10 01 Peacock PDF
10 01 Peacock PDF
10 01 Peacock PDF
After a hiatus of more than a decade, astronomers are poised to build a new generation of large ground-
based telescopes. With their larger areas, rigorous imaging specifications, and modern control systems,
they will allow astronomers to extend traditional astronomical observations to fainter, more distant ob-
jects, and will permit fundamentally novel investigations from the ground. New technologies, such as
segmented mirrors, active figure control, "spin-cast" mirrors, and multiple mirrors, are being applied
to extend the size of today's largest single-mirror telescope (6 m in diameter) and to combine the light
from smaller individual mirrors to create effective apertures up to 16 m in diameter. The Johns Hopkins
University, in collaboration with the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the University of Arizona,
is designing an 8-m telescope using a spin-cast mirror.
A Dutch spectacle-maker, Hans Lippershey, is credit- of London. All modern large telescopes can trace their
ed with the invention of the telescope in 1608. 1 Galileo ancestry to Newton's discovery. Reflecting telescopes
subsequently heard of Lippershey's achievement, made have several advantages when compared with refractors;
several improved telescopes of his own, and used them unlike refractors, they do not suffer from chromatic
to discover the spots on the Sun, the lunar mountains, aberration, and the mirrors are much easier to support
the phases of Venus, and the moons of Jupiter. In 1611, than lenses because the entire back surface is accessible.
at a banquet in his honor near Rome, his instrument Reflecting telescopes increased in diameter. In 1789,
was christened "telescope." Although his discoveries ini- Sir William Herschel built a 122-cm telescope, and by
tially promoted Galileo's career, the last two provided 1845, Lord Rosse had made one 183 cm in diameter.
support for the Copernican theory and eventually led All the early reflectors had mirrors of speculum, an alloy
to Galileo's trial for heresy. of copper and tin. Speculum, however, is an imperfect
Progress on telescopes was slow during the next hun- material for a telescope because, like most metals, it is
dred years. The presence of chromatic aberrations (im- harder to figure and polish than glass and has a high
perfections in image quality caused by variation with thermal expansion coefficient, which distorts the mirror
wavelength in the index of refraction of glass) limited once installed in the telescope. It was not until 1856 that
the usefulness of the instruments. Telescopes made of a chemical method for silvering glass was first developed.
simple lenses were built with diameters up to 20 cm, but This technological advancement, a prerequisite for the
they could be as long as 46 m. big glass reflectors of the first half of the twentieth cen-
Chromatic aberration can be greatly reduced by the tury, culminated in 1948 with the dedication of the 5-m
achromat, which combines two glasses with different dis- Hale Telescope at Mt. Palomar in California.
persions into a lens to give focusing without dispersion. The Hale Telescope represented a watershed in tele-
The two-element achromat was invented by Chester Hall scope construction. It weighs 450,000 kg and floats on
in 1733 (and reinvented and patented by John Dollond oil bearings. The f number (focal ratio), the ratio be-
in 1758)2 and led to the development of the modern tween the focal length of the primary mirror and its di-
refractor. The best telescopes of the nineteenth century ameter, is 3.3, smaller than for earlier reflectors. 3 The
were refractors, but lens diameters eventually were limit- focal ratio establishes the length of the telescope and the
ed to 1 m by the difficulty of preventing the glass from size of the dome housing it. The Hale dome is 41 min
distorting under its own weight, by constraints on the diameter and 40 m high.
uniformity of the glass, and by developments in the tech- Construction of the telescope, begun in 1927, was
nology of reflecting telescopes. lengthy, expensive, and technically difficult. The tele-
Defeated by chromatic aberration, Newton gave up scope was not used regularly until 1949 (demonstrating
all hope of perfecting Galileo's form of telescope and that our frustration over the time needed to build instru-
turned his attention to making concave mirrors that ments like the Hubble Space Telescope is not without
reflected light to a focus without dispersing it. Newton's precedent). The principal problem was the primary mir-
first reflecting telescope, invented 60 years after the ror: $600,000 was spent in a futile attempt to make it
refractor, was 15 cm long, with a mirror 2.5 cm in di- from fused quartz. Even after switching to borosilicate
ameter. So successful was the performance of this pygmy glass (Pyrex), the first attempt to cast the mirror failed.
