Teaching Techniques

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Teaching techniques of Asana through Eight step method

Standing Asanas
Sitting Asanas
Prone Asanas
Supine Asanas


I. Step 1
1. Name of the asana-Padhastasana

2. Meaning- Hand to foot posture

3. Justification-It is a forward bending posture.

4. Type-Standing

5. Sthiti-Tadasana, Vishranti-Shitila Tadasana

6. Category- Culturative

7. Counts-8

8. Complementory-Ardhchakrasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam-Inhale, raise the hands to horizontal position.

(b) Dve-Further inhale and raise the hands to vertical postion, biceps touching the
ear, stretch your hands as mush as possible.

(c) Treni-Exhale making the back concave, bend forward from the root of back
halfway untill the trunk is parallel to floor.

(d) Chatvari-exhale further, stretch & go down further till palms rest on ground and
nose touches the knees or to the best of your capacity.
Do not bend your knees. In final posture breathe
normally, eyes closed, try to contract the abdomen to
expel the maximum amount of air.

(e) Panch- Inhaling slowly come back half way parallel to the ground.

(f) Shata- Inhale further, Come to vertical position. Stretch your hands above
your head.

(g) Sapta- Exhale,bring the arms to horizontal postion

(h) Ashta- Exhaling further, turn palms down, drop your arms slowly by the side of
the body

(g) Vishranti- Shithila Tadasana


III. Step-3
1. Benefits: Makes spine flexible, Strengthens the thighs, helps preventing
constipation & menstrual problems, improves digestion, enhances blood flow to the
head region.

2. Limitations: People with vertigo, severe degree of hypertension should avoid,

also cervical spondylosis and disc prolapse to avoid this posture.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A
practices and group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next
group B will practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points

1. Eyes closed,face smiling, don't bend at the knees.

2. Keep the neck up till the bending at the hip is completed then drop the head feely to
touch the knees with your nose or the forehead close to the knees.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class
will practice according to the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


I. Step-1(g) Vishranti
1. Name of the Asana-Ardhkatichakrasana

2. Meaning-Half wheel

3. Justification-In final posture body looks like a half wheel

4. Type-Standing

5. Category-Culturative

6. Vishranti-Shithila Tadasana

7. Counts-4

8. Complementory- Padhastasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale hold your waist with fingers.

(b) Dve- Inhale and bend back

(c) Treni- Exhale come up

(d) Chatvari- Inhale exhale release your hands

(e) Vishranti-Shitila tadasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: It makes spine flexible, stretches neck, improves breathing, expands chest & shoulders

Limitations: People with abdominal surgery, vertigo, cardiac problems and heart surgery should
avoid this asana.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher


V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points

1. No knees bending

2. Palms behind back and fingers together

3. Don't spread elbows.

4. Hold the posture and normal breathing.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice : Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice
according to the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Ardhkatichakarasa

2. Meaning-Half waist wheel pose

3. Justification-In the final posture body looks like a half wheel

4. Type-Standing

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Tadasan

7. Vishranti-Shitila tadasana

8. Counts-8

9. Complementory-Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam-Inhale, right hand to the shoulder level

(b) Dve-Exhale, turnwrist and palm facing upwards

(c) Treni-Inhale, bring your hand above the shoulder, biceps touching your ears.

(d) Chatvari-Exhale, bend towrds your left. look at right palm. hold the posture with
normal breathing.

(e) Panch-Inhale, come up hand above your shoulder.

(f) Shat-Exhale, hand to the shoulder level.

(g) Sapt-Inhale, turn around the wrist.

(h) Ashta-Exhale and bring your hand down.

(I) Repeat the same to other side.

(j) Vishranti-Shitila Tadasana

III. Step-3

Benefits: Helps in reducing fat in waist region, stimulates the sides of the body, also good
for lever functioning, its a lateral bending of spine.

