GOCC Ownership - and - Operations - Mannual - Caap

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WHEREAS, pursuant to the State declared policy of treating Government-Owned or

–Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) as significant tools for economic development, and
consistent with the desire of the State to actively exercise its ownership rights in GOCCs and
to promote growth by ensuring that their operations are consistent with national development
policies and programs, the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG), in the exercise of
its mandate under Section 5(c) of Republic Act No. 10149, issued GCG Memorandum
Circular 2012-06 and approve by the President of the Philippines on 28 November 2012.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines adopts and
implements the Ownership and Operations Manual with modification to suit the Corporation
as follows:


Article 1. Definition of Terms – For purposes of this Manual, the following terms
shall have the following meanings:

“Act” refers to Republic Act No. 10149, and officially named the “GOCC
Governance Act of 2011.”

“Affiliate” refers to a corporation fifty percent (50%) or less of the

outstanding capital stock of which is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by
the GOCC.

“Alternative Dispute Resolution System” (ADR) means any process or

procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other than by adjudication of a
presiding judge of a court, in which a neutral third party participates to assist in the
resolution of issues, which includes arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral
evaluation, mini-trial, or any combination thereof.

“Appointive Director” refers to the Director General, the only appointed

member of the Board of Directors.
“Articles of Incorporation” refers to primary franchise of a Nonchartered
GOCC that, once approved and registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) by the issuance of the certificate of incorporation under its official
seal, commences the existence of the GOCC as a separate juridical person with a right
of succession and the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or
incident to its existence.

“Board of Directors/Trustees” or “Board” or “Governing Board” refer to the

collegial body that exercises the corporate powers, conducts all business and controls

or holds all properties, of a GOCC, whether it be formally referred to as the “Board of
Directors” or “Board of Trustees” or some other term in its Charter, Articles of
Incorporation, or By-laws.

“Breakthrough Results” refer to the achievement of corporate goals or other

performance indicators as determined by the GOCC or its Supervising Agency.

“By-laws” refers to the basic instrument adopted by a Nonchartered GOCC

and duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its
internal government, and to regulate the conduct and prescribe the rights and duties of
its members or stockholders towards the GOCC and among themselves in reference to
the management of its affairs.

“Charter” refers to the formal act of Congress creating a Chartered GOCC

and defining its franchise.

“Charter Statement” refers to a statement of the GOCC’s vision, mission and

core values.

“Chartered GOCC” refers to a GOCC, including a GGFI, created and vested

with functions by a special law.

“Chief Executive Officer” (“CEO”) refers to the highest ranking corporate

executive who heads Management, who could be named as the President or the
General Manager, Chairman or the Administrator of a GOCC.

“COA” refers to the Commission on Audit.

“DBM” refers to the Department of Budget and Management.

“Department” refers to an executive department created by law, which shall

include any instrumentality having or assigned the rank of a department, regardless of
its name or designation.

“DOF” refers to the Department of Finance.

“Ex Officio Board Member” (“Ex Officio Director”) refers to any individual
who sits or acts as a member of the Board of Directors/Trustees by virtue of one’s title
to another office, and without further warrant or appointment.

“Extraordinary Diligence” refers to the measure of care and diligence that

must be exercised by Directors and Officers in discharging their functions, in
conducting the business and dealing with the properties and monies of GOCCs, which
is deemed met when Directors and Officers act using the utmost diligence of a very
cautious person taking into serious consideration all the prevailing circumstances and
Material Facts, giving due regard to the legitimate interests of all affected

“Officers” refer to the executive officers of the GOCC as provided in its

Charter or By-laws, such as the CEO, President, Administrator, General Manager,

Vice President, Corporate Secretary, Compliance Officer, Treasurer, Chief Financial
Officer, Chief Investment Officer.

“Fit and Proper Rule” refers to a set of standards for determining whether a
member of the Board of Directors/Trustees or the CEO is qualified to hold a position
in a GOCC which shall include, but not be limited to, standards on integrity,
experience, education, training and competence, which standards are set forth under
GCG Memorandum Circular No. 2012-05.

“Government Agency” refers to any of the various units of the Government of

the Republic of the Philippines, including a department, bureau, office,
instrumentality or GOCC, or a local government or a distinct unit therein.

“Government Corporate Governance Standards” refer to a set of principles

derived from law and practices, rules and standards prescribed by the GCG that
generate long-term and desirable economic value for the State; also refers to a system
whereby shareholders, creditors, and other stakeholders of a GOCC ensure that
Management enhances the value of the GOCC as it competes in an increasingly
global market place.

“Government Financial Institutions” (“GFI”) refer to financial institutions or

corporations in which the government directly or indirectly owns majority of the
capital stock and which are either (1) registered with or directly supervised by the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; (2) collecting or transacting funds or contributions from
the public and places them in financial instruments or assets such as deposits, loans,
bonds and equity, including, but not limited to, the Government Service Insurance
System and the Social Security System.

“Government Instrumentalities with Corporate Powers”

(GICP)/”Government Corporate Entities” (GCE) refer to instrumentalities or
agencies of the government, which are neither corporations nor agencies integrated
within the departmental framework, but vested by law with special functions or
jurisdiction, endowed with some if not all corporate powers, administering special
funds, and enjoying operational autonomy usually through a Charter.

“Government-Owned or –Controlled Corporation” (“GOCC”) refers to any

agency as a stock or non-stock corporation, vested with functions relating to public
needs whether governmental or proprietary in nature, and owned by the Government
of the Republic of the Philippines directly or through its instrumentalities either
wholly or, where applicable as in the case of stock corporations, to the extent of at
least a majority of its outstanding capital stock: Provided, however, that for purposes
of the Act, the term “GOCC” shall include GICP/GCE and GFI as defined herein.

“Holding GOCC” refers to a GOCC that owns, holds or control, directly or

indirectly, through one or more instrumentalities, fifty percent (50%) or less of the
outstanding capital stock of an Affiliate.

“NEDA” refers to the National Economic Development Authority.

“Nonchartered GOCC” refers to a GOCC organized and operating under
Batas Pambansa Bilang 68, or “The Corporation Code of the Philippines”.

“Parent GOCC” refers to a GOCC that owns, holds or control, directly or

indirectly, through one or more instrumentalities, at least a majority of the outstanding
capital stock of the Subsidiary.

“Per Diems” refer to the compensation granted to members of the Board of

Directors or Trustees of a GOCC for actual attendance in meetings.