that he made a larger one, now held by the Royal Society The cost was $6.5 million ($6 million came from the
Rockefeller Foundation), a considerable amount in the the instruments up to 5 m. The cost followed a power
1940s. Because of these difficulties, the 5-m telescope law, S = 0.37D 2.58 , where D is the diameter in meters
held the size record for almost three decades, until a 6-m and S is the inflation-adjusted cost in millions of dol-
telescope was constructed in Russia in 1974. That tele- lars.5 Larger sizes could be shown to be prohibitively
scope, which also uses borosilicate glass, is affected by expensive; an 8-m telescope would cost about $80 million
diurnal temperature variations; as the temperature falls and a 16-m telescope would cost $473 million. Few dis-
at night, the mirror cools, contracts, and distorts. With sented from this conclusion.
such a massive piece of glass, the image quality can be The Multiple-Mirror Telescope (MMT), begun in the
degraded for the entire night. 4 early 1970s and dedicated in 1979, was an attempt to
The large telescopes of the 1970s and 1980s were built supply a large collecting area at a relatively low cost.
with diameters of about 4 m (see Table 1). The focal Resulting from a collaboration between the University
ratio of the primary mirror is significant for comparison of Arizona and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observa-
with the new generation of large telescopes. The values tory, the MMT has six 1.8-m-diameter primaries mount-
range from 2.5 to 5.0 (average, 3.25), which, as we will ed on the same structure in a hexagonal array. A central,
see, is considerably higher than the focal ratios planned smaller mirror is used for guidance. Computer control
for the new telescopes. combines the images from all six mirrors into a single
The principal difference between the new telescopes focus. The aperture is equivalent to a single 4.5-m-diam-
and the 5- and 6-m telescopes is the use of low-expansion eter mirror.
glasses and vitreous ceramics (e.g., Cervit or Zerodur) In the 1990s, a new generation of telescopes will be
for the main mirror. Low-expansion glass makes larger constructed. Single-mirror telescopes with diameters of
temperature gradients tolerable in the polishing process 8 to 10 m and MMTs with diameters up to 16 m will
and during use. The surface of a good telescope has a be built by various consortia, including one in which The
figure accurate to 50/0 of a wavelength (25 nm), a preci- Johns Hopkins University is cooperating. The designs
sion very difficult to maintain if temperature gradients for these telescopes will be very different from the Hale
exist within the glass. Telescope design. The equatorial mount has already been
Although sizes did not increase, there were significant replaced by the altitude-azimuth drive. The monolithic
developments in telescope guidance and control, detec- primary mirror, with a thickness of 15% of its diameter,
tors and instruments, and site selection. Charge-coupled is being replaced by multiple mirrors, segmented primar-
devices have enabled astronomers to use more efficiently ies, thin deformable mirrors, and light-weighted spin-
the photons delivered to the focal plane. These devices, cast mirrors. Focal ratios as fast as JI1.2 are contem-
with quantum efficiencies of 50%, have largely replaced plated to keep the telescopes light and the domes small,
photographic film, which has an efficiency of 2% at resulting in lower cost. Several new technologies are be-
most. Thus, the effective diameter of the Hale Telescope ing used to construct the telescopes that will serve as-
is about five times what it was in 1950. tronomers well into the next century. We will review
The cost of telescopes was believed to be predictable, these technical developments, and the major telescope
on the basis of an extrapolation of adjusted dollars for projects they are making possible, in this article.
