Spectralwave Mn5100 C Type: System Overview
Spectralwave Mn5100 C Type: System Overview
Spectralwave Mn5100 C Type: System Overview
System Overview
1 System Description............................................................................................3
Technological Background ................................................................................................3
NEC Packet Transport Network Product Line ...................................................................4
SpectralWave MN5100 Introduction..................................................................................4
Abstract .........................................................................................................................4
Hardware Architecture...................................................................................................5
Software Architecture ....................................................................................................6
System Features ...............................................................................................................7
Services and Interfaces.................................................................................................7
Pseudo Wire ..................................................................................................................8
T-MPLS/MPLS-TP Packet Switching Network............................................................12
Protection & Restoration .............................................................................................16
Frequency Synchronization.........................................................................................16
Time Synchronization ..................................................................................................17
Ethernet OAM..............................................................................................................19
Management Interfaces...............................................................................................19
Cooling ........................................................................................................................20
External Alarm .............................................................................................................21
List of Tables
Table 1 Packet Transport Network Product Line.........................................................................4
Table 2 MN5100 C Type Slots and Corresponding Cards..........................................................6
Table 3 OPCC Front Panel Identifiers.......................................................................................25
Table 4 OPCC+ Front Panel Identifiers.....................................................................................27
Table 5 PDC Front Panel Identifiers..........................................................................................29
Table 6 CFF08C Front Panel Identifiers....................................................................................31
Table 7 CFT08C Front Panel Identifiers....................................................................................32
Table 8 Typical Configuration Scenario 1 Slot Assignment ......................................................36
Table 9 Typical configuration Scenario 2 slot assignment ........................................................37
Table 10 GE Optical Interface Parameters ...............................................................................49
Table 11 FE Optical Interface Parameters ................................................................................49
Table 12 E1 Electrical Interface Parameters.............................................................................50
Table 13 FE Electrical Interface Parameters.............................................................................51
Table 14 GE Electrical Interface Parameters ............................................................................52
Table 15 Card Technical Specifications ....................................................................................52
Table 16 Operating Conditions (Equipped with OPCC Card) ...................................................52
Table 17 Operating Conditions (Equipped with OPCC+ Card) .................................................53
Table 18 Storage Conditions .....................................................................................................53
Table 19 Transportation Conditions ..........................................................................................53
Table 20 Relevant Standards and Recommendations..............................................................54
List of Figures
Figure 1 Metro and MPLS Core Network....................................................................................5
Figure 2 Fully-loaded MN5100 C Type Chassis .........................................................................5
Figure 3 MN5100 C Type Slot Assignment ................................................................................5
Figure 4 MN5100 C Type Layer Architecture .............................................................................7
Figure 5 SS-PW and MS-PW......................................................................................................8
Figure 6 TDM Circuit over Packet Network ................................................................................9
Figure 7 Unidirectional 1+1 Protection Switching Architecture.................................................14
Figure 8 Unidirectional 1+1 Protection Switching Architecture – Working LSP Fails...............14
Figure 9 Unidirectional 1:1 Protection Switching Architecture..................................................15
Figure 10 Unidirectional 1:1 Protection Switching Architecture – Working LSP Fails ..............15
Figure 11 Synchronous Ethernet ..............................................................................................17
Figure 12 Synchronization principle of IEEE 1588 ...................................................................18
Figure 13 MN5100 C Type Cooling System .............................................................................20
Figure 14 OPCC Card Assignment...........................................................................................24
Figure 15 OPCC Front Panel....................................................................................................24
Figure 16 OPCC+ Card Assignment.........................................................................................27
Figure 17 OPCC+ Front Panel..................................................................................................27
Figure 18 PDC Card Assignment..............................................................................................29
Figure 19 PDC Front Panel.......................................................................................................29
Figure 20 PAC Card Assignment..............................................................................................30
Figure 21 PAC Front Panel.......................................................................................................30
Figure 22 CFF08C Card Assignment .......................................................................................30
Figure 23 CFF08C Front Panel.................................................................................................31
Figure 24 CFT08C Card Assignment .......................................................................................32
Figure 25 CFT08C Front Panel.................................................................................................32
Figure 26 FAN Module..............................................................................................................32
Figure 27 E1 over MPLS...........................................................................................................34
Figure 28 Ethernet over MPLS .................................................................................................34
Figure 29 Ethernet over MPLS .................................................................................................35
Figure 30 End to End PW .........................................................................................................35
Figure 31 Multi-segment PW ....................................................................................................36
Figure 32 Typical configuration scenario 1 ...............................................................................36
Figure 33 Typical configuration Scenario 2 ..............................................................................37
Figure 34 Chain Topology.........................................................................................................37
Figure 35 Ring Topology...........................................................................................................38
Figure 36 Ring with Chain Topology.........................................................................................38
SpectralWave MN5100 C Type System Overview
This guide describes the SpectralWave MN5100 C Type Release 2.2 features and its
application and networking.
Note: SpectralWave MN5100 has two types: C Type and E Type. SpectralWave
MN5100 C Type uses OPCC or OPCC+ card as the main board and has 6.4Gbps
switching capacity, and SpectralWave MN5100 E type uses OPCE card as the main
board and has 44Gbps switching capacity.
System administrators
Installation engineers
Operation engineers
Maintenance engineers
Troubleshooting and repair engineers
Service engineers
This guide may contain notice icons, figures, screen captures, and certain
typographical conventions. These conventions are described below.
Notice Icons
The following table lists notice icons used in this guide.
Typographical Conventions
The following table lists typographical conventions used in this guide.
Convention Description
This typeface represents text that appears on a terminal screen,
Text displayed in the including, system information output, command prompts, and user typed
Courier New Font commands. Commands typed by users are in bold.
Example: telnet@hostname>enable.
Bold text represents window names, user interface control names,
Text in bold function names, user typed commands, and directory and file names.
Example: Set the Time field.
Text enclosed in Text enclosed in square brackets represents menu items such as [File]
[square brackets] and [File > New].
Text enclosed in angle brackets represents user interface buttons and
Text enclosed in
keyboard function keys.
<angle brackets>
Example: Click <OK>.
Text in italics represents the names of reference documents.
Text in italics
Example: Refer to the Rack Installation Guide.