“Performance Evaluation System” (“PES”) refers to the process of appraising

the accomplishments of GOCCs in a given fiscal year based on set performance
criteria, targets and weights.

“Performance Scorecard” refers to a governance and management tool

forming part of the performance evaluation system which consists of a set of
measures, targets and initiatives that facilitate the achievement of breakthrough results
and performance through the effective and efficient monitoring and coordination of
the strategic objectives of the GOCC.

“President” refers to the President of the Republic of the Philippines.

“Public Officials” or “Public Officers” refer to elective ad appointive officials

and employees, whether permanent or temporary, whether in the career or non-career
service, whether or not they receive compensation, regardless of amount, who are in
the National Government, and all other instrumentalities, agencies or branches of the
Republic of the Philippines, including GOCCs, and their Subsidiaries.

“Public-Private Partnership” (“PPP”) or any of the variants of engaging

private sector participation in the delivery of public goods and services enunciated in
republic Act No. 7718, as amended, otherwise known as the “Build-Operate-and-
Transfer Law”.

“Related Corporation” refers to a Subsidiary or Affiliate of a GOCC.

“Secretary” refers to the person vested with the authority and responsibility
for the exercise of the mandate of the Department, for the discharge of its powers and
functions, and who has supervision and control of the Department.

“Service-Wide Agency” refers to a Government Agency, such as the DBM,

COA and the Civil Service Commission, which by the very nature of its functions,
including but not limited to, auditing, budget, training, etc., encompass a wide range
of services to other Government Agencies, including GOCCs.

“Stakeholder” refers to any individual or entity for whose benefit the GOCC
has been constituted, or whose life, occupation, business or well-being is directly
affected, whether favorably or adversely, by the regular transactions, operations, or
pursuit of the business or social enterprise for which the GOCC has been constituted,
and which would include a stockholder, member, or other investor in the GOCC,

management, employees, supply creditors, or the community in which the GOCC

“State” refers to the republic of the Philippines.

“Strategy Map” refers to an integrated set of strategic choices or objectives

drawn by the governing body, the successful execution of which results in the
achievement of the GOOCC’s vision in relation to its mission or purpose for having
been created.

“Subsidiary” refers to a corporation where at least a majority of the

outstanding capital stock is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, through one or
more instrumentalities, by the GOCC.

“Supervising Agency” refers to a Government Agency to which a GOCC is

attached to for purposes of policy and program coordination and for general

1.1 Singular Term include the Plural. – Unless otherwise indicated in this Manual, any
reference to a singular shall apply as well to the plural, and vice versa.

Article. 2. Coverage. – This Manual shall cover all GOCCs, GICPs/GCEs and GFIs,
including their Subsidiaries, covered by the Act.


Article. 3. Objective of State Ownership in GOCCs. – The State, recognizing the

potential of the GOCC Sector to become a significant tool for economic development, shall:

3.1 Actively exercise its ownership rights in GOCCs under a clear and consistent
Ownership Policy, as such policy is set forth under Article 4 below; and

3.2 Promote growth by ensuring that the governance of GOCCs is carried out in a
transparent and accountable manner, with their operations being consistent with national
development policies and programs.

Article. 4. State Ownership Policy. – Towards achieving such Objective, the State
shall ensure that:

4.1 The primary role of the private sector in the economy is recognized and that
private enterprises are encouraged to undertake desirable economic activities. In pursuing this
policy, and unless there is a greater public interest that may be served, GOCCs shall refrain
from engaging in activities adequately services by the private sector or adopt PPP schemes
for operating enterprises and/or capital undertakings where such approach qualifies under
existing laws, such as the Build-Operate-and-Transfer Law.
4.2 In areas adequately served by the private sector but where GOCCs have been
engaged in, the engaging GOCCs shall ensure that there is a clear separation between the
regulatory functions and proprietary activities of GOCCs in order to achieve a level playing

field with corporations in the private sector performing similar commercial activities for the

4.3 The corporate form of organization through which government carries out
activities is utilized judiciously.

4.4 The State as an active owner, acting through the National Government, shall
exercise its ownership rights according to the legal structure of each GOCC.

4.5 Corporate governance of GOCCs is enhanced to promote public accountability,

transparency, responsibility, professionalism and effectiveness, in the delivery of goods and
services to support the national goals.

4.6 The operations of GOCCs are rationalized and monitored centrally, primarily
through the GCG, in order that government assets and resources are used efficiently and the
Government exposure to all forms of liabilities including subsidies is warranted and incurred
through prudent means.


Article. 5. State’s Role and Relationship with GOCCs. – The State, as the Owner
representing the sovereign people, constitutes the controlling interest in, or is the majority
stockholder of, GOCCs and Subsidiaries, and thereby exercises all the prerogatives of
ownership in every GOCC, including, but not limited to the:

(a) Right to register its equity holdings in the books of the GOCC for all its equity
investments therein, together with the Right to be issued certificates of stock
representing its investments in the GOCC;

(b) Right to dividends, when declared, pertaining to its equity holdings in the GOCC;

(c) Right to dispose of its equity investment in the GOCC, including the right to
pursue the reorganization, merger, streamlining, abolition or privatization of a
GOCC, under a set of criteria provided for in the Act;

(d) Right to representation in all stockholders’ or members’ meetings of the GOCC,

and the Right to vote on its shares in all meetings where the stockholders’ or
members’ vote is obtained or necessary to undertake or to ratify corporate
activities, contracts or transactions;

(e) Right to representation, namely to nominate, elect or appoint, and remove and
replace, the members of the Governing Board of every GOCC;

(f) Right to formulate and enforce governance standards to realize its Ownership
Policy for GOCCs; and

(g) Right to receive a proportional share in the net assets of the GOCC upon its

Article. 6. State’s Role and Relationship with GOCCs Holding in Trust the Funds
or Contributions of Members. – The State recognizes the exemplary role of certain GOCCs
which are constituted and operated to hold in trust the contributions of their members, such as
the Social Security System (SSS) and the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS),
where the role of the State is not that off an active owner or investor, but as a guardian to
promote the best interests of the members/contributors, whose contributions are to be
prudently invested for their benefit, and also as a guarantor for the contingent liabilities that
the State may assume in instances when such GOCCs are financially unable to provide the
benefits to the members/contributors of such systems.

