Final Year Report Afnan

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1.1 Project Background

The project entitled as “Torrefaction of coconut shell, rice husk, and paddy straw to
improve its properties for enhancing gasification efficiency” will study on how to
conduct torrefaction or mild pyrolisis process on these biomass to become torrefied
material that will be better fuel (feed) for gasification application. This process would
change the biomass’s properties that would make the material to be a much better fuel
quality for gasification applications. It would cause the biomass become completely
dried, increasing the calorific energy value in the material, and loose it tenacious and
fibrous structure. According to past research, these properties would reduce the
gasification problem such as tar formation which leads to increasing the gasification
efficiency. Higher efficiency of gasification should increase the hydrogen production
rate. Moreover, the amount of biomass like rice husk, rice (paddy) straw and coconut
shell are available in Malaysia in large quantity. Therefore, it is a good opportunity to
conduct a details research and development on the product which has high potential
benefit to the country.

1.2 Problem Statement

1.2.1 Shortage of fossil fuels

Dependence on fossil fuels as the main energy sources has led to serious energy crisis
(fossil fuel depletion) and environmental problems (pollutant emission). United Arab
Emirates, one of the major oil export countries, would fail to meet the share in the oil
and natural gas demands by 2015 and 2042, respectively. The fossil fuel resources in
Egypt would be exhausted within one to two decades. China claimed that the imported
oil amounted to 31% to meet the energy demand in 2000 will be increased into 45–55%
in 2010. Obviously, the increasing energy demands will speed up the exhaustion of the
finite fossil fuel. Moreover, combustion of fossil fuel produces substantial greenhouse
and toxic gases, such as CO2, SO2, and other pollutants, causing global warming and
acid rain.

It is now essential to improve the efficiency with the usage of natural resources, and
develop renewable alternatives wherever possible to protect the resources on which the
current and future generations depend. Renewable resources including fish stocks, water
and timber should be consumed only at rates at which they can be naturally replaced.
Alternative sources of energy and raw materials need to be developed.

1.2.2 Gasification Process as Alternative Energy Producer

In order to meet the alternative energy demand which is increasing nowadays, research
had been done to find out suitable process to produce type of energy and gasification is
one of the processes. This process is used to produce hydrogen gas and others from
biomass like sugarcane baggage which can be used as alternative energy for the fossil
fuel energy. However, researches found that production rate of gas are not sufficient
when using untreated biomass as the feed. The problems may occur are like unwanted
tar and ash formation in gasifier.

A research had been done by Mark J. Prins et al (2005) where they found that even
though wood is a clean fuel with low nitrogen, sulphur and ash content, it is thermally
unstable, which may lead to formation of condensable tars in gasifiers, thus giving
problems in down-stream equipment such as choking and blockage of piping. Other
disadvantages are the low energy density of wood, typically 18 MJ/kg, in combination
with its high moisture content due to its hygroscopic character, typically around 10 wt%,
even after drying. These problems would reduce the gasification efficiency.

1.3 Objectives

 To investigate the properties of rice husk, coconut shell and paddy straw which are
available in large amount in this country especially at northern and east-coast states
like Kedah and also Terengganu
 To investigate the properties of selected biomasses either being improved or not after
the torrefaction process

1.4 Scope of Studies

 Study on the concept of biomass as alternative energy resources and its importance
to people today.

 Study on the concept and experimental procedure of torrefaction process.

 Study on rice husk, paddy straw and coconut shell as potential materials to be
developed for gasification technology.

 Study on the concept, principle and parameters of torrefaction process and

possibility of applying the process to improve the biomass properties

 To conduct torrefaction experiments on rice husk, paddy straw, and coconut shell, as
well as investigating their properties before and after experiment


2.1 Energy & Environment Issues

Fossil fuels provide around 66% of the world's electrical power, and 95% of the world's
total energy demands (including heating, transport, electricity generation and other
uses). Coal provides around 28% of energy, oil provides 40% and natural gases provide
about 20%. A concern is that the fossil fuels are being used up at an increasing rate, and
that they will soon run out. If these fossil fuels were to run out now there would not be a
suitable replacement for them that is equally as efficient at producing the same amount
of energy.

The basic element of fossil fuels is carbon and carbon dioxide can be formed by the
burning of carbon containing materials.Carbon dioxide is part of the greenhouse effect,
which prevents the heat of the sun from leaving the atmosphere. The consumption of
coal, oil and natural gases has some terrible effects on the environment. Gradually the
world’s temperature is heating up due to the greenhouse effect. In addition, research
done by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under United States
of Commerce also found that the concentration of CO 2 and CH4 have been increasing in
the atmosphere since 1850 and are now become higher as a result of human use of fossil
fuels and land clearing. They claimed half of total carbon emitted to atmosphere is taken
up by the oceans (and land) in form of these gases. According to Pidwirny (2008), the
emissions from fossil fuel combustion account for about 65% of the additional carbon
dioxide currently found in the Earth's atmosphere. The other 35% is derived from
deforestation and the conversion of natural ecosystems into agricultural systems

The continuous emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will affect climate and
ocean chemistry, subsequently influencing both marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The
warming effects of increasing CO2 and other greenhouse gases impinge on agriculture,
natural systems, and a host of environmental variables. Increasing CO2 in the
atmosphere also directly translates to increasing acidity of the oceans. Carbon dioxide
dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, which is corrosive to the shells and skeletal
material of many marine organisms.

One way the world is trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is by a treaty, called the
Kyoto agreement ( This agreement
requires those countries that have signed, to reduce the emissions to an acceptable level,
sustainable forms of agriculture and to promote and provide research on the increased
use of renewable forms of energy. It is an international agreement linked to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The major feature of the Kyoto
Protocol is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European
community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Under the treaty, countries must meet their targets primarily through national measures.
However, the Kyoto Protocol offers them an additional means of meeting their targets
by way of three market-based mechanisms which purposely to stimulate green
investment and help parties meet their emission targets in a cost-effective way:

 Emissions trading – known as “the carbon market"

 Clean development mechanism (CDM)
 Joint implementation (JI).

The Kyoto Protocol is generally seen as an important first step towards a truly global
emission reduction regime that will stabilize GHG emissions, and provides the essential
architecture for any future international agreement on climate change.

2.2 Biofuel

Biofuel are looked as one of the best way to reduce the greenhouse effect. Besides that,
it can be an alternative of fossil fuels which are limited nowadays. Many countries from
Asia, Europe and America has started look into this alternative. These fuels are derived
from biomass or bio waste like sugarcane bagasse and rubber seed kernel. It was mainly
used in trasnsportation sector as engine oil. It can be easily pumped and easy to handle
it. There are many types of biofuel which may reduce the fossil fuel usage as cited in the
next paragraph.

2.2.1 Biodiesel

This is a famous biofuel in Europe. Its composition is just like mineral diesel. When
biodiesel is mixed with mineral diesel, the mixture can be used in any diesel engine. It is
observed that in several nations, the diesel engines under warranty are converted to
100% biodiesel use. It has also been proved that most people can run their vehicles on
biodiesel without any problem. A large number of vehicle manufacturers recommend the
use of 15% biodiesel mixed with mineral diesel. In Europe, a 5% biodiesel blend is
generally used at gas stations.

