My Project Proposal Finished
My Project Proposal Finished
My Project Proposal Finished
Guidance and
Extended Diploma
in Creative Media
Production and
Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
The project proposal must be word processed You should describe how you intend to
and presented under the headings listed here: record your decision-making and how you will
document changes to your ideas as your
Section 1 - Rationale work progresses.
(Approximately 150 words)
The evaluation should be referenced to your
This section provides you with an opportunity stated aims and be reflective and analytical
to reflect on, review and summarise your rather than a description of actions completed.
progress and achievements through the first
12 units of the qualification. When working in collaboration with others
you should comment on how this may impact
You should outline the knowledge, skills and either positively or negatively and steps you
understanding you have acquired. What can take to minimise disruption in your
you know now, and what it means to you, own progress.
compared with what you knew and could do
before you started the course, and how this
has influenced your choice of discipline or
disciplines and your project proposal.
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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Additional requirements, not included in
the 500 word proposal:
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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Candidate Name
Thomas Hayden
Candidate Number
Graphics and Digital Design
Project Title
Personal project
Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 150 words) The brief is asking me to create something that can solve a problem for
example it could be an app which can help people solve problems in everyday
life. I feel confident in this project as I think I have a good idea and I feel like
my idea can help stop developing problems. The knowledge and skills I will
need this projects will be my adobe skills like illustrator and photoshop as for
my idea I will have to make a logo and design branding however I'm confident
in my skills within adobe that I should be able to create my brand to a high
standard. The learning opportunities this projects provides is I can learn a lot
more about what my brand is about by using different websites and
researching on the internet also when making my idea I will learn more things
by experimenting on adobe software and this can help me when I'm in the
industry as I could use these skills in the workplace.
Section 2: Project
Concept My overall idea for this projects is to make a brand which is also a charity
(approx. 200 words) called "Toms trust" and the aim of my brand is to try and help stop world
hunger by collecting donations and using the donations to buy food for different
food banks around the world. My target audience would be every age to show
the importance to stop world hunger and to show them why we need to donate.
Research that could help me develop this in the future is looking at my
competitors and how I'm going to stand out against them also looking at
different websites to discover facts and information to do with world hunger.
Practical work which will be produced for this project is i need to make and
logo and i will use illustrator to help me make that. Also using photoshop to
make adverts and different advertising to promote the brand. The resources I
will need in order to carry out this production will be i need to have access to
websites so I can discover new information and statistics also the use of books
will help me expand my knowledge on world hunger as I can learn new facts
about it.
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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Section 3: Evaluation
(approx. 150 words) I will keep my Weebly website up to date throughout the whole project and if I
make any changes to certain things or if I prefer a certain design to another I
will show that on here. Also I will carry out a weekly blog so every week I can
look back on what I have made in the past week and I will write my aims for the
next week. I will also try to make as many focus groups as I can and I will
upload these onto my Weebly discussing ideas and asking my peers on there
thoughts. I will be annotating all of my progress to an in depth level and I will
be documenting my decision making and I will use this as time to reflect on
what I can make better and what I can develop. At the end I will write a project
evaluation talking about how I found the project and I will say my thoughts on
my outcome and how I thought the projects went.
Proposed Research
Sources and Reference list
Bibliography (Harvard Action Against Hunger (2022). World Hunger Facts & Statistics | Action Against
Hunger. [online] Action Against Hunger. Available at:
Concern worldwide US (2022). 9 World hunger solutions to get us to 2030.
[online] Concern Worldwide. Available at:
DevelopmentAid. (n.d.). DevelopmentAid. [online] Available at:
Staff Reports (2014). 10 Solutions to World Hunger. [online] BORGEN.
Available at:
World Food Program USA (2022). How to End World Hunger: 6 Zero Hunger
Solutions. [online] World Food Program USA. Available at:
World Health Organization (2022). UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to
as many as 828 million in 2021. [online] World Health Organization. Available
ose-to-as-many-as-828-million-in-2021. (n.d.). World Hunger Statistics 2001-2021. [online]
Available at:
text=World%20Hunger%20Statistics%20-%20Historical%20Data%20%20. (n.d.). Southern Madagascar | World Food Programme. [online]
Available at:
p.ds&msclkid=82c3e49cd14616d30c8680bd46c2e2ff [Accessed 27 Mar.
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Above is my Harvard reference list of different websites that i may use during
Project Action Plan and Timetable
Week Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will
Beginning intending to do - including need to do it - including
independent study access to workshops
7 22/05/2023 Make a form and make any Use adobe and jot form
needed changes
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