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With the advent of the 21st century, the shipping business and especially the ship route planning, are passing
through serious transformations. It was a rare sight not long ago, when a mariner would use some form of digital
appliances to plan and plot the course of a ship. And yet, nowadays digital appliances have become an indispensable
part from the route planning process. Even so, the electronic devices themselves would become useless, without the
elaborate algorithms embedded in them. The algorithms are the true driving power behind the rise of the digital
revolution in the maritime world. But the advent of technologies does not solely affect the ships. Many companies,
which provide routing and weather-routing services are established ashore. With each passing year the algorithms used
ashore and on board are continuously becoming better. Their development is further fuelled by the idea of crewless and
autonomous ships. One of the successfully applied mathematical methods in this development is the linear
programming. The article presents a brief theory in this regard and an example for the implementation of the algorithm.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
article Tang and al. offer a modified isochrone method 3. PURPOSE OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING
more suited for computer calculation and programming. AND ITS GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION
A drawback in his work is the inability to show whether
the route of the ship crosses land regions [20]. To solve Linear programming deals with tasks, where the
these problems, Taguchi and al. [19] combine the optimum criterion and the restrictive conditions are
isochrone method with evolutionary theory and they expressed through a linear function of independent
present it in that form to navigation. The disadvantage of variables. The mathematical formula of the common
their suggestions is that they are not applicable to vector- problem is to find a vector 𝑋 = (𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … , 𝑥𝑛 ), which
based naval charts, which serve as the basis for ECDIS. will result in the minimum value of the linear function
Calculation of variation method is mainly designed
to optimize the voyage plan in terms of fuel 𝐿(𝑋) = 𝑐1 𝑥1 + 𝑐2 𝑥2 + … + 𝑐𝑛 𝑥𝑛 (1)
consumption. The groundwork research on the method
lies in the works of S. Bijlsma [5, 6, 7] which set out at the following restrictive conditions of the unknowns:
ideas to find the optimum path by adhering to the criteria
of the minimum time, the minimum fuel, the safety of 𝑎11 𝑥1 + 𝑎12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑏1
crew and cargo. This method has been tested during the 𝑎21 𝑥1 + 𝑎22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑏2
70's with the main objective being to achieve transition ………………………………………… (2)
in the least time. Later, critics of the method [21, 22] …………………………………………
claim that its main disadvantage is the lack of evidence {𝑎𝑚1 𝑥1 + 𝑎𝑚2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑚𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑏𝑚
for optimality.
Dynamic programming uses a network system that 𝑥1 ≥ 0; 𝑥2 ≥ 0; … ; 𝑥𝑛 ≥ 0 (3)
divides a navigational region into multiple sections. Each
intersecting point within the boundary of the section is The restrictive conditions from (2) can represent not
delegated as a primary point. The solution to the problem only equations but also inequalities of the type:
of optimal transition using dynamic programming,
attempts to calculate the ship's trajectory, chosen 𝑎𝑖1 𝑥1 + 𝑎𝑖2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑥𝑛 ≤ 𝑏𝑖 (4)
according to the prevailing meteorological conditions in
the voyage area, marine data on sea surface roughness in or
the area and the ship's reaction to such conditions [24]. 𝑎𝑖1 𝑥1 + 𝑎𝑖2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑥𝑛 ≥ 𝑏𝑖
Several researchers have used the method for the same
purpose and under the same conditions [9, 15]. The The canonical form of the linear programming equations
development of this method has become more serious is described as:
over the years, but its drawbacks, such as the huge
amount of nodes, the large volume of data storage, the 𝑛
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
theory allows for the basic plan to be checked and If a danger to navigation exists along the route, the
replaced with another if needed, until an optimum coordinates of its end points must be entered in the
passage plan is achieved. The process can easily be algorithm. The danger to navigation, can be of the
programmed and automated with the creation of an following type (figure 1):
appropriate algorithm, due to the linear disposition of the The ends are then connected, and the figure will
mathematical dependencies. look like this (figure 2):
The vessel’s course α from point A to point B will 𝜑12 𝜑 − 𝜑11 𝜑 − 𝜆11 𝜑12 + 𝜆11 𝜑11 − 𝜆12 𝜆 + 𝜆11 𝜆
be: + 𝜑11 𝜆12 − 𝜑11 𝜆11 = 0
tan 𝛼 = − (7) Equation (9) is developed:
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
At the next stage, the algorithm checks whether the which side of the danger, the route will be shorter. These
line AB crosses any of the border lines 𝑘′𝑛 by looking for points shall be named M and N and their coordinates are
common solutions between them. M (𝜑𝑀𝐴𝑋 , 𝜆𝑀𝐴𝑋 ) and N (𝜑𝑀𝐼𝑁 , 𝜆𝑀𝐼𝑁 ) respectively.
The equations of the new course lines are
𝑝: 𝜑(𝜑𝐵 − 𝜑𝐴 ) − 𝜆(𝜆𝐵 − 𝜆𝐴 ) − (𝜆𝐴 𝜑𝐵 − 𝜑𝐴 𝜆𝐵 ) = 0 determined – AM, BM, AN, and BN (fig. 7).
{𝑘 𝑛 : 𝜑(𝜑𝑛2 − 𝜑𝑛1 ) − 𝜆(𝜆𝑛2 − 𝜆𝑛1 ) − (𝜆𝑛1 𝜑𝑛2 − 𝜑𝑛1 𝜆𝑛2 ) ∓
∓𝑑[√(𝜑𝑛2 − 𝜑𝑛1 )2 + (𝜆𝑛2 − 𝜆𝑛1 )2 ] = 0
𝑘 ′ 𝑛 : 𝜑(𝜑12 − 𝜑11 ) − 𝜆(𝜆12 − 𝜆11 ) − (𝜆11 𝜑12 − 𝜑11 𝜆12 ) Fig. 7. Course lines around the danger to navigation
∓𝑑 [√(𝜑12 − 𝜑11 )2 + (𝜆12 − 𝜆11 )2 ] = 0
The algorithm then checks if the new course lines
𝑘 ′ 𝑛 : 𝜑(𝜑22 − 𝜑21 ) − 𝜆(𝜆22 − 𝜆21 ) − (𝜆21 𝜑22 − 𝜑21 𝜆22 ) cross the border lines around the danger to navigation,
∓𝑑 [√(𝜑22 − 𝜑21 )2 + (𝜆22 − 𝜆21 )2 ] = 0 by looking for common solutions between the course
𝑘 ′ 𝑛 : 𝜑(𝜑32 − 𝜑31 ) − 𝜆(𝜆32 − 𝜆31 ) − (𝜆31 𝜑32 − 𝜑31 𝜆32 ) lines and the border lines. There are two possible
outcomes after that:
∓𝑑 [√(𝜑32 − 𝜑31 )2 + (𝜆32 − 𝜆31 )2 ] = 0
𝑘 ′ 𝑛 : 𝜑(𝜑𝑛2 − 𝜑𝑛1 ) − 𝜆(𝜆𝑛2 − 𝜆𝑛1 ) − (𝜆𝑛1 𝜑𝑛2 − 𝜑𝑛1 𝜆𝑛2 )
{ ∓𝑑 [√(𝜑𝑛2 − 𝜑𝑛1 )2 + (𝜆𝑛2 − 𝜆𝑛1 )2 ] = 0
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
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The linear programming method provides a good Voyage Planning Interaction, Uppsala Universitet.
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Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Phrasemes are not simple structures as they have syntactically complex features and are strongly lexicalized and
that extends considerably the area of research and makes it challenging. The study of a large array of phrasemes
provides ways that can lead to revealing the various degrees of their conformity with the rest of the grammar. Also
important for the phraseological research is to find out the connectivity between literal and nonliteral meanings. The
study of phrasemes is like a Herculean deed, and this is why this paper points to some of the multiword units that are
stored and retrieved from memory as lexical units, which are also known as ‘formulaic sequences’ (Wray 2000) types
of phrasemes: pragmateme, collocation, cliché, and idioms taken from common English and maritime English, as well
as ‘twins’ in English and Romanian.
Keywords: fixed expressions, formulaic language, phrasemes, collocations, clichés, pragmatemes, and idioms.
Amazing as it may seem, after years of hot debate
on phraseological issues, neither formal definitions of
Phrasemes can be classified according to the amount of
the relevant concepts nor a formal typology of
their encoded parts, which determines a gap between the
phrasemes has been established. There is not even a
elements and the sum of these elements and the kind of
universally accepted name. A phraseme, also known as a relational constraints that govern the choice of
set expression, set phrase, fixed multiword idiomatic compulsory groups. “Compositional phrasemes can be
phrase, extended expression, “solidarity expressions”
divided into collocations, clichés and pragmatemes,
(Coseriu 1967) or idiom, “which is a multi-word or
while non-compositional phrasemes are commonly
multi-morphemic utterance at least one of whose
referred to as idioms.” (Beck and Mel’čuk 2011)
components is selectionally constrained or restricted by
linguistic convention such that it is not freely chosen.”
