Ranjbari Et Al. 2022
Ranjbari Et Al. 2022
Ranjbari Et Al. 2022
Gondwana Research
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/gr
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the demand for personal protective
Received 31 August 2021 equipment, in particular face masks, thus leading to a huge amount of healthcare waste generated world-
Revised 15 December 2021 wide. Consequently, such an unprecedented amount of newly emerged waste has posed significant chal-
Accepted 22 December 2021
lenges to practitioners, policy-makers, and municipal authorities involved in waste management (WM)
Available online xxxx
Handling Editor: Anjani R.K. Gollakota
systems. This research aims at mapping the COVID-19-related scientific production to date in the field
of WM. In this vein, the performance indicators of the target literature were analyzed and discussed
through conducting a bibliometric analysis. The conceptual structure of COVID-19-related WM research,
including seven main research themes, were uncovered and visualized through a text mining analysis as
COVID-19 follows: (1) household and food waste, (2) personnel safety and training for waste handling, (3) sustain-
Plastic waste ability and circular economy, (4) personal protective equipment and plastic waste, (5) healthcare waste
Healthcare waste management practices, (6) wastewater management, and (7) COVID-19 transmission through infectious
Municipal solid waste waste. Finally, a research agenda for WM practices and activities in the post-COVID-19 era was proposed,
Wastewater focusing on the following three identified research gaps: (i) developing a systemic framework to properly
Personal protective equipment manage the pandemic crisis implications for WM practices as a whole, following a systems thinking
approach, (ii) building a circular economy model encompassing all activities from the design stage to
the implementation stage, and (iii) proposing incentives to effectively involve informal sectors and local
capacity in decentralizing municipal waste management, with a specific focus on developing and less-
developed countries.
Ó 2022 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction itations in mobility and industrial activities but at the same time,
improving the air quality of the cities (Ambade et al., 2021;
The novel coronavirus-caused infectious disease 2019 (COVID- Gautam et al., 2021; Gautam, 2020; Ravina et al., 2021), and chal-
19) pandemic, as the most drastic health calamity of this century lenges in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop-
(Chakraborty and Maity, 2020), has severely impacted the eco- ment (Bherwani et al., 2021; Ranjbari et al., 2021b) are only a few
nomic, social, and environmental aspects of the global community instances of the pandemic’s implications for the global community.
and human well-being (Ranjbari et al., 2021c). Disruptions in eco- This pandemic through posing a significant increase in healthcare
nomic activities and commodity markets (Rajput et al., 2021), lim- waste generation, which is an important transmission medium
for the virus, has led to creating critical challenges for waste man-
agement (WM) practices globally (C. Chen et al., 2021; Gautam
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Economics and Statistics ‘‘Cognetti de et al., 2022). The dramatic increase of personal protective equip-
Martiis”, University of Turin, Torino, Italy.
ment waste often ends up being treated by traditional disposal
E-mail address: meisam.ranjbari@unito.it (M. Ranjbari).
1751-7311/Ó 2022 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al., Waste management beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: Bibliometric and text
mining analyses, Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.12.015
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
methods that have gravely pressured incineration and landfill facil- gap, this research aims at providing a comprehensive review of the
ities (Wang et al., 2021). In this vein, the waste generated in the COVID-related scientific production to date in the WM field. On
wake of COVID-19, such as masks, gloves, sanitary papers, and this basis, bibliometric and text mining analyses are conducted
clothing materials needs to be considered as medical waste, high- to address the following research questions:
lighting the importance of safely handling at the household level,
and properly treating at the municipal level (Musa et al., 2020). RQ1. How has the field of research regarding WM in the context
However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the of COVID-19 performed?
effects of the pandemic outbreak on various waste streams gener- RQ2. What are the main research themes of WM in the COVID-
ated from a macro lens. On one hand, COVID-19 restrictions and 19-related scientific production?
partial lockdowns imposed by governments have decreased some RQ3. What are the potential research gaps and future directions
industrial and business activities, which usually generate large for WM in the post-COVID-19 era?
amounts of waste (Naughton, 2020). On the other hand, in addition
to increased medical waste, some waste streams such as agricul- The remainder of this research is structured as follows. The
tural or household wastes may increase due to the high demand methodology is described in Section 2. The bibliometric results,
for home delivery as well as increasing home cooking in the wake including the performance analysis and science mapping of the
of the pandemic (Dente and Hashimoto, 2020). Consequently, a WM in the pandemic context, are presented and discussed in Sec-
systems thinking approach (Ranjbari et al., 2019; Shams tion 3. Section 4 provides the research gaps and future research
Esfandabadi et al., 2020), as well as more reliable real-time WM directions to further develop WM practices considering COVID-
data is needed to truly map changes in waste generation in the 19 implications. And finally, Section 5 concludes the main findings
post-COVID-19 era (Naughton, 2020). and presents the limitations of the current research.