Article. 7. State’s Role and Relationship with Affiliates. – The State, as an Investor
in every Affiliate, has the same prerogatives and rights as other stockholders thereof. In
addition, the State, acting by itself or through the Governing Board of the Holding GOCC,
possesses and enjoys all the common law rights pertaining to all stockholders in private
corporations, including but not limited to:

7.1 Pre-emptive right to subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares of any class, in
proportion to its shareholdings in the Affiliate, and to the extent allowed by law;

7.2 Right of appraisal, to be paid the fair value of its shares of stocks in the Affiliate
when it has dissented to a corporate action or transaction to which the law grants
the right of appraisal; and

7.3 Right to file a derivative suit on behalf of the Affiliate to enforce the right of, or
to recover damages due to, the Affiliate whenever the Board of the Affiliate
does not have the legal capacity, or unjustly refuses, to exercise business
judgment for the best interests of the Affiliate.

Article. 8. State Acting Through National Government. – The National Government

is the direct Agent of the State in pursuing the State’s role and responsibilities, and enforcing
the State’s rights and prerogatives as the active owner of GOCCs and Subsidiaries, and as an
investor in Affiliates.

8.1 State Acts Primarily Through the President. – As an agent of the State in the
GOCC Sector, the National Government is represented directly by the President of the
Philippines, to exercise the State’s ownership rights over the GOCCs.

8.2 State Acting Through the GCG. – In the following specific instances under the
Act, the National Government is represented by the GCG, to exercise specified State rights of
ownership over GOCCs, thus:

(a) Evaluate the performance and determine the relevance of GOCCs, and pursue the
re-organization, merger, streamlining, abolition, or privatization of GOCCs;

(b) Provide for the classification and sub-classification of GOCCs;

(c) Adopt an Ownership and Operations Manual and Government Corporate
Standards governing GOCCs, in consultation with the relevant Government
Agencies and Stakeholders;

(d) Recommend to the Governing Boards the suspension of any of their members who
participated by commission or omission in the approval of an act which
constitutes a violation or noncompliance with the ownership Manual or a breach
of their fiduciary duties to the GOCC and/or its Stakeholders;

(e) Promulgate, with the approval of the President of the Philippines, and implement
the Fit and Proper Rule that shall identify the necessary skills and qualifications
required of Appointive Directors;

(f) Establish and implement Performance Evaluation Systems, including Performance

Scorecards, applicable to all GOCCs in general, and to the various GOCC
classifications, in particular;

(g) Conduct periodic study, examination, evaluation and assessment of the

performance of the GOCCs, receive, and in appropriate cases, require reports on
the operations and management of the GOCCs including, but not limited to, the
management of their assets and finances of the GOCCs;

(h) Provide technical advice and assistance to the Supervising Agencies in setting
performance objectives and targets for their attached GOCCs, and in monitoring
such GOCCs’ performance vis-à-vis established objectives and targets;

(i) Conduct compensation studies and, pursuant thereto, develop and recommend to
the President a competitive Compensation and Position Classification System
(CPCS) which shall apply to all officers and employees of GOCCs whether
covered by or exempt from, the Salary Standardization Law;

(j) Formulate the per diems, allowances, incentives and compensation structure for
the members of the Governing Boards;

(k) Coordinate and monitor the operations of GOCCs to ensure their alignment and
consistency with the national development policies and programs, and render
semi-annual progress report to the President and to Congress, providing for the
performance assessment of the GOCCs and recommending clear and specific

(l) Review the functions of each GOCC and, upon determination that there is a
conflict between the regulatory and commercial functions of a GOCC,
recommend to the President, in consultation with the Supervising Agency, such
plan of action, such as privatization of the GOCC’s commercial operations, or the
transfer of the regulatory functions to the appropriate Government Agency, to
ensure that commercial functions of the GOCC do not conflict with such
regulatory functions;

(m) Request, through the GCG Chairman, a special COA audit of any GOCC for any
specific purpose or, when authorized by law, request authority from COA to allow
an audit by independent auditors; and

(n) Review and recommend to the President of the Philippines for approval the plan
by any Government Agency:

(1) For the establishment and incorporation of a GOCC or a Related Corporation

pursuant to the provisions of the Corporation Code of the Philippines; or

(2) To purchase a corporation or acquire controlling interest in any corporation.

8.3 State Acting Through the Supervising Agencies. – Supervising Agencies shall
continue to perform their role and functions over their attached GOCCS, as specified inj
Article II of Administrative Order No. 59 (s. 1988) insofar as these are not inconsistent with
or superseded by provisions of the Act. Supervising Agencies shall extend autonomy at the
operational level to its attached GOCCs, and their role in corporate decision-making shall be
limited to:

(a) Ensuring that proposed corporate plans and programs of the Governing Boards are
congruent with the Supervising Agencies’ sectoral objectives and priorities in
support of, inter alia, the President’s Special Contract Agenda and NEDA’s
Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan;

(b) Determining the implications of such proposed plans and programs on those of
other GOCCs attached to the Supervising Agency;

(c) Reviewing the assumptions given and calculations made in justifying the viability
of such proposed plans and programs and passing upon the targets proposed to be
achieved; and

(d) Monitoring on a periodic basis the operating results and financial performance of
the attached GOCCs to ensure that targets for their sectors are being faithfully

8.4 State Acting Through Service-Wide Agencies. – Service-Wide Agencies dealing

with and/or affecting the operations of GOCCs shall continue to exercise their respective
functions, observing however the policies and guidelines herein provided to the extent that
they are not inconsistent with their duties and responsibilities as provided for in specific laws.

In particular, the DOF shall continue performing fiscal planning and programming
in relation to GOCCs, such as but not limited to:

(a) Management of GOCCs’ contingent liabilities;

(b) Evaluation and approval of borrowing programs;

(c) Evaluation and approval of investments and financing plans; and

(d) Evaluation and approval of capital outlays that are elevated to the
Investment Coordinating Committee of the NEDA.

The DBM shall continue to:

(a) Evaluate and recommend the annual budgetary support to GOCCs; and

(b) Evaluate and approve the annual corporate operating budgets (COBs) of

8.5 State Acting Through the Governing Boards of GOCCs and Subsidiaries. –
Having been vested directly by law with the legal capacity and authority to exercise all
corporate powers, conduct all the business, and to hold all the properties of the GOCC,
mandating under the Act that ultimately all Ex Officio Directors and Appointive Directors of
the GOCCs are appointed by the President of the Philippines, the State has affirmed the
public policy that the Governing Board of GOCCs constitute the State’s direct representatives
in, and shall be directly accountable to the State for, the governance and operations of



Article. 9. Principle of Board Autonomy Pursued within the State’s Policy of

Active Ownership. – The National Government shall not be involved in the day-to-day
management of GOCCs, and the Boards shall be allowed full operational autonomy to
achieve the defined objectives of the GOCCs. The role of the National Government, acting
through the GCG and/or the Supervising Agency, shall be to ensure that:

9.1 The governance of GOCCs is carried out in a transparent, responsible and

accountable manner and with the utmost degree of professionalism and effectiveness.