Diameter oj
Altitude primary
Location Ownership (m) (m) Year
Secondary Figure 1-The basic optical tele-
scope has two mirrors, a large con-
cave primary and a smaller convex
secondary, which produce an image
at the Gassegrain focus. A multilens
focal-plane corrector is used to cor-
rect the curvature of the focal plane
and reduce other aberrations. It may
also include thin prisms to correct for
atmospheric color dispersion. Addi-
tional mirrors are used to reflect the
beam to other foci, such as the Nas-
myth (to the side of the telescope) or
the Goude (below the telescope). A
key feature of the mirror is the sag,
~ _ _ To Coude oz, which is the depth of the mirror
focus dish.
seeing pattern is continuously changing, with a turbu- as 1909 (see the boxed insert). In the Mirror Laboratory,
lence-coherence time of 40 to 50 ms . pieces of borosilicate glass are loaded into a mushroom-
Considerable effort has been applied to finding sites shaped furnace perched on a large rotating bearing, as
where the seeing is good. The best sites have permanent shown in Fig. 3. The floor of the furnace is studded with
temperature inversions for most of the year, which pre- a matrix of refractory material occupying the space that
vent the convective mixing, and laminar airflow in the will shape the ribbed structure on the rear surface. The
prevailing wind. They also must have a dark sky and temperature is raised to almost 1200°C to melt the glass,
little precipitable water above. California and Chile meet and spinning begins. The combination of gravitational
those requirements. The prevailing wind is from the west, and centrifugal forces shapes the surface of the molten
so no mountains intervene to perturb the laminar flow mass of glass into a paraboloid. The revolution rate de-
after its passage across the Pacific. The cold coastal termines the focal length of the blank; for anf/1.4 8-m
waters also maintain the low humidity and the temper- primary, the oven is spun at 6.3 revolutions per minute,
ature inversion. Chile also has a sky that is not polluted similar to the rate of a carousel. Once the glass has melt-
by light from human activities. Consequently, the very ed completely, the temperature of the furnace is lowered
best telescopes in the world today, at optimum sites and until the glass solidifies, and spinning can stop. After
under optimum weather conditions, can deliver images the mirror has cooled (a process taking about one month),
to the focal plane with stellar image diameters of 0.5" . the refractory material, which has the consistency of
cardboard, is removed with a high-pressure stream of
NEW TELESCOPES, water. The resulting surface should be within 1 mm of
NEW TECHNOLOGIES the desired parabola. Grinding will reduce this to a few
Several technical approaches are being considered in micrometers, followed by polishing to complete the fig-
the race to produce telescopes of larger diameter. Each uring process. The finished mirror will weigh 13,600 kg.
approach has advantages and disadvantages, advocates For comparison, the Hale 5-m mirror required 10 months
and detractors, and it is not apparent what the future for cooling, and 4500 kg of glass had to be ground away
holds. In the following discussion, we outline the three to produce the rough dish. 7
basic approaches being actively followed today, and pre- Technological demonstrations of spin casting culmi-
sent some potential advantages and technical challenges nated in 1985 with the casting of two 1.8-m mirrors in
of each. Briefly, the three approaches are as follows: a smaller furnace. One mirror is for the Vatican observa-
tory to be built on Mt. Graham in Arizona. More re-
1. To use a new type of casting process to build large, cently, an oven large enough to cast 8-m-diameter mir-
light-weighted borosilicate glass mirrors, with conven- rors was constructed in the Mirror Laboratory. In April
tional diameter-to-thickness ratios. 1988, the firstf/1.8 3.5-m mirror blank was cast in the
2. To assemble a large mirror from smaller segments Mirror Laboratory. Another 3.5-m mirror was cast in
and actively control the position of the segments. the fall of 1988. This will be followed by anf/1 6.5-m
3. To cast a thin meniscus mirror and actively con- mirror that will replace the six mirrors in the MMT (at
trol the surface figure on the telescope. the same time doubling its collecting area), and then the
Spin-Cast Telescopes first 8-m mirror by the end of the decade.
