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J Exp Child Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 April 06.
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Published in final edited form as:

J Exp Child Psychol. 2022 September ; 221: 105449. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2022.105449.

Children’s knowledge of superordinate words predicts

subsequent inductive reasoning
Ellise Suffilla,b,c,*, Christina Schonberga,b, Haley A. Vlacha, Gary Lupyanb
aDepartment of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53706,
bDepartment of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
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cDepartment of Psychology, University of Vienna, Vienna, 1010, Austria

Children’s early language knowledge—typically assessed using standardized word comprehension
tests or through parental reports—has been positively linked to a variety of later outcomes,
from reasoning tests to academic performance to income and health. To better understand the
mechanisms behind these links, we examined whether knowledge of certain “seed words”—
words with high inductive potential—is positively associated with inductive reasoning. This
hypothesis stems from prior work on the effects of language on categorization suggesting that
certain words may be important for helping people to deploy categorical hypotheses. Using
a longitudinal design, we assessed 36 2- to 4-year-old children’s knowledge of 333 words
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of varying levels of generality (e.g., toy vs. pinwheel, number vs. five). We predicted that
adjusting for overall vocabulary, knowledge of more general words (e.g., toy, number) would
predict children’s performance on inductive reasoning tasks administered 6 months later (i.e., a
subset of the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood–Fifth Edition [SB-5] and
Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities [WJ] concept formation tasks). This prediction
was confirmed for one of the measures of inductive reasoning (i.e., the SB-5 but not the WJ)
and notably for the task considered to be less reliant on language. Although our experimental
design demonstrates only a correlational relationship between seed word knowledge and inductive
reasoning ability, our results are consistent with the possibility that early knowledge of certain
seed words facilitates performance on putatively nonverbal reasoning tasks.

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Word learning; Vocabulary; Language development; Superordinates; Hypernymy; Inductive


Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, University of Vienna, Vienna, 1010, Austria. (E.
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
Suffill et al. Page 2

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What is the role of language in cognitive development? One way to answer this question
is to examine whether differences in children’s linguistic knowledge predict differences
in performance on putatively nonverbal cognitive tasks. One does not need to look hard
to find studies linking children’s language—most often measured in terms of expressive
vocabulary size—to a variety of cognitive outcomes. For example, a larger vocabulary at 16
to 24 months of age predicts performance on other language tasks, such as reading, several
years later (Duff, Reen, Plunkett, & Nation, 2015). It also predicts mathematics achievement
even when adjusted for a wide variety of health, sociodemographic and cognitive factors
(Morgan, Farkas, Hillemeier, Hammer, & Maczuga, 2015; see also LeFevre et al., 2010;
Peng et al., 2020, for a meta-analysis). Early language skills have likewise been linked
to executive function (Jones et al., 2020; Kuhn, Willoughby, Vernon-Feagans, & Blair,
2016), analogical reasoning (Edwards, Figueras, Mellanby, & Langdon, 2011; Socher,
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Ingebrand, Wass, & Lyxell, 2020), and the understanding of false beliefs (see meta-analysis
by Milligan, Astington, & Dack, 2007).

One possibility is that these positive relationships between language and cognitive outcomes
simply affirm that children who are good at one thing (e.g., learning words) tend to be good
at other things (e.g., inductive reasoning). That is, the positive correlations between language
and cognitive development may simply reflect the well-known positive manifold of human
cognition (Jensen, 1998). For example, in Morgan et al.’s (2015) analysis of more than 8000
2-year-old children, oral vocabulary size at 24 months (measured through a parental word
checklist) was strongly correlated with a measure of general cognitive function assessed
at the same time—a relationship that held after controlling for multiple demographic and
health-related factors.
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However, there are reasons to question the positive manifold explanation in favor of a
mutualistic account (Kievit, 2020; Kievit et al., 2017; van der Maas et al., 2006). According
to mutualistic accounts, the positive correlations in performance on various tasks emerge due
to mutualistic causal influences rather than from having one common cause. One source of
support for the mutualistic account is that children’s language development is not simply a
function of their intelligence but rather is also strongly linked to environmental factors such
as the amount and quality of language that children experience (Huttenlocher, Waterfall,
Vasilyeva, Vevea, & Hedges, 2010; Newman, Rowe, & Ratner, 2016; Song, Demuth, &
Morgan, 2018). In some cases, differences in language environment are clearly due to
entirely extrinsic reasons such as congenital deafness—a condition obviously not caused by
any difference in children’s cognitive abilities. Children who are born deaf and fitted with
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cochlear implants have poorer performance on nonverbal analogical/inductive reasoning

compared with similarly aged hearing children. However, this performance difference
disappears when children are matched according to language skills (Socher et al., 2020).
This pattern is hard to reconcile with the idea that differences in both language and cognitive
outcomes are caused by a common factor (e.g., general intelligence) but is consistent with
the idea of causal links between language and cognitive development.

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Further support for the mutualistic account comes from studies that found language skills
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to predict subsequently measured outcomes (both verbal and nonverbal) better than the
reverse. Finding that nonverbal measures at Time 1 are a poor predictor of language skills
at Time 2 is surprising if both are simply outcomes of general intelligence. For example,
Gathercole, Willis, Emslie, and Baddeley (1992) found that vocabulary of preschoolers
was more correlated with later performance on tests measuring nonverbal intelligence than
the reverse. Jones et al. (2020) found that vocabulary knowledge of 8-year-olds (measured
through picture naming) predicted their performance on executive function tasks assessing
inhibition and switching costs 2 years later, but executive function of 8-year-olds did not
predict their later vocabulary. Examining older children, Ritchie, Bates, and Plomin (2015)
found that differences in language skills (i.e., reading proficiency and vocabulary) between
10-year-old identical twins was a better predictor of their differences in nonverbal reasoning
at 12 years of age than the reverse. In work directly aimed to contrast mutualism with a
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positive manifold account, Kievit et al. (2017) found that greater vocabulary knowledge in
14- to 25-year-olds predicted greater performance on a nonverbal matrix reasoning task 1.5
years later to a stronger degree than the reverse, a finding that was subsequently replicated
with 6- to 8-year-old children (Kievit, Hofman, & Nation, 2019). Taken together, these
studies are consistent with the existence of a causal link from early language skills to later
performance on nonverbal assessments.

Lastly, a rich experimental literature shows that language affects performance in a

variety of non-verbal tasks, which supports a mutualistic account (see Lupyan, 2016, for
review). Using standard experimental paradigms allows for much stronger claims than
observational studies of the sort reviewed above. There is substantial evidence that labels
facilitate category learning (Balaban & Waxman, 1997; Fulkerson & Waxman, 2007;
Lupyan, Rakison, & McClelland, 2007; Nazzi & Gopnik, 2001; Perry & Samuelson, 2013;
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Plunkett, Hu, & Cohen, 2008) and promote inductive inferences (Deng & Sloutsky, 2013;
Fulkerson & Waxman, 2007; Gelman & Davidson, 2013; Graham, Booth, & Waxman, 2012;
Sloutsky, Lo, & Fisher, 2001). Once a category is learned, it helps to selectively activate
category-diagnostic features (Edmiston & Lupyan, 2015; Lupyan & Thompson-Schill,
2012); categories with more nameable constituents are induced more easily than formally
equivalent categories with less nameable features (Zettersten & Lupyan, 2020)—further
evidence that category labels play an active role in seemingly nonverbal tasks. Moreover,
naming impairments, such as aphasia, produce categorization impairments (Gainotti, 2014;
Lupyan & Mirman, 2013), and interfering with language in healthy adults, also impairs
categorization (Lupyan, 2009).