9.2 The Governing Boards are competent to carry out their functions, fully
accountable to the State as its fiduciaries, and always acting in the best interest of the State.

9.3 There are instituted well-structured, transparent, and fully implemented

nomination, appointment or election processes for the Appointive Directors in GOCCs,
Subsidiaries and Affiliates.

9.4 Subject to the provisions of the Act, there are adopted reasonable,
justifiable and appropriate remuneration and incentives schemes for the Directors/Trustees,
Officers and employees of GOCCs and their Subsidiaries, to foster the long-term interest of
the companies that would attract and motivate qualified professionals, but at the same time
prevent or deter the granting of unconscionable and excessive remuneration packages.

9.5 There is instituted a reporting and evaluation system, which will require
that the periodic disclosure and examination of the operations and management of the
GOCCs, their assets and finances, revenues and expenditures, is enforced.

9.6 The operations of GOCCs are rationalized and monitored centrally in

order that government assets and resources are used efficiently and that government exposure
to all forms of liabilities, including subsidies, is warranted and incurred through prudent

Article. 10. Provision of Adequate Operational Flexibility. – GOCCs shall be

provided with adequate operational flexibility in order to function properly and efficiently,
especially under conditions of market competition. Such flexibility shall nevertheless be
consistent with the requirements of public accountability.

10.1. Differential Treatment . – To implement the concept of adequate

operational flexibility, GOCCs shall, subject to existing laws, be accorded differential
treatment by the various Service-Wide Agencies, such as the DBM, the DOF, the COA, the
CSC and NEDA, in the exercise of their respective powers and functions. Such agencies shall
distinguish corporate organizational and procurement practices of GOCCs from those of
bureaus and regular line agencies of the National Government.

10.2. GCG Classification of GOCCs. – In the formulation of the differential

treatment of GOCCs, GCG shall classify them in the following classification: (1)
Developmental/Social Corporations; (2) Proprietary Commercial Corporations; (3)
Government Financial, Investment and Trust Institutions; (4) Corporations with Regulatory
Functions; and (5) Other Classifications as may be provided for by the GCG, without
prejudice to further sub-classification based on parameters as GCG may find relevant or
material such as, but not limited to, industry type.

Unless justified by a greater public interest, Government Agencies that have the
discretion to grant competitive advantages and benefits to GOCCs, shall avoid the granting of
such advantages and benefits, especially to GOCCs that directly or indirectly compete with
the private sector. The advantages and benefits mentioned herein include Government
guarantees for debts incurred and special privileges such as partial or full exemption from the
payment of taxes, duties, imposts, and other charges. This rule shall not apply when the
GOCC concerned is organized solely for cultural, educational, civic or scientific purposes.

Article. 12. Pursuit of National Development. – In pursuing the exercise of State

ownership in the GOCCC Sector, the National Government shall ensure that the promotion of
the growth and development of GOCCs shall be consistent with the Social Contract of the
President and the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan issued by the NEDA. The
National Government, through the Supervising Agencies to which the GOCCs are
respectively attached, shall exercise policy and program coordination, ensuring that the
policies and programs of such GOCCs, such as their budgets and operations, as well as their
production, financial and other corporate targets, and disposition of profits, are consistent
with sectoral policies and programs.

Article. 13. Restraint in the Creation and Acquisition of GOCCs. – Restraint shall
be exercised in the creation or acquisition of a corporation by any Government Agency. Any
Government Agency seeking to purchase a corporation or acquire controlling interest therein,
including a planned conversion into equity of loans previously extended by a GOCC to a
privately owned corporation organized under the Corporation Code of the Philippines, which
conversion will result in majority ownership or control by such GOCC in the debtor
corporation, shall submit its proposal to the GCG for review and approval of the President.


Article. 14. GOCCs as Tools for Economic Development. - GOCCs and

Subsidiaries, being wholly- or majority-owned by the State, constitute significant tools of the
State to pursue economic development, and a means to promote growth by ensuring that their
operations are consistent with national development policies and programs.

Article. 15. Governing Board Primarily Responsible for Corporate Governance. –

The Governing Board of every GOCC shall be primarily responsible for the management and
operation of the GOCC inasmuch as:

15.1 All corporate powers of the GOCC are vested directly by law in its
Governing Board.

15.2 The members of the Governing Board of evry GOCC have been imposed
by law with the fiduciary duties to:

(a) Always act in the best interest of the GOCC, with utmost good
faith in all its dealings with the property and monies of the GOCC.

(b) Act with due care, extraordinary diligence, skill and good faith in
the conduct of the business of the GOCC.

(c) Apply sound business principles to ensure the financial soundness

of the GOCC; and

(d) Hold a trustee relation with respect to the properties, interests and
monies of the GOCC.

Article. 16. Particular Obligations of the Governing Board. – Governing Boards,

shall ensure that they perform their statutorily-defined role as the State’s agents in pursuing
economic growth and development within the GOCC Sector, by –

16.1 Ensuring that government assets and resources are used efficiently
and that government exposure to all forms of liabilities and subsidies is
warranted and incurred through prudent means.

16.2 Ensuring that the operations and governance are carried out in a
transparent, responsible and accountable manner and with the utmost degree
of professionalism and effectiveness.

16.3 Complying faithfully with the reporting and evaluation system

governing GOCCs, including the periodic disclosure and examination of their
operations and management, their assets and finances, revenues and
expenditure, and

16.4 Clearly separating the regulatory functions from their proprietary

activities in order to achieve a level playing field with the private sector
involved in similar commercial activities for the public.