Conventional primary mirrors on large telescopes are Thermal Control of Spin-Cast Mirrors. Low-ex-
solid blocks of glass with diameter-to-thickness ratios of pansion vitreous ceramics, such as Cervit and Zerodur,
7 to 10. Such mirrors, once built, are sturdy and rela- cannot be used for spin casting, because of the way they
tively easy to support because they are stiff. They must must be annealed. Therefore, the mirrors being con-
be made of expensive ultralow-expansion glass because structed in the Mirror Laboratory use borosilicate glass
they have extremely long thermal time constants, and (Pyrex), which was used successfully on the 5-m Hale,
thermal distortions would prevent them from delivering the 3-m Lick, and the 2.2-m Kitt Peak telescopes (and
0.25" images to the focal plane. As this type of tech- with less success on the 6-m Russian telescope). The sig-
nology is applied to larger and larger mirrors, it becomes nificant difference between the American and the Rus-
increasingly difficult to manufacture the blank, and the sian telescopes is that the former were constructed as
moving weight scales as D3. Using light weighting, a ribbed plates with no section thicker than 10 cm, and
matrix of cavities on the mirror's rear surface reduces the latter is a 60-cm-thick disk with huge thermal iner-
the weight but retains the rigidity without the expense tia. 8 Borosilicate glass has the advantages of low melt-
and challenge of an active figure control system. Light ing point and low cost, but its thermal expansion coeffi-
weighting has been used on several telescopes, includ- cient is 6 times that of fused silica and 30 times that of
ing the 5-m Hale mirror, which has 8- to 13-cm-thick ultralow-expansion fused silica and the vitreous ceramics.
ribs,3 and the Hubble Space Telescope. Light weight- (Borosilicate glass was abandoned for large-telescope use
ing with 1.5- to 2.5-cm-thick ribs was the motivation be- years ago because of this problem.) It is desirable to keep
hind the development of the spin casting of blanks, an temperature variations in the blank during polishing be-
activity centered at the University of Arizona's Mirror low 1°C and to maintain the operating temperature of
Laboratory under the leadership of Roger Angel. the mirror's reflecting surface to within 0.2°C of the am-
The physics behind a spin-cast mirror blank is straight- bient air temperature. The thin ribs and faceplates of
forward. Robert W. Wood 6 used the principle as early the University of Arizona mirrors will reduce their time
chosen to give a focal point at the location of the plate
holder above ground level. The focus could be held con-
stant to 1 mm. The total cost of the telescope was $200.
Some astronomical observations were made with the de-
vice, and Wood was able to separate the components of
a double star 5" apart. Unfortunately, the telescope CQuid
not be pointed and could observe only a small strip of sky
The "observatory" and telescope of Robert W. Wood of The
as Earth's rotation swept it through the small field of view. Johns Hopkins University that used a spinning dish of mer·
Although it was never developed for astronomy, the work cury to produce a paraboloidal mirror for astronomical ob-
Wood did in devising a vibration-free drive system was later servations.
very significant in his development of ruling engines for the
manufacture of diffraction gratings. The idea has recently
been revived. * Some Canadians have built and spun mer- son why large mirrors cannot be made in this way at very
cury mirrors up to 1.65 m in diameter. They show architec- small expense. At all events the method seems well worth
tural plans for an observatory using a 6-m liquid mirror trying." Almost 80 years later, Roger Angel of the Univer-
and argue that it is scientifically useful and technically feasi- sity of Arizona's Mirror Laboratory is bringing Wood's
ble to build mirrors over 15 m in diameter. prediction to life, and the future of American astronomy
Robert Wood 6 predicted that " ... we may be able to may well depend on the spin casting of telescope mirrors.
discover some substance which can be fused, rotated, and
*E. F. Borra, R. Beauchemin, R. Arsenault, and R. Lalande, "Op-
allowed to solidify while revolving with a constant veloci-
tical Shop Testing of Liquid Mirrors," in Proc. IA U, Very Large
ty. Refiguring of the surface would probably be neces- Telescopes, Their Instrumentation and Programs, Colloquium 79,
sary .... If a suitable material can be found, ... I see no rea- p. 147 (1984).
constant to only 20 minutes. 9 Also, temperature stabil- face of the mirror with a rotating polishing tool, known
ity may be achieved by blowing isothermal air, controlled as a lap, that must have almost the same shape as the
to be at precisely the ambient air temperature, into the section of the mirror being polished. With a parabola,
honeycomb structure. The final verification of this ap- however, the radius of curvature of a surface changes
proach under observing conditions awaits the use of a depending on the distance from the vertex of the mirror,
spin-cast telescope on an operating telescope. and it is different in the radial and azimuthal directions.