A study had been done Hanbey Hazar (2008) from Firat University, Turkey entitled as
“effect of biodiesel on a low heat diesel engine”. The objective of this study is to
examine the effect of using biodiesel in a diesel engine that has had its combustion
chamber elements coated with ceramic, in order to determine any significant effects on
performance and exhaust gas emissions. In this study, diesel oil named as 2D and
biodiesel which is Canola methyl ester (CME) are tested in a single cylinder direct
injection of a diesel engine. The piston surface, cylinder head, and valves were coated
with ceramic materials. The result showed that ceramic coating in cylinder engine with
using mixture of diesel and biodiesel oil could be applied succesfully without any
significant modifications to the structural characteristics of the internal combustion
engine as well as reducing harmful emission (carbon monoxide gas).

2.2.2 Bioalcohols

It biologically produced alcohols. Common among these are ethanol and rare among
these are propanol and butanol. Biobutanol can be used directly in a gasoline engine and
hence is considered a direct replacement for gasoline. The butanol can be burned straight
in the existing gasoline engines without any alteration to the engine or car. It is also
claimed that this butanol produces more energy. Also, butanol has a less corrosive effect
and is less soluble in water than ethanol. Other bioalcohol, Ethanol most commonly used
biofuel in the world and particularly in Brazil.

Ethanol can be put to use in petrol engines as a substitute for gasoline. Also, it can be
mixed with gasoline in any ratio. The contemporary automobile petrol engines can work
on mixtures of gasoline and ethanol that have 15% bioethanol. This mixture of gasoline
and ethanol has more quantity of octane. This indicates that the engine would burn hotter
and more efficiently. In high altitude spots, the mixture of gasoline and ethanol is used
as a winter oxidizer and thereby atmospheric pollution is decreased.

Hsieh et al (2001) investigated the engine performance and pollutant emission of a

commercial SI engine by using ethanol-gasoline blended fuels. From the investigations,
it was showed that with increasing of ethanol content, the heating value of the blended
fuel increases. Beside that, the torque output and fuel consumption of the engine was
slightly increased and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions decreased dramatically (10 –
90%) as a result of the leaning effect cause by ethanol addition while CO2 emission is
slightly increased in range 5 – 25% depending on engine condition.

2.2.3 Syngas

The combined processes of gasification, combustion and pyrolyis gives rise to syngas
which is a biofuel. This syngas can be directly burned in internal combustion engines.
Syngas can be used to produce hydrogen and methanol. By using the Fischer-Tropsch
process, it can be transformed to a synthetic petroleum substitute.

Figure 2.1: Comparison Energy Yield beween Gasification and Pyrolisis of Paper
(Ahmed et al, 2008)

An experiment had been done by Ahmed et al (2008) which investigated the syngas
yield from gasification and pyrolisis of paper. The experiment had been carried out at
several different temperature and resulting to the gasification may contributed better
results in terms of increasing material destruction, and increasing yields of hydrogen and
chemical energy. The result showed that gasification of 35 g of white paper yielded 250
– 440 kJ as compared to 50 – 300 kJ in case of pyrolisis at range temperature from 700
to 1000 °C (Figure 3.1). For reactor at temperature of 600 °C, both processes yielded
almost the same amount of energy and hydrogen. This project will do further study on
mild-pyrolisis or torrefaction process of other rice husks, coconut shell, and paddy straw
in order to study its capability (product from torrefaction process) to increase the
gasification efficiency to produce more amount of syngas especially hydrogen.

2.3 Hydrogen production

One of the methods to produce hydrogen is by doing conversion from biomass, which is
abundant, clean and renewable. Alternative thermochemical (pyrolysis and gasification)
and biological (biophotolysis, water–gas shift reaction and fermentation) processes can
be practically applied to produce hydrogen.

The available energy production processes from biomass can be divided into two general
categories: thermochemical and biological processes. Combustion, pyrolysis,
liquefaction and gasification are the four thermochemical processes.

2.3.1 Hydrogen from biomass pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is the heating of biomass at a temperature of 650–800 K at 0.1–0.5 MPa in the

absence of air to convert biomass into liquid oils, solid charcoal and gaseous
compounds. Pyrolysis can be further classified into slow pyrolysis and fast pyrolysis. As
the products are mainly charcoal, slow pyrolysis is normally not considered for
hydrogen production. Fast pyrolysis is a high temperature process, in which the biomass
feedstock is heated rapidly in the absence of air, to form vapor and subsequently
condensed to a dark brown mobile bio-liquid. The products of fast pyrolysis can be
found in all gas, liquid and solid phases as shown below:

 Gaseous products include H2, CH4, CO, CO2 and other gases depending on the
organic nature of the biomass for pyrolysis.
 Liquid products include tar and oils that remain in liquid form at room
temperature like acetone, acetic acid, etc.
 Solid products are mainly composed of char and almost pure carbon plus other
inert materials.

2.4 Concept of Gasification

As stated in problem statement, gasification is one of effective process to produce

hydrogen. However, the problem during the process like tar formation which resulting
on blockage at downstream piping had made this process less efficient.

Gasification is the process which converting a substance into a gas. The substances like
coal, petroleum or biomass will converted into a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of oxygen. The gas mixture produced
(syngas) can then be treated with steam to produce more hydrogen. Gasification occurs
through chemical reactions at high temperature and often at high pressure.

Many studies have been done on various type of biomass material on this process like
sawdust, cotton stem, wood, bagasse and others which show gasification process can be
used for various types of biomass sources. The biomass particle will undergo partial
oxidation resulting in gas and charcoal production. The charcoal is finally reduced to
form H2, CO, CO2, and CH4. The conversion can be expressed as:

Biomass + heat (presence of O2)  H2 + CO + CO2 +CH4 +light and heavy

hydrocarbon + char

Hydrogen production from biomass gasification

Gasification mainly producing gaseous product compared to pyrolysis. The main
product of pyrolysis is solid fuel and liquid (bio fuel). In order to increase the hydrogen
production, the gaseous product can be steam reformed where CH4 will react with steam
(H 2O) to produce other amount of hydrogen as expressed in reaction below:

CH4 + Steam (H2O)  CO + 3H2

Moreover, this process also can be further improved by using water – gas shift reaction:

CO + H2 O  H2 + CO2

From the reaction and conversion stated, it shows that the amount of hydrogen can be
efficiently increased when gasification process is further improved by steam reformed
and water-gas shift reaction process.

Besides looking at process on hydrogen production, there are other factors which also
affect the amount of hydrogen produced from biomass like:

i) Type of feedstock
ii) Type of reactor used
iii) Type of catalyst used
iv) Operation parameter like temperature, residence time etc.