Article 17. GCG as the Instrumentality of State Ownership. – The exercise by the
State of its ownership rights has been clearly identified with the National Government, by
having constituted under the Act the GCG as the “central advisory, monitoring, and oversight
body with authority to formulate, implement and coordinate policies governing the GOCC
17.1 In the performance of its functions and in the review or evaluation of
every GOCC, the GCG is mandated to engage the participation of the Secretary or
the highest ranking official of the Supervising Agency to which the GOCC is
17.2. The GCG is accountable to and/or has clearly defined relationships
a. The President of the Philippines, to whose Office the
GCG is attached, and to whom GCG is mandated to
submit quarterly reports, a semi-annual progress report,
and an annual report (within 120 days from the close of
the year) on the performance of GOCCs;

b. Congress, as the GCG is mandated to submit to Congress

a semi-annual progress report and an annual report
(within 120 days from the close of the year) on the
performance of GOCCs;

c. Commission on Audit (COA), as the GCG is authorized

by law to seek the periodic special audit of the thirty (30)
GOCCs with the highest total assets;

d. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), since no
new GOCC or Related Corporation can be registered and
organized under the Corporation Code of the Philippines
unless the application or registration is accompanied by
an endorsement from the GCG stating that the President
has approved the same;

e. Supervising Agency of each GOCC, (i) with which GCG

has to coordinate in pursuing the privatization of the
commercial operations of GOCCs when they conflict with
their regulatory functions; or (ii) when seeking to
purchase a corporation or acquire controlling interest
therein, as the law requires them to submits its proposal to
the GCG for review and approval of the President; (iii)
with which GCG shall extend technical advice and
assistance in setting performance objectives and targets
for their attached GOCCs and in monitoring their
performance as part of the PES; and

f. Privatization Council (PC) and the Privatization and

Management Office (PMO), as the law requires the GCG
to take-over the privatization of GOCCs that have been
identified by the PC and approved for privatization by the
President at the end of two (2) years after the effectivity
of R.A. No. 10149.
Article 18. Nomination, Shortlisting and Appointment of Appointive Directors. -
The GCG shall identify necessary skills and qualifications for Appointive Directors, taking
into consideration the unique requirements of each GOCC, to ensure professionalism and
effectiveness in corporate governance. The GCG shall formulate its rules and criteria in the
selection and nomination of prospective appointees and shall form search committees to
apply the same and ensure that all nominees submitted by the GCG for consideration of the
President meet the Fit and proper Rule established by the GCG and approved by the
To maintain the quality of the governance and management of the GOCCs, the GCG,
in coordination with the relevant Government Agencies shall, subject to the approval of the
President of the Philippines, prescribe, pass upon, and review the qualifications and
disqualifications of individuals appointed as Appointive Directors, CEO and other Officers of
a GOCC and shall disqualify those found unfit.
Article 19. Watchlisting. – To provide a central information file to be sued as a
reference in passing upon and reviewing the qualifications of persons nominated, elected or
appointed as Appointive Directors pursuant to the Fit and Proper Rule, the GCG shall
maintain a watchlist of disqualified nominees, applicants or previously appointed Directors
and Officers (“Watchlist”) under the following procedures:
19.1 Watchlist Categories: Watchlisting shall be categorized as follows:
a) Disqualification File “A” (Permanent) –
Directors/Officers/employees permanently disqualified by the GCG

or relevant Supervising Agency, such as the BSP, from holding a
Director and/or Officer position; and
b) Disqualification File “B” (Temporary) –
Directors/Officers/employees temporarily disqualified by the GCG
or relevant Supervising Agency, such as the BSP, from holding a
Director and/or Officer position
19.2. Inclusion of Directors and Officers in the Watchlist: Upon recommendation
by the Supervising Agency, the inclusion of a Director or Officer in Watchlist
Disqualification Files “A” and “B” on the basis of final and executor decisions, actions
or reports of the courts, banks, quasi-banks, BSP, National Bureau of Investigation
(NBI), Ombudsman or any other administrative agencies shall require the prior written
approval by the GCG.
19.3. Notification of Directors/Officers: Upon written approval by the GCG, the
concerned Director or Officer shall be informed through registered mail, with registry
return receipt card, at his/her last known address of his/her inclusion in the Watchlist
of persons disqualified to be a Director or Officer in any GOCC covered by the Act.
19.4 Confientiality: Watchlisting shall primarily be for determining the
applicability of the Fit and Proper Rule for individuals who are nominees for
Appointive Directors in the GOCC Sector, but may be accessed or queried upon by
Supervising Agencies or regulatory authorities in pursuing their functions.
19.5 Delisting: All delistings from the Watchlist shall be approved by the GCG
upon recommendation of Supervising Agencies or regulatory authorities, except in
cases of persons known to be dead where delisting shall be automatic upon proof of
death. Delisting from Watchlist Disqualification File “B” (Temporary), may be
approved by the GCG in the following cases:
a. After the lapse of the specific period of disqualification;

b. When the conviction by the courts or the tribunals for crimes

involving dishonesty, breach of trust and/or violation f banking laws
becomes final and executor, in which case the
director/officer/employee is re-listed to Watchlist Disqualification
File “A” (Permanent); and

c. Upon favorable decision or clearance by the appropriate body, i.e.,

court, NBI, Supervising Agency, or the relevant regulatory agency
where the concerned individual had a derogatory record.
Directors and officers delisted from the Watchlist Disqualificatione File “B” other than
those upgrade to Watchlist Disqualification File “A” shall be eligible for renomination
and consideration for appointment for Appointive Director or Officer of a GOCC to
which his/her qualifications fit.
Article 20. Recommendation on the Suspension or Removal of Any Member of
the Governing Board. – With due regard to the principles of due process, and without
prejudice to the filing of administrative and criminal charges, the GCG and Supervising
Agencies may recommend:

a. To the Governing Board of a GOCC, the suspension of any of its member who
participated by commission or omission in the approval of any act which
constitutes a violation or non-compliance with the Act, this Manual, the Fit
and Proper Rule, or the Code of Corporate Governance for GOCCs, for a
period depending on the nature and extent of damage caused, and during
which period, the Director shall not be entitled to any emolument;

b. To the President of the Philippines, the removal of any Appointive Director

for any breach of fiduciary duties, or a violation of or non-compliance with the
provisions of this Act, this Manual, the Fit and Proper Rule, or the Code of
Corporate Governance for GOCCs.
20.1. A complaint for the suspension or removal of an Appointive Director may
be brought formally through a written complaint before the GCG. Ensuring the due
process is afforded the respondent Appointive Director, the GCG may pursue any of
the following actions:
a. Dismiss the complaint outright for want of palpable merit;

b. Submit a formal recommendation to the Governing Board for the

removal of the respondent Appointive Director for cause; or

c. Indorse to the proper Government Agency, such as the Office of the

Ombudsman, the pursuit of the criminal and/or administrative process
against the respondent Appointive Director.
20.2. The suspension or removal of an Appointive Director who is also the CEO
shall have the legal effect of suspending or removing him as CEO of the GOCC.
Article 21. Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) for
GOCCs. – The GCG, after conducting compensation studies, shall develop a Compensation
and Classification System (CPCS) which shall apply to all Officers and employees of all
GOCCs covered by the Act, whether under the Salary Standardization Law or exempt
therefrom and shall consist of classes of positions grouped into such categories as the GCG
may determine, subject to the approval of the President.
Article 22. Compensation Comparisons and Reviews. – A compensation
committee within the GCG, shall oversee the compensation policy for Appointive Directors
of the GOCCs which shall be commensurate with:
a. Performance measured against comparable industry benchmarks and key
performance indicators; and

b. The responsibilities, potential liabilities and heightened responsibilities that they

are expected to assume.