Active Lap Polishing. Another challenge is to polish This mismatch between the two directions limits the size
the mirror and give it the correct curvature. In the final of the lap used. The smaller the lap, the longer the time
stages of manufacture, material is removed from the sur- it takes to polish the primary. (Difficulties in polishing
(3) (1)
Figure 3- This dramatic sequence of photographs, taken in April 1988, shows the stages in the manufacture of a spin-cast 3.5-m
mirror. The furnace (1) in which the mirror is made resembles a carousel. In the sequence, we see the chunks of borosilicate
glass being loaded into the furnace (2) and the glass before closing the lid (3). Note the capacity of the furnace to make mirrors
with diameters up to 8 m. As the furnace temperature increases from 829°e (4) through 90re (5) to 96Qoe (6), the glass melts
into a liquid mass. Spinning begins at 1170 e (7), and the glass forms the paraboloidal shape. Note the increased height of the
central shape as the dish forms and the rib structure visible through the mirror surface. After cooling has allowed the glass to
harden (8), the furnace lid is cracked (9) to show the still red-hot mirror. (Photographs courtesy of Roger Angel , University of Arizo-
na Mirror Laboratory.)
~Sensor sites
/ Flat mirror
M = Motor
Sensor body
Figure 8-For the 36 segments of the Keck Telescope to oper-
ate as a single mirror, they must be aligned to within a fraction
of the wavelength of light. The relative position of adjacent seg-
ments is sensed using two capacitative displacement sensors
along each edge. Each sensor consists of a paddle on one seg-
ment and a body on the adjacent segment. The position of the
Exit pupil/'
paddle can be sensed to an accuracy of about 10 nm over a
of telescope
range of 1 mm. (Reproduced by permission, Calif. Assoc . Res.
Astron. From J. R. Gustafson and W. Sargent, "The Keck Ob-
Figure 10-A diagram of an image analyzer or wavefront sen-
servatory: 36 Mirrors are Better than One," Mercury, Mar-Apr
sor. The focal plane of the telescope falls at (1). A lens (2) colli-
mates the beam and images the exit pupil of the telescope onto
a raster of weak lenses (3). Because th is is an image of the tele-
scope exit pupil , each portion of the image plane represents
there is concern that its relatively high coefficient of ther- a particular area of the primary mirror. Each lens in the array
mal expansion may cause problems. (3) images the star in a plane at (4). An optical transfer system,
To minimize weight, the mirrors must be less than lens (4), and objective lens (5) reduce the image plane to the
30 cm thick, so thin that the mirrors will deform under size of a charge-coupled-device array (6). This image consists
of an array of points, each being an image of the star as
their own weight. To maintain good image quality under produced by a different portion of the primary aperture. The lo-
conditions of gravitational and thermal changes, optical cations of these points are compared with the locations of
misalignment, and atmospheric variations, a telescope points in a reference array introduced by the beam splitter (7)
with such a mirror requires a system for correcting the and the source (8). (From 2nd Workshop on ESO 's Very Large
Telescope, European Southern Observatory, p. 421 , Sep-Oct
alignment and the figure of the primary mirror over a 1986.)
low-frequency range of 0 to 0.033 Hz. This is active op-
tics. An upper limit of about 30 s is needed to average
the variations of atmospheric seeing. a reference image, and a computer calculates the cor-
An active optics system requires four components: an rections that must be applied to the optics to cancel any
optical train and image detector, a wavefront sensor, a errors. Error correction is accomplished by moving the
servocontrol system, and a phase-shifting optical ele- secondary mirror to correct focus and coma caused by
ment. The system concept is shown in Fig. 9. After the decentering, and by using a set of push-pull actuators
light has passed through the three telescope mirrors, part to change the figure of the primary mirror, which be-
of the light (either from the target star or from an off- comes the phase-shifting element.