(Mel’čuk 1995). pragmateme
On the one hand, there are collocations such as compositional collocation
dangerous course, routine message, or inshore radar cliché
stations where one of the words is a non-restricted weak idiom
choice (course, message, and radar station, respectively) noncompositional semi-idiom
depending on the speaker’s way to express facts that are
strong idiom
on his mind at a given time or place, where he meets
(Beck and Mel’čuk 2011)
with no constraints, and then the free choice is replaced
by the defining words (dangerous, routine, inshore)
2.1 Non-compositional phrasemes: idioms
which are imposed by the limitations of the English
A phraseme is an idiom if its meaning differs from
the sum of the meanings of its elements, i.e. a two-word
A completely different situation is when we come
compound (a, b) does not reveal its meaning if we look
across expressions such as X swallowed the anchor,
at it as a+b. The result is c, therefore it belongs to the
‘sailor X gave up sailing’, where the unit is taken as a
non-compositional group. Generally speaking, idioms
whole and expresses a new meaning that is miles away
will confuse and frustrate people, especially young non-
from the meanings of its parts. All of the words in this
natives, but natives as well. Syntactically the structure of
expression are a string that gives you no liberty of
idioms is more or less fixed and cannot be much altered.
manoeuvre. These expressions, called idioms, are very
This means that not all grammatical transformations can
widely used, in all languages, Romanian included.
be applied to idioms. Consider the following examples:
Idioms are phrases or groups of words, which have only
all at sea ’confused, bewildered
a metaphorical meaning, that are “stored as a single big
as the crow flies ’the shortest distance’
word” (Wray 2000). The same author gives two reasons
even keel ’one who walks straight’
for the intensive use of idioms. “Both kinds of
maiden trip ‘first time at sea’
expression are phrasemes, and can be contrasted with
the game is up ‘your deceit is exposed’
’free phrases’, expressions where all of the members
put smth. on the map ‘make smth. well-known’
(barring grammatical elements whose choice is forced by
It is quite obvious that in the examples above the
the morphosyntax of the language) are chosen freely,
equation is a+b=c, i.e. there is an abyss between the
based exclusively on their meaning and the message that
parts and the whole.
the speaker wishes to communicate.”
The criterion of transparency leads to three
categories of idioms: semi-transparent, semi-opaque
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
and opaque (Fernando and Flavell, 1981 :28), weak Non-native speakers, like native speakers in many cases,
idiom, semi-idiom, strong idiom (Beck and Mel’čuk, have a certain difficulty in the selection of the
2011), as well as full idioms, semi-idioms, and quasi- appropriate expression for given situations, for example,
idioms (Mel’čuk, 1995). what to say at a wedding party - Congratulations on
a. Full idioms finding each other!, how to start a formal letter - Dear
As mentioned before, their meanings are miles away Mr./Mrs, how to greet a Nobel Prize winner - I knew it
from the meaning of any of their lexical components: was only a matter of time. Well done!, etc.
bilge water ‘nonsense’ All these ready-made greetings and warnings,
dragging anchor ‘dangerous situation’ standard phrases used in letters, conversational formulas,
by heart ‘remembering verbatim’ texts on official signs, etc. are semantically and formally
go overboard ‘be excited’ fully compositional and are called pragmatemes (
make waves’ to be very active so that other people Mel’čuk 1998).
notice you, or be too active and disliked by others. A lexicographical approach of pragmatemes should
Idioms have both literal and figurative structures start from the fact that ‘pragmatemes are not lexical units
syntactically. Some idioms can be interpreted literally, -although they are linguistic signs disposed of a
but then the meaning changes, and the speaker will avoid signified, because they present an internal argumental
it, while the idiomatic meaning is familiar to him. As structure’ (Blanco 2010). Thus, pragmatemes cannot
regards this issue, Cowie (1998) argues that many constitute entries in a dictionary of lexical units but
idioms do not have a literal counterpart at all. entries of an inventory of textual units.
A main characteristic of pragmatemes is that they
b. Semi-idioms often present multimodality. There are pragmatemes,
An idiom is a semi-idiom when its overall especially those that appear on official signs, that can be
meaning: accompanied or totally replaced by an icon, as in the
1) includes the meaning of one of its elements, but pragmatism: Right turn forbidden.
from a semantic point of view not as its key carrier,
2) does not involve the meaning of the other
elements and
3) comprises an additional meaning as its relevant
semantic sign:
book a ship –‘ hire a ship’
Let’s also consider the translation of pragmatemes
float a company – ‘form a company’
in English and Romanian. Specialized literature provides
laid-up – ‘under repair’
a classification of equivalence into three categories:
miss the boat - ‘miss the train’
(Kromann, Riiber, & Rosbach, 1991):
monkey bridge – ‘punte etalon’
- full (Christ is risen! – Christos a înviat)
muddy the waters – ‘make a situation more
complicated/confusing’ (Truly he is risen! – Adevărat a înviat!
The more important semantic carrier of an idiom - partial (Have a smooth journey! – Voiaj plăcut!)
is definitely the part of the meaning that supplies - zero equivalence (Don’t mention it! - Cu plăcere!)
information about the time, place, of the event it refers
to. b. Collocation
c. Weak idiom Collocations are very common and in large number
An idiom is a weak or quasi-idiom, if its meaning in English, and competence in handling them is
1) includes the meaning of one of its parts, but from important. A collocation consists of two or more words
a semantic point of view not as its key carrier, and that often make a pair, like ’deep sea’ or ‘operate a ship’.
2) includes also a new meaning that can be Collocations are music to native speakers’ ears, so the
considered the key carrier of meaning: more collocations you know and use, you will ‘gain a
make waves ‘be very active’ few centimetres in height’ for using an elevated English.
old salt ‘old or old-fashioned’ Or, in other words, ‘while in Rome speak as the Romans
on an even keel ’move along steady’ do.’
sail right by ’walk past people’ Collocations are widely used both in general
show your true colours ’be yourself’ language and in the languages for specific purposes,
maritime English to be more specific. Such word
2.2 Compositional combinations are the first to reflect the specificity of
a. Pragmateme language. Thus, learners of English need to get familiar
A definition of pragmatemes is that ‘a phraseme is with them, from simple word combinations to patterns of
called a pragmatic phraseme or a pragmateme, if it is idiomacity, i.e. among them, idiomatic collocations.
“restricted to its signified and its signifier by the Hence, to follow the collocational conventions of a
extralinguistic situation in which a phraseme is used, that foreign language means to contribute to one’s idiomacity
is, by pragmatic factors “ (Mel'cuk, 1998). and nativelikeness, whereas not doing so, signals one’s
Everyone knows how to thank someone for a favor, foreignness (Vişan & Croitoru 2009: 132).
a gift, send good wishes, or how to introduce themselves When trying to place the right parts in the puzzle,
or greet someone they meet, while diplomats, tourists Maritime English learners feel like walking on moving
and seafarers can do that in other languages as well.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
sands because they have to match a large number of He threw himself at her feet…
elements – noun and verb, verb and noun, noun and He sneered in my direction
noun, etc. and to find the appropriate ones from each Crushing her slander finger within his…
category. Here are some examples: She turned a little pale…
above average - more than average She flung herself out of the room…
accept a challenge - to agree to do something In every day speech, one can come across clichés
difficult or dangerous that are known as small-talk, which are meant to show
ache inside - desparately want something that the speaker is busy or that he isn’t in the mood for a
aches and pains - mild pains that come and go long conversation..
against all odds – despite differences (between Following is a short list of English ways to cut a
persons) conversation short:
call a meeting - invite people to hold a meeting I’ll call you.
call in sick - to telephone your place of work and You win some, you lose some.
say you're not coming because you're sick It’s just common sense.
change/alter course - to go in a different direction There’s no time to explain.
clean energy - energy or power supply that doesn't Life is unfair.
endanger the environment Shot in the shoulder.
come to smby’s rescue - to save from danger or We already had this conversation.
failure Oh, it’s going to rain.
draw bridge – bridge that may be raised It’s the neighbour’s cat.
get up in age – get old We all have to do things we don’t like.
get creamed - beaten up, hurt There’s a storm coming..
Interpretation of metaphorical collocations often Whatever will be, will be.
require reference to language-specific cultural It’s all relative.
patterns”, but a multi lingual approach will show The religious literature proposes clichés that combine
common idioms for English and Romanian. An example people and biblical famous names, or even God, all of
that fits well in the context of the article is ‘life like a them trying to draw a line between good and evil, or
jail.’ Jail should not be taken literally, but as places or holiness and irreverence.
situations that are confining or unpleasant. Sailors The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away
sometimes use it when they need a screen to send some God never gives you more suffering than you can
drinks ‘down the hatch.’ bear.