Taken together, these studies show causal links between lab-administered manipulations,
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such as explicit labeling of objects, and cognitive outcomes, such as categorization and
category induction. However, these studies do little to advance our understanding of how
learning some aspect of language during normal development contributes (or not) to the
kind of cognitive skills examined by the observational studies reviewed above. In the current
study, we combined the main strength of observational studies—their ecological validity—
with the theoretical insights gained from experimental investigations of the links between
language and cognition. We did this by examining the link between parental reports of

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children’s word knowledge (observational) and children’s performance on common tests of

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inductive reasoning (experimental).

A common feature of the observational studies reviewed above is their reliance on

standardized language assessments, such as parental word checklists (e.g., the MacArthur–
Bates Communicative Development Inventories [MCDI]; Fenson et al., Frank, Braginsky,
Yurovsky, & Marchman, 2017), and picture naming tests, such as the Peabody Picture
Vocabulary Test (PPVT; Dunn & Dunn, 2007), as measures of children’s language
development. These tests have been carefully designed to have good psychometric properties
but are not designed for assessing what a child knows. For example, as typically used,
the MCDI outcome variable is the number of words a child comprehends and/or produces,
and it is this summed score that is used for correlating with cognitive outcomes. This
reliance on sums without regard for what exactly the child knows (i.e., what words make
up the summed score) makes it extremely difficult to understand the mechanisms behind the
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language–cognition links during development.

Here, we took a first step toward understanding one of the mechanisms by examining
whether knowing specific types of words is associated with better performance on a
common type of nonverbal reasoning problem—inductive reasoning (for visual patterns).
Specifically, we hypothesized that knowledge of superordinate words—for reasons we
describe below—may be especially useful in inductive reasoning. We are not the first to ask
whether knowledge of certain words is linked to cognitive outcomes. For example, Vanluydt,
Supply, Verschaffel, and Van Dooren (2021) found that children who knew the word double
were better at solving proportion-based problems (adjusting for socioeconomic status [SES]
and general vocabulary knowledge). Moreover, Miller, Vlach, and Simmering (2017) found
that children’s production of spatial words predicts their performance on spatial cognition
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tasks. Finally, Simms and Gentner (2019) investigated whether children’s encoding of the
midpoint, a complex spatial relation, was predicted by their knowledge of the relevant spatial
terms middle and between. Children’s knowledge of the words middle and between indeed
predicted their search success beyond what was predicted by age or knowledge of other
spatial terms. Here, we examined the claim that knowing certain types of words may help
children to reason in a domain that is not obviously related to the meaning of the individual

A link between superordinate words and inductive reasoning?

Using a word appropriately requires knowing the limits of its extension—what is and
is not denoted by the word. Although all content words require distinguishing category
members from nonmembers, categories denoted by some words are more heterogeneous
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and/or abstract than categories denoted by other words. For example, referents of a word
like dog are much more similar to one another than referents of words like fish and animal
(Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Braem, 1976; Yu, Maxfield, & Zelinsky, 2016).
Similar differences in generality can be seen in verbs; compare sweep with its characteristic
motion and the use of typical instruments such as a broom, and compare clean with its
much wider extension—sweeping, vacuuming, scrubbing, washing, and the like—a category

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of actions of widely varying durations and instruments, held together by something like a
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common result.

A key finding of Rosch et al.’s (1976) classic work is that superordinate (i.e., more
semantically general) words are relatively more difficult to learn than “basic-level” words
with narrower extensions (see also Mervis & Crisafi, 1982). What is difficult about learning
superordinate words? One of the challenges is learning to ignore (i.e., abstract over) large
and often salient perceptual differences between individual referents of the superordinate
term and treating them as members of a more general category (Fenson, Cameron, &
Kennedy, 1988). For example, learning the word animal requires treating very diverse
entities such as spiders and dogs as the same kind of thing despite large (and highly
noticeable) differences in their size, dietary habits, and number of legs. In contrast, words
like dog and sweep tend to pick out categories whose members (individual dogs and
individual acts of sweeping) already cohere based on their perceptual properties.
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As discussed so far, the relationship between word learning and categorization may seem
one-directional, with children mapping words onto preexisting categories (Gleitman &
Fisher, 2005; Snedeker & Gleitman, 2004). However, there is reason to think that the
relationship between word learning and category learning is bidirectional. Although learning
a category certainly does not require first learning its name, learning labels can help children
(and adults) to learn categories (e.g., Balaban & Waxman, 1997; Casasola, 2005a, 2005b;
Graham et al., 2012; Lupyan et al., 2007; Nazzi & Gopnik, 2001; Plunkett et al., 2008;
Waxman, 2003; Zettersten & Lupyan, 2020). This may be because the need to produce
and comprehend these words provides children with increased practice in treating unlike
items as similar by virtue of their shared label (a form of structural alignment; e.g., Christie
& Gentner, 2010; Gentner & Namy, 1999) or because labels help to set up attractors in
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conceptual space (Clark & Karmiloff-Smith, 1993; Lupyan, 2012; Lupyan et al., 2007).

To the extent that learning more general (superordinate) words requires abstracting over
salient differences, learning and using such words may promote learning and reasoning
about higher-order relations. For example, learning a word like color compared with the
names of specific colors may facilitate selectively attending to colors and to the relationship
among them (e.g., which of these are similar in color; Davidoff & Roberson, 2004; Lupyan,
2009). In aggregate, a child whose vocabulary includes more general words may be better
able to induce general patterns from specific objects—precisely the kind of skill tapped by
tests of inductive reasoning. This link may arise either because learning more general words
is a sign of a more developed ability to abstract (i.e., both have a common cause), because
knowledge of specific abstract words helps with solving inductive reasoning problems that
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benefit from knowledge of those words (words as tools), or because learning more general
words facilitates abstraction (word learning as inductive training).

The current study

We examined whether the types of words in children’s vocabulary predict performance on
two (putatively nonverbal) inductive reasoning tasks of the kind typically used to assess
children’s fluid intelligence. Such tasks require children to look at a sequence of objects,
decompose them into constituent dimensions (e.g., shapes, colors, sizes), and extract an

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abstract pattern in a way that allows children to fill in the missing shape (see Figs. 1
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and 2 in Method). The key hypothesis was that children who were reported to produce
words with greater generality would perform better at the induction task than children
whose vocabularies were of similar size but composed of less general words. We tested this
hypothesis using a longitudinal design and by assessing the vocabulary of 2- to 4-year-old
children at two timepoints and by seeing whether the makeup of children’s vocabulary at
Time 1 predicted their performance on induction tasks at Time 2 about 6 months later.

