Building A Large Affordable Optical-NIR Telescope
Building A Large Affordable Optical-NIR Telescope
Building A Large Affordable Optical-NIR Telescope
Research Article
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The use of innovative ideas and the latest technology have undoubtedly brought down telescope
costs substantially. However, there are still ways to further reduce the cost of optical ground-based
telescopes and make them affordable to much larger and wide spread astronomical communities.
In this and subsequent papers we are presenting our studies carried out towards building afford-
able mid-size telescopes of 4.0-6.0m in size. In the present era, segmented mirror technology has
become the first choice for building moderate to large-size telescopes. In any Segmented Mirror
Telescope (SMT) the most important part is its primary mirror control system (M1CS). The con-
ventional M1CS is based on edge sensors and actuators, but such a system introduces many design
and implementation complexities. In this paper, we propose to make use of an Off-axis Alignment
and Phasing System (OAPS), which is an active mirror kind of control system working in real time
to maintain the figure of a segmented primary mirror without the use of edge-sensors. The align-
ment and phasing system which is an integral part of any segmented telescope can be used in the
real time at the off-axis. Through extensive simulations we have explored the feasibility of using
an OAPS for co-alignment, co-focusing as well as co-phasing of segmented mirror telescopes. From
our simulations we find that the co-alignment and co-focusing of the segments can be achieved
with a guide star as faint as 16-18th magnitude. This implies that seeing limited performance for
any segmented telescope can be easily accomplished without use of a complex edge sensor based
control system. Whereas, to attain diffraction limited performance, mirror segments need to be co-
phased with an accuracy of few tens of nanometers. In our simulations we have used a dispersed
fringe sensor based phasing scheme, which can effectively work up to guide stars of 14th magnitude.
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
single institution and/or country and hence multi- to take a challenge and build telescope of their
institutions spread over the globe are involved. own choice. The classical telescopes built during
Undoubtedly, these future mega telescopes, com- 50-80s are found to be extremely bulky, having
bined with 8.0-10.0m class telescopes, will play very large dimensions and they usually follow the
important role in frontier research in astronomy, cost law in which price increases as 3rd power
however, importance of moderate size telescopes of the diameter (Schmidt-Kaler and Rucks, 1997;
of 4.0-6.0m can not be understated. Giving access van Belle et al, 2004). Whereas, telescopes built
to 4.0-6.0m class telescopes to a large community after 80s gained from many technological advances
would be very important for many science pro- and became lighter as well as compact. This led
grams such as transient follow-up observations, to reduction in the telescope cost and the scal-
time series studies of relatively faint objects etc. ing law became less steep i.e. power ranges from
Telescopes of this size can also serve as instrumen- 2.7-2.0 (van Belle et al, 2004; Stahl and Henrichs,
tation test bed, as well as human resource devel- 2016). By employing innovative ideas as well as
opments to larger facilities (Chanover et al, 2019). uses of latest technology, it is quite possible to
While exploring the productivity as well as impact make the ground based optical-NIR telescope of
of different size telescopes Abt (2012) finds that decent size (4.0m and above) affordable to many
in terms of average number of citations, telescopes institutions/countries.
with an aperture larger than 7.0m are marginally When 100-150 million dollars were spent to
better (30%) than those with an aperture of 2.0- get 8.0-10.0m size optical telescopes at that time
4.0m. Whereas, the construction and operation world’s two most inexpensive telescopes (Hobby
cost of 8.0-10.0m class telescopes are found to be Eberly Telescope (HET) and South African Large
4-5 times more than 4.0m class telescope. In terms Telescope (SALT)) were conceived and realized. It
of impactful productivity against telescope con- may be argued that HET/SALT are special pur-
struction and operation cost, 4.0m class telescopes pose telescopes and number of compromises such
are much more cost effective (Sagar, 2000). as image quality, sky coverage and the focal sta-
Many institutions/countries, which have been tion were made. However, we believe that all these
so far managing their observing needs with small limitations were accepted to bring down the cost
1.0-2.0m size telescopes, are now aiming to have to its lowest. By spending little more and going
four to six meter class telescope. Many four to with alternate optical configuration it is quite pos-
six meter class telescopes such as DAG, INO, sible to overcome all these limitations and come up
NRT, SEIMEI, TAO are at different stages of with a telescope which will be, by no means, infe-
realizations (Yeşilyaprak and Keskin, 2020; Khos- rior to any other good telescopes. When it comes
roshahi et al, 2016; Gutiérrez et al, 2021; Nagata to building large telescopes, the use of segmented
and Kurita, 2020; Doi et al, 2018). Telescopes primary mirrors has now become a natural choice.
