Et 91
Et 91
Et 91
The LEVEL TEST SET ET 91 is a hand held battery oper- • Comfortable End to End Measurements
ated, multifunction measuring instrument, intended for the For the test of carrier frequency cables and voice
test of Carrier Frequency Systems up to 600 channel ca- channels in Master-Slave mode.
pacity, Power Line Carrier, Audio Tone, and FSK Com- The Master initializes the measurements and col-
munications Systems. lects the results. The Slave performs the meas-
In selective receiving mode four special bandwidths are urements according to the Master’s commands
provided for the measurement of noise, carrier leak, cross- and sends back the results. The two instruments
talk and non-linear distortion. communicate over the tested line.
• Comfortable Frequency Setting Modes • High Resolution Spectrum Analyzer
Test instructions of FDM systems often specify the test ET 91 provides a high sensitivity spectrum ana-
frequency in format: Carrier ± Channel Frequency. lyzer suitable for the measurement of transmission
In compliance with the mentioned format ET 91 pro- characteristics as well as cross-talks and other in-
vides the separate setting of carrier and audio frequen- terference signals.
cies and so: The obtained spectrum trace can be evaluated in
No frequency calculation is required! four modes like: NORM, PEAK, AVG, SAVG and
interpreted in dBm or dBm/Hz
• Comfortable Frequency Tracking Modes • Measuring Bridge
The test procedure of FDM equipment usually requires ET 91provides a built in bridge to perform the
different generator and level meter frequency settings. measurement of Return Loss, Impedance and
For example: LCL Balance according to ITU-T Rec. O.9.
Feeding audio frequency test signal to the input of the
tested channel on the following frequencies: • Memory Locations for Test Setups
To speed up routine tests ET 91 provides memory
1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, etc Hz locations for 100 user defined test setups contain-
Selective level measurement at a designated test point ing generator, level meter test parameters and
of the tested equipment on the following frequencies: limit values for PASS/FAIL indication
Carrier + 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, etc Hz or
• USB Ports for Result and Setup Transfer
Carrier - 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, etc Hz
ET 91has two USB ports for data transfer:
Using up the advantageous feature of ET 91 that the
generator and the level meter are in the same instru- USB A host port for USB stick
ment extremely comfortable tracking modes are pro- USB B device port for PC connection
vided. In these modes the selective level meter is con- The USB stick provides data transfer between a
PC and ET 91 without installing a special device
trolled by the generator according to the above men-
driver to the PC. This solution is advantageous for
tioned rules.
the user who does not have administrative right to
No frequency calculation is required ! install a special driver to his PC.
Only one frequency setting is required ! PC program for data transfer is provided.
LEVEL TEST SET ET 91 ........................... 437-000-000
Including: OPTIONS
Operating Manual 40 dB External Attenuator coax ................Y 107-439
Short form Operation Instruction 40 dB External Attenuator balance ...........Y 107-448
Calibration Certificate Group Delay Distortion
CD (xxx version) Measurement ............................ SW437-570-000
2 Balanced Measuring Cables Phase Jitter and Frequ. Error Meas. SW437-560-000
2 Coaxial Measuring Cables Micro Interruption Measurement ..... SW437-530-000
USB cable Spectrum referencia result............... SW437-590-000
USB stick Spectrogram SW set ....................... SW437-580-000
Mains adapter 100 to 264 VAC Spectral Trace as Reference .................... SW437-590-000
Carrying case PC control program (result transfer
Battery pack (built in) and parameter editor) ..........SW437-100-000
Car lighter power adapter EAA10 ....... 367-000-000