Final Na Sana Repaired Ken

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Chapter 1


This chapter includes the background of the study, objectives of the study,

theoretical and conceptual framework, significance of the study, scope and

limitations of the study, and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental

issues, as the rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products

overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. Plastic pollution is the

accumulation of plastic objects and particles (plastic bottles, bags, and

microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects humans, wildlife,

and their habitat. Plastic pollution can afflict land, waterways, and oceans.

           The utilization of plastic materials in modern human life is increasingly

widespread and cannot be avoided, and this results in plastic production globally

increasing annually from various industries and households and experiencing

progression and innovation. Plastic waste can be converted into fuels by the

process of pyrolysis, since plastic bottles are made from materials such as

cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt, and crude oil through a polymerization or

polycondensation process after we used the plastic, we may convert it into

natural gas or fuel, which is another technique to recycle plastic materials.

           The Tanay local government encourages the residents to segregate and

recycle materials. The government launched the “Basura Mo, Palit Gamit” and

the “Basuraffle” last November 25, 2020 as initiatives for residents to turn over


their waste to the local government in exchange for raffle tickets, giving them a

chance to win home appliances and school items. The purpose of this program is

to motivate schools from preschool to elementary to segregate solid waste and

recyclable materials such as newspapers, cans, Polyethylene terephthalate (PET

bottles), and plastic items exchanged for basic school supplies. A kilo of plastic

recyclables such as Polyethylene terephthalate bottles (PET bottles), tin cans,

cardboard, paper, and similar materials can be exchanged for one raffle ticket

(Andrade, 2020). This study gives an idea to Tanay Municipal Environment and

Natural Resources Office (MENRO) for another way to recycle plastic bottles by

converting the PET bottles into alternative fuel using the pyrolysis method.

According to Kessler (2021), the Philippines generates an estimated

43,684 tons of garbage daily, including 4,609 tons of plastic waste, according to

government data, and proper disposal facilities are lacking for much of it. The

trash is piling up on land, clogging coastlines, spilling into the sea, and traveling

to remote corners of the globe as the country fails to meet targets for improved

waste management that it signed into law 18 years ago. The central government

claims it’s done all it can, and that the onus is on local governments to get their

trash in order and on the Philippine people to dispose of their garbage more

responsibly. But environmental advocates disagree, saying the government could

do more, including pressuring multinational corporations to change their


With this, as stipulated in Republic Act (RA) 9003, otherwise known as the

“Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.”

“Targets to decrease wastes by at least 25% through

integrated policy plans and frameworks. This further supports
the notion of devising, creating and implementing machines
that contribute to the said greater objective.”

The aforementioned legal basis encourages researchers to use scientific

and technological research as an effective tool in developing an alternative

liquefied gas to help reduce waste. Moreover, as stated by Chanashetty and

Patil (2021), plastic has permeated our daily lives and now poses a major threat

to the environment. Annual global plastic production exceeds 100 million tons,

and trash bins and landfills are overflowing with used goods. The development of

biodegradable plastics for use in the future has been pursued, but there haven't

been many concrete steps taken to solve the problems that have already arisen.

The process of converting plastic waste into value-added fuel is described here

as a viable solution for plastic recycling. In this way, two universal problems are

solved simultaneously, such as the problem of plastic waste and the problem of

fuel shortages. In this research, waste plastic (low-density polyethylene) was

thermally decomposed to obtain fuel oil with the same physical properties as

fuels such as gasoline and light oil.

In the study of Miandad et al. (2019) titled Catalytic Pyrolysis of Plastic

Waste: Moving Toward Pyrolysis Based Bio Refineries, they asserted that plastic

waste recycling is carried out in different ways, but in most developing countries,

open or landfill disposal is a common practice for plastic waste management.

Furthermore, the cost of transportation, labor, and maintenance may increase the

cost of recycling projects. In addition, due to rapid urbanization, the land

available for landfills, especially in cities, is reducing. Nevertheless, pyrolysis is a

common technique used to convert plastic waste into energy, in the form of solid,

liquid, and gaseous fuels.

Moreso, Olalo (2021) conducted a study titled Characterization of Pyrolytic

Oil Produced from Waste Plastic in Quezon City, Philippines using a Non-

catalytic Pyrolysis Method. He claimed that their communities suffer and the

environment suffers as well due to the vast amount of plastic waste in various

landfills. Therefore, it affects people who live nearby and has a problem with

plastic waste. One of the processes used to reduce this waste is pyrolysis, which

can be used to produce fuel oil. In this study, fuel oil was produced from waste

plastic collected from the Payatas Landfill in Quezon City, Philippines. After a

thorough cleaning, the plastic waste was mechanically crushed and pyrolyzed.

Considering the thermal chamber facility available at ITDI-DOST in Taguig City,

Philippines, pyrolysis of plastic waste produced fuel oil in varying proportions

from different types of plastics. Besides, Rhodes (2018) reports on reviews of the

production and use of various types of plastics, as well as the effects of

contamination from these materials on animal, human, and environmental health.

The world has produced as much plastic since 2004 as it has in the previous

half-century, with an estimated total of 8.3 billion tons of new plastic ever

produced, largely from natural sources. Gases, crude chemical fed stocks, and

fuel sources are all examples.


In accordance with Concio (2019), Navarro's pyrolysis process begins by

drying cleaned plastic waste free of food, soap, or other contaminants. After that,

the clean, dry plastic is cut into small pieces and heated in a thermal chamber.

Because the heating chamber is sealed and there is very little oxygen, the plastic

will melt. This arrangement keeps the plastic from burning. The vapor formed by

melting the plastic will pass through the cooling tubes and condense into a liquid


Notably, a few months ago, people noticed a weekly increase in fuel

prices of about two pesos. Thus, the researchers' aim for this research is to

determine how to recycle plastic materials in various ways and give value to

waste items such as plastic. To address the issue of plastic pollution and to

obtain alternative fuel for resources, researchers devised a method of producing

alternative liquified gas through the use of the pyrolysis method.

