Bipolar AC-AC
Bipolar AC-AC
Bipolar AC-AC
Abstract—This paper introduces a novel H-bridge structured respect to sensitive loads connected to the grid [2]. The fail-
ac–ac pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converter topology based on ure of electrical equipment working normally, the damage of
two-level non-differential ac chopper legs, which can work at the the sensitive equipment, the loss of the computer date, and the
non-inverting and inverting modes for the utility voltage compensa-
tion. Compared to the traditional bipolar-type H-bridge ac–ac con- increase of the line loss are driven by the voltage sag/swell.
verter, no bidirectional switches are switched in a complementary Lots of topologies of converters are implemented as volt-
manner to overcome the commutation problem due to the delayed age compensators for mitigating undesired voltage disturbances.
response of electronic circuits and semiconductor switching de- These numerous topologies of converters can be broadly divided
vices. The detailed PWM control signals and operational principles into three categories: dc–ac converters, ac–dc–ac converters, and
are presented to regulate the output voltage in a bipolar manner.
Especially the main advantage is that the proposed ac–ac converter direct pulsewidth modulation (PWM) ac–ac converters. Stored
has the same buck/boost operation process for non-inverting and energy systems such as batteries, capacitors, and flywheels are
inverting modes, which ensures the continuously average current required in dc–ac type voltage compensators. Hence, they are
supply to the low-voltage output side without a high-value capac- not capable of compensating deep and long-duration voltage
itor to support power. Additionally, due to the common sharing sag/swell, and these above facts make them costly and bulky in
ground of the input and output, the feature that output can reverse
or maintain phase angle with input is supported well. Then, the high-power systems [3]. The ac–dc–ac type converters do not
detailed analysis, design conditions, and experimental verification need energy storage systems, but there is dc link, which requires
based on a 1 kW experimental prototype are presented. two-stage power conversion of ac–dc and dc–ac. Consequently,
Index Terms—AC–AC converter, bipolar voltage gain, if this type of converter is used as a voltage compensator, the
buck/boost operation process, non-differential ac chopper, voltage footprint and loss of the compensator will be increased. Com-
sag and swell. pared with the former two types of converters, the direct PWM
ac–ac converter is a single-stage power conversion with no dc
link, thus the conversion efficiency of this type converter has
WING to the rapidly growing, changing, and diversifying
O of the load and the continuously access of the large-scale
distributed renewable energy sources to the grid, a host of power
been extremely improved. Under this motivation, this converter
for voltage amplitude regulation is of interest and to be stud-
ied continuously [4], [5]. Specifically, it is more attractive for
quality problems such as utility voltage sag and swell, voltage this kind of applications where only need to maintain the grid
fluctuation (flicker) phenomenon, and three-phase unbalance voltage amplitude without changing phase shift and frequency
has been caused [1]. Among the above problems, the problem at the same time.
of utility voltage sag/swell is also one of the most serious prob- The buck, boost, buck–boost, and Z-source direct PWM ac–
lems, especially from the viewpoint of the final consumer with ac converters presented in [6]–[10] are the common topologies,
as shown in Fig. 1. These converters have the advantages of
simple structure, uncomplicated control, and high conversion
Manuscript received August 21, 2018; revised November 13, 2018; accepted
December 15, 2018. Date of publication January 1, 2019; date of current version efficiency. However, they also have some drawbacks. On the one
June 28, 2019. This work was completely supported by the Science and Tech- hand, it is well known that the vast majority of the converters
nology project of State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., (Project have commutation problems due to adopt ac switches [11]–[13],
No.:5222SY16000M). Recommended for publication by Associate Editor B.