This chapter provides an overview of the NEC packet transport network product -
SpectralWave MN5100 C Type.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Technological Background on page 3
NEC Packet Transport Network Product Line on page 4
SpectralWave MN5100 Introduction on page 4
System Features on page 7
Technological Background
In recent years, the data service keeps growing rapidly whereas the annual growth of
narrowband/conventional voice services has stuck or very slow. New services such
as 3G mobile, L2/L3 VPN, and IPTV use packet-based data traffic, and these
services are utilizing the bulk of most carrier and service providers’ bandwidth.
As demand for data services rapidly grows, providers are facing the challenge of how
to lower the cost of providing these services.
Today, many carriers must maintain and operate multiple networks or different layers
of the network. With data traffic consuming the majority of carrier’s bandwidth in the
current SDH/SONET infrastructure, it is critical for today’s metro network carriers and
service providers to use a convergence transport technology. Carriers and Service
Providers are searching for new transport technology that will enable them to deliver
service more profitably and efficiently in a highly competitive telecommunications
One of the main objectives of the next generation transport network is the ability to
multiplex and aggregate multiple services over the same physical facility. This ability
enables a provider to provision new services on the existing facility without upgrading
the physical installation for every new service. One of the technologies used in
modern Packet Transport Network (PTN) is to take advantage of the cost-
effectiveness and ease-of-use of Pseudo Wire (PW) over T-MPLS/MPLS-TP
architecture (RFC 3985), and adding carrier-class features such as traffic engineering,
Quality of Service (QoS) and connection oriented provisioning.
The introduction of T-MPLS/MPLS-TP PW based PTN to metro transport network
permits network operators to migrate all of their transport services to be carried over
converged IP/T-MPLS/MPLS-TP core networks. This approach allows carriers and
Service Providers to generate more revenue by rapidly introducing new, as well as
existing services, while reducing operational and capital network costs.
In Figure 1, MN5100 C Type is used as the User Provider Edge (UPE) device and
many different types of traffic can be encapsulated and transformed via the MPLS
PWs. MN5200 or MN5300 is used as the Network Provider Edge (NPE) devices to
transport multiple PWs through the MPLS core network via a single MPLS Tunnel.
In theory, hybrid MN5100 C Type, MN5200 and MN5300 can construct one metro
network, MN5100 C Type or MN5200 is recommended to be used at the metro
access layer, with MN5200 or MN5300 at the metro aggregation layer.
MN5100 C Type supports up to 512 LSPs and PWs per chassis.
Hardware Architecture
MN5100 C Type Chassis
MN5100 C Type uses high-speed backplane buses and high capacity packet switch
fabric, which greatly enhances efficiency and reduces the overall size of the system.
The feature-rich MN5100 is compact. The chassis is 1U (1U = 44.45mm) height and
can be installed in a standard 19-inch rack. Dimensions of MN5100 without hangers,
cabling clips and brackets are: 44.5mm (height) x 442.0mm (width) x 245.0mm
The MN5100 C Type chassis equipped with FAN module and backplane weighs
Figure 2 shows the fully-loaded MN5100 C Type chassis view.
Figure 2 Fully-loaded MN5100 C Type Chassis
Slot Allocation
MN5100 C Type has a modular structure. Cards can be plugged in or out of a chassis.
Figure 3 shows the MN5100 C Type chassis slot assignment.
Figure 3 MN5100 C Type Slot Assignment
1. The MN5100 C Type cards must be installed in the corresponding slots listed in
Table 2. Otherwise, forced insertion in wrong slot may damage the equipment.
2. The installation and removal operation of OPCC, OPCC+, PDC or PAC card is
forbidden at field. It can be performed by authorized engineers only.
Software Architecture
The MN5100 C Type delivers the software features required for transferring TDM and
Ethernet services across T-MPLS/MPLS-TP data networks.
Server Layer
The server layer of MN5100 C Type transmits services coming to/from client service
layer using PW through a T-MPLS/MPLS-TP network.
Uplink Layer
T-MPLS/MPLS-TP packets can then be transmitted through the uplink layer. The
uplink layer can use Gigabit Ethernet interface.
System Features
Services and Interfaces
MN5100 C Type is suitable for the triple play or multi-play application and has
abundant service interfaces such as Ethernet and TDM.
Interface Type
The MN5100 C Type supports:
Ethernet service: 10M/100M FE and Gigabit Ethernet (GE) interfaces
PDH emulation service: E1 interface
20 x FE electrical interfaces
Pseudo Wire
Generic PW
PWs have been the essential technologies for emulating different types of services.
The required functions of PWs include:
Encapsulating service-specific PDUs (Protocol Data Units) arriving at an ingress
Carrying those PDUs across a path or tunnel across MPLS networks
Managing PDUs timing and order
Any other operations required emulating the behavior and characteristics of the
services as precisely as possible
The end-to-end PWs that are used to interconnect two CE devices through the
common MPLS Packet Switched Networks are called single-segment pseudo wires
(SS-PWs). There is also requirement for PWs across more than one packet switched
network (PSN) domain and/or more than one PSN tunnel. These PWs are called
multi-segment pseudo wires (MS-PWs). Both SS-PW and MS-PW are supported.
Figure 5 shows an SS-PW and an MS-PW.
Figure 5 SS-PW and MS-PW
A PW must be set up before an emulated circuit can be established, and must be torn
down when an emulated circuit is no longer needed. Setup and teardown of a PW
PDH Specific PW
MN5100 C Type supports PDH traffic emulation at E1 format.
Figure 6 shows the applicability of the PDH PW for so-called TDM Emulation service.
Figure 6 TDM Circuit over Packet Network
suitable for applications where the PEs have no need to interpret TDM data or to
participate in the TDM signaling.
MN5100 C Type uses the high priority for transport of the TDM streams, and two
classes of service for TDM over PW are provided.
MN5100 supports:
E1 to CEP PW encapsulation
MN5100 C Type uses high priority for transport of the TDM streams, and two QoS
classes are provided.
Ethernet Specific PW
Ethernet is common layer 2 technique used for network communication. An Ethernet
PW is used to carry Ethernet/802.3 Protocol Data Units (PDUs) over an MPLS
network. This enables service providers to offer ‘emulated’ Ethernet services over
existing MPLS networks.
With MN5100 C Type, Ethernet PW uses emulated bridge service to provide logical
channel for interconnecting switches in different locations.
