Semester2 Syllabus

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Semester I

S. No. Category Course Course Title Credits

Basic Science Course 4+0
PHY203 Modern Physics &Electronics
Basic Science Course PHY204 Practical (Basic Electronics 0+2
Basic Science Course MAT104 Matricesand Differential Equations 3+0
First 4. Basic Engineering Course CSE101 Programming for Problem Solvingg 3+1

Year5. Basic Engineering Course ME102 Workshop Practices 0+2

Basic Engineering Course ME103 Fundamental of Mechanical 3+0
Engineering and Mechatronics
Minor Elective Minor Elective-2 02
Minor Co-curricular Minor Co-curricular-2 02 (NC)
Total credits 20
The students have to choose one course from each (Minor Elective, and Minor Co-Curricular)

Course Code: PHY 203

Course Title: Modern Physics & Electronics

Credits: 4+0

Unit 1 Relativity-Experimental Background

Structure of space & time in Newtonian mechanics and inertial & non-inertial frames.
Galilean transformations. Newtonian relativity. Galilean transformation and
Electromagnetism. Attempts to locate the Absolute Frame: Michelson-Morley experiment
and significance of the null result. Einstein's postulates of special theory of relativity.

Unit 2 Relativity-Relativistic Kinematies

Structure of space & time in Relativistic mechanics and derivation of Lorentz transformation
equations (4-vector formulation included). Consequences of Lorentz Transformation
Equations (derivations & examples included): Transformation of Simultaneity (Relativity of
simultaneity); Transformation of Length (Length contraction); Transformation of Time (Time
dilation); Transformation of Velocity (Relativistic velocity addition); Transformation of
Acceleration; Transformation of Mass (Variation of mass with velocity). Relation between
Energy & Mass (Einstein's mass & energy relation) and Energy & Momentum.

Unit 3 Inadequacies of Classical Mechanics

Particle Properties of Waves: Spectrum of Black Body radiation, Photoclectric effect,

Compton effect and their explanations based on Max Planck's Quantum hypothesis. Wave
Properties of Particles: Louis de Broglie's hypothesis of matter waves and their experimental
verification by Davisson-Germer's experiment and Thomson's experiment.

Unit 4 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Matter Waves: Mathematical representation, Wavelength, Concept of Wave group, Group

(particle) velocity, Phase (wave) velocity and relation between Group & Phase velocities.
Wave Function: Functional form, Normalisation of wave function, Orthogonal &
Orthonormal wave functions and Probabilistic interpretation of wave function based on Born


Unit 1 Transistor Biasing

Faithful amplification & need for biasing. Stability Factors and its calculation for transistor
biasing V circuits for CE configuration: Fixed Bias (Base Resistor Method), Emitter Bias
(Fixed Bias with Emitter Resistor), Collector to Base Bias (Base Bias with Collector
Feedback) &, Voltage Divider Bias. Discussion of Emitter-Follower configuration.

Unit 2 Amplifiers

Classification of amplifiers based on Mode of operation (Class A, B, AB, C & D), Stages
(single & multi stage, cascade &cascode connections), Coupling methods (RC, Transformer,
Direct & LC couplings), Nature of amplification (Voltage & Power amplification) and
Frequency capabilities (AF, IF, RF & VF).Theory & working of RC coupled voltage
amplifier (Uses of various resistors & capacitors, andFrequency response) and Transformer
coupled power amplifier (calculation of Power, Effect oftemperature, Use of heat sink &
Power dissipation). Calculation of Amplifier Efficiency (power efficiency) for Class A Series-
Fed, Class ATransformer Coupled, Class B Series-Fed and Class B Transformer Coupled
Unit 3 Feedback & Oscillator Circuits

Feedback Circuits: Effects of positive and negative feedback. Voltage Series, Voltage Shunt,
Current Series and Current Shunt feedback connection types and their uses for specific
amplifiers. Estimation of Input Impedance, Output Impedance, Gain, Stability, Distortion,
Noise and Band Width for Voltage Series negative feedback and their comparison between
different negative feedback connection types. Oscillator Circuits: Use of positive feedback
for oscillator operation. Barkhausen criterion for self-sustained oscillations. Feedback factor
and frequency of oscillation for RC Phase Shift oscillator and Wein Bridge oscillator.
Qualitative discussion of Reactive Network feedback oscillators (Tuned oscillator circuits):
Hartley &Colpitt oscillators.

Unit 4 Introduetion to Fiber Opties

Basics of Fiber Optics, step index fiber, graded index fiber, light propagation through an
optical fiber, acceptance angle & numerical aperture, qualitative discussion of fiber losses
and applications of optical fibers.
Course Code: MAT 104 (B030201T)
Unit Topics


Elementary operations on Matrices, Rank of a Matrix, Echelon form of a Matrix, Normal form or|
Canonical form of a Matrix, Inverse of a Matrix by elementary operations. Complex matrix,
Conjugate of matrix, Transpose of Conjugate of matrix, Hermitian matrix and Skew-, Hermitian
matrix, Periodic matrix, Idempotent matrix, Unitary matrix. System of linear homogeneous and non-
homogeneous equations, Consistency and Inconsistency of a system of linear equations, Theorems
on consistency of a system of linear equations, Cramer's Rule.

Vector, Linear Dependence and Independence of vectors, Dependence and Independence of vectors
of vectors by rank method. Eigen values, Eigen vectors and characteristic equation of a matrix,
Orthogonal Vectors. Algebraic Multiplicity, Geometric Multiplicity, Regular eigen value, Caley-
Hamilton theorem and its use in finding inverse of a matrix, Diagonalisation of square matrix, Power
of matrix by Diagonalisation.

Order and Degree of a Differential Equations, Formation of differential equations, General Solution,
Particular Solution, Geometrical meaning of a differential equation, Equation of first order and first
degree, Equation in which the variables are separable, Equation Reducible to Variable separable|
form, Homogeneous differential equations, Equations Reducible to Homogeneous form.

TV Exact differential equations and equations reducible to the exact form, Linear differential equations,
Equations Reducible to Linear form; First order higher degree differential equations solvable for P.
y, x. Clairaut's differential equation, Singular Solutions, Determination of singular solution,
Orthogonal Trajectories, Trajectories in Cartesian form and Polar form.
Curriculum Structure of B.Tech. (CSE) Effective from session
2022 onwards
Programming for Problem Solving (CSE101)
Course Objective: Students will be able to develop logics which will help them to create programs,
applications in C also by learning the basic programming constructs they can easily switch over to any other
language in future.

1.Introduction to Programming: Introduction to components of a computer system, Algorithm:

Representation of Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo code with examples, From algorithms to programs, source
code. Programming Basics: Structure of C program: writing and executing the first C program, Syntax and
logical errors in compilation, object and executable code. Components of C language: Standard /O in C,
Fundamental data types, Variables and memory locations, Storage classes. Arithmetic expressions &
Conditional Branching: Arithmetic expressions and precedence: Operators and expression using numeric
and relational operators, mixed operands, type conversion, logical operators, bit operations, assignment
operator, operator precedence and associatively. Conditional Branching: Applying if and switch statements,
nesting if and else, use of break and default with switch case.

2.Loops & Functions: Iteration and loops: use of while, do while and for loops, multiple loop variables, use
of break and continue statements. Functions: Introduction, types of functions, functions with array, passing
parameters to functions, call by value, call by reference, recursive.

3.Arrays & Basic Algorithms: Arrays: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements,
using multi-dimensional arrays. Character arrays and strings, Structure, union, enumerated data types,
Array of structures, Passing arays to functions. Basic Algorithms: Searching &Basic Sorting Algorithms
(Bubble, Insertion and Selection), Finding roots of equations, Notion of order of complexity.

4.Pointer& File Handling: Pointers: Introduction, declaration, applications, Introduction to dynamic

memory allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc, free), Use of pointers in self-referential structures, notion of
linked list (no implementation) File handling: File /O functions, Standard C pre-processors, defining and
calling macros, command-line arguments.

Course Outcomes (CO): At the end of this course students will be able to:
CO1 To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems.
CO2 To translate the algorithms to programs & execution (in C language).
C03 To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO4 To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer
COS To use arrays, pointers and structures to develop algorithms and programs.

Text books:
1.The C programming by Kermighan Brain W. and Ritchie Dennis M.. Pearson Education.
2.Computer Basics and C Programming by V.Rajaraman, PHI Leaming Pvt. Limited, 2015.
3.Computer Concepts and Programming in C, E Balaguruswami, McGraw Hill
4.Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F.
Gilberg, Thomson, Third Edition, Cengage Leaming - 2007.
5.Let Us C By Yashwant P. Kanetkar, BPB Publication.
6.Problem Solving and Program Design in C, by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, Pearson Addison-
Wesley, 2006.
7.Programming in C by Kochan Stephen G. Pearson Education 2015.
8.Computer Concepts and Programming by Anami, Angadi and Manvi, PHI Publication.
Curriculum Structure of B.Tech. (CSE) Effective from session
2022 onwards
Programming for Problem Solving Lab
Note: A minimum of twenty experiments from the following should be performed
1.Write a program to calculate the area of triangle using formula at=vs(s- a)(s-b)Ms-c)
2.Basic salary of an employee is input through the keyboard. The DA is 25% of the basic salary while the
HRA is 15% of the basic salary. Provident Fund is deducted at the rate of 10% of the gross salary
3.Write a program to determine the roots of quadratic equation.
4.Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using nested if else.
5.Write a program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & maths from user & check its eligibility for course
a. Marks of physics> 40
b. Marks of chemistry> 50
c. Marks of math's > 60

d.Total of physics & math's marks> I50 or

e. Total of three subjects marks > 200
6.Write a program to find the value of y for a particular value of n. The a, x, b, n is input by user
if n=l y=ax%b if n=2 y=ax2+b2 if n=3 y=a-bx
ifn=4 y=a+x/b
7.Write a program to construct a Fibonacci series up to n term.
8.Write a program to find whether the number is Armstrong number.
9.Write a program to generate sum ofseries 1!+2!+3!+n!
10.Write a program to find the sum of following series 1-X1/11+X2/2!. Xn/n!.
11.Write a program to print the entire prime no between I and 300.
12.Write a ogram to print out all the Armstrong number between 100 and 500.
13. Write a program to draw the following figure:


14.Write a program to receive a five-digit no and display as like 24689

15.Write a function that retum sum of all the odd digits of a given positive no entered through keyboard.
16.Write a program to print area of rectangle using function & return its value to main function.
17.Write a program to calculate the factorial for given number using function.
18.Write a program to find sum of Fibonacci series using function.
19.Write factorial function & use the function to find the sum ofseries S=1+2!+ n!.
20.Write a program to find the factorial of given number using recursion.
21.Write a program to find the sum of digits of a 5 digit number using recursion.
22.Write a program to calculate the GCD of given numbers using recursion.
23.Write a program to convert decimal number in to binary number.
24.Write a program to convert binary number into decimal number.
25.Write a program to delete duplicate element in a list of 10 elements & display it on screen.
26.Write a program to merge two sorted array & no element is repeated during merging.
27.Write a program to evaluate the addition of diagonal elements of two square matrixes.
28.Write a program to find the transpose of a given matrix & check whether it is symmetric or not.
29.Write a program to print the multiplication of two N*N (Square) matrix.
Curriculum Structure of B.Tech. (CSE) Effective from session
2022 onwards
30.Write a program in C to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not.
31.Write program to sort the array of character (String) in alphabetical order like STRING in GINRST.
32.Write a program to remove all the blank space from the string & print it, also count the no of characters.
33.Write a program to store the following string "zero", "one" "five". Print the no in words, given in figure
as 3205.
34.Write a program to compare two given dates. To store a date uses a structure that contains three members
namely day, month and year. If the dates are equal, then display message equal otherwise unequal.
35.Define a structure that can describe a hotel. It should have the member that includes the name, address,
grade, room charge and number of rooms.Write a function to print out hotel of given grade in order of room
36.Define a structure called cricket with player name, team name, batting average, for 50 players & 5 teams.
Print team wise list contains names of player with their batting average.
37.Write ac program to copy & count the character content of one file says a.txt to another file b.txt.
38.Write a program to take 10 integers from file and write square of these integer in another file.
39.Write a program to read number from file and then write all 'odd' number to file ODD.txt & all even to
file EVEN.txt.
40.Write a program to print all the prime number, between I to 100 in file prime.txt.
41.Write the following C program using pointer:
a. To sort the list of numbers through pointer
b. To reverse the string through pointer
42.Write a program to find the largest no among 20 integers array using dynamic memory allocation.
43.Using Dynamic Memory Allocation, write a program to find the transpose of given matrix.
44.Write a program to find the factorial of given number using command line argument.
45.Write a program to find the sum of digits of a 5-digit number using command line argument.
46.Write a program to implement Singly Linked List.
47.Write a program to implement Stack using dynamic memory allocation.
48.Write a program to implement Queue using dynamic memory allocation.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur


Carpentry Shop:
(a) Study of tools & operations and carpentry joints.
(b) To prepare half-lap corner joint, mortise & tennon joints.

Fitting (Bench Working)Shop

a) Study of tools & operations
b) Make perfect male female joint.
c)Simple exercises involving drilling/ tapping /dieing
Welding Shop
a) Study of tools &operations of Arc welding & Gas welding
b) Simple butt and Lap welded joints.
c) Oxy-acetylene flame cutting
Sheet metal Shop
a) Study of tools & operations.
b) Making Funnel, complete with soldering'.
c)Fabrication of tool-box, tray, electric panel box etc
Black Smithy Shop
a) Study of tools & operations
b) Simple exercise based on black smithy operations such as upsetting. drawing down, punching, bending,
fullering & swaging
Machine Shop
a) Study of Single point cutting tool, machine tools and operations.
b) Plane turning.
d) Taper turning.
e) Threading
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur



Course Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts of the stresses and strains for different materials and strength of structural
To study the behaviour of fluid at rest and in motion
To apply analytical techniques to the engineering problems and performance analysis of internal
combustion engines, refrigerator and air-conditioner
Understand key elements of Mechatronics system, representation into block diagram.


Introduction to Mechanies of Solid: Normal and shear Stress, strain, Hookes' law, Poisson's ratio, elastic
constants and their relationship, stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle materials, factor of safety. Types of
beams under various loads, Statically Determinate Beams, Shear force and bending moment in beams, Shear force
and bending moment diagrams, Relationships between load, shear and bending moment.


Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Applications:

Introduction: Fluids properties, pressure, density, dynamic and kinematic viscosity, speci gravity, Newtonian and
Non-Newtonian fluid, Pascal's Law, Continuity Equation, Bernaulli's Equation and its applications, Basic
Numerical problems.


Introduction to IC Engines and RAC: IC Engine: Basic Components, Construction and Working of Two stroke
and four stroke SI & CI engine, merits and demerits, scavenging process; Introduction to electric, and hybrid electric
vehicles. Refrigeration: Its meaning and application, unit of refrigeration; Coefficient of performance, methods of
refrigeration, construction and working of domestic refrigerator, concept of heat pump. Formula based numerical
problems on cooling load. Air-Conditioning: Its meaning and application, humidity, dry bulb, wet bulb, and dew
point temperatures, comfort conditions, construction and working of window air conditioner.


Introduction to Mechatronics: Evolution, Scope, Advantages and disadvantages of Mechatronics, Industrial

applications of Mechatronics, Introduction to autotronics, bionics, and avionics and their applications. Sensors and
Transducers: Types of sensors, types of transducers and their characteristics. Overview of Mechanical Actuation
System Kinematic Chains, Cam, Train Ratchet Mechanism, Gears and its type, Belt, Bearing, Hydraulic and
Pneumatic Actuation Systems: Overview: Pressure Control Valves, Cylinders, Direction Control Valves, Rotary
Actuators, Accumulators, Amplifiers, and Pneumatic Sequencing Problems.

Course Outcomes:

Understand the concept of stress and strain, factor of safety, beams

Understand the basic component and working of internal combustion engines, electric and hybrid vehicles,
refrigerator and heat pump, airconditioning.
Understand concept of mechatronics with their advantages, scope and Industrial application.

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