Candidatus Phytoplasma Phoenicium

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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2003), 53, 833–838 DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.


‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ sp. nov., a

novel phytoplasma associated with an emerging
lethal disease of almond trees in Lebanon and Iran
Eric Verdin,1 Pascal Salar,1 Jean-Luc Danet,1 Elia Choueiri,2 Fouad Jreijiri,2
Souheir El Zammar,2 Brigitte Gélie,1 Joseph M. Bové1
and Monique Garnier1
Correspondence UMR GDPP, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique BP 81, 33883 Villenave d’Ornon
Monique Garnier cedex, France 2
Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara, Rayak, Zahle, PO Box 287, Lebanon

Almonds (Prunus amygdalus) represent an important crop in most Mediterranean countries. A new
and devastating disease of almond trees in Lebanon was recently reported, characterized by the
development of severe witches’-brooms on which no flowers or fruits developed, and leading to tree
death within a few years. A phytoplasma was detected in diseased trees by PCR amplification of
rRNA operon sequences, and RFLP patterns of amplified DNA indicated that the phytoplasma
belonged to the pigeon pea witches’-broom (PPWB) group. In the present work, the presence of a
phytoplasma in symptomatic plants was confirmed by electron microscopy; this phytoplasma was
graft-transmissible to almond, plum and peach seedlings. The phytoplasma was characterized by
sequence analysis of rRNA genes and was shown to be different from the phytoplasmas previously
described in the PPWB group. A 16S rDNA phylogenetic tree identified the almond tree
phytoplasma as a member of a distinct subclade of the class Mollicutes. Oligonucleotides have
been defined for specific detection of the new phytoplasma. The almond phytoplasma from
Lebanon was shown to be identical to a phytoplasma that induces a disease called ‘almond
brooming’ in Iran, but different from another PPWB-group phytoplasma that infects herbaceous
annual plants in Lebanon. Based on its unique properties, the name ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma
phoenicium’ is proposed for the phytoplasma associated with almond witches’-broom in Lebanon
and Iran.

During three surveys (in 2000, 2001 and 2002) to evaluate and Awja) were highly susceptible and developed severe
the sanitary status of fruit trees in Lebanon, samples were witches’-brooms, leading to rapid tree death; others (e.g.
collected from almond trees showing small yellow leaves on Kachabi) were less severely affected, in that the witches’-
proliferating shoots in various orchards of the Bekaa Valley brooms were limited to one part of the canopy and only a
(centre), Deir Amar (north) and Tamboureet (south) areas. few trees were affected in orchards where all trees of other
All almond varieties were affected but some (e.g. Alwani varieties were dying of the disease.

Published online ahead of print on 25 October 2002 as DOI 10.1099/ Aetiology of the disease
We previously showed by PCR amplification of 16S rDNA
Abbreviations: ESFY, European stone fruit yellows; KAP, Knautia
arvensis phyllody; PEY, Picris echioides yellows; PPWB, pigeon pea that a phytoplasma was associated with diseased almond
witches’-broom. trees (Choueiri et al., 2001). This is now confirmed by
electron microscopy, as shown in Fig. 1. The phytoplasma
The GenBank accession numbers for the 16S rDNA and 16S–23S
cells were restricted to the sieve tubes and were found in leaf
spacer sequences of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ are
AF515636 and AF515637 for the Lebanese and Iranian almond petioles and midveins of symptomatic, but not asymp-
isolates, respectively. The accession number for the 16S rDNA and tomatic, almond trees. Cells had the typical phytoplasma
16S–23S spacer sequence of the wild lettuce (Lactuca serriola) and pleomorphic ultrastructure, with predominantly filamen-
Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) phytoplasma is tous and branched forms 0?1–0?2 mm in diameter (Fig. 1,
AF515638. top). Phytoplasma cells were surrounded by the triple-
Two supplementary figures showing PCR amplification profiles are layered cytoplasmic membrane characteristic of the class
available in IJSEM Online. Mollicutes (labelled on Fig. 1, bottom). The phytoplasma

02453 G 2003 IUMS Printed in Great Britain 833

E. Verdin and others

(Prunus mariana GF8-1). Symptoms developed after

1 month on the inoculated Prunus species, and consisted
of axillary bud proliferation similar to that observed on
naturally infected almond trees. As phytoplasmas cannot
be cultured in vitro, Koch’s postulates cannot be fulfilled.
However, demonstration of the presence of phytoplasmas
only in infected almond trees, by electron microscopy and
PCR, is a strong indication that the phytoplasma is the
causal agent of the disease. This was supported by testing
for the presence of various fruit tree viruses, such as Prunus
necrotic ringspot ilarvirus (PNRSV), Prune dwarf ilarvirus
(PDV), Apple mosaic ilarvirus (ApMV), Apple chlorotic leaf
spot trichovirus (ACLSV), Plum pox potyvirus (PPV), Cherry
leaf roll nepovirus (CLRV), Tomato ringspot nepovirus
(ToRSV) and Strawberry latent ringspot nepovirus (SLRV),
which all gave negative results (E. Choueiri, unpublished