set guide star) is picked off and directed into a wavefront The goals of the European Southern Observatory
sensor (Fig. 10). The sensor compares the image with (ESO) system (see below) are to place 80070 of the light
from a star into an image 0.15" in diameter at a wave- focus to give the effective aperture of 16 m. During con-
length of 500 nm and to be diffraction-limited at 5 p.m. struction, the fIrst telescope completed can operate while
The limiting magnitude of the guide star is 14.5. The work on the others proceeds. The presence of several
wavefront sensor will operate at 5 Hz, and mirror cor- telescopes provides redundancy, so some observations
rection will be at 2 Hz. Between 250 and 350 actuators will always be possible. By operating the telescopes in
will be needed for each mirror. pairs and by adding the beams coherently (assuming this
proves to be possible), long baseline interferometry with
THE ESO VERY LARGE TELESCOPE different spacings is planned as a major scientific en-
The most complex and technologically sophisticated deavor of the array. The disadvantages of the linear ar-
telescope project under consideration is the ESO Very ray are that it requires a longer site than a square array
Large Telescope (ESO-VLT). The objective is to pro- of four telescopes, the optical and mechanical tolerances
duce an aperture with an effective diameter of 16 m by required to combine the beams are very severe, and the
combining the beams from a linear array of four 8-m telescope field of view at the combined Coude focus is
telescopes. Also, the project will include some major only 10".
technical innovations, such as thin mirrors with active The ESO is taking an incremental approach to devel-
figure control, interferometry with combined beams oping the active optics. It was first demonstrated success-
from pairs of telescopes, automatic guidance accurate fully on a I-m mirror (the actuators are shown in Fig. 12)
to 0.05", and remote operation from Europe. The and has been incorporated on the ESO's 3.5-m New
preliminary study for the project began in 1978, a de- Technology Telescope. This telescope has a Zerodur mir-
sign group was organized in 1983, and unanimous agree- ror 24 cm thick, whose figure can be changed by 75 ac-
ment by the eight ESO member nations to proceed with tuators. Its moving weight is only 109,000 kg, consider-
construction was reached in December 1987. The first ably less than a conventional telescope; for example, the
unit is expected to be completed in 1993, and the total 3.5-m German-Spanish telescope constructed at Calar
array will be finished at a cost of over $180 million by Alto, Spain, uses a conventional mirror and has a mov-
the year 2000. (This is 100;0 of the cost of the Hubble ing weight of 209,000 kg.
Space Telescope for 50 times the collecting area, mak- The VLT has no dome in the conventional sense. Each
ing the Hubble Space Telescope 500 times more costly telescope is exposed to the environment during observa-
for each meter of mirror surface.) The proposed site of tions, which has the operational advantage of rapidly
the VLT is La Silla, Chile, but other locations are also bringing the telescope into thermal equilibrium with the
being considered. environment. When the telescopes are not in use they
The VLT four-telescope linear array shown in Fig. 11 will be covered by inexpensive ro11-on/ro11-off shelters
has some important advantages. It provides great flexi- or by the inflatable covers shown in Fig. 11. The open
bility in that the telescopes can point independently at dome leaves the telescopes exposed to the wind. The
different targets, they can all point at the same target selected location in Chile has a significant advantage,
and use different instruments, or their beams can be however, in that the wind is predominantly from one
combined incoherently into a single beam at the Coude direction, the north. Thus, the use of an active wind
shield, both to protect the telescopes from wind loading tinuously variable, two auxiliary telescopes with 1.5-m
and to produce a smooth airflow over them, is being apertures will be used external to the main array. These
studied. The telescopes will be able to operate in winds telescopes will run along two tracks, one parallel to the
up to 9 m/ s. main array (thus extending the baseline) and the second
The telescopes can operate in either of two modes: in a perpendicular direction, giving resolution in a sec-
(1) the beams can be reflected to the individual Nasmyth ond coordinate. The telescopes can operate independent
foci along the altitude axes, or (2) they can be relayed of the main array and can be dedicated to interferometry,
to the Coude focus in the optical experimental facility which will be performed in a separate laboratory at-
below the telescopes. Figure 13 shows the path of light tached to the telescope facility. Other major new tele-
to the optical facility from two of the four telescopes. scopes with multiple apertures are being designed to the
It is anticipated that five to seven reflections will be used tolerances necessary to permit interferometry, so that this
to reach the combined Coude focus. Because this will technique is expected to become an important branch
result in a serious reduction in optical efficiency, three of astronomy in the next century.