As a response to the urgent call for action against adverse
effects of the pandemic, many COVID-related studies have been
conducted within various domains and disciplines. In this regard, 2. Research design and methodology
a massive amount of research has also been conducted focusing
on the effects of the pandemic on WM systems, practices, and dif- In this research, an analytical method combining bibliometric
ferent waste streams, such as healthcare WM challenges (de Aguiar and text mining analyses adopted from Ranjbari et al. (Ranjbari
Hugo and Lima, 2021), household food waste (Amicarelli and Bux, et al., 2022, 2021a) was applied to answer the research questions.
2021; Vittuari et al., 2021), effective plastic WM during and post In this regard, the bibliometric analysis was used to evaluate and
pandemic (Vanapalli et al., 2021), solid waste and environmental map the performance of WM research taking COVID-19 implica-
impacts (Urban and Nakada, 2021), municipal waste disposal tions into account, corresponding to the first research question.
behavior (Vu et al., 2021), face mask waste generation (Torres As a part of the bibliometric analysis, bibliographic coupling was
and De-la-Torre, 2021), reusing COVID-19 face mask as a novel conducted, which aggregates articles in different clusters based
solution to the emerging COVID-19 waste issue (Rehman and on the cited references they have in common in their bibliogra-
Khalid, 2021), solid waste generation and management strategies phies. Therefore, the formed clusters in bibliographic coupling
(Liang et al., 2021), single-use plastic waste (Leal Filho et al., are made of the sample articles available in our dataset. On the
2021), behavioral impacts on residential food provisioning, use, other hand, a text mining analysis was conducted to discover the
and waste (Babbitt et al., 2021), perceptions of people towards main research themes and trends of the WM literature in the con-
household waste management in the wake of the pandemic text of the pandemic, corresponding to the second research ques-
(Acharya et al., 2021), municipal solid waste management tion. The text mining analysis was conducted on the titles and
(Yousefi et al., 2021), waste production in households (Filho abstracts of the articles within our dataset to extract the noun
et al., 2021), and enabling circular economy model in solid waste phrases used by the authors. These phrases are then clustered
management as a recovery plan post COVID-19 (Sharma et al., based on their co-occurrence links (Waltman et al., 2010) to form
2021). the main research themes within the studied field of research.
The increasing interest of researchers and academic communi- Hence, the clusters built in this analysis contain the frequent noun
ties in contributing to COVID-related WM research has led to frag- phrases applied in the titles and abstracts of the sample articles in
mented literature in this domain. As a result, an inclusive our dataset. Finally, according to the insights provided by the bib-
landscape of the pandemic challenges for WM is still lacking in liometric and text mining analyses, research gaps and potential
the literature. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, so far, no avenues for future studies are presented, corresponding to the
research has conducted a comprehensive bibliometric review on third research question. Fig. 1 illustrates the main research frame-
the pandemic implications for WM practices. Therefore, to fill this work of this study.
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
2.1. Search string and data collection regard, data cleaning, as an essential step in keyword-based anal-
yses to reduce the presence of redundant and useless data
In order to extract as many relevant studies as possible from the (Bresciani et al., 2021; Ranjbari et al., 2020), was performed in a
target literature, using a well-structured research protocol has reasonable manner, for instance by (i) unification of the English
been widely highlighted in the literature as one of the most impor- writing styles, (ii) merging singular and plural as well as full and
tant prerequisites in conducting systematic reviews (Chaudhary short forms of the keywords, (iii) excluding general keywords
et al., 2021; Makrides et al., 2021; Zahedi et al., 2016). On this without conveying any specific meaning, such as review or article.
basis, a structured search string was formulated using different Besides, all forms of referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, including
combinations of the keywords ‘‘COVID-19” and ”waste‘‘ as the Coronavirus, pandemic, and SARS-COV-2 were transformed into
main two concepts that shape the present review. Consequently, ‘‘COVID-19‘‘ to more accurately assess the occurrence of this
the following search string was constructed to collect articles from keywords.