Limitations: No Limitations

IV. Step-4
Individual practice : Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups : Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there Is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. No knees bending

2. No forward and backward bending

3. Don't take support of the hand while bending to the side.

VII Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice
according to the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1


1. Name of the asana - Vrikshasan

2. Meaning - Tree pose

3. Justification - Infinal pose it looks like a tree

4. Type - Standing

5. Category - Culturative

6. Sthiti-Tadasna, Visranti-Shitila Tadasan

7. Counts-4

8. Complementory - Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bring your right foot inside of left thigh. Toes
pointing down. Focus at one point.
(b) Dve - Inhale, arms upabove the shoulders in namskar mudra, biceps
touching the ears. Maintain the posture and keep breathing slowly.
(c) Treni - Exhale and bring both hands down.
(d) Chatwari - Inhale exhale , bring right leg down.
(e) Repeat the same to other side.
(f) Vishranti - Shitila tadasana
III. Step-3
Benefits : Very good for eyes, ears. strengthens shoulders, good for sciatica problem,
reduces flat feet.

Limitations: People having arthritis, knee pain may avoid.

IV Step-4
Individual practice : Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher


V. Step-5
Practice in groups : Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. Focus on certain point.

2. Bring balance first.

3. Toes pointing down while placing on other thigh.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice : Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice
according to the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Trikinasana

2. Meaning-Triangle pose

3. Justification-In the final posture body looks like a triangle

4. Type-Standing

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Tadasan

7. Vishranti-Shitila tadasana

8. Counts-8 or 4 counts

9. Complementory-Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, Spread feet 3-31/2 apart

(b) Dve- Exhale, turn right foot rightwards.

(c) Treni-Inhale, arms to shoulder level.

(d) Chatvari-Exhale, bend towards your right, left hand straight above your head.
Look at the left finger tips.Hold the posture with
normal breathing.

(e) Panch-Inhale, come up.

(f) Shat-Exhale, drop your hands down.

(g) Sapt- Feet parallel.

(h) Ashta- Feet together.

(I) Repeat the same to other side.

(j) Vishranti-Shitila Tadasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Makes spine flexible, strengthen thigh muscles & waist muscles, preventing flat
foot, corrects the curvature in back.


Limitations: People having slip disc and sciatica should avoid and also those who has
undergone spinal surgery.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. No knees bending

2. No forward and backward bending

3. Don't take support of the hand while bending to the side.

4. Stomach tucked inside.

5. Place palm outside of feet.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

Parivritti Trikonasana
I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Parivritti trikonasan


2. Meaning- Twisted triangle pose

3. Justification-In the final posture body looks like a twisted triangle

4. Type-Standing

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Tadasan

7. Vishranti-Shitila tadasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory-Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, Spread feet 3-31/2 apart

(b) Dve- Inhale, arms to shoulder level.

(c) Treni- Exhale, bend at 90 degree and arms parallel to the floor.

(d) Chatvari- Further exhale, bring left palm outside of the right foot. Right hand
straight above your head. Hold the posture with normal

(e) Panch-Inhale, torso parallel to the floor.

(f) Shat- Futher inhale, come up.

(g) apt- Exhale, arms down.

(h) Ashta- Feet together.

(I) Repeat the same to other side.

(j) Vishranti-Shitila Tadasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Makes spine flexible, stretches thigh muscles, improves kidney functioning,
gives rotational movement to spine.

Limitations: People having injury and spinal problems should avoid, severe hypertension.


IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. No knees bending

2. No forward and backward bending

3. Bend from lower back.

4. Hands in 180 degrees to each other.

5. Place palm outside of feet.

6. Feet either parallel or 1 feet to 90 degree and other to 45 degree.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Parshvakonasa

2. Meaning- Side angled posture

3. Justification-In the final posture body looks like angle done to your sideways.

4. Type-Standing

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Tadasan

7. Vishranti-Shitila tadasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory-Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, Spread feet 3-31/2 apart and right foot rightwards.

(b) Dve- Inhale, arms to shoulder level.

(c) Treni- Exhale, bend to right and place right palm outside of right foot.

(d) Chatvari- Inhale, stretch left arm to your left ear and look towards left finger
tips. Hold the posture with normal breathing.

(e) Panch- Exhale, bring left arm by your side.

(f) Shat- Inhale, straighten your right knee and come up.

(g) Sapt- Feet parallel.

(h) Ashta- Inhale exhale, Feet together.

(I) Repeat the same to other side.

(j) Vishranti-Shitila Tadasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Makes spine flexible, stretches thigh muscles, stimulates peristalsis, relieves
back pain, opens chest.

