GAB2e L3 U17
GAB2e L3 U17
GAB2e L3 U17
Direct Speech and Indirect
Human Motivation
Grammar in the Real World
A What makes people work hard at their jobs? Read the article about
ACADEMIC employee motivation. What type of reward is particularly effective in
WRITING motivating workers?
writing using B Comprehension Check Complete the chart. Check (✓) whether
graphs and tables each reward is external or internal.
for support
1 Pay raise
2 Feeling successful
4 Good salary
5 Good grades
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Motivation is the desire to do something. Soccer Some studies on workplace motivation have
star Lionel Messi said, “Money is not a motivating 25 focused on autonomy, which is the freedom to work
factor… My motivation comes from playing the game I independently. This is an important internal reward.
love.” Messi meant that he enjoys playing soccer more Daniel Pink, the author of a book on motivation, told
5 than making millions of dollars. Can that be true? What an audience once that Google was a good example
other factors are important in motivating people? of a company that supported autonomy. One day each
30 week, Google engineers focus on their own ideas.
Many psychologists believe that there are two types
Pink informed the audience that Google News and
of rewards that affect motivation: external rewards and
Gmail had been created during this free time.
internal rewards. External rewards are rewards that
10 someone gives you. A pay raise is a common external Research also shows that appreciation is a
reward. A good grade at school is also an example of powerful reward. In his book The 1001 Rewards and
an external reward. Internal rewards are connected to 35 Recognition1 Fieldbook, Bob Nelson described a study
the feelings people have about the work they do. on the effects of appreciation on motivation. The study
The satisfaction you get when you do something well is asked, “What motivates you?” Workers ranked the
15 an internal reward. Researcher Frederick Herzberg importance of 65 motivating factors. Nelson indicated
(1923–2000) studied motivation in the workplace that appreciation for their work ranked first for
for many years. Herzberg said that employers must 40 the workers.
think about factors that affect employees’ feelings
The subject of worker motivation is complex.
of satisfaction. Herzberg explained that working
People expect fair pay for their work. However,
20 conditions and relationships among co-workers affect
research shows that people find internal rewards more
workers’ motivation. Therefore, employers need to
meaningful than a high salary.
create an environment that makes employees feel safe,
valued, and accepted.
recognition: special positive attention
he reporting clause can also “The company pays its workers fairly,” the president said.
come at the end or in the middle “We didn’t do well this year,” said Liz, “so we
of direct speech. Notice that the won’t get a sales bonus.”
verb can also come before the
subject in the reporting clause
when the reporting clause comes
at the end or in the middle.
se the verb asked to quote a Mr. Smith asked, “What do you hope to accomplish in
question. this job?”
Grammar Application
Exercise 2.1 Statements in Direct Speech
A Rewrite the quotations about motivation as direct speech. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.
1 in my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire –Jane Smiley
Jane Smiley said, “In my experience, there is only one motivation,
and that is desire.”
250 Unit 17 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
2 the ones who want to achieve and win championships motivate themselves
–Mike Ditka
3 the ultimate inspiration is the deadline –Nolan Bushnell
4 motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because
they want to do it –Dwight D. Eisenhower
5 I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it
–Thomas Jefferson
6 great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great –Fernando Flores
7 nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm –Ralph Waldo Emerson
8 you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take –Wayne Gretzky
9 the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step –Lao Tzu
B Over to You Choose two of the quotations, and write a sentence that explains what
each one means.
When Jane Smiley said, “In my experience there is only one motivation, and that
is desire,” she meant that the only real motivation is wanting to do something.
C Pair Work Share your sentences with a partner. Discuss whether you agree or disagree
with your partner’s interpretation.
A Read the transcript of an online discussion about motivating employees. Then rewrite each
question as a direct speech question. The information in parentheses tells you where to put
the reporting clauses – at the beginning or end of the sentences.
Working Today
Today, motivational expert Camila Valdez is here to answer your questions.
Claire Is money the best way to get employees to work harder?
Camila No. Studies show that appreciation and recognition are the best ways.
Pedro Do you have guidelines for rewarding employees?
Camila Try to match the size of the reward to the size of the accomplishment.
Roxana When should you give the rewards?
Camila It’s really best to give them as soon as possible after employees have
accomplished something.
Hong What are some ways to motivate employees?
Camila Give rewards that fit your employees’ working style.
Chelsea Can you give an example of what you mean?
Camila Certainly. For example, give a more flexible schedule to working parents.
They will feel more focused at work because they will be able to take care
of their home-related responsibilities.
1 (beginning) Claire asked, “Is money the best way to get employees to
work harder?”
2 (end)
3 (beginning)
4 (end)
5 (beginning)
B Over to You Ask two classmates these questions: Would money motivate you to
work harder? Why or why not? Then write a short report on your interviews with direct
speech statements and questions.
I talked to Anne and Mike. I asked, “Would money motivate you to work harder?”
Anne said, “No, it wouldn’t.” I asked, “Why not?” Anne said, “I work to please myself.
That’s my reward.” Then I asked Mike, “Would money motivate you to work harder?”
Mike said, “Yes, it would.”
