RUSPH Fieldwork Handbook
RUSPH Fieldwork Handbook
RUSPH Fieldwork Handbook
Please note:
This handbook covers general Fieldwork guidelines that are similar across all departments. Each
department also has separate guidelines that are more specific. Please consult with your department
faculty and the Graduate Practicum Director about department specific guidelines. Information in this
handbook is subject to change.
Rutgers School of Public Health Mission ...................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of Fieldwork I and Fieldwork II ....................................................................................... 3
Fieldwork I Continuation ............................................................................................................... 4
Fieldwork II Continuation .............................................................................................................. 4
Fieldwork III Continuation ............................................................................................................. 4
Eligibility to Register for Fieldwork ................................................................................................ 4
Dual Department Students ............................................................................................................ 5
Fieldwork Registration .................................................................................................................. 5
Choosing a Fieldwork Project and Site ......................................................................................... 5
Fieldwork Seminars Sessions ....................................................................................................... 5
Human Subjects Protection Program (HSPP) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) .................... 5
Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) Human Subjects Protections On-line Training ............. 6
Refresher Requirements for CITI .................................................................................................. 6
Fieldwork and the IRB................................................................................................................... 7
Continuing with Research after Graduation................................................................................... 8
External IRB Agency Review ........................................................................................................ 8
Student Responsibilities................................................................................................................ 8
Fieldwork Faculty Advisor Responsibilities.................................................................................... 9
Site Preceptor Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 10
Final Fieldwork Report .................................................................................................................. 10
Dean’s Review of Fieldwork Presentations ................................................................................... 11
Self-Assessment of Competencies ............................................................................................... 11
Graduate Practicum Director Contact Information ......................................................................... 12
APPENDIX A: Fieldwork Contract and Proposal Form with Department Competencies ............. 13
Appendix A-1: Academic Competencies ............................................................. 18
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Rutgers School of Public Health Mission
The Rutgers School of Public Health seeks to improve health and prevent disease in diverse
populations in New Jersey and around the world through educating students to become well-qualified
and effective public health leaders, researchers and practitioners; conducting research to advance
public health science and policies; and providing service programs that promote population and
individual health.
Fieldwork is a carefully planned and supervised learning experience. The Fieldwork experience
connects the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom with the pragmatic application of the
practice of public health. It is a required component of the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree.
Fieldwork can provide the student with the opportunity to acquire, develop and improve communication
skills, project management skills and problem solving skills using public health methods, principles and
techniques. Moreover, it promotes hands-on public health practice, the exploration of career options
and generates contacts with other public health professionals.
The Fieldwork requirement supports the development of skills in basic public health concepts and
assists in the demonstration of the application of these concepts through practice experience that is
relevant to the students’ areas of concentration and reflects understanding of the academic principles
studied in class.
Fieldwork is a public health practice experience completed outside of one's job responsibilities. It is
preferred that Fieldwork be conducted outside of one’s work; however, students may, with approval
from their Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, conduct their Fieldwork projects where they are employed.
Students may not do a Fieldwork project that is part of their usual job title/responsibilities, or within
their routine work setting, or under the direction of their current supervisor.
Fieldwork is a minimum of 400-hours and can be completed over 2 or more semesters. Fieldwork
students are supported and supervised at all stages by the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, Site Preceptor
and the Graduate Practicum Director. There are clearly stated degree guidelines as well as
department-specific guidelines that detail roles, responsibilities and expectations for students, faculty,
Site Preceptors and the Graduate Practicum Director.
The student will complete a specified project or set of assigned duties agreed upon by the Fieldwork
Faculty Advisor, Site Preceptor, Graduate Practicum Director and the student. The student’s project
and responsibilities are outlined and described in the Fieldwork contract and proposal form, which must
be approved by the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, then signed by all parties and submitted to the Graduate
Practicum Director before beginning FDWC II.
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Fieldwork I Continuation
A student will be required to register for Fieldwork I continuation only if the meet the following criteria:
• registered for Fieldwork I (1 credit) during the previous semester;
• did not complete/submit all deliverables; and
• have no other courses remaining in the degree.
This non-credit course is $150.00, plus all other applicable fees. Students must register for this course,
every semester, until they have completed the requirements for Fieldwork I and are eligible to register
for Fieldwork II.