Limitations: People having injury and spinal problems, cardiac problems should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher


V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will practice
and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. No knee bend of other leg

2. No backward/forward bend.

3. Both feet in one line.

4. Leg which is bend has to be perpendicular to the ground.

5. Open your chest and chest should be facing forward.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Veerbhadrasana

2. Meaning- Warrior pose, name of teh god.

3. Justification-In the final posture body looks like a Warrior

4. Type-Standing

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Tadasan

7. Vishranti-Shitila tadasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory-Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, Spread feet 3-31/2 apart

(b) Dve- Exhale, turn right foot rightwards.

(c) Treni- Inhale, arms up parallel to the floor.

(d) Chatvari- Exhale, bend right leg to 90 degree. Hold the posture with normal

(e) Panch-Inhale, straighten right leg.

(f) Shat- Feet parallel

(g) Sapt- Exhale, arms down.

(h) Ashta- Feet together.

(I) Repeat the same to other side.

(J) Vishranti-Shitila Tadasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Cures and prevents backache, strengthens ankles, knees, thighs and calf
muscles. Stimulates Intestinal peristalsis, movement of bowels.

Limitations: Arthritis(Rheumetoid/Osteo) patients avoid, cardiac problems patients also


IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5


Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. In asana there is a tendency to bend right/left, so avoid.

2. No backward/forward bend.

3. Both feet in one line. Leg which is bend has to be perpendicular to the floor.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Pashimottanasa

2. Meaning- Waist raising posture

3. Justification-In the final posture waist is raised.

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory-Ushtrasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Tadasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale, raise hands to shoulder level

(b) Dve- Further inhale, raise hands to ceiling.

(c) Treni- Exhale, bend forward at 90 degree with arms parallel to the ground.

(d) Chatvari- With further exhalation, bend forward completely, elbows down,
head to knee. hold the posture..

(e) Panch- Inhale come up, hands parallel to the ground.

(f) Shat- Futher inhalation, arms to the ceiling.

(g) Sapt- Exhale, arms at shoulder level.

(h) Ashta- Sthti dandasana.

(I) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Gives flexible back, stimulates spinal nerves, removes constipation, improves

Limitations: People with back pain and cervical pain should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points


1. Elbows should touch down

2. No knees up

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Ushtrasana

2. Meaning- Camel posture

3. Justification-In the final posture body looks like a Camel

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- All forward bending, Pashimottanasa

II. Step-2


1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Bend right leg below right hip

(b) Dve- Bend left leg below left hip.

(c) Treni- Inhale, stand on knees. (kneel down)

(d) Chatvari- With further inhalatiion, bend backward completely, (Toes tucked in
or out). Right hand to right ankle and left hand to left

(e) Panch- Inhale, back to kneel down position. (Can support back with hands)

(f) Shat- Come to Vajrasana pose

(g) Sapt- Inhale exhale right leg straight, left leg straight.

(h) Ashta- Sthti dandasana.

(I) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Gives flexible spine, improves circulation towards head region.

Limitations: Heart surgery and hypertension people should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. Knees should be together.

2. Hold ankles


VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Vakrasana

2. Meaning- Twist posture

3. Justification-In the final posture, upper portion of the body is twisted completely.

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-8 or 4 counts

9. Complementory- Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend right leg and keep it near left knee.

(b) Dve- Inhale, raise hands to horizontal plane.

(c) Treni- Exhale, twist from the waist to the right side ( maintain the hands at
shoulder level).

(d) Chatvari- With further exhalation, bring the left arm to right knee and hold
right big toe. Take the right arm back and keep the right palm down in such a
way that trunk is kept erect with proper twist at the waist region. Chin on the
right shoulder.

(e) Panch- Inhale, stretch the hands at shoulder level.

(f) Shat- Exhale, Untwist the waist with arms still at shoulder level.

(g) Sapt- Inhale, keep the arms besides the body, palms on the ground.

(h) Ashta- Exhale, unfold your right leg and come to Sthti dandasana.

(I) Repeat other side.

(j) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Lateral twist to spine, increases spine flexibility, tones back and spiral region.
chest opening, relieves from constipation, stimulates pancreas.