The supported features of Ethernet Layer 2 are as follows:
GE interface Flow control per IEEE 802.3, be able to be retrieved by LCT and OS
GE interface auto-Negotiation per IEEE 802.3, be able to be enabled or disabled
by LCT and OS.
GE duplex mode, be able to be retrieved by LCT and OS
Storm suppression
A LAN storm occurs when packets flood the LAN, creating excessive traffic and
degrading network performance. Errors in the protocol-stack implementation or in
the network configuration can cause a storm. Storm control (or traffic
suppression) monitors incoming traffic statistics over a time period and compares
the measurement with a predefined suppression level threshold. The threshold
represents the percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port. The switch
supports separate storm control thresholds for broadcast, multicast, and unicast
traffic. If the threshold of a traffic type is reached, further traffic of that type is
suppressed until the incoming traffic falls below the threshold level.
802.3ad link aggregation and automatic trunk load-balancing
Access Control List (ACL)
Port Mirror
Basic Ethernet PW emulation allows a service provider to offer a "port to port"
Ethernet-based VPWS service across the MPLS PSN. By using service-delimiting
VLAN tag in tagged mode, the Ethernet VLAN PW emulation provides an ‘Ethernet
VLAN to VLAN’ based VPLS/H-VPLS service across the MPLS packet switched
network. VPWS and VPLS/H-VPLS services support following service delimiting
Port mode: the whole traffic from the port is mapped to the PW.
Single VLAN mode: the first VLAN field on the packet is the service delimiting tag
System Overview SpectralWave MN5100 C Type
Chapter 1 System Description 11
Nested VLAN mode (Q in Q): The first VLAN field or both the first and second
VLAN field on the packet is the service delimiting tag.
When the MN5100 C Type receives an Ethernet frame, and the frame has a VLAN
tag, the MN5100 C Type will operate in either Raw or Tagged mode.
The Ethernet frames received by the MN5100 C Type have two scenarios:
1 The VLAN tag is service-delimiting. This means that the tag was placed on the
frame by some piece of service provider-operated equipment, and the tag is used
by the service provider to distinguish the traffic. For example, LANs from different
customers might be attached to the same service provider switch, which applies
VLAN tags to distinguish one customer's traffic from another's, and then forwards
the frames to the MN5100 C Type.
2 The VLAN tag is not service-delimiting. This means that the tag was placed in the
frame by a piece of customer equipment, and is not meaningful to the MN5100 C
Whether or not the tag is service-delimiting is determined by local configuration on
the MN5100 C Type.
If an Ethernet PW is operating in Raw mode, service-delimiting tags are never sent
over the PW. If a service-delimiting tag is present when the frame is received from the
attachment circuit by the MN5100 C Type, it must be stripped from the frame before
the frame is sent to the PW.
If an Ethernet PW is operating in Tagged mode, every frame sent on the PW must
have a service-delimiting VLAN tag. If the frame as received by MN5100 C Type from
the attachment circuit does not have service-delimiting VLAN tag, the MN5100 C
Type must pretend the frame with a dummy VLAN tag before sending the frame on
the PW. This is the default operating mode.
In both modes, non-service-delimiting tags are passed transparently across the PW
as part of the payload. It should be noted that a single Ethernet packet might contain
more than one tag. In any case, the MN5100 C Type only inspects the outermost tag
for the purpose of adapting the Ethernet frame to the PW.
MN5100 C Type can carry the Ethernet PW as a best-effort service over the MPLS
PSN. User priority PRI bits in VLAN tag are kept transparent between MN5100 C
Type devices, regardless of the QoS support of the MPLS PSN. MN5100 C Type
maps the PRI field of the VLAN tag header to the EXP fields of the MPLS label stack
to support QoS for MPLS PSN.
MN5100 C Type supports Ethernet OAM defined in IEEE 802.1ag, IEEE 802.3ah and
ITU-T Y.1731.
The MN5100 C Type Ethernet PW supports:
Ethernet to PW Encapsulation:
- Raw mode or Tagged mode
- PW multiplex and demultiplex into single MPLS LSP
PW QoS: 8 classes of service
LPT (Link Pass Through)
MN5100 C Type in packet transport network supports Ethernet LPT via PW over
MPLS. The remote link failure can be detected by the downstream NE, and the
downstream NE will disable the corresponding output port to the downstream
router. So the downstream router can thus detect the failure, and the protection
switch is done properly.
The following lists the Ethernet data function features of the MN5100 C Type:
Support Maximum Ethernet frame length 10240 Bytes and minimum Ethernet
frame length 64 Bytes
Support IEEE 802.1d traffic class expediting and conditioning
Support IEEE 802.1p class of service (CoS) with 8-level priority queuing, port
based rate limiting (64K), IEEE 802.3x flow control and port mirroring.
Support IEEE 802.3ad port trunking with flexible load distribution control and fail-
over function.
Support IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on customer
facing Ethernet ports, Max 12 groups with Max 8 ports.
Unknown unicast/multicast/broadcast and broadcasting storm control.
32K MAC address table. MAC address dynamic learning, MAC address static
configuration and MAC address filtering.
MN5100 C Type supports Diff-Serv in T-MPLS/MPLS-TP network. At the ingress
node of the Diff-Serv T-MPLS/MPLS-TP network, the PWs would be mapped with an
EXP Code Point (CP) which corresponds to their different Behavior Aggregate (BA).
Up to 8 BAs can be supported by one LSP corresponding to one PW, and one PW
may order more than one BA. This is called EXP-Inferred-PSC LSPs (E-LSPs). The
System Overview SpectralWave MN5100 C Type
Chapter 1 System Description 13
Per-Hop Behavior (PHB) Scheduling Class (PSC) of a packet transported on this LSP
depends on the EXP field.
Alternatively, a single LSP can be established for a single PW with certain required
BA. With LSPs, the PSC is explicitly signaled at the time of label establishment, so
that after label establishment, LSR such as MN5100 can infer exclusively from the
label value the PSC to be applied to a labeled packet and infer the Drop Precedence
using the EXP field. At each transit node, the EXP/Label can then be used to select
the Per Hop Behavior (PHB) that determines the scheduling treatment and drop
probability for each packet in PW.