larger than 4.0m size have been solely designed It has got many manufacturing as well as oper-
and built by proposing institutions with strong ational advantages over the same size monolithic
backing from industries. And there are many tele- mirror (Nelson et al, 2013). Though a serious effort
scope manufactures for the telescope apertures to make a segmented telescope started with the
up-to 2.0m. Whereas, for the mid size telescopes MMT project, the true breakthrough happened
there are only few telescope manufactures which in the segmented mirror technology when the
can provide 3.0-4.0m size telescope completely as Keck telescopes were designed and built in 1980-
a turn-key (Ninane et al, 2012; Marchiori et al, 95 (Nelson et al, 1985). Subsequently, by making
2012). The telescope design built by these private use of spherical optics, HET and the SALT were
entities are largely inspired by ESO’s VLT design designed and built by spending almost one tenth of
and are found to be complex, bulky as well as the cost of similar size telescope, such as Keck and
costly. Undoubtedly, telescope is a complex system the GTC (Buckley et al, 2004; Smith, 1989). Seg-
and for any institution with no in-house capa- mented mirror technology is making it possible to
bility, it is almost impossible to build their own realize world’s largest telescopes TMT and E-ELT
telescope. However, for many aspiring institutions having 30.0m and 39.0m size primary respec-
which have got some heritage in telescope build- tively. National Large Optical Telescope (NLOT)
ing and maintaining, it would be advantageous
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and Chinese Large Optic-Telescope (CLOT) are 4.0-6.0m class telescopes by about an order. In
another 10.0m class optical-near infrared tele- this and subsequent papers we are presenting the
scopes proposed in India as well as in China outcome of our extensive design and simulation
(Anupama et al, 2022; Cui and Zhu, 2016). Mono- efforts aimed at achieving this goal. We propose
lithic primary mirrors of 4.0-6.0m size are easily to make use of segmented mirror technology and
manufacturable, however, looking at cost effective- instead of using edge sensor based complex M1CS
ness, many other moderate size telescopes have for maintaining segment alignment, we plan to
also opted to go with segmented primary. Recently implement an OAPS similar to the active optics
completed Japanese 3.8m SEIMEI telescope and mechanism used to maintain the figure of an
the upcoming New Robotic Telescope (NRT) are active primary mirror. In the section 2 we describe
two examples in this regard (Nagata and Kurita, briefly, the telescope optics considered for the
2020; Gutiérrez et al, 2021). study as well as results of a comparative analysis
For any segmented mirror telescope, the align- between hexagonal and circular segment geome-
ment (co-aligning, co-focusing and co-phasing) of try. Whereas, in section 3 we explain the proposed
the segments is crucial to achieve the desired scheme as well as discuss the requirements for it.
image performance. Initially, the alignment of the In section 4 we discuss about the simulation tool
segments is carried out optically with the aid of an developed to generate the realistic alignment and
Alignment and Phasing System (APS). After the phasing related images and its validation using
segments are aligned, the primary mirror control real observations. Results related to co-aligning
system (M1CS) comprising of a large number of and co-focusing using the real time OAPS are
actuators and edge sensors, maintains the align- given in the section 5. Simulation results related
ment over several weeks to about a month under to the co-phasing of segments using the DFS tech-
varying environmental conditions. In the whole nique are presented in section 6. Section 7 and
M1CS, edge sensors are the most vital elements. section 8 respectively present the discussions and
Edge sensors are expected to sense any segment conclusions derived on the basis of results obtained
movements in multiple dimensions with very high through the rigorous simulations.