Participants were 36 children aged 2 to 4 years (mean age at Time 1 = 3.7 years, SD
= 0.8 years; 21 girls and 15 boys) recruited through the lab’s recruitment database and
local parent groups.1 We targeted the 2- to 4-year age range because during this period
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of development children are rapidly learning new words and this is the youngest age at
which it is feasible to test children’s inductive reasoning. At Time 1, parents completed
our vocabulary checklist at home. At Time 2, parents completed our vocabulary checklist a
second time approximately 6 months later and brought their children into the lab to complete
the in-lab tasks. The sample was 86% White, 6% Asian, and 8% multiracial. Regarding
parents’ education, 27% reported having completed a 4-year degree, 24% reported having
completed a doctorate, 44% reported having completed a professional degree, 2% reported
having completed some college, and 2% chose not to disclose their education history.
Parents received a $10 gift card for completing the initial vocabulary survey
and an additional $30 in cash for the follow-up lab visit. Children received a book for
their participation during the lab visit. One child’s data were excluded because the parent
indicated that English comprised only 10% of the child’s language input.2
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We used a combination of surveys and behavioral tasks delivered across two timepoints
(see Table 1). Parents initially completed our vocabulary checklist at home. Parents were
then contacted approximately 6 months later inquiring whether they were interested in
participating in a lab-based portion of the study that occurred 161 to 269 days (M = 204
days) after their completion of the initial word checklist.

Vocabulary checklist
We created a vocabulary checklist consisting of 333 words of varying generality covering a
range of superordinate, basic-level, and subordinate labels (e.g., toy vs. pinwheel, vegetable
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vs. tomato, number vs. five, clean vs. vacuum) to allow us to measure differences in
generality across children’s reported vocabularies. Below, we briefly describe the methods
we used to select the words included on the checklist.

1We initially recruited 169 parents to complete our vocabulary checklist with children in the age range of 2 to 4 years as part of a
larger study, but only 41 of these took part in the experiment at Time 2. Of these 41 children, 36 successfully completed all in-lab
2We initially excluded this child for having a PPVT score in the 9th percentile, suggesting a possible language delay (Kelly, 1998).
Closer examination revealed the 10% English input (the next lowest value was 60%).

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To ensure that there would be ample variance in word knowledge across the 2- to 4-year-
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olds in our sample, we used the Kuperman norms (Kuperman, Stadthagen-Gonzalez, &
Brysbaert, 2012) to select words with an estimated age of acquisition (AoA) of 3 to 14 years
(mean AoA = 5.60 years). We then excluded any words that were on the MCDI (Fenson et
al., 1994; Frank et al., 2017) because 2.5-year-old children tend to produce most of these
words. From the remaining words, we used WordNet (G. A. Miller, 1998) to select the
25% most superordinate words as defined by the word’s hypernymy—that is, the number
of meanings the target word has above it in WordNet’s semantic hierarchy. This procedure
resulted in a final sample of 75 words (see Table 2 for examples). We refer to these words as
“seed words.”.

Finally, we used WordNet to find semantically related words with hyponym (i.e.,
subordinate) relationships to the seed words. We refer to these words as “non-seed words.”
For example, the seed word cloth was included alongside some of its hyponyms cotton,
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elastic, and flannel. To ensure that the included non-seed words were the kinds of words
some children were likely to know, we excluded words that never occurred in the child-
produced speech of the CHILDES corpus (MacWhinney, 2000; Sanchez et al., 2019) and
words that occurred very infrequently (log frequency < 2) in the child-directed speech in the
same corpus. We next removed any words that overlapped with the previously chosen seed
words and words that had disproportionately many (>2 standard deviations above the mean)
subordinate words. For the remaining words (n ~ 1000), we manually examined the meaning
of each word (i.e., the specific meaning of the word that made it subordinate to one of the
superordinate words) and excluded words whose subordinate word senses were unlikely to
be known by any 2- to 4-year-old. For example, one of the hyponyms of body that made it
through the above-mentioned filtering criteria was crown. But this word was included only
because it was a hyponym of head. We judged that this sense of crown is a sense that no 2-
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to 4-year-old is likely to know.

The final list included 258 non-seed words, with an average of 4.5 (median = 3) subordinate
words for each superordinate word (range = 1–26). Seed words with a relatively large
number of subordinate words included color (n = 26), number (n = 26), vegetable (n = 25),
and work (n = 13).

Table 2 shows some of the words included on our checklist along with their hypernym
values, AoA, and log frequency of the words in child-directed speech. The lower the
hypernymy score, the higher on the semantic hierarchy the word is. Because verbs reside
in much shallower semantic hierarchies than nouns, their maximum hypernymy values tend
to be smaller than those for nouns. In our main analyses, therefore, we scaled hypernymy
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by part of speech such that 0 corresponds to a noun or verb of average hypernymy and –
1 corresponds to a noun or verb that is 1 standard deviation more general (higher on the
semantic hierarchy) than the average noun or verb. These scaled values are shown in Table 2.

Properties of the words on the checklist.—A full list of the words and associated
norms is available in the online repository on the Open Science Framework (
chz7w). A comparison of the seed and non-seed words on some key lexical characteristics is
shown in Table 3.

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On average, seed words had—as intended—significantly fewer hypernyms, were more

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polysemous as measured by the number of WordNet synsets, had higher frequencies in

child-directed speech, had a lower AoA, and were slightly more abstract. Given these
relationships, one might wonder whether hypernymy can be reduced to these more familiar
lexical measures. In a multiple regression predicting hypernymy (scaled by part of speech)
from concreteness, frequency, AoA, and (logged) number of synsets, we found that,
taken together, these predictors account for only 8% of the variance, with polysemy (log-
transformed number of synsets) as the only reliable predictor (b = −.23, 95% confidence
interval (CI) = [−.38, −.10], t = 3.30, p <.001). Removing the number of synsets reduces R2
to less than 5% and unmasks a significant (although small) effect of frequency; controlling
for concreteness and AoA, higher hypernymy (i.e., greater specificity) is associated with
lower frequency (b = −.10, 95% CI = [−.19, −.02], t = −2.40, p =.02). In short, it is not the
case that hypernymy can be reduced to these other predictors.
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To further validate our measure of hypernymy as a psychological construct, we verified that

it correlates with adult judgments of word generality—that is, how general versus specific
a word meaning is (for more details, see Lewis, Colunga, & Lupyan, 2021).3 A remaining
concern is that hypernymy as quantified here is not a very accurate measure of semantic
generality as represented by children because the WordNet hierarchies on which it is based
are characterized by expert knowledge, bearing only a passing relationship to children’s
(and even many adults’) semantic hierarchies. This is a valid concern, also affecting many
other studies that rely on adult semantic features (Hills, Maouene, Maouene, Sheya, &
Smith, 2009) or word associations (Steyvers & Tenenbaum, 2005) to stand in for children’s
concepts. These imperfect measures are, nevertheless, useful to the extent that they allow us
to measure and predict children’s development and are not readily quantifiable for children’s
conceptual and lexical knowledge.
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Administration of the word checklist.—Parents completed the word checklist at home

in a web browser at Time 1 and either at home or in the lab at Time 2. They separately
indicated for each word whether their children understood it and whether they produced it.
Words were presented using the same categories and category order as the MCDI (e.g., small
household objects, action words; Fenson et al., 1994; Frank et al., 2017). Although parents
always saw the categories of words in the same order, the order of individual words within
each category was randomized.