Article 23. The State as an Informed Owner. – The State recognizes the need to
rationalize and monitor the operations of the GOCC Sector to help bring about improved
performance, assure more efficient use of resources and focus their activities and priorities in
a manner consistent with national objectives. The specific objectives in the National
Government’s monitoring of the GOCC Sector are to:
a. Identify improvements in the operations of GOCCs that will have positive
financial impact and thereby reduce their financial dependence on the National

b. Develop performance criteria, targets, and contracts for all GOCCs and
identify financial and non-financial incentives, rewards and penalties;

c. Strengthen the financial performance review and monitoring of GOCCs, and

improve the GCG’s databank for the GOCC Sector;

d. Develop the framework that will provide the mandate and purpose of the
GOCCs, financial discipline among GOCCs, and a more effective and
efficient delivery goods and services to the public, depending on the specific
mandates of these GOCCs;

e. Enhance public accountability in the operations of GOCCs’

f. Promote efficient allocation and use of resources; and

g. Integrate and harmonize the plans and programs of all GOCCs with the overall
plans and programs of the National Government.

Article 24. Evaluation of the Performance and Determination of the Relevance of

GOCCs. - The GCG is mandated to evaluate the performance of GOCCs and determine if
they should be reorganized, streamlined, abolished or privatized, in consultation with the
Supervising Agency to which a GOCC is attached. In performing such mandate, the GCG
shall be governed by the following standards:
a. The functions or purposes for which the GOCC was created are no longer
relevant to the State or consistent with the national development policy of
the State;

b. The GOCC’s functions or purposes duplicate or unnecessarily overlap with

functions, programs, activities or projects already provided by a Government
c. The GOCC is not producing desired outcomes, or no longer achieving the
objectives, and purposes for which it was originally designed and
implemented and/or are not cost-efficient and does not generate the level of
social, physical and economic returns vis-à-vis the resource inputs;

d. The GOCC is dormant or non-operational;

e. The GOCC is involved in an activity best carried out by the private sector; or

f. The functions, purpose or nature of operations of any group of GOCCs require
consolidation under a holding company.
Article 25. Determination of the Performance Objectives and Targets of GOCCs.
– The GCG, in consultation with the GOCCs and their Supervising Agencies, shall review the
functions of each GOCC, identify its objectives, provide technical advice and assistance to
the Supervising Agencies to which the GOCCs are attached in setting performance objectives
and targets, coordinate and monitor operations of GOCCs ensuring alignment and
consistency with the national development policies and programs, which shall include:
a. Reviewing the Strategy Maps and Performance Scorecards of all GOCCs
covered by the Act;

b. Reviewing and assessing existing performance-related policies, including the

compensation/remuneration of Appointive Directors and Officers and
recommend appropriate revisions and actions; and

c. Preparing performance reports of the GOCCs for submission to the President.

Article 26. Periodic Review of the Functions of GOCCs. – The GCG shall also
periodically review the functions of each GOCC and determine whether there is a conflict
between the GOCC’s regulatory and commercial functions. In cases of conflict, the GOCC’s
commercial operations may be recommended for privatization and its regulatory functions
transferred to the appropriate government agency. Other plans of action may also be pursued
to ensure that the commercial functions of the GOCC do not conflict with its regulatory
Article 27. Establishment of the Performance Evaluation System. – The GCG
shall establish the Performance Evaluation System (PES) for GOCCs and shall issue the
relevant implementing guidelines for the phased implementation of the system for all GOCCs
covered by the Act. The following shall be the elements of the PES:
27.1 Performance Agreements – Performance Agreements shall be entered into
for each fiscal year between the GOCC, as represented by its Board of Directors,
and the State, as represented by the GCG. Such agreements shall be the product of
negotiations or discussions between the GOCC and the GCG. The components of
the Performance Agreement shall include the following:
a. Charter Statement and Strategy Map of the GOCC – The GOCC
shall specify its vision and mission which underlie the performance
criteria, targets and weights to be set out in the Performance
Agreement. It shall also define its major objectives and action plans
for the fiscal year, which shall define the short-to-long-term goals of
the GOCC. The GOCC shall ensure that these declarations are
consistent with those submitted to other Government Agencies.

b. Performance Criteria – As the indicators to be used to evaluate

GOCC accomplishments, Performance Criteria shall be developed
along the following basic guidelines:

i. Each Performance Criterion should measure the
significant outcomes, not processes, from the operations
of the GOCC. The set of criteria should hence be neither
too few in number or numerous so as not to make the
evaluation simplistic or overly tedious. The GCG may
prescribe specific categories of criteria, i.e., financial,
operations, etc., to enable uniformity or comparability for
certain sectors of GOCCs;

ii. Generally accepted or industry-wide performance criteria,

as practiced locally or internationally, may be used;

iii. Performance Criteria should measure outcomes that are

controllable by the GOCC management to make them
fair. These should also be clearly defined, not redundant
with each other, and measurable from data readily
available and verifiable within the GOCC; and

iv. Performance Criteria should be consistent with the

Performance Measures and Major Final Outputs based on
the OPIF submitted to the DBM as part of the annual
Corporate Budget Call.

c. Performance Targets- Performance Targets are the criterion values

defining the levels of achievement for each criterion. The targets
shall be specified over a scale to be set by the GCG, e.g. a scale
from 1 to 5 defined as 1 for Poor, 2 for Good, 3 for Satisfactory, 4
for Very Satisfactory and 5 for Outstanding. The following
guidelines apply to setting the Performance Targets:

i. The targets should be clearly defined, realistic and

growth-oriented from the previous year. It should
conform with the corporate operating budget adopted by
the GOCC and submitted to the DBM in compliance with
the annual Corporate Budget Call. The targets shall also
be consistent with the sectoral targets underlying the
plans and programs of the GOCC’s Supervising Agency.
The targets pertaining to Performance Criteria consistent
with the corporate operating budget should generally be
assigned a scale of 3 or Satisfactory;

ii. A reasonable range for the target should be defined based

on experience or industry norm. The difference between
the target values defined over the 5-point scale for each
Performance Criterion should generally be uniform; and

iii. The method or formula of computing the Performance

Target should be included in the Performance Agreement
as an annex.