accuracy over an extended range and in addi-
tion to that, it must have high temporal stability 2 The Telescope Optics
(Minor et al, 1990; Shelton et al, 2008; Rozière
et al, 2008; Gajjar et al, 2016). Except Keck and 2.1 Design of the telescope optics
GTC (replica of Keck), all other telescopes (HET,
SALT and LAMOST) based on segmented mir- As a case study we have chosen a 4.0m class tele-
ror technology have gone through troublesome scope made of segmented primary mirror. While
period in maintaining the alignment. Even after designing the telescope optics we deliberately
commissioning, over many years, alignment of decided, not to consider aspheric primary, because
these telescopes could not be maintained, which manufacturing off-axis aspheric mirror segments
has adversely affected telescope performance and requires specialized tools and techniques, which
hence their scientific productivity (Rakoczy et al, makes it very costly. For our simulations, we con-
2003; Gajjar et al, 2006). Another challenge with sider a four mirror design, that uses three spherical
edge sensor based M1CS is the focus mode prob- mirrors and one higher order aspheric for aberra-
lem. The focus mode problem arises when all tion corrections (Figure 1). The primary mirror
mirror segments resting on metallic mirror cell go is 4.3m in diameter with 18 segments (two rings)
through uniform changes in the tilt for which edge of 1.0m size. The preliminary design of the tele-
sensors are either blind or not having required tilt scope has a f-number of 10.75 with a plate scale of
sensitivity (Oswalt and McLean, 2013). 4.42arc-sec/mm at the focal plane, other parame-
We believe that by opting number of cost ters for the design are given in Table 3. This design
effective solutions such as use of spherical pri- needs to be further optimised before finalisation.
mary mirror optics, segmented mirror technology, In the second part of this series of papers “Build-
handling mirror segments without edge sensors, ing a large affordable Optical-NIR Telescope” we
compact and light weight telescope structure etc., aim to present the telescope optical design in
possibly we can further bring down the cost of detail.
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
D50 for Hexagonal Segments the piston error) between any two adjacent seg-
0.16 D50 for Circular Segments ments. The co-alignment and co-focusing of the
0.14 segments can be easily handled by the use of a
Shack-Hartmann (SH) sensor. Whereas, for the
Encircled Energy in arcsec
co-phasing, multiple techniques are available, like
0.10 the Keck Narrow band and Broad band phas-
0.08 ing, interferometric phasing, pyramid sensor based
phasing etc. For our simulations we have consid-
ered the Dispersed Fringe Sensor (DFS) based
0.04 phasing technique, because it has got large capture
range and can have high measurement accuracy.
The details of the OAPS and its functionality
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Wavelength in nm are further explained in section 5 and section 6
Fig. 3 Plots showing variation of the D50 over optical and
NIR wavelengths for different segment shapes
3.1 Top level requirements for
3 Maintaining shape of a segment alignment and phasing
segmented primary mirror Allocating the error budget for the segment align-
ment is very crucial as that would decide the final
through optical feedback telescope image quality. We have attempted to
In active mirror telescopes the shape of the rela- come up with the requirements by making use of
tively thin primary mirror is maintained by large simulations as well as by referring to the prac-
number of actuators through optical feedback tically achieved values in the existing segmented
from an off-axis wavefront sensor. Any deforma- mirror telescopes. We use a python ZEMAX inter-
tion induced in the primary mirror, mainly due facing based tool to find alignment requirements
to gravity/temperature changes, is sensed by the for the four mirror telescope of 4.0m size (with
wavefront sensor working on real time and is cor- optical parameters given in the Table 3). In order
rected through use of actuators. The active optics to give the alignment errors in ZEMAX, we use a
system was first implemented on the New Tech- specially developed segmentation tool (Jacob et al,
nology Telescope (NTT) and now it has become 2020).This tool generates a grid sag surface with
an established procedure. Almost all modern mid random tip-tilt and/or piston errors. The grid sag
to large size telescopes utilize active optics tech- surface is then imported to ZEMAX where the
nology to get the best telescope performances image quality parameters such as the Strehl ratio,
(Roddier et al, 1995; Schechter et al, 2003; Neufeld D50 and D80 are derived. All the image quality
et al, 2004; Lousberg et al, 2016; Stephan et al, parameters obtained from the simulations are at
2016). For maintaining the alignment of a SMT, a wavelength of 584.95nm. The wavefront maps
we propose a similar methodology which will make corresponding to the pupil phase for the tele-
use of a dedicated real-time Off-Axis Alignment scope with different alignment errors are shown in
and Phasing System (OAPS). Here, by main- Figure 4.
taining the alignment of the segments, we mean, Figure 5 shows the variation of the image
the co-alignment, co-focusing and co-phasing of D50 and D80 values in presence of tip-tilt align-
the segments. The co-alignment of the segments, ment errors and Figure 6 shows the variation of
deals with the removal of their tip-tilt errors so the image D50 and D80 values with increasing
that the PSFs from each segment falls on the phase/piston errors. Thus from the plots, it is
same point. Co-focusing deals with the Radius clear that under seeing limited condition, a tip-
of Curvature (ROC) adjustment of each of the tilt error up to 0.04arc-sec (it would degrade the
segments, to make all the PSF sizes equal and co- seeing limited FWHM by less than 0.5%) is allow-
phasing is the removal of the height difference (or able. Whereas, under diffraction limited condition
we restrict the Strehl ratio to be >0.9 for which
the RMS tip-tilt error must be <0.02arc-sec. In
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Fig. 4 Wavefront map corresponding to the pupil phase for ideal case, RMS tip-tilt error of 0.04 arc-sec, RMS defocus
error of 385 micron and RMS piston error of 100nm
not needed. Whereas, for the Keck telescopes,
2.00 D80 which are designed to work in the diffraction
1.75 limited mode, the tip-tilt error must be within
0.014arc-sec (Chanan et al, 1986). Keck segments
Encircled Energy in Arcsec
1 starcounts.php
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At Galactic North Pole
telescope + instrument optics, smearing of image
Towards Galactic Center due to atmospheric seeing, noises getting injected
Overall Avergae
102 in the image/spectrum from all different sources.
Number of stars per arcmin square
Simulated Magnitude
having different magnitudes and colors are gener-
ated. The instrumental parameters used for the
simulations are listed in the Table 2. Other param-
eters such as the seeing, moon phase, object zenith
angle, exposure time are obtained from the image
files. The synthetic stellar fluxes/magnitudes very
well match with the observed magnitudes and
it nearly follows the relation y=x as shown in
10 12 14 16 18
the Figure 10. The difference between synthetic Observed Magnitude
and observed fluxes for all 28 stars of magnitude
Fig. 10 Plot showing the Observed stellar magnitude vs
range 10-18, observed in three nights are within simulated stellar magnitude
15% (except 2-3 little deviant points). Figure 11
Stellar Magnitude=16.68
shows the comparison of the real and simulated
images for a star of 16th magnitude. Further- 0
Real Observed Image
Simulated Image
20 20
25 25
35 35
Parameter Value 40 40
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
80 Parameter Value
Telescope Diameter 4.330m
CCD counts
CCD counts
Telescope F/number F/10.76
Primary Mirror ROC 17.480m
10000 20
Segment Diameter 1.0m
Plate Scale on telescope Focal Plane 4.428arc-sec/mm
0 Telescope Reflectivity 95% at each mirror
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Pixels Pixels (4 mirror telescope)
Fig. 12 Intensity plots for simulated and real observed
images for two different stellar magnitudes (stellar magni-
tude=9.99 (left) and stellar magnitude=16.68 (right)) 5.1 Simulations on Co-Alignment
The lenslet array of SH device samples light
Simulated Spectra from different segments and generates an array of
Real Spectra spots on the detector plane. Therefore, using our
simulation tool, we generate realistic SH images
40000 subjected to different practical conditions. All the
parameters used in the simulations are listed in
Detector Counts
Without Atmosphere 50 50 50
150 150 150
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
103 104 105 103 104 102 103 104
Fig. 15 Simulated SH spot images (Logarithmic Normal-
isation) for single spot (left), 3 spots (middle) and 7 spots
0 (right) per segment. The stellar magnitude is 10 with expo-
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 sure time of 10 sec for an atmospheric seeing of 1 arc-sec
Sampling Aperture Diameter in cm
13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18
Stellar Magnitude Stellar Magnitude Stellar Magnitude
Fig. 16 Variation of tilt error with stellar magnitude for the exposure time of 10.0s with different number of apertures (30.0,
43.0 and 100.0cm diameters) and atmospheric seeing conditions. Dashed line indicates the tilt requirement of 0.04arc-sec
for the seeing limited case
will not be more than 1% for all the seeing con- of the segment focal point, thus having a simi-
ditions. Which means, alignment error will have lar effect on the image quality degradation. If the
no impact on image quality and it is still seeing, segment support uses warping harness then the
which will supersede. For 1.0arc-sec seeing, one ROC error can be easily corrected by adjusting
can use relatively fainter star (18th magnitude) the segment figures. However, in the absence of
for the tilt measurement. However, with poor see- warping mechanism, for the seeing limited tele-
ing like 1.5arc-sec or larger, one needs to use stars scope the large piston and ROC error can be
of 17th or brighter magnitudes to get the image corrected to some extent by differential movement
which is still dominated by the atmospheric see- of the segments (same as classical telescope focus-
ing and not by segment tilt errors. Here we have ing exercise). The co-focusing of segments also
considered the allowed image degradation by the uses the SH sensor. In this case, the SH spots
alignment errors to be about 10% of the seeing. show a radial shift with respect to the reference
spots, hence multiple spots per segment would be
Aperture=100cm Exposure Time=10s
required. In order to obtain the segment defocus
from the spot shifts, first the wavefront slopes
102 Seeing=1.5" are measured and then, through modal wavefront
Percentage Degradation in Image FWHM
as poor as 1 pixel (15.0µm) maximum. In order and phasing would be given as a feedback to the
to estimate the accuracy of defocus measurement, primary mirror control system. Hence in addition
we consider an array of 3X3 spots per segment to alignment, the OAPS should be capable of pro-
and random centroiding error is introduced for viding precise measurements of very small piston
each of these nine spots. Simulated spot positions error (of the order of wavelength of the light),
are then compared with the reference spots and which is usually termed as a phase error.
aberrated wavefront is reconstructed. By fitting In our simulations we have attempted to check
Zernike polynomials the defocus values repre- the feasibility of DFS based segment phasing using
sented by Z20 coefficient are obtained for different a real time OAPS. The dispersed fringe technique
values of the centroiding errors (over the range of is primarily based on the principle of Rayleigh
1/50 - 1.0 pixel). For each given centroiding error, Interferometry. The Rayleigh Interferometry tech-
we have the derived values of Z20 coefficient which nique states that in presence of an Optical Path
are fed to the segmentation tool that generates a Difference (OPD) between two collimated beams,
grid sag surface for the corresponding RMS defo- the PSF shows a splitting and the positions of the
cus error. Finally the grid-sag surface is imported two peaks of the PSFs are a measure of the OPD
into our 4.0m telescope ZEMAX model to derive (Wang et al, 2009). The DFS works on the same
the image quality related parameters (D50, D80 principle, however to enhance the capture range, it
and Strehl ratio). In the Table 5 we summarize uses a broadband source and a dispersive element
our simulation results carried for the defocus. (such as a grating or grism)(Smith et al, 2003; Shi
From the Table 5 we observe that all three et al, 2004a).
image quality parameters remain unchanged up
to centroiding error of 1.5µm(1/10th of pixel). 6.1 The Simulation of DFS phasing
This indicates that the telescope performance scheme
remains diffraction limited despite of individual
segments being subjected to large defocus errors The phasing mode of the OAPS is shown in
of 172.52µm (equivalently piston error of 6µm). Figure 7, it consists of a sub aperture mask that
Further increase in the centroiding error gives samples light from the inter-segment regions. Each
marginal degradation in the image quality. For sub aperture mask is followed by a prism which
1 pixel = 15µm, which is the largest centroiding is responsible for deviating the light from each
error considered in our study, the defcous value of these inter-segment regions so that the fringes
is found to be 1.68mm which degrades the image are separated on the detector plane. After this
D50 by nearly 18%. We find that, in order to a dispersion element (grating/grism) is used to
limit the D50 degradation to be less than 1%, the introduce the wavelength dependent dispersion.
defocus error must be within 350.01µm which cor- Finally an imaging camera is used to form DFS
responds to a centroiding accuracy of 1/5th of a images on the detector plane. In the simulation
pixel. In the absence of warping-harness, for a see- platform, a sampling aperture shape is created
ing limited telescope, the defocus error of 350.0µm for the given inter-segment gap and the piston
can be corrected by simply moving the segment by error δ is applied as phase error = ±2k ∗ (δ/2)
nearly 12.1µm. If we consider the smallest measur- for each of the inter-segment regions. As a next
able centroiding error is 1/30th of the pixel, then step, the atmospheric effect is incorporated on
corresponding piston error measurement accuracy to the aperture by generating the moving phase
turns out to be nearly 2.0µm. screen. Further, the monochromatic PSFs are gen-
erated for each wavelength by taking the Fourier
Transform of this aperture. In order to generate
6 Phasing the Mirror dispersed fringe spectrum, wavelength dependent
Segments PSFs are shifted spatially along the dispersion
direction by following the grating dispersion law.
As explained in section 3, the plan is to make use
The generation of a monochromatic PSF is same
of an OAPS which will continuously monitor the
as explained in subsection 4.1. The parameters
alignment and phasing of the segments along with
such as the stellar magnitude, stellar spectral type,
the science observations. Any change in alignment
sampling aperture diameter, exposure time, Fried
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
Centroiding Centroiding Error RMS defocus RMS Piston D50 D80 Strehl
Error Fractions of a Pixel Error Error (in arc-sec) (in arc-sec) Ratio
Parameter, telescope parameters (including the to measure the piston error accurately, the inten-
re-imaging optics), grating dispersion and detector sity modulations due to all the other factors need
specifications are given as input to the simula- to be nullified. This is achieved by dividing the
tion code. While generating the dispersed fringe DFS fringe spectra by a calibration spectra, which
spectrum, effect of chromatic variation of the is a continuum spectra obtained from the same
atmospheric extinction, grating efficiency and the system under zero piston condition. Practically, to
detector QE are also taken into account. Further, get the zero piston spectra, the sampling aperture
all kinds of noises such as photon noise, sky back- is placed at the center of the segment, instead of
ground noise, detector readout, PRNU and dark the inter-segment gap, hence it mimics the zero
noises are also added in to spectral images of DFS. piston condition (Figure 19).
Figure 18 shows a DFS image generated using the
simulation code for a piston error of 10.0µm. It
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 19 Placement of sub-aperture masks for DFS based
co-phasing. Aperture diameter of 10.0cm is used for sam-
5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 pling light from inter-segment edges and three samples are
Wavelength in Angstrom taken from segment centers with 30.0cm aperture diameter
to generate the zero piston spectra for reference
Fig. 18 Simulated DFS fringe image for star magnitude =
10 and exposure time = 240.0s with piston error of 10.0µm
is important to note that the DFS fringe spec- 6.1.1 Effect of aperture size and
trum is a combination of the source spectrum exposure time on fringe visibility
(which strongly depends on the stellar tempera- In the DFS scheme, the fringe visibility strongly
ture), atmospheric extinction coefficient, detector influences the precision of the piston measure-
QE, grating efficiency and the piston error. Thus, ment. The visibility of the fringes is given as
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((Imax − Imin )/(Imax + Imin )), where Imax and Stellar Magnitude=13
Imin are the maximum and minimum fringe inten- Stellar Magnitude=14
0.6 Stellar Magnitude=15
sity values. The effect of orientation of the grism Stellar Magnitude=16
Stellar Magnitude=17
with respect to inter-segment region on the visi- 0.5
bility is a well studied problem (Shi et al, 2004a,b)
and should be taken care of while designing the
DFS optics. Whereas, effect of aperture size and
exposure time on the visibility is poorly known. 0.3
In order to boost SNR it is advantageous to use
larger aperture. Therefore, we have attempted to 0.2
Magnitude=13, Exposure time=60s Magnitude=14, Exposure time=60s Magnitude=15, Exposure time=60s Magnitude=16, Exposure time=60s
105 95
180 100 90
Detector counts in ADU
60 600
Detector Counts
Detector Counts
Detector Counts
500 500
450 450
Fig. 22 DFS fringe intensity plots after curve fitting with piston errors of 306nm which is little larger than λ/2 (left),
10.0µm(middle), and 30µm(right). For 30.0µm piston DFS fringe windowing is used
Table 7 Piston extraction from fringes using curve fitting for star with 13th magnitude and 240.0s exposure time
700 60
Central Row Data Central Row Data 80 Central Row Data 22000
50 70
Detector Counts
Detector Counts
Detector Counts
40 16000
30 12000
450 10000
30 8000
7000 7250 7500 7750 8000 8250 8500 8750 9000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 24 Iterative process of piston measurement using DFS: i) Curve fitting for δ0 =30µm ii) Curve fitting for δ1 =1.5834µm
iii) Curve fitting for δ2 =305.9172nm iv) Summed intensity values for DFA-LSR with δ0 =69.4455nm
roughly 32.0cm of primary mirror aperture). Mag- the primary and secondary mirrors. Segmented
ellan active control is reported to work with stars mirror telescopes such as the SALT (Wirth et al,
as faint as 17th magnitude and has never faced 2004) and Keck Telescopes (Chanan et al, 1994)
any problems of getting suitable stars, even at have already implemented this alignment proce-
higher galactic latitude (Schechter et al, 2003). If dure where a single SH sensor is used for alignment
the segmented mirror telescope is intended to work of the segments as well as for the global alignment
in diffraction limited regime then segments need of the complete telescope.
to be aligned even more precisely(≤ 0.02 arc-sec Depending on the stiffness and stability of the
RMS). Since, diffraction limited imaging is gen- structures holding the telescope optics, it is quite
erally carried out in fairly good seeing conditions possible that active optics of monolithic mirror
and in that case the required alignment accuracy system can even work in open loop mode. In open
of 0.02arc-sec may be also achieved with similar loop mode it uses look-up tables which keep record
bright stars (16-17th magnitude) as used in the of all the corrections required for active optics to
seeing limited case (Figure 16). In our simulations function in varying temperature and the gravity.
we have used V-band which uses only a fraction There are many active telescopes which work very
of the star light. However, by using atmospheric smoothly in an open loop and deliver image qual-
dispersion corrector, it would be even possible to ity as good as a closed loop (Roddier et al, 1995;
make use of entire white-light and hence boost the Sawyer et al, 2000; Neufeld et al, 2004), (Reddy
signal further. K, ARIES 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope, Pri-
From the Monte Carlo simulations carried out vate Communication, 2022). If we go with this
for the estimation of SNR and centroiding error, it logic, then it is quite possible that without use
is clear that for off-axis stars of magnitudes 15 to of edge sensors, co-aligning and co-focusing of the
18 the centroiding error is minimal when the full seeing limited telescopes can probably be main-
segment aperture (≈ 100.0cm diameter) is con- tained over the night and possibly over weeks by
sidered. Thus, it can be concluded that using a just using look up tables. And this would make
larger aperture with a single spot is advantageous handling a segmented primary mirror remarkably
over using multiple smaller apertures. However, simple.
co-focusing requires multiple apertures per seg-
ment and for that we may have to use either longer 7.2 Co-phasing with the real time
exposure and/or about one magnitude brighter OAPS
stars which are still quite abundant within off-
axis guiding field over most parts of the sky, if Segmented mirror telescopes can achieve diffrac-
not all. In our co-focusing study we have con- tion limited performance only if their mirror seg-
sidered that OAPS uses a grid of 9 spots per ments are phased that means piston errors are
segment. We find that telescope imaging perfor- minimized to a small fraction of the observing
mance remains diffraction limited till centroiding wavelength (20.0-50.0nm). The twin Keck tele-
error smaller than 1.5 microns (1/10th of pixel). scopes are the only telescopes whose segmented
For one pixel (15.0µm), which is largest centroid- mirrors are not only successfully phased but its
ing error considered in our study, the change in the alignment and phasing is maintained by M1CS
D50 is about 18% (0.0349 to 0.0412arc-sec) and over several weeks. Though several methods for
Strehl Ratio becomes 0.9036 against 0.9980 for the phasing have been developed and experimented on
ideal telescope. The corresponding segment longi- the Keck (Chanan et al, 2000b; Shi et al, 2004a),
tudinal defcous value is found to be 1.68mm. By however, the phasing of the Keck telescopes is
looking at these numbers it appears that even the usually carried out using the broadband phasing
largest uncorrected segment defocus error will not technique, which can phase mirrors with nearly
degrade the imaging performance of seeing limited 30nm RMS (Chanan et al, 1998). For our sim-
telescope much. ulations we have chosen the DFS based phasing
Apart from the segment related errors, either technique and have attempted to explore the fea-
the same SH sensor or else an additional one can sibility of phasing the mirror segments using a
be used to find global alignment errors such as real time OAPS. From the simulations we find
the tip-tilt, decenter and despace errors between
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template
based system will be capable of responding to and Sensor with a guide star as faint as 14th mag-
measuring the focus mode problem to which the nitude. Iterative measurements of piston can
edge sensors are insensitive. This has been verified be carried out to achieve a phasing accuracy of
by the active phasing experiments at ESO VLT 6nm.
(Gonte et al, 2006). 7. Our studies show that optical feedback based
Alignment and phasing device is an inherent OAPS, would work satisfactorily and it would
part of any segmented mirror telescope and the also help to eliminate the use of edge sensors,
same can be used to monitor and maintain pri- thus reducing the overall cost as well as com-
mary mirror figure in the real time. Although very plexity of the complete telescope system.
extensive simulations were carried out to test the
feasibility of the OAPS, yet some factors are left Acknowledgments
for further analysis, one of which is the optical
aberrations occurring due to the telescope optics. This research has made use of the High Perfor-
Since the OAPS samples the off-axis light hence mance Computing (HPC) system of Computer
the off-axis aberrations will be dominant and an Center of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics,
exclusive corrector optics would be required to Bangalore. Use of Photutils, an Astropy pack-
minimise these field aberrations. age for detection and photometry of astronomical
sources (Bradley et al, 2021) is also acknowledged.
8 Conclusions
By making use of innovative ideas as well as latest
technology, it is quite possible to reduce the cost The authors have no relevant financial or non-
of the moderate to large size telescopes so that financial interests to disclose.
it can be made affordable to many small institu-
tions/ countries. In this and subsequent papers we Funding
are presenting our idea, which is strongly backed
by extensive design and simulation. From our sim- No funding was obtained for this study.
ulation based study we conclude the following:
1. Segmented mirror technology is the key behind
Author’s Contribution
cost effectiveness. The simulation and design, which forms the
2. Instead of using hexagonal mirror segments, we core part of this paper is primarily carried out
propose to use circular segments which would by Radhika Dharmadhikari. Whereas, the main
degrade the telescope image quality marginally manuscript is prepared by Radhika Dharmad-
but will help to reduce the cost substantially. hikari and Padmakar Parihar. Annu Jacob has
3. In place of edge sensor based complex and provided a python based mirror segmentation tool
expensive primary mirror control system, we to generate a grid sag surface. All authors have
propose to utilize an OAPS which is an active reviewed the manuscript.
mirror kind of mechanism working in real time.
4. From our simulations we find that the pre-
cise co-alignment of segments is possible with Data Availability
OAPS using stars as faint as 17-18th magni- The data that supports the findings of this study
tudes. Real time co-focusing, which requires are available from the corresponding author, Rad-
multiple apertures per segment can be done hika Dharmadhikari, upon reasonable request.
with one magnitude brighter star as required
for co-alignment.
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