the Scopus database: (”COVID-19” OR ‘‘pandemic” OR ‘‘Coron- In addition to the provided bibliometric indicators, a text min-
avirus” OR ‘‘SARS-CoV-2”) AND ”waste‘‘. ing analysis based on a term co-occurrence algorithm (Van Eck
Since this research aims to map all waste streams considering and Waltman, 2011) using the text mining module of VOSviewer
the pandemic effects, we decided not to limit the keyword ‘‘waste” version 1.6.16 was also conducted on the manuscripts’ titles and
with different waste streams, such as municipal solid waste, med- abstracts (1030 articles) included in the final sample. As a result,
ical waste, healthcare waste, or plastic waste to cover WM prac- semantic structures and phrase patterns that constructed the main
tices for various waste streams as much as possible. The initial research themes of WM studies post COVID-19 were identified and
run of the search string on the titles and abstracts of articles in visualized. A data cleaning step was also taken before text mining
the Scopus database returned a total of 1567 articles. Due to the analysis by (i) unification of the English writing styles, and (ii)
recentness of the COVID-19 pandemic, the results were limited merging full and short forms of the keywords.
to the articles published in 2020 and 2021. Moreover, to ensure
the reliability of the sample data, only peer-reviewed journal arti- 3. Results and discussion
cles were included in the research leading to excluding other types
of documents, such as conference proceedings, book chapters, and In this section, the results of the bibliometric analysis and text
editorial notes from the study. Besides, non-English materials were mining analysis are presented to address the first and second
excluded from the remained articles. As a result, a final sample of research questions, respectively.
1030 articles was selected as the main data for conducting the bib-
liometric and text mining analyses. Table 1 summarizes the steps 3.1. Bibliometric results: Performance indicators
taken in this research to construct the final sample.
3.1.1. Geographical distribution of publications
The spatial and geographic distribution of articles provides
2.2. Data analysis insight into the main active countries in terms of publication
within the waste context in the COVID-19 era. A total of 91 coun-
The bibliometric analysis, as a statistical tool to evaluate the tries have published articles within our studied field and 82 of
performance of an extensive amount of scientific production, has these countries are a part of a co-authorship network. Fig. 2 illus-
been broadly used for science mapping in recent years. This is trates the countries’ co-authorship network of the WM research
due to the capability of the bibliometric analysis in drawing con- post pandemic, consisting of nodes with different sizes corre-
clusions about the links among articles, journals, authors, key- sponding to the number of articles published by a country, and
words, citations, and co-citations networks (Feng et al., 2017), links with different thicknesses corresponding to the strength of
which supports researchers in discovering research themes and the co-authorship between each pair of countries. Table 2 provides
trends, and future research directions. In this research, the VOS- the list of the top 10 countries in terms of the number of published
viewer software version 1.6.16 developed by van Eck and articles, number of collaborating countries (number of links), total
Waltman (2010) was employed to run the bibliometric analysis. number of articles co-authored (total link strength), and the num-
Accordingly, the performance of WM research within the COVID- ber of cites to their articles.
related scientific production was investigated and mapped by pre- As can be seen in Table 2, the USA with 137 articles, 49 collab-
senting bibliometric performance indicators focusing on (i) geo- oration links, 169 co-authorships, and 2080 citations is ranked first
graphical distribution of publications, (ii) authors’ productivity in all four rankings. Although the second and third ranks in these
and influence, (iii) core journals, (iv) articles, and (v) keyword- rankings address different countries, Italy is ranked fourth with
based analysis to unfold research tendencies and hotspots. In this 55 articles, 37 co-author countries, 108 collaborations, and 988
earned citations. UK, China, Australia, India, and Spain also appear
Table 1 among the top 10 countries in all the four lists, but their position
Steps of the data collection process. differs in each ranking. As the strength of the links in Fig. 2 shows,
most of the collaboration of the USA in their publications have
Search string ‘‘COVID-19” OR ”pandemic‘‘ OR ”Coronavirus‘‘ OR
”SARS-CoV-2” taken place with Australia (21 co-authorship), Canada (16 co-
AND authorship), and China (15 co-authorship), which are also the
‘‘Waste” strongest links in this network. The next strong collaboration refers
Fields mined Article titles, abstracts, author keywords, and to the co-authorship of Italy with China and the USA, each happen-
keywords plus
Database Scopus
ing 12 times.
