Creative Writing Reviewer
Creative Writing Reviewer
Creative Writing Reviewer
touch the unseen. Reading poetry is seeing entail the way words sound in a poem. They
life through splashes of mental images and are also known as musical devices. This also
feeling raw emotions through vivid words. appeals to sense of hearing which may exist
intentionally or naturally in a poem.
Elements of Poetry
Sound Words Rhyming
Stanza Alliteration Alternate
Consonance Rhyme
The arrangement of lines into groups Assonance Coupled
separated by an empty like, likewise to that Onomatopoeia Rhyme
of verse or paragraphs. Repetition Monorhyme
Couplet, triplet, tercet, terza rima, quatrain, Rhyme
cinquain, setset, septet, octave, etheree, Chain Rhyme
Onomatopoeia – the use of words that Rhyme Scheme – it describes the pattern
imitate the sounds associated with the of end rhymes. Rhyme schemes are
objects or actions they refer to. mapped out by noting patterns of rhyme
with letters: the first sounds is designed A,
Repetition – the purposeful re-use of
the second becomes B, the third is C, and so
words and phrases for an effect.
Ex: Edgar Allan Poe, The Bells
Alternate Rhyme
Coupled Rhyme
Enclosed Rhyme