252 Unit 17 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Indirect Speech
Grammar Presentation
Indirect speech tells what someone says in Lionel Messi said, "Money is not a motivating
another person’s words. Indirect speech is also factor." (direct speech)
called reported speech. Lionel Messi said that money was not a
motivating factor. (indirect speech)
fter a past verb in the reporting clause, the verb form in indirect speech usually changes.
The verb shifts to express a past time.
direct speech indirect speech
She said, “The boss is angry.” She said that the boss was angry.
He said, “She is enjoying the work.” He said that she was enjoying the work.
They said, “The store closed last year.” They said that the store had closed last year.
The manager said, “The group has done The manager said that the group had done good
good work.” work.
C The forms of should, might, ought to, and could are the same in direct and indirect speech.
direct speech indirect speech
The boss said, “He should go home.” The boss said that he should go home.
o not change the form of verbs in She said, “Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great man.”
general truths or facts. She said (that) Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great man.
not She said that Martin Luther King Jr. had been
a great man.
Grammar Application
Exercise 3.1 Tense Shifts in Indirect Speech
Read the quotes about a psychology course. Then rewrite each quote as indirect speech.
Sometimes more than one answer
is possible.
The professor said, “Psychology 101 includes a unit on
The professor said that Psychology 101 included
a unit on motivation.
2 A student said, “The class is discussing motivation and
personality this week.”
3 The professor said, “The class is reading about Abraham H. Maslow’s theories
on motivation.”
4 One student said, “I’m learning a lot in the class.”
5 Another student said, “I don’t understand the lectures.”
6 The teaching assistant said, “The readings have great practical value.”
254 Unit 17 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Read the excerpt from a lecture on how to motivate adult learners. Then complete
the email. Rewrite each sentence from the lecture as indirect speech. Sometimes more than
one answer is possible.
Welcome to Motivating Adult Learners. This class is for people who teach adults.
Participants in the course are going to learn all about motivating adult learners.
The course will rely heavily on participants’ own experiences. Students should come to
class prepared to discuss their own experiences. We may occasionally have guest speakers.
The course will include presentations, homework, and weekly quizzes. There will be three
papers and two oral presentations. Participants can substitute an oral presentation for one of
the papers.
Subject First Class Meeting
Hi Jake,
Here’s what happened in class today. The instructor welcomed us, and then she said
Motivating Adult Learners was for people who teach adult learners.
1 She said that participants in the course were going to learn all
about motivating adult learners.
Use a present tense verb in the reporting clause Everybody always says, “Employees need to
when what was said relates to the present and is be motivated.”
still important at the moment of speaking. Everybody always says that employees need to
Keep the same tense as in the quote. be motivated.
Grammar Application
Exercise 4.1 Keeping the Original Tense in Indirect Speech
Read the quotes from a business meeting. Then rewrite the quotes as indirect speech.
Use the same tense as the direct speech. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1 “We are trying to improve our new marketing plan.”
–the marketing manager
The marketing manager said that we are trying
to improve our new marketing plan.
A Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 My father always says that money makes (make) the world go round.
2 My friend Amanda insists that a good night’s sleep
(be) more important than studying.
3 My aunt says that she (enjoy) doing the work more
than making money.
4 My friend says that he (enjoy) having autonomy
at work.
5 My colleague says that it (not / be) always easy to
stay motivated.
6 My manager says that you always (should / ask) questions if
something is not clear.
B Pair Work Discuss the sentences in A. Do you agree with the statements?
A Tell is a common reporting verb. The president said that he was doing a great job.
Always use a noun or object The president told him that he was doing a
pronoun after tell. great job.
ou can use these verbs in place “The workers need recognition,” said the manager.
of say: admit, announce, complain, The manager admitted that the workers needed
confess, exclaim, explain, mention, recognition.
remark, reply, report, state,
and swear.
ou can use these verbs in place The president told the managers, “All workers need to
of tell: assure, convince, inform, be creative.”
notify, and remind. Always use a The president reminded them that all workers need to
noun or object pronoun with be creative.
these verbs.
Commonly used reporting verbs in formal The author claimed that internal motivation was
writing include claim, explain, find, show, state, more effective than external motivation.
and suggest. The results of the study showed that money
was not always an effective way to motivate
Grammar Application
Exercise 5.1 Other Reporting Verbs
At the same time, Dr. Ghosh reminded / remarked that there was no one
way to motivate all workers. She admitted / reminded that in multicultural
settings, it was even more complicated.
Mira We had a guest speaker. He told us about the importance of motivation in
the language classroom. He there are two kinds of
motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.
David Right. Last week, the professor there were two different
types, and she gave examples.
Mira He the study found four ways in which the teachers’
behavior had a negative effect on Japanese students’ motivation.
C Over to You Compare the behavior of American and Japanese students to students
from another culture that you are familiar with. Use sentences with indirect speech.
The speaker said that in the Japanese classroom, students listen more and talk
less. That is true in my culture, too. Students show respect that way.
Avoid Common Mistakes
1 or verbs such as admit, announce, complain, explain, and mention, the object pronoun
comes after the preposition to.
to us
He explained us the objective.