d. Performance weights – To compute the composite score or rating
of a GOCC for a given fiscal year, each Performance Criterion
shall be assigned a weight to correspond to its stated priority in
the GOCC’s Charter Statement and Strategy Map. It should also
reflect its relative importance to the other Performance Criteria as
negotiated between the GOCC and the GCG. The sum of all the
weights must add up to one-hundred percent (100%).

e. Commitments/Assistance from the Government – This section

shall define the actions requested by the GOCC to be undertaken
by the State in order for the Performance Targets to be realizable.
These may include approval of capital projects, tariff
adjustments, loans and budgetary support.

f. Others – This may include the Action Plan of the GOCC to attain
the Performance Targets, the schedule of monitoring reports to be
submitted or such other stipulations to be agreed between the
GOCC’s Governing Board and the GCG.
27.2 Schedules – In implementing the PES, the GCG shall consider the various
reporting and compliance schedules prescribed by the Service-Wide Agencies,
such as the DBM for the annual Corporate Budget Call and approval of
Corporate Operating Budgets and the DOF for the fiscal programming exercise
of monitored GOCCs. To be synchronized with these Agencies, the following
timetable shall govern the conduct of the PES:
a. Call for PES Negotiations – The GCG shall issue the necessary
circular to the GOCCs covered by PES annually specifying the
necessary forms for the PES, detailed instructions for developing
PES parameters and creating the PES negotiating members from
the GOCC and the GCG.
b. GOCC Submission of Proposed Parameters – GOCCs shall
submit their proposed Performance Criteria, Targets, Weights
and Commitments from the State.

c. Negotiation and Submission of Performance Agreements – The

negotiation of Performance Agreements between the GOCCs and
the GCG shall conclude by the date set in the GCG PES circular.
Thereafter, the GOCC’s Board of Directors and the GCG shall
ratify the Performance Agreements and the same shall be
disseminated by the GCG to the President, Supervising Agencies
and other concerned stakeholders.

d. Submission of Monitoring Reports – GOCCs shall submit

quarterly monitoring reports during the fiscal year detailing its
progress in accomplishing the targets contained in the
Performance Agreement. It should also disclose problems or
issues requiring resolution as needed.

e. Performance Scorecard – On the succeeding year based on the
schedule to be set by the GCG, GOCCs shall submit to GCG
their preliminary assessment of compliance to the Performance
Targets or the interim Performance Scorecard disclosing the
GOCCs Breakthrough Results. Upon issuance by the
Commission on Audit of its report for the GOCC, the latter shall
submit to the GCG its final Performance Scorecard under the
Performance Agreement. The GCG shall render its evaluation
and approval of the Performance Scorecard under the
Performance Agreement. The GCG shall render its evaluation
and approval of the Performance Scorecard and submit its
performance evaluation report for all GOCCs covered by the PES
to the President.
27.3. Performance Incentives – The GCG shall submit for approval by the
President the implementing guidelines for the grant of incentives under the
PES as part of the Compensation and Position Classification System for
27.4 Institutional Agreements – The GOCC’s Board of Directors and the GCG
shall form their respective technical panels duly authorized to negotiate the
Performance Agreements. Such panels may include representatives from
management on the part of GOCCs and the Supervising Agency, other
service-wide agencies such as NEDA, and private sector industry experts on
the side of the GCG.
Article 28. Integrated Corporate Reporting System. – To facilitate the
performance monitoring of GOCCs under the PES, the GCG shall initiate and formulate an
integrated corporate reporting system (ICRS) for all covered GOCCs to meet the following
objectives: (a) To streamline the various corporate reports submitted by GOCCs to the GCG
and Service-Wide Agencies to prevent redundancy and ensure consistency in the content of
these reports and (b) To harmonize the frequency and timing of submission of corporate
reports in order to reduce the burden on GOCCs. The ICRS for GOCCs shall be managed by
the GCG and shall maintain forms control and the computerization of the database.


Article 29. Underlying Policy on Employing GOCCs to Undertake Non-
Commercial Activities. – In line with the State policy that “(t)he corporate form of
organization through which government carries out activities is utilized judiciously, and that
the operations of GOCCs are rationalized and monitored centrally in order that government
assets and resources are used efficiently and the government exposure to all forms of
liabilities including subsidies is warranted and incurred through prudent means, the following
policies shall govern all National Government projects and activities employing GOCCs to
undertake non-commercial activities (i.e., the delivery of non-commercial goods and services

to the public), hereinafter referred to as “Non-Commercial Program” or simply “Program”,
29.1 The undertaking of Non-Commercial Programs by any of the National
Government’s instrumentalities and agencies shall be based on well-thought
out feasibility studies that identify particularly the intended areas or sectors
in which to pursue and important function of government in ensuring equity
and access, delineating clearly the intended beneficiaries and only when
they have the following:
a. Program objectives that are expressed in measurable terms, whether it
be poverty alleviation, market access, electrification, etc.;

b. Target beneficiaries that are clearly identified, including how they are
chosen or prioritized;

c. A Program timeframe: e.g. one time, 5 years, open-ended;

d. A clear process for monitoring activities and outputs; and

e. An impact Assessment/Evaluation (Cost-Benefit Analysis, etc.) of the

29.2. As much as possible, all Non-Commercial Programs shall be pursued
through appropriate Government Agencies, and not through the GOCC
Sector, in order to ensure compliance with the State policy that the
corporate form of organization through which government carries out
activities is utilized judiciously.
29.3 When it becomes necessary in specific cases that a Non-Commerical
Program be pursued through a targeted or designated GOCC, the primary
means of engagement of the GOCC shall be through the “Project
Implementation Mode” – separate and distinctly pursued from the primary
purpose and operations of the GOCC, in order to ensure that:
a. The primary accountability of the Governing Board of the
implementing GOCC under its Charter and the objectives for
which the GOCC was originally infused with equity/subsidy
shall remain clear, binding and for which accountability can be

b. The Program Funds come into the GOCC coffers separately

accounted for and cannot be used nor diverted for activities of
the GOCC outside of the Program;

c. The responsibility and accountability of the GOCC, acting

through its Governing Board and its Management for meeting
the obligations of the Program shall be separately monitored
and reported; and