Initial Result 1567 articles
Search date August 8, 2021 3.1.2. Authors productivity and influence
Inclusion criteria Only peer-reviewed journal articles, only English Research authors play a key role in the evaluation of the devel-
materials, limited to 2020–2021
Final sample 1030 articles
opment in an academic field (Guo et al., 2021). A total of 3348
authors contributed to the research in the field of WM considering
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 2
Top 10 countries in terms of the number of published articles, number of co-author countries, total number of co-authorship, and the number of cites to their articles.
Rank Published articles Number of co-author countries Total number of co-authorship Citations
1 USA (1 3 7) USA (49) USA (1 6 9) USA (2080)
2 India (1 0 1) UK (42) China (1 3 2) Australia (1197)
3 China (98) China, India (39) Australia (1 2 0) Japan (1036)
4 Italy (55) Italy (37) Italy (1 0 8) Italy (9 8 8)
5 Australia (48) Australia (34) India (1 0 5) China (8 4 0)
6 UK (47) Singapore (29) UK (94) India (7 5 4)
7 Spain (39) Spain (28) Singapore (84) Spain (4 8 6)
8 Canada (34) Japan (26) Canada (72) UK (4 4 8)
9 Iran (23) South Korea (25) Spain (54) Mexico (4 2 3)
10 Malaysia (22) Poland, United Arab Emirates (23) Japan (53) Ecuador (3 5 7)
Table 3
The most productive authors in WM research post COVID-19 pandemic.
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
the challenges caused by COVID-19, among whom 80 authors have cles in the dataset. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 focus on the journal publica-
contributed at least in 3 articles. Table 3 and Table 4 provide the tions and show the top ones based on the number of published
list of authors with the highest number of articles (most productive articles and the number of citations to their articles, respectively.
authors) and the highest number of citations (most influential As can be seen in these figures, Science of the Total Environment
authors) in our dataset, respectively, and also the number of their has both the largest share of published articles and the highest
co-authors and co-authorship. Based on the lists provided in these number of citations to its articles. Besides, there is a significant
tables, M. Kitajima is the most productive and most influential gap between this journal and the second-ranked journals both in
author among the 3348 authors in our dataset. terms of productivity and influence. In fact, while Science of the
Total Environment has published 90 articles, Sustainability as the
3.1.3. Core journals next productive journal has published 17 articles, followed by
The 1030 available articles in the WM field of research post Resource, Conservation and Recycling that has 13 articles in our
COVID-19 within our dataset have been published in 351 journals. database. Moreover, in terms of the citations earned by the pub-
Out of this pool of journals, 35 have published at least 3 of the arti- lished articles, Science of the Total Environment is followed by Water
Research and Resource, Conservation and Recycling, with 426 and
Table 4 297 citations, respectively, which are far away from the 2759 cites
The most influential authors in WM research post COVID-19 pandemic. received by Science of the Total Environment. Therefore, Science of
Author Citations Articles Co-authors Total co-authorship the Total Environment can be regarded as the leading journal in
the field of WM post COVID-19 from this lens of analysis.
Kitajima M. 848 8 19 43
Bibby K. 714 6 16 48
Ahmed W. 713 5 16 48
3.1.4. Articles
Bivins A. 538 5 16 45
Mueller J.F. 538 4 15 44 In this section, two main analyses are conducted on the articles
Simpson S.L. 538 4 15 44 concerning the citations received by the articles and their biblio-
Thomas K.V. 538 4 15 44 graphic coupling.
Verhagen R. 538 4 15 44
Smith W.J.M. 521 3 15 35
Li J. 490 8 22 24 Influential articles. One of the ways to evaluate the influ-
ence of an article on a related research area is to consider the num-
Fig. 4. Top influential journals in terms of the number of citations to their articles.
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 5
Top 10 highly cited articles in the WM research within the COVID19 area.
ber of times it is cited (Merigó et al., 2015). Therefore, Table 5 pre- their co-occurrence. The top 10 highly cited articles of each cate-
sents the list of the top 10 most cited articles within the WM filed gory are listed in Table 6.