In-lab behavioral tasks

PPVT–Fourth Edition.—As the first in-lab task, we administered the PPVT–Fourth
Edition (PPVT-4) as a standardized measure of word comprehension (Dunn & Dunn, 2007).
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The test was administered via printed booklet.

3Our word generality ratings are included in the online repository at the Open Science Framework ( As in earlier
work (Lewis et al., 2021), words rated by adults as having more general meanings had significantly fewer hypernyms, but this measure
was also—and to a much stronger extent—correlated with the word’s number of senses (WordNet synsets) and hyponymy (i.e.,
number of synsets that are “below” the target word). More superordinate (general) words had more synsets and hyponyms, suggesting
that when asked about a word’s generality, people conflate hypernymy, polysemy, and the word’s semantic density. As it turns out, the
hypernymy of words a child knows is related to later outcomes as we measure them, whereas polysemy and semantic density are not.
For this reason, our analyses use WordNet hypernymy rather than subjective ratings of generality.

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Inductive reasoning.—We administered two reasoning tests: the concept formation test
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(Subtest 9) from the Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ; Woodcock &
Johnson, 1989; see Fig. 1 for examples) and the sequence and matrix problems for nonverbal
reasoning from the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood–Fifth Edition
(SB-5; Roid & Pomplun, 2012; see Fig. 2 for examples). Inductive reasoning has long been
hypothesized to be at the core of fluid reasoning (e.g., Carroll, 1993). Both tasks aim to
assess children’s ability to observe a phenomenon such as a series of shapes and discover the
underlying rule or principle that is responsible for giving rise to it.

WJ (concept formation subtest).—Problems 1 to 5 allowed verbal or pointing

responses (i.e., children could point to items). Problems 6 onward required explicitly
verbal responses and involved progressively more complex verbal solutions (e.g., Problems
21–29 required children to respond using logical operators and and or). Of the two
inductive reasoning tasks, therefore, the WJ is a more verbal test of inductive reasoning
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(see “Procedure” section for more details on how the different types of problems were

SB-5 (subset of nonverbal reasoning).—Next, we used nine inductive reasoning

problems from the nonverbal reasoning section of the Early SB-5 intelligence test (Roid
& Pomplun, 2012), preceded by three simple perceptual matching problems to familiarize
children with the task (we did not administer the entire SB-5 reasoning section because
it would have been too time-consuming). The shapes were circles, squares, triangles,
rectangles, and hearts; the colors were blue, yellow, red, green, and pink. Sequence trials
presented children with a sequence of shapes of different colors and asked them to select
which shape best completed the sequence. Matrix trials presented children with a 2 × 2 grid
filled with three shapes and asked them to fill in the missing element (i.e., the fourth shape).
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Color and shape naming.—Lastly, we assessed children’s expressive knowledge of the

colors and shapes used in the two reasoning tests. The colors (i.e., blue, yellow, red, green,
and pink) and shapes (i.e., square, circle, triangle—equilateral and right-angled, rectangle,
oval, and heart) were those used in the WJ and the SB-5. The squares appeared in 5 different
trials (i.e., a single square and also two, four, six, and eight squares stacked on top of one
another). Triangles appeared in 2 different trials (i.e., equilateral and right-angled triangles).
Rectangles appeared in 2 different trials (i.e., vertical and horizontal configurations). The
rest of the stimuli appeared once. Hence, there were 17 trials in total.

First session (Time 1)—Parents completed a demographic questionnaire and the
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vocabulary checklist online to measure the characteristics of known words at Time 1.

Second session (Time 2)—Approximately 6 months after Time 1, parents completed the
same vocabulary checklist as in Time 1— this time to measure the characteristics of known
words at Time 2. Parents had the option to complete the vocabulary checklist either during
the lab session or at home prior to coming to the lab. During the lab session, children first
completed the PPVT-4, followed by the inductive reasoning tasks (i.e., WJ and subset of

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SB-5) and then the color and shape naming task. Children were tested individually in a quiet
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room in the lab with their parents either in the waiting room or seated out of sight in the
testing room.

PPVT-4.—The PPVT-4 was administered as a control for overall vocabulary. It was

administered following the standard instructions and was used to control for overall
language knowledge. Children were shown a series of images in 2 × 2 grids and were
asked to point to a target object (e.g., “Point to the carrot”). Testing concluded when children
incorrectly responded to eight or more prompts within a testing block. Responses were
scored and normed by age per the instruction manual, yielding a standard score and a
percentile for each child.

WJ (concept formation subtest).—The WJ was administered as a test of induction

ability, following the standard instructions. Children were shown a series of images and were
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asked to point to or say which object belonged in the big box or why an object belonged
in the big box, indicating that it differed from the other objects shown within each problem.
Whereas Problems 1 to 5 allowed verbal or pointing responses (i.e., children could point to
items), Problem 6 onward required explicitly verbal responses and involved progressively
more complex verbal solutions (e.g., Problems 21–29 required children to respond using
logical operators and and or, whereas Problems 30–40 included a mixture of problem
types). Standard instructions included cutting off administration based on performance.
For example, if children responded correctly on fewer than 3 problems from the first set
(Problems 1–5), they did not advance to the next set. In our sample, children received a
minimum of 5 problems and a maximum of 40 problems.

SB-5 (subset of nonverbal reasoning).—The SB-5 was administered as a second test

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of induction ability. The experimenter told children that they were going to play a game with
shapes and colors on an iPad. The experimenter introduced the task by showing children the
first trial and saying, “Let’s play the ‘find it’ game—I’m going to find one just like this,”
while pointing to the target shape in the center of the screen. The experimenter then gestured
to the answer options at the bottom of the screen, pointed to the correct response, and said,
“See? This one is just like the other one.” Next, the experimenter pointed to the target shape
in the center of the screen and asked children to point to the answer, saying, “Now you do
it. Point to the one that looks just like this.” On subsequent shape matching trials (Trials 2
and 3), the experimenter simply said, “Point to the one like this.” In the remaining trials,
the experimenter first drew children’s attention to the row or grid of shapes at the center of
the screen, then pointed to the question mark and said, “Something is missing here.” The
experimenter then gestured along the answer choices at the bottom of the screen and told
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children, “Point to the one that should go here.” During the entire task, the experimenter
did not name any shapes or colors of the stimuli. Children’s responses were self-paced
and recorded by the experimenter. All children received the problems in the same order—
beginning with simple sequences, proceeding to more complex sequences and matrices, and
ending with the most complex sequences.