Lehman. (Corresponding author: C. Liu.) then, the two-level non-differential and differential ac chopper
C. Liu, D. Guo, R. Shan, G. Cai, Y. Wang, H. Zhang, and P. Wang are topologies can be adopted to solve it [14]. On the other hand,
with the Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control there is one of the biggest drawbacks that all can only give
& Renewable Energy Technology, Ministry of Education (Northeast Elec-
tric Power University), Jilin 132012, China (e-mail:, victoliuchuang@163. unipolar output voltage, which restricts them to mitigate either
com;;;; voltage sag or swell but not both. To achieve the bipolar output;; voltage, many measures have been employed to overcome the
W. Ge is with the State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd.,
Shenyang 110004, China (e-mail:, constraints of ac–ac converters. In [15], the output bipolar volt-
Z. Huang is with the State Grid Shenyang Electric Power Supply Company, age is obtained by adding an auxiliary circuit composed of four
Shenyang 110003, China (e-mail:, bidirectional controllable thyristors; but, this kind of solution
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at not only decreases the efficiency and increases the volume of the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2890581 converters, but also reduces the reliability. Using the Z-source
0885-8993 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 8. Gate signals, inductor current, and inductor voltage under mode 2.
Fig. 10. Gate signals, inductor current, and inductor voltage under mode 3.
A. Operation Process in Mode 1 Applying the formula of (3), (4), and the volts-seconds bal-
ance condition on inductor L, at this mode, the transfer ration of
In this mode, the voltage transfer ration QC > 0, and U0 the voltage is obtained as
is in-phase with Uin . In addition, the duty cycle of d1 ranges
from 0 to 1, and d2 takes 0. With the gate signals of the partial U0
QC = = d1 . (5)
switches, inductor current and voltage arranged as in Fig. 6, Uin
point, the voltage of terminal A and B, and the load voltage are the same conclusion as mode 2 can be achieved under mode 3.
represented, respectively, by the following expressions: Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that, in any case,
the current in the circuit always has a circulating circuit, so the
UA = d1 Uin (9)
proposed converter can guarantee the safe commutation without
UB = d2 Uin (10) any other measures. Moreover, there are also three modulation
modes when U0 and Uin are out-of-phase. The principle of the
U0 = UA − UB = (d1 − d2 ) Uin . (11)
BT-AC is similar to the described above. To avoid repetition,
The current variation of the inductor in state I is shown in the the detailed analysis is not carried out in this paper.
following formula:
Uin − U0 d1 − d2
IL m ax1 − IL m in2 = TS . (12)
L 2 In this section, we will carry out a theoretical analysis of the
When the switches of S1 and S1P are turned ON and the S1C harmonic content of the output voltage. Supposing that the input
and S1C P are turned OFF, the converter enters the state II [t2 ∼t3 ], voltage is an ideal sinusoid, as given in the following formula:
and Figs. 10 and 11(b) are employed to illustrate this process. Uin = Uinm sin (ωt) (18)
At this point, the voltage and current changes on the inductor
are represented, respectively, by the following expressions: where ω is the angular frequency and Uinm is the peak voltage.
The Fourier series of the square wave control signal with a
UL = −U0 = − (d1 − d2 ) Uin (13)
constant duty cycles is given by
UL d1 − d2
IL m in 1 − IL m ax1 = d2 T S = − Uin d2 TS . ∞
2sin (kQC π)
L L g (ωS t) = QC + cos (kωS t) (19)
(14) kπ
k =1
In addition, with reference to Fig. 10, the time frame of where ωS denotes the angular switching frequency. By bringing
[t1 ∼t2 ], [t3 ∼t4 ] are deadtime of the BT-AC, the switch S1 is the formula (19) into (18), the instantaneous voltage UH (t)
ON, S1C , S1P , and S1C P are turned OFF during deadtime, the generated by the BT-AC is obtained as follows:
working state of the BT-AC can be described in Fig. 11(b).
In state III [t4 ∼t5 ], refers to Figs. 10 and 11(a). In this state, UH (t) = g (ωS t) Uin (t)
the state of the switches is similar to the state I, but the inductor
U i n m sin(k Q C π )
= QC Uinm sin (ωt) + kπ sin (ω ± kωS) t.
current varies differently, and the formula for the change of the k =1
inductor current is as follows: (20)
1 − d1 + d2 d1 − d2 Hence, the total harmonic distortion (THD) factors of the
IL m ax2 − IL m in1 = Uin TS .
L 2 output voltage U0 are defined as follows [29]:
100 ∞
Figs. 10 and 11(c) are applied to describe state IV [t6 ∼t7 ], THDV = U 2 (%) (21)
U0f k =1 0k
where S1C , S1C P are turned ON and S1 , S1P are turned OFF.
