CSTP 4 Uchemefuna 3
CSTP 4 Uchemefuna 3
CSTP 4 Uchemefuna 3
Implementation of
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
a KWL (Know,
Wonder, Learn)
chart within
engagement activity of
Retelling lesson in
order to include
students in the
analysis process of
their own knowledge.
This strategy is a form
of a pre-assessment,
post-assessment and
planning of future
lessons visible in one
chart. 02/08/22
Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and articulates Establishes and articulates
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to students learning goals to students that comprehensive short-term
lesson to students based development with clear learning goals for integrate content standards with and long-term learning goals
4.2 Establishing and on content standards and students in single lessons content that are accessible, students’ strengths, interests, for students. Assists students
articulating goals for available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. challenging, and and learning needs. 9/28/22 to articulate and monitor
student learning differentiated to address learning goals.
students’ diverse learning
needs. 9/21/2021,
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
The purpose/objective of During my lessons I aim to My students and I work
the lesson is displayed and optimize learning time together to set goals around
stated at the beginning of by establishing quick, quiet, reading fluency, math skills,
the lesson. I also have and efficient transition and social-emotional
students repeat the development. This approach
routines for my students
lessons’ objective, so they empowers my students to
know what they are about after direct whole group take ownership of their
to learn. Before instruction as students learning. 1/31/23
independent practice prepare to work at an
students are provided with independent level. Teacher
the expectation for what will follow procedures to
they should be able to the verbal command:
accomplish on their own. "ready, set, go!" Teacher will
At the end of a lesson, provide students verbal
students are provided with
instructions in addition to
exit tickets to conclude the
lesson and for assessment provide visual prompts for
purposes. 9/21/2021 guidance. 9/28/22
Implementation of
a learning objective
chart on the board to
be echo read with the
students during a
retelling lesson.
Students will reuse the
vocabulary term within
the objective.
Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long-term Utilizes extensive knowledge
for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum plans to reflect integrations of of curriculum, content
4.3 Developing and term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter curriculum guidelines, standards, and assess
sequencing long-term are linked to long-term concepts and essential frameworks, and assessed learning needs to design
and short-term planning to support related academic language instructional needs to ensure cohesive and comprehensive
instructional plans to student learning. and formats that support student learning. 10/11/22 long- and short-term
support student student learning. instructional plans that
learning 9/21/2021, 02/08/22 ensure high levels of
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
My lesson planning I provide my students with I develop a long-term
consists of a yearly plan to trouble shooting rules to instructional plan that
pinpoint when goals help them become more outlines the learning
should be met for meeting independent in figuring out objectives for the entire year.
grade level in specific Then, I break down those
how their devices work by
standards such as small objectives into short-term
moment writing. Every 6 giving the "3 before me plans for each week or unit
weeks a new writing rules". 10/11/22 of study. 1/17/23
concept is taught. Students
are provided with a
checklist for goals needed
to have been meet within a
writing unit like Small
Moments and by the end
of 6 weeks the writing
checklist should have all
sections checked for
completion. This is the
short-term goal. Long
term students should be
able to compose a writing
piece of about 6-8
sentences by end of year.
Checklists were
provided to students
during the Opinion
writing Unit to allow
them to analyze their
own writing and track
if they are on target
with the learning
goals. 02/08/22
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates differentiated Plans instruction using a wide Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or sequence instructional strategies range of strategies to address incorporating a repertoire of
suggested by curriculum of lessons that respond to into ongoing planning that learning styles and meet strategies specifically meet
guidelines. students’ diverse learning addresses culturally students’ assessed language and students’ diverse language
needs. responsive pedagogy, learning needs. Provides and learning needs and styles
4.4 Planning students’ diverse appropriate support and to advance learning for all.
instruction that language, and learning challenges for
incorporates needs and styles. students.11/9/22 Facilitates opportunities for
appropriate strategies Is aware of student Seeks to learn about 9/21/2021, 02/09/22 students to reflect on their
to meet the learning content, learning, and students’ diverse learning Integrates results from a broad learning and the impact of
needs of all students language needs through and language needs Uses assessments of range of assessments into instructional strategies to
data provided by the site beyond basic data. students’ learning and planning to meet students’ meet their learning and
and district. language needs to inform diverse learning and language language needs. . 11/9/22
planning differentiated needs.
instruction. 9/21/2021,
I provide my students
with weekly word
problem Exit
Tickets in math to
ensure that they can
solve the current
problem and utilize the
strategy we have
learned for the
week. 02/08/22
Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing adjustments to Anticipates and plans for a
uses materials from materials in single lessons adaptations to differentiate instructional plans and uses a wide range of adaptations to
curriculum provided. or sequences of lessons to instructional plans. Uses variety of materials as the lessons based on in depth
4.5 Adapting
address students’ learning culturally responsive instructional needs arises to analysis of individual student
instructional plans
needs. pedagogy and additional support student learning. needs.
and curricular
materials to meet the
materials to support 10/26/22
students’ diverse learning Engages with students to
assessed learning
needs. 9/21/2021, identify types of adjustments
needs of all students.
02/09/22 in instruction that best meet
their learning goals.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I provide ten frames, I ask my students questions I provide manipulatives and
whiteboards, counters, and from a list of prompting visual aids to help students
at times cubes to assist inquiries to analyze the who may struggle with
students with math. students work on a deeper abstract concepts. I also
Students also show their differentiate the task by
level and see if they can
understanding throughout providing leveled worksheets
the lesson by checking in interpret what they have to match each student's
with whiteboard done. I write down direct learning level. For ELLs, I
responses, verbal thumbs feedback on a post it how provide bilingual resources
up or down, pair share they can improve their and supports, such as word
responses, and exit tickets. work. I especially do this banks and picture
Lessons incorporate a during their writing time to dictionaries, to help them
song or game video for get them to reflect on how understand the new
review or memorization, to improve and apply a new vocabulary. 3/6/23
modeling for my visual
writing skill that has been
learners, and we do for my
hands on learners, and previously taught. 10/26/22
independent practice for
all students. 9/21/2021
I provide my students
with math counters to
build their number
sense and allow them
to physically be able to
see different groupings
and the process of
specific math
strategies such as
place value. 02/09/22