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Color and shape naming.—The color and shape naming task was administered to
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ensure that children did not need to be excluded from the inductive reasoning tasks
based on their inability to verbally name shapes and colors. The experimenter first told
children that they were going to play a game about colors. For each trial in the color
task, the experimenter asked children “What color is this?” and recorded the response.
The experimenter then repeated the procedure for the shape task, asking “What shape is
this?” and recording the response as correct or incorrect for both tasks. Trials were always
presented in the same order.

Descriptive statistics
PPVT-4—To confirm that our participants showed typical language development, we first
examined their PPVT scores. Children’s PPVT performance was largely above published
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norms (mean percentile = 83.34, SD = 13.04; mean standard score = 118.06, SD = 9.63).

Vocabulary checklist
At Time 1, children were reported to say an average of 227 of 333 words (SD = 54, min =
110, max = 316) on the checklist. At Time 2, (M = 6.8 months later, SD = 1.23), children
were reported to say significantly more words (M = 257, SD = 43, min = 176, max = 318),
t(34) = 7.20, p <.001. The same pattern was observed for understanding. At Time 1, children
were reported to understand an average of 224 of 333 words (SD = 73, min = 26, max =
309)4 on the checklist. At Time 2, children were reported to understand significantly more
words (M = 257, SD = 51, min = 97, max = 314), t(34) = 2.77, p =.009, than at Time 1.
See online supplementary material for scatterplots showing the numbers of words reported
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as “says” and “understands” across Time 1 and Time 2.

Based on each word on the checklist that children were reported to say, we calculated
the mean word frequency (based on child-directed speech in the CHILDES corpus), AoA,
and hypernymy of each child’s vocabulary at Time 1 and Time 2. When calculating mean
hypernymy, we first obtained the hypernym value for each word that the parent checked
off. Because the number of hypernyms a word has differs by the word’s part of speech
(i.e., nouns on average have much lower hypernymy scores than verbs),5 we normalized
hypernym values by part of speech (i.e., noun or verb) prior to averaging. See supplementary
material for raw hypernymy values for all words.

Mean hypernymy of a given child’s vocabulary was simply the average of all the words
from the checklist that the child was reported to produce. Greater mean hypernymy—as we
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defined it—is distinct from the number of words the child knows; a child whose vocabulary
includes only very general words (low hypernymy) would have a lower hypernymy value

4We needed to use existing “says” and “understands” scores from 35 children to impute the total number of words understood at Time
1 and Time 2 for 1 child due to a missing data point in a parent’s reporting of how many words the child understood.
5The large difference in hypernymy between nouns and verbs is a consequence of how WordNet is organized. Nouns tend to have
much deeper hierarchies than verbs, which correspond to a larger maximum hypernymy value.

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than a child whose vocabulary includes more words but only very specific ones (high
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hypernymy value).

Inductive reasoning performance on WJ (concept formation subtest)

Because the test is self-terminating, different children saw different numbers of problems.
On average, children saw 12 problems (median = 11) before the test terminated due to
multiple incorrect responses. Children demonstrated substantial variability in performance,
responding to an average of 5.20 problems correctly (range = 0–27, SD = 5.84). This
suggests that the task was quite difficult for them. In retrospect, this was not surprising
considering that the children in our sample were of the lowest age range for which these
problems are designed. Because raw score performance was heavily skewed toward low
numbers (skewness = 2.13), we used the ranks of the raw scores as the outcome variable.6
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Inductive reasoning performance on SB-5 (subset of nonverbal reasoning)

Our outcome measure is the number of questions answered correctly out of the 9 induction
trials completed by each child. Children demonstrated substantial variability in performance
(M = 5.57 of 9 trials correct, SD = 2.46, range = 1–9). As we describe below, about 40% of
the variance is explained by age.

Color and shape naming

Children performed well on both the shape naming task (M = 5.97 of 8 trials correct, SD
= 2.09, range = 1–8) and color naming task (M = 4.69 of 5 trials correct, SD = 0.47, range
= 4–5), demonstrating that they were familiar with the shapes/colors used in the inductive
reasoning tasks. No children needed to be excluded based on their color and shape naming
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Socioeconomic status
There is good reason to think that performance on inductive reasoning tests is related
to parental SES (Ardila, Rosselli, Matute, & Guajardo, 2005; Bradley & Corwyn, 2002;
Brooks-Gunn & Duncan, 1997; Hart, Petrill, Deckard, & Thompson, 2007). If so, it is
important to know whether the correlation between hypernymy and inductive reasoning
remains when parental SES is taken into account. For example, perhaps higher-SES parents
are more likely to use abstract language that helps children to learn it and such children
also happen to perform better on inductive reasoning tasks for reasons perhaps entirely
unrelated to their vocabulary or linguistic environment. Controlling for SES allows one
to consider this possibility. We operationalized SES as a summed standardized score of
parental education and income.
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6Qualitatively similar results are obtained if we use the grade-equivalent scores that are a nonlinear transform of the raw scores; that
is, scores below 7 are below kindergarten (coded as 0), whereas the highest score in our group—27—is equivalent to grade level 5.4.

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Relationship among predictors

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Fig. 3 shows correlations among the by-child predictors. Unsurprisingly, some measures of
children’s vocabulary (e.g., mean frequency, mean AoA) are very strongly correlated. This is
important to know for avoiding collinearity in the analyses presented below.

Relationships between language and inductive reasoning

We present separate analyses for the two induction tasks we administered because although
performance on them was moderately correlated, they relate to children’s vocabulary size
and composition in rather different and theoretically interesting ways. In the supplementary
materials, we have included plots showing the relationship of vocabulary hypernymy to
individual performance on both the SB-5 and WJ induction tasks.

SB-5 (subset of nonverbal reasoning).—We began with a baseline logistic regression

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model predicting performance (i.e., proportion of 9 problems solved) from the child’s age
at Time 2 (see Table 4, Model 1). We next added the control variables SES and the total
number of words produced by the child on our checklist at Time 1 (Table 4, Model 2). We
then added to the model the child’s PPVT standard score at Time 2 (see Table 4, Model
3). Across Models 1 to 3, only age and SES were significant predictors of performance,
accounting for about 46% of the variance. We next added the mean hypernymy of the
child’s vocabulary at Time 1 (recall that a lower mean hypernymy score corresponds to a
child knowing more superordinate words on average). This score was significantly related
to inductive reasoning, accounting for an additional 8% of the variance; children whose
vocabulary comprised more superordinate words performed better on an inductive reasoning
task administered more than 6 months later (see Table 4, Model 4). We performed the same
analyses looking at whether the hypernymy of only known nouns or known verbs predicts
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performance on the SB-5. The effects of hypernymy were driven more by knowledge of
more general verbs than by knowledge of more general nouns. However, there was not
a significant interaction by part of speech (CI for noun-only analysis = [−0.75, 0.40]; CI
for verb-only analysis = [−0.69, 0.41]), suggesting that both nouns and verbs contribute to
hypernymy and its association with SB-5 performance.