Fieldwork II Continuation
When a student has registered for Fieldwork I (1 credit) and Fieldwork II (all 5 credits) and has not
finished the project, the student must register for Fieldwork II Continuation. This takes into account
unanticipated delays that may occur during Fieldwork. Fieldwork II Continuation is a non-credit course
and carries a modest fee of $35.
Students must contact/obtain approval from their Fieldwork/Faculty Advisor for the appropriate PIN to
register for FDWC III.
Please visit the following link for Rutgers School of Public Health tuition and fees information:
Please consider the FW II Continuation and FW III Continuation policies when planning your Fieldwork
Please see Appendices A and B for the Fieldwork Contract and Proposal form and checklist of
Required Fieldwork Deliverables for students, respectively.
Each Department has specific requirements that must be met in order to ensure registration eligibility.
These include but are not limited to completion of specific coursework, Department Chair approval, and
completion of minimal number of credits within the department.
All MPH students are required to complete Fieldwork. It should also be noted that Fieldwork is
required for all dual degree MPH programs.
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Dual Department Students
Students who are formally enrolled in two departments will choose and complete one project which will
meet the Fieldwork requirements for both. Fieldwork projects will be overseen and approved by one
Fieldwork Faculty Advisor in each department.
Fieldwork Registration
Fieldwork I registration is by special permission only. Please contact your respective campus Graduate
Practicum Director for more information.
A list of potential Fieldwork sites and opportunities will be made available each semester to all students.
Please note that students should only contact potential sites if they are getting ready to engage in
Fieldwork and have discussed and received approval from their Fieldwork Faculty Advisor.
Students are not usually paid for their Fieldwork but are permitted to receive stipends from their
Fieldwork agency if available.
Students MUST attend the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Overview during Fieldwork I.
Students will NOT PASS Fieldwork I if they have not attended this seminar. It will be offered at
least once a semester on each of the campuses.
HSPP assures that the University fulfills its institutional responsibilities for the conduct of
research involving human participants, under the University's three Federalwide Assurances
filed with DHHS-Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP); the regulatory requirements of
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the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); state and local laws; institutional policy; and all
applicable sponsor requirements.
HSPP consists of two University IRB Campus Systems, in Newark and New Brunswick, under
one Federalwide Assurance (FWA); a contractual relationship with Western IRB (WIRB) for
review of industry-sponsored protocols conducted by Rutgers faculty at Rutgers performance
sites; a program of education for faculty and other researchers; and an audit/review program for
oversight of studies in progress.
Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) Human Subjects Protections Online Training
All Rutgers faculty, students, and other individuals involved in human subjects research are
required to complete the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) Basic Course and to
complete the CITI Refresher Course every three years thereafter. This requirement also
extends to all IRB members and Human Subjects Protection program staff.
All MPH students must complete the CITI Human Subjects Protections online training.
Instructions regarding the CITI Training can be found at:
Once the on-line course has been completed and passed, a Certificate of Completion will
be generated which can be printed. The certification notice will not automatically be sent
to the Graduate Practicum Director. The on-line system indicates a copy will be sent to
your educational administrator which is the Office of Human Subjects Protection, not the
Rutgers School of Public Health. Therefore, the certificate must be submitted by the
student to the Graduate Practicum Director as a required deliverable for FDWC I and
before permission will be granted to register for FDWC II.
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Fieldwork and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
New Protocols
Any student initiating a new research project for their Fieldwork must review, complete, and
submit an application for Full-Review, Expedited Review, Exempt Review, or Request for
determination of Non-Human Subjects Research. Most student projects will be approved
through the Expedited, Exempt review process, or determined to be Non-Human Subjects
Research. All new IRB submissions must be submitted electronically, please visit the following
When submitting forms to the Institutional Review Board for Review, please be sure to submit
the protocol, supporting documents, and direct questions you may have to your
respective IRB Office. All students must submit their Fieldwork projects to the
Institutional Review Board for review. The IRB is the determining body regarding what is
Human Subjects Research and what is considered Non-Human Subjects Research.
When submitting any form to the IRB for review each student MUST work with their Fieldwork
Faculty Advisor during the drafting and submission process.
