ESS • Electric Vehicles
performance. Together with an energy storage • Microgrid energy storage systems
implementation guide to assist end users from ESS
commissioning through decommissioning, ESIC has created a • Consumer electronics,
comprehensive technical specifications document that utilities
• Long haul transportation vehicles,
and end users can utilize to specify their ESS. The first attempt
to create an ESS technical definition and standard while • Manufacturing equipment, power tools,
treating the ESS as a black box was made by IEC TC 120.
Three classes of ESSs were defined in the standard IEC • Home appliances
62933-2-1[8]. • Medical Devices
• Class A - with volatile duty cycles with respect to • Telecommunication
Fig.4 describe the application of battery management
• Class B - for energy intensive applications system [19].
• Class C - which combines Class A and Class B duty
cycles, such as storage for microgrids
For a direct comparison that is not influenced by battery
technology, it is crucial to regard the ESS as a black box. To
properly evaluate ESS performance, the operation of the DC
and AC storage components must be tracked independently.
Thus, efforts to create standards specifically for chemistry
continue [8]. The following technical committees and working
groups are some instances of continuing International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) activity for transit and
stationary storage:
• IEC TC 21: Traction and stationary batteries
Fig. 4 Applications of Battery Management System
• IEC TC 21: Traction and stationary batteries
• IEC TC 21 JWG 7: Flow battery systems for
stationary applications The SAE J2929 standard is the BMS standard that is most
frequently utilized in the automobile sector. This SAE
• IEC TC 21: Traction and stationary batteries Standard establishes a minimal set of acceptable safety
requirements for a lithium-based rechargeable battery system
5. RELIABILITY STANDARDS to be taken into consideration for usage as an energy storage
system coupled to a high voltage power train in a vehicle
Battery Management Systems (BMS) have reliability propulsion application. Although a safe battery system when
requirements in place to make sure they are reliable and integrated into a vehicle application is the goal, these Standard
capable of carrying out its intended tasks. Many of the often- focuses, whenever it is practical, primarily on situations that
employed BMS reliability requirements are as follows: may be assessed using the battery system alone. Given that
this is a minimum set of requirements, it is acknowledged that
battery system and vehicle manufacturers may have extra transition to a sustainable circular economy and improving
specifications for cells, modules, packs, and systems to people's lives all over the world [20].
provide a secure battery system for a particular application
[17]. Overall, by minimizing their environmental impact and
encouraging their reuse when practical, these regulations and
For mobile phones, laptops, and other portable devices, IEEE standards support the safe and sustainable handling of spent
1725 is a standard for rechargeable batteries that specifies batteries.
specifications for battery management systems. This standard
sets requirements for the design analysis of rechargeable 8. CONCLUSIONS
lithium-ion (Li-Ion) and lithium-ion polymer (Li-Ion
polymer) batteries for cellular telephone applications in terms
of qualification, quality, and reliability. The standard also In conclusion, Numerous countries and organisations that
covers pack and cell level charge and discharge controls, support EV use among their citizens have implemented the
packaging technologies, battery pack electrical and policies. These techniques are more cutting-edge and
mechanical design, and overall system considerations [18]. simplify EV application and management. Despite the fact
The performance, dependability, and safety of battery that there is still a substantial market for lead-acid batteries in
management systems used in home appliances can be helped solar energy storage systems, lithium-ion has been
by this standard. considered as a potential substitute. Based on particular
architectures, energy storage devices (ESD) are seen as
necessary for electric vehicles (EV).
In electric vehicles, the battery management system (BMS) is
essential (EV). BMS promises that the ESD for EV driving
Battery management systems (BMS) related codes and will have a long service life, be dependable, and be safe. The
standards are designed to assure the safe handling and storage three main areas into which C&S development tasks can be
of spent batteries in order to lessen their environmental impact separated are performance, reliability, and safety and these
and encourage their reuse. Fig. 5 gives information regarding area are very crucial to consider for designing any battery
Lithium-ion battery lifecycle [21]. management system.
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