sets of mirrors will be selectable, each set coated to give
maximum efficiency in one of three spectral regions: 300 CONCLUSION
to 470, 380 to 700, and above 700 nm. A built-in laser For 25 years the 5-m telescope was the largest optical
alignment system will monitor the optical system. The telescope in the world, and for the past 15 years it has
mirrors will be mounted in helium-filled tubes to main- remained in second place. By the end of the century,
tain the quality of the optics. The beams can be com- it will have fallen farther down the list of largest tele-
bined into a single focal plane with a 10" field of view scopes. The change in the list reflects the revolution that
using figured mirrors, or a fiber-optics system can be is starting to take place in astronomy. Several of the new
used to combine the beams or distribute the signal be- large telescopes are funded; the Keck Telescope is near-
tween instruments. ing completion, and the ESO-VLT received the go-ahead
One exciting aspect of the VLT is its potential for in- from member nations in 1987. Other projects such as
tererometry. Interferometry on this scale is unproven to the National New Technology Telescope will not proceed
date, however. Although the technique has been used because of funding problems. During the 1980s, several
with very long baselines for radio astronomy, the preci- other proposals and design studies have been performed
sion required at optical wavelengths means that only re- for large telescopes . Some have made little progress, such
cently has there been an interest in performing interfer- as the United Kingdom's two-mirror telescope,12 the
ometry with pairs of telescopes. Initial attempts will be spectrographical MMT of a French team, and the Uni-
restricted to the infrared at wavelengths longer than versity of Texas large telescope. 13 Other projects are
3 JLm, with possible future developments to shorter still active; for example, the Japanese National Large
wavelengths. The VLT provides a baseline between the Telescope 14 is a single-mirror telescope in the 8-m class.
extreme telescopes of 104m, which should yield a reso- Pennsylvania State University 15 plans to build a point-
lution of 0.045" at 20 JLm and 0.00075" in the blue part able (but not steerable) telescope by assembling a spher-
of the spectrum. To extend this range and make it con- ical mirror from 73 spherically figured segments, each
Mirror 2
Mir o~
Mirror 1
Mirror 4
<> . .Nasmyth focus
Figure 13-A long optical path
makes it possible to combine the
beams from the four telescopes of
Mirror 6
y 0 t he ESO-VLT (two are shown here).
Up to seven mirrors can be used to
J1Mirror 5 J1 ' Combined
bring the beams from the four tele-
scopes to a combined Coude focus
'or tJ focus or to a fiber-optics system that will
distribute the light between instru-
o ments. (From Proc. IAU, Very Large
Telescopes, Their Instrumentation
Beam and Programs, Colloquium 79, p. 776,
combiner 1984.)
table (movable)
with a diameter of 0.9-m and a 26-m radius of curvature. Within the next 20 years, some facilities described in
The effective diameter will exceed 7 m and will be used this article will have a decade of operational experience,
for spectroscopy only. and, possibly, the astronomers will be dreaming of the
The size and expense of these telescopes mean that next new generation of large ground-based optical tele-
no single organization will be able to build its own fa- scopes.