Upon completion of an IRB approved Fieldwork project most students are required to submit a
“Study Closure Application” to the IRB office. A copy of this form MUST be sent to the
Graduate Practicum Director along with a copy of the final Fieldwork report before a “Pass” for
Fieldwork will be posted. If you are part of an on-going study a modification form must be
submitted to remove yourself and the Graduate Practicum Director (Newark Campus only)
from the study. The principal investigator has regulatory responsibility to ensure all co-
investigators and key personnel are listed appropriately; however, the student should initiate the
modification process to be removed from the protocol. The student should complete the request
for modification form and present it to the PI for appropriate signatures and submission to the
IRB. If student is not PI, please confer with study investigator to see if eIRB submission of study
closure document is appropriate.
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4. Practicum experiences that do not involve data collection or analysis
5. Research on Organizations (i.e., information about operations, budget, etc. from spokespersons or
data sources; does not include identifiable private information about individual members,
employees, or staff)
Do students still need to prepare a research protocol even if their project does not need IRB Review?
All MPH students are required to prepare a Research Protocol outlining their planned fieldwork project.
Please note, this new policy does not preclude a student from going through the RBHS IRB. Faculty
have the authority to require that a student’s project be submitted to IRB for review if they prefer or if
they are uncertain about a determination for a project.
Student Responsibilities
The Graduate Practicum Director will review Fieldwork requirements with the student prior to starting
their Fieldwork. The responsibilities of the student include, but are not limited to, the following:
Fieldwork I:
• Reviewing both general and academic department specific requirements;
• Regular review of student Rutgers University email account messages;
• School and Fieldwork related messages will no longer be sent to personal email
accounts. It is the student’s responsibility to check their Rutgers University email account
or use POPmail, which enables all Rutgers University email messages to be forwarded
to an alternate account.
• Selecting an appropriate site(s) through research materials in Fieldwork office or developing one
• Meeting with the Site Preceptor and developing a description of duties and responsibilities;
• Attending monthly Fieldwork seminar sessions;
• Complete on-line competency assessment;
• Completing the on-line Human Subjects Protection course and submitting completion certificate to
the Graduate Practicum Director. Please visit the following link:
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• Completing and submitting the Fieldwork proposal/contract form to the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor,
Site Preceptor, and Graduate Practicum Director for review and approval;
• Submitting the contract to the Graduate Practicum Director with all appropriate signatures; and
• Submitting project application for University IRB review and providing a copy of the IRB
application and approval to the Graduate Practicum Director.
• Each campus has an IRB office; please see the respective campus appendices for
submission information.
Fieldwork II:
• Regular review of student Rutgers University email account messages;
• School and Fieldwork related messages will no longer be sent to personal email
accounts. It is the student’s responsibility to check their Rutgers University email account
or use POPmail, which enables all Rutgers University email messages to be forwarded
to an alternate account.
• Conducting and completing all aspects of project including but not limited to research, analysis,
and write-up;
• Submitting a draft of the final report to the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor for review
• Completion of 300 word project abstract submitted electronically to the Graduate Practicum
Director prior to the Dean’s Review of Fieldwork Presentation;
• Completion and submission of slides for the Dean’s Review of Fieldwork Presentation to the
Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and Graduate Practicum Director;
• Completing and submitting the final report to Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and Graduate Practicum
• Completing and submitting IRB Modification Request Form to remove the student from the project
-or- Final Study Report / Study Closure Form to close-out the study as complete and providing a
copy to the Graduate Practicum Director;
• See campus specific appendices for websites and more information regarding
student removal from study and the study closure form.
• Completing the evaluation of Fieldwork experience; and
• Presenting project at Dean’s Review of Fieldwork (requires approval from Fieldwork Faculty
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The student may choose any faculty member within their academic department to be the Fieldwork
advisor. If a student desires to have a non-department faculty member advise them, they must receive
approval by the Department Chair. Students will contract with their Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and Site
Preceptor for a minimum of one hour per week of advisement while they are enrolled in Fieldwork.
Site Preceptors are also asked to assess students through the Fieldwork Site Preceptor Survey.
