The Problem and Its Background
The Problem and Its Background
The Problem and Its Background
The demand for a cleaner and more viable alternative fuels has shown a
significant leap throughout the years with the depletion of non-renewable resources,
which met the majority of the world energy consumption. With the reserves being used
up faster than its creation, there is a huge possibility of an energy crisis in the future as a
Aside from its diminishing supply, utilizing such fuels produces significant
Combustion of fossil fuels has been proven to produce toxic fumes, which can be fatal to
human and spells destruction to the environment. According to the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have soared
by about 90% since 1970 with the combustion of the fossil fuels and industrial processes
as the primary source of the emissions supplying about 78% of the total greenhouse gas
emissions hike up to the year 2011. The detrimental effects of the utilization of such
fuels has been debated over the decade with the such effects of the global warming
caused by abnormal levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere being witnessed all
over the planet. Thus, the world has been on a massive hunt for alternative, renewable
fuel resources, which can signal energy sustainability and reduction of carbon footprints.
Solid waste management has been also a problem over the past century since
the rapid population growth has brought tons of residual waste, which are not properly
addressed and handled. On a report released by the World Bank, municipal solid wastes
(MSW) that will be generated by the cities on the country will balloon up by 165 percent
to 77,776 metric tons per day as a consequence of a projected 47.3 percent increase in
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
urban population by 2025. As they continue to accumulate, different air and water borne
diseases might sprout from these wastes especially with its direct interference to
residential areas. Thus, there is a great need to formulate ingenious solutions that can
One of the solid wastes which are not properly managed is the plastic wastes.
Plastics are synthetic materials made from a wide range of organic polymers such as
polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc. Since mostly of the plastics are not biodegradable, its
disposal has been a problem as it continues to accumulate on the sanitary landfills and
worse, to our bodies water where it destroys the marine and aquatic ecosystems. In fact,
a new study on plastic pollution conducted by the Ocean Conservancy and McKinsley
Center for Business and Environment showed that the Philippines ranked third in the top
source of plastic wastes being dumped in the oceans. The report revealed that the
country generates 2.7 million metric tons of plastic garbage per year on which 20% leads
up to the oceans.
Aside from plastic wastes, agricultural wastes has also been an issue needed to
be addressed since these wastes have high potentials to be converted into a cleaner
energy due its high cellulosic content. The country is known to be one agricultural
country along with its Southeast Asian neighbors with its soil fit enough to raise different
crops and agricultural products. With the passage of the Biofuels Act of 2006, utilization
of these agricultural wastes has been maximized. It is estimated that 1.17 million tons of
fuel, which will help address our problems on fuel shortage and waste management.
oil, produced from the pyrolysis of different materials like solid wastes, biomass,
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
agricultural wastes and plastics, is composed of heavy hydrocarbon chains, which can
skyrocketing volume of solid wastes at the same time produce a viable fuel that will
contribute on the world’s energy sustainability, the proponents aimed to design and
develop a prototype that will convert the plastic and agricultural wastes into a possible
The main objective of this study was to design and develop a flash pyrolyzer with
1. Design and develop a prototype of a flash pyrolyzer with fast-paced heating and
2. Assess the performance of the prototype flash pyrolyzer at varying HDPE wastes
to sugarcane bagasse weight ratio (30:70, 50:50 & 70:30) in terms of:
3. Perform laboratory testing of the pyrolytic oil yield at varying HDPE wastes to
sugarcane bagasse weight ratio (30:70, 50:50 & 70:30) to determine its physico-
3.1. Color
3.2. Odor
3.3. Turbidity
sugarcane bagasse weight ratio (30:70, 50:50 & 70:30) to qualify its properties in
terms of:
with fast-paced heating and cooling mechanism intended for the co-pyrolysis of plastic
For the local sugar manufacturing industry, the study aided them to convert
their waste products (sugarcane bagasse) into viable fuel, which can be used in their
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
operation upon further refining of the pyrolytic oil yield. The reduction of their solid
For the community, this study bolstered the solid waste management drive of
the locality since plastic wastes (HDPE) were regulated and converted into something
useful. Aside from its ecological benefit, this study also provided income generation for
the community since the yield can be processed for commercial uses.
For the government, this study can be used on a large-scale operation upon
further researches and testing in order to harness feasibility of the machine to reduce
plastic and agricultural wastes in order to produce a viable fuel that might power the
For the environment, this study might help mitigate the possible effects of global
warming as it minimizes the greenhouse gas emissions due to the combustion of fossil
fuels. Since it runs on the wastes, waste generation of different sectors was lessened.