Objective of the Study

Generally, this study aims to design and develop the production of

alternative liquefied gas from plastic waste using the integrated pyrolysis method.

Specifically, this study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. Design of a Developmental to produce an Alternative Liquefied Gas using

plastic bottles.

2. To determine the level of the acceptability of converting plastic into fuel in

terms of:

2.1 Maintainability

2.2 Reliability

2.3 Safety

2.4 Suitability; and

2.5 Suitability.

3. To determine the production rate of the pyrolysis method in terms of:

3.1 The weight of plastic bottles per capacity of fuel generated;

3.2 The reaction time of the device to its product;

3.3 The required temperature of the furnace; and

3.4 The ratio of the capacity of plastic and gas.

4. To provide of user’s manual of the production of alternative liquefied gas.

Theoretical framework

This study was anchored on Nichols' further notion in "Extraction Theory"

(2020), which refers to the transference of a compound from a solid or liquid into

a different solvent or phase. In the chemistry lab, it is most common to use liquid-

liquid extraction, a process that occurs in a separatory funnel. A solution

containing dissolved components is placed in the funnel and an immiscible

solvent is added, resulting in two layers that are shaken together. It is most

common for one layer to be aqueous and the other an organic solvent.

Components are "extracted" when they move from one layer to the other.

In connection with the study, pyrolysis involves the chemical

transformation of a sample on heating to a high temperature (400–1000 °C). The

technique involves pyrolysis into which samples to be analyzed are loaded.

Target analyses are typically very high molecular weight compounds. Extractions

are a way to separate a desired substance when it is mixed with others. The

mixture is brought into contact with a solvent in which the substance of interest is

soluble, but the other substances present are insoluble. In this study, the

researcher will design a device that converts plastic into fuel by using the

pyrolysis method. Pyrolysis is a process of where the researchers converting the

plastic bottle into alternative fuel, during the process, Polyethylene terephthalate

bottles (PET bottles) was heated to high temperature, typically between 100°C

and 220°C. The heat causes the polymer chains in the plastic to break apart,

producing a mixture of gases, liquids, and solids.

Conceptual Framework

The pyrolysis method is used in this study, titled Production of Alternative

Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method. Figure 1 on

the next page consists of a circulated arrow that includes the following steps:

requirements and analysis, design, implementation, testing, development,

maintenance, and feedback. Thus, the testing phase refers to the researchers’

evaluation of the device's performance in terms of functional suitability, usability,

reliability, maintainability, and compatibility. The device's quality is ensured by the

researchers through iteration. If the automation is put to the test to ensure that

the program or system won't break. All of the study's research goals are tested,

and respondents are chosen at random to provide their opinions. The continuous

development and improvement of the device. The study's implementation is

acceptable and the researchers proceed to the maintenance process, which

involves planning and scheduling to ensure the device works correctly.


Input Process Output

In this process, we
need to put the
 Plastics Bottles plastics in the metal
container and burn
 Steel Tube it for about 30
minutes at above
 Glass starting at 150
Celsius and with Production of
 Thermometer
10minutes interval Alternative
every trial at the Liquefied Gas
 Pressure metal container or from Plastic
Gauge reactor it will start Waste Using
to burn the plastic Integrated
 Couplings bottles and it go to Pyrolysis
 Furnace the storage where Method
the fuel
 Reactor accumulating and it
is connected to the

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from
Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

This conceptual framework simply depicts the materials need to build a

device as well as the process of converting the plastic material into usable fuel.

Before the researchers produced the final product, they went through a lengthy

process. The first issue is that this is the first time the researchers have made a

device that is related to fire, and they are worried about the potential

consequences. The second issue is how to assemble it and ensure that it is safe

to use, as none of the researchers have attempted this project before. Finally, the

researchers conducted some research, and with the help of science and the

internet, this project will benefit our community and the environment.

Significance of the Study

This study mainly focused on the design and development of the

production of liquefied gas from plastic waste using the integrated pyrolysis

method. The findings of this study will be significant in promoting the proper

recycling of waste items such as plastic.

Accordingly, this study may be beneficial for the following:

Community. The primary setting of this study is the community; they

benefit in terms of guidance to the community, so they understand how important

this output is because they can also produce and make a device like our project.

Future Researchers. They will benefit from this study because it will serve

as a resource and a guide for them if necessary. Hopefully, it will also provide

them with some essential information and insights that will aid them in conducting

research related to this study.

Material Recovery Facility. Because they can gather a sufficient quantity

of plastic bottles, provide them, and use them as a source for the study, these

facilities will profit from this research. For their facility's surplus plastic waste, it

has also grown into a separate operation.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


The primary goal of this study is to determine the level of acceptability of

the production of alternative liquefied gas from plastic waste using an integrated

pyrolysis method that will be tested and conducted in Rizal during the Academic

Year 2022-2023. This study also aims to determine the level of acceptability of

converting plastic into fuel in terms of reliability, safety, usability, maintainability,

and sustainability. Additionally, this study will determine the production rate of the

pyrolysis method in terms of the weight of plastic bottles per capacity of fuel

generated, the reaction time of the device to its product, the required temperature

of the furnace, and the ratio of the capacity of plastic and gas. The researchers

will use polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles as the source of the product

which is the fuel. The chemical properties of the alternative fuel that researches

made through the pyrolysis process is cover of this study. Polyethylene

terephthalate (PET) pyrolysis is a complex process that releases different types

of products such as aromatic compounds, such as benzene and toluene, and

aliphatic hydrocarbons C1 – C4 such as methane and ethane along with the

typical pyrolytic emissions (CO2, CO, H2, and H2O) (Osman, 2020).