The Graduate Practicum Director meets and/or calls each potential Site Preceptor to explain the
Fieldwork process, discuss the preceptors’ role and to develop ideas for possible future Fieldwork
projects. The activities of the graduate student should serve both the agency's Fieldwork objectives and
the student's learning objectives.
During the course of the Fieldwork experience, the responsibilities of the Site Preceptor include:
• Meeting with the student prior to beginning Fieldwork to develop Fieldwork objectives and
• Assisting the student with the proposal form;
• Signing the Contract & Learning Agreement;
• Orienting the student to the agency, personnel and program (this includes providing all
necessary information and documentation to carry out the Fieldwork project);
• Ensuring logistical needs are met including appropriate work space, phone and computer (if
required), bathroom and building/office access and all other necessities required to attain
Fieldwork objectives;
• Weekly meetings (minimally) to track and evaluate students’ progress towards achieving the
Fieldwork objectives;
• Educating and guiding the student in the field of public health;
• Communicating with the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and Graduate Practicum Director on the
performance of the student;
• Completing a written evaluation of the student (form is in the handbook or can be provided by
the Graduate Practicum Director) and
• Attending the student’s oral presentation at Dean’s Review of Fieldwork (if possible).
The Fieldwork grade will be assigned after the student delivers the presentation at Dean’s Review. The
student must complete any revisions to their final paper to receive a grade of “P”. In addition, the
student must receive grade of “P” for Fieldwork I, Fieldwork II, Fieldwork II Continuation, and Fieldwork
III Continuation (if applicable) in order to complete the MPH program and receive a diploma.
Students will not receive a grade unless they submit the IRB Modification Form or the IRB Final
Study Report/Study Closure Form to the IRB and provide a copy to the Graduate Practicum
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The goal of the final paper is to summarize the Fieldwork experience with a written report of the project
or research study. The final written report must be of a quality suitable for publication or presentation to
a professional audience.
The length and scope of the written report will vary depending upon the project undertaken and
the requirements of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor; although a typical, well-written paper is
generally over 15 pages.
The student should write the paper at the end of their Fieldwork experience then submit a copy to their
Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and to the Graduate Practicum Director. Department sample outlines for the
final paper are included in the appendices of this handbook. Any questions about the final paper may
be addressed to the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor or the Graduate Practicum Director; however, final
determination of the paper is at the discretion of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor. The Fieldwork Faculty
Advisor ensures that the student applies skills from across the curriculum and demonstrates synthesis
and integration of knowledge gained from the MPH program.
Actual presentation dates and times will vary by campus and are generally announced at the beginning
of each semester by the Graduate Practicum Director.
Students MUST receive clearance from their Faculty Fieldwork Advisor to present before submitting
their abstract and slides to the Graduate Practicum Director.
Self-Assessment of Competencies
Each department has a set of competencies that identify the applied knowledge and skills that are
expected of all graduates in a department. Students will complete their self-assessment survey through
the CoursEval system, the same system that is used for course evaluations. Students will receive an
email from Laura Liang, Associate Dean for Administration, with instructions on completing their self-
assessment, as well as email reminders until the self-assessment is completed. The specific answers
you submit online are anonymous (although Rutgers School of Public Health does track who has
completed the assessment). Faculty will use these data from this assessment to identify gaps in the
MPH curriculum. You are also encouraged to discuss this self-assessment or your own
accomplishments and competencies with your advisor. Dual department students will be responsible for
completing this for both applicable departments.
All students who enter the MPH degree program will be required to complete the self-
assessment survey and written self-assessment of their department competencies.
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Fieldwork II & Self-Assessment
1) Students will include a written section (approximately 250 words) in their final paper
explaining how their Fieldwork contributed to their proficiency of the identified competencies
as identified in the Contract. Please see Appendix C for guidance on write-up.