Many studies have been done by scientists to investigate the factor affect the amount of
hydrogen production from biomass gasification. Table 2.1 shows some studies and
results found by them
Meng Ni et al (2005)

Table 2.1: Investigation on factors affecting the gasification process

Catalyst Hydrogen production

Feedstock Reactor type
used (vol.%)

48.31 at 700 °C

Sawdust Not Known Na2CO3 55.4 at 800 °C

59.8 at 900 °C

Circulating fluidized
Sawdust Not used 10.5 at 810 °C

Wood Fixed bed Not used 7.7 at 550 °C

Sawdust Fluidized bed Not known 57.4 at 800 °C

K2CO3 11.27 at 964 °C

Sawdust Fluidized bed CaO 13.32 at 1008 °C

Na2CO3 14.77 at 1012 °C

Pine sawdust 26–42 at 700–800 °C

Bagasse 29–38 at 700–800 °C

Cotton stem 27–38 at 700–800 °C

Fluidized bed Not known
35–37 at 700–800 °C

Pinus radiata 27–35 at 700–800 °C

Sewage sludge Downdraft Not known 10–11

Almond shell La–Ni–Fe 62.8 at 800 °C

Fluidized bed
Perovskite 63.7 at 900 °C

Switchgrass Moving bed Cu–Zn–Al 27.1

From Table 2.1, operating temperature also play its role in producing hydrogen from
biomass. According to the first three row of the table, saw dust feedstock has been
heated in difference level of temperature (same reactor and catalyst used for each level).
As expected, difference amount of hydrogen has been produced at each level where
900°C (highest temperature level) producing highest amount of gas than others.

Beside that, scientists also found that the amount of hydrogen would be difference when
using various type of biomass feedstock. According to the table, an experiment had been
done by using same type of reactor (fluidized bed reactor) with constant range of
temperature (70 - 800 °C). Highest amount of hydrogen has been produced from pine
sawdust (26 – 42 vol%) feedstock compared to Pinus radiata feedstock which just
produce hydrogen in range 27 – 35 vol% at constant range temperature. This experiment
shows type of biomass become an important factor to produce efficient amount of
hydrogen too.

Issues in biomass gasification

Tar formation in biomass gasifier becomes one of major issues in gasification process.
The unwanted tar may cause formation of tar aerosols and polymerisation to a more
complex structure. When the complex structure substance formed in gasifier, steam
reforming cannot be done hence no more hydrogen can be further produced. Figure 2.2
shows clearly the location of tar formation. Increasing of this structure may block the
downstream pipe. Hence, the process like biomass drying will be interrupted. This
problem would make the feed cannot be dried efficiently hence reducing the production.
Besides that, Meng Ni et al (2004) claimed that, this process is applicable for biomass
that having moisture content less than 35%. Hence, biomass without pre-treatment (to
reduce the moisture content) before undergo gasification process will make the process

Figure 2.2: Gasification Process

Scientists currently found three methods which are available to minimize tar formation
during gasification process:

i) Proper design of gasifier

ii) Proper control and operation
iii) Using additives/catalysts

Proper control and operation

Operation parameters like temperature, gasifying agent, and residence time affect the
formation/decompostion of tar in gasifier. When the operating temperature is exceeding
1273 Kelvin, tar will thermally crack. Beside that, ordinary gasification process can be
modified like doing two-stage gasification and secondary air injection process which
may reduce tar formation in gasifier.

Using Additives/catalyst

Using additives/catalyst can eliminate tar and also improving gas product quality and
conversion efficiency. For example, by using dolomite, 100% of tar in gasifier can be
eliminated. Other catalysts like olivine and char can be used to reduce the amount of tar
in gasifier. Other catalysts like Ni-based catalyst, alkaline metal oxides as well as
dolomite are widely used in gasification process to improve the product quality and
conversion efficiency.

Another issue in gasification process is formation of ash in gasifier. Formation of this

substance in reactor (gasifier) can cause deposition, sintering, slagging, fouling, and also

Scientists have found some methods to reduce ash formation in reactor which are:
i) Fractionation
ii) Leaching

Both methods have their own advantages and distadvantages on the process/products
when be used. For example, fractionation is the effective method for ash removal while
the disadvantage is it may deteriorate the quality of remaining ash. Leaching method is
good for removing inorganic biomass fraction which also contributes to improve the
quality of remaining ash. A study have been done regarding to leaching method by P.
Garcia I-banez et al (2004) entitled as Gasification of Leached Olive Oil Waste in
Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor

Combination of Torrefaction and Gasification (Wood)

Mark J. Prins et al (2005) had come out an idea to investigate the efficiency of biomass
gasification via torrefaction. The main idea behind combining biomass torrefaction and
gasification is in gasifiers, biomass such as wood is converted into combustible product
gas and heat. This heat is normally recovered in the form of medium or high pressure
steam.The steam can be used to supply the heat for the torrefaction process.

Bone-dry torrefied wood with increased heating value is formed, which is subsequently
gasified. The design of a torrefaction reactor, which is placed in front of the gasifier, is
similar to a drier. In this case, indirect heat transfer based on heat conduction is selected,
which allows precise temperature control. A steam tube drier, possibly with rotation to
promote contact between the solid particles and hot steam tubes, may be used. The
concept of torrefaction aided gasification is similar to two-stage pyrolysis–gasification,
but differs in two aspects which are:

 The temperature of the torrefaction stage is carefully controlled at or below

300 °C in order to minimize pyrolysis of cellulose and avoid tar formation.
 The heat requirements for torrefaction are smaller than those for pyrolysis at
higher temperatures. Therefore, instead of taking heat from the gasifier itself
(like by recirculation of hot sand), sufficient heat can be taken from the gasifier
product gas.

2.5 Concept of Torrefaction
Torrefaction is a mild pre-treatment of biomass at a temperature between 200-300 °C.
During torrefaction of biomass its properties are changed to obtain a much better fuel
quality for combustion and gasification applications. Torrefaction of biomass is an
effective method to improve the grindability of biomass to enable more efficient co-
firing in existing power stations or entrained-flow gasification for the production of
chemicals and transportation fuels

Patric et al (2005) said biomass torrefaction is a pre-treatment method carried out at 200-
300 °C in absence of oxygen. The occurring decomposition reactions at this temperature
level cause the biomass to become completely dried and to loose its tenacious and
fibrous structure. Therewith the grindability of the subjected biomass is improved
significantly. In addition, torrefaction increases the calorific value and the biomass its
hygroscopic nature can be destructed to yield a hydrophobic material. Depending on the
applied torrefaction conditions, torrefied biomass is coloured brown to dark-brown and
approaches the properties of coal.

These changes make torrefied biomass very attractive for combustion and gasification
applications. Moreover, besides the thermal conversion of biomass also logistic
properties can be improved through torrefaction when torrefaction is combined with
densification (pelletisation). By this combination very energy dense fuel pellets are

The amount of mass and energy yield from torrefaction process are strongly depending

 Torrefaction temperature
 Reaction time
 Type of biomass

From experiment done by researchers, more energy is yield compared to amount of mass
after torrefaction process has been done. The loss mass is transformed into gass phase
during the proces. Basically, the amount of energy and mass yields can be 0.9 and 0.45

There are several polymers in biomass material which influencing the torrefaction
process like cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The combination of these three
polymers is called as lignocellulose. Studies showed that in general they cover 20 – 40
wt% (Hemicellulose), 40-60 wt% (cellulose), and 10 – 25 wt.% (lignin) of lignocellulose
biomass. Furthermore, research had found that biomass pyrolisis (like torrefaction) was
divided into four individual stages:

1. Moisture evolution
2. Hemicellulose Decomposition
3. Cellulose decomposition
4. Lignin decomposition

These polymers will affect the rate of devolatilisation and carbonisation.