Furthermore, this research is limited to only a total of twenty-five (25)

respondents. The researchers will use a mean variation to get the level of

acceptability of converting plastic bottle into alternative fuel. Lastly, this research

will utilize experimental, developmental, and descriptive research designs.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally by the researchers to give a

better understanding of the study:


Acceptability. It refers to determining how well the production will be

perceived by the target respondents in terms of its elements. This also seeks to

answer if the research study on the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas is

accepted or not.

Alternative liquified gas. It is the product that made by researchers from

Polyethylene terephthalate bottles (PET bottles) and converted into alternative

liquefied gas.

Depolymerization. It is the process like pyrolysis which is breaking down

the chemical properties of plastic bottle.

Maintainability. It refers to the probability that a failed component or

system will be restored or repaired to a specified condition within a specified time

when maintenance is performed by prescribed procedures.

Plastic waste. It will be the main source of our product in this study, such

as plastic bottles by converting it into alternative fuel using pyrolysis method.

Reliability. It refers to the quality of being trustworthy or of performing

consistently well

Safety. It refers to the condition of device how it operates safely during the

pyrolysis process.

Suitability. It refers to the quality of being right or appropriate for a

particular person, purpose, or situation.

Utilization. It refers to the action of making practical and effective use of


Usability. It refers to the degree to which something is able or fit to be


Chapter 2


This chapter contains the research technical design, research instruments,

the procedure, and methods of the study, the project design model, and

statistical treatment.

Research Technical Design


In this study, the researchers will employ developmental, experimental

and descriptive research designs to determine the acceptability of the production

of liquid fuel from plastic waste using an integrated pyrolysis method producing

alternative liquefied gas.

First, this study utilizes experimental research, a scientific way of doing

research that is planned and methodical. This structure is made up of an

independent variable and variables that may be measured, calculated, and

compared. It is critical to use controlled circumstances in experimental research.

Conducting experimental research to test theories or construct theoretical

explanations requires careful attention to all details from setting up the lab to

developing procedures to implementing the experiment. Published summary

reports of experimental tests may lead to conclusions that the data collection

process was relatively easy because experimental research is often described in

a clear and simple presentation (Kuipers, 2014).

Hence, the researcher gathers data and then conducts the study the

outcomes will either support or reject the assumption and also test the efficiency

of the Production of liquid fuel from plastic waste using the integrated pyrolysis

method producing alternative liquefied gas.

Next, Descriptive research focuses more on the “what” of the research

subject rather than the “why” of the research subject. In other words, descriptive

research primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment,

without focusing on “why” a certain phenomenon occurs. In other words, it

“describes” the subject of the research, without covering “why” it happens


(Manjunatha, 2019). This study will use the descriptive method to describe the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied.

Third, Developmental research is defined as "the systematic study of

designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and

products that must meet the criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness"

(Richey and Klein, 2014). It aims to produce an empirically supported justification

of the inner workings of such a sequence, which is claimed to be an important

contribution to the expertise of teachers, curriculum developers, and educational

researchers (Klaassen and Kortland, 2014),

The previously mentioned research methodologies will be applied in this

study because the researchers wanted to come up with a reliable and safe

production of fuel and to fulfill the objectives of this study.

The plastic bottles will be the main source of the production liquid fuel, the

plastic need to be cut into small pieces before put it into the reactor, then in the

reactor where the plastic bottles break down at 200 to 500 °C in around 30

minutes of time. The oxygen produced by heating plastic bottles are going to the

filter, the oxygen will go through copper wire in this part the purpose copper wire

is to cool down the oxygen coming from the plastic bottle heated then the filter is

to make liquid fuel clean and to separate some char in oxygen. After the oxygen

filtered, it goes to storage where the oil collects and in this container where

releasing non-condensable gas.

Composition of the non-condensable pyrolysis gas from plastics at 600 °C,

and the amounts of converted hydrocarbons in the presence of catalyst at 500

°C. The non-condensable gases from LDPE, PP and MP mainly consisted of


methane, ethane, ethylene, propylene, 1-butene and i-butylene (Veksha, 2016).

The LPG tank is connected to the storage (liquid fuel), when the non-

condensable gas going out from the storage the LPG will fill of non-condensable


Figure 2

Block Diagram of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste
using Integrated Pyrolysis

Research Instrument

To accumulate statistical information, the researchers will use

experimental research and descriptive research. To know the situation and the

progress of the study for the researchers to determine the reliability of the study.

The respondents to this study are five (5) experts, fifteen (15) students, and ten

(10) residents of Brgy. Tabing-Ilog, Tanay, Rizal. They will be participants in this

study and may help to give information about the production of fuel. To get the

data for this research the researchers will use survey questionnaires.

The questionnaire is based on how useful and reliable the device is in the

community. There are two parts to the survey which are personal information and

evaluation. The first part will be the personal information about the participants

which are their names, ages, and sex. The second part will include the reliability

and quality of the production of alternative liquefied gas from plastic waste using

the integrated pyrolysis method. The researcher will use the code ISO/ISEC

25010 for evaluating the data of the study.

Scale                           Range                          Verbal Interpretation

5                             4.25 - 5.00                         Strongly Acceptable  

4                             3.50 - 4.24                         Acceptable

3                             2.75 - 3.49                         Moderate

2                             2.00 - 2.74                        Slightly Acceptable

1                             1.25 - 1.99                        Not Acceptable

The researchers will use the Likert Scale in a 5-point Modified

Questionnaire Checklist on the Acceptability of each verbal interpretation, as

shown on the previous page.

Procedure and Method of the study

This section discusses the steps that the researchers will take to create

this study. It includes the strategies, processes, or techniques used in gathering


data or evidence for analysis to discover new information or gain a better

understanding of a subject.