Newark Campus
Teri E. Lassiter, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor/Graduate Practicum Director
65 Bergen Street, 7th Floor, Room 750
Newark, NJ 07107-1709
p. 973-972-8689
f. 973-972-8032
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Appendix A
This contract is to be completed according to the understanding of the Fieldwork placement between the student
and the site supervisor. Please complete this form which must be submitted to your Fieldwork Faculty Advisor,
Site Preceptor, and Graduate Practicum Director for signature and approval. Please be sure to keep copies of
all documents for personal records. This form is available on-line at:
In partial fulfillment of requirements for the Master in Public Health degree, conferred by the Rutgers
School of Public Health, [Enter Student Name], [Enter Fieldwork Faculty Advisor Name(s)] and [Enter
Site Preceptor Name] agree to the following stipulations for the Fieldwork project:
I. Contact Information
Fieldwork Site/Agency: [Agency Name] Student: [Student Name]
Address: [Agency Location] “A” Number: [ID# ex. A00112233]
Site Preceptor: [Name & Academic Department(s): [Student Dept(s)]
Credentials (MPH, PhD, MD etc...)]
Title: [Example: Director, Health Officer, etc.] Address: [Students' Address]
Department: [Ex: Dept of Community Services] Phone(s) & Rutgers Email: [Students Phone # &
Email Address]
Email: [Email Address of Site Preceptor] Phone(s): [Phone #'s of Fieldwork Advisor]
Email Address(es): [Email Address of
Fieldwork Advisor(s)]
Describe the methodology of the project: [Describe methodology, theory, types(s) of skills to be
utilized and/or data to be used, etc.]
Provide a brief description (250-500 words) of the Fieldwork project including background and
significance of the problem you intend to address.
[Please be as specific as possible to assist your Fieldwork Faculty Advisor in evaluating the project]
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Rutgers School of Public Health
V. Academic Competencies
a. Please see Appendix A-1 of the Fieldwork Contract and Proposal form for the complete
list of Department competencies. Please select your Department specific competencies
that will be addressed during Fieldwork only.
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VII. Institutional Review Board (IRB): Please be reminded that copies of the protocol application,
approvals, any modifications, and closure form must be provided to the Graduate Practicum
a. I understand that all Fieldwork Projects must be reviewed with Fieldwork Faculty Advisor
and appropriately submitted to the IRB for review.
The following types of Fieldwork Projects meet the criteria deemed acceptable for non-
IRB review; please select the type of project that is being proposed:
Meta-analysis of published data
Analysis of de-identified, publically available data sets (i.e., Census Bureau, Youth
Risk Behavior Survey, NHANES). The use of data from public data sets is not
considered human subject research as long as the following criteria are met:
• Research will NOT involve merging any of the data sets in such a way that
individual might be identified
• Researcher will NOT enhance the public data set with identifiable, or potentially
identifiable data
• A data use agreement is not required to obtain the information
Grant proposals that do not include data analysis
Practicum experiences that do not involve data collection or analysis
Research on organizations (i.e., information about operations, budget, etc. from
spokespersons or data sources; does not include identifiable private information about
individual members, employees, it staff).
e. Will IRB approval be required from another institution? (If YES, please submit copies of all
IRB documentation to the Graduate Practicum Director).
Yes [Please Provide Institution Name & IRB Contact Information]
f. I understand and acknowledge that all related research materials (i.e. paper surveys,
samples, specimens) will remain at Rutgers School of Public Health after project
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completion and/or will adhere to the language as stipulated in the approved IRB protocol
regarding this project.
IX. Authorship Guidelines: If a student contributes to the conception and design of the study or the
analysis and interpretation of data and the drafting of the article or critical revision for important
intellectual content, then the student will be granted co-authorship on one or more publications
reporting the results of the project. If a student fails to communicate about the publication for 1 year,
the student forfeits any authorship. Please note that the sequence of authorship on the publication
will be determined by the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and the students’ contribution to the overall
X. Faculty Statement: The faculty Fieldwork advisor has discussed the issue of authorship with the
student and any other appropriate Fieldwork co-investigators.
The student will complete the Self-Assessment of Academic Competencies online through
CoursEval (the online system also used for course evaluations).
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• The student will present their Fieldwork project at the Dean’s Review of Fieldwork. The
Fieldwork Faculty Advisor MUST approve the presentation before the student will be permitted
to present.
• The length and scope of the written report will vary depending upon the project undertaken and
the requirements of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor; although a typical, well written paper is
generally over 15 pages. The format of the final report should be discussed with and approved
by the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor. Please see Appendix for guidance on a suggested outline.
