Class Notes 3may2023
Class Notes 3may2023
Class Notes 3may2023
Overview of IoT
Reference and Target
Reference and Target
Architecture - description of the main conceptual elements, the actual
elements of a target system, how they relate to each other, and
principles for the design of the architecture
Conceptual element - an intended function, a piece of data, or a
Actual element - a technology building block or a protocol
Reference Architecture – a generalized model that contains the richest
set of elements and relations that are of relevance to the domain
Reference and Target
The problem domain is about understanding the applications of interest, e.g., developed through scenario
building and use case analysis in order to derive requirements
In addition, constraints are typically identified as well. These constraints can be technical, like limited power
availability in wireless sensor nodes, or non-technical, like constraints coming from legislation or business
Design Approach for IoT
Firstly, establish problem design objectives
and principles
Then architectural views are refined along
with needed capabilities
Logical architecture is defined, or network
architecture in the form of a network
topology diagram is produced
It is also common to identify suitable technology components such as
operating systems and protocols or protocol stacks at this level
Design Approach for IoT
The actual system solution is finally
captured by a system design that
typically results in actual software and
hardware components
Additionally, the information on how
these are to be configured, deployed,
and provisioned
Design Principles
The overall design objective of IoT architecture shall be to target a
horizontal system of real-world services that are open, service-
oriented, secure, and offer trust
Design for reuse of deployed IoT resources across application
Design for a set of support services that provide open service-
oriented capabilities and can be used for application development
and execution
Design Principles
Design for different abstraction levels that hide underlying complexities
and heterogeneities
Design for ensuring trust, security, and privacy
Design for scalability, performance
Design for evolvability, heterogeneity, and simplicity of integration
Design for simplicity of management
An IoT Architecture Outline
The assets of interest are the real-world
objects and entities that are subject to being
monitored and controlled as well as having
digital representations and identities
E.g. vehicles and machinery, fixed
infrastructures such as buildings and utility
systems, homes, and people themselves
Assets can also be of a more virtual
character, being subjective representations
of parts of the real world that are of interest
to a person or an organization
E.g. A set of particular routes used by trucks
in a logistics use case Information of interest
may then be traffic intensity, roadwork, or
road conditions based on the actual weather
An IoT Architecture Outline
Resource Layer provides the main functional
capabilities of sensing, actuation, and embedded
Sensors and actuators in various devices that
may be smartphones or Wireless Sensor
Actuator Networks (WSANs), M2M devices like
smart meters, or other sensor/actuator nodes,
deliver these functions
Identification of assets can be provided by
different types of tags; for instance, Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID), barcodes etc.
An IoT Architecture Outline
Communication Layer provides connectivity
between the resources on one end and the
different computing infrastructures that host and
execute service support logic and application logic
on the other end
Different types of networks realize the connectivity,
and it is customary to differentiate between the
notion of a Personal Area Networks (WPAN), Local
Area Network (LAN), a Wide Area Network (WAN),
Body Area Networks, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks
E.g. Zigbee, Bluetooth, NB-IoT
An IoT Architecture Outline
IoT applications benefit from simplification by
relying on support services that perform common
and routine tasks
Support services can provide uniform handling of
the underlying devices and networks, thus hiding
complexities in the communications and resource
E.g. remote device management that can do
remote software upgrades, remote diagnostics or
recovery, and dynamically reconfigure application
An IoT Architecture Outline
Data and Information Layer provides a more abstract set of
functions as its main purposes are to capture knowledge and
provide advanced control logic support
Key concepts here include data and information models and
knowledge representation in general, and the focus is on the
organization of information
Knowledge Management Framework (KMF) as a collective term
to include data, domain-specific knowledge, for example,
represented by single actuators or more complex composite
sensing and actuation services, service descriptors, rules,
process or workflow descriptions, etc.
The KMF needs to integrate anything from single pieces of data
from individual sensors to highly domain-specific expert
knowledge into a common knowledge fabric
An IoT Architecture Outline
The Application Layer in turn provides the specific IoT
Typical examples include smart metering in the Smart
Grid, vehicle tracking, building automation, or medical
The Business Layer focuses on supporting the core
business or operations of any enterprise, organization,
or individual that is interested in IoT applications
This is where any integration of the IoT applications
into business processes and enterprise systems takes
An IoT Architecture Outline
Management deals with management of various parts of
the system solution related to its operation, maintenance,
administration, and provisioning
Includes management of devices, communications
networks, and the general Information Technology (IT)
infrastructure as well as configuration and provisioning
data, performance of services delivered, etc.
Security is about protection of the system, its information
and services, from external threats or any other harm.
Security measures are usually required across all layers, for
instance, providing communication security and
information security. Trust and identity management, and
authentication and authorization, are key capabilities
An IoT Architecture Outline
Data and Service processing can, from a topological
perspective, be done in a very distributed fashion and at
different levels of complexity
Simpler aggregation, such as data averaging, can take
place in individual sensor nodes in WSANs, contextual
metadata such as location and temporal information can
be added to sensor readings, and further aggregation
can take place higher up in the network topology
More advanced processing is, for instance, data mining
and data analytics that can be done in near real-time.
This functional group thus represents the vertical flow of
data into knowledge