A. Conduct of the Study

The researchers cited topics they were interested in based on productivity

and reliability in the field of petroleum industry. After discussion and meetings,

the topic was decided by most of the researchers and panels. By reading a lot of

related literature and studying the other research done by past researchers that

is related to our topic, finding errors and other things that can be improvised to

make fuel. There is only small research done here in the Philippines about

pyrolysis methods using plastic waste (plastic bottles). The researchers

brainstormed to make an alternative and easier to produce petroleum. Creating

research proposals along with the objectives, theoretical framework, conceptual

framework and review related literature; after a lot of revisions in making

research proposals, the researchers have decided to select the study subjects

after passing the two-title defense. The researchers proceed on by conducting

extensive study to enable them to produce a successful outcome and useful

product. Now the researchers are consulting some experts that have experience

in the field of petroleum.

B. Conduct of the Design and Development

The researchers sketched a design for reactor which is the LPG tank,

furnace, pipes, hose and jar with water. Materials that researchers used are

furnace, small Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tank for reactor, pipes, couplings,

jars with water for storage, hose, also use a high-temperature-resistant gloves

and safety goggles. Attach the couplings and pipes to the Liquefied petroleum

gas (LPG) tank. Also the researchers attached the two pressure gauge for

monitoring the pressure developed inside the reactor during the process and

temperature gauge for temperature of furnace. Researchers create a small

opening in the jar's lid and insert the pipe through it. Ensure that the tube reaches

the bottom of the jar. Fill the jar with water until it reaches the level of the pipe.

Put the cut plastic bottles to be pyrolyze inside the Liquefied petroleum gas

(LPG) tank and reattach the coupling and ensure that it is tightly closed. The

gases produced by the burning material will flow through the pipe and into the jar

of water. The heat from the gases will cause the plastic material to decompose

into its constituent compounds. Allow the system to run for several hours, or until

the plastic material is fully pyrolyze. It is important to take all necessary safety

precautions when building and operating a pyrolysis system. Ensure that the

system is set up in a well-ventilated area

Project Design Model 

The researchers will use the calculation for plastic waste pyrolysis. The

essential steps in the pyrolysis of plastics include evenly heating the plastic to a

narrow temperature range without excessive temperature variations, purging

oxygen from the pyrolysis chamber, managing the carbonaceous char by-product

before it acts as a thermal insulator and lowers the heat transfer to the plastic,

and careful condensation and fractionation of the pyrolysis vapors to produce

distillate of good quality and consistency. Plastic is continuously treated in a

cylindrical chamber (reactor) and the pyrolytic gases are condensed to yield a

hydrocarbon distillate comprising of straight and branched chain aliphatic like


methane, ethane, and butane, cyclic aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The

formula and equation for this study is included in Appendix D.

weight of produced oil

percentage yield=
weight of feedstock

Statistical Treatment

To attain an accurate answer to specific questions in the statement of the

problem, the following statistical treatments will be used: 

To determine the level of the acceptability of production of liquid fuel from

plastic waste using integrated pyrolysis method in terms of produced liquefied


∑ of all the observations
Total number of observations

Chapter 3



This chapter presents the analysis, and interpretation of data of the proposed

system.  Hence, this chapter includes:  Design of the Production of Alternative

Liquified Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method, followed by

Evaluation by respondents of the acceptability of Production of Alternative

Liquified Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method by the

selected criteria.

 1. Design of a Development Production of Alternative of the Liquefied Gas from

Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

The development of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from

Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method was based on its usability. This

was conducted to somehow solve one of the most common problems in our

country, which is plastic waste, through the production of alternative liquefied

gas to be used in the community.

Alternative gas derived from the plastic wastes is conducted to know the

ability of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics to produce liquefied gas. This

gas can be used effectively in cooking. The first step of the research was the

gathering of plastic bottles to be cut, the researchers collected exactly 2kg of

polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics. The plastics collected were cut into

small pieces. The researchers used recyclable materials like firewood to make

burner in pyrolysis process, by using recyclable materials in burning, we can

reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, reduce the amount of new

resources that need to be extracted, and decrease the amount of pollution that is

released into the air. Additionally, burning recyclable materials can also generate

energy, which can be used to power homes and businesses.

Table 2 displays the process utilized by researchers to manufacture

alternative liquefied gas from plastic trash via integrated pyrolysis, including the

kilograms of firewood and plastic bottles needed in the process as well as the

duration, temperature, and fuel produced.

Table 1

Production Table of Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

No. of Kilogram/s Kilogram/s Time Temperatur Fuel

Trial of of Plastic (Minutes) e Produced
Firewood Bottles °C ml
used used
1st 1 2 30 160 2.07
2nd 2 2 40 170 4.14
3rd 3 2 50 180 6.21
4th 4 2 60 190 8.28
5th 5 2 70 200 10.35
6th 6 2 80 210 12.42
7th 7 2 90 220 14.50

After preparing the shredded plastics, the plastics were put inside the

reactor to be heated and treated. In our 1 st trial we put 1kg of firewood and 2kg

of plastics were heated, at the time of 30 minutes there was pressure coming

out, at exactly 160 ° and produced 2.07 ml of liquefied3 fuel. In our 2 nd trial we

put 2kg of firewood and 2kg of plastic bottles, at the time of 40 minutes the

maximum temperature meets at 170° and produced 4.14 ml of liquefied fuel. In

our 3rd trial we put 2kg of firewood and 3kg of plastic bottles, at the time of 50

minutes the maximum temperature meets at 180° and produced 6.21 ml of

liquefied fuel. In our 4th trial we put 2kg of firewood and 4kg of plastic bottles, at

the time of 60 minutes the maximum temperature meets at 190° and produced

8.28 ml of liquefied fuel. In our 5 th trial we put 2kg of firewood and 5kg of plastic

bottles, at the time of 70 minutes the maximum temperature meets at 200° and

produced 10.35 ml of liquefied fuel. In our 6 th trial we put 2kg of firewood and 6kg

of plastic bottles, at the time of 80 minutes the maximum temperature meets at

210° and produced 12.42 ml of liquefied fuel. In our 7 th trial we put 2kg of

firewood and 7kg of plastic bottles, at the time of 90 minutes the maximum

temperature meets at 220° and produced 14.50 ml of liquefied fuel.