Hemicellulose is the most reactive polymer. At the temperature below 250 degree, only
limited devolatilisation and carbonisation will occur. However, when the temperature
exceeds 250 degree, extensive devolatilisation and carbonisation will occur. At this
level, cellulose and lignin is only subjected to limited devolatilisation and carbonisation
only. Table below shows clearly the process of treatment:

Table 2.2: Process occurred on biomass within temperature range
(Torrefaction for Biomass Upgrading, Patrick C.A Bergman)
Temperature Range Process Occurred

 Biomass dried
Below 250 degree  Soften Lignin

 Hemicellulose decomposes into

Over 250 degree volatiles and char
 Limited devolatilisation and
carbonisation of lignin and cellulose

Cellulose is the most abundant organic molecule on the earth. Its structure is composed
of a long, linear polymer of glucose units that is found in the plant cell wall. Cellulose is
water-insoluble, although it can be modified chemically to be more soluble and used as
an additive in foods. Some examples of foods high in cellulose relative to other fibers
include bran, legumes, peas, root vegetables, vegetables of the cabbage family, outer
covering of seeds, and apples.

Hemicellulose, like cellulose, is found in the plant cell wall. It consists of sugar units
containing 5 or 6 carbons. Hemicellulose is insoluble in water, but soluble in alkali.
Lignin is the most common bio energy source available. Since lignin consists more than
60 wt% of carbon and only about 25 -28 wt% of oxygen, it is the biomass component
with highest energy content which approximately 9,000 – 11,000 Btu/lb while cellulose
is around 7,300 – 7,500 Btu/lb only. It means that 15-30 wt% of lignin present in
lignocellulosic biomass corresponds to 30-45 wt% of its total energy content.

During the pre treatment process, biomass wills loss its tenacious features due to
depolymerisation of cellulose which also decreases the length of fibres. Torrefaction
also will make more oxygen and hydrogen losses to surrounding compared to carbon
component. Water is the best proof of oxygen and hydrogen loss because it will
dehydrate during the process. Since more loss on oxygen and hydrogen, high calorific
value (energy) will be obtained which may increase from 17 – 19 MJ/kg to 19 – 23
Biomass is expected to be completely dried after torrefaction process. When it happens,
the hydrosgopic natures of it will partly loss which imparts the destruction of OH
groups. It also will prevent any hydrogen bonding to be occurred anymore.

Beside that, complete drying has make biomass to shrink. The mass loss during
torrefaction makes biomass becomes porous hence reducing its volumetric density.

2.5.1 Torrefaction Technology Old Technology

During eighties, a torrefaction process had been developed which named as Pechiney
process. This process had capacity up to 12,000 ton for one production. Diagram below
shows clearly the process:

Figure 2.3: Pechiney Process

Torrefaction%20for%20biomas%20upgrading%20-2005.pdf, 2005)

(TW: Torrefied Wood)

The process is started with chopping process where the feed will be chopped into small
sizes. The main process consisted of biomass drying, torrefaction (roaster) including
product cooling, and combustion of the torrefaction gas (combustibles) to generate heat
for drying. The residence time of the reactor was 60-90 min. Although this technology
proofed to be technically feasible for torrefaction, it suffered from a low energy
efficiency (60- 80%) and the screw reactor has poor scaleup characteristics. New Technology

New torrefaction project has been carried out at Energy research Centre of Netherlands
(ECN) in order to improve energy efficiency with low production and logistical costs.
This project/process was named as Torrefaction and Pelletisation (TOP) technology as
shown in the figure below:

Figure 2.4: TOP Process

Torrefaction%20for%20biomas%20upgrading%20-2005.pdf, 2005)

This process is based on direct heating during torrefaction which is different with
Pechiney Process. In older process, heat is supplied indirectly using circulating thermal
oil which heated in an individual boiler. In contrast, the direct heating process will be
done by hot gas that continuously recycled within the process. The hot gas will transfer
heat when it flows into the reactor (where torrefaction process is occurred).Hot gas is
consists of torrefaction gas itself which will be repressurized and recycled after each
cycle has done. However, there will be possibility for the gas does not have sufficient
heat to do its duty. Hence, utility fuel will be used in order to overcome that problem. In
this technology, the expected production is approximately around 60 – 100 kton per

The thermal efficiency from this process is estimated to be 96% on lower heating value
(LHV) basis. This value is quite higher compared to Pechiney process where the themal
efficiency is around 60 – 80%. However, sometimes the efficiency can be lower due to
devolatilisaton of biomass torrefaction which sometime is too severe.

2.5.2 Wood Torrefaction

Mark J.Prins et al (2005) have been carried out laboratory experiments in a small-scale
(5–10 g sample) fixed-bed torrefaction reactor placed inside an oven as shown in figure
2.5. The experiments were aimed at recovering and identifying all reaction products,
which are present in three phases: a solid product (which retains at least 80% of the
energy content of the wood feedstock), condensable gases (such as moisture, acetic acid
and other oxygenates) and non-condensable gases (mainly carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide and small amounts of hydrogen and methane). By determining the amount
and composition of each phase, it was possible to obtain good quantitative closure of the
elemental carbon, hydrogen and oxygen balances.

Figure 2.5: Bench-scale experimental set-up for wood torrefaction.

Table 2.3 presents the composition of wood and torrefied wood, obtained by two
experiments: at a reaction temperature of 250 °C and reaction time of 30 min, and
300 °C and 10 min, respectively. Reaction times exclude a heating time (from 200 °C to
the reaction temperature) of 8.5 min and 17 min, respectively. As a result of the
torrefaction process, the lower heating value (LHV) of the wood increases from 17.6 to
19.4 and 21.0 MJ/kg, respectively.

Table 2.3:Composition of wood and torrefied wood

Torrefied wood (250 °C, Torrefied wood (300 °C,

30 min) 10 min)

Carbon 47.2% 51.3% 55.8%

Hydrogen 6.1% 5.9% 5.6%

Oxygen 45.1% 40.9% 36.2%

Nitrogen 0.3% 0.4% 0.5%

Ash 1.3% 1.5% 1.9%

LHV(MJ/kg) 17.6 19.4 21.0

2.6 Raw Material (Biomass)

2.6.1 Concept of Biomass:

Biomass is one of renewable energy source. It can be referred as living and recently
dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production. In other
words, it is a form of chemical energy, which is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and
molecules. This chemical energy in biomass is converted into other forms of energy to
be used by mankind.

According to Abdullah (2008), the energy source that induces the renewability of
biomass is the sun in the form of photosynthesis from the photoactive properties of
radiation, sustaining the growth of plants with subsequent release in the biosphere. The
term “biomass” was introduced by Eugene Adam and relates to the quantity of all living
matter from the five kingdoms in biology which are plants, animals, fungi, protists, and
monerans. As with all living system, biomass is a highly diverse and complex resource,
and has to be studied in a holistic in the overall system of land, water, people, nutrients
and all the five kingdom of live.

Figure 2.6: Type of Biomass

Bioenergy comes from biomass. Bioenergy is the conversion of chemical energy –

which is stored in the biomass - into an industrially useful form, such as heat or
electricity. Through bioenergy, we can produce electricity from biomass materials such
as trees, grass cuttings, sugars and vegetables. However, the practical development of
bioenergy is still relatively costly.

2.6.2 Advantages of biomass:

 The conversion of plant and animal materials (biomass) into electricity does not
contribute to global warming, or the greenhouse effect. This is because the
amount of carbon dioxide released by the biomass (when it is converted into
energy) is the same as the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the biomass
material during its growth.