One possibility may be that knowing vacuum but not clean is symptomatic of an atypical
language learning trajectory (e.g., see Beckage, Smith, & Hills, 2011, for a related analysis).
If so, any differences on inductive reasoning observed for such children may indicate
poorer learning abilities in general. Two analyses speak against this interpretation. First,
although hypernymy was correlated with the total number of words children were reported
to say at Time 1, r(33) =.39, p =.02, the positive correlation indicates that children with a
larger productive vocabulary knew words with slightly higher mean hypernymy (i.e., their
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vocabulary was skewed toward more specific words). Second, the vocabulary of poorer word
learners should be skewed toward words with earlier AoAs and/or more frequent words.
Yet hypernymy continued to be a significant predictor of SB-5 performance when we also
controlled for the mean AoA of the words reported to be known at Time 1 (see Table 4,
Model 5; alternatively, see the mean log frequency of the produced words in Table 4, Model
6). Neither mean AoA (t < 2) nor mean word frequency (t < 1) of the known words was

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predictive of SB-5 performance,7 as would be predicted if the link between hypernymy and
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reasoning performance simply reflected differences in word learning abilities.

Whereas SES was predictive of performance in Models 2 and 3 (albeit a relatively weak
association, ts = 2.02–2.04), SES was no longer predictive of performance once hypernymy
of vocabulary at Time 1 was included in the models.

Performance on the SB-5 problems was not predicted by language measures assessed at
Time 2 (i.e., on the same day as the reasoning problems were administered); that is, SB-5
performance was not predicted by the total number of words checked on our list (ts < 1)
or by the hypernymy measure at Time 2 (ts < 2). We speculate about what this means in
the Discussion. Performance at Time 2 was predicted by age (ts > 6) and SES (ts > 2) (see
supplementary material for Time 2 analyses).
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WJ subtest (concept formation).—The base model used children’s age at Time 2 as a

predictor (Table 5, Model 1) and progressively added predictors to the model in the same
order as the SB-5 analysis. As evident from Models 1 to 6 in Table 5, age was a significant
predictor of performance (ts > 5), which accounted for about 53% of the variance. In
addition, Models 2 to 6 show that SES was a significant predictor of performance on the
WJ (ts > 2.5), accounting for an additional 8% of variance. Inductive performance on the
WJ task was not predicted by total vocabulary, or the PPVT standard score, or by the
mean hypernymy, AoA, or frequency of the vocabulary at Time 1 or Time 2 (ps >.05) (see
supplementary material for Time 2 analyses).

Recall that the WJ concept formation subtest contains two types of problems: the initial
(easier) problems allowing pointing or verbal responses (Problems 1–5) and later problems
allowing only verbal responses (Problems 6 onward). We examined whether vocabulary
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hypernymy predicted performance differently for problems that allowed pointing/verbal

responses or verbal responses only; neither was significantly associated with vocabulary
hypernymy (ps >.05). We also examined the correlation between performance on WJ
Problems 1 to 5 (i.e., which allowed pointing or verbal responses) and the SB-5 and the
correlation between performance on WJ Problems 6 onward (i.e., verbal responses only)
and the SB-5. There was not a significant correlation between performance on the SB-5 and
either WJ Problems 1 to 5 (r =.12, p =.48) or WJ Problems 6 onward (r =.24, p =.17). See
supplementary material for additional analyses.

Our goal was to investigate whether children’s knowledge of certain types of words was
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related to their inductive reasoning. We hypothesized that having a vocabulary consisting

of more superordinate words would be associated with better performance in inductive
reasoning. We observed the predicted association consistently for one of our induction tasks
(see Table 4). The association held after controlling for children’s overall vocabulary size

7Models that included mean AoA and frequency of vocabulary at Time 1 did not include total vocabulary at Time 1 due to high
correlations between these factors (i.e., mean AoA and total vocabulary correlate at.97; mean frequency and total vocabulary correlate
at −.96).

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and parental SES. We found an association between vocabulary hypernymy and inductive
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reasoning as tested by a more nonverbal test (the sequence and matrix problems from the
SB-5; see Table 4), although not for a more linguistically loaded reasoning test (the concept
formation section of the WJ; see Table 5) that required children to verbally articulate the
rules governing patterns of shapes and colors. Whether this difference between the two
tests is meaningful, reflecting perhaps the more verbal nature of the WJ problems, requires
further testing.

Why might learning and using more superordinate words be associated with better
performance on some inductive reasoning tasks? One possibility, which we referred to
earlier as the common cause hypothesis, is that producing more general words is a sign
of children’s more developed abstraction ability—the same ability that leads to better
performance on nonverbal inductive reasoning tasks. Although we cannot fully rule out this
possibility, this account predicts a relationship between vocabulary hypernymy and overall
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vocabulary size—children who are better at abstracting should be better at learning words
in general—which we do not observe here. Further evidence against the common cause
explanation is a recent result from Lewis et al. (2021), who found that a positive relationship
between knowledge of superordinate-type words and a subsequent increase in the rate of
word learning remained even after controlling for fluid reasoning scores.

If the link between producing more general words and solving inductive reasoning problems
is causal, this may be because knowing specific superordinate words like color may help
children to reason about problems involving color sequences (words as tools). Given that
only a small number of words included on the checklist appear to be related to the specific
inductive reasoning problems that the children needed to solve (e.g., the words color and
shape), it is unclear that it is knowledge of specific words that is making the difference here.
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More plausibly, using more general words may provide children with increased practice—a
form of cognitive training—in abstracting at a higher level—treating highly heterogeneous
objects and actions as similar (Christie & Gentner, 2010; Gentner & Namy, 1999). This
may promote structural alignment and help children to formulate higher-order relational
hypotheses (e.g., “these are all . . .,” “this one’s not like the others because . . .”) of the
sort useful for solving inductive reasoning problems like those tested here (see Figs. 1 and
2). The learning and use of superordinate words may share a mechanism responsible for a
recent finding by Simms and Richland (2019), who showed that eliciting relational language
from preschoolers (which often involved the use of superordinate words like do and make)
improved their performance in a picture-based analogical reasoning task. Our result also
bears some similarity to work by Frausel et al. (Frausel, Richland, Levine, & Goldin-
Meadow, 2021; Frausel et al., 2020), who studied what they call HOTT language (higher-
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order thinking talk), defined as talk that includes “reference to an inference or explanation,
a comparison, an abstraction/generalization, or a hierarchy/taxonomic relationship” (Frausel
et al., 2020, p. 2). Greater use of HOTT by children aged 14 to 58 months predicted better
analogical/inductive reasoning when the children were tested at 9 and 11 years (Frausel et
al., 2020). Certainly, HOTT does not require the use of superordinates, but we suspect that
many of the utterances Frausel et al. coded as instances of HOTT make use of relatively
superordinate words. Earlier learning of such words may be associated with greater use of

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Another possibility is that children who know more superordinate words happen to be
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exposed to an environment that fosters the learning of such words, and it is this environment
—rather than their vocabulary knowledge—that is responsible for better inductive reasoning
performance. Children in such environments may be more often tasked with categorizing at
higher and more relational levels and encouraged to explain how different objects and events
are related—that is, tasks that create a greater communicative need for more superordinate
words, which in turn helps children to learn them. These may be the same types of
environments that promote higher-order thinking talk (Frausel et al., 2021). It remains an
open question whether the benefits of such environments for inductive reasoning accrue
independent of the use of superordinate terms or whether superordinate terms comprise an
important (and perhaps sufficient) proximate mechanism.

