1. % Wistorian must dig itty the history of
his country wok only to tell the story of
+we events that hoppeyed but to idewh fy
and undutt+and te experitnoes and lives
ot the pepe living before im sch o way
qnat ik helps te present so cry im progressing
toward; 1 bether futur.
2. Av mentoned btfore, a historian uses fact? @
documents Qathetd from the past vith the use
of Suemhfic method to collect needtd datas
without fampenng much with ik ocdibilihy and
accuvacy to He” past evtwt
> At First, I thought Wstovy was and should
alway) be objtchve, bur after leaming the
modwt, | understood why it is never truly
objective. Tis Wolds true in news making
eipecidlly in editorial ew’. Histonans and
other writers document wstory with factual
tvidences bat not limited +o based and
pesonal pinions,
4. Nationalist history is an opposition +o céonial-
leased history ‘gine it brought te emergence
of nahonalist Wistory in the ‘phil ppines.
5. Pseudnistory
CG. Thee werks ave wmitdeved to be fistorica] distor-
tion of tre past becauie of what faeiv witk}
an dtichbtd to be, AS atnwnt distotted docu-mets » “mythical historic codes , and Forgenes of
awels Supposedly made by a certain peson i.e
Seits of warks by Fr. Jose Purges.
A comrehist oppmach in istsriography is more
tee dattmctinn in building one's national iden-
tity while distorting informations oF, For example,
tet Struggle of the peopre Against edoninn . An
Elst apprrach emphasixes on the influence<
of a few minority of ty upper clasies in the
historical event,
A tree PEOPLE'S HISTORY sees tne pele + be
a primary Sourve im bistory, treating thar exper
itmces fh be valuable and to be detply understead
m all aspects and acknawledges al) tweir expenences,
may it be thei propnety or Struggles in He past
Feapres istory tells the experience of the |
mastes against past stmgglt against oppression,
the eFFects of cAlonialism stripping trem of an
idenrty os a civilbvatim and many mor, there-
fore making the present Filipimns realive tre
havzh reahty and the harnfu] eFFectt of
Amialism in the por and how it colol afte
Future events. Penpte’s wistoy Strengthens the —
hationaA identity oF oO Filip Haus, hbeating
them fam thr loni al mentality
One of He challenges | obstwed is a Fili-
piv citizen's jads oF tush when it camts fp
nw piltonca] §discoventy in pack event, most
expecially in debunking an already dishngnthtd
informahm. Mauee in wniderstandina +neit behav:pattems aginst
much betrer approach im sharing mew infer -
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