F17 Pedro shot juan but missed or hit juan only on a superficial part of his body which could
not cause Juan’s death – Frustrated Homicide
2. F14 Among the inherent powers of the state which provides for compensation –
3. F35 It is a sentence with a minimum term and a maximum term which the court is mandated
to impose for the benefit of a quilt person who is not disqualified therefor – Indeterminate
Sentence Law
4. F27 Oyong Boyong and Yoyong fired their guns simultaneously at the principal victim
resulting in his death and his driver – Only A and B are correct
5. F37 It is the forfeiture or loss the right of the state to prosecute the offender after the lapse
– Prescription of penalty
6. F68 He is a person directly vested with jurisdiction which is the power to govern and execute
laws – All are correct
7. F99 Whenever a court has knowledge of any act which it may deem proper to repress and
which is not punishable by law – Department of Justice
8. F1 it is a violation of the revised penal code special penal laws – Crime
9. F48 When the president prepares a budget and the congress enacts an appropriations bill –
Blending power
10. F80 The acts which are inherently wrong or evil by their very nature – Mala in se
11. F40 Punishment imposed by lawful authority by a person – Imprisonment
12. F59 The rule which states that when the evidence of the prosecution and the defense are so
evenly balance the appreciation – Rules of court
13. F42 Capital punishment is – Reclusion perpetua
14. F60 Republic Act 11479 is also known – Anti Terrorism Act of 2020
15. F75 Bill without intent to kill aimed his gun at will and fired it hitting the latter – X Cannot
plead praetor intentionern since the intent to kill is presumed from the killing of the victim
16. F54 It is the actual but equal division of the governmental powers between the three
branches – Separation of power
17. F49 The Story of an Ambassador the US Ambassador accredited to the Philippines while
driving his car recklessyly along roxas boulevard bumped into a pedestrian who died as a c
consequence – None is correct
18. F43 A penalty imposed banishing a convicted person from a certain place – Disterro
19. F57 The Following are ex post facto law except – Deprivation of some lawful protection to
which he is entitled
20. F84 The penalty is a light felony imprisonment and or fine – More than PHP 40,000.00
21. F30 Alpha Bravo Charlie conspired to kill Delta During the killing – Accessory
22. F24 Atong a taxi driver knowing that a group of persons were going to make a hold up
permitted his taxi to be used and even drove them to the place where they staged a hold up
– Principal by direct participation
23. F7 If there are at least two convictions of two crimes embraced under the same title of the
revised penal code – Reiteracion
24. F96 how does a person incur a criminal liability – All of the above
25. F15 The highest executive official of the country – President
26. F44 Who can pardon the offenders – Chief Executive
27. F20 In the story of four boys and a crime what is the liability of pipoy – Principal by
28. F50 in the story of an ambassador suppose the one who bumped a pedestrian is an americal
consul accredited to the Phil – Yes under public international law consuls are immune from
criminal prosecution
29. F79 These are acts which are wrong because there are laws prohibiting them – Mala
30. F33 The Story of two enemies and a gun Alden and Richard are enemies Alden upon seeing
Richard got the revolver of his father shot Richard -Illegal Discharge of Firearms
31. F82 There is no felony of frustrated rape – None is a correct
32. F69 It is a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and behavioural symptoms found is
women living in battering – Battered women syndrome
33. F10 The official publication of the Philippine government is know as - Official Gazette
34. F71 Principle of public international law exempt certain individuals from the Generality
characteristics of criminal law – Commercial Attaché of foreign country
35. F12 Pedro the municipal treasure recived P50,000.00 from a taxpayer and issued the original
receipt thereof – Complex crime proper because falsification is necessary means to commit
36. F19 in the story of Four Boys and a crime what is the liability of dodong – Principal by
37. F91 Two peace officers were ordered to arrest lito an escaped notorious convict and
proceeding to the latter’s house sa a man sleeping with his back towards the door - All of
the above
38. F72 The maxim Nullum crimen nula poena sine lege means that – The Act is criminal at the
time of its commission and recognized as such at the time of its commission but the penalty
therefore is prescribed in a subsequently enacted law
39. F58 An example of cruel and excessive fine is – All of the above
40. F31 During an evening rally of a political part in plaza in plaza miranda where present were
senator congressman and other city mayors – In contempt of or with insult to public
41. F41 Penalties which are deemed included are – Accessory penalty
42. F4 A kind of crime which is committed by a person who performs an act which would be an
offense against persons or property were it not for inherent impossibility - Composite crime
43. F93 Buboy tried to kill berto by putting in his food a substance which he thought was an
arsenic when in fact it was sugar – Ineffectual
44. F51 A person formally charge in court for having violated a penal law under RPC or special
penal law – Accused
45. F32 The penalty of reclusion perpetua has a duration of - Twenty years and one day to forty
46. F66 The following list are considered light felonies except – Robbery
47. F8 These are decisions rendered by the Supreme Court and are considered as part of law of
the land – Jurisprudence
48. F74 it is a matter of judicial knowledge that certain individuals will ill others or commit
serious offenses for no reason at all for the reason – Lack of motive precludes conviction
49. F62 When was the Revised penal code taken effect – January 1 1932
50. F26 Yoyoy approached Natoy to borrow his gun. Yoyoy told Natoy that he was borrowing