PCR-RFLP analysis of phytoplasma DNA

For characterization of the phytoplasma, cetyltrimethyl-
ammonium bromide (CTAB)-extracted almond leaf mid-
vein DNA (Maixner et al., 1995) was used as template for
PCR amplification of rRNA genes, using the phytoplasma
universal primer pairs P1/P7 (Deng & Hiruki, 1991; Smart
et al., 1996) and fU5/rU3 (Seemüller et al., 1994). PCR was
performed for 35 cycles using the following conditions:
denaturation for 45 s at 92 uC, annealing for 45 s at 58 uC
(P1/P7) or 55 uC (fU5/rU3) and primer extension at 72 uC
for 90 s (P1/P7) or 45 s (fU5/rU3). DNA extracted from
European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) phytoplasma-infected
plum midveins was used as a control. No amplification was
observed in the absence of template DNA or when template
DNA was extracted from asymptomatic almond midveins,
whereas DNA fragments of the expected sizes (1?8 and
0?8 kbp for P1/P7 and fU5/rU3, respectively) were obtained
with DNA from symptomatic almond midveins or ESFY
Fig. 1. Transmission electron micrographs of longitudinal sec- phytoplasma-infected plum midveins. A supplementary
tions through the petiole of a symptomatic almond leaf showing figure showing PCR results with primers P1/P7 is available
(top) pleomorphic phytoplasma cells in a phloem sieve tube in IJSEM Online. In addition, to better understand the
(ST); (bottom) a phytoplasma cell with its characteristic cyto- outbreak of the disease, PCR amplification was performed
plasmic membrane (arrows). Bars, 0?5 (top) and 0?1 (bottom) mm. on DNA extracted from a symptomatic ornamental
Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) plant at
the El Abade experimental station, and from two stunted
could be experimentally transmitted by graft-inoculation wild lettuce (Lactuca serriola) plants affected by rosetting
of infected almond shoots onto seedlings of almond (Prunus that were growing as weeds in almond orchards (Choueiri
amygdalus), peach (Prunus persicae GF305) and plum et al., 2002; Table 1). DNA from symptomatic, but not

Table 1. Description of plant samples collected

Common name Scientific name Symptoms Location

Almond Prunus amygdalus Witches’-broom, Lebanon (Bekaa, Deir Amar,

yellowing, decline Tamboureet); Iran (Shiraz)
Wild lettuce Lactuca serriola Stunting, rosetting Lebanon (Bekaa)
Madagascar periwinkle Catharanthus roseus Stunting, rosetting Lebanon (Bekaa)
Peach Prunus persicae Yellowing, proliferation Lebanon (Tamboureet)

834 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53

‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ sp. nov.

asymptomatic, wild lettuce and periwinkle plants also led uncharacterized phytoplasma, detected in 1997 in an
to the amplification of DNA fragments of the expected almond tree affected by almond brooming, in the Shiraz
sizes with both primer pairs (results not shown). region of Iran (Bové et al., 1999). The P1/P7 sequences of the
phytoplasmas infecting wild lettuce and periwinkle plants
The P1/P7-amplified products were digested with the were also determined. The nucleotide sequences were
restriction enzymes MseI and AluI (MBI Fermentas), assembled with the CAP program (Huang, 1992) and
following the manufacturer’s instructions. Restriction compared with sequences of phytoplasmas and acholeplas-
profiles on 2?5 % agarose gels are shown in Fig. 2, top mas from GenBank using the BLASTN program (Altschul
(MseI) and Fig. 2, bottom (AluI) for almond and plum et al., 1990). The 16S rDNA sequences of the two almond
samples. Digestion with each enzyme led to patterns that phytoplasmas from Lebanon were identical and differed
were identical for the four symptomatic almond DNAs by only 4 nt (99?7 % identity) from the sequence of the
analysed (Fig. 2a and 2b, lanes 3–6), but were different phytoplasma from Iran, showing that almond brooming
from those obtained with ESFY phytoplasma DNA, in the in Iran and almond witches’-broom in Lebanon are caused
case of AluI digestion (Fig. 2b, lane 1). The profiles obtained by the same phytoplasma species. This suggests that the
with lettuce and periwinkle plants were identical to those disease might be present and spreading in additional areas
of the almond phytoplasma (results not shown). These of the Middle East. The closest phytoplasma relatives were
results indicated that the almond phytoplasma was diffe- members of the pigeon pea witches’-broom (PPWB) group
rent from ESFY, the major stone fruit-associated phyto- (Schneider et al., 1995), Picris echioides yellows (PEY) and
plasma in Europe, and that RFLP analysis could not Knautia arvensis phyllody (KAP), with which they share
distinguish the almond phytoplasma from those in wild 99 % identity, and the PPWB phytoplasma, with which they
lettuce and periwinkle plants. share 98?5 % identity. The sequences of the wild lettuce and
periwinkle phytoplasmas were identical and had a higher
identity (99?8 %) with the sequences of the PEY and KAP
Sequence and phylogenetic analysis phytoplasmas than with those of the almond phytoplasmas
The complete sequence of P1/P7-amplified fragments was (99?3 % identity).
determined for two different Lebanese almond phytoplasma
isolates, from the central Bekaa and northern Deir Amar Multiple alignments of near-full-length 16S rDNA
regions. The sequence was also determined for an sequences from 48 phytoplasmas, one Acholeplasma and
one Clostridium species were examined using CLUSTALW
(Thompson et al., 1994). Fig. 3 presents the phylogenetic
tree constructed by parsimony analysis with the PHYLIP
1 2 3 4 5 6 software package, version 3.5c (Felsenstein, 1989). Boots-
trapping was performed 500 times for estimation of clade
stability. The tree shows, as expected, that the Lebanese and
Iranian almond phytoplasmas cluster together and that they
belong to the PPWB cluster, but that they represent a new
lineage in the PPWB group defined by Schneider et al.
(1995) or in the 16S rIX-A group defined by Lee et al. (1998),
and a new subclade in the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’
phylogenetic tree (Lee et al., 1998; Seemüller et al., 1998).
In contrast, the wild lettuce and periwinkle phytoplasmas
cluster with all other phytoplasmas of the PPWB group.

These results also indicate that the almond phytoplasmas are

different from phytoplasmas infecting other Prunus species
in Europe or the United States, such as the ESFY (90?4 %
identity) and Western X (94?3 % identity) phytoplasmas.
They are also different from phytoplasmas infecting other
fruit trees, such as the apple proliferation (AP) and pear
decline (PD) phytoplasmas (with 90?35 and 90?84 %
identity, respectively; mean, 90?7 %).

Rules for the description of new phytoplasma species have

been established by the International Research Program on
Fig. 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA amplified by PCR Comparative Mycoplasmology (IRPCM, 2000). A new
with primers P1/P7 and digested with (top) MseI or (bottom) species may be described when a 16S rDNA sequence
AluI. DNA was extracted from ESFY-infected Prunus mariana (>1200 bp) has <97?5 % identity with any previously
(lane 1) or witches’-broom-affected almond (lanes 3–6). Lane described ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species. As yet, none
2, size standard (GeneRuler DNA Ladder mix, MBI Fermentas). of the phytoplasmas of the PPWB group has been described 835
E. Verdin and others

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree constructed using 16S rDNA sequences from 48 phytoplasmas, Acholeplasma laidlawii (M23932)
and Clostridium innocuum (M23732, used as the outgroup). Phytoplasma strain abbreviations and sequence accession
numbers (in parentheses): ALY, alder yellows (Y16387); AP, apple proliferation (X68375); AshY, ash yellows (X68339); BB,
tomato big bud/Arkansas (L33760); BGWL, Bermuda grass white leaf (Y16388); BLL, brinjal little leaf (X83431); BLWB,
black locust witches’-broom (AF244363); BWB, buckthorn witches’-broom (X76431); ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’
(U15442); ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense’ (L76865); ChWB, Chayote witches’-broom (AF147706); CirP, Cirsium
phyllody (X83438); CP, clover proliferation (L33761); CPh, clover phyllody/Canada (L33762); CPPWB, Caribbean pigeon
pea witches’-broom (U18763); CYE, clover yellow edge (AF173558); ESFY, European stone fruit yellows/Germany
(X68374); FBP, faba bean phyllody (X83432); FD, flavescence dorée (X76560); IAWB, Italian alfalfa witches’-broom
(Y16390); IBS, Italian bindweed stolbur (Y16391); KAP, Knautia arvensis phyllody (Y18052); LY, coconut lethal yellowing
(U18747); OY, onion yellows (D12569); PD, pear decline/Germany (X76425); PEP, Picris echioides phyllody (Y16393);
PEY, Picris echioides yellows (Y16389); PnWB, peanut witches’-broom (L33765); PPWB, pigeon pea witches’-broom
(AF248957); RuS, Rubus stunt (Y16395); RYD, rice yellow dwarf (D12581); SAY, western severe aster yellows (M86340);
SCWL, sugar cane white leaf (X76432); SGP, strawberry green petal (U96614); SpaWB (formerly SPAR), Spartium
witches’-broom (X92869); SPWB, sweet potato witches’-broom (L33770); STOL, stolbur of pepper (X76427); SunHP, sunn
hemp witches’-broom (X76433); TLD, Tanzanian lethal decline of coconut (X80117); TWB, tsuwabuki witches’-broom
(D12580); ULW, elm yellows/France (X68376); ViLL, Vigna little leaf (Y15866); VK, Vergilbungskrankheit (grapevine yellows)
(X76428); WX, Western X-disease (L04682); YLD, Yucatan lethal decline of coconut (U18753). Confidence values
(bootstrap percentage) are indicated on the branches. Bar, 1 nucleotide substitution per 10 nucleotides.

836 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53

‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ sp. nov.

as ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species, and all of the reservoirs of other phytoplasmas in the PPWB group are
organisms in this group have <97?5 % identity with also present in Lebanon. Indeed, we were recently able to
phytoplasmas in other subclades (Lee et al., 1998; identify a leafhopper carrying the wild lettuce/periwinkle
Seemüller et al., 1998). The phytoplasma infecting the phytoplasma but, at the time of writing, none of the insects
wild lettuce and periwinkle plants and the other phyto- collected gave positive tests for the almond phytoplasma
plasmas of the PPWB group have >97?5 % identity with (J.-L. Danet, P. Salar, E. Choueiri, F. Jreijiri, S. El Zammar,
the almond phytoplasma and at this stage cannot be J. M. Bové & M. Garnier, unpublished data).
described as separate Candidatus species, even though they
have been found in different host plants (a condition Based on its distinctive properties and the development of a
required for species distinction of closely related phyto- specific detection test, we propose that the phytoplasma of
plasmas). Indeed, two additional properties must also be almond witches’-broom in Lebanon should be the reference
fulfilled: the phytoplasmas should be transmitted by strain for the new phytoplasma subclade in the PPWB
different insect vectors and should have significant cluster, and according to the rules for the description of
molecular or serological diversity. This has not yet been putative taxa of uncultured bacteria as defined by Murray &
documented, as the insect vectors of phytoplasmas in Schleifer (1994), should be named ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma
the PPWB group are unknown, and genes other than phoenicium’ [(Mollicutes) NC; G+; F; NAS (GenBank
ribosomal operon genes have not been isolated. AF515636), oligonucleotide sequence complementary to
unique region of 16S rDNA 59-CCTTTTTCGGAAGGTA-
Specific detection of the almond phytoplasma TG-39, S (Prunus amygdalus, phloem); M;].
by PCR
Note added upon submission of manuscript
In order to distinguish the almond phytoplasma from
others in the PPWB group, a specific PCR test was Before submitting this manuscript for publication, a paper
developed. A forward primer, AlmF1 (59-CCTTTTTC- concerning the almond witches’-broom phytoplasma was
GGAAGGTATG-39) within the 16S rRNA gene (position published (Abou-Jawdah et al., 2002). The phylogenetic
170) and a reverse primer, AlmR1 (59-GATAACACGCTT- relationship of the phytoplasma is in full agreement with
AAGACG-39) within the 16S–23S spacer region (position the characterization described in the present manuscript;
1682), were defined after comparison with published only the phytoplasma of almond trees in Lebanon was
phytoplasma rDNA sequences (and more precisely those studied. The authors also indicated that a phytoplasma
in the PPWB cluster, including the wild lettuce/periwinkle belonging to the same phylogenetic group was present
phytoplasma sequences determined during this work). in symptomatic peach and nectarine trees. This is in
Primer AlmR1, in combination with primers AlmF1 or agreement with our PCR and graft-transmission results.
fU5, was evaluated for PCR amplification (cycling protocol:
35 cycles of 92 uC for 45 s, 53 uC for 45 s and 72 uC for 60 s) Acknowledgements
using DNA from asymptomatic and symptomatic almond
samples from Lebanon and Iran, PEY-infected periwinkle This work was supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and by the European Union (Projet Cèdre). We thank Carmine
and infected wild lettuce. The results of PCR amplification Marcone, Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy, for providing
with primers fU5/AlmR1 indicated that a DNA fragment the Picris echioides yellows and Knautia arvensis phyllody phyto-
of the expected size (1?4 kbp) was amplified using DNA plasma isolates, and M. Salehi, Agricultural Research Center, Shiraz,
from all symptomatic almond trees tested. No amplification Iran, for the almond brooming sample.
occurred with DNA from asymptomatic almond trees,
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