Limitations and remaining questions

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A clear limitation of our study is its small sample size. This limitation concerns the
possibly low power associated with our results and the possibility that the reported results
over-estimate the true effect size and even mis-estimate its direction (Gelman & Carlin,
2014). We did not conduct a priori power analysis; a post hoc power analysis using the
effect of Time 1 hypernymy on SB-5 performance as the key finding yields a power estimate
of.82 for Model 4 and.74 for Model 6. The corresponding Type M errors that capture the
over-estimation of the magnitude of the observed effect are 1.11 and 1.16; that is, our
design is likely to over-estimate the true effect by 11% to 16%. The corresponding Type S
errors—the likelihoods that the true effect is in the opposite direction of what is observed
here—is less than.0001 (calculations done using the retrodesign R package; Timm, Gelman,
& Carlin, 2019).8

Another limitation concerns the relative homogeneity of the participants, who were largely
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White middle- and upper-SES families (86%). On the one hand, finding individual
differences in a sample with such restricted range suggests that the effect may be larger
in a population with wider variance in hypernymy and inductive reasoning. On the other
hand, collecting data from a more diverse sample would help to determine whether effects
of hypernymy on inductive reasoning generalize broadly. Another limitation is the short
interval between Time 1 and Time 2; the use of just two timepoints limits our ability to
examine cross-lagged correlations that can help to support causal inferences. Relatedly, the
absence of a reasoning baseline test at Time 1 prevents us from comparing the relationship
between Time 1 reasoning to Time 2 hypernymy and Time 1 hypernymy to Time 2
reasoning. Finding that hypernymy predicts later reasoning more than the reverse, and that
hypernymy predicts subsequent reasoning after controlling for Time 1 inductive reasoning
ability, would further help to clarify causal links between these measures.
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If vocabulary hypernymy—greater knowledge of more superordinate words—is causally

linked to inductive reasoning, why was inductive reasoning predicted by vocabulary
hypernymy across a timespan of more than 6 months but not by a contemporaneous

8If we are over-estimating the true effect by 15%, then our achieved power falls to.69, the Type S error is still less than.0001, and the
Type M error increases to 1.63. If we are over-estimating the effect by a factor of 2, then power falls to.29, Type S error increases
to.002, and Type M error increases to 2.77.

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measure of vocabulary hypernymy (i.e., hypernymy measured at Time 2)? We do not have a
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satisfying answer. One possibility is that the hypernymy measure at Time 2 is less sensitive
than the measure at Time 1 because children become more similar to one another on the
word checklist (i.e., a saturation effect). Arguing against this possibility is our finding that
although children do become somewhat more similar in terms of their productive vocabulary
size (Time 1 SD = 54, Time 2 SD = 43), there was little change in the variability of mean
hypernymy (Time 1 SD =.12, Time 2 SD =.13). Another possibility is that word knowledge
as indexed through checklists may, at least initially, indicate the use of a word in a highly
restricted context. This range of contexts will expand during the months subsequent to the
checklist administration, and it is this change (which we do not currently have a way to
measure) that is causally linked to inductive reasoning performance. If true, then hypernymy
measured at Time 2 may predict reasoning performance at a future time—for example, Time
3—even after controlling for reasoning performance at Time 2.
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We found a link between vocabulary hypernymy and inductive reasoning when using the
matrices and sequences questions of the SB-5 but not when using the WJ concept formation
test—a more linguistically loaded reasoning test that required children to articulate the
induced rules. We suspect that this discrepancy is due to the restricted range in the
performance on the WJ. With the exception of a few children, performance was quite low.
Although the problems are validated for use in 2- to 4-year-olds, children at this age range
are expected to perform essentially at floor, which—except for a few children—is what we

Our results show that knowledge of more general words is positively associated with
inductive reasoning in 2- to 4-year-old children, at least when using the sorts of nonverbal
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problems shown in Fig. 2B to 2D. The benefit of knowing more superordinate words could
not be attributed to these children simply having larger vocabularies or knowledge of rarer
words. Our findings stress the importance in measuring not just how many words children
are reported to know but also what sorts of words they know when measuring the influence
of vocabulary on several important outcomes in later life. Although our experimental
design does not allow us to draw causal conclusions, the results are consistent with the
possibility that early knowledge of seed words can facilitate performance on some nonverbal
inductive reasoning tasks. The most direct way to distinguish between the possibilities
outlined above is to intervene in children’s knowledge of superordinate words through, for
example, directed instruction of either superordinate or semantically related, more specific
words (e.g., Neuman, Newman, & Dwyer, 2011) and then testing subsequent inductive
reasoning performance. Such a training study would allow for isolating the effect of learning
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superordinate words while keeping constant children’s broader environment.

Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.

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This study received funding from a National Institutes of Health R21 grant (HD092867) and a UW-2020 award to
G.L. and H.A.V. We are grateful for the contribution of Alexis Hosch and to all children and caregivers who took
part in our research.

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Fig. 1.
Examples of verbal/pointing and verbal response-only trials in the Woodcock–Johnson Tests
of Cognitive Abilities (WJ) concept formation task (Test 9 of the WJ assessment). (A)
Children were asked to “Point to or describe the shape that is the most different and goes in
the big box”; the correct answer is “circle.” (B–D) Children were asked to explain the rule
for a drawing to be inside the box; for example, (B) “two shapes/circles”; (C) “large and red
shapes”; (D) “little or yellow shapes.” Problems 1 to 5 (A) allowed verbal and/or pointing
responses; Problems 6 onward (B–D) required verbal responding.
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Fig. 2.
Examples of perceptual matching and inductive reasoning problems in the Stanford–Binet
Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood–Fifth Edition (SB-5) subtest of nonverbal reasoning.
Testing began with perceptual match trials of the type shown in Panel A that do not require
inductive reasoning. These were followed by simple and complex sequence completion (B
and C) and matrices (D).
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Fig. 3.
Pearson correlations among age, task performance, and vocabulary characteristics at Time 1
and Time 2. Correlations with the two inductive reasoning tasks (Stanford–Binet Intelligence
Scales for Early Childhood–Fifth Edition [SB-5] and Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive
Abilities Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities [WJ]) partial out age at the
time of testing. Statistically significant correlations are indicated by colored squares. SES,
socioeconomic status; T1, Time 1; T2, Time 2; AOA, age of acquisition; vocab, vocabulary;
PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test.
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Table 1

Measures collected from participants at each timepoint.