Limitations: Avoid after surgery

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. Ensure that knee of the leg which is straight, should not be lifted

2. Hips should not be lifted.

VII. Step-7

Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Ardhmatsyendrasana

2. Meaning- Name of a sage

3. Justification-In the final posture, upper portion of the body is twisted completely.

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Cultural

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Self complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend right leg to outside of left upper thigh.

(b) Dve- Inhale exhale, left foot under right hip.

(c) Treni- Inhale, left hand up and look back and place left hand outside right knee.
Exhale, twist from the waist to the right side.

(d) Chatvari- With further exhalation, right hand to left waist. Trunk is kept erect
with proper twist at the waist region. Chin on the right shoulder. Hold
with normal breathing.

(e) Panch- Inhale, release hands and look in front.

(f) Shat- Inhale exhale, release right leg.

(g) Sapt- Inhale exhale, release left leg.

(h) Ashta- Come to Sthti dandasana.

(I) Repeat other side.

(j) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Lateral twist to spine, increases spine flexibility, tones back and spiral region.
chest opening, relieves from constipation, stimulates pancreas.

Limitations: Avoid after surgery

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points: Hips should not be lifted.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.



I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Vajrasana

2. Meaning- Diamond posture

3. Justification-In the final posture, it looks like a diamond

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Meditative

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-4 counts

9. Complementory- No complementory

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend right leg and right heel under right buttock.

(b) Dve- Inhale exhale, bend left leg and left heel under left buttock, both hands on
knees. sit straight, spine straight, shoulders relaxed. Hold
the posture with normal breathing.

(c) Treni- Straighten left leg.

(d) Chatvari- Straighten right leg and sit in Dandasana.

(e) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Increases awareness, useful in Vericose veins, activates vajra nadi, it is the only
asana which can be practiced after food intake, improves digestion, prevents flat foot,
exercises pelvic region, effect on urinogenital system.

Limitations: Arthritis people should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. Knees should be together and sit on heels.

2. Spine should be erect.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


Supta Vajrasana

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Supta Vajrasana

2. Meaning- Sleeping Diamond posture

3. Justification-Supine Diamond posture.

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Pashimottanasan

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend right leg and right heel under right buttock.

(b) Dve- Inhale exhale, bend left leg and left heel under left buttock. Sit in

(c) Treni- Elbows down, hands just behind.

(d) Chatvari- Head to the floor. Hold the posture

(e) Panch- Lift your head up.


(f) Shat- Take support of hands and come back in Vajrasana.

(g) Sapt- Left leg out

(h) Ashta- Right leg out.

(I) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Stretches lumbar vertebrae, useful in Vericose veins, overcomes sciatica, good
for back, ankles and hips.

Limitations: Arthritis and cardiac patients should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points: Knees should be together.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.



I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Veerasana

2. Meaning-

3. Justification-

4. Type-Sitting

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-4 counts

9. Complementory- No complementory.

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend right leg and right heel outside the right buttock.

(b) Dve- Inhale exhale, bend left leg and left heel outside the left buttock, both hands
on knees. sit straight on the ground betwwen the heels, spine straight, shoulders
relaxed. Hold the posture with normal breathing.

(c) Treni- Straighten left leg.

(d) Chatvari- Straighten right leg and sit in Dandasana.

(e) Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana


III. Step-3
Benefits: Increases awareness, useful in Vericose veins, improves digestion, prevents flat
foot, exercises pelvic region, effect on urinogenital system.

Limitations: Arthritis people should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. Knees should be together and sit on the ground.

2. Spine should be erect.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


Supta Veerasana
I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Supta Veerasana

2. Meaning-

3. ustification-.

4. ype-Sitting

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-Dandasana

7. Vishranti-Shitila Dandasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Pashimottanasan

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Dandasana

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend right leg and right heel outside right buttock.

(b) Dve- Inhale exhale, bend left leg and left heel outside left buttock. Sit in

(c) Treni- Elbows down, hands just behind.

(d) Chatvari- Head to the floor. Hold the posture

(e) Panch- Lift your head up.

(f) Shat- Take support of hands and come back in Veerasana.

(g) Sapt- Left leg out

(h) Ashta- Right leg out.

(I) Vishranti- Shitila Dandasana

III. Step-3

Benefits: Stretches lumbar vertebrae, useful in Vericose veins, overcomes sciatica, good
for back, ankles and hips.

