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As per our curriculum, we are interested in carrying out a project work on “Analysis
and Design of Commercial Building” under the guidance of the Department of Civil
Engineering, Pashchimanchal Campus.

Nepal is not a stranger to earthquakes. Around 9000 lives were lost and major
economic loss was experienced by the country in the recent 2015 earthquake. The
chief cause behind this was collapse of buildings as buildings were not properly built
taking seismic forces into consideration. Past experiences of the country in
Earthquakes have bound us to design buildings keeping earthquake effects in
consideration. As a result of this, several codes have been drafted, NBC 105 2020,
being the latest one.

Design of the building shall be made with seismic loads into consideration referring to
NBC 105:2020 as the building will be prone to earthquakes. The proposed site:
Archalbot, Pokhara is located in Seismic Zone V. An available plan of a building with
necessary requirements will be modified according to our needs, and it will be
designed to resist all the proposed loads on the building in its lifetime. The design will
include the detailing of the components:

● Foundation
● Basement Wall
● Beams
● Columns
● Slabs
● Lateral load resisting systems


Major Objective:

 Analysis and Design of a Commercial Building

Specific Objectives:

● To design and analyze a multistory Reinforced Concrete Building.

● To analyze floor plans for identification of structural arrangement of the
● To design structural elements: beam, column, slab, foundation, etc. with
earthquake resistant features.
● To analyze the building using finite element-based software (ETABS 2016).
● To do ductile detailing of the structural members.


This project work provides us the information about how to analyze and design the
multi storied earthquake resistant building. It further deals with

1)Work Scope

• Study architectural drawing and fixing the structural system of the

building to carry all the live load, dead load and lateral load.
• Calculation of loads including lateral loads.
• Preliminary design of structural elements.
• Identification of loads and load cases.
• Calculation of shear force, bending moment to determine size of the
building components.

• To be familiar with structural analysis software i.e., SAP2000 v19 for
different load cases.
• Determination of fundamental time period by SAP2000 v19.
• Review of analysis output for design of different components.
• Design of beam, column, slab and foundation by limit state method by
following different codes.
• Final detailing of individual members and preparations of drawing to
be applicable in fields.

2)Field Scope

• In the present context, in a developing city like Kathmandu, there is

land crisis due to increasing population so as an engineer it will be
challenging for us to minimize it. This can be solved up to some
extent by designing/constructing high rise multi storied building for
commercial, residential purposes, etc.
• Also, our country lies in an earthquake prone area which may lead to
loss of life and property which can be counteracted by seismic design
of buildings.

Literature Review

Owing to the different standards and code published regarding the safety and efficient
functioning of a building, our analysis and design should comply with them. In order
to ensure safety, stability and rigidity of the structure, we will structurally design the
building so that it can resist all loads applied in its lifetime. For this purpose, we will
refer to certain Nepali and Indian codes and standards which are briefly described

“The design basis of Indian Standard Codes [1, 2] for seismic hazard analysis is
deterministic approach whereas Nepal Building Code [3, 4] is based on probabilistic
approach and a study on impact of revised code is necessary (Journal of the Institute
of Engineering Volume 16, No. 1).”

Codes to be used:

I. NBC 105: 2020

After the devastating Gurkha earthquake in 2015, the limitations of the code NBC
1994 were exposed, considering which, a new draft of the revised code is updated as
NBC 105: 2020. “This code covers the requirements for seismic analysis and design
of various building structures to be constructed in the territory of the Federal Republic
of Nepal. This code is applicable to all buildings, low to high rise buildings, in
general. Requirements of the provisions of this standard shall be applicable to
buildings made of reinforced concrete, structural steel, steel concrete composite,
timber and masonry” (NBC 105 2020). We will assign minimum design earthquake
forces for our building, and its components using NBC 105 :2020.

II. Indian Standard Codes

1. IS:875- 1987 (Reaffirmed 2003)- Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than
Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures:

Part 1: Dead Loads- Unit Weight of Building Materials and Stored Materials:

For assessing dead loads acting on the building, we will refer to Part 1 of IS 875 1987.

Part 2: Imposed Loads

For assessing the imposed loads, we will refer to part 2 of the code.

Part 3: Wind Loads

Similarly, for wind loads we will refer to Part 3 of this code.

Part 4: Snow Loads

Part 4 of this code will be used for snow loads if required.

Part 5: Special Loads and Load Combinations

2. IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
(General Provision and building):

“This standard (Part 1) primarily deals with earthquake hazard assessment for
earthquake resistant design of buildings, liquid retaining structures, bridges,
embankments and retaining walls, industrial and stack-like structures, and concrete,
masonry and earth dams (1.1). This standard does not deal with construction features
relating to earthquake resistant buildings and other structures (1.4, IS 1893 Part 1).”

3. IS 13920: 1993 (Reaffirmed 2003) Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete
Structures Subjected to Seismic Force- Code of Practice:

Especially designed for monolithic reinforced concrete construction, it can also be

used for precast and prestressed concrete members if they can provide the same level
of ductility as that of monolithic