 Biomass fuels have negligible sulphur content and therefore do not contribute to
sulphur dioxide emissions which cause acid rain.

 The combustion of biomass generally produces less ash than coal combustion.
Unlike coal ash, the “biomass ash” can be used as a soil additive on farm land to
recycle material such as phosphorous and potassium.

 The use of agricultural and forestry residues and other waste materials for energy
production is helping to reduce the significant problem of waste disposal.

 Biomass is a domestic resource which is not subject to world price fluctuations.

In developing countries, the use of liquid biofuels, such as ethanol, reduces the
economic pressures of importing petroleum products.

 The growth of perennial “energy crops” (such as grasses and trees that are
processed for energy use) has a lower environmental impact than conventional
agricultural crops.

2.6.3 Disadvantages of biomass:

 After the biomass conversion process, transportation and handling can be very
difficult and costly. The solution has been to move the “process” closer to the
biomass source and this has resulted in sawmills, sugar mills and pulp mills
being built near plantations.

 On a large scale, biomass can lead to the widespread use of natural forests in
developing countries. In many Asian countries, much of the wood fuel used for
energy purposes comes from indigenous forest areas. This has ecological and
social ramifications.

 On a smaller scale, some biomass applications are not fully competitive at this
stage. In electricity production for example, there is strong competition from
new, highly efficient natural gas-fired combined-cycle plants.

 There are often political constraints to biomass use. For example, government
energy policies, taxes and subsidies may encourage the use of coal to support
local employment in coal mining towns.

2.6.4 Rice Husk

Rice milling generates a by product know as husk. During milling of paddy about 78 %
of weight is received as rice, broken rice and bran. Rest 22 % of the weight of paddy is
received as husk. This husk is used as fuel in the rice mills to generate steam for the
parboiling process. This husk contains about 75 % organic volatile matter and the
balance 25 % of the weight of this husk is converted into ash during the firing process, is
known as rice husk ash (RHA). This RHA in turn contains around 85 % - 90 %
amorphous silica.

About 220kg (22 %) of rice husk is produced for every 1000 kg of paddy milled, and
when this husk is burnt in the boilers, about 55 kg (25 %) of RHA is generated. India is a
major rice producing country, and the husk generated during milling is mostly used as a
fuel in the boilers for processing paddy, producing energy through direct combustion
and / or by gasification. About 20 million tones of RHA is produced annually. This RHA
is a great environment threat causing damage to the land and the surrounding area in
which it is dumped. Lots of ways are being thought of for disposing them by making
commercial use of this RHA. Rice Husk Properties

The treatment of rice husk as a ‘resource’ for energy production has denied the
perception that husks present disposal problems. The concept of generating energy from
rice husk has great potential, particularly in those countries that are primarily dependant
on imported oil for their energy needs. Rice husks are one of the largest readily available
but most under-utilized biomass resources, being an ideal fuel for electricity generation.

Rice husk ash (RHA) is a general term describing all types of ash produced from
burning rice husks. In practice, the type of ash varies considerably according to
theburning technique. The silica in the ash undergoes structural transformations
depending on the conditions (time, temperature etc) of combustion. At 550°C – 800°C
amorphous ash is formed and at temperatures greater than this, crystalline ash is formed.
These types of silica have different properties and it is important to produce ash of the
correct specification for the particular end use.

If a long-term sustainable market and price for rice husk ash (RHA) can be established,
then the viability of rice husk power or co-generation plants are substantially improved. Potential and current uses of RHA

 Insulator in the steel industry and as a pozzolan in the cement industry.

 RHA can also replace silica fume in high strength concrete. Silica fume or micro
silica is the most commonly used mineral admixture in high strength concrete.
 RHA is used by the steel industry in the production of high quality flat steel. Flat
steel is a plate product or a hot rolled strip product, typically used for automotive
body panels and domestic 'white goods' products.
 RHA is used, in the manufacture of low cost building blocks and in the
production of high quality cement.

2.6.5 Paddy Straw

Rice/paddy straw is referred as leaves and stalks of paddy plant after the grains have
been harvested. It is commonly used in Malaysia as feed cattle. Rice straw is straw
material as well as rice husk. Lage quantity of rice straw can be found in nothern and
eastern states of Malaysia like Perlis, Kedah, and Kelantan since these states are the rice
producer for this country.

Figure 2.7: Paddy Straw

Table 2.4: Residue Product Ratio and Potential Power Generation from Paddy Residues
Year 2000 (Pusat Tenaga Malaysia, PtM, 2000)

From Table 2.4, in year 2000, 856 000 tonnes of paddy straw has been produced which
cover 40% of rice production (2 140 000 tonnes). This indicates our country has large
amount potential sources of paddy straw which can be further developed to be energy

More over, Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PtM) had classified this biomass has high potetial to
produce energy and power for daily uses. According to figure 2.8, by year 2010 paddy
straw could be used to generate electricity power approximately 100 MW. In year 2000,
where the amount paddy straw generated was 856 000 tonne, the total power can be
generated from that amount was around 70 MW. The increment of power generation
from year 2000 to 2010 is estimated around 43% and it is believed will be continuously
increased because the demand of rice will always be consistent. Hence, this biomass has
high potential to be developed for energy production through gasification process.

Figure 2.8: Potential Power generated by Paddy Straw and Rice Husk
(Pusat Tenaga Malaysia, PtM, 2000)



The objective of this project is to prepare torrefied material for gasification process. It is
believed that using torrefied material in gasification to produce hydrogen is more
efficient than using biomass without any pre treatment like torrefaction.

3.1 Tool and Equipment

The experiment need laboratory furnace named as Fixed Bed Activation Unit (FBAU) to
heat the biomass. However, before it can be conducted, the raw material (biomass) needs
to be prepared first. For this purpose, tools like grinders, ceramic beaker, dryer, and
sieve are needed. After experiment has been done, the results need to be analyzed to
check wheter the result meet the objective or not. Some analyzers like CHNS (Carbon,
Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur) need to be used. The summary of tools and
equipment are as follows:

Table 3.1: Lists of experiment and analyzing part


Fixed Bed Activation Unit (FBAU) Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA)

Molecular Seive CHNS Analyzer

Dryer Bomb Calorimeter

Grinder Halogen Moisture Analyzer

Ceramic Beaker

3.2 Methodology

3.2.1 Sample Pretreatment

1. Coconut shells (read: sample) obtained from local supply were cleaned to
remove physical impurities.
2. The sample was dried in oven at 100 - 110 °C for 24 hours to remove water
content inside it. The temperature range must be controlled in that range to avoid
damaging the molecul structure.
3. Step 2 is repeated until the sample’s weight is constant. This is done in order to
make sure all the moisture content is removed.
4. Then, it will be ground into smaller particle size and sieved into two mesh sizes:
i. 250 μm
ii. 500 μm
5. The samples then stored in air tight plastic to maintain low moisture content of
the samples.
6. Steps 1 to 5 were repeated for paddy straw and rice husk.

