6 MHZ Level Test Set ET 92: Four Instruments in One

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100Hz to 6 MHz Level Generator
For the generation of measuring voltage for
the test of different FDM and tone fre-
quency transmission systems.
100Hz to 6 MHz Level Meter
For selective and wideband level measure-
ments with auto ranging
Spectrum Analyzer
For the measurement of transmission char-
acteristics as well as cross-talks and other in-
terference signals.
Event Counter
For the simultaneous counting of Amplitude
hits, Phase hits, Interruptions and Noise Im-

APPLICATIONS Comfortable End to End Measurements

The LEVEL TEST SET ET 92 is a hand held battery oper- For the test of cables and voice channels in Master-
ated, multifunction measuring instrument, intended for the Slave mode. The Master initializes the measure-
test of Carrier Frequency Systems, Power Line Carrier, ments and collects the results. The Slave performs
Tone, and FSK Communications Systems. the measurements according to the Masters com-
In selective receiving mode five special bandwidths are mands and sends back the results. The two instru-
provided for the measurement of noise, carrier leak, cross- ments communicate over the tested line.
talk and non-linear distortion. Numerous useful software High Resolution Spectrum Analyzer
options are provided to make ET 92 more effective. ET 92 provides a high sensitivity spectrum analyzer
Comfortable Frequency Setting Modes suitable for the measurement of transmission char-
Test instructions of FDM systems often specify the test acteristics as well as cross-talks and other interfer-
frequency in format: Carrier Channel Frequency. ence signals.
In compliance with the mentioned format ET 92 pro- The obtained spectrum trace can be evaluated in
vides the separate setting of carrier and audio frequen- four modes like: NORM, PEAK, AVG, SAVG and
cies and so: interpreted in dBm or dBm/Hz
PC supported Spectrogram (Option)
No frequency calculation is required!
The purpose of Spectrogram PC program is to
Comfortable Frequency Tracking Modes boost the spectrum measurement abilities of
The test procedure of FDM equipment usually requires ET 92 utilizing the memory capacity of a PC. Spec-
different generator and level meter frequency settings. trum measurements are performed in every second
For example: and the obtained results are continuously trans-
Feeding audio frequency test signal to the input of the ferred to the PC via USB port to store and to dis-
tested channel on the following frequencies: play them. The large memory capacity of PC allows
the storage the results of long test sequences up to
1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, etc Hz 72 hours. The spectrum is displayed on a 3 dimen-
Selective level measurement at a designated test point sion picture
of the tested equipment on the following frequencies:
USB Ports for Result and Setup Transfer
Carrier + 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, etc Hz or
Carrier - 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, etc Hz ET 92 has two USB ports for data transfer:
USB A host port for USB stick
Using up the advantageous feature of ET 92 that the USB B device port for PC connection
generator and the level meter are in the same instru- The USB stick provides data transfer between a PC
ment extremely comfortable tracking modes are pro- and ET 92 without installing a special device driver
vided. In these modes the selective level meter is con- to the PC. This solution is advantageous for the
trolled by the generator according to the above men- user who does not have administrative right to in-
tioned rules. stall a special driver to his PC.
No frequency calculation is required ! Memory for Test Setups
Only one frequency setting is required ! ET 92 provides 100 memory locations for user de-
fined test setups and limit values for the evaluation
of test results.

ELEKTRONIKA Telecommunications Test Equipment

HUNGARY-1135 BUDAPEST, Reitter F. u. 52-54. Phone: (36-1) 340-2136 E-mail: sales@elektronika.hu
H-1400 BUDAPEST, P.O.Box 6 Fax: (36-1) 340-2139 http://www.elektronika.hu
Transmitter Wideband Noise Measurement
Transmitting Modes ..... 1 FREQ, MTTS or SWEEP Frequency Range..........................100 Hz to 6 MHz
Frequency Range ... 100 Hz to 6 MHz in 1 Hz steps Weighting Filters...................... Psophometer (O.41)
Frequency Accuracy...........................2x10-6 1 Hz Psophometer & Notch (O.132)
Balanced and Coaxial Outputs 3.1, 4, 120, 300, 600 kHz
10 kHz to 6 MHz.................... ~0, 75, 135, 150 1.5, 3, 6 MHz
100 Hz to 10 kHz.................................~0, 600 Measurement times.........................1, 5, 10, 30 sec
Level Range of Balanced Output 1, 5, 10, 30 min
For all impedances ................. +10 to 50 dBm, dB 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours
Level Range of Coaxial Output
For 1 sec to 1 min ........................... Quasi analog
~0, ................................... +10 to 50 dBm, dB
Over 1 min............... Histogram with 60 time slots
75, 135, (125) 150 .................. +10 to 50 dBm
600 .......................................... +4 to 50 dBm Impulse Noise Measurement
Level Resolution.......................................... 0.1 dB Pulse width................................................. >500 ns
Level Accuracy at 0 dBm Freq.>200Hz ...... 0,3 dB Interval size................................................... 10 ms
Threshold range ...................................1 to 500 mV
Selective receiver
Maximum count............................................. 65000
Receiving Modes ......... 1 FREQ, MTTS or SWEEP
Measurement times.........................1, 5, 10, 30 sec
Frequency Range ........................ 100 Hz to 6 MHz 1, 5, 10, 30 min
Frequency Accuracy...........................2x10-6 1 Hz 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours
Direct Frequency Setting ................... in 1 Hz steps Evaluation
Frequency Setting in Carrier Tone Format For 1 to 30 sec....................................... Numeric
Carrier Frequency . 4 to 5996 kHz in 1 kHz steps Over 30 sec ............. Histogram with 60 time slots
Tone Frequency 100 Hz to 3,9 kHz in 1 Hz steps Spectrum Analyzer
Band width Frequency Range..........................100 Hz to 6 MHz
200 Hz to 10 kHz....................................... 20 Hz Line impedances at Balanced and Coaxial Inputs
10 kHz to 6 MHz. 20, 200 Hz, 1.74, 1.95, 3.1 kHz 10 kHz to 6 MHz .............. 75, 135, 150 or High
Balanced and Coaxial Inputs 100 Hz to 10 kHz ........................... 600 or High
10 kHz to 6 MHz.... 75, 135, (125), 150 or high Frequency Range Bandwidth. & Fr. Step
100 Hz to 10 kHz........................... 600 or high 6 MHz 500 Hz to 20 kHz
Measuring Range 3 MHz 500 Hz to 10 kHz
With 20 Hz band width................. -120 to +10 dB 1,5 MHz 500 Hz to 5 kHz
Level Resolution.......................................... 0.1 dB 600 kHz 500 Hz to 2 kHz
Level Accuracy at 0 dBm, Freq.>200Hz ..... 0,3 dB 300 kHz 500 Hz to 1 kHz
20 kHz 50 Hz to 100 Hz
Wideband Receiver 4 kHz 10 Hz to 20 Hz
Impedance Balanced and Coaxial Inputs
10 kHz to 6 MHz.... 75, 135, (125), 150 or high Display range ........................ down to -140 dBm/Hz
Number of displayed frequencies.......................300
100 Hz to 10 kHz........................... 600 or high
Saving of result ........... the actual content of display
Selectable 3 dB Band Filters Measuring ranges Evaluation ....................NORM, PEAK, AVG, SAVG
100 Hz to 4kHz............................ -100 to +10 dB Units ...........................................dB, dBm, dBm/Hz
1,2 to 120 kHz ............................... -90 to +10 dB
3 kHz to 300 kHz ........................... -90 to +10 dB NEXT / LOSS Measurement
6 kHz to 600 kHz ........................... -80 to +10 dB Frequency Range..........................100 Hz to 6 MHz
15 kHz to 1,5 MHz......................... -70 to +10 dB Frequency Setting Mode............. Fix frequ or sweep
30 kHz to 3 MHz............................ -60 to +10 dB Sweep Ranges..4, 120, 300, 600 kHz 1.5, 3, 6 MHz
60 kHz to 6 MHz............................ -50 to +10 dB Resolution...........Automatically changed with range
Level Resolution ........................................... 0.1 dB Output Impedances
Level Accuracy at 0 dBm, Freq.>200Hz ...... 0,3 dB 10 kHz to 6 MHz.............................75, 135, 150
100 Hz to 10 kHz......................................... 600
Receiver - Transmitter Tracking Mode
The receiver is controlled by the transmitter Input Impedances
10 kHz to 6 MHz................ 75, 135, 150 or High
Tx Frequency......... 100 Hz to 3,9 kHz in 1 Hz steps
100 Hz to 10 kHz............................. 600 or High
Carrier Frequency .......4 to 5996 kHz in 1 kHz steps
Receiver Frequency = Carrier Tx Frequency Measuring range ...................................up to 80 dB

ELEKTRONIKA Telecommunications Test Equipment

HUNGARY-1135 BUDAPEST, Reitter F. u. 52-54. Phone: (36-1) 340-2136 E-mail: sales@elektronika.hu
H-1400 BUDAPEST, P.O.Box 6 Fax: (36-1) 340-2139 http://www.elektronika.hu

Micro Interruption Measurement (SW Option) Group Delay Distortion Measurement (SW Option)
Test Signal Test signal.......................... 37MTT, 200 to 3700 Hz
Frequency ................................................ 1020 Hz Resolution ................................................... 100 Hz
Input level................................. from 0 to 30 dBm Z output / input .............................................. 600
Impedance ...................................................600 Output level.......................30 dB/tone (-7dB peak)
Input level range......................... -60 to 20 dB/tone
Selectable Threshold
Group delay distortion range................... 0 to 10 ms
Below the normal input level ........... 3, 6, 10, 20 dB
Resolution ........................................................ 1 s
Accuracy of Threshold Accuracy .............................. According to ITU.O.81
For 3, 6, 10 dB ......................................... 1 dB
Phase Jitter & Frequ Error Meas. (SW Option)
For 20 dB ................................................. 2 dB Test signal............................1020 Hz, 0 to -30 dBm
Measuring time adjustable .......... 4 min to 72 hours Phase Jitter measurement (O.91)
4, 8, 12, 24 min Measuring range .................0.2 to 30.0 degrees p-p
1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 hour Filter......................................................4 to 300 Hz
Interruption Categories ................ 0.6 ms to 3 ms
3 ms to 30 ms Frequency Error Measurement
30 ms to 300 ms Measuring range ........................................ 30 Hz
300 ms to 1 min Resolution .................................................... 0.1 Hz
>1 min Simultaneous Event Counting (SW. Option)
Evaluation ............... Relative duration, Errored sec Measurement times.......................5, 15, 30, 60 min
Count & time distribution/category Test signal........................... 1020 Hz, 0 to 30 dBm
Maximum count for each counter................... 65000
PC Control Program (SW Option)
The purpose of the control program is to establish Amplitude Hit Counter (O.95)
data transfer between ET 92 and PC via USB in- Threshold range ....................................... 2 to 9 dB
terface. The program provides four functions: Guard interval.................................................. 4 ms
- Test result transfer and post processing Dead time............................................. 125 25 ms
- Test setup transfer and edition Dead time after interruption (>10 dB drop) .......... 1 s
- Checking the features of ET 92 Phase Hit Counter (O.95)
- Spectrogram control Threshold range ......................................... 5 to 45
Spectral Trace as Reference (SW Option) Guard interval.................................................. 4 ms
The obtained result of spectrum measurement can Dead time............................................. 125 25 ms
be stored and used as a reference for the subse-
Interruption counter (O.61)
quent measurements. The actual spectral trace and
Threshold .................................................. 6, 10 dB
the reference are displayed together
Guard interval.................................................. 2 ms
External Attenuator (HW Option) Dead time................................................... 3 1 ms
Attenuation ................................................... 40 dB Impulsive Noise counter (O.71)
Frequency Range .....................10 kHz to 2400 kHz Filter................................................ 1020 Hz Notch
Accuracy..................................................... 0.5 dB Guard interval................................................. 20 s
Max. input level ...........................................+40 dB Dead time............................................ 125 25 ms
Input Impedance ................................>3.7 k Coax
Threshold range.........................................0 to 50 dBm
Output connector ..................................... Balanced

The Spectrogram PC Program is an excellent tool of ET 92 to discover the disturbers causing considerable
service impairment to communication systems. The trouble shooting is usually very difficult because:
The disturbing signals appear in unpredictable times
They appear in unpredictable frequency ranges

In Spectrogram mode ET 92 performs spectrum measure-

ments in every second. The results are directly transferred to
PC via USB port or indirectly by means of a memory stick when
the measurement is completed.
Utilizing the large memory capacity and large display of PC the
spectrogram program shows the results in form of Waterfall
diagram in which:
The time is displayed on the vertical axis
The frequency is displayed on the horizontal axis
The level is interpreted in form of colors

ELEKTRONIKA Telecommunications Test Equipment

HUNGARY-1135 BUDAPEST, Reitter F. u. 52-54. Phone: (36-1) 340-2136 E-mail: sales@elektronika.hu
H-1400 BUDAPEST, P.O.Box 6 Fax: (36-1) 340-2139 http://www.elektronika.hu


Power supply LEVEL TEST SET ET 92 .................... 443-000-000
Internal rechargeable NIMH battery pack Including:
Operation time .. approx. 8 hours (Without backlight) Operating Manual
Charging Short form operation instruction
From 230V mains ......................with mains adapter
Calibration Certificate
From 12V car battery ..................... with car adapter
CD (xxx version)
Fast charging time ........................less than 3 hours
2 Balanced Measuring Cables
Display.................................. 320 x 240 LCD - TFT 2 Coaxial Measuring Cables
Connectors USB cable
For mains or 12V car adapter.....2.1/5.5 mm coaxial USB stick
Balanced connectors ............ 4 mm banana sockets Mains adapter
Coaxial connectors ............................. BNC sockets Carrying case
USB A ................... USB 1.1 host port for USB stick Battery (buit-in)
(FAT16, FAT32 file system supported)
HW Options:
USB B .............. USB 1.1 device port to connect PC
40 dB External Attenuator coax ................ Y 107-439
Over voltage protection 40 dB External Attenuator balance ........... Y 107-448
Between a and b or ground ....................... 200V DC Car lighter power adapter EAA 10 .........367-000-000
Ambient temperature ranges SW Options:
Reference................................................... 235C Micro Interruption Measurement ..... SW443-530-000
Rel. humidity 45% to 75%
Synchronous Event Counter ........... SW443-540-000
Normal operation ................................... 0 to +40C
Group Delay Distortion Meas........... SW443-550-000
Rel. humidity 30% to 75% *(<25g/m 3)
Phase Jitter and Frequ. Error Meas..SW443-560-000
Limits of operation................................. -5 to +45C
Rel. humidity 5% to 95% *(<29g/m 3) Spectrogram SW set ...................... SW443-580-000
Storage and transport ........................ 40 to +70C Spectral Trace as Reference ........... SW443-590-000
Rel. humidity 95% at +45C *(<35g/m 3) PC Control Program ........................ SW443-100-000
* without condensation
Dimensions ............................. 224 x 160 x 44 mm
Weight ............................................. approx. 1.5 kg

ELEKTRONIKA Telecommunications Test Equipment

HUNGARY-1135 BUDAPEST, Reitter F. u. 52-54. Phone: (36-1) 340-2136 E-mail: sales@elektronika.hu
H-1400 BUDAPEST, P.O.Box 6 Fax: (36-1) 340-2139 http://www.elektronika.hu

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