MN5100 C Type adopts manual provisioning to actually control and manage the LSP
According to the requirements and principles given in ITU-T Y.1710 and Y.1711,
MN5100 C Type supports a fully standard-compliant user-plane OAM. These OAMs
can be used for:
1 Efficiently detect, identify, and localize defects arising within the T-MPLS/MPLS-
TP layer networks;
2 Defect notification and defect handling, e.g. suppress alarm storms in nested
LSP scenarios;
3 Specification of the criteria for defining the availability (entry/exit) of LSPs and the
relationship of availability and network performance metrics;
4 Provide a trigger mechanism for protection switching when failures occur.
The supported OAM types are: Connectivity verification (including CV and FFD
messages), FDI and BDI, VCCV, LSP-Ping, LSP-Traceroute.
The OAM defect detection function is based on the periodic transmission of CV or
FFD packets from ingress to egress of an LSP. Each CV and FFD packet carries a
unique TTSI (Trail Termination Source Identifier), which is composed of the source
LSR identifier, and the LSP identifier.
On LSP establishment the LSP trail termination sink point should be configured with
the expected TTSI. Although it could be configured manually, ideally this should be
done automatically at LSP set-up time. TTSI (Trail Termination Source Identifier)
forms a network unique access point identifier constructed from the source LSR
identifier and the LSP identifier.
provide 1+1 protection service between two nodes in a MPLS network, a pair of LSPs
is established between them along disjoint paths.
If CV packets, FFD packets, or other continuity probe packets are used to detect
defects of working or protection LSP, they are inserted at the source of the protection
domain of both working and protection side and detected and extracted at the sink of
the protection domain. It is noted that they should be sent regardless of whether the
LSP is selected by the selector or not.
For example, if a unidirectional defect (in the direction of transmission from PSL to
PML) occurs for the working LSP as in Figure 8, this defect will be detected at the
sink of the protection domain at PML and the selector at PML will switch to the
protection LSP.
Figure 8 Unidirectional 1+1 Protection Switching Architecture – Working LSP Fails
permanently merged at the sink of the protection domain. To provide 1:1 protection
service between two nodes in a MPLS network, a pair of LSPs is established
between them along disjoint paths.
Figure 9 Unidirectional 1:1 Protection Switching Architecture
If CV packets, FFD packets, or other continuity probe packets are used to detect
defects of working or protection LSP, they are inserted at the source of the protection
domain of both working and protection side and detected and extracted at the sink of
the protection domain. It is noted that they should be sent regardless of whether the
LSP is selected by the selector or not.
Unidirectional 1:1 trail protection is revertive.
For example, if a unidirectional defect (in the direction of transmission from PSL to
PML) occurs for the working LSP as in Figure 10, this defect is detected at the sink of
the protection domain at PML and then reported by BDI to the source of the
protection domain at PSL. The selector at PSL switches to the protection LSP on
reception of this report.
Figure 10 Unidirectional 1:1 Protection Switching Architecture – Working LSP Fails
When SF for working LSP is declared and user traffic is transmitted by protection LSP,
FDI packet and user traffic may be merged at the sink of the protection domain.
SpectralWave MN5100 C Type System Overview
16 Chapter 1 System Description
Nodes in downstream may receive FDI packets, CV or FFD packets and user traffic
at the same time. The same applies in the case where SF for protection LSP is
declared. One way to solve this problem is to use a merging selector. The operation
of the merging selector when a defect occurs on the working LSP is the following:
1 Receive FDI packets or detect a lower layer defect at the egress of the working
2 Switch the merging selector at the egress (i.e., open the switch on working LSP
and close the switch on protection LSP).
3 Send BDI packets on return path (such as a return LSP).
4 Switch the selector at the ingress (i.e., working LSP to protection LSP and cut off
the extra traffic).
Frequency Synchronization
To satisfy the surging demands for bandwidths in both the core and access networks,
the packet switched technology is replacing the traditional circuit switching technology
for telecommunication networks.
Over the traditional circuit switched TDM networks, precise frequency synchronization
was used. The access platforms, such as wireless base stations and MSANs (multi
service access nodes); rely on synchronization provided over the network backhaul
connection, thus assuring high QoS for end users. The ability to provide carrier-class
synchronization over Ethernet to the remote wireless base stations and access
platform is the key to Ethernet backhaul in telecom networks.
Considering the shifting from circuit switched to packet switched network will last for
some time, the MN5100 C Type supports synchronous Ethernet.
Synchronous Ethernet
MN5100 C Type supports GE/FE Synchronous Ethernet feature, this clock complies
with ITU-T Recommendation G.8262.
Synchronous Ethernet extracts the clock signal from Ethernet link bit stream. A highly
precise timing signal is injected into the incoming Ethernet port, and extracts the clock
signal from the receiving port in order to achieve accurate timing performance.
As shown in Figure 11, a reference timing signal is injected into the Ethernet physical
layer (Node A) through an external clock port. This signal is extracted and processed
via a synchronization function before injecting timing onto the Ethernet bit stream. In
such cases the synchronization function within this Ethernet must be able to recover
synchronization “line timing” in Node B from the incoming bit stream. During this
process the precision of the timing signal will be not affected to keep the source
Synchronous Ethernet has the same timing strategy with the SDH Network; they all
extract the timing signal from the physical layer. In the current Ethernet technology,
the service is asynchronous. In synchronous Ethernet, existing Ethernet services will
continue to be mapped into and out of the Ethernet physical layer at the appropriate
rates as generated by the service clocks.
SSM Mode
MN5100 C Type supports the synchronous status message (SSM) management
function for Synchronous Ethernet defined in ITU-T G.8264. This function prevents
the formation of timing loop in the system during clock switching. When the locked
synchronous timing signal degrades, the SSM management function can also enable
the downstream nodes to switch to another input clock source or holdover mode
without waiting for the synchronous timing signal to exceed the degradation threshold.
This serves to improve the synchronization quality of the entire network. In addition,
the SSM management function can simplify synchronous network planning and
The MN5100 C Type timing system can work in locked mode, holdover mode or free-
run mode. In locked mode, the aggregation clock, tributary clock and external
synchronization source can be selected as the reference clock source. The timing
reference can be selected automatically or manually. The MN5100 C Type supports
selection of clock source with various priority levels and the SSM to ensure the
network timing system’s reliability.