post COVID-19. As shown in this table, two papers share the eighth The focus of the majority of the papers in research category A
position by attracting 123 citations. The most influential article in (red color in Fig. 5) is on the generation of plastic waste linked with
Table 5 with 394 citations is a research conducted by Ahmed et al. the usage of face masks (Das et al., 2020; Fadare and Okoffo, 2020)
(2020a) that has focused on the first detection of the COVID-19 and other personal protective equipment during the pandemic, as
virus in untreated wastewater in Australia. Similarly, the first well as related management of the generated waste (Prata et al.,
detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater has been considered 2020; Sharma et al., 2020; Vanapalli et al., 2021). This category is
in Italy (La Rosa et al., 2020) and Japan (Haramoto et al., 2020) in supported by articles that share similar references with the plastic
the fifth and eighth most influential articles with 193 and 123 cita- waste research but target the management of pandemic-related
tions, respectively. The existence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewa- waste (Ibn-Mohammed et al., 2021; Peng et al., 2020). The unsus-
ter treatment plants in Spain and the USA was investigated by tainable use of single-use plastics to protect people against the
Randazzo et al. (2020) and Wu et al. (2020) in the third and tenth pandemic has exposed ecosystems to several environmental
influential articles with 274 and 101 citations, respectively. threats by producing a huge amount of plastic pollution
Besides, wastewater-based epidemiology is addressed by Hart (Sarkodie and Owusu, 2021). On one hand, the increase in waste
and Halden (2020) in the seventh-ranked paper, and a review of generated, and on the other hand, the reduction in the recycling
the methodologies for the detection and quantification of SARS- of used materials have posed serious challenges to water, land,
CoV-2 in wastewater and the potential of wastewater surveillance and air (Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2020). In this regard, the glo-
regarding the pandemic is presented by Kitajima et al. (2020) in bal unprecedented rise of using billions of face masks to slow down
the sixth influential article. Fadare and Okoffo (2020) and Prata the COVID-19 transmission rate has been under intense debate as a
et al. (2020) address plastic waste in their research, and finally, critical environmental issue (Fadare and Okoffo, 2020). Replacing
Zambrano-Monserrate et al. (2020) and Saadat et al. (2020) ana- common face masks, which are produced from petrochemicals
lyze the environmental effects of the pandemic, as the eighth, derived raw materials, with degradable bio-based face masks using
ninth, second and fourth highly cited articles within the studied raw materials that are side-stream products of local industries was
research area, respectively. proposed by Das et al. (2020) as a sustainable solution for the pan-
Furthermore, considering the journals containing the most demic WM.
influential articles in Table 5, out of the 11 available articles, 7 have Detection of SARS-COV-2 RNA in wastewater (Ahmed et al.,
been published in Science of the Total Environment, which was 2020a; La Rosa et al., 2021; Orive et al., 2020) is the focal point
introduced as the most productive and influential journal in the of research category B, which is shown in green in Fig. 5. This cat-
context of WM post pandemic in Section 3.1.3. egory also includes research on wastewater surveillance post
COVID-19 (Daughton, 2020), which highlights the important role Bibliographic coupling of articles. In order to put the articles of wastewater-based epidemiology as an effective tool to manage
in relevant categories and show the main themes of the WM the pandemic (Ahmed et al., 2020b) and minimize domino effects
research in the COVID-19 era, bibliometric coupling of the articles of COVID-19 restrictions that stress humans and economies
was conducted based on the references that they share. Out of the (Daughton, 2020). Besides, since wastewater is relatively afford-
1030 research and review articles in our dataset, only 658 docu- able and can be easily collected and monitored at different popula-
ments had at least one common reference with other documents. tion aggregation levels, wastewater surveillance in the COVID-19
Therefore, these 658 articles were considered for the bibliographic outbreak can provide a real-time and cost-effective health assess-
coupling in this section. Fig. 5 visualizes the articles grouped in ment rather than case reporting (Thompson et al., 2020). The top
three specific clusters. Each cluster is addressed by a different color 6 papers in this category have been previously reported among
and is named based on the main sense of the articles located in it. the most influential articles in Section Finally, research cat-
The size of the bubbles points to the number of citations of the cor- egory C (blue color in Fig. 5) stands mainly based on the research
responding article and the link between each pair of articles shows articles addressing the potential spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 5. Bibliographic coupling of the articles within the field of WM research post COVID19 pandemic.
Table 6
Highly cited articles within the main identified research categories.