After completing pretreatment, the treated samples after this will be used for two

 Analyzing sample before undergo torrefaction process

 Torrefaction experiment by using Fixed Bed Activation Unit

3.2.2 Torrefaction experiment by using Fixed Bed Activation Unit (FBAU)

Methodologies for torrefaction experiment are as followed:

1. Three samples coconut shell with different particular size are weighted and put in
a crucibles
2. The reactor outlet is untied to locate in the sample from the bottom.
3. The samples are positioned in the middle of the tube where the heated coil is
located to ensure a complete burning.
4. The reactor outlet opening is closed tightly to ensure no gas or liquid will be
released from the reactor.
5. The FBAU power supply is switch on.
6. Nitrogen gas cylinder is connected to the nitrogen gas inlet of Fixed Bed
Activation Unit (FBAU).
7. Valve 1 and valve 5 green buttons were switched on to open the valves. Valve 2,
3 and 4 remain closed.
8. Nitrogen gas flow is controlled by approximately at 0.3 ml/min by using flow
meter controller attached to the panels.
9. After the nitrogen flow is stable, the temperature is set to 200°C
10. The reaction will be done at 1.5 hours.
11. Once the reaction has reached the reaction time, the sample will be cooled down
to room temperature which takes about 4 to 5 hours.
12. After the temperature has decreased, the reactor outlet tube is untied and the
product from the reactor is collected.
13. The product is weighted to determine the weight loss of the sample.
14. Step 1 – 13 is repeated for temperature 250°C and reaction time 3 hours.
15. Step 1 – 14 is repeated for rice husk and paddy straw.

3.3 Type of Analysis

3.3.1 Proximate analysis

Proximate analysis is carried out in this study to determine properties of torrefaction and
pyrolysis products. The specified equipment to achieve this purpose is by Thermal
Gravitational analyzer (TGA). The outcome of the analysis will be displayed in term of
graph part where then further analysis will be done. TGA is used to determine the
elements of:

i. Volatile fraction
ii. Fixed carbon content
iii. Ash content

TGA Methodology

1. Initial weight of TGA is noted before experiment started. The weight is

denoted as W1
2. Aprroximately 10 gram of coconut shell is placed into the sample pan.
3. The sample will be heated in temperature range 50°C - 800°C under
sweeping gas at rate of 40cm3 /min
4. The aqueous and oil phases is separated and weighted while the released
gas is calculated from material balance
5. Percentage of torrefaction yield, oil yield, gas yield, and collected water
is determined
6. Torrified solid formed is collected and locating it on stell wool. At the
moment, the torrefacation temperature still being maintained until there is
no more gas released from the sample.
7. The reactor is weighted again after cooling down. The weight is denoted
as W2
8. Char yield now can be calculated by using W1 – W2
9. Step 1 – 9 is repeated with paddy straw and rice husk.

3.3.2 Ultimate Analysis

The ultimate analysis is done on the torrified and pyrolysed material to know the
component content within the biomass sample in term of percentage. The analysis is
done using Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur (CHNS) Analyzer. Through this
analysis, the composition of the component within the material can be obtained.

Samples Preparation

1. Weigh a CHNS tin capsule

2. Approx. 2.0mg of standard sample is put into the capsule
3. The capsule is closed properly before weighing the weight
4. Repeat the procedure for all other samples
5. Placed those samples into the slot inside the analyzer
6. The weight of the samples is input into the analyzer
7. Each run complete in 3 minutes

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

1. Make sure Helium, O2 and compressed air are set to 40 psi

2. Checked the ambient monitor for proper values
3. Monitor the CO2, H2 and sulfur IR Cells between ‘7.5-9.2’ volts
4. Set the Oxidation Furnace Temperature to 1000oc
5. Set the Reduction Furnace Temperature to 650oc
6. Run leak check if necessary
7. Set ‘Auto/Manual’ switch to Auto when using carousel / to manual when loading
samples individually
8. Set the gas switch to analyze position
9. Wait until furnace Temperature is stable
10. Run blank analysis and standard samples
11. Run the experiment samples.

3.3.3 Halogen Moisture Analysis (HMA) Analysis

The main purpose of this analysis is to determine the moisture content in the sample.
The best equipment to give the results is by HMA where it analyzes the amount of
moisture in the biomass sample. Good product is determined by having low moisture

3.3.4 Calorific Value Analysis

The heating value of biomass is determined by analyzing through bomb calorimeter.

Using this equipment, calorific value of biomass material heated at different parameters
can be obtained accurately. Higher calorific value determines better quality of products

Bomb calorimeter’s standard operating procedure:

1. Turn on oxygen gas regulator (Pressure: 20 – 30 kg/cm2)
2. Turn on bomb calorimeter unit and refrigerator batch switch, wait 20 minutes for
waiting stable
3. Prepare sample (weighing below 1.0 gram)
4. Place sample into crucible, secure a cotton thread with a loop in it on the middle
of the ignition wire. Place into the decomposition vessel.
5. Open the sample dialog window to key-in wieght of sample.
6. Suspending the decomposition vessel into the filling head of the measurement
cell cover
7. Activate Start. The measurement cell cover closes the decomposition vessel is
the filled with oxygen. Next, the inner vessel is filled with water. As soon as the
system begins with the experiment, the display shows a graph temperature vs
residence time of the inner vessel.
8. When the measurement is complete, remove the decomposition vessel, clean and
prepare for the next experiment.



Experimental study has been started approximately early of this semester with obtaining
the biomass from local supply. After that, the biomass would be drying, grinding and
sieving. The purpose of drying step is to make sure all moisture content being removed
from the raw material. According to Ariff Syah (2009), this step is very important before
going further to another step in order to make the torrefaction process (main process)
will be reliable and efficient. He claimed that excess moisture content in the sample will
evaporate during pyrolysis (torrefaction) hence the vapor released will be flowing into
the condenser. The warm vapor will intact with cold water which makes it condensed.
This will reduce the efficiency of cooling and condensing of torrefied material. Hence,
after removing all physical impurities, the biomass has been dried at 110 degree for 24
hours. After drying, the sample has been kept in air-tight wrapper to maintain low
moisture content.

Two particular sizes will be studied in these experiments which are 500 and 250 μm.
Torrefaction will be done on both sizes (for each sample) at temperature 240 and 280
degree Celcius. During the experiment, nitrogen gas will be flowed continiously in the
reactor bed at rate 0.2 L/min to bring out air (oxygen) from the reactor. Existence of
oxygen during the reaction may burn out the sample into gaseous and liquid products.
This process is not classified as torrefaction since the objective of this process to
produce mainly solid fuels which have improvement in its properties. According to
Patric et al (2005), the occuring decomposition reactions at these temperatures level
cause the biomass to become completely dried and to loose its tenacious and fibrous

structure. He added, the grindability of the samples also will be improved significantly.
In addition, the torrefaction increases the calorific value and the hygroscopic nature of
the samples will be destructed to yield a hydrophobic products. The torrefied biomass
colour also will be changed from coloured brown to dark-brown and approaches the
properties of coal.