Natoy gun because he was going to Bitoy – All are correct
51. F65 Mere conspiracy or conspiracy to commit a felony is not punishable since they are only
preparatory acts – True
52. F98 Why is there a need for a person who has committed an impossible crim to be – Both A
and B are correct
53. F85 Alfie picked the pocket of Lorenzo inside of which there was a wallet containing
P5,000.00 – Robbery
54. F92 The Story of tito and joey Tito shoots joey on a vital portion of his bod the gunshots
wound could cause the death – Frustrated Homicide
55. F11 Juan despite his knowledge of the presence of their Municipal Mayor and Provincial
Governor who made known of his presence to him – None is correct
56. F81 When all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present –
57. F89 Felonies are classified according to manner or mode of execution into felonies
committed by means of deceit dolo and by means of fault culpa – Imprudence
58. F76 Motive is generally IMMATERIAL in determining criminal liability EXCEPT when – The
evidence of guilt of the accused is circumstantial
59. F28 Alpha and Bravo conspired and confederated to rape Charlee Pursuant to their
agreement – All are correct
60. F45 Can a piracy committed in the high seas be punished in the Philippines - Yes because it
is a crime committed against humanity
61. F45 it is the loss or forfeiture of the right of the government to execute the final sentence
after the lapse – Prescription of crime
62. F97 Once a conspiracy is established each and every one of the conspirators is made
criminally liable for the crime – All of the above
63. F36 It is a disposition under which a defendant after conviction and sentence is release
subject to condition imposed – walang sagot
64. F34 in the story of two enemies and a gun what if when alden stated squeezing the trigger –
Illegal discharge of firearm
65. F61 Special penal laws are enacted to supplement or amend the existing revised penal code -
66. F55 Where does sovereignty reside in a democratic state – Sovereignty
67. F2 The branch of public law which defines crimes trats their nature and provides for their
68. F56 in order for a an airship or vessel be considered as Philippine Territory – All of the above
69. F23 if juan placed a weapon in the hand of the decease who was killed by his friend Juanito
to make it appear – Accomplice
70. F94 Killing a dead person whom the perpetrator believes as just merely sleeping is what
crime – None is correct
71. F25 A person who received any property from another and used it knowing that the same
had been stolen – Accomplice
72. F44 Who can pardon the offenders – Chief Executive
73. F52 Can a land expropriated by the city of Paranaque be done without court order – Yes
because the state has the inherent power to acquire private property
74. F90 An impossible crime may only be committed in crimes against – National Security and
Public Safety
75. F87 it is the misapprehension of fact on the part of the person causing injury to another
which make a person not criminally liable – Mistake of fact
76. F70 the following are considered as light offense except – Less serious physical injuries
77. F19 The story of Four boys and Crime Buboy after promising dodong a payment P25,000.00
induced dodong to kill berting who at the time vacationing on an isolated island in the west
– Principal by inducement
78. F9 When the injurious intent is different from that intended there is – Praeter intentionem
79. F53 it provides that the existence of government is a necessity that government cannot
continue without means to pay its expenses and that for these mean sit has right - Theory of
contributory negligence
80. Criminal act is primarily an act against the state – No correct answer
81. F77 What court has jurisdiction when an Indonesian crew murders the Filipino captain on
board a vessel – The Philippine Court
82. F64 What is the purpose of the victim or offended part in a criminal case – To give a
83. F38 The following are civil liabilities imposed by law except – None is correct
84. F6 Julio is driving his car with a duly issued driver’s license – No although he committed the
act he is exempted due to accident
85. F73 A crime resulting from negligence reckless imprudence lack of foresight or lack of skill is
called -Dolo
86. F88 A foreigner residing in Hong Kong counterfeits a twenty peso bill issued by the Philippine
Government – Yes the provisions of the revised penal code are enforceable also outside the
jurisdiction of the Philippine against those who should forge or counterfeit currency notes of
the Philippines or obligations and securities issue by the Government of the Philippines
87. F86 It is some Physical activity or deed indicating the intention of commit a particular crim
and considered as more that a mere planning – Overt Acts
88. F95 Lights felonies are punishable only when it – Consummated
89. F5 This pertains to moral order adding disgrace to the material injury cause by the crime –
90. F83 When there is a mistake in the identity of the victim – Walang sagot
91. F21 The penalties which have no fixed duration like death reclusion perpetua and public
censure are called -Indivisible penalties
92. F67 This exists when two or more person come to an agreement concerning the commission
of a felony and decide to commit – Conspiracy
93. F16 Criminal laws are strictly construed against the state and liberally in favour of the –
People of the Philippines
94. F47 Pepe a Filipino seaman stabbed to death a Singaporean seaman while both of them
were on board a vessel in high seas which was bound in the Atlantic ocean – No because the
crime is committed on the high seas or outside the Philippine Territory
95. F29 Delta owns a 3 storey building located at sales st sta cruz manila he insured the building
for P30 Million pesos later his business suffered tremendous losses – Only B and C are
96. F3 In this kind of aggravating circumstances at least there convictions are required – Habitual
97. F100 Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – Alexander Gesmundo