• If data analysis is to be conducted as a part of the Fieldwork project it should be done by
the student. If the student needs to collaborate with others (i.e. other students or outside
consultants) to conduct analysis then this should be acknowledged in the Fieldwork paper AND
• The Graduate Practicum Director will forward a copy of the final report to the Site Preceptor and
invite the Site Preceptor to the student’s oral presentation of their project.
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Please check off the competencies from your department(s) that will be addressed in your Fieldwork.
Select only competencies from your department(s). If you are doing a dual-concentration, please
identify competencies that will be addressed in your Fieldwork from both departments.
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Checklist for Required Fieldwork Deliverables
Copies of all of the FDWC I and FDWC II deliverables and documents must be submitted to the
Graduate Practicum Director. Students are encouraged to maintain copies of all Fieldwork related
documents for their own records.
Fieldwork I
Fieldwork II
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Recommended Outline for the Final Fieldwork Project Report
Newark Campus
Please note: This general outline is only a recommendation and may not be suitable for all Fieldwork
reports. There are department specific recommendations as well; please consult your Fieldwork Faculty
Advisor for specific guidelines. Students should discuss their projects and project reports with their
Fieldwork Faculty Advisors at all times. Students are required to submit a final report that is written in a
quality suitable for publication. The length and scope of the written report will vary depending upon the
project undertaken and the requirements of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor; although a typical, well
written paper is generally over 15 pages.
1. General Outline
I. Title/Cover Page - Title of project, Student name, Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, Department, Date
II. Abstract
III. Introduction
1. Description of auspices under which project was carried out.
2. Problem statement (The purpose of this study was...)
3. Significance of the problem (Why is this problem important? How has it been addressed by
others? (i.e. in the literature)
4. Key questions that must be examined to achieve the purposes of the study/project.
5. Define terms, if necessary
IV. Project/Study Goals and Objectives
V. Methods
1. Describe method(s) chosen
2. Provide rational for choices
3. Give strengths/weaknesses of methods
4. Describe resources required
VI. Data
1. Primary data (interviews, questionnaires, personal experiences)
2. Secondary data (literature, statistics, data collected by others) (Include forms,
questionnaires, etc. in appendix if > 2 pages)
VII. Implementation - important events and decisions
VIII. Discussion of Results
1. What is (are) the most important result(s)?
2. Present all results in detail.
3. Do your findings agree with the literature or work of others?
IX. Recommendations
1. Should any changes be made to alleviate or resolve the problem you studied?
2. If the project were to be repeated do you recommend any changes in
3. Further research suggested by your work.
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4. Target population
5. Research Questions
III. Review of the Literature
1. Definition of terms
a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Confounding variable
2. Theoretical framework
a. Casual Modes
b. Etiological mechanism
c. Research Approach
d. Rationale for study
3. Study Hypothesis
a. Methodological Differences in proportions, chi-square test.
b. Descriptive: Proportions
c. Explanatory
d. Exploratory
4. Study Hypotheses
a. Research Hypotheses
b. Statistical Hypotheses
IV. Methods and Material
1. Sampling
a. Size
b. Element
c. Design
d. Recruitment
2. Study Design
a. Type
b. Study Groups
c. Measurement Frequency
d. Patient assignment methods
3. Data Collection
a. Major Sources of Data Collection
b. Instruments:
c. Investigator reliability
d. Variability of study variables
e. Data entry and storage
f. Training and calibration
4. Statistical analyses
a. Software, name, version, year released, company
b. Sample Size determination
c. Reliability
d. Univariate analysis
5. Statistical function of statistical test
a. Association
b. Comparisons
c. Predictions
d. Estimations
6. Scale of measurement of study variable
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
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d. Ratio
7. Shape of Distribution
a. Nominal
b. Skewed
c. Kurtosis
d. Reliability
e. Multivariable analysis
V. Results
1. Demographic details
a. Demographic features
b. Dental Disease
c. Independent variables
2. Tables
3. Graphs
4. Figures
VI. Discussion
1. Results
a. Table #1
b. Table #2
2. Study Objectives meet in the study
3. Strengths and weakness of the study
a. Study Design
b. Sampling Plan
c. Data Collection
d. Statistical analyses
4. Future Research Issues
VII. References
VIII. Attachments
1. Data Collection forms
2. Consent forms for patients
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Recommended Outline for the Final Fieldwork Project Report
New Brunswick Campus
Please note:
This outline is only a recommendation and may not be suitable for all Fieldwork reports. There are
department specific recommendations as well; please consult your Fieldwork Faculty Advisor for
specific guidelines. Students should discuss their projects and project reports with their Fieldwork
Faculty Advisors at all times. Students are required to submit a final report that is written in a quality
suitable for publication. The length and scope of the written report will vary depending upon the project
undertaken and the requirements of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor; although a typical, well written
paper is generally over 15 pages.