The similarities can go even further, ‘there are cases Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!” (opposing
in which they can be found in most if not all languages.’ same-sex marriage)
(Visan & Croitoru, 2009). God moves/works in mysterious ways
A separate group of clichés is made by lexical
c. Cliché doublets (sometimes called twins or binomials) and
Clichés are overused expressions that have been triplets – “trinomials”) that are joined by conjunctions
said so many times, by so many people, that they’ve and, or, neither …nor, or by omitting of conjunctions
rather lost their meaning and don’t always say very from constructions in which they would normally be
much. British people use phrases like this so often that used, like in: Should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve.
they don’t even realise it; some like to spout clichéd Most of these elements have and obvious meaning.
advice such as time heals all wounds because they Their use should be restricted to informal speech. There
aren’t sure what else to say. is a challenge, though, with those units that are not self-
The following examples are not only clichés but revealing at first sight. That is why the following
also twins in English and Romanian. binomials will come with short explanations and even a
At the last minute context:
Better late than never give and take: a spirit of compromise
Rome wasn’t built in a day odds and ends: small, unimportant things.
Time heals all wounds maiden voyage : first voyage of a ship
Time and time again short and sweet: very quick and to-the-point speech
Avoid like the plague education and training: background
The light at the end of the tunnel part and parcel (part of / belong to)
His bark is bigger than his bite rant and rave. (shouting / very angry)
Your place or mine prim and proper, (rather formal and fussy)
Some clichés have an obvious literary rough and ready, (poor standard)
backgroound, mostrly famous characters in novels, wine and dine, (feed and entertain)
movies and plays, that may bring about a certain Other times, the unit consists of words that are
degree of sarcasm, which make us think of parodies. near-synonyms.
Let’s think of a number of imitations of sentimental pick and choose/pack; (have a wide choice)
literary prose that were so popular one or two centuries in leaps and bounds, (obviously)
ago in all European literatures: peace and quiet, (calm)
Tossing her head in the air she swept past him… rest and recreation, (relaxation)
A cloud was hanging on her fair brow… First and foremost, (most importantly)
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
down and out. (without a home or money) [2] Beck, D., Melchuk, I. (2011). Morphological
Some binomials borrowed from maritime English phrasemes and Totonacan verbal morphology,
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wear and tear intersubjectification”. In Historical pragmatics, ed. by
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particular field of interest that concentrates on a and applications. Oxford: ClarendonPress
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phonetics. That is why phraseology is so difficult, but so Studies, 5)
appealing. [8] Gibbs, R. Jr (2010) Idioms and Formulaic Language
Clichés are often idioms – that is, a figurative the Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, Edited
phrase that has an implied meaning rather than a literal by Dirk Geeraerts and Hubert Cuyckens
one. George Orwell said of such expressions: “Never use [9] Granger, S., Meunier, F. (2008). Phraseology: An
a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you interdisciplinary perspective, John Benjamins Publishing
are used to seeing in print.” In other words, don’t rehash Company
the same phrases everyone else does – it usually doesn’t [10] Hartley, A. H. (2002). Words That Have Made
add anything to what you’re saying! And yet, some of Their Way from Nautical Language into Everyday
them are the products of learned men who took the task English;
of mixing poetry and wisdom and modelling the result [11] Kromann, H. P., Riiber, T., & Rosbach, P. (1991).
over centuries. An example is every cloud has a silver Principles of Bilingual Lexicography. In O. R. F. J.
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some light. The “silver lining” bit came from a poem by [12] Mel’čuk I. (1995). Phrasemes in language and
John Milton, Comus, presented in 1634, “there does a phraseology in linguistics, in Martin Everaert, Erik-Jan
sable cloud / Turn forth her silver lining on the night”. It van der Linden, André Schenk & Rob Schreuder (eds.)
wasn’t until the Victorian period that its modern usage Psychology Press
came about. [13] Mel’čuk, I. (1998). Collocations and Lexical
The use of idioms has a twofold effect: they can put Functions. In: Cowie, Ed. 23-53.
a cloud on the communication process, but once you [14] Milton, J. (1634) Comus, London
learn them, they give rhythm and automaticity and [15] Orwell, G. (1946) Politics and the English
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and thus acts as communication time buyers. in Translating Maritime Language. In the Proceedings
To conclude with, the use of set form of words is of the 4th Conference Translation Studies: Retrospective
extensively used in any language and covers a wide and Prospective Views, Year 2, Issue 6, Croitoru, E. &
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catchphrases, quotations, idiomatic similes, and Competence in Maritime English for Better
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and pieces of fossilized language (Gibbs 2010). Yet 230-242, IMEC 23, 10 -15 Oct., Constanta, Romania,
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That is why each of them requires further ‘dredging.’ boundaries. Oxford Applied Linguistics. Oxford
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Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
The layout of the juridical contractual relationships in the field of maritime law is very complex and also intriguing
at the same time. The complexity results in how the contract is legally born. Because approving a contract can be made
in one state while implementing one can be done in another one, therefor the contract can be legally born in one place,
while the cargo is to be shipped to third-party recipients from other states.
These are some of the reasons for which we consider this paper to be scientifically useful, knowing that the
maritime law is spectacular, but must receive the worthy importance from both the juridical doctrine and to the
practitioners of law.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
to each other. Thus, the charter contract has the ship as a loading of a cargo on board a ship or the reception by the
juridical object, respectively making available to the master of the ship or by the ship owner (the shipping
charterer, by the charter, in a state of seaworthiness and company) of the specified cargo for transport to the
maintaining it in this state throughout the entire destination.
execution of the contract. On the other hand, the contract From a conventional perspective, considering the
for the transport of goods by sea has as its material provisions from art. 1 point 7 of the Rules of Hamburg,
object the movement of goods on the sea by the carrier. the bill of lading is defined as a document proving a
A third delimitation may involve the proof of the contract for transport by sea and also the taking or
two contracts. Thus, proving the charter contract is done loading of the goods by the carrier, by which this last
by charter party, while the proof of the existence of the person commits to deliver the cargo.
maritime transport contract is achieved through the bill Historically (31), until the eleventh century, the bill
of lading. of lading was not used in international maritime trade.
In explaining the concept of the "charter-party" (29) After this moment, when the international maritime trade
several aspects of historic order must be considered. In began to develop significantly, it became necessary to
this regard, it should be highlighted that international adopt a way to register the goods on board the ship. In
transport on the sea has begun with the Phoenicians (14) order to meet this need, there was a register on board of
when the merchants of this ancient people-chartered most of the maritime vessels which was completed by a
ships for the transport of goods on the Mediterranean responsible crew member. Initially, this register was kept
Sea. Later, in ancient Rome, the foundations of a charter in order informally but later, considering its usefulness,
market were laid for regularizing the price of cereals more and more ports have laid the legal basis of the
brought from ancient Egypt to the port of Ostia (the port obligation to use it.
of ancient Rome). In relation to these aspects, the In the fourteenth century, the bill of lading became
chartering of maritime vessels cannot be considered as a the document attesting that the cargo has been received.
new concept. Later in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when it
However, it must be emphasized that by the end of ceased to be possible to continue to conclude chartering
the 19th century, some ship captains also had the power contracts with each sender of the cargo separately, the
to fix the weight of all the ship’s cargo in order to bill of lading begun to represent that document which
maximize the income for the owner of the merchandise, also contained the transport contract and also represented
in exchange for a share of the profit, since some ship the right of the holder to hand over the cargo taking into
captains often had also the quality of a ship owner (as is account the traders practice as a source of law.
the case today with some barges on the Rhine). In these Finally, the bill of lading has become a
situations, the ship's master also had the obligation to representative title of the merchandise, having in
negotiate with the merchants from the ports where the addition a transmissible character. Currently, in equal
ship was moored and at the same time to prepare the measure, there is both the technology needed to make the
necessary contract, in double copy, on a single piece of bill of lading in electronic form, as well as the risk of
paper, which was subsequently broken in two, a copy computer fraud (12). „The risk of fraud is reduced by
being remitted to the trader. audit trails, electronic signature and PIN numbers which
The term "charter-party" represents the anglicised make it more difficult to forge an E-bill. However,
form of the Latin words "Charter party", an expression electronic systems are exposed to new risks, such as the
that designates a document, act or contract (Carta), risk from hackers (as highlighted in MSC Mediterranean
which has been divided into two parts (partita). Shipping Company v Glencore [2017] EWCA Civ 365,
In this case, one copy was to be delivered to the where the PIN for an electronic delivery system appears
loader and the other copy was kept on board the ship to have been misappropriated by a cyber-attack)” (36).
until the ship reached its destination. After this time, the Also, with reference to this aspect, we also mention
master of the ship was to deliver to the consignee the the fact that, among other things, a bill of lading in
document that was held on board the ship, so that the electronic form would also have the advantage of
latter could prove that he owned the goods. reducing the considerable expenses (3) involved in paper
The development of international trade in the support. At the present time there is the necessary
nineteenth and twentieth centuries led to the creation of conventional background, respectively the "Rotterdam
faster vessels used on voyages much further away from Rules" (38), which are not implemented.