In this process, the voltage across the inductor is UL = −U0 = where U0f and U0k are the amplitudes of the fundamental and
−(d1 − d2 )Uin , so the current through inductor decreases al- harmonic components of the output voltage U0 , respectively.
most linearly as given by the following formula: Assuming that the output filter is an ideal filter and the load
is a pure resistive load, the relation between the fundamental
d1 − d2
IL m in2 − IL m ax2 = − Uin (1 − d1 ) TS . (16) components of the output voltage and the voltage generated by
the converters is as follows:
With reference to Fig. 10, the time frame of [t5 ∼t6 ], [t7 ∼t8 ]
−jXC f R
are also deadtime of the BT-AC, the switch S1C P is ON, S1 , S1C , U0f = UH f (22)
and S1P are turned OFF during deadtime, the working state of the jR (XL − XC ) − XL XC
BT-AC can be described in Fig. 11(c). Similarly, in mode 3, the where
following formula can be obtained by using the volts-seconds
balance principles: XC = , XL = ωL, UH f = QC Uinm = (d1 − d2 )Uinm .
QC = = d1 − d 2 . (17) Due to
In this mode, QC of the voltage transfer ration has the largest XC R XL .
range of variations, ranging from –1 to 1 as shown in Fig. 5,
which results in the variant output voltage range. It is worth Hence
noticing that the mode 1 and 2 are both special cases of the XC R
U0f = UH f ∼
= UH f . (23)
mode 3. If the duty cycle of d2 in mode 3 is set to 0, the mode 2 2
R2 (X L − XC ) + (XL XC )
3 is equivalent to mode 1. Analogously, when setting d1 = 1
Fig. 12. Relationship between the THDV variation of the output U0 and the
duty cycles. (a) In mode 1. (b) In mode 2. (c) In mode 3.
(d1 − d2 ) π k =1 (LC)2 ω 4 k 6 1 (1 − d1 )
ILAm in = d1 Uin − TS (31)
It can be seen from formula (29) that the THDV of output R 2L
voltage U0 is independent of the load characteristics. But, d1 ,
1 (1 − d1 )
d2 , L, and C have a great influence on the THDV of the output ILAm ax = d1 Uin + TS (32)
R 2L
voltage. It is important to point out that d1 and d2 of the two
legs duty cycles are not equal, and if d1 = d2 the output voltage 1 U02 1
ILBm in = − − d2
U0 = 0, thus the aforementioned analysis becomes meaningless. 1 − d2 RUin (Uin − V0 ) 2
The relationship between the THDV variation of the output
voltage and the duty cycles when the output filter is fixed is 1 2
+ d2 TS (33)
shown in Fig. 12. 2
Fig. 14. Simulation results of the BT-AC. (a) In mode 1 with d1 = 0.5 and
Fig. 13. Function relationship between the minimum required inductor value d2 = 0. (b) In mode 2 with d1 = 1 and d2 = 0.5.
and the duty cycles.
1 U02
ILBm ax =
1 − d2 RUin (Uin − V0 )
1 1 2
− − d2 + d2 TS
2 2
Uin − U0
+ (1 − d2 ) TS (34)
Uin − U0 d1 − d2
ILCm in1 = ILCm in2 +
L 2
+ d2 T S (35)
ILCm in2 =
(2 − d1 − d2 ) Uin R
Fig. 15. Simulation results of the BT-AC in mode 3: d1 = 0.85, d2 = 0.35.
TS (Uin − U0 ) (d1 − d2 )2
L (2 − d1 − d2 ) 4 kV = 10% of U0 (or Uin ). Furthermore, the transfer ration of
the voltage QC can reach the maximum 1, then the minimum
+ U0 (3d1 − 1) (d1 − 1)] (36)
output capacitor can be chosen by the following equation
Uin − U0 d1 − d2 based on the voltage ripple requirement:
ILCm ax1 = ILCm in2 + TS (37)
L 2 im ax m ax
in = Cm in = Cm in = √
1 2 3 0
Cm = 9.38 μF. (40)
U0 2πfS kV Uin
ILCm ax2 = ILCm in2 + (1 − d1 ) TS . (38)
L Therefore, the output capacitor ultimately selects 10 μF.