Research category A: Plastic waste generation and Research category B: Detection of COVID-19 Research category C: Potential spread of COVID-19,
management during the pandemic in wastewater, and wastewater surveillance disinfection strategies and their associated
during the pandemic challenges
Reference Article citation Reference Article citation Reference Article citation
Zambrano-Monserrate et al. (2020) 356 Ahmed et al. (2020a) 394 Saadat et al. (2020) 201
Fadare and Okoffo (2020) 123 Randazzo et al. (2020) 274 Peccia et al. (2020) 93
Prata et al. (2020) 113 La Rosa et al. (2020) 193 Nzediegwu and Chang (2020) 65
Sharma et al. (2020) 82 Hart and Halden (2020) 140 Zhang et al. (2020) 63
Vanapalli et al. (2021) 65 Haramoto et al. (2020) 123 Carducci et al. (2020) 62
Mofijur et al. (2021) 53 Wu et al. (2020) 101 Carraturo et al. (2020) 61
Ibn-Mohammed et al. (2021) 52 Ahmed et al. (2020b) 100 Ilyas et al. (2020) 46
Ben Hassen et al. (2020) 42 Daughton (2020) 67 Wang et al. (2020) 38
Das et al. (2020) 38 La Rosa et al. (2021) 66 Lacy et al. (2020) 35
Peng et al. (2020) 33 Orive et al. (2020) 66 Ma et al. (2020) 33
through solid waste (Nzediegwu and Chang, 2020), wastewater the next main hot spots refer to wastewater, wastewater-based
(Zhang et al., 2020), environmental matrices and surfaces epidemiology, and personal protective equipment, which are in
(Carraturo et al., 2020; Mouchtouri et al., 2020), and water line with the research categories identified in the analysis of bibli-
(Carducci et al., 2020), and is supported by research articles ographic coupling in Section To facilitate the identification
addressing preventive measures (Wang et al., 2020) and disinfec- of the most frequent keywords, the author keywords with the
tion strategies (Ilyas et al., 2020). occurrence of more than 10 are reported in Table 7.
Since the keyword COVID-19 has a significantly higher fre-
3.1.5. Keyword analysis: research tendencies and hotspots quency (422 occurrences) in comparison with the second most fre-
The analysis of keywords frequency provides a ground for the quent keyword (wastewater with 47 occurrences), it has a co-
description of the research domain and the concentration of the occurrence with many of the keywords. Based on Table 8,
collected articles. After cleaning the keywords data, 1765 unique COVID-19 has a pivotal role and appeared alongside wastewater,
keywords were identified, 119 of which had at least 3 occurrences. wastewater-based epidemiology, and personal protective equip-
Then a heat map was developed for these 119 keywords based on ment in the author keywords list of 43, 31, and 24 articles, respec-
their frequencies in VOSviewer, as illustrated in Fig. 6. As expected, tively. However, to provide a clearer picture of the most frequent
COVID-19 (representing all forms of referring to the current pan- pairs of keywords, without considering ‘‘COVID-19” keyword, the
demic) is the most frequent keyword, as pictured in Fig. 6, and most frequent pairs of keywords ignoring ‘‘COVID-19” are provided
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 6. The density visualization map of author keywords within the articles in the domain of WM post COVID-19.
Table 7
The most frequent author keywords in the domain of WM post COVID-19.
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
The second identified research theme focuses on personnel face masks has become a significant challenge for governments
safety and training for waste handling (cluster #2). The main terms worldwide (Dharmaraj et al., 2021). This highlights the importance
included in this cluster are healthcare worker, infectious disease, of proposing effective and innovative solutions for face mask WM
staff, diagnosis, personnel, professional, training, medical staff, (Rehman and Khalid, 2021), such as using biodegradable materials
and the healthcare system. The critical role of healthcare sector in face mask production, recycling by obtaining liquid fuels
staff in providing adequate infection control and proper medical through pyrolysis, and encouraging reusable and washable masks
WM procedures was underlined by Aleanizy and Alqahtani (De-la-Torre et al., 2021; Haddad et al., 2021).