4.1 Mass Loss after Torrefaction


Mass Loss (%)




240°C 280°C
500 µm 3.63% 18.01%
250 µm 9.80% 23.67%

Figure 4.1: Mass Loss (%) after Torrefaction vs Temperature Reaction (°C) for coconut
shell at each particle size (μm)




Mass Loss (%)




240°C 280°C
500 µm 8.43% 26.21%
250 µm 8.31% 13.36%

Figure 4.2: Mass Loss (%) after Torrefaction vs Temperature Reaction (°C) for paddy
straw at each particle size (μm)


Mass Loss (%)




240°C 280°C
500 µm 5.02% 14.17%
250 µm 8.98% 19.33%

Figure 4.3: Mass Loss (%) after Torrefaction vs Teamperature Reaction (°C) for rice
husk at each particle size (μm)

4.2 Moisture Content before & after Torrefaction



Moisture Content (%)





500μm 250μm
Before 5.83% 9.98%
240°C 5.28% 1.12%
280°C 4.12% 2.25%

Figure 4.4: Moisture content (%) vs Particle size (μm) for coconut shell before and after
each temperature reaction (°C)



Moisture Content (%)






500μm 250μm
Before 6.26% 6.81%
240°C 1.38% 0.95%
280°C 2.09% 4.24%

Figure 4.5: Moisture content (%) vs Particle size (μm) for rice husk before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)


Moisture Content (%)

500μm 250μm
Before 7.92% 8.17%
240°C 4.73% 4.48%
280°C 1.68% 4.22%

Figure 4.6: Moisture content (%) vs Particle size (μm) for paddy straw before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)

4.3 Calorific Value before and after Torrefaction

Calorific Value, H (j/g)

500μm 250μm
Before 14399 13876
240°C 15621 15355
280°C 17197 15909

Figure 4.7: Calorific value (j/g) vs particle size (μm) for paddy straw before and after
each temperature reaction (°C)



Calorific Value, H (j/g)




500μm 250μm
Before 19737 19006
240°C 20311 19992
280°C 21806 23341

Figure 4.8: Calorific value (j/g) vs particle size (μm) for coconut shell before and after
each temperature reaction (°C)


Calorific Value (j/g)





500μm 250μm
Before 15761 15470.5
240°C 16603 16351
280°C 17257 24248

Figure 4.9: Calorific value (j/g) vs particle size (μm) for rice husk before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)

4.4 Ultimate Analysis before and after Torrefaction




0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

before 240°C 280°C

C (%) 48.32 46.46 50.46
H (%) 5.56 5.93 5.48
N (%) 0.25 0.26 0.30
S (%) 0.01 0.01 0.03
O (%) 45.86 47.34 43.73

Figure 4.10: Ultimate analysis (%) for Coconut Shell (250μm) before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)




0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

before 240°C 280°C

C (%) 47.54 48.17 51.41
H (%) 5.38 6.22 6.23
N (%) 0.24 0.25 0.25
S (%) 0.02 0.00 0.23
O (%) 46.82 45.35 41.87

Figure 4.11: Ultimate analysis (%) for Coconut Shell (500μm) before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)



0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

before 240°C 280°C

C (%) 39.03 39.03 42.48
H (%) 4.97 5.49 4.95
N (%) 0.58 0.63 0.83
S (%) 0.04 0.03 0.01
O (%) 55.39 54.81 51.73

Figure 4.12: Ultimate analysis (%) for rice husk (250 μm) before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)




0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

before 240°C 280°C

C (%) 37.93 38.12 41.02
H (%) 4.69 5.45 5.14
N (%) 0.47 0.54 0.54
S (%) 0.03 0.03 0.00
O (%) 56.89 55.86 53.30

Figure 4.13: Ultimate analysis (%) for rice husk (500 μm) before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)




0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

before 240°C 280°C

C (%) 35.10 35.64 37.64
H (%) 4.80 5.39 5.08
N (%) 1.06 1.19 1.21
S (%) 0.07 0.05 0.02
O (%) 58.97 57.73 56.04

Figure 4.14: Ultimate analysis (%) for paddy straw (250 μm) before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)




0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00

before 240°C 280°C

C (%) 36.01 35.09 37.34
H (%) 4.85 5.35 4.57
N (%) 0.91 1.12 1.26
S (%) 0.04 0.09 0.05
O (%) 58.19 58.35 56.79

Figure 4.15: Ultimate analysis (%) for paddy straw (500 μm) before and after each
temperature reaction (°C)

4.5 Proximate Analysis

Moisture Content (%) of Torrefied Products


Moisture Content (%)




240°C 280°C
RH 500μm 1.34% 1.33%
CS 500μm 1.09% 0.91%
PS 500μm 2.63% 1.23%

Figure 4.16: Moisture content (%) from TGA each reaction temperature (°C) for particle
size 500 μm

Volatile Matter Content (%) of Torrefied Products

Volatile Content (%)

240°C 280°C
RH 500μm 67.09% 64.58%
CS 500μm 74.64% 67.47%
PS 500μm 71.40% 56.99%

Figure 4.17: Volatile matter (%) from TGA after each reaction temperature (°C) for
particle size 500 μm

Fixed Carbon Contents (%) of Torrefied Products


Content (%) 15.00%



240°C 280°C
RH 500μm 17.56% 19.21%
CS 500μm 19.74% 22.67%
PS 500μm 5.74% 22.20%

Figure 4.18: Fixed Carbon content (%) from TGA each reaction temperature (°C) for
particle size 500 μm

Ash Content (%) of Torrefied Products


Ash Content (%)




240°C 280°C
RH 500μm 14.00% 14.85%
CS 500μm 4.53% 8.92%
PS 500μm 20.16% 19.56%

Figure 4.19: Ash content (%) from TGA each reaction temperature (°C) for particle size
500 μm

4.6 Mass Loss Analysis after Torrefaction

From figure 4.1, coconut shell at size 250 μm underwent greater mass loss (23.67%) at
temperature 280 degree Celcius. This loss is quite significant at temperature 280 degree
Celcius compare with at temperature 240 where it just having smaller (9.80%) loss. For
coconut shell at size 500, it also underwent greater mass loss at temperature 280
compared at temperature 240 degree. Paddy straw and rice husk samples for both sizes
also underwent same trend like coconut shell (figure 4.2 and 4.3 respectively).These
results showed torrefaction temperature have great influence to the torrefaction process
where it will release more amount of mass at higher temperature.

It happens because higher temperature will promote faster water evaporation rate as well
as devolatilation rate. In term of particular sizes, by having smaller size, it will lead to
more surface area available for reaction process at spesific time. Higher surface area will
provide more heat transfer into the molecules which increase the molecules release.
Within one hour and 30 minutes reaction time, coconut shell and rice husk at size 250
has greater mass loss compared with sample 500 under same torrefaction temperature
(280 degree Celcius). The torrefied products also transformed into dark brown solid after
undergo 280 degree torrefaction.

Referring to figure 4.10 till 4.15, before undergo torrefaction reaction, each sample has
lower percentage of carbon content but higher percentage amount of hydrogen.
However, the percentage of carbon becomes higher after reaction while the percentage
of oxygen has been reduced. The mass loses will be in form of lipids, organics, gases
and water (Bergman et al). These products indicate biomass loses relatively more
oxygen compared to carbon. The increasing percentage amounts of carbon happen
because the torrefied product is mainly consist of fix carbon with little propotion of ash
content. This component supposedly cannot be released to the air at torrefaction
temperature. Higher temperature (more than 300 degree Celcius) needed to break the

molecule bond to release the carbon. As result, only low volatility matters like moisture
and lipid as well as gases being released to the air during the torrefaction process.