Time Synchronization
MN5100 C Type supports IEEE 1588V2 protocol to achieve the real-time
IEEE 1588
The IEEE 1588 standard is known as "Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for
Networked Measurement and Control Systems" or "PTP" for short. Precision Time
Protocol (PTP) defines a procedure allowing many spatially distributed real-time
clocks to be synchronized through a "package-compatible" network (normally
Ethernet). The technology behind the IEEE 1588 standard was used for distributed
SpectralWave MN5100 C Type System Overview
18 Chapter 1 System Description
First, one node (IEEE 1588 master clock) transmits a "Sync" telegram, which contains
the estimated transmission time. The exact transmission time is captured by a clock
and transmitted in a second "Follow Up" message. Based on the first and second
telegram and by means of its own clock, the receiver can now calculate the time
difference between its clock and the master clock. To achieve the best possible
results, the IEEE 1588 time stamps should be generated in hardware or as close as
possible to the hardware.
The telegram propagation time is determined cyclically in a second transmission
process between the slave and the master ("delay" telegrams). The slave can then
correct its clock and adapt it to the current bus propagation time.
Configuration of an IEEE 1588 Network
An IEEE 1588 network configures and segments itself automatically. For this, each
node uses the "best master clock" algorithm (BMC) in order to determine the best
clock in the segment. Every PTP clock stores its features within a specified dataset.
These features are transmitted to other nodes within its "Sync" telegrams. Based on
this, other nodes are able to synchronize their datasets with the features of the actual
master and can adjust their clocks accordingly. Due to the cyclic running of the BMC,
nodes can also be connected or removed during propagation time (hot plugging).
Ethernet OAM
Ethernet OAM (Operations, Administration and Maintenance) is used to monitor the
status of the network and the problems arousing in the network during operation. It
works in digital link layer, reports the status of the network by exchanging the
OAMPDU (OAM Protocol Data Units) between devices, which helps in making the
management of the network more effective. MN5100 C Type supports 802.1ag,
802.3ah and Y.1731.
MN5100 C Type support following Ethernet OAM features:
Ethernet Continuity Check (ETH-CC)
ETH-CC is applicable to fault management, performance monitoring, or
protection switching applications.
Ethernet Loopback (ETH-LB)
ETH-LB is used to verify and carry out connectivity and diagnostics test between
the networks.
Ethernet Link Trace (ETH-LT)
ETH-LT is applicable for adjacency relation retrieval and fault localization.
Ethernet Alarm Indication Signal (ETH-AIS)
ETH-AIS is used to suppress alarms following detection of defect conditions at
the server layer.
Ethernet Remote Defect Indication (ETH-RDI)
ETH-RDI is applicable for single-ended fault management and contribution to far-
end performance monitoring. It is used only when ETH-CC transmission is
Ethernet OAM function for performance monitoring
It allows measurement of different performance parameters. The performance
parameters are defined for point-to-point ETH connections.
MN5100 C Type supports these two measurements of performance parameters:
- Ethernet Frame Loss Measurement (ETH-LM)
- Ethernet Frame Delay Measurement (ETH-DM)
Management Interfaces
Performance Management
MN5100 C Type supports the performance management listed below:
PDH performance management
Ethernet performance management
PW performance management
LSP performance management
Alarm Management
MN5100 C Type supports the alarm management listed below:
PDH alarm management
Ethernet alarm management
PW alarm management
LSP alarm management
Physical alarm: card, device, optical module
Equipment alarm
Clock alarm
Communication alarm
Environment alarm
One FAN tray with four fans is designed to keep the system within normal
temperature range.
The air flow is as shown in Figure 13:
Figure 13 MN5100 C Type Cooling System
External Alarm
The MN5100 C Type provides three external alarm inputs and one remote alarm
The MN5100 C Type external alarm inputs can be used to detect events such as
temperature threshold-crossing, access permissions, etc. The MN5100 C Type will
report the external alarm to the NMS.
Through a remote alarm output, the MN5100 C Type can output an alarm of the
chassis to the monitoring center of the equipment room and prompt the people on
duty with visual or audible alarms.
External alarm input and remote alarm output are useful in daily maintenance,
especially for monitoring systems in unattended equipment rooms. Effective
environment monitoring can tremendously improve overall service stability and
The system clock module provides three basic functions: lock, holdover and
free run.
- Supports selection of clock source from service slots and external clock
- Supports selection of clock source with various priority levels and the SSM
to ensure the network timing system’s reliability.
- Automatic switching will be activated when LOS, LOF occurs on the selected
timing reference.
- Supports IEEE 1588V2 clock processing.
- Supports 2.048MHz and E1 (2.048Mbit/s) external clock processing.
Service interfaces
- 4 x FE electric interfaces (not support synchronous Ethernet)
- 4 x FE/GE optical interfaces
- 16 x E1 interfaces (The 1st and/or 2nd E1 interfaces can be used as the
external clock interfaces)
Auxiliary interfaces
- Three external alarm inputs and one remote alarm output.
- Two 1PPS+TOD time interfaces (1+1 redundancy)
- One NMS interface
Card Assignment
The OPCC card is installed in System Board Slot as Figure 14 shows.
Figure 14 OPCC Card Assignment
Front Panel
Figure 15 shows the front panel of OPCC card.
Figure 15 OPCC Front Panel
RUN AL M T IM E 1 T IM E 2 NM S 16 8 1 F E1 F E2 F E3 F E4 RST
GE 1 GE 2 GE 3 GE 4
E 1/ T 1
Table 3 lists the LED indicators and interfaces on the front panel and their
Identifier Description
A red/green LED indicates:
ON in red: The FAN module has an alarm.
ON in green: The FAN module has been installed, but has
FAN/ALM powered off.
Blinking green: The FAN module has been installed and has no
OFF: The FAN module has not been installed.
A red LED indicates:
SYS/ALM ON: The system has one critical alarm at least.
OFF: The system is operating normally.
A red/green LED indicates:
ON in green: The timing subsystem has been locked to an
input reference (E1, Composite clock, or a reference clock from
the line unit).
SYNC Blinking green: The timing subsystem is in the free-run mode.
ON in red: The Timing subsystem has lost clock with the
selected input reference and may in the hold over mode
Blinking red: The Timing subsystem is in Lost Phase.
OFF: When timing subsystem has not past initialization.
A green LED indicates:
RUN ON: The system is operating normally.
OFF: The system module has failed or powered off.
RJ45 interface, providing three external alarm inputs and one remote
alarm output.
