Mastering The Interview PDF
Mastering The Interview PDF
Mastering The Interview PDF
Preface 02
Introduction 03
8. Answering Questions: Part II – the Top Questions and How to Answer Them 14
9. Conclusion 16
Great that you’ve got a copy of Mastering the Interview Who could blame them? If it took our entire team that
- The Executive Guide! This guide is the product of much time, how should an individual job seeker be able
years of studying and analyzing the application and to do it?
recruiting process of senior-level professionals.
We approached the topic like a scientific research
When we started our journey at JobLeads 15 years project. After having gathered, aggregated, and
ago, we set out on a mission to help senior-level analyzed all the information, the fog slowly lifted. At
professionals find more rewarding careers. For a while, first, we were skeptical; how could it be that the results
we believed it was mostly about transparency. We were so clear and straightforward? If it was so obvious,
therefore focused on making the job market for senior- why was there not one single resource available to
level professionals more transparent. By building a Job teach people what needed to be done to end their
Tracking Software that searches millions of websites struggle and pursue the career they wanted? Our
from companies, headhunters, and job boards daily, we conclusion was that nobody ever approached the topic
provide senior-level professionals with worldwide in the way we did. So let's look at what we found out.
access to every senior-level job in one place. The We discovered that the struggles people face in their
technology is great as it helps candidates like you see job search all follow a simple pattern. To put it simply,
2.5 times more relevant jobs than you otherwise would we found 20 reasons why people are unsuccessful in
without it. Over time, however, we learned that this is landing their next job. They kept popping up repeatedly
only one piece of the puzzle. Finding a new job is so throughout our research. We called them “career
much more than just transparency. blockers” because they block you from pursuing a
fulfilling and rewarding career.
While our technology helps thousands to find more
rewarding careers, there are thousands who still Each of these “career blockers” falls into one of the
struggle. Sometimes it takes even highly skilled following stages of the job hunt: Finding Jobs, Getting
candidates years to find a new position, and often the Interview Invitations (the application process), and the
job they take is yet another compromise. Nobody Interview Process.
wants to settle for less. With our mission unchanged,
we needed to understand the struggle people were As the title suggests, in Mastering the Interview - The
facing. We needed to understand it completely in order Executive Guide we will be focusing on the “Interview
to fulfill our mission of helping them find more Process” and everything it entails. In this guide you will
rewarding careers. gain an understanding of why you have struggled in
past interviews and will get the tools and strategy you
We started to study the subject intensively. We asked need to overcome the interview “career blockers”.
thousands of job seekers about their experiences,
talked to recruiters, and read hundreds of books, We hope you are just as excited about this guide as we
articles, blogs, and studies on the matter. We literally are. It was built by real people to help real people like
fought our way through the fog. There was just so you.
much material out there. To our surprise we found
thousands of blogs and texts with unsubstantiated All the Best,
advice, such as “Top 10 Interview Tips” or “The 10 Christian von Ahlen
Secrets to Finding New Jobs.” Most of these articles Co-Founder
only have one goal in mind: to be indexed by Google’s
search engine to bring people to the site rather than
offering real, substantiated advice. It was no wonder
why people were struggling with their job search.
Before jumping into all the details of mastering job seekers has taught us the opposite. Over 95%
the interview, we would like to explain one simple of all job seekers spend less than three hours
concept. If you made it to the interview stage, preparing for an interview. We figured out why -
you almost certainly possess the right skill set the most common reason is the false assumption
for the job. While this is good news, you have one that they are already fully prepared. Why do so
more hurdle to conquer: to stand out from the many people fall into this trap? Simply because
similarly qualified competition. To be very clear, there is no structured guidance available to teach
whether you stand out or not is not dependent on and show people how to best prepare. Most
how good your competitors are, on who the information on the topic is insufficient and
interviewers are, or as some people tend to unsubstantiated. It suggests if you know to be on
believe, on luck. It simply depends on one thing - time, dress properly, can explain everything on
how well you prepare. What you need is an your resume, and are able to answer a few
“Interview Preparation Strategy.” Our research common questions such as “What are your
has shown that there is a strong positive strengths and weaknesses?”, you will be well
correlation between the time people spend on prepared for the interview. But that is simply not
interview preparation and the success rate of the true. It is a complete myth that leads to a false
interview. Get this: the success rate of people sense of security. Candidates who are
spending eight to ten hours on preparation is unsuccessful in their interviews often follow this
40% higher than that of people spending less routine. So, the question is, what are successful
than three hours on preparation. Spending more candidates doing differently?
than 30 hours gets that rate up to even 60%.
That is time well-invested.
You want your pitch to be clear and precise. It is
important for it to be easily understood. Avoid
highly technical terms and too sophisticated
So, now let’s look at three questions which could do the trick. These questions are
twofold - they give you an advantage in the interview and help you determine if the
position is right for you.
One last thing: although asking questions is great, do not proactively ask
about salary, bonuses, perks, and holidays before entering the negotiation
phase. This would set the wrong tone and possibly give a wrong impression
of yourself.
By using the STAR method, your answer is Please note that while the questions you might be
structured and well-thought-out and, more asked may differ slightly, the answers you give will
importantly, will hold the interviewer’s interest. essentially be the same.
To conclude, here are the 20 most frequently
asked competency-based questions promised
With these frequently asked questions, you’ll be
well equipped to Master the Interview. Now you
know how to tell a story, make a great impression,
position yourself with the perfect pitch, and rise
above all other candidates by asking the right
questions and checking in with the company
afterwards. This guide is your key to developing
stellar interview skills and conquering one of the
hardest parts of the application process – the
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