Understanding Your Role - Final Action Plan
Understanding Your Role - Final Action Plan
Understanding Your Role - Final Action Plan
Action Plan
Practice and experience will help you improve your management skills. Use the Action Plan to set goals
for on-the-job learning and to track your progress.
The purpose of this action plan is to help you apply your learning from this module to your job and
improve your performance as a manager. It will also help you to reflect on the outcomes of your actions
and keep your supervisor or mentor informed of your progress.
Plan your actions
1. Read these instructions and review the example that follows.
2. Select the goal(s) you need to work toward in your job.
3. For each performance goal you select, describe an action item(s) for achieving the goal.
Action items describe what you will do by a specific date to apply the knowledge and skills you have
learned in this module to your job.
Make sure action items are specific, detailed, and observable.
Use specific action verbs (e.g., create, meet, talk).
Set a target date for completing each action item.
4. Keep your goals and action items to a manageable number. Select only those that are most
important to your success.
5. Enter an action plan completion date. This is the date by which you expect to complete all action
items in your plan.
6. Review your plan with your supervisor, get his or her input, and decide when or how often you will
revisit the plan together.
Keep track of your progress
7. As you carry out your action plan, review it frequently to keep track of your progress:
Check off action items as you complete them, or adjust their target dates if necessary. If you
need more time to work on your plan, discuss this with your supervisor and consider setting
a new action plan completion date.
If you cannot complete an action item, explain why under Uncompleted Actions.
Reflect on the outcomes of the actions you have completed, and enter your comments
under Results.
Follow up with your supervisor
8. When you have completed all your action items and goals, meet with your supervisor.
9. Discuss your results. Did your actions help you to achieve your performance goals? What goals, if
any, will you continue to work toward?
10. Do you and your supervisor agree that you have completed your action plan?
Performance Goal
Establishes a network of people with whom to build rapport and cultivate relationships
To review activities for network building, see the Foundation "What Does Being a Manager Mean?" and
the Tools "Beginning to Build Your Network" and "Identifying Your Crucial Contacts."
Action Items: What specific actions will you take to Enter target date Check when
achieve this goal? for item completed
1. Write a plan to contact each person in my network, specifying July 9
the date, time, and place we will meet.
2. Meet with at least six people in my network over the next two July 23
weeks to introduce myself and learn more about our common
interests and needs.
Uncompleted Actions: Explain why you were unable to complete any items.
Still want to contact Mary (member of my network) when she returns from maternity leave.
Results: Did your actions help you to achieve your performance goals? Comment on the results
achieved. What goals, if any, will you continue to work toward?
Meetings with network members were extremely valuable. I now have a much clearer idea about the
interdependencies between my group and others.
Action Plan
Practice and experience will help you improve your management skills. Use the Action Plan to set goals
for on-the-job learning and to track your progress.
Learner Information
Name: Dwayne Peart Job Title: T&D Engineer
Unit: Substation Division: Energy Delivery
Supervisor/ Mr. Hugh Garvey
Action Plan March 1, 2018 Action Plan
Start Date: Completion Date:
Performance Goal #1
Establishes a network of people with whom to build rapport and cultivate relationships
To review activities for network building, see the Foundation "What Does Being a Manager Mean?" and
the Tools "Beginning to Build Your Network" and "Identifying Your Crucial Contacts."
Action Items: What specific actions will you take to Enter target date Check when
achieve this goal? for item completed
Write a plan to contact each person in my network, specifying the July 9
date, time, and place we will meet.
1. Write a plan to contact with each of my direct reports. March, 15
2. Meet with managers in my network to discuss demarcations March 21
as per Grid Code.
Uncompleted Actions: Explain why you were unable to complete any items.
Results: Did your actions help you to achieve your performance goals? Comment on the results
achieved. What goals, if any, will you continue to work toward?
My actions did indeed assist with my performance goal as I was able to create a better synergy within the team.
Each team member was able better understand their contribution and are more willing to help the company
achieves its strategical objectives.
Performance Goal #2
Uses techniques to avoid making the typical mistakes of new managers in leadership
skills, dealing with direct reports, or dealing with one’s boss
To review techniques, see the Foundation "Avoiding Typical Mistakes."
Action Items: What specific actions will you take to Enter target date Check when
achieve this goal? for item completed
Write a plan for my boss outlining my strategic goals and planned July 5
actions for next quarter so that I don’t lose sight of the big picture.
1. Have weekly meetings with my 9 direct reports to discuss March 20
departmental objectives, achievements and to solicit new
2. Create a document to deal with challenges, outlining steps to March 22
handle situations in order to reduce reoccurrence.
Uncompleted Actions: Explain why you were unable to complete any items.
Results: Did your actions help you to achieve your performance goals? Comment on the results
achieved. What goals, if any, will you continue to work toward?
Even though our operations are a bit topsy turvy at times, I was still able to meeting with my team and accomplish
these performance objectives.
Through the advent of our Enterprise Asset Management system the team and I were able to accomplish create a
method of documenting our challenges and it is working this far in aiding us to reduce reoccurrences within or