Except for o-terphenyl and water, liquid density is calculated by Eqn 105: C1/(C2 [1 (1 – T/C3)^C4]) where is in mol/dm3 and T is in K. The pressure is equal to the vapor pressure for pressures greater than 1 atm and equal to 1 atm
when the vapor pressure is less than 1 atm.
Equation (2-100), used for the limited temperature ranges as noted for o-terphenyl and water, is C1 C2T C3T 2 C4T 3.
Equation (2-119), used for water, is C1 C21/3 C32/3 C45/3 C516/3 C643/3 C7110/3 where 1 T/TC, and TC critical temperature (647.096 K).
Values in this table were taken from the Design Institute for Physical Properties (DIPPR) of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), 801 Critically Evaluated Gold Standard Database, copyright 2016 AIChE, and
reproduced with permission of AIChE and of the DIPPR Evaluated Process Design Data Project Steering Committee. Their source should be cited as R. L. Rowley, W. V. Wilding, J. L. Oscarson, T. A. Knotts, and N. F. Giles, DIPPR
Data Compilation of Pure Chemical Properties, Design Institute for Physical Properties, AIChE, New York, NY (2016).