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Time 1 Time 2

Parents Vocabulary checklist Vocabulary checklist

Children In-lab tasks: Word comprehension (PPVT-4);Inductive reasoning (subset of problems from WJ and Early
Color/shape naming

Note. PPVT-4, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–Fourth Edition; WJ, Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (Test 9); SB-5, Stanford–
Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood–Fifth Edition.
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Table 2

Examples of words included in the word checklist and their associated norms.
Author Manuscript

Word Type of word Part of WordNet Word c Hypernymy Hypernymy (scaled

a synset b AoA (raw) by part of speech)
speech frequency

Pinwheel Non-seed N 3 2.4 7.6 6 −0.68

Ball Non-seed N 1 8.7 2.9 6 −0.68
Toy Seed N 1 7.7 3.0 5 −1.20
Number Seed N 2 8.1 3.9 4 −1.71
Five Non-seed N 1 8.5 4.5 7 −0.16
Color Seed N 1 8.8 4.0 5 −1.20
Doorbell Non-seed 1 4.3 5.1 11 1.90
Color Seed V 1 8.8 4.0 1 −0.92
Sweep Non-seed V 3 5.4 4.2 2 −0.02
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Vacuum Non-seed V 1 5.6 6.7 2 −0.02

Clean seed V 1 8.2 3.9 1 −0.92
Photograph Non-seed V 1 5.1 6.7 4 1.79

Part of speech of the relevant WordNet synset. Only nouns (N) and verbs (V) are organized hierarchically in WordNet.
Log-transformed frequency of the word in child-directed speech. These are word form based and do not distinguish between parts of speech.
Adult-produced estimates of age of acquisition (AoA; Kuperman et al., 2012).
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Table 3

Characteristics of seed versus non-seed words making up the vocabulary checklist.

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Characteristic Word type

Seed Non-seed Comparison

Number of words 75 258 –

Mean number of hypernyms 3.36 6.58 t = −10.22, p <.001
Hypernymy scaled by part of speech −1.05 0.31 t = −13.30, p <.001
Mean number of synsets 7.81 4.64 t = 3.17, p =.002
a 6.92 5.74 t = 5.74, p <.001
Mean log frequency
Mean AoA 4.72 5.87 t = −5.61, p <.001
Mean concreteness 3.81 4.04 t = −2.20, p =.03

Note. Seed words had lower hypernymy; that is, they had more general meanings. Unsurprisingly, seed words had lower concreteness and a larger
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number of meanings (synsets). Somewhat unexpectedly, seed words also had significantly lower age of acquisitions (AoAs) and greater frequency
in child-directed speech.
Frequency is log-transformed counts of the words in child-directed U.S./U.K. English speech in the CHILDES corpus.
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Table 4

Relationship between inductive reasoning assessed by SB-5 and age at Time 2, SES, total vocabulary size at
Author Manuscript

Time 1, PPVT standard score, mean hypernymy of vocabulary at Time 1 mean AoA of vocabulary at Time 1
and mean frequency of vocabulary at Time 1.

Model Predictor b Standard 95% CI z p d2

Model 1 Time 2 age 0.35 −0.11, 0.84 6.44 <.001 .42

Model 2 Time 2 age 0.35 −0.19, 0.90 5.75 <.001 .46
SES 0.08 −0.36, 0.59 2.04 .041
Time 1 total vocabulary 0.00 −0.54, 0.56 −0.23 .815
Model 3 Time 2 age 0.34 −0.19, 0.90 5.77 <.001 .48
SES 0.08 −0.36, 0.59 2.02 .043
Time 1 total vocabulary −0.01 −0.56, 0.56 −0.36 .718
Time 2 PPVT standard score 0.05 −0.42, 0.52 1.42 .156
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Model 4 Time 2 age 0.27 −0.28, 0.86 4.37 <.001 .56

SES 0.05 −0.42, 0.57 1.41 .160
Time 1 total vocabulary 0.12 −0.53, 0.76 0.97 .330
Time 2 PPVT standard score 0.08 −0.40, 0.56 1.74 .082
Time 1 mean hypernymy −0.21 −0.75, 0.35 −2.98 .003
Model 5 Time 2 age 0.28 −0.24, 0.84 4.67 <.001 .56
SES 0.05 −0.42, 0.56 1.42 .156
Time 2 PPVT standard score 0.07 −0.41, 0.56 1.62 .105
Time 1 mean hypernymy −0.22 −0.79, 0.35 −3.03 .002
Time 1 mean AoA 0.13 −0.51, 0.75 1.11 .268
Model 6 Time 2 age 0.29 −0.24, 0.86 4.82 <.001 .56
SES 0.04 −0.42, 0.56 1.36 .173
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Time 2 PPVT standard score 0.07 −0.41, 0.56 1.69 .092

Time 1 mean hypernymy −0.21 −0.80, 0.40 −2.74 .006
Time 1 mean frequency −0.10 −0.77, 0.57 −0.57 .571

Note. SB-5, Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood–Fifth Edition; SES, socioeconomic status; PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary
Test; AoA, age of acquisition; CI, confidence interval.
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Table 5

Relationship between inductive reasoning assessed by WJ and age at Time 2, SES, total vocabulary size at
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Time 1, PPVT standard score, mean hypernymy of vocabulary at Time 1, mean AoA of vocabulary at Time 1,
and mean frequency of vocabulary at Time 1.

Model Predictor b Standard 95% CI t p Adjusted R2

Model 1 Time 2 age 0.73 0.49, 0.97 6.22 <.001 .53

Model 2 Time 2 age 0.66 0.39, 0.92 5.12 <.001 .61
SES 0.32 0.09, 0.55 2.88 .007
Time 1 total vocabulary 0.18 −0.09, 0.44 1.34 .189
Model 3 Time 2 age 0.65 0.40, 0.90 5.32 <.001 .64
SES 0.32 0.10, 0.53 2.97 .006
Time 1 total vocabulary 0.15 −0.11, 0.41 1.16 .254
Time 2 PPVT standard 0.20 −0.01, 0.41 1.91 .065
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Model 4 Time 2 age 0.72 0.46, 0.99 5.55 <.001 .65

SES 0.34 0.12, 0.56 3.21 .003
Time 1 total vocabulary 0.05 −0.24, 0.34 0.37 .716
Time 2 PPVT standard 0.18 −0.03, 0.39 1.72 .096
Time 1 mean hypernymy 0.17 −0.08, 0.42 1.42 .165
Model 5 Time 2 age 0.73 0.48, 0.98 5.94 <.001 .65
SES 0.34 0.12, 0.56 3.21 .003
Time 2 PPVT standard 0.18 −0.04, 0.39 1.68 .103
Time 1 mean hypernymy 0.17 −0.08, 0.43 1.37 .181
Time 1 mean AoA 0.05 −0.23, 0.34 0.36 .719
Model 6 Time 2 age 0.78 0.52, 1.03 6.24 <.001 .65
SES 0.33 0.12, 0.55 3.14 .004
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Time 2 PPVT standard 0.18 −0.03, 0.40 1.77 .088

Time 1 mean hypernymy 0.22 −0.05, 0.49 1.67 .105
Time 1 mean frequency 0.05 −0.25, 0.35 0.36 .723

Note. WJ, Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (Test 9); SES, socioeconomic status; PPVT, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; AoA, age
of acquisition; CI, confidence interval.
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J Exp Child Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 April 06.

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