the port of departure, so the ships masters could no Indeed, the "Rotterdam Rules" sought to replace
longer conduct their own negotiations. (13) "The Hague Visby Rules" but without success, since
In the juridical literature (6), the bill of lading is September 2009, out of the 25 countries that signed the
defined as representing the formal document used in the convention (including United States, Netherlands,
transport of goods by water, by which it is proven the Greece, France, Denmark, Sweden and Norway), only a
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
few countries have ratified it (for example, Spain and As a general rule, the law of the background of the
Togo), which means that this normative act remains contract is "lex voluntatis" (8) (law of the will of the
inapplicable until after the year the twentieth UN parties) thus, in the relations of private international law,
signatory state will ratify it. as opposed to those of Romanian domestic law, the
Fourthly, from a different perspective, in juridical parties implicitly choose the law applicable to the
literature (4) there is a distinction between the prescription extinguishing, as an effect of the right to
obligations on which generates the two categories of choose the law applicable to the contract. Lex voluntatis
contracts, in the sense that the charterer (the ship owner) (or the law of the will of the parties) is the law of the
has as a general rule an obligation of prudence and background of the contract and also the rule according to
diligence, while the obligation of the carriage, in the case which whenever a rule of an international convention is
of the contract of transport, is the result: to deliver to the applicable, it is to apply with priority over any rule of an
destination the goods to be picked up from the shipper. internal legal system.
Fifthly, the delimitation (10) of the two contracts A fortiori, parties, by their will, may agree that the
can also be marked by the fact that, as opposed to the extinguishing prescription may apply to another law than
charter-party contract for which there are no uniform the one they chose to regulate the contract on the merits.
rules, the international contract for the carriage of goods In regard to these aspects, in the case of the charter
by sea, concluded for the transport of shipping lines, is party contract, the extinctive prescription of the material
regulated by international conventions. right to the action born from not executing of a
contractual obligation is subject to the law applicable to
2. THE DELIMITATION BETWEEN THE the background of the contract (6). “Lex voluntatis” is
CONTRACT FOR THE TRANSPORT OF GOODS the law chosen by the parties, by virtue of the principle
of autonomy of will, to govern the international trade
RULES Also, as per the provisions of art. 11 paragraph 2 of
the Romanian Constitution, the treaties ratified by the
Considering the delimitation of the two contracts Parliament according to the law are part of the national
regarding the rules applicable in matter of extinctive law, and it can be argued that in the situation in which it
prescription, a number of elements specific to these legal would be incidental to an international convention, it
acts must be considered. Thus, taking into account the would apply with priority to any system of national law,
Romanian private international law, the extinctive taking into account the principle of specialia generalibus
prescription in the case of the charter-party contract is derogant, considering that in this case the international
considered an institution of material law, subject to lex convention meets all the characteristics of a special law.
causae (8) and not to the lex fori (30), which refers to the Therefore, whenever there are no international
law of the court before which action was brought. In regulations, our internal law will apply as lex causae.
case an action is filed before a court and is international The internal rules regarding the prescription of the law
in nature, the court must consider the law applicable to material to the action, regardless of their specific source,
that case. Under certain circumstances, lex fori will respectively the New Civil Code or special normative
apply. Traditionally, lex fori regulates procedural issues, acts.„Lex causae” (30) refer to the law governing the
regardless of lex causae. foundation of the case, designated by the rules on
It should be noted that according to art. 230 letter q conflict of laws.
of Law no. 71 from June 3, 2011 for implementation of It must be emphasized that, at present, the
Law no. 287/2009 regarding the Civil Code, art. 1-33 extinctive prescription is no longer regulated separately
and art. 36-147 from the Law no. 105/1992 regarding the (8) in the case of the maritime contract of cargo transport
regulation of the relations of private international law against the charter-party contract, as it happened under
were expressly repealed, so that the New Civil Code is the empire of the Old Commercial Code.
currently the common law in the matter of private In this regard, we remind that according to the
international law relations. provisions of art. 954 from the Old Commercial Code
According to art. 2263 of the New Civil Code (32), the actions which result from the lease of a ship
provisions, the extinctive prescription applicable to the were extinctive prescribed by the passing of one year
right to action is subject to the law that applies to the which begins to start from the fulfilment of the voyage,
subjective right itself. As a consequence, in the and those deriving from the enrolment contract by
Romanian international private law, the prescription of passing a term of one year from the expiration of the
the material right to action is a fundamental problem, term agreed between the parties, or from the fulfilment
being subject to the law which governs the background of the latter voyage, if the contract was extended.
of the legal relation.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Also, according to the provisions from art. 956 of of 1 year of prescription will not be applied to those
the Old Commercial Code, the actions against the legal relationships that exceed the sphere of the transport
carriers deriving from the transport contract were to be contract. As such, it would apply the general term of
applied under the extinctive prescription clause: by the extinctive prescription of 3 years in the case of those
passing of a period of six months, if the transport was derived from legal relationships, for example from civil
made in Europe, outside Iceland and the Faroe Islands, delinquency liability or a lawful civil legal act
in a maritime market in Asia or from the Mediterranean (management of another person’s interests, undue
African coast, the Black Sea, the Suez Canal or the Red payment or enrichment without a just cause).
Sea, or in a land market connected by a road railway, Like the extinctive prescription, neither the decay as
with a maritime market in the above-mentioned areas, or a civil law sanction does not know de lege lata a
by the passing of a period of one year, if the transport differentiated applicability in relation to the maritime
was effected somewhere else. transport contract or, as the case may be, in relation to
In the event of total loss, the clause comes into charter-party contract. However, the texts should be
force from the day the transported items had to reach mentioned with an exemplification title, the text law
their destination; and in case of partial loss, damage or from the Old Commercial Code that regulated the decay
delay, the term starts from the day the goods are handed in the matter of sea transport.
over to the consignee. Thus, we specify that the art. 671 regulated the
De lege lata, the extinctive prescription clause for decay in case of common failure, art. 677 regulates
the transport contract, as according to the second decay in the case of the approach, while art. 684
paragraph of the art. 2521 from the New Civil Code, is 1 regulates decay for non-exercise privilege within 15
year, unless otherwise provided by law, and is days. The colision (1) is synthetically defined in the
prescribed by the fulfilment of a term of one year, also doctrine as existing when a physical contact between two
the right to action arising from a contract for the ships takes place.
transport of goods by land, air or on the water, against From the international law perspective, in matters
the carrier (extinctive prescription term of 1 year). which are linked exclusively to the maritime transport, it
According to the provisions of the third paragraph must be specified that the decay is more often
from art. 2521 of the New Civil Code, if the contract of encountered, as opposed to the extinctive prescription.
transport was completed or executed successively or, as Thus, the extinctive prescription, in the form of the 2
the case may be, combined, with the same means of years term, is applicable more often in the case of
transport or with different means of transport, the term collisions between ships, respectively in the field of
extends to 3 years. assistance and rescue at sea, while decay, in the form of
With regard to the domain of applicability (2) of the term of 3 days or 60 days, it is applicable in the case
these prescription terms, it should be noted that their of transports founded on the bill of lading.
object is only the transport of goods, not the transport of The Convention for the Unification of Certain
persons, considering the applicability of the principle Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels
exceptio est strictissimae interpretationis, so that the rule (Brussels 23 September 1910), in the 10th paragraph
cannot be extended by analogy. provides an extinctive prescription period of 2 years in
Another aspect of the domain of applicability of the respect of the action of establishing and requesting the
prescription terms concerns the two requirements which remuneration of rescue, term that begins to run from the
must be met cumulatively (8) for the applicability of the day when assistance or rescue operations are completed.
