Please indicate your choice with a tick [√] in the corresponding box for such statement which
mostly indicates your feelings about the issue raised, given the following alternative as your
Personal Data:
Age: 18 – 25 [ ] 26 – 35 [ ] 36 – 45 [ ] 46 – 50 [ ]
SECTION ‘B’: Do students learn better when the class size is below 40 students or when the
class size is above 40
Strongly Agree (SA) Agree (A) Disagree (D) Strongly Disagree (SD)
S/No Items SA A D SD
1 Students learn better in large classes. (class above 40)
The researcher randomly selected (10) ten secondary schools for the study with a total number of
one hundred and ten (110) teachers from the selected schools. The sample consists of eleven (11)
teachers from each of the selected schools. In selecting the sample for the study, random
sampling technique was adopted. In each school, teachers were asked to pick squeezed papers
and those whose papers were marked “yes” were qualified to participate in the study and vice
The subject of the study were served with the researchers questionnaire, which was fully
constructed to draw out relevant information on the researchers’ questions about the effect of
class size on the teaching and learning of mathematics in Olamaboro Local Government Area.