The timing interface (RJ45) supports IEEE 1588V2 and can be set as
either a 1PPS+TOD input port or a 1PPS+TOD output port.
The timing interface (RJ45) supports IEEE 1588V2 and can be set as
either a 1PPS+TOD input port or a 1PPS+TOD output port.
NMS RJ45, QX/CLI interface or system debug interface
1-8-16 DB68, 16 x E1 interfaces and first two interfaces can be configured as
(E1/T1) external clock interfaces.
FE1, FE2, FE3, FE4 RJ45, 4 x FE electric interfaces
GE1, GE2, GE3, GE4 SFP, 4 x FE/GE optical interfaces
TX corresponds to the transmitter on the left side of the optical module
in an optical interface.
The LED on the upper left of an optical interface indicates the status
TX of the transmitter of the optical interface.
ON in green: The optical module in the optical interface is installed.
OFF: The optical module in the optical interface is not installed.
RX corresponds to the receiver on the right side of the optical module in
an optical interface.
The LED on the upper right of an optical interface indicates the
status of the receiver of the optical interface.
ON in red: No optical signals are input over the optical interface.
The card has a LOS alarm or the laser is shut down.
OFF: There is optical signal input over the optical interface. The
receiver is normal.
RST Button to reset the OPCC card
Note: The OPCC+ card has the same function as OPCC card. However, due to the
deployment of industry-level components and compatibility with industry-level SFP,
the system with OPCC+ card (together with two CFT08C cards) can run in the
operating temperature range from -10 to 50 ℃. The system with OPCC card can run
in the operating temperature range from -5 to 45 ℃.
Caution: The CFF08C card is not recommended to be used with OPCC+ card
Card Assignment
The OPCC+ card is installed in System Board Slot as Figure 16 shows.
Figure 16 OPCC+ Card Assignment
Front Panel
Figure 17 shows the front panel of OPCC+ card.
Figure 17 OPCC+ Front Panel
Table 4 lists the LED indicators and interfaces on the front panel and their
Table 4 OPCC+ Front Panel Identifiers
Identifier Description
A red/green LED indicates:
ON in red: The FAN module has an alarm.
ON in green: The FAN module has been installed, but has
FAN/ALM powered off.
Flashing in green: The FAN module has been installed and has no
OFF: The FAN module has not been installed.
A red LED indicates:
SYS/ALM ON: The system has one critical alarm at least.
OFF: The system is operating normally.
A red/green LED indicates:
ON in green: The timing subsystem has been locked to an
input reference (E1, Composite clock, or a reference clock from
the line unit).
SYNC Blinking green: The timing subsystem is in the free-run mode.
ON in red: The Timing subsystem has lost clock with the
selected input reference and may in the hold over mode
Blinking red: The Timing subsystem is in Lost Phase.
OFF: When timing subsystem has not past initialization.
Identifier Description
A green LED indicates:
RUN ON: The system is operating normally.
OFF: The system module has failed or powered off.
RJ45 interface, providing three external alarm inputs and one remote
alarm output.
The timing interface (RJ45) supports IEEE 1588V2 and can be set as
either a 1PPS+TOD input port or a 1PPS+TOD output port.
The timing interface (RJ45) supports IEEE 1588V2 and can be set as
either a 1PPS+TOD input port or a 1PPS+TOD output port.
NMS RJ45, QX/CLI interface or system debug interface
1-8-16 DB68, 16 x E1 interfaces and first two interfaces can be configured as
(E1/T1) external clock interfaces.
FE1, FE2, FE3, FE4 RJ45, 4 x FE electric interfaces
GE1, GE2, GE3, GE4 SFP, 4 x FE/GE optical interfaces
TX corresponds to the transmitter on the left side of the optical module
in an optical interface.
The LED on the upper left of an optical interface indicates the status
TX of the transmitter of the optical interface.
ON in green: The optical module in the optical interface is installed.
OFF: The optical module in the optical interface is not installed.
RX corresponds to the receiver on the right side of the optical module in
an optical interface.
The LED on the upper right of an optical interface indicates the
status of the receiver of the optical interface.
ON in red: No optical signals are input over the optical interface.
The card has a LOS alarm or the laser is shut down.
OFF: There is optical signal input over the optical interface. The
receiver is normal.
RST Button to reset the OPCC+ card
Card Assignment
The PDC card is installed in PWR slot as Figure 18 shows.
Figure 18 PDC Card Assignment
Front Panel
Figure 19 shows the front panel of PDC card.
Figure 19 PDC Front Panel
1 2
Table 5 lists the LED indicators and interfaces on the front panel and their
Table 5 PDC Front Panel Identifiers
Identifier Description
A green LED indicates:
1 and 2 ON: The card is powered on.
OFF: The card has failed or powered off.
Power and ground connections
-48V: -48V DC power input
BGND: -48V DC return
PGND: Protection ground, connected to the earth ground.
PAC card can monitor 110V or 220V AC power input and can report the maintenance
information to OPCC or OPCC+ card.
Card Assignment
The PAC card is installed in PWR slot as Figure 20 shows.
Figure 20 PAC Card Assignment
Front Panel
Figure 21 shows the front panel of PAC card.
Figure 21 PAC Front Panel
Card Assignment
The CFF08C card can be installed in expansion slots as Figure 22 shows. It needs
the support of OPCC or OPCC+ card installed in System Board Slot.
Figure 22 CFF08C Card Assignment
Front Panel
Figure 23 shows the front panel of CFF08C card.
Figure 23 CFF08C Front Panel
Table 6 lists the LED indicators on the front panel and their descriptions.
Table 6 CFF08C Front Panel Identifiers
Identifier Description
A red LED indicates:
ALM ON: The card has an alarm.
OFF: No alarms.
A green LED indicates:
RUN ON: The card is operating normally.
OFF: The card has failed or powered off.
1-8 (FE) 8 FE optical interfaces
TX corresponds to the transmitter on the left side of the optical module in an
optical interface.
The LED on the upper left of an optical interface indicates the status of
TX the transmitter (Tx) of the optical interface.
ON in green: The optical module in the optical interface is installed.
OFF: The optical module in the optical interface is not installed.
RX corresponds to the receiver on the right side of the optical module in an
optical interface.
The LED on the upper right of an optical interface indicates the status
of the receiver (Rx) of the optical interface.
ON in red: No optical signals are input over the optical interface. The
card has a LOS alarm or the laser is shut down.