1-year term. The Hague-Visby Rules (33) from 1968
Thus, on the one hand, in the judicial (or, as the (International Convention for the unification of certain
case may be, arbitrary) action the passive procedural rules of law relating to bills of lading), at point 6 from
quality must belong to the carrier. As a consequence, third paragraph, establish a three-day term, which begins
from the per a contrario interpretation of the text of law, to flow from the moment the cargo is picked up, if
it follows that the term of 1 year prescription remains defects were not visible when taked by the receiver. For
inapplicable in the case of actions that the carrier could the goods whose defects were visible ("prima facie"), but
bring against to the consignor or consignee or to the they were taken without protest or mentions, a relative
contracting party, following that these actions will be presumption will function that they were delivered by
subject to the general term of prescription of 3 years. the ship in the state and the quantity in which the ship
On the other hand, the judicial or arbitration action took them from the loader.
must be based on the transport contract. Thus, as The Hamburg Rules provide in point 5 from
highlighted in the juridical literature (8), from the per a paragraph 19 that no compensation will be due for the
contrario interpretation to the law text of the third damage resulted from the delay in delivery, if no written
paragraph of art. 2521 of the New Civil Code, the term notification was given to the shipper within 60
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
consecutive days from the day after the goods were [5] Căpăţînă Octavian, Dreptul transporturilor, Partea
delivered to the receiver. specială, publishing house Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 2002
We consider that the reason for which the decay is [6] Costin N. Mircea, Drept comercial internațional.
more common than the extinctive prescription, can relate Ghid alfabetic, publishing house Dacia, Cluj-Napoca,
to the speed and safety with which the commercial 1987
transport is carried out, thus ensuring the security of the [7] Ionescu Gheorghe, Ilie Manole, A. B. C.-ul
international trade circuit. marinarului, publishing house Tehnică, București, 1976
De lege ferenda, taking into account those [8] Grigore Gabriel, Prescripția extinctivă în materia
mentioned, for the protection of the commercial circuit transportului internațional de mărfuri pe mare în
we propose the elimination of the deadlines for reglementarea Noului Cod Civil și a unor convenții
extinctive prescription in the field of maritime transport internaționale, in Revista română de drept maritim nr.
and the introduction of the decay deadlines, at most 1/2017, publishing house Universul Juridic, 2017
equal to a quarter from the former mentioned terms. [9] Grigore Gabriel, Contractul internațional de navlosire
charter-party, in Revista română de drept maritim nr.
3. SOME CONCLUDING CONSIDERATIONS 2/2017, publishing house Universul Juridic, 2017
[10] Grigore Gabriel, Cadrul juridic uniform al
It was pointed out in the specialized literature (8)
contractului internațional de transport de mărfuri pe
that the execution of the international contract of cargo
mare pe bază de conosament, in Revista română de drept
transport on sea is a complex activity that involves both
maritim nr. 2/2016, publishing house Universul Juridic,
legal relationships between the parties of the transport
contract or of the charter party contract with third
[11] Grigore Gabriel, Contractul internațional de
parties, (which have as a purpose the commercial
navlosire charter-party, Doctoral thesis, Bucharest, 2011
exploitation of the ship), as well as force majeure events
[12] Gouilloud Martine Remonde, Droit maritime,
(shipwrecks, engine failures, collisions).
publishing house A. Pedone, Paris, 1998
The conclusion that emerges from all the aspects
[13] Fuglevåg Ingar, The Rotterdam Rules – yet another
presented above is that an overlap between the
failed attempt of replacing the Hague-Visby Rules?
international contract of cargo transport at sea and the
charter-party contract cannot exist, these contracts being
delimited by the frequency of their actual use in
maritime transport, the object, the evidence, the nature
[14] Ryan Schleeter, First rulers of the Mediterranean,
and the content of the obligations generated, the
article publicated on
applicable regulations and last but not least, as we stated
at the end of our paper, in relation to the applicability of
the sanction of the decay or the prescription.
[15] Sitaru Dragoș Alexandru, Stănescu Şerban-
Alexandru, Contractul de transport internaţional de
mărfuri, publishing house Lumina Lex, 2007
A. DOCTRINE [16] Rodière Rene, Emmanuel du Pontavice, Droit
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[1] Anechitoae Constantin, Introducere în drept maritim twelfth edition, 1997
internațional, Note de curs, fourth edition, Bren
publishing house, Bucharest, 2011 B. JURIDICAL MAGAZINES
[2] Baias Flavius-Antoniu, Chelaru Eugen,
Constantinovici Rodica, Macovei Ioan (coordinators), [17] Revista română de drept maritim nr. 1/2017
Noul Cod civil. Comentariu pe articole, (our note – The [18] Revista română de drept maritim nr. 2/2017
New Civil code. Commentary on the articles), C.H. Beck [19] Revista română de drept maritim nr. 2/2016
publishing house, Bucharest, 2012
[3] Bhanawat Abhishek, Rotterdam Rules – Redefining
and Introducing the Electronic Bill of Lading, C. LEGISLATION
[20] Legea nr. 71/2011 pentru punerea în aplicare a Legii
nr. 287/2009 privind Codul civil, publicată în Monitorul
Oficial, Partea I, nr. 409 din 10 iunie 2011 (The law nr.
[4] Bibicescu Gheorghe, Transportul de mărfuri pe mare
71/2011 for putting into application the law nr. 287/2009
în comerţul internaţional, publishing house Sport-
regarding the Civil Code, published in the first part of
Turism, Bucharest, 1986
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
the Romanian Official Monitor, nr. 409 from the 10th of [27] International Convention for the unification of
june 2011) certain rules of law relating to bills of lading (Hague-
[21] Noul Cod civil, modificat prin legea pentru punerea Visby-Rules, 1968)
în aplicare – Legea nr. 287/2009 privind Codul civil, [28] Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of
publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, publicată în Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels,
Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 505 din 15 Brussels, 1910
iulie 2011 (The new Civil Code, modified by the law for
putting it into application, published in the first part of E. WEBOGRAPHY
the Romanian Official Monitor, nr. 505 from the 15th of
july 2011) [29] https://www.handybulk.com/what-is-a-charter-
[22] Constituția României din 2003 (The romanian party-carta-partita
Constitution) [30]http://ec.europa.eu/civiljustice/glossary/glossary_ro.
[23] Legea nr. 105/1992 cu privire la reglementarea htm#LexCausae
raporturilor de drept internaţional privat, publicată în [31] https://lawexplores.com/a-short-history-of-the-bill-
Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 245 din 1 of-lading/
octombrie 1992, cu completările ulterioare (The law nr. [32]
105/1992 regarding the regulation of the international http://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/38123
private law relationships, published in the Romanian [33] https://www.klgeurope.com/files/1968_hague-
Official Monitor, first part, nr. 245, from the 1st october visby_rules.pdf
1992 with the subsequent modifications) [34] https://www.marineinsight.com/maritime-
[24] Vechiul Cod Comercial din 10 mai 1887 (The old law/rotterdam-rules-redefining-and-introducing-the-
Romanian commercial code from the 10th of May 1887) electronic-bill-of-lading/
D. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS rulers-mediterranean/
[25] United Nations Convention on Contracts for the [36]https://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/en/knowledge/
International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea publications/b20094b6/e-bills-of-lading
(Rotterdam Rules, 2008) [37]https://svw.no/en/news/news/2018/march/the-
[26] United Nations Convention on the Carriage of the-hague-visby-rules/
Goods by Sea (Hamburg Rules, 1978) [38]https://www.uncitral.org/pdf/english/texts/transport/r
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
The work presents a new approach of the method of determining the rental rent for the land port. According to this
approach, the final rental rate must be dependent on how the port operator meets certain efficiency clauses (traffic
clauses, performance clauses, consume clauses, environment clauses etc.). In the same time techniques of subsiding or
adjusting the rate are introduced depending on the level of implementation of the efficiency clauses.
As it is known, the activity of a port operator is carried Starting from the observations made previously, the
out based on a contract concluded between him and the present study aims to expose the function:
port administration. This contract takes account of the
operator's requests and the requirements of the PB PB(q, ) (1)
administration based on the legislation in force, [1] dt
respectively [2]. One of the ways in which this contract
is monitored is the introduction of the so-called "traffic where PB represents the total amount that can be paid by
clause". In essence, this clause is related to the quantity the operator in the form of a penalty or the total amount
of merchandise, hereinafter referred to as "q", the of the operator's bonus.
quantity of merchandise operated by the operator over a
year. According to this clause, a criterion is established 3. THE SOLUTION PROPOSED
which establishes the minimum quantity of cargo to be
operated by the operator. Concluding, monitoring an Applying the procedure outlined in [3], relationship (1)
operator's activity is mainly by using a certain criterion. becomes:
In fact, the operator is penalized if he does not meet the
dq dq
criterion of the minimum amount of cargo to be PB(q, ) q PB(q) dq PB( ) (2)
operated. This leads to a problem. In fact, the amount of dt dt
merchandise operated by the operator depends in where:
principle on at least two parameters:
q and dq weighting coefficients
1. The quantity of goods contracted for operation dt
and PB(q) the total amount that may be paid by the
2. Operating speed operator in the form of a penalty or the
total amount that the operator pays in the
It is obvious that the first parameter depends in principle form of a bonus linked to the traffic
on the situation on the market. The second parameter clause
depends to a large extent on the operator. Thus, if the
existing offer on the market falls then the operator can dq the total amount that can be paid by the
not objectively handle the quantity offered by the PB( )
dt operator in the form of a penalty or the
contract. total amount that the operator pays in the
form of a bonus linked to the
This paper, based on the observations [3], aims to performance clause.
introduce a second monitoring criterion, namely the
"performance clause". This is related to the operating Accepting:
speed " ". The difference from [3] is how this clause is
q 1 (3)
implemented. The idea of introducing both penalties (if
the criteria imposed by the two clauses are not met) and and
bonuses for the situation where the criteria imposed by dq 1 (4)
the two clauses are met is preserved. dt
(2) is rewritten:
dq dq
PB(q, ) PB(q) PB( ) (5)
dt dt
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
dq dq
Under this form, the calculation of penalties or bonuses pb(q, ) pb(q) (6)
is complicated by requiring the evaluation of each clause dt dt
individually. This means entering into contracts of seven
parameters for the clause. This paper proposes a Where:
different form for (5) namely:
dq dq
penalty max if
dt dt min (7)
dq penalty min penalty max dq
penalty max
dq dq dq
dt if
dt dq dq dt min dt min dt dt max
dt max dt min
dq dq
penalty min if
dt dt max
penalty for q qinf
is a weighting coefficient of the "traffic clause" reported dq dt
for q qinf , qsup
to the "performance clause" It is interesting to note that 0
under this form, the performance clause is transformed dq
bonus for q qsup
into a simple non-dimensional weighting coefficient of dt
the traffic clause and the traffic clause remains
This means that both the penalty level and the bonus
pb (q) is defined by (8).
level depend on the operating speed achieved.