(2021) to highlight the importance of knowledge and awareness The next research theme belongs to healthcare waste manage-
regarding COVID-19 infection control and WM activities in health- ment practices (cluster #5) which is in line with the previous
care facilities. In addition to healthcare personnel, workers in other research theme. The main focus of the research included in this
sectors, such as wastewater treatment plans (Zaneti et al., 2021), cluster is on challenges imposed by the pandemic outbreak on
and municipal waste centers need to be trained regarding safely the healthcare facilities. In this vein, terms such as medical waste,
handling the medical waste generated due to the pandemic out- waste generation, waste disposal, incineration, infectious waste,
break. Sustainability and using the potentials of the circular econ- transportation, biomedical waste, healthcare waste, and hazardous
omy (cluster #3) has constructed the third research theme of WM waste have occurred frequently within the titles and abstracts of
research taking COVID-19 into account in the target literature. The the research articles. In this cluster, the importance of proper
circular economy approach, as a tool to promote sustainable devel- healthcare waste management has been highlighted by many
opment at the local and global scales, has gained momentum scholars in terms of controlling the environmental transmission
(Shevchenko et al., 2021c, 2021a). In this regard, sustainability, of COVID-19 (Shammi et al., 2021), perception and attitudes
supply chain, recycling, circular economy, resilience, raw material, towards medical waste disposal (Islam et al., 2020), water, sanita-
reuse, and sustainable development goal have appeared frequently tion, hygiene, and waste disposal practices as COVID 19 response
within the context of research in this area. Developing circular net- strategies (Islam et al., 2021), energy generation from hazardous
works and creating circularity to reduce waste, and to return waste during the pandemic (Valizadeh et al., 2021), selection of
resources to the production cycle was proposed by Alonso- the best healthcare waste disposal techniques (Manupati et al.,
Muñoz et al. (2021), as a cure to make the supply chains resilient 2021), bio-medical waste incineration (Thind et al., 2021), assess-
against the pandemic adverse effects. Designing eco-design pro- ment of healthcare waste disposal technologies in terms of energy,
cess of face masks based on circularity and life cycle assessment environment, and economy (Zhao et al., 2021), and healthcare
(Boix Rodríguez et al., 2021), recycling of the materials of the dis- waste separation behavior (F. Chen et al., 2021). Wastewater man-
posable filtering masks (Battegazzore et al., 2020), the potential of agement (cluster #6) and COVID-19 transmission through infec-
agri-food loss and waste to contribute to a circular economy tious waste (cluster #7) are considered as the mainstream
(Osorio et al., 2021), blockchain-based forward supply chain and research frontier regarding the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 trans-
WM practices for COVID-19 medical equipment and supplies mission. The main terms within the wastewater management
(Ahmad et al., 2021), safe WM during the pandemic and circular research theme are wastewater, detection, surveillance, concentra-
economy implementation (Pikoń et al., 2021), and the interplay tion, wastewater treatment plant, and sewage. On the other hand,
of industry 4.0 and circular economy for developing a smart presence, route, exposure, particle, surface, droplet, sludge, and
healthcare waste disposal system (Chauhan et al., 2021) have con- aerosol are some of the main terms in the research theme of
structed the bottom line of this research theme. In this regard, COVID-19 transmission through infectious waste. The research in
smart cities with a special focus on using smart technologies, such these clusters have principally investigated the concentration of
as Internet of Things, big data analytics, and cyber-based decision SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater (Cao and Francis, 2021), wastewater
support systems can better support solving WM problems surveillance (Róka et al., 2021), Monitoring changes in COVID-19
(Shevchenko et al., 2021b). infection using wastewater-based epidemiology (Pillay et al.,
Personal protective equipment and plastic waste (cluster #4) 2021), SARS-CoV-2 transmission channels (Abd El-Wahab et al.,
has been identified as one of the prominent research clusters in 2020), and occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater
COVID-related WM research. The major keywords and terms in treatment plants (Dada and Gyawali, 2021).
this research themes are mask, face mask, plastic, plastic waste,
landfill, contaminant, plastic pollution, surgical mask, polymer,
and disposable mask. The high demand for personal protective 4. Research agenda: Gaps and potential avenues
equipment such as face masks, as the main equipment to protect
humans against the pandemic, has led to approximately 1.6 million According to the performance indicators and thematic struc-
tons/day of plastic waste worldwide (Boix Rodríguez et al., 2021). tures provided in the previous section through the bibliometric
Consequently, the disposal of such an unprecedented amount of and text mining analyses, to address our third research question,
personal protective equipment has posed significant challenges we identified the following main research gaps and potential direc-
to WM practitioners and societies (Nowakowski et al., 2020), such tions as the research agenda for WM post COVID-19:
as environmental pollution (Lee et al., 2021), recycling difficulties
(Maderuelo-Sanz et al., 2021), redesigning and reduction of Adopting a systems thinking approach for WM practices. As
single-use plastics and personal protective equipment (Patrício highlighted by Naughton (2020), there is a need for more
Silva et al., 2020), and threat to the marine environment and real-time WM data and systems thinking approach regarding
