Western and Eastern Philosophy On Human Flourishing
Western and Eastern Philosophy On Human Flourishing
Western and Eastern Philosophy On Human Flourishing
Western philosophy, which includes the works of Aristotle and the Stoics, generally
emphasizes individualism, reason, and the pursuit of happiness as the key to human
flourishing. In Western philosophy, human flourishing is seen as the achievement of
personal goals and the fulfillment of individual desires. Western philosophy also
emphasizes the importance of reason and logic in understanding the world and making
ethical decisions.
On the other hand, Eastern philosophy, including the works of Confucius, Lao Tzu, and
the Buddha, tends to focus more on community, interconnectedness, and the cultivation
of inner peace as a means to human flourishing. In Eastern philosophy, human
flourishing is seen as the result of living in harmony with others and with nature. This
involves developing virtues such as compassion, kindness, and humility, and letting go
of attachment to material possessions and desires.
While both Eastern and Western philosophy share a common goal of understanding
what it means to live a good life, they approach this goal in different ways. Western
philosophy emphasizes the importance of individualism, reason, and personal
fulfillment, while Eastern philosophy emphasizes interconnectedness, harmony, and
inner peace.
Make a “VENN DIAGRAM” (visual representation of the relationship between two or more sets
or groups of objects, data, or ideas) on the differences and similarities of Western and Eastern
Philosophy when it comes to Human Flourishing.