PB(q) pb(q)dq
(8) Explaining that, if q q inf (so the traffic clause is not
met), a performance clause applies as follows:
For pb (q) the usual form is proposed:
1. If the operating speed is lower than the accepted
p(q) for q qinf minimum speed, that is:
for q qinf , qsup
pb(q) 0
b( q ) for q qsup dq dq
dt dt min
then the penalty level will be:
p(q) p (10)
and dq
penalty penalty max (14)
b( q ) q (11)
p positive constant value; tariff per ton to be 2. If the operating speed fulfils the condition:
negotiated in the case of penalties
b negative constant value; rate per ton to be dq dq dq
negotiated for bonuses dt min dt dt max
The graphical representation of (9) is shown in Figure 1. which means that the speed achieved falls within the
established limits, then the penalty level will be:
Figure 1
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
dq dq (17)
dt dt max
dq (18)
penalty penalty min
dq dq (19)
dt dt min
Figure 3
then the bonus level will be:
Taking into account previous observations, equation (6)
dq (20) becomes:
bonus bonus min
dt dq
penalty p (q) for q qinf
dq dt (25)
2. If the operating speed meets the condition: pb q, 0 for q qinf , qsup
dq dq dq bonus b(q ) for q qsup
(21) dt
dt min dt dt max
The graphical representation of the function (25) is
which means that the speed achieved falls within the
shown in Figure 4
established limits, then the penalty level will be:
dq dq (23)
Figure 4
dt dt max
then the penalty level will be: Returning to the notations introduced by (1), it is
necessary, taking into account (7), to determine the
dq integral form of the parameters. Thus, by integrating, we
bonus bonus max (24) obtain:
Case 1: q q inf ; In this situation, penalties are imposed
Figure 2 explains how to apply penalties:
according to (26).
dq penalty min penalty max dq
PB q, p 1
dt dt dt min
dq realized
dt max dt min
qinf q
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
1. Data input
Figure 5 2. Evaluation of the mean
3. Evaluation of the dispersion
The analysis presented above highlights the need for 4. Evaluation of the lower limit of the confidence
presenting how to evaluate the parameters qinf, qsup, interval (qinf),
dq dq 5. Evaluation of the upper limit of the confidence
and . interval (qsup).
dt min dt max
According to [4], that the confidence interval for “q” is Analogously, for the "performance clause":
𝜎 𝜎
given by ( ̅𝑞 -𝑧 ∗ 𝑞 , 𝑞+𝑧 ∗ 𝑞 ) the lower limit may be
√𝑛 √𝑛 1. Data input
estimated using: 2. Evaluation of the mean
𝜎𝑞 3. Evaluation of the dispersion
𝑞𝑖𝑛𝑓 = 𝑞̅ -𝑧 ∗ (29) 4. Evaluation of the lower limit of the confidence
interval ( ),
𝑑𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛
The upper limit is given by:
5. Evaluation of the upper limit of the confidence
𝜎 interval ( )
𝑞𝑠𝑢𝑝 = 𝑞̅ + 𝑧∗ 𝑞 (30) 𝑑𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝑞̅ sample mean
q standard deviation
𝑛 number of observations
𝑧∗ parameter given by confidence level (c)
c z*
99% 2.576
98% 2.326
95% 1.96
90% 1.645
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
dq ̅
dq * dt
dt min
← dt
This article proposes a new methodology for calculating
the rent owed by operators. The methodology takes into // The upper limit of the confidence
account both the traffic clause and the performance // interval is evaluated
clause. The novelty element is the proposal to introduce σdq
dq ̅
confidence intervals as limits for the area in which the
dt max
← dt +z* dt
port operator cannot be penalized, but does not receive a √n
bonus as it follows.
procedure Traffic Clause procedure bonus-penalty
begin begin
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
The management of human resources in the shipping industry is a continuing object of cost management due
to the fact that labor costs are becoming an increasingly larger element of overall operational costs. Crewing is part of
the international maritime industry.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the activity of recruiting seafarers for the crew shipping company
MT Shipping during the Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, the company name is fictitious.
Index Terms: Covid-19, seafarers, safety measures, pandemic impact, risk management
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
exchanges; shipping activity - ships out of contract, - when leaving for the voyage, the sailor
which left Constanta Port and from here the rest of the receives a set of protective materials (gloves, masks,
services within the company (accounting, human disinfectant, visor / glasses);
resources, etc.). - weekly reporting of legislative measures
“In addition to all these measures that the regarding measures imposed by the pandemic situation
company has taken to deal with the situation, in the in Romania.
attempts to carry out crew exchanges, the crewing It appears that the crewing activity of MT
department has requested in countless cases, the SHIPPING in the period January - June 2020 registered
support of embassies and consular services in different a decrease by 16.26% of the average of the navigating
countries: personnel on board, compared to the period January -
- Italy - with the support of the Embassy it June 2019.”
was possible to organize a charter flight by which a
number of 15 sailors, whose contracts had already 7. REFERENCES
expired more than 2 months ago, arrived home in the
[1] C. DRAGOMIR, S. UTUREANU, ‘Seafarers'
first half of May,
Employment Procedures in Crewing Companies’,
- China - support for the disembarkation of a
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , 2012;
seaman on medical grounds,
[2] International Chamber of Shipping: Аnnual-review-
- Egypt, Bulgaria - the airports in Sofia and
2018. http://www.ics-
Varna being connection points for flights for the
embarkation / repatriation of Romanian sailors, etc.),
review-2018.pdf?sfvrsn=14 (2018);
benefiting from a real support, they proved
[3] SAFETY4SEA: Global supply and demand for
professionalism, involvement and desire to facilitate
seafarers. https://safety4sea.com/global-supplydemand-
emergency resolution. Borandă Andreea - Mădălina
seafarers-2/ (2018).
The influence of the restrictions imposed by the
[4] LUKASHEVICH, V.M.: Determination of the
COVID-19 pandemic on the recruitment of seafarers
essence of conceptual approaches to the management
The company resumed its usual activity on
of crewing business, 2014;
15.05.2020, once the state of emergency ceased.
[5] International Chamber of Shipping, COVID-19 –
The data provided show that the company's
Related guidelines for ensuring a safe shipboard
crewing activity in January-June 2020 decreased by
interface between ship and shore-based personnel
16.26% of the average flight crew on board, compared
to January-June 2019.
and-shore-based-personnel.pdf?sfvrsn=2, May 2020;
The company resumed its usual activity on [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:COVID-
15.05.2020, once the state of emergency ceased. 19_pandemic_data.
The company's crewing activity in the first six [7]https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cristina_Drago
months of 2020 was greatly affected, compared to the mir2/publication/282184962_Dragomir_Cristina_Seafa
same period of 2019, as follows: rers%27_Employment_Procedures_in_Crewing_Comp
- the number of seamen under contract anies/links/5606b86c08aea25fce38366b.pdf?origin=pu
between March and June 2020 is decreasing compared blication_detail
to the same period in 2019.
- several contract sailors available;
- various tests that were taken at the office
were replaced by online tests, from home;
- upon request, the introduction of the
COVID-19 RT-PCR test or rapid test, before leaving
for a trip;
- the sailor presents himself at the company's
office after a number of at least 14 days from the
landing - internal measure;
- introduction of safety and hygiene
instruction guides;
- questionnaires / medical statements in the
last 14 days, etc.;
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Andrei-Mihai LUCHIANx
“Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romaniax
According to the latest research regarding data analysis management many people decline or ignore the statistics.