For the Chemical and Food Engineering Department, this study became one
of the innovations of the flash pyrolyzer designs housed within the department. Also, it
can also be one of the reference material for the further researches to be conducted by
For Batangas State University, this study might help the regulation of its plastic
wastes and other solid wastes and can be considered as one of its innovative
For the present and future researchers, this gave them more knowledge to
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
The study focused on the design and fabrication of a multi-feed flash pyrolyzer
prototype that would produce alternative from the co-pyrolysis of agricultural wastes
Moreover, this study includes the prototype design, the schematic diagram of the
pyrolysis set-up, the fabrication and capital cost tabulation of the prototype, and the
testing and optimization on the prototype itself. The operating conditions, specifically the
300°C±10°C up to 600°C±10°. The maximum capacity of the pyrolysis chamber was set
The study was conducted on Batangas State University wherein the proponents
conducted the pilot and the final testing of the machine. The yield was tested on the
The feed was limited to 500 grams of sugar cane bagasse and high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) plastics prepared on a 30:70, 50:50 and 70:30 ratio wherein its is
be used must be of highest quality which can be able to withstand the operating
conditions. Steel was used as one of the primary material of construction since its
good strength and good resistance to corrosion and oxidation. Moreover, it can
withstand temperature up to 1700 degrees centigrade. The study of the correlation of the
other parameters of the feed such as particle size to the yield is not included in this
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
study. The further processing of the pyrolytic oil for commercial use is not also included
The central framework of the study focuses on the design and development of a
flash pyrolyzer prototype with fast-paced heating and cooling mechanism intended for
This study began with the design conceptualization and fabrication of the
prototype on which material cost and specification were projected and computed. Basic
The study proceeded to the most efficient design with the highest quality of materials
used at the lowest cost possible. Raw materials are prepared during this stage.
Preliminary testing on the prototype was also conducted for the assessment of the
The trials made in the equipment give insights for certain modifications in the
achieve vacuum conditions at desired temperature. When the pyrolyzer is tested and
deemed ready, the operating conditions was then optimized for maximum yield. The
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
Conceptualization of the
Existing Prototype Design
Design of Vacuum Development and
Pyrolyzer Materials of Fabrication
Proof of Concept
Construction Preliminary Testing of the
Coal Equipment
Agricultural Residue Identification of the
(Sugarcane Bagasse) Operating Conditions
Plastic Waste (HDPE) Preparation of Feed Raw
Synthesis gas
Basic Knowledge on Materials
Pyrolytic oil
Pyrolysis and Cracking Actual Testing of the
Analytical Testing
of Materials Equipment
Analytical Testing of
Basic Knowledge on Analysis Results
Chemical Engineering Operation Manual
Modification of the
Techniques and Statistical Results
Equipment and Operating
Basic Skills on Solid Statistical Treatment
Works and E-draw
In order to fully understand the study, the researchers define the following terms:
this include corn stover (stalks, leaves, husks, and cobs), wheat straw, and rice straw
(U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 2016).
such conditions solid residue (biochar), liquids, and gases were produced. The liquids
and gases can be used for fuels or industrial feedstock (Baoteng et al., 2010).
Webster, 2017). This equipment was used by the researchers to separate solid particles
on pyrolytic oil.
Flash Pyrolysis. Flash pyrolysis among the other types occurs at rapid heating
rates and moderate temperatures between 400 and 600°C (752 and 1112°F)
(AzoCleanTech, 2013).
hydrocarbon, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, that is derived from the Earth’s
has a little branching of hydrocarbon giving it a stronger intermolecular forces and tensile
strength than low density polyethylene (Sci-Tech Encyclopedia, 2008). In this study,
wire that produces heat much like a lamp filament. As the electric current flows through
the heating element, it glows red showing that there is a conversion of electrical energy
Heating Value. Higher heating value (HHV) is defined as the amount of heat
released by the unit mass or volume of fuel (initially at 25 °C) once it is combusted and
the products have returned to a temperature of 25 °C. It includes the latent heat of
Design and Development of a Flash Pyrolyzer with Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background
Fast-Paced Heating and Cooling Mechanism Using
HDPE Wastes and Sugarcane Bagasse
Añonuevo, H.A., Bersabe, J.M., Caringal, K.A., Cena, R.C., Espina, K.R.A.
standard D-2015 (withdrawn by ASTM 2000, and not replaced) (Biomass Gasification
Plastic wastes. The raw materials for plastics production are natural products
such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil (Plastics Europe,
2017). HDPE was the only plastic waste used in this study.
material that burns in a gaseous state (volatile matter), in the solid state (fixed carbon),
and the percentage of inorganic waste material (ash), and is therefore of fundamental
importance for biomass energy use (Torrefaction of Biomass for Energy Applications,
Pyrolytic Oil. It is the end product of waste such as biomass or plastic (HDPE).
The oil can be used as substitute to furnace oil. It is also used in machines that do not
require high quality fuel (Xinxiang Doing Renewable Energy Equipment Co., 2014). In
this study, pyrolytic oil was the end product of the flash pyrolyzer.
In terms of particle size, it can be small like a grain of sand or as large as a boulder
(National Geographic, 2017). The sediment pertaining on the study was the solid
Sugarcane Bagasse. Bagasse is sugarcane fiber waste left after the extraction
of its juice (ecoKloud, 2017). It was utilized on the study on producing pyrolytic oil.
measuring temperature. In terms of its parts, it consists of two dissimilar metal wires
that’s joined at one end. (Omega, 2017). In this study, thermocouple was be used in
Wax. Waxes contain of high molecular weight compounds such as fatty acids,
alcohols, and saturated hydrocarbons. It appears solid at low temperature and easily