OFF: There is optical signal input over the optical interface. The receiver
is normal.
Card Assignment
The CFT08C card can be installed in expansion slots as Figure 24 shows. It needs
the support of OPCC or OPCC+ card installed in System Board Slot.
Figure 24 CFT08C Card Assignment
Front Panel
Figure 25 shows the front panel of CFT08C card.
Figure 25 CFT08C Front Panel
Table 7 lists the LED indicators on the front panel and their descriptions.
Table 7 CFT08C Front Panel Identifiers
Identifier Description
A red LED indicates:
ALM ON: The card has an alarm.
OFF: No alarms.
A green LED indicates:
RUN ON: The card is operating normally.
OFF: The card has failed or powered off.
1-8 FE 8 FE electric interfaces (RJ-45)
FAN Module
As shown in Figure 26, the FAN module provides system cooling unit, which contains
four fans and uses the 5V working voltage supplied by the power module in the
OPCC or OPCC+ card.
Figure 26 FAN Module
Note: The FAN module has been installed in the chassis when delivered.
End to End PW
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is capable of providing end to end PW and inter-
working with MPLS core network for 3G mobile backhaul shown in Figure 30. PW is
started by MN5100 or MN5200 at the edge and terminated by MN5300 at the
core/RNC side. MPLS core network only establishes tunnel to pass PW through the
core network. PW is handled by MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300. MPLS core network
can ignore PW label. Metro network manages PW label and MPLS core network
manages tunnel only.
Figure 30 End to End PW
Multi-segment PW
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is also capable of providing multi-segment PW
and inter-working with MPLS core network for 3G mobile backhaul shown in Figure
31. PW1 is started by MN5100 or MN5200 at the edge and terminated by MN5300 at
Metro Edge. MPLS core network establishes PW2 in the core network. PW
interconnection and label change are done at the metro edge.
Figure 31 Multi-segment PW
Chain Topology
Chain network and ring network are basic structures of network topology. Many
complex network structures can be derived from these two types of basic network
configurations based on actual applications.
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is capable of constructing a chain network as
Figure 34 shows.
Figure 34 Chain Topology
Ring Topology
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is capable of constructing a ring network as Figure
35 shows.
Figure 35 Ring Topology
SNI Topology
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is capable of constructing an SNI network as
Figure 37 shows.
Figure 37 SNI Topology
DNI Topology
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is capable of constructing a DNI network as
Figure 38 shows.
Figure 38 DNI Topology
Mesh Topology
The MN5100, MN5200 or MN5300 is capable of constructing a mesh network as
Figure 39 shows.
Figure 39 Mesh Topology
LCT directly controls a MN5100 C Type node through an Ethernet port. It can be
installed in a desktop PC or a notebook PC for easy onsite maintenance. The
application layer provides the user with a GUI operating environment. Only one LCT
control is allowed for a node each time. The LCT can only control one node at one
time. Using LCT gives total control of the node.
LCT can support local maintenance, gateway proxy and remote maintenance. The
remote maintenance can be implemented via a gateway proxy or proxy dial-up (refer
to Figure 40 below). The LCT must connect and configure the gateway before the
LCT proxy gateway. After finish the maintenance for the target NE, connect to
gateway NE and delete the appropriate gateway configuration.
Figure 40 LCT Network Topology
Topology Management
Topology management enables the user to establish and manage a network topology
via a GUI.
All topology maps are implemented with ILOG's graphic component and support the
following general functions:
View zoom
Background map customization
Automatic view refreshing
Presentation of alarms in the topology view
Topology navigation
Schematic diagram
ILOG is a software company that develops software for enterprise graphic
components. ILOG's topology components support background map imaging in
bitmap or vector format, and its software comes with numerous maps for all countries
and regions in the world. ILOG also permits customers to create a customized map.
The alarm and configuration information can be displayed on the map and stored in
the database automatically. For example, "1C" is displayed on the map when a single
critical alarm exists. "3M+" indicates that there are three major alarms, and other less
severe alarms.
Fault Management
Alarm surveillance involves detection and report of the related events/conditions that
have occurred in the network element. Alarms are generated automatically by the
events and conditions detected within the NE and input signals.
The MN5100 C Type also provides three inputs for external alarm. All alarms and
external alarms are reported to MN9200 and LCT automatically. There are 5 severity
levels of the alarms in the MN5100 C Type. They are Critical, Major, Minor, Warning
and Indeterminate. The alarm and its level can be reflected through the alarm
indicator on the chassis. After the alarm is sent to the network management system
(NMS), the system can automatically analyze the detailed description of the alarm
and determine the probable cause to assist in troubleshooting.
Port Mode
In order to prevent alarms from being raised and failures being reported during trail
provisioning, The MN5100 C Type supports the setting of Port Mode parameter via
MN9200 or LCT. The port mode parameter includes MON (monitored, enable fault
declaration), and NMON (not monitored, disable fault declaration).
If there is not any activated service on a port, to suppress reporting alarms related
with the port, the operator can set the port administrative state to Down.
The MN5100 C Type provides alarm suppression functionality that prevents the
superfluous generation of alarms by simply discarding them, or by aggregating them
together, thereby greatly reducing the number of notification emitted.
Performance Monitoring
The performance monitoring function collects the NE performance primitive data and
status of the equipment by continuously tracking system, network and service
activities in order to report and evaluate the performance of the network and NE.
Performance Data
The MN5100 C Type saves the current performance data in 15-minute mode or 24-
hour mode.
Performance Threshold
For many Ethernet performance parameters, performance parameter thresholds can
be set and queried. For Ethernet performance parameters, the single-threshold model
(upper or lower threshold) is used. In case of performance threshold crossing, the
system will report a performance threshold crossing alert event or generate the
relevant alarm to MN9200 and LCT.
Security Management
Most security management functions are performed in MN9200 and LCT. The
MN5100 C Type provides login validation, setting and getting of user ID and privilege
level, and password setting to support the functions provided by MN9200 and LCT.
The MN5100 C Type provides access control to every kind of access port.
Any unauthorized access will be denied. Authorization level management is
employed to manage the access user and decide the user’s access rights.
Service Management
NMS supports circuit/service configuration and management functions that enable
end-to-end configuration with different service levels.