Limitations: Arthritis and cardiac patients should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points: Knees should be together.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Bhujangasana


2. Meaning- Cobra posture

3. Justification-In the final posture, it looks like a Cobra

4. Type-Prone

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Makarasana

8. Counts-4 counts

9. Complementory- Shalabhasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- prone

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, hands to chest, chin on mat.

(b) Dve- Inhale, raise upper body upto navel and hold with shallow breathing.

(c) Treni- Exhale, Chin down.

(d) Chatvari- Inhale exhale, come back to prone sthiti.

(e) Vishranti-Makarasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Increases spine flexibility, reduces tummy fat, cures back problem, useful for
Broncial respiratory system.

Limitations: People with abdominal surgery should avoid, Cervical spondilysis patients
practice carefully.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.


VI. Step-6
Key points
1. No legs spread

2. Do not lift knees and lift upper body only upto navel.

3. Weight of body on stomach.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Shalabhasana

2. Meaning- Locust posture

3. Justification-In the final posture, it looks like a Locust.


4. Type-Prone

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Makarasana

8. Counts-4 counts

9. Complementory- Bhujangasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- prone

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, make fist of palms and place under thighs.

(b) Dve- Inhale, chin on mat and both legs up.

(c) Treni- Exhale, legs down

(d) Chatvari- Inhale exhale, come back to prone sthiti.

(e) Vishranti-Makarasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Helps in reducing fat on thighs and hips, tones hip muscles, good for kidneys, cures
backache and sciatica.

Limitations: People with severe back pain do carefully, cardiac patients avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points

1. No legs spread.

2. Do not bend knees.

3. Chin on ground.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Dhanurasana

2. Meaning- Bow pose

3. Justification-In the final posture, it looks like a Bow.

4. Type-Prone

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Makarasana

8. Counts-4 counts

9. Complementory- No complementory.(as both sides of body bending)

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- prone

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend knees and hold toes or ankles.

(b) Dve- Inhale, raise upper body look up.

(c) Treni- Exhale, come down.

(d) Chatvari- Inhale exhale, come back to prone sthiti.

(e) Vishranti-Makarasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Helps in gastrointestinal problems, reduces tummy fat, tones hip muscles, good
for diabetes, Stimulates back muscles.

Limitations: Generally disabled people do carefully.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points: Knees together. But in beginning knees can be separated.

VII. Step-7


Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Sarvangasana

2. Meaning- All parts posture

3. Justification-In the final posture, all parts are activated.

4. Type-Supine

5. Category-Culturative


6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Shavasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Matsyasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Supine

(a) Ekam- Inhale, legs to 45 degree.

(b) Dve- Further Inhale, legs to 90 degrees and arms down.

(c) Treni- Exhale, raise your trunk with the support of arms and elbow. With the
support of hands bring legs parallel to the floor. Straighten the trunk untill chin
touches the chest.

(d) Chatvari- Inhale, raise legs up vertically, keeping the body straight with chin
touching the chest. Whole body from shoulder to toes in one line.

(e) Panch-Exhale, legs parallel to the floor.

(f) Shat- Further exhale, Legs to 90 degrees, hips down.

(g) Sapt- Exhale, legs to 45 degrees.

(h) Ashta-Complete exhalation, legs down and arms up. Sthiti supine

(I) Vishranti-Shavasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Helps in thyroid issue, Relief in vericose veins and menstrual problems, hernia,
piles. It calms down mind.

Limitations: Hypertension, cervical and people having lower back pain should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5


Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. Shoulder to toe in one straight line.

2. There is a tendency to lift up head while coming down, see that head is not lifted.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

Question and answers with closing prayer.

Vipreet Karni

I. Step-1
1 Name of the asana- Vipreet Karni

2. Meaning- Reverse Kriya Posture

3. Justification- In final posture blood circulation is reversed.

4. Type-Supine

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation


7. Vishranti-Shavasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Matsyasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Supine

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale arms by your side.

(b) Dve- Further Inhale, legs to 45 degrees.

(c) Treni- Inhale, raise your legs to 90 degrees and then make them parallel to the

(d) Chatvari- Inhale, suppor your hips, lift hips up and hold the posture with
normal breathing.

(e) Panch-Exhale, legs parallel to the floor.