They usually follow their experiences or knowledge regarding the domain regardless of the studies made to anticipate a
flaw or error. In the 21st century this kind of "arrogance", hesitation might cause un-repearable damage from which a
company/a structure may never comeback from. Even though we find this new domain knowledgeable to everybody
and live with the impression that we also know what is the best solution, we are looking from the wrong side. Today,
you have to verify every piece of data, no matter the cost.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
3 3
13 8
9 5
11 10
The amount of the
2 damage
(% of profit)
Acceptance line
If a company decides to transfer risks to third parties (but Risks may arise on the one hand through
not insurers), to achieve risk equalization within the personnel measures (for example, by training or
company or to prevent damage through technical and selecting employees), by technical measures (for
organizational measures, this is called risk reduction. example, by extinguishing, firewall or using derivatives)
The purpose is to reduce either the likelihood of or by organizational measures. (for example, by
occurrence and / or the scope of risks to a level optimizing the process or by introducing quality
acceptable to the company (figure 2). management) it can be reduced.
Damage probability
13 8
9 5
11 10 The amount of the
2 damage
(% of profit)
Acceptance line
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Within a group, risks - as long as they are interruption or total failure due to fire is reduced. In this
independent of one another - can be spread at the way, in addition to reducing material risk (for example,
regional level, object-related or person-related. This third through production facilities in three different countries),
asset risk management tool is called risk diversification political risk is also reduced in the case of regional
(Figure 3). In principle, this means nothing more than diversification. Product diversification can also reduce
"putting all your eggs in one basket". The purpose is to market risk (object-related diversification). An IT risk
reduce the scope of diversified risks to optimize the risk can be reduced through a decentralized computer
performance of the company. If, for example, the structure - as opposed to a mainframe. In practice, the
production of memory chips is distributed over three risks of outsourcing services are increasingly diversified.
separate regional production units, the risk of business
Damage probability
13 8
9 5
11 10
The amount of the
(% of profit)
Acceptance line
For exemple: A car company outsources its data center structure (probability of occurrence, degree of visual
to an IT service provider (outsourcing). A trading impairment), the so-called corrective (or palliative) risk
company transfers its receivables to a factoring company policy becomes aware of the occurrence of an accepted
(diversification and transfer of non-payment risk). A risk (for example: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3). The
medium-sized company decides to rent the IT system objective of passive risk policy is not to reduce the
(technological risk diversification). likelihood of occurrence or the scope of the risks.
Many companies reduce their staff risk by Rather, the risk applicant ensures that the risk provisions
regulating the fact that board members always travel in are taken through appropriate measures. The purpose of
separate vehicles or airplanes. Staff diversification can in this risk provision is to avoid or mitigate the effects of
particular reduce the risk of key positions failing. the risk occurrence. This can be seen, for example, in the
Especially in large companies, risk diversification form of the frequent practice of excessive risk for other
can achieve significant efficiency gains. Risk risk operators (e.g. insurers, banks, capital markets). In
diversification offers a very cost-effective way of case of risk, in addition to providing the necessary
avoiding risks, provided they do not correlate too liquidity, the negative consequences on the profit
strongly with one another. situation are amortized.
Hybrid passive risk management tools are based on The corrective risk policy measures can be divided
the diversification effects of the risk portfolio. Based on into the areas of risk financing, risk transfer and risk
portfolio theory, general portfolio volatility is often prevention. The main objective of risk financing is to
lower than the sum of individual risk volatilities. obtain financial resources. In the literature, the terms
Therefore, the determination of the risk policy must also "risk transfer" and "risk financing" are often used
take into account the effects of correlation and interchangeably or risk transfer is also misrepresented as
diversification. In contrast to these active control a counterpart to risk financing. When transferring risks,
measures, which are directly based on the structural risk the risks are transferred to third parties.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Therefore, besides the fact that you carry the risks capital can offset the financial consequences of the
yourself, the transfer is a method of financing the risks. occurrence of the risk.
In the case of risk transfer, the unknown variable and ex In any case, funds that cover risks that do not have a
ante costs of a risk are converted into fixed costs. The large advertising effect should be used. This can be, for
main purpose is to transfer the risks that exceed the example, profit shares generated by minimum profit or
financial power of the company (such as high-severity- hidden reserves. Only in another step should you the
low-frequency risks). The traditional ways of minimum profit or the open reserves or the subscribed
transferring risk are insurance (for example covering an capital are used.
individual need, but generally foreseeable by funds The classic means of creating reservations for cases
based on the balance of the risk in the collective and in that have already appeared or are threatened by the
time) and coverage (for example transfer to the capital future are provisions. Financing is a special and
market). The risks can also be transferred by optimizing innovative form of reserve formation. Reserves are
the relationships with suppliers and customers. created externally, while the company can deduct a risk
If the financial consequences of the risk entries are pyramid as an expense.
not transferred to the professional transport operators of
risk, the company must provide the necessary liquidity 3. METHODS OF RISK QUANTIFICATION
and the tasks related to the revenues from its own
financial system. Risk taking can be done consciously or In business practice, risks are traditionally
unconsciously. If the risks have not been correctly quantified in terms of expected value. the expected value
identified or evaluated, the consequences of this is determined two-dimensionally (for discrete random
incorrect assessment in case of deterioration must be variables) by multiplying the probability of occurrence
financed from the current cash flow, from reserves or of the extent (risk dimension, risk potential, scope); the
from the release of hidden reserves either. However, this expected value E (x) or μ of a random variable (x) is the
can lead to a particularly negative impact on the value that (usually) results from repeating the
company's profits due to the loss in a weak year. experiment several times as an average of the result.
Corporate funds. determines the location (location) of a distribution and is
The methods of building a financial benefit are comparable to the empirical arithmetic means of a
different. The purpose of all methods is pre-financing for frequency distribution in descriptive statistics. In many
several accounting periods. As funds that cover risk, cases, the law of large number ensures that the sample
profit, hidden reserves, open reserves or subscribed mean converges with the expected value as the sample
size increases (table 2).
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
VaR 𝑣𝑡 − 𝑉𝑡+𝑏
Figure 4 - Density and value distributions at risk, with risk values normally distributed
[3] Farny, D. (1985): Versicherungsbetriebslehre,
• Risks that have not been identified and analysed Karlsruhe 1995.
cannot be trivially managed. [4] Gerathewohl, K. (1980): Risk management bei erst-
• When you focus on a balanced relationship between und ruckversicherer, in: Zeitschrift fur die ganze
profit (opportunity) and risk of loss (risk), the overall versicherungswissenschaft (Zverswiss), 2-3.1980, S. 137
position of the company risk must be taken into account. - 153.
• A necessary condition for effective risk [5] Hoffmann, K. (1985): Risk management: Neue Wege
management is the adequate provision of information for der Betrieblichen risikopolitik, Karlsruhe 1985.
decision makers (for risk reporting with the support of [6] Holscher, R. (1999): Gestaltungsformen und
risk management information systems). instrumente des Industriellen risikomanagements, in:
• Risk control strategies can be: avoiding, reducing, schierenbeck, h. (hg.): Risk controlling in der praxis,
diversifying, transferring, financing or accepting risks. Stuttgart 2000.
• Risk management aims to reduce the probability of [7] PETO, H. (1999): Customised solutions, in:
occurrence and / or the extent of the damage, taking into International risk management, 2.1999.
account an optimal calculation for risk opportunities. [8]_ROMEIKE, F. (2000): It Risiken und Grenzen
• Advantages of anticipatory strategies (conclusions Traditioneller Risikofinanzierungsprodukte, in:
figure 4):
the anticipated deficit took into account not
only the value of the loss from which the
insolvency occurs, but also the amount at which Zeitschrift fur Versicherungswesen, 51. jahrgang, 1.
this loss is expected, because, unlike the value september 2000, Heft 17, s. 603
at risk, only the probability of occurrence is
taken into account;
on the other hand, the expected deficiency is
sub-additive and, therefore, in contrast to the
value at risk;
the probability of bankruptcy is reduced by
using the expected deficit compared to the value
at risk.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
The purpose of this article is to emphasize the impact of technology on the study and specifically on students’
achievements. Every field, mainly the maritime domain, is dominated by technology, and this is why it is necessary for
students, even from the first year of their studies, to be prepared for the challenges that this field will run before them.
What ROSE Project does is motivate and support students in the first year of university studies, not to abandon school
at such ease, at their first obstacle, by using innovative and efficient means. The fundamental objective of the project is
to support students enrolled in the first year of undergraduate studies by offering integrated tutoring and personal
development programs to motivate them to continue their university studies.
Index Terms: Maritime Education and Training (MET), technology, student, e-Learning, EduMec Platform, ROSE
Project CMU
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
4. ROSE PROJECT and they do not pay so much attention on the learning
process or attending classes.
4.1 Where we are Being a university student requires a lot of
responsibility, which many of the students do not have.