4.7 Moisture Content & Calorif Value Analysis

Each sample contains difference moisture content readily before torrefaction. It is

because, those samples have difference polymeric structure which influce the moisture
content before and after reaction. Some samples may have high hemicellulose while
others just having low content of it. Having high hemicellulose will contribute more
moisture contain in the samples. Commonly, these kind of biomass initially will behave
as hygroscopic (like-water) in nature before undergo torrefaction process.
The torrefaction process will decompose most of hemicellulose to release more moisture
to the air. It will change the sample nature to be hydrophobic (water-hatred).

According to figure 4.4 till 4.6, all samples for both sizes losing the moisture after
undergo torrefaction process. Coconut shell at size 250 μm showed the lowest moisture
content compared to sample at size 500 μm for both temperatures. Result from rice husk
also showed the same trend where the lowest particular size sample losing most moisture
compared to bigger size (500 μm). These results have proved that the smaller particle
size, the higher possibility of moisture loss. Smaller particle size will increase the
surface area which promoting higher evaporation rate. However, results obtained from
paddy straw sample showed the highest particle size had lowest moisture content while
the lowest partcle size gained the highest moisture content. This may be happened due to
unefficient heat distribution into the samples during torrefaction (a thermo-chemical
reaction) which lead to little decomposition of hemicellulose in the samples. Hence, it is
believed that the samples still have high hemicellulose which contains moisture.

Having low moisture content will contribute to the improvement of energy content in the
samples. Figure 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 showed the calorific value before and after torrefaction
for each type of biomass. Based on those figures, commonly each biomass got
increament of the calorific value after torrefaction. The increament can be also due to the
higher percentage amount of carbon content in the solid products and also the losses of
other component which mostly oxygen. Having high moisture content in biomass will
make some energy is needed to vaporise the water before undergo other reaction. R.
Zanzi et al also stressed the higher amount of oxygen in biomass can reduce the calorific
value through component calculation as shown below:

Calorific Value (MJ/kg),

CV = 0.34%C + 1.40%H – 0.16%O

Coconut shell gained higher energy content after the torrefaction. The amount of
calorific value is higher at temperature 280 degree than at 240 degree Celcius.
Moreover, the calorific value at size 250 is higher than at size 500. Higher temperature
with assistance of smaller size will contribute to greater loss of oxygen from the sample.
It is believed also the amount of carbon component has increased after the torrefacation
which also contribute to the increament of calorific value. According to figure 4.10 till
4.15, the ultimate analysis done proved that there is increament percentage amount of
carbon and hydrogen and reduction of oxygen in the samples after reaction.

4.8 Proximate Analysis using Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA)

The purpose of using this analyzer is to analyze the decomposition regime of the
torrefied products in term of the moisture content, volatile matters and fixed carbon
content. Ash content also can be determined from this analyzer. The temperature ranging
used for thie pupose is from 50 to 900 degree Celcius. The results obtained from this
analysis can be viewed at Figure 4.16, 4.17, 4.18 and 4.19.

According to Figure 4.16, it is proved that torrefaction at higher temperature are able to
reduce the moisture content as low as possible. This can be explained with
hemicellulosic compound in the products which has been decomposed and therefore
unable to contain the moisture anymore. The moisture is released to the air during the

Figure 4.17 shows the volatile matter content has decreased after undergo torrefaction
280 degree Celcius compared at temperature 240 degree Celcius. These results
demonstrate more volatile matter had been released during the torrefaction process at
280 degree Celcius. Because of that, the torrefied products at this temperature only
retain smaller percentage amount of these matters as measured by TGA. As stated
before, more volatile matter released will give more improvement to the quality of fuel
since the volatile matter has brought out the oxygen molecules in form of lipids and gas
like CO and CO2. Paddy straw obtains lowest volatile matters after undergo 280 degree
Celcius torrefaction compared to other samples.

As the result of the decreasing percentage amount of volatile matter in the torrefied
products, the percentage amount of fix carbon content had increased at temperature 280
degree Celcius compared to at temperature 240 degree Celcius. The fix carbon content is
believed mainly consist of lignin and cellulose which can be decomposed at temperature
more 300 degree Celcius. Paddy straw shows great increament percentage of fix carbon
content which indicate that it has high content of lignin.

Ash content mainly consists of metal oxide which cannot be decomposed at torrefaction
temperature. Higher temperature is needed to break the bond of molecules before
released to the air. Hence, having high percentage amount of ash content in the retained
product is not good where it can cause problems like blockage in the downstream piping
system of gasification. According to figure 4.19, paddy straw contains high percentage
amount of ash even though it undergo reduction at temperature 280 degree Celcius.
Rice husk and coconut shell exhibit smaller percentage amount of ash content

(compared to paddy straw) even though both of samples had higher percentage amount
of ash content after 280 degree Celcius torrefaction.

4.9 Selection of the most suitable sample as Gasification’s feed

Properties like low moisture content, high calorific value and low ash content are used to
determine the best sample to be used as solid fuel/feed for gasification. Table 4.1, 4.2
and 4.3 show how the measurement being done to select the most suitable samples as the
feed for gasification.

Table 4.1: Coconut shell assesment

CS 500μm CS 250μm

240°C 280°C 240°C 280°C

Low Moisture Content 1 2 4 3

High Calorific Value 2 3 1 4

TOTAL 3 5 5 7

Low Ash Content* 5 6

TOTAL (+ ash content) 8 11

Table 4.2: Rice husk assesment

RH 500μm RH 250μm

240°C 280°C 240°C 280°C

Low Moisture Content 3 2 4 1

High Calorific Value 2 3 1 4

TOTAL 5 5 5 5

Low Ash Content* 4 3

TOTAL (+ ash
9 8

Table 4.3: Paddy straw asessment
PS 500μm PS 250μm

240°C 280°C 240°C 280°C

Low Moisture
1 4 2 3

High Calorific Value 2 4 1 3

TOTAL 3 8 3 6

Low Ash Content* 1 2

TOTAL (+ ash
4 10

Marking scheme:
Low moisture content and high calorific value: 1 – 4 (4 is the best)
Low ash content: 1 – 6 (6 is the best). This property only available for sample at size

Without considering the ash content measurement, paddy straw 500 μm at temperature
280 degree Celcius and coconut shell 250 μm at temperature 280 degree Celcius become
the best samples as feed for gasification process. After requirement of low ash content
included, coconut shell with size 500 μm at torrefaction temperature 280 degree Celcius
become the most suitable sample as feed for gasification process.



5.1 Conclusion

Results obtained after the experiment show that properties of all samples can be
improved by torrefaction process. Hence, it has proved that torrefaction can be used as
pre treatment method to biomass before it being feed in to gasification. Particular sizes
and torrefaction temperatures also can influence the properties of biomass after
undergoing torrefaction process. Only some of the samples do not affected by particular
sizes and torrefaction temperature where the results are not as expected. It may be due to
other factors which need to be analysed further. Properties like low moisture content,
high calorific value and low ash content are used to determine the best sample to be used
as solid fuel/feed for gasification. After doing the comparison, coconut shell at size 500
μm (with exception of samples at particular size 250 since no proximate analysis on this
size) is looked as the best sample which meets desired properties.

5.2 Recommendation

More time and facilities is needed to analyse the torrefation products since some results
obtained do not meet the expectation results as done by past research. Difficulty to do
second experiment and analysis due to limited equipment had made some unexpected
result cannot be analysed again. Hence, it is suggested to management to provide more
equipment like reactor and TGA hence repeating analysis can be done to get expected


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