I. Front/Cover page: Title of project, Student name, Department, Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, Date
II. Introduction: Description of auspices under which project was carried out.
• Problem statement (The purpose of this study was...)
• Significance of the problem (Why is this problem important? How has it been addressed
by others, i.e. in the literature?)
• Key questions that must be examined to achieve the purposes of the study/project.
• Define terms, if necessary
III. Project/study goals and objectives
IV. 1. Methods:
• Describe method(s) chosen
• Rational for choices
• Strengths/weaknesses of methods
• Resources required
2. Data:
• Primary data (interviews, questionnaires, personal experiences)
• Secondary data (literature, statistics, data collected by others)
o Include forms, questionnaires, etc. in appendix if > 2 pages
V. Implementation - important events and decisions
VI. Discussion of results:
• What is (are) the most important result(s)?
• Present all results in detail
• Do your findings agree with the literature or work of others?
VII. Recommendations:
• Should any changes be made to alleviate or resolve the problem you studied?
• If the project were to be repeated do you recommend any changes in
• Further research suggested by your work.
VIII. Department Competency Appendix:
• Identify and describe how department competencies were addressed and met during
o Refer to Fieldwork contract
o Include competencies that were addressed during Fieldwork but may not have
been identified in the contract during Fieldwork I planning.
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Title of Project:
Student Name:
Student Department:
Fieldwork Faculty Advisor:
Site Preceptor Name and Location:
Methods: study design, including a description of participants, procedures, measures, and appropriate
statistical analyses.
Helpful Hints:
A. The abstract should answer 4 main questions:
• What did you study? (Introduction)
• What did you do? (Methods)
• What did you find? (Results)
• What does it all mean? (Conclusions)
B. Write for a wide audience
C. Keep it simple and straightforward
D. Be sure the abstract makes sense by itself
E. The abstract should be 300 words or less
F. Reference should not be included in abstracts
Information used to create the abstract construction guidance were derived from the following:
1. Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Last edited November 11, 2009). APA formatting and
Style Guide. Retrieved November 24, 2009:
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Institutional Review Board Protocol Submission Policies and Contact Information
General FAQ’s Last Updated January 2016
Piscataway/New Brunswick:
5. There are two campus IRB’s, where do I send my application, protocol, and supporting
materials for review?
It should be noted that some application/protocols may need to be reviewed and approved by
other IRB’s depending on the location of the project. For example, Fieldwork projects taking place
at the New Jersey State Department of Health require their own review and approval process in
addition to the University IRB process. Please work with your Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, Site
Preceptor, and Graduate Practicum Director regarding this issue if applicable.
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approval notice, 3) annual IRB continuation approval, 4) each and every Informed Consent, and
5) a copy of the “Termination of Research Project” form.
8. How do you define “study completion” given that records must be kept for six years after
study completion?
As per SPH Policy “study completion” will be understood as the date of approval by the Fieldwork
Faculty Advisor of the final Fieldwork report.
10. Do the original data set and research related materials (i.e. paper surveys, samples,
specimens) need to be kept at Rutgers School of Public Health?
Yes, all original data sets and related research materials must be kept at Rutgers School of Public
Health or will adhere to the language as stipulated in the approved IRB protocol regarding the
project. Students may retain a copy of de-identified data sets (if applicable) and related materials
for their records.
Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Retrieved on October 11, 2011
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Final Fieldwork Report/Dean’s Review Deadlines and Due Dates
Newark Campus
The following deadlines are to assist and guide each student in his/her timeline towards completion of
the Fieldwork requirements and, ultimately, the MPH degree:
Graduation Month Semester Final Paper Due Date Dean’s Review of Fieldwork
January Fall 3rd week of November 2nd week of December
May Spring 3rd week of March 2nd week of April
October Summer 3rd week of August 2nd week of September
The goal of the final paper is to summarize the Fieldwork experience with a written report of the project
or research study. The student should write the paper at the end of their Fieldwork experience then
submit a copy to their Fieldwork Faculty Advisor and to the Graduate Practicum Director. The length
and scope of the written report will vary depending upon the project undertaken and the requirements
of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor; although a typical, well written paper is generally over 15 pages.
Sample outlines for the final paper are included in the appendix of this handbook. Any questions about
the final paper may be addressed to the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor or the Graduate Practicum Director;
however, final determination of the paper is at the discretion of the Fieldwork Faculty Advisor.
The Dean’s Review of Fieldwork is the oral presentation of the Fieldwork project to Associate Deans,
Fieldwork Faculty Advisors, Graduate Practicum Director, fellow students, and faculty members, Site
Preceptors and other staff. The presentation is the culminating event of the Fieldwork experience and is
offered three times during the year. Presentations are approximately 10 to 15 minutes in length and
may follow the format for the APHA scientific sessions.
In order to present at the Dean’s Review, the student must have approval from the Fieldwork Faculty
Advisor and the Graduate Practicum Director. A copy of the final report must be submitted electronically
to the Graduate Practicum Director.
The Graduate Practicum Director will make announcements by email and at Fieldwork seminars about
due dates for final reports, abstract, professional bio, PowerPoint presentations and the date(s) of the
*Note: Students will not be allowed to present at the Dean’s Review if they fail to submit all required
documents to the Graduate Practicum Director by the appointed deadlines.
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Final Fieldwork Report/Dean’s Review Deadlines and Due Dates
New Brunswick Campus
The Dean’s Review of Fieldwork Presentation Date(s) will be announced at the beginning of each
semester via email. Please refer to the chart below regarding general presentation timeframes by
semester. Subsequent reminders will be sent throughout the semester.
Students must be given clearance by their Fieldwork Faculty Advisor to present their project.
Please note that students who have been given approval from their Fieldwork Faculty Advisor to
present their project, abstracts must be sent (electronically) to the Graduate Practicum Director
approximately three (3) weeks before the presentation date and PowerPoint presentation slides must
be sent, at least, 24 hours before scheduled presentation date.
When submitting Fieldwork paper drafts and final version to your Fieldwork Faculty Advisor for review
and comments; please be sure to include your Site Preceptor and the Graduate Practicum Director in
the email distribution.
If the final report is not received at the time specified in the contract, the project must be extended to
the next semester, the Fieldwork contract must be modified and the student must register for the
relevant Fieldwork Continuation course.
A copy of the final report must be submitted electronically to the Graduate Practicum Director on the
evening of the Dean’s Review of Fieldwork Presentations. Please refer to Appendix A regarding the
Checklist for Required Fieldwork Deliverables.
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Additional Resources for Written Report and Presentation
A fundamental part of any Fieldwork project is the dissemination of the results that emerge from the
study. The most common way to communicate the results of your efforts to a larger audience is by
either publishing the results in a journal article or by giving an oral or poster presentation.
Effective Presentations
For the purposes of Fieldwork, the oral presentation is the chosen method employed to illustrate your
project to faculty, Site Preceptors and your peers. In addition, the skills needed to prepare a Fieldwork
presentation can be used in a variety of other settings
The following links are provided to assist you in your effort to make as good a presentation as possible.
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Rutgers School of Public Health Fieldwork Handbook for Students
Handouts, and Notes; and Giving a Live Presentation.
Designing Effective Visuals. Jeff Radel and Carol Massoth, University of Kansas Medical Center,
provide many resources for developing and designing oral and visual presentations as well as poster
Nick's PowerPoint Handouts. Nick Dvorcek. An extensive collection of PowerPoint resources covering
both basic and advanced topics from an expert in media services.
Power Point 2007 Tutorial. Florida Gulf Coast University. A dozen graphical lessons covering Getting
Started, the Power Point Screen, Working with Slides, Adding Content, Working with Text, Color
Schemes, Graphics, Slide Effects, Master Slides, Saving and Printing (including saving as a web page);
Keyboard shortcuts and Tips (design and presentation basics).
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