coastal regions (Chowdhury et al., 2021; Dharmaraj et al., 2021). COVID-19 effects on waste generation and composition. How-
Rizan et al (2021) reported a total of 106,478 tonnes of CO2 emis- ever, due to the causal-effect links of the interconnected chal-
sion as the carbon footprint of distributing personal protective lenges imposed by the pandemic on WM activities, there is
equipment during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic still a significant gap in the literature. This requires establishing
in England. Their scenario modeling of environmental mitigation a systemic framework to monitor and properly manage the pan-
strategies showed that UK manufacture would have reduced the demic crisis implications for WM practices as a whole. Accord-
carbon footprint by 12%, reusing gowns and gloves by 10%, elimi- ingly, modeling and simulating the long-term effects of COVID-
nating gloves by 45%, and maximal recycling by 35%. However, 19 on waste generation and formulating appropriate policies
imposing strict regulations for the public to properly dispose of are highly recommended for future research. The outputs of
M. Ranjbari, Z. Shams Esfandabadi, S. Gautam et al. Gondwana Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
such research not only are helpful for COVID-19-recovery plans 5. Conclusion
but also can be generalized and used as a guideline for handling
similar crises in the future. This study provided an inclusive map of the WM research in the
Enabling circular economy framework. On one hand, the out- context of the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting bibliometric and
break of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented text mining analyses on a total of 1,030 peer-reviewed journal arti-
demand for using personal protective equipment, in particular cles in the Scopus citation database. As a result, the performance of
face masks, which generate a huge amount of waste across the COVID-related scientific production in the WM field was
the globe. On the other hand, due to the infectious nature of mapped through analyzing and discussing bibliometric perfor-
the generated healthcare waste, reusing, repairing, and recy- mance indicators, including (i) geographical distribution of publi-
cling programs of such waste have faced serious challenges. cations, (ii) authors productivity and influence, (iii) main
Although limited research has been conducted on the potential contributing journals and publications, and (iv) keyword-based
of circular economy approaches to mitigate the effects of the analysis to unfold research tendencies and hotspots. Besides, by
pandemic on waste (Kumar et al., 2021; Pikoń et al., 2021; conducting bibliographic coupling, the following three main clus-
Sharma et al., 2021), research in this area is still in its immatu- ters of research in WM post COVID-19 were identified: (a) plastic
rity stage and so far from practice and implementation in the waste generation and management during the pandemic, (b)
real world. Therefore, building a circular economy framework detection of COVID-19 in wastewater, and wastewater surveillance
from the design stage to the implementation stage is of high during the pandemic, and (c) potential spread of COVID-19, disin-
importance to effectively deal with COVID-related waste. On fection strategies and their associated challenges. The salient
this basis, (i) innovative solutions to keep materials and prod- research themes of the target literature were also identified by
ucts within the cycle as long as possible, (ii) consumer contribu- conducting text mining analysis on the titles and abstracts of the
tion to the circular economy transition in the healthcare articles as follows: (1) household and food waste, (2) personnel
industry, and (iii) developing smart and network-based WM safety and training for waste handling, (3) sustainability and circu-
systems to support WM activities towards a circular economy lar economy, (4) personal protective equipment and plastic waste,
focusing on waste prevention and reduction, are proposed as (5) healthcare waste management practices, (6) wastewater man-
potential avenues for further research in WM research agenda agement, and (7) COVID-19 transmission through infectious waste.
post COVID-19. The provided insights support researchers and policy-makers to
Extending government-led incentives. In line with the research better understand the effects of the pandemic on generating vari-
conducted by Sharma et al. (2021), decentralization of WM sys- ous waste streams and emerged challenges for WM practices and
tems and practices with a bottom-to-top approach is recom- activities. As such, a research agenda based on the main research
mended for policy-makers and authorities to better manage gaps was proposed for further studies, focusing on (i) systems
the newly emerged waste post the pandemic. We believe that thinking approach to properly manage the pandemic crisis impli-
there is no better time than now to plan for involving local com- cations for WM practices as a whole, (ii) building a circular econ-
munities in the WM activities. In this regard, developing omy model from the design stage to the implementation stage,
encouraging plans and incentives to effectively involve informal and (iii) proposing incentives to effectively involve informal sec-
sectors and local capacity in municipal waste management, tors and local capacity in decentralizing municipal waste manage-
especially in developing and less-developed countries, remark- ment, especially for developing and less-developed countries.
ably deserves to be deeply investigated in future research. Nevertheless, there are some limitations to this research. First,
the sample data was retrieved from the Scopus database. There-
Fig. 8 summarizes the main directions for future research on fore, incorporating other databases, such as Web of Science, may
WM practices in the wake of the pandemic. enhance the reliability of the present research and further extend
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