d. The Program Funds, activities and results, cannot be used to
hide or conceal the underperformance of the GOCC in its
primary objectives and operation for which it has been
originally organized by the National Government.
29.4. The employment of a GOCC to undertake Non-Commercial Programs must
be shown to be one of necessity through a formal feasibility study that
clearly indicates how the objectives of such Program can best be realized
through the GOCC Sector:
a. The Program must have been conceived, planned and
developed with a particular existing Societal/Developmental
GOCC as the target implementing GOCC, with a well-
established record of effective project-delivery, and
identifying the particular competence of the GOCCC that
makes it a prime candidate to be the Implementing GOCC,
under the following parameters:

i. All Societal/Developmental GOCCs which have

failed to meet the targets and objectives of their
primary franchise are disqualified from being
considered as Implementing GOCCs;

ii. By the nature of the importance of the respective

primary franchise and the power they wield over the
market, purely Regulatory GOCCs shall be
disqualified from being considered as Implementing
iii. The Program Trust must not contravene or undermine
the primary purposes or which the target GOCC has
been constituted and for which it primarily operates;

iv. Any Program coursed through an Implementing

GOCC shall not be integrated into its primary
corporate operations (i.e., not to be infused as equity
of, or subsidy to, the implementing GOCC), but as a
separate Project, with the funds intended for the
Program being handled and accounted for by the
Implementing GOCC exclusively for the Program,
and not to be commingled with the general funds of
the implementing GOCC; and

v. The implementing GOCC may charge an

administration fee against the Program Funds (which
it shall report as income to its main operations), but in
no case to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total
Program Funds, the intention being that the bulk of
the Program fund shall be expended to achieve the
non-commercial objectives of the Program and benefit
as much of the intended beneficiaries as possible.

b. If the Program requires the creation of a new GOCC:

i. The Programs must be coursed through the GCG

pursuant to Section 27 of the Act, for its review and
recommendation to the President for approval before
registering the new GOCC with the SEC,
accompanied by:
 The proposed Articles of Incorporation and
By-laws, defining its primary purpose as a
Societal/Developmental Corporation;

 The nature and amounts of the National

Government infusion into its capital, and the
program of subsidies that would be required;

 A Program Map defining clearly the objectives

sought o be achieved and its role in national
development; metrics to measure achievement
of the objectives; reportorial requirements for
the proper monitoring of the results of
operations, etc., with a clear delineation when
the Program is deemed to have been achieved,
or declared not cost-efficient and/or does not
generate the level of social or developmental
returns originally intended.

c. The use of non-Societal/Developmental GOCCs (i.e.,

Proprietary Commercial Corporation, Government Financial,
Investment and Trust Institution, Corporations with
Regulatory Functions) for Non-Commercial Programs shall
be allowed only when it is demonstrated clearly in the
submitted feasibility study that the Program objectives cab be
best achieved through an identified non-
Developmental/Social GOCC, but always under the following

i. The National Government Proponent shall cooperate

with the GCG and the target GOCC in evolving the
Program to achieve the following objectives:
 Validating the necessity of coursing the
Program through the target GOCC and
identifying the particular competence or
features of the target GOCC that necessitates
its handling of the Program; with a
confirmation that there is no
societal/developmental GOCC existing that
can handle the Program;

 Ensuring that the pursuit of the Program shall
not contravene or undermine the primary
purpose and operation of the target GOCC;
 Adopting the proper paramaters under the
Project Implementation Mode to ensure that it
achieve the Program’s main objective of
delivering the non-commercial goods and/or
services to the intended beneficiaries, without
undermining the GOCC’s primary franchise
that focuses on improving productivity,
efficiency, financial viability and market
competitiveness, and further ensure that the
pursuit of the Program does not give to the
GOCC undue advantage over private sector
corporations performing similar commercial
activities for the public.

ii. The Program shall be handled by the targeted GOCC

as a separate project and not to be integrated into its
primary corporate operations (i.e. not to be infused as
equity of, or subsidy to, the implementing GOCC),
with the funds intended for the program being handled
and accounted for by the implementing GOCC
exclusively for the Program, and not be commingled
with the general funds of the implementing GOCC;
iii. The Implementing GOCC may charge an
administration fee against the Program funds (which it
shall report as income to its main operations), but in
no case to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total
Program funds, the intention being that the bulk of the
Program fund shall be expended to achieve the non-
commercial objectives of the Program and benefit as
much of the intended beneficiaries as possible.

d. In all cases, the unused funds of the Program shall be account

for and remitted back to the National Government.

e. There must always be a separate accounting in the books of

the Implementing GOCC for the Program, and a separate
report shall be issued on an annual basis to the Supervising
Agency, the GCG, the NEDA and the Grantor, and published
in the GOCC’s website.


Article 30. ADR Policy. – Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 242, and the State
policy embodied in Section 10, Chapter 3, Book VII of the Administrative Code of 1987, to
encourage amicable settlement, compromise and arbitration, and in order to expedite
administrative proceedings involving conflicting rights or claims and obviate expensive
litigations, every Government Agency shall, in all disputes involving GOCCs and
Subsidiaries, continue to administratively settle or adjudicate such claims as provided for in
existing laws, rules and regulations.
30.1 In cases Involving Purely Questions of Law. – In all cases involving only
questions of law, the same shall be submitted to and ruled upon by the
Secretary of Justice, whose ruling or determination of the question in each
case shall be conclusive and binding upon all the parties concerned, unless
otherwise directed by the President of the Philippines.
a. The Secretary of Justice, with respect to disputes where one of the
parties is a GOCC and the other party(ies) is a Government Agency
which is not a GOCC;

b. The Government Corporate Counsel, with respect to disputes or

claims or controversies solely between or among GOCCs;
The disputes, claims or controversies shall be settled or adjudicated in accordance with the
published rules of the Department of Justice or the Office of the Government Corporate
Counsel, as the case may be.
30.3 Unless otherwise directed by the President of the Philippines, the final
rulings or decisions rendered in the settlement or adjudication of all such
disputes, claims or controversies shall have the same force and effect as final
decision of the courts of justice.


Article 31. Amendments. – This Manual may be amended by the GCG through the
issuance of a memorandum circular duly published in the GCG’s website and copy formally
submitted to the UP Law Center.
Article 32. Effectivity. – This Manual shall be effective fifteen (15) days after it is
published in the GCG’s website and from the date formal copy is received by the UP Law
Adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, this 17th day of January 2014.


Chairman of the Board
Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines


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