Editing Task
Find and correct the mistakes in the paragraphs about a memorable event.
Using what you know about the job market, what is a good choice for a career path with
a secure future? Include information from graphs or tables to support your choice.
Read the sentences. Then match the words in bold to the definitions.
1 Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Inc., said that quality was more important
than quantity.
2 Business leaders disputed the government’s claim that the number of jobs had grown.
3 The successful campaign against buying the corporation’s products illustrates the power of
the consumer.
4 There is some ambiguity in the law, so it is difficult to know if the company did anything wrong.
5 This new technology has the potential to change how students learn about science.
6 According to economists, the more you consume something, the more your enjoyment of it
will diminish. In other words, you will never enjoy it as much as you do when you first buy it.
7 The consequences of the economic crash extend beyond the city to the whole country.
a (v) to disagree with
b (n) the state of being unclear or having more than one possible meaning
c (n) people who establish an organization
d (v) to decrease in size or importance
e (v) to go further
f (n) the possibility to develop and succeed
g (n) an example that explains something
A college education has a broad and positive impact. People with a college 0
United Kingdom
South Korea
United States
OECD average
degree are by far the most likely to enter and remain in the labor force. In OECD
10 countries, average participation in the labor force for those who never completed
high school is about 59%. The OECD reports that for those with a high school 2000
degree, the figure is about 76%, and for college graduates, it is about 84%. They 2017
also state that college graduates earn more than those with only a high school Figure 1 Percentage of Population (25–64) with a College Education
degree. In the United States, a new high school graduate earned on average Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
Online Education Database, retrieved September 13, 2019, from https://stats.
15 less than $30,000 per year in 2017, whereas those with a college degree made See Digest of Education Statistics 2018, table 603.20.
over $52,000. Over a lifetime, that difference adds up to about a million dollars.
Figure 2 illustrates that the impact of a college degree on income in selected Australia
OECD countries can be dramatic. Germany
The consequences of getting—or not getting—a college education extend Czech
20 beyond income. There is a strong association between education and health. Republic
Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, pose the greatest risks to
public health in developed countries today. These diseases are caused, at least Korea
partly, by lifestyle choices, such as poor diet or smoking. In general, people with Portugal
higher levels of education make healthier lifestyle choices and have greater access Slovakia
25 to high-quality healthcare. Turkey
It is evident that a college degree provides an economic advantage, but not all States
degrees have the same earning power. Most analysts suggest that degrees in STEM 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Percent of population with a college degree
fields (science, technology, engineering, and math) have the greatest potential At or below the median income
impact on future income. In the United States, a college graduate with, for example, More than 2x the median income
30 a chemical engineering degree can expect to earn about $70,000 annually, Figure 2 Level of Earnings Relative to Education
Source: OECD (2019), Education and earnings: Level of earnings relative to
whereas a graduate with a literature or art degree may be lucky to get $36,000 median earnings, by educational attainment, OEC.Stat,
for an entry-level position. Marc Andreessen, the founder of the internet company Index.aspx?DataSetCode=EAG_EARNINGS, accessed on August 1, 2019.
Netscape, once declared that someone who studies a non-technical field like literature will probably end up “working in a shoe store.”
Yet, technical knowledge alone may not be sufficient for success. Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple, famously claimed, “It’s
35 technology married with liberal arts … that yields the results that make our hearts sing.” Other major employers in the technology field agree.
Industry leaders say that employees from the liberal arts are often good at managing ambiguity, unlike engineers, who tend to see situations in
black and white. Liberal arts graduates can see a problem from multiple perspectives.
It is interesting to note that the income gap between liberal arts and STEM graduates gradually diminishes as they continue in their careers.
In fact, liberal arts degrees are quite common among the world’s most highly paid workers. About one-third of the directors of Fortune 500
40 companies have a liberal arts background. Students, parents, politicians, and industry leaders may argue over which are the most valuable
degrees, but the value of a college degree in general cannot be disputed.
chronic (adj) lasting for a long time, especially something bad
Read the text on page 263. Work with a partner. Discuss the questions.
1 Summarize the main argument of the text.
2 What benefits of a college degree are mentioned in the text?
3 According to Figure 1, what three countries had the highest percentage of citizens with a
college education?
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about the information in Table 1.
Table 1. The 100 Best Jobs in the U.S., with Median Salary
My Writing
Argumentative Essays with Graphs or Tables as Support
In argumentative essays, writers present their position, reasons, and
supporting evidence. Evidence used in graphs and tables should come from
credible sources, such as educational or research institutions, government
websites, and respected news organizations.
1 Work with a partner. Make a copy of the chart and complete it.
• Column 1: Write the names of three careers.
Column 2: Write relevant information from the reading, Table 1, and other credible
sources you find. Include the name of the source in parentheses.
• Column 3: Make notes about the career and the information you found.
2 In your opinion, which of the careers is the best choice for a financially secure future? Why?
Use the information from Exercise 7.6 to write a paragraph that asserts which career would best
lead to a secure future. Include a topic sentence, at least two reasons for your argument with
supporting details and evidence, and a concluding sentence. Use at least one reporting verb to
introduce evidence.
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Alternative Proxies: