San Isidro College: What Is Entrepreneurship
San Isidro College: What Is Entrepreneurship
San Isidro College: What Is Entrepreneurship
City of Malaybalay
Tel No. 088-813-5541
II. Introduction
Greetings! Good morning, everyone! Praised be Jesus and Mary! Welcome to module. You
will find here our general instructional guidelines, then the components of our module. You
will be guided one step at a time through the specific instructions of the learning tasks given
below, which intend you to understand an entrepreneurship. Let joy and peace abound in your
mind and heart as you genuinely and responsibly respond to the learning processes that this
module offers
1. What is an entrepreneur?
1. Theory is Economic Entrepreneurship dates back to the first half of the 1700s
with the work of Richard Cantillon, who introduced the idea of entrepreneurs as
risk takers. The classic, neoclassical and Austrian Market process schools of
thought all pose explanations for entrepreneurship that focus, for the most part,
on economic conditions and the opportunities they create.
Empirical research has showed that the founding of new firms is more common
when people have access to financial capital (Blanchflower et al, 2001, Evans &
Jovanovic, 1989, and Holtz-Eakin et al, 1994). This theory suggests that people
with financial capital are more able to acquire resources to effectively
repreneurial opportunities, and set up a firm to do so (Clausen, 2006) exploit
eher studies contest this theory as it is demonstrated that most However
founders start new ventures without much capital, and that financial capital is not
significantly related to the probability of being nascent entrepreneurs (Aldrich,
1999, Kim, Aldrich & Keister, 2003, Hurst & Lusardi, 2004, Davidson & Honing,
10. Human Capital Entrepreneurship Theory underlies two factors: education and
experience (Becker, 1975). The knowledge gained from education and
experience represents a resource that is heterogeneously distributed across
individuals and in effect central to understanding differences in opportunity
identification and exploitation (Anderson & Miller, 2003, Chandler & Hanks, 1998,
Gartner et al, 2005, Shane & Venkataraman, 2000).
11. Cultural Entrepreneurship Theory argues that propensity for an individual to start
a venture is largely influenced by the prevailing culture (Simpeh, 2011;Gichana,
2011). Herrington, Kew and Kew (2010) contend that entrepreneurship can
reveal the latent potential of the South African economy.
Successful people in the field of business are creators of things with difference.
They are no ordinary Juan dela Cruz who can be seen around the corner. They
are people with great ambition and are alert to the environment that they can
explore towards successful venture. They possess eagle's eyes that can see and
dive hundreds of feet down and make catch the prey of opportunities.
The entrepreneur must seek to know through education and religious practices to
understand ethics as it relates to business practices that extract essential from
several theories past and present. They must seek to combine such theories and
practices into a practical code of social behavior.
1. Conscience
2. Justice
3. Wisdom.
4. Courage-
5. Temperance
The entrepreneur, in his sensible mind, would like to practice ethical standard
among his employees, the customer and the general public that depend on his
services and goods. Free economic activity cannot grow and prosper without the
practice of ethical standards and morality in the operation of the enterprise
1. The Employees
2. The Customers.
The forging of better relationship between the business organization and the
customer is the essential requisite of ethical standards and morality. Customers
like employees are the very "hen that lays the golden eggs" that brings profit to
the organization. Products and service must satisfy the needs and wants of the
customers, that without them, management cannot be in business.
3. The Community
4. The Government
5. The Competitors
You may start as an employee, get new ideas and develop your own
entrepreneurial style from experience and education. Start dreaming and be
independent. Learn to save money and be sure to put it in proper investment
then make it as starting capital to operate your enterprise. Make that money work
for you as you think to make it grow bigger from the dreams you have crafted out
of your imagination for success.
The Philippines being a haven of opportunities is wide open for people who
dream to be rich and amass fortune as we have all the natural resources. Find
the things you can do best and you must have the talent and interest in doing it.
Remember that the central objective of any business is to produce the best
goods and those that provide better service.
3. Be in control
An entrepreneur must be in the driver seat of his business. You cannot trust your
business to somebody who does not own the ideals and aspiration of the
enterprise. Be in control of the operation as you develop people whom you can
work with dedication and with values the same as yours. Invest your time with
people. who are achievers and do not lose your valuable time with losers.
While you, as an entrepreneur and busy with the management of the business, a
good accountant or financial adviser is needed to help you out in the financial
activities of the enterprise. They can help you re-invest your money to other
profitable operation.
You are not a superman to know all the legal and other matters related to the
operation of the enterprise. Seek the services of a legal consultant on matters
with legal implications. Have your income tax prepared by good accountant
lawyers or certified accountants that know how to deal with government
regulating body in terms of tax payments.
VI. Assessment Tasks