LSP Management
The LSP is used to manage the link bandwidth in the MN5100 C Type system. The
LSP is established to do network resource planning via NMS. During the creation and
configuration of the LSP, the parameters of this LSP can be configured, such as the
bandwidth, CoS priority and protection. The LSPs with different CoS priority are
forwarded with a different priority policy on the network nodes. The EMS can in-
service modify the routing configuration.
When creating the LSP with protection path, the physical link paths are created for
both working path and protection path. Two options can be selected to use the
bandwidth of protection path. One is reserved protection bandwidth, another one is
shared protection bandwidth. When reserved protection bandwidth is selected, the
protection path is reserved and can not be configured and used by other services.
When shared protection bandwidth is selected, the protection bandwidth can be
shared and used by other services, for example, low priority services. Once the
failure occurs on the working path, the traffic of working path will be switched to the
protection path, and the existing low priority traffic of protection path will be dropped.
PW Management
In the MN5100 C Type system, the end-to-end PW is established to carry the
attached service. Each PW has it own CIR and EIR bandwidth parameters, and its
EXP can be mapped based on the QoS parameters of the attached service. One LSP
can handle multiple PWs, and the CIR bandwidth of each PW can be guaranteed by
the bandwidth parameters of this LSP, the EIR bandwidth of all PWs are also limited
by the bandwidth resource of this LSP. One PW can go through multiple LSPs. For
the end-to-end configuration of PW in the MN5100 C Type, only the ingress node and
egress node need to perform PW configuration, other nodes just need to perform LSP
tunnel configurations.
The MN5100 C Type also supports multi-segment configuration. When the MN5100
C Type interconnects with core network or third part equipment, the PW and LSP can
be terminated via NMS, and the PW can be mapped and converted based on the
planning of other networks. Thus, the service can be planned and managed
independently between different network domains.
Service Configuration
The MN5100 C Type supports E1 and Ethernet service. Once a PW is created, the
service can be attached to this PW. After the services of two ends are attached to PW,
the end-to-end service configuration is done.
Maintenance Management
Software Upgrade
The software and FPGA file of MN5100 C Type can be upgraded remotely by the
network management system. The upgrading file and its checkout data is copied to a
special folder in the EMS server. After the checkout data is verified, the upgrade file is
transferred to target NE by FTP session. The operator can activate the module in the
upgrade list one by one. The module will reboot and load the new software. For the
module with protection, it should be in standby status before the active operation.
Once the software is loaded and the module is in a running status, the operator can
confirm the upgrading of this module, and the new software will be saved in the NE.
During the software upgrade for the module, the operator can abort this upgrade
operation and return to the previous software before the confirmation.
Protection Management
The MN5100 C Type and network management system provide switch commands as
the following:
Clear: The previous switching command is revoked.
Forced Switch: A user-initiated switch, similar to a manual switch except that the
switch occurs regardless of the condition of the protection card (unless the
protection card is fulfilling a higher priority request).
Lockout of Protection: The lockout of protection request can only be issued for
the protection card. After successful execution of this request, the protection card
will cease to provide protection for the working card.
Manual Switch: A user-initiated switch. This switch will be performed unless the
protection card is already actively protecting another card or it is faulty.
LSP Traceroute
LSP Traceroute is used to determine the hop-by-hop path and destination of an LSP.
Like LSP ping, it is an in-band on-demand MPLS OAM utility. It also can be used to
detect MTU mis-configuration between LSRs.
LSP Traceroute also uses an MPLS echo request/reply mechanism. However, with
LSP Traceroute, all LSRs along the path up to and including the destination LSR
reply to the echo request. This technique allows the operator to identify and
distinguish LSRs along a path.
Port Mirroring
The MN5100 C Type system supports local Port Mirroring. It can be set and operated
via the network management system.
Card Specifications
Table 15 lists general physical specifications of the cards in MN5100 C Type.
Table 15 Card Technical Specifications
Card Description Power Consumption Weight
The card integrates three primary modules (OAM, PPC and
OPCC 12.0 W without transceiver 740 g
CLK) and multiple interfaces.
The card integrates three primary modules (OAM, PPC and
OPCC+ 12.0 W without transceiver 740 g
CLK) and multiple interfaces.
PDC -48V DC power access card 11.0 W 185 g
PAC 110V or 220V AC power access card 6.4 W 411 g
CFT08C 8×FE electrical interface card 1.1 W 305 g
CFF08C 8xFE optical interface card 2.0 W without transceiver 290 g
FAN FAN module contains four fans. 4.0 W 175 g
Chassis Chassis assembly including FAN module 3.46 kg
Environment Specifications
The MN5100 C Type product required environmental conditions meet ETSI EN 300
019 serial definitions.
Operating Conditions
The MN5100 C Type product shall be operated according to ETSI EN 300 019
CLASS3.2 definitions. The environmental conditions are listed in Table 16 and Table 17.
Table 16 Operating Conditions (Equipped with OPCC Card)
Conditions Limits
-5℃ to 45℃;
System operating temperature
30℃/hour, rate of temperature change
Conditions Limits
Dust 0.2 mg/m^3
Acoustical noise < 65 dBA
Conditions Limits
-10℃ to 50℃;
System operating temperature -15℃ to 65℃, short term (96 hours) excursions;
30℃/hour, rate of temperature change
Storage Conditions
The MN5100 C Type product shall be stored according to ETSI EN 300 019
CLASS1.1 definitions. The storage environmental conditions are listed in Table 18.
Table 18 Storage Conditions
Conditions Limits
Temperature -25℃ to 55℃
Transportation Conditions
The MN5100 C Type product shall be transported according to ETSI EN 300 019
CLASS2.2 definitions. The transportation environmental conditions are listed in Table
Table 19 Transportation Conditions
Conditions Limits
Temperature -40℃ to 70℃
Conditions Limits
5 Hz to 20 Hz, 1 m^2/s^3 and
Random vibration
20 Hz to 200Hz, -3 dB/oct.
Free drop Accord mass weight should reference IEC60068-2-32
Shock Accord mass weight should reference IEC60068-2-29
These terms and acronyms are used throughout this document. While not all terms in
this list are used in this particular document, the complete list is provided to ensure
fast access to the definition of these terms regardless of how they are encountered.
CV Connectivity Verification
GE Gigabit Ethernet
IP Internet Protocol
NE Network Element
PW Pseudo Wire
VC Virtual Container
VC Virtual Channel
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