In order to ensure continuous-conduction mode (CCM) op- To be compatible with all operation mode of the BT-AC, the
eration ILCm in1 > 0, which leads to a minimum inductor value experiment specifications of the BT-AC are selected as shown
as in Table III, where eight IGBTs with a body diode are adopted
to achieve the power conversion.
(U i n −U 0 )(d 1 −d 2 ) 2
Lm in = U i2V
2 4 + U0 (3d1 − 1) (d1 − 1)
− (2−d 1 4U 2 [Uin (d1 − d2 ) − U0 (d1 + d2 )] .
(39) A. Simulation Results of BT-AC
Therefore, according to Fig. 13, the output inductor of the The simulation is done in power simulation (PSIM) and the
prototype built in this paper is finally determined to be 0.3 mH. simulation results of the BT-AC with specifications in Table III
are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. In this test, the output voltage is
4) The output LPF capacitor: In order to filter out the influence controlled as 110 V in-phase. In Fig. 14(a), it can be seen that
of the input voltage fluctuation, a 20 μF input capacitor is the output voltage waveform of the converter is good quality,
selected in the prototype, and the capacitor C1 and C2 of the voltage is not distorted at zero crossing, and the inductor
each leg are 10 μF. Besides, a reasonable output capacitor current has two changing processes in mode 1. Fig. 14(b) shows
is designed to guarantee the waveform quality of the output that the BT-AC can still output standard sinusoidal voltage in
voltage. Assuming that the allowable output voltage ripples mode 2.
Fig. 17. Partial switching signals of the proposed converter (Time: 5 ms/div
and 10 μs/div).
Fig. 20. Experimental waveforms of the BT-AC under mode 3 with an RL-load
(Uin = 200 Vrms, R = 16 Ω, X L = 12.1 Ω, Q C = –0.4). (a) Time 20 ms/div.
(b) Time 20 ms/div. (c) Time 20 ms/div.
Fig. 24. Dynamic experimental waveforms of the BT-AC output voltage under
mode 3 (Uin = 45 Vrms, d1 = 0.7, d2 = 0.2, Q C = 0.5).
Fig. 22. Experimental waveforms of the BT-AC under mode 1 with a pure
resistive load (Uin = 160 Vrms, R = 20 Ω, Q C = –0.4). (a) Time 50 ms/div.
(b) Time 20 ms/div. (c) Time 50 ms/div. (d) Time 200 us/div.
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1996. He has been working since 1987. He is currently
a Professor-level Senior Engineer with the State Grid
Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., Shenyang,
Chuang Liu (M’12) received the M.S. degree from
China. His current research interests include power
Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin, China, in
system automation analysis and wind power con-
2009, and the Ph.D. degree from the Harbin Institute sumption.
of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2013, both in elec-
trical engineering. From 2010 to 2012, he was with
the Future Energy Electronics Center, Virginia Poly-
technic Institute and State university, Blacksburg, VA,
USA, as a Visiting Ph.D. Student, supported by the Zhezhu Huang was born in Liaoning Province,
Chinese Scholarship Council. China, in 1963. He received the B.S. degree from
In 2013, he became an Associate Professor with Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 1985.
the school of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Elec- He is a currently a Senior Engineer with the
tric Power University, where, since 2016, he has been a Professor. His research State Grid Shenyang Electric Power Supply Com-
interests include power-electronics-based on ac and dc transformers for future pany, Shenyang, China. His current research inter-
hybrid ac–dc power grids, flexible operation and control of power grid based ests include operation and maintenance of distribu-
on ac–ac transformation, and power-electronics-based power system stability tion networks.
analysis and control.
Yibo Wang was born in Shandong Province, China, Peng Wang was born in Anhui Province, China, in
in 1989. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in 1994. He received the B.S. degree from Northeast
electrical engineering from Northeast Electric Power Electric Power University, Jilin, China, in 2016. He is
University, Jilin, China, in 2010 and 2016, respec- currently working toward the M.S. degree in electrical
tively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. de- engineering at Northeast Electric Power University,
gree in electrical engineering at Northeast Electric Jilin.
Power University. His current research interests include direct PWM
His current research interests include renewable ac–ac converters, power quality, and the application
energy integration into power networks, power sys- of high-power electronic conversion technology in
tems, and power quality. renewable energy generation.