Sadly, the Black Sea basin countries rank last in the Many of them can do well on their classes and keep up
European Union (EU) regarding the population with with everything that is taught, but, for others, is very
higher education and Romania is in a sensitive place in hard to pass some exams or keep up with the
terms of dropping out of college and the number of assignments. Sometimes it is hard for them because they
people with higher education diplomas. Only 17.6% of are not well prepared. Students can get really stressed if
Romanians aged between 25 and 64 have higher they do not understand something or if they cannot get
education diplomas. This is caused by numerous good grades in tests or exams, when they try their best.
reasons, for instance, the economics that halved the That is why many of them consider that university asks
number of students in the last decade. Being a college too much and decide to drop out after the first year of
student is hard when you are by yourself. Half of the study.
students who enter college do not graduate, and most of
them drop out of college after the first year, due to the 4.2 ROSE - The solution
hard situations or problems they have.
We came up to this conclusion consulting some Taking into consideration even this national
statistics on Eurostat. In 2019, around 10% of people situation that we find ourselves in, we do not complain.
between 18-24 years old had completed at most a lower Constanta Maritime University is a niche university and
secondary education and were not in further education it has never had problems with the promotion rate
or training. among student’s rate. Anyway, the consultants together
The difference between the most recent rate for with the professors came out to meet these problems by
early leaving education and training and the national creating Romania Secondary Education Project (ROSE),
target for 2020 was particularly pronounced in Romania whose main aim is to support students enrolled in the
(where the most recent rate for 2019 was 4.0 percentage first year of studies by offering digital remedial courses,
points higher than the target). tutoring, coaching, design thinking, counselling,
The analysis shows that in the same year, more workshops, digital teaching and learning materials to
young men than women were early leavers from raise their awareness, learning assessment in order to
education and training. These statistics were created motivate them to continue their university studies. The
based on 3 criteria, these being: sex, labour status and project is structured in three components. The first two
degree of urbanization [2]. are being designed to address issues of an academic and
social nature that lead to poor students’ performance.
The third component includes both project management,
monitoring and evaluation of its impact, and the activity
of evaluating existing interventions, which address the
financial constraints of higher education students from
disadvantaged groups. In this project we have enrolled
over 100 students with financial or self-confidence
problems, who want to evolve in order to become their
best version as students.
Students have extra lessons at different courses,
like Maths, Technical Drawing, Physics, English,
Chemistry and Programming, the basics of engineering.
They have at their disposal teachers, who answer their
questions, but also consultants, who help them in their
evolution as students. Most enrolled students are
determined to learn as much as possible in order to keep
Figure 3. Early leavers from education and training in up in the next years of study.
the EU, 2019 [2] Teachers set high expectations in order to make
them work harder and succeed. They push students to
The first reason of dropping out of college is that achieve higher standards and they will get there. Some
students have financial problems. Many of these of them may take more time than others, but all students
students work and study at the same time. Sometimes, want to be told “You are smart and you are doing a great
they live by themselves and try to pay rent and bills. The job!”. This phrase helps a lot in motivating them.
stress for them is a lot when they see their bills pilling Professors also find a way to integrate modern methods
up and they have many things to do like studying for the and ideas into teaching in order to make it more
exams, doing their homework, participating in attractive.
laboratories and so on. At first, students and teachers met face-to-face and
Other reason is academic. Many of the students, discussed the problems the former have in understanding
when they enter college, they think it will be very easy certain specializes terms. They were all receptive,
participated in the preparations for exams and came with
great pleasure.
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
Since the pandemic virus hit us, all the activities It creates a social disconnection. People are
became challenges for everyone. Constanta Maritime socializing on the Internet instead of face-to-face
University has always found the best solutions for its and that can generate feelings of loneliness and
students and has been prepared for the challenges of the isolation. ROSE is trying to prevent it by
future, especially in terms of technology. Thus, ROSE coaching, design thinking and counselling;
Project activities moved into online environment, by In this new era of technology, not everyone
creating a special platform: a Moodle platform understands how it works. Students who come
especially for the students in the first year of study of from disadvantaged social backgrounds and did
Faculty of Naval Electro-Mechanics, for assistance and not have to deal with technology, sometimes face
guiding, as you can see in the figure 4, [3]. issues. ROSE project deals with modern
education tools;
It reduces human effort. It becomes easier to copy
or plagiarize information. Contents on the internet
are easy to be copied. A lot of students make a
short search on the browser and take the answer
immediately. It means that they are tempted to do
this because it is easier that learning and having
their own idea. ROSE takes care of that and tries
to make the interactions more attractive, in order
to put students’ brain at work.
Therefore, we cannot state that the present online
world and education is the perfect match. We can only
say that we came up with a solution to any inevitable
consequence that can occur from this transition from
partially online to moving everything online. Maybe this
project emerged at the right time when we needed it the
Figure 4. EduMec ROSE platform [3]
most, and it has met its objectives even from the first
year of implementation.
The professors and technicians from the university
Surprisingly or not, all students in the target group
have thought of everything necessary to make this
had a great evolution during the semester and they are
platform as accessible as possible to students. Therefore,
proud that were able to pass every difficult exam. This is
in their free time, students do not need to come to
also partly due to the contribution of tutors and
university for an extra class, they just open a computer
consultants in close collaboration.
and start learning. They can also improve their digital
We did not stop in preparing interesting online
skills by assisting to training courses and watching
events where we tested their imagination, critical
tutorials made particularly for them.
thinking, distributive attention and team work. Also, a
Furthermore, by using this EduMec platform,
great impact in their evolution had the individual
professors help CMU students to improve efficiency and
save precious time for them.
They were extremely glad to find out that they will
Students also have individual counselling where
receive tablets in order to help them in all the activities
they can talk about their problems or insecurities. In this
they carry out, especially for attending courses.
context, they receive useful advice that helps them
ROSE tackles each disadvantage by transforming it
overcome difficulties and guide their future careers.
into an advantage, and this is the best time to find what
But there are some disadvantages regarding
problems students deal with.
technology advancements that need to be taken into
consideration and possibly turn them into benefits:
4.3 EduMec ROSE platform benefits
It creates dependencies. Not every student can
afford a laptop or a smartphone to take part in
The platform offers a lot of opportunities including
classes, because of their social background.
a better management, a clear estimation of each student
ROSE is addressing this;
evolution and of course, valuable statistics that result in
There is insufficient educational IT infrastructure;
important information.
ROSE Project will solve the problem through
It is aimed at increasing the promotion rate of first
cloud approach and mobile computing for
year students from 78.12% as it is currently available, to
disadvantaged groups of students;
84.50%, the proposed target for the 3rd year of
The online environment reduces human effort.
implementation of the EduMec ROSE Project in
They have a huge impact on students’ motivation.
Constanta Maritime University.
ROSE knows how;
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
The target group is made up of students who have evaluation was very effective, not too difficult, not
averages less than or equal to grade 7 at the too accessible - a perfect match.
baccalaureate exam, are part of disadvantaged groups,
come from rural areas, or have received social
scholarships. We intend to support the project with an
average of at least 100 students per year.
Following the remedial learning modules to meet
students’ needs and training modules, they completed
questionnaires from which we found their opinion on the
development of the project.
Now it is easier than ever to monitor students’
performance by their feedback. The methods that we use
improve constantly. For instance, by answering some
questions, we have come to certain conclusions, the
most important being:
Students say that online courses depend to a large
extent on the professor’a ability to deliver attractive
lessons, as you can see in figure 5;
Constanta Maritime University Annals Year XX, Vol.29
next world competencies and requirements even from developed so fast in the last few months because the
the first year of university studies. majority works from home now, students take part in
The second recommendation would be for the other classes from their home, almost everything has to be
researchers, meaning completing the necessary done from home. Thus, in this time of continuous
instruction for the future seafarers training in maritime digitalization, online education increases even more and
autonomous operations and developing compendium for this will be the key factor for future seafarers,
future skills for seafarers in the next decade. professionals and world institutions.
Another recommendation for the seafarers is to In conclusion, we can say that the essence for the
have a better understanding of cyber security, abut IT future education technologies is the digital technology
security and threat management. together with social interaction. In this way we will be
Acording to European Union Agency for able to exclude all limitations that digital technology
Cybersecurity (ENISA), researchers need to have a brings both to the MET students and their education, and
greater understanding of attack practices, malware also to maximize affordance.
evolution, malicious infrastructure evolution and threat
agent profiling. Efficiency of cyber-attacks depends on 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the existence of vulnerabilities in targeted systems [4].
Mail and phishing messages have become the This work is inspired by the results of the AG187
primary malware infection vector. Cyber Threat SGU NC II, Increasing the performance of students from
Intelligence (CTI) needs to be combined with related the Faculty of Naval Electro-Mechanics, EduMec ROSE
disciplines to enlarge scope and include additional Project, under the supervision of the Externally Funded
sources. It is necessary to combine incident reporting Project Management Unit (UMPFE), Ministry of
and Cyber Threat Intelligence processing. This will Education and Research, Romania, 2019-2022.
enhance the quality and accuracy of Cyber Threat
Intelligence. 8. REFERENCES
,,Nautica” Publishing House,
Constanta Maritime University