The Figure 4 on the next page are the complete construction and design

of The Development of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using

Integrated Pyrolysis Method that required careful and safety consideration of

heat and unqualified waste plastic that does not meet environmental emission

standards and will cause air and soil pollution, which will decide if you are able to

continue this project in your local area. Without considering the safety and heat

exchange, it could result in damaging your health and also the area that is

affected by the furnace and the smell of toxic components that will produce.

Figure 3

Project Design Model of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic
Waste using Integrated Pyrolysis

Table 2 shows the bills of materials and equipment’s including the

quantity, unit, description, price and the total price that researchers used in

Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste using Integrated

Pyrolysis with the total cost of Php 3,810.00.

Table 2

Bills of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste

Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

Materials and Equipments

Quantity Unit Description Price(Php) Price(Php)

1 pcs Reactor 150 150

1 pcs Pressure Gauge 220 220

1 pcs Thermometer Gauge 146 146

1 pcs 3/8" Coupling 150 150

1 pcs 1/2" Coupling 100 100

1 pcs 1" Coupling 80 80

1 pcs 1/4" Coupling 60 60

1 pcs 1" Coupling Cup 60 60

2 pcs Elbow 120 240

1 pcs 3/8 & 1/2 Connector 150 150

1 5ft Metal Tube 98 98

1 pcs Big Jar 88 88

1 pcs Small Jar 33 33

1 5m Hose 250 250

Miscellaneous Expenses 1260

Labor Expenses 725

Total Cost 3810

Table 3

Trials of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using
Integrated Pyrolysis Method

Trials Temperature Pressure Pressure Remarks

°C Gauge 1(Psi) Gauge 2(Psi)
1st 40°C 0 0 No Leakage
2nd 60°C 0 0 No Leakage
3rd 75°C 0 0 No Leakage
4th 90°C 1 0 No Leakage
5th 100°C 1 0 No Leakage
6th 150°C 3 0 No Leakage
7th 200°C 5 0 No Leakage

After trial 1 at 40°C both pressure gauge did not detect any pressure and

did not have any signs of leakage, after trial 2 at 60°C pressure gauge did not

detect any pressure and did not have any signs of leakage, after trial 3 at 75°C

the pressure gauge did not detect any pressure and did not have any signs of

leakage, after trial 4 at 90°C the first gauge detected 1 psi and the 2nd gauge

did not detect and pressure and did not have any signs of leakage, after trial 5 at

100°C the first pressure gauge detect 1 psi and the 2nd pressure gauge did not

detect and pressure and did not have any signs of leakage, after trial 6 at 150°C

the first pressure gauge detect 3 psi and the 2nd pressure gauge did not detect

and pressure and did not have any signs of leakage, after trial 7 at 200°C the

first pressure gauge detect 5 psi and the 2nd pressure gauge did not detect and

pressure and did not have any signs of leakage. Therefore, we conclude that

after 7 trials, the device had no leakage.


2. Level of Acceptability of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from

Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

The analysis and interpretation of the result is based on that seeks

answer in terms of the acceptability of the project. There are five objectives:

Reliability, Usability, Safety, Maintainability and Suitability.

Table 4 shows the computed weighted mean for the acceptability of the

Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated

Pyrolysis Method as evaluated by the experts and beneficiaries in the Brgy.

Tabing-ilog Tanay, Rizal in terms of Reliability. 

Table 4

Computed Mean of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of Reliability

1. Reliability
Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1.1 I consider this product to be 4.44 Strongly Acceptable

very convenient and helpful for

1.2 It meets the needs to be 4.56 Strongly Acceptable

reliable to operate.

1.3 The product or system is 4.24 Acceptable

operational and accessible when
required to use.

Average 4.41 Strongly Acceptable

Based on the ratings provided by the respondents, the overall reliability of

the product is considered to be "Strongly Acceptable", with an average weighted

mean of 4.41 out of 5. Looking at the individual ratings, we can see that all three

statements related to reliability received high ratings from the respondents.


Statement 1.2 received the highest rating with a weighted mean of 4.56,

indicating that the product meets the needs to be reliable to operate. Statement

1.1 received a slightly lower rating with a weighted mean of 4.44, indicating that

respondents found the product to be very convenient and helpful. Statement 1.3

received a slightly lower rating with a weighted mean of 4.24, indicating that the

product is operational and accessible when required to use, but with slightly less

certainty than the other two statements.

Overall, the high ratings indicate that the respondents consider the

product to be reliable and functional, with few issues or drawbacks. This

information can be useful for the product team to identify areas of improvement

and to further develop the product to better meet the needs and expectations of

its users.

Table 5 shows the computed mean on the acceptability of the Production

of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis

Method as evaluated by the experts and beneficiaries in terms of Usability.


Table 5

Computed Mean of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of Usability

2. Usability
Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
2.1 The materials used functioning 4.48 Strongly Acceptable
and met the requirements to
produce the product.
2.2 I determine this device is easy 4.32 Strongly Acceptable
to use.
2.3 The users can recognize if it is 4.36 Strongly Acceptable
appropriate for their needs.
Average 4.39 Strongly

The ratings provided by the respondents indicate that the overall usability

of the product is considered to be "Strongly Acceptable", with an average

weighted mean of 4.39 out of 5. The individual ratings show that all three

statements related to usability received high ratings from the respondents.

Statement 2.1 received the highest rating with a weighted mean of 4.48,

indicating that the materials used in producing the product were functioning and

met the requirements. Statement 2.3 received a slightly lower rating with a

weighted mean of 4.36, indicating that users can recognize if the product is

appropriate for their needs. Statement 2.2 received the lowest rating with a

weighted mean of 4.32, indicating that respondents found the device to be easy

to use, but with slightly less certainty than the other two statements.