(f) Shat- Further exhale, Legs to 90 degrees, hips down.

(g) Sapt- Exhale, legs to 45 degrees.

(h) Ashta-Complete exhalation, legs down and arms up. Sthiti supine

(I) Vishranti-Shavasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Helps in thyroid issue, Relief in vericose veins and menstrual problems, reverses
blood circulation, good for constipation. Relaxes back. Cleanses gall bladder so it is
called as minor kriya.

Limitations: Hypertension, cervical and people having lower back pain should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5


Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1) Shoulder to toe in one straight line.

2) There is a tendency to lift up head while coming down, see that head is not lifted.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.


I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Chakrasana

2. Meaning- Wheel pose.

3. Justification- In final posture, body looks like a wheel.

4. Type-Supine

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Shavasana

8. Counts- 4counts

9. Complementory- Self complementory.

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Supine

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, bend legs and arms on either side of head.

(b) Dve- Inhale, lift up body and hold the posture.

(c) Treni- Exhale, lower head and hips.

(d) Chatvari- Inhale exhale, straighten legs and come in sthiti

(e) Vishranti-Shavasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Complete flexibility to spine, Strengthens arms, shoulders and legs, stimulates
all parts.

Limitations: Only healthy people should attempt.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will practice
and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points: No legs spread initially.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.



I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Halasana

2. Meaning- Plough Posture

3. Justification- In final posture, body looks like a Plough.

4. Type-Supine

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Shavasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Matsyasana

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Supine

(a) Ekam- Inhale, legs to 45 degrees

(b) Dve- Further Inhale, legs to 90 degrees and palms to buttock.

(c) Treni- Exhale, legs parallel to the floor and hips up (can use palms to lift hips

(d) Chatvari- Exhalation, toes on ground, raise torso, knees are locked, hold the
posture with normal breathing.

(e) Panch-Inhale, legs parallel to the floor.

(f) Shat- Further inhale, Legs to 90 degrees, hips down.

(g) Sapt- Exhale, legs to 45 degrees.

(h) Ashta-Complete exhalation, legs down and arms up. Sthiti supine

(I) Vishranti-Shavasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Helps in thyroid issue, (more than Matsyasana), makes spine flexible, blood
flows to the neck, stretches back and spinal muscles.

Limitations: Hypertension, cervical patients and people having lower back pain and
headache should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. No legs bend.


2. There is a tendency to lift up head while coming down, see that head is not lifted.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice: Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice according to
the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

I. Step-1
1. Name of the asana- Matsyasana

2. Meaning- Fish posture

3. Justification- In final posture, body looks like a Fish

4. Type-Supine

5. Category-Culturative

6. Sthiti-No name, only explanation

7. Vishranti-Shavasana

8. Counts-8 counts

9. Complementory- Halasana, Sarvangasana, Vipreet karni.

II. Step-2

1. Silent Demonstration

2. Demonstration with counts

3. Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation.

4. Sthiti- Supine

(a) Ekam- Inhale exhale, left leg on rigt thigh

(b) Dve- Inhale exhale, right leg on left thigh.

(c) Treni- Inhale exhale, palms on either side of head, fingers facing shoulder.

(d) Chatvari- Inhale, lift head up, weight on palm. Crown on mat. Elbows on mat,
hook and grab big toe. Hold the posture in normal

(e) Panch-Relax head

(f) Shat- Release hands.

(g) Sapt- Release right leg.

(h) Ashta- Release left leg. Sthiti supine

(I) Vishranti-Shavasana

III. Step-3
Benefits: Good for Respiratory problems, diabetes.

Limitations: People who have undergone chest, abdomen and thoracic surgery should avoid.

IV. Step-4
Individual practice: Whole class practice according to the instructions of the teacher

V. Step-5
Practice in groups: Whole class is divided into two groups A & B. Group A practices and
group B will watch. If there is any correction Group B will correct. Next group B will
practice and group A will correct if necessary.

VI. Step-6
Key points
1. When done in padmasana, there is a tendency to lift knee up, so avoid.

2. Hold toes, elbows to the ground.

VII. Step-7
Whole group Practice:Keeping the subtle points in mind whole class will practice
according to the instructions of the teacher.

VIII. Step-8
Question and answers with closing prayer.

Question and answers with closing prayer.


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