cility. The Magellan Project is a consortium of three or-
ganizations' the Columbus Project has four, and the REFERENCES
ESO has eight member nations. Large groups, each with 1D. Boorstin, The Discoverers, Random House, New York, p. 314 (1983).
an interest in a particular telescope, will become the com- 2E. Hecht, Optics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 236 (1987).
mon approach, thus placing a burden on the communi- 31. S. Bowen, "The 200-Inch Hale Telescope," in Telescopes, G. P. Kuiper
and B. M. MiddJehurst, eds., University of Chicago Press (1960).
cation channels and raising problems in satisfying many 4M. M. Waldrop, "The Mirror Maker," Discover, 78-86 (Dec 1987).
diverse scientific objectives. 5c. v. Humphries, V. C. Reddish, and D. 1. Walshaw, "Cost Scaling Laws
The Hubble Space Telescope will receive most of the and Their Origin: Design Strategy for an Optical Array Telescope," in Proc.
IA U, Very Large Telescopes, Their Instrumentation and Programs, Colloqui-
public interest in the next decade, and, within certain um 79, p. 379 (1984).
scientific areas, it will reign supreme. It will not be 6R. W. Wood, "The Mercury Paraboloid as a Reflecting Telescope," As-
trophys. J. 29 (1909).
equaled in image quality or ultraviolet access by any fore- 7H. C. King, The History of the Telescope, Charles Griffm & Co. Ltd., Lon-
seeable instrument. The real astronomical revolution will don, p. 405 (1955).
occur on the ground, however. Many important scientific 8A. Y. S. Cheng and 1. R. P. Angel, "Thermal Stabilization of Honeycomb
Mirrors," preprints of the Steward Observatory, No. 812 (Mar 1988); also in
problems can be tackled from ground-based facilities just Proc. European Southern Observatory Con! on Very Large Telescopes and
as well, if not better, than from space. The number of Their Instrumentation (in press, 1988).
investigations and questions to which we seek answers 91. R. P . Angel and J. M. Hill, "Steps Toward 8 m Honeycomb Mirror Blanks:
III. 1.8. m Honeycomb Sandwich Blanks Cast from Borosilicate Glass," in
means that all available telescopes will be in full-time use. Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng., Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes
Although the new telescopes are possible because of II 444, p. 184 (1983).
IOJ. R. P. Angel, "Steps Towards 8m Honeycomb Mirrors-A Method for
lower cost-manufacturing techniques, their expense is Polishing Aspheres as Fast as F/ l," in Proc. IAU, Very Large Telescopes,
still formidable, and they include more high technology Their Instrumentation and Programs, Colloquium 79, p. 11 (1984).
in their operation. Maximum exploitation of these tele- llJ. E. Nelson, T. S. Mast, and S. M. Faber, eds., The Design of the Keck Ob-
servatory and Telescope (Ten Meter Telescope), Keck Observatory Report 90
scopes will require high reliability. At times, such as with (1985).
the 10-m Keck Telescope, failure of the mirror-alignment 12R. G. Bingham, "The Two-Mirror Telescope (2MT)," in Proc. IAU, Very
mechanism can make it valueless. For the VLT, however, Large Telescopes, Their Instrumentation and Programs, Colloquium 79, p. 347
such a failure will cause only a reduction in performance. 13R. G. Tull, "The University of Texas 7.6-m Telescope," in Proc. IAU, Very
The involvement of many groups with each system re- Large Telescopes, Their Instrumentation and Programs, Colloquium 79, p. 789
(1984) .
quires remote viewing and diagnostics, sophisticated data 14S. Isobe, "Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT)," in Proc. /AU, Very
acquisition and analysis, and on-line data reduction. Large Telescopes, Their Instrumentation and Programs, Colloquium 79, p. 845
Clear and organized observational programs and inter- (1984).
15L. W. Ramsey and D. W. Weedman, "The Penn State Spectroscopic Survey
facility cooperation will be needed to enhance the scien- Telescope," in Proc. IA U, Very Large Telescopes, Their Instrumentation and
tific return. Programs, Colloquium 79, p. 851 (1984).