Overall, the high ratings imply that the product is easy to use and meets

the demands of the consumers. However, statement 2.2 obtained a somewhat

lower rating, indicating that there may be some space for improvement in terms

of usability. This data can help the product team discover areas for development

and further develop the product to better fulfill its consumers' usability needs and


Table 6 shows the computed mean on the acceptability of the Production

of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis

Method as evaluated by the experts and beneficiaries in terms of Safety.

Table 6

Computed Mean of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of Safety

3. Safety
Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

3.1 I find this device is safe to use. 4.48 Strongly Acceptable

3.2 Piping is properly sealed for 4.52 Strongly Acceptable

possible leakage.

3.3 The users can recognize if it is 4.6 Strongly Acceptable

appropriate for their needs.

Average 4.53 Strongly Acceptable

Based on the ratings provided by the respondents, the overall safety of

the product is considered to be "Strongly Acceptable", with an average weighted

mean of 4.53 out of 5. Looking at the individual ratings, we can see that all three

statements related to safety received high ratings from the respondents.


Statement 3.3 received the highest rating with a weighted mean of 4.6, indicating

that users can recognize if the product is appropriate for their needs from a

safety perspective. Statement 3.2 received a slightly lower rating with a weighted

mean of 4.52, indicating that the piping is properly sealed for possible leakage.

Statement 3.1 received the lowest rating with a weighted mean of 4.48,

indicating that respondents found the device to be safe to use. Overall, the high

scores imply that the product is considered safe and effective by the

respondents, with minimal safety concerns or complaints. This data can help the

product team discover areas for improvement and further develop the product to

better fulfill the safety needs and expectations of its consumers.

Table 7 shows the computed mean on the acceptability of the Production

of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis

Method as evaluated by the experts and beneficiaries in terms of Maintainability.

Table 7

Computed Mean of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of Maintainability

4. Maintainability
Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

4.1 The device can be used to 4.4 Strongly Acceptable

diagnose a product for flaws or
failure reasons, or to identify parts
that need to be updated

4.2 If default occurs, the machine 4.24 Acceptable

components are replaceable or

4.3 The device can be easily tested 4.56 Strongly Acceptable

whether it is working or not.

Average 4.40 Strongly


The ratings provided by the respondents indicate that the overall

maintainability of the product is considered to be "Strongly Acceptable", with an

average weighted mean of 4.4 out of 5. The individual ratings show that

statement 4.3 received the highest rating with a weighted mean of 4.56,

indicating that the device can be easily tested to determine if it is working

properly. Statement 4.1 received a slightly lower rating with a weighted mean of

4.4, indicating that the device can be used to diagnose flaws or failure reasons

and identify parts that need to be updated. Statement 4.2 received the lowest

rating with a weighted mean of 4.24, indicating that if a default occurs, machine

components are replaceable or modifiable, but with slightly less certainty than

the other two statements.

Overall, the high scores suggest that the product is thought to be easily

maintained and tested. However, statement 4.2 obtained a somewhat lower

grade, suggesting that there may be some opportunity for improvement in terms

of component replace ability and modifiability. This data can help the product

team discover areas for development and further develop the product to better

fulfill the demands and expectations of its consumers in terms of maintainability.

Table 8 shows the computed mean on the acceptability of the Production

of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis

Method as evaluated by the experts and beneficiaries in terms of Suitability.


Table 8

Computed Mean of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of Suitability

5. Suitability
Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

5.1 Completeness of the pyrolysis 4.52 Strongly Acceptable

process used to produce fuel. All
of the tasks and user goals listed
are covered by the device.

5.2 The function facilitates the 4.52 Strongly Acceptable

accomplishment of specified tasks
and objectives.

5.3 The set of functions covers all 3.84 Acceptable

the specified tasks and the user's

Average 4.29 Strongly


The ratings provided by the respondents for the Suitability section indicate

that the overall suitability of the product is considered to be "Strongly

Acceptable", with an average weighted mean of 4.29 out of 5. The individual

ratings show that statements 5.1 and 5.2 received a high rating of 4.52,

indicating that the device is considered to be complete in its pyrolysis process

and facilitates the accomplishment of specified tasks and objectives. Statement

5.3 received a lower rating of 3.84, indicating that the set of functions may not

cover all the specified tasks and user objectives to the same extent as the other

two statements.

Overall, the positive feedback indicates that the product is typically

appropriate for its intended purpose and fits the demands of its consumers. The

significantly lower grade of 5.3, on the other hand, implies that there may be

some space for improvement in terms of covering all defined tasks and user

objectives. This data can help the product team find areas for development and

develop the product further to better fulfill the requirements and expectations of

its consumers

Table 9 as shown below, summarizes all the evaluation results of the

experts and Residents in the acceptability of The Production of Alternative

Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of

Reliability, Usability, Safety, Maintainability and Suitability.

Table 9

Composite Table on the Level of the Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas

from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method 


Variables Weighted Mean Average Verbal Interpretation 

Reliability 4.41 Strongly Acceptable

Usability  4.39 Strongly Acceptable

Safety 4.53 Strongly Acceptable

Maintainability 4.4 Strongly Acceptable

Suitability 4.29 Strongly Acceptable

Grand Total 4.4 Strongly Acceptable

Based on the perception of the respondents, the variable "safety"

gathered 4.53 as the highest average mean and was verbally interpreted as

"Strongly Acceptable".  Regarding the perception of the respondents towards the

variable "Reliability", this has an average mean of 4.41 and is also verbally

interpreted as "Strongly Acceptable."

  While in terms of the variable "Usability", it gathered an average mean of

4.84, which is verbally interpreted as "Strongly Acceptable". On the variables

"Maintainability" has the average mean of 4.4 was verbally interpreted as

"Strongly Acceptable".  Lastly, variable "Suitability" has an average mean of 4.29

which is also verbally interpreted as "Strongly Acceptable".

The viewpoints and opinions of respondents implies that the developed

device was interpreted as the acceptance of The Production of Alternative

Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method as

"Strongly Acceptable".

3. Developed User’s Manual in The Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from

Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

For better utilization of the device the user's manual was developed by

the 34 researchers which contains the overview of the system device, the

components of the device, and responsibilities of each component per device.

The user's manual also contains instruction on how to set up the device, safety

information, device operation, and the system device procedure.


Chapter 4



         This chapter presents the summary of the design results, conclusions,

and recommendations of the study

Summary of the Design Results

1. The Production of a prototype model of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method is achieved.

2. The results of the device acceptability in terms of various aspects as evaluated

by the respondents in terms of Reliability of Production of Alternative Liquefied

Gas from Plastic Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method was evaluated by

the respondents as “Strongly Acceptable" with a weighted mean average of

4.41. In terms of Usability, the developed device obtained a weighted mean

average of 4.39 and is verbally interpreted as "Strongly Acceptable". Safety

receives a weighted mean average of 4.53 with a verbal interpretation of

"Strongly Acceptable". The developed device Maintainability gained a

weighted mean average of 4.4 and is verbally interpreted as "Strongly

Acceptable. Lastly, the Suitability of the developed item obtained a verbal

interpretation of "Strongly Acceptable" with a weighted mean of 4. 29



Based on the summary of the design result, the following conclusion

were established. on the aforementioned, the following findings were reached.

1. The researchers successfully produced an alternative fuel and perform the

utilization of the device in prototype form and with the help of Sketch up

views the concept of the device's operation.

2. The Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using

Integrated Pyrolysis Method was found to be "Strongly Acceptable" as

evaluated by the respondents, with Safety being the highest with an average

weighted mean of 4.53.

3. The researchers successfully build a prototype that has no leakage and can

produce alternative fuel after many trials.

4.  The materials used by the researchers for the prototype can resist the heat

and the pressure produced while operating.


The following recommendations for the research are based on the

analysis and interpretation of data, findings and conclusions:


1. The Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic Waste Using

Integrated Pyrolysis Method in terms of Usability was strongly acceptable.

However, the experts and the researchers strongly recommend using

stainless steel instead of standard steel, even though the primer paint can

withstand the rust.

2. Future researchers may consider upgrading the reactor, furnace and bigger

storage to produce more product and upgrade a pressure gauge to digital

pressure gauge to maintain the heat and pressure. The College of

Engineering may continue developing more innovations relative to the

present study.

3. The operator of the production of alternative liquefied gas from plastic waste

using integrated pyrolysis method needs a storage and proper amount of

plastic waste for continuous operation of the device.

4. The reaction time of the device to its product depends on the temperature

using a wood and a furnace. Obtain the boiling heating value and observe up

to high temperature.

5. The device needs to be monitored by the operator, especially the

temperature for proper heating.



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Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste: Moving Toward Pyrolysis Based Biorefineries.
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Gantt Chart of the Conducted Study

Republic of the Philippines
Morong, Rizal
Letters to Panels
Date: October 06, 2022
TO: Engr. Mark Niño Javier 
       Engr. Allan P. Anorico
       Prof. Fredelina De Leon  
      Engr. Merie Ann C. Dudang  
We have the honor to inform you that you are hereby designated as Adviser, Chair,
Critic Reader and Statistician for Aevin Ronn C. Coronacion, Gilbert P. Nayve, Martin
Kenneth C. Fedilo, and Dominador  M. Mejia III, students of BS Mechanical
Engineering as follows: 
Research Adviser: Engr. Mark Niño B. Javier                      __________________

Panel Chairman: Engr. Jakki Stacy Wayne A. Serra,         __________________

Statistician/ Expert: Engr. Allan P. Anorico __________________ 


Critic Reader: Engr. Joshua P. Tejada __________________

The approved thesis title is Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas From Plastic
Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method, an outline of which is here with attached for
your perusal, evaluation, and approval.  
As such, you are humbly asked to advise and guide the advisee during the operation
conduct of the thesis to ensure high scholastic standards of the research. 
Thank you very much!
Very Truly Yours, 

Merie Ann C. Dudang, ME, MSEE-ICE 

Research Instructor, Mechanical Engineering 

Noted by:  
Allan P. Anorico, MSEE-CpE 
Dean, College of Engineering


Republic of the Philippines

Morong, Rizal

Questionnaire Checklist



Dear Respondent:
Good day!
We are currently conducting a study titled “PRODUCTION OF ALTERNATIVE
response in this regard shall help us to complete this research in an efficient way. Ensure
that the data generated shall be kept confidential. Thank you very much!

Part I. Personal Information

Name (optional): _________________________ Age: ____ Sex: ____

Put a check (✓) in the box if you are:

Resident in Tanay
Resident in Binangonan

Part II. Evaluation of the Device Performance

Directions: Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement in the
survey by checking (✓) the box on the right side of each statement.

Panuto: Pakisaad kung gaano ka sumasang-ayon o hindi sumasang-ayon sa bawat

pahayag sa survey sa pamamagitan ng paglalagay ng tsek ( ✓) sa kahon sa kanang
bahagi ng bawat pahayag.

Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 – Strongly Acceptable (Lubos na katanggap-tanggap)
4 – Acceptable (Katanggap-tanggap)
3 – Moderate (Katamtamang katangga-tanggap0029
2 – Slightly Acceptable (Hindi gaano katanggap-tanggap)
1 – Not Acceptable (Hindi katanggap-tanggap)

1. Reliability 5 4 3 2 1

1.1 I consider this product to be very convenient

and helpful for us.
“Itinuturing ko na ang produktong ito ay napaka-
maginhawa at kapaki-pakinabang para sa amin.”

1.2 It meets the needs to be reliable to operate.

“Natutugunan nito ang mga pangangailangan
upang maging maaasahan sa pag-gana.”

1.3 The product or system is operational and

accessible when required to use.
“Ang aparato ay gumagana at nagagamit kung

2. Usability 5 4 3 2 1

2.1 The materials used functioned and met the

requirements to produce the product.
“Ang mga materyales na ginamit ay gumagana
at natugunan ang mga kinakailangan upang
makagawa ng produkto.”

2.2 I determine this device easy to use.

“Naiisip ko na ang aparatong ito ay madaling

2.3 The users can recognize if it is appropriate for

their needs.
“Malalaman ng mga gumagamit kung ito ba ay
tama at angkop sa kanilang pangangailangan.”

3.3 Safety 5 4 3 2 1

3.1 I find this device safe to use.

“Nalaman kong ligtas gamitin ang aparato na

3.2 Valves are properly sealed for possible

“Ang mga balbula ay maayos na selyado para sa
posibleng pagtagas.”

3.3 There are tags, signage, and precautionary


measures seen in the machine. 

“May mga tag, signage at precautionary
measures na makikita sa makina.”

4. Maintainability 5 4 3 2 1

4.1 The device can be used to diagnose a product

for flaws or failure reasons, or to identify parts
that need to be updated.
“Maaaring gamitin ang device upang masuri ang
isang produkto para sa mga depekto o dahilan ng
pagkabigo, o upang tukuyin ang mga bahagi na
kailangang baguhin”

4.2 If default occurs, the machine components

are replaceable or modifiable.
“Kung nangyari ang pagtigil, ang mga bahagi ng
makina ay maaaring palitan o mabago.”

4.3 The device can be easily tested whether it is

working or not.
“Ang aparato ay madaling masuri kung ito ay
gumagana o hindi.”

5. Suitability 5 4 3 2 1

5.1 Completeness of the pyrolysis process used to

produce fuel. All of the tasks and user goals listed
are covered by the device.
“Pagka-kumpleto ng proseso ng pyrolysis na
ginamit upang makagawa ng gasolina.”

5.2 The function facilitates the accomplishment of

specified tasks and objectives.

“Pinapadali ang pagtupad ng tinutukoy na mga

gawain at layunin”

5.3 The set of functions covers all the specified

tasks and the user’s objectives.
“Saklaw ng lahat ng mga tungkulin ang mga
gawain at layunin ng gumagamit.”

How likely is it that you would recommend this machine to a friend or colleague?
Not Likely Extremely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Republic of the Philippines
Morong, Rizal

For and Equations that used in the study

To determine the heat rate of and the overall percentage yield was used.
The output pyrolytic oil will be subjected to characterization to further determine
its aptness
as a fuel oil. Also included the volume of water, density, viscosity and heating
weight of produced oil
percentage yield=
weight of feedstock


Weight of Produced Oil – 14.5 ml

1ml of gas is equal to 0.75 grams

0.75 grams
14.5 ml × =10.875 grams
1 ml
Weight of Feedstock – 1kg of plastic

weight of produced oil

percentage yield=
weight of feedstock
10.875 grams
percentage yield=
1 kg

Σ[ ( f ) ( w ) ]


X̅ = Weighted Mean

F = Frequencies to the given

W = Weights

n = total number of respondents


Republic of the Philippines
Morong, Rizal




1st storage 2nd storage Filter











Republic of the Philippines
Morong, Rizal

User’s Manual in The Production of Alternative Liquefied Gas from Plastic

Waste Using Integrated Pyrolysis Method

The procedure of making an alternative liquified gas from plastics waste using

integrated pyrolysis method:

Step 1: Prepare the materials needed to perform the pyrolysis method and set

up the furnace, reactor, tubes, and storages.

Step 2: Pick the appropriate plastics to use, remove the labels and caps. As

much as possible clean the PET plastics before proceeding to shredding. 1.5 kg

of plastics is the minimum weight to produce the product.

Step 3: Shred the plastic bottle into small pieces to be put inside the reactor. You

can use shredder for finer and precise finish, also you can cut it yourself for the

desired size as long as it can be inserted into the reactor.

Step 4: Put the tubes correctly into the reactor before putting the reactor on top

of the furnace.

Step 5: Place the woods into the furnace and ignite the woods to make the

desired amount of heat to start the process. It will take about 5-10 mins to finish

the preheating process by coal,wood (IF YOU PREFER,WE ALSO OFFER THE


Step 6: The waste tires in the reactor will become pyrolysis oil gas when the

temperature reaches about 150℃. By the heating exchanger cooling function, we

will get the gas in the gas collecting storage.

Step 7: Monitor occasionally the temperature to adjust the firewood and to

maintain the needed heat to meet the temperature needed to produce liquified


Step 8: After using the device, slowly put the fire out using water or removing the

firewood on the furnace.



The process and method to produce alternative gas from plastic waste using

integrated pyrolysis method is simple, just be sure to follow the procedure that is


Pyrolysis is a recycling technique converting plastic waste into fuels, monomers,

or other valuable materials by thermal. It allows the treatment of washed plastic

wastes to meet the best product. It can be used directly in the tube to use the

product directly. Also the part of it can be used back to the pyrolysis machine for

heating the reactor. It can be stored to be used in an emergency. The plastics

that did not dissolve will be recycled to the furnace for heating the reactor.

Glossary of terms

Pyrolysis - is the thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures

Reactor - designed for production bio-oil and bio-char from biomass waste or

plastic wastes.

Furnace - a device used to generate products from various biodegradable

materials via the process of temperature decomposition of organic material in the

absence of oxygen.

PET Bottles - PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a type of resin and a form of

polyester; it is commonly labeled with the code on or near the bottom of bottles

and other containers.

Storage - the state of being stored. especially: the safekeeping of goods in a


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