Sci Finite
Sci Finite
Sci Finite
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Question 1
These importance of the forest ecosystems when given a monetary value or the cost of benefits is accounted it is
called the value of ecosystem services of the forest.
Response: True
Question 2 1/5
4/2/23, 6:14 PM S-SCEN001TP BSA31 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2nd Sem ( 2022-2023 ) -…
Response: False
Question 3
One environmental cost of mining is the loss of the cultural value of ancestral lands.
Response: False
Question 4
One social cost of mining is once minerals are depleted, no more revenues.
Response: False
Question 5
Poverty is experienced all through-out the world.
Response: True
Question 6
Deforestation is caused by shifting cultivation, land use conversion, forest fires, illegal logging and 40 million m3
of fuelwood harvested each year.
Response: True
Question 7
One social cost of fossil fuel depletion is that it is profit-driven and production is not accessible to all.
Response: True
Question 8
A key contributory factor to hunger is poverty.
Response: True
Question 9
Minerals are usually inorganic substances occurring in nature that has a definite chemical composition and distinct
physical properties.
Response: True
Question 10 2/5
4/2/23, 6:14 PM S-SCEN001TP BSA31 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2nd Sem ( 2022-2023 ) -…
Overfishing can destroy the environment and marine ecology and completely disrupt the food chain.
Response: True
Question 11
Oil extracted cannot be replenished.
Response: True
Question 12
Cost of extraction shall be the limiting factor in the supply and cost of oil products.
Response: True
Question 13
A key contributory factor to hunger is overfishing.
Response: False
Question 14
The food system is intensely challenged by the world population growth, increased food demand, scarcity of water
and land resources; and larger spread of arable land vis-à-vis bio-fuels, industry and urbanization.
Response: True
Question 15
Oil extracted can be replenished.
Response: False
Question 16
One social cost of mining is the loss of the cultural value of ancestral lands.
Response: True
Question 17
A key contributory factor to hunger is mining.
Response: False
Question 18 3/5
4/2/23, 6:14 PM S-SCEN001TP BSA31 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2nd Sem ( 2022-2023 ) -…
Response: True
Question 19
Global warming is an example of the importance of Forest Ecosystems.
Response: False
Question 20
The food system is unaffected by the world population growth, increased food demand, scarcity of water and land
resources; and larger spread of arable land vis-à-vis bio-fuels, industry and urbanization.
Response: False
Question 21
Overfishing leads to a decline in the population of productive fish, which results in lesser stocking of the fish.
Response: True
Question 22
One economic cost of mining is once minerals are depleted, no more revenues.
Response: True
Question 23
Identify the Global Hunger Indicators stated below.
Response: low weight for their height, reflecting acute undernutrition => Child wasting
Response: low height for their age, reflecting chronic undernutrition => Child stunting
Response: under-five mortality rate, refers to the probability of dying between birth and exactly five years of age
expressed per 1,000 live births => Child mortality
Response: makes children in particular much more vulnerable to disease and death =>
Question 24
Cost of extraction will not be a limiting factor in the supply and cost of oil products.
Response: False 4/5
4/2/23, 6:14 PM S-SCEN001TP BSA31 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2nd Sem ( 2022-2023 ) -…
Question 25
One benefit of fossil fuel depletion is the employment of locals.
Response: True
Question 26
Without fish production, fisheries are gone and fishermen lose their livelihood.
Response: True
Question 27
One social cost of mining is that it is profit-driven and production is not accessible to all.
Response: False
Question 28
The increase in prices of food is being felt the most by the millions of the poorest people.
Response: True
Question 29
Poverty is a deprivation of one’s basic needs due to lack of money to buy services or lack of access to services.
Response: True
Question 30
Climate control and modification is an example of the importance of Forest Ecosystems.
Response: True
Question 31
One cost of fossil fuel depletion is the employment of locals.
Response: False 5/5