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where T is the number of sampled sets of weights and We evaluate our methods on the EndoScene [2] dataset for
Wt is a set of sampled weights. In practice, the predictive
c semantic segmentation of colorectal polyps, which consists
distribution from Equation 2 can be estimated by running T of 912 RGB images obtained from colonoscopies from 36
forward passes of a model with Dropout applied to produce patients. For each of the input images comes a correspond-
T predictions, which in turn can be used to estimate the un- ing annotated image provided by physicians, where pixels be-
certainty associated with the sample in question. The authors longing to a polyp are marked in white and pixels belonging to
of [20] refer to this method of sampling from the posterior of the colon are marked in black. The first row of Figure 3 and 4
the predictive distribution as Monte Carlo Dropout. display examples from the dataset. We consider the two-class
problem, where the task is to classify each pixel as polyp or
part of the colon (background class). Following the approach
3.2. Interpretability
of [2] we separate the dataset into training/validation/test set,
Another desirable property that CNNs lack is interpretability, where the training set consists of 20 patients and 547 images,
i.e. being able to determine what features induces the network the validation set consists of 8 patients and 183 images, and
to produce a particular prediction. However, several recent the test set consists of 8 patients and 182 images. All RGB
works have proposed different methods to increase network input image are normalized to range [0, 1].
interpretability [21, 22]. In this paper, we evaluate and de- For performance evaluation, we calculate Intersection
velop the Guided Backpropagation [15] technique for FCNs over Union (IoU) and global accuracy (per-pixel accuracy)
on the task of semantic segmentation of colorectal polyp in on the test set. For a given class c, prediction ŷi and ground
order to assess which pixels in the input image the network truth yi , the IoU is defined as
(ŷi == c ∧ yi == c)
IoU(c) = Pi (3)
i (ŷi == c ∨ yi == c)
Table 1. Results for the two-class problem of the EndoScene Fig. 3. Qualitative results on the Endoscene test set. The
dataset. Abbreviations are: # P(M) = number of parameters in first row, from left to right, displays input image and its cor-
millions, IoU (Background, Polyp and Mean) and Accuracy responding ground truth. The second row displays the predic-
Mean. tion of both models. The third row displays the uncertainty
associated with the prediction for both models and the fourth
row displays which features are highlighted as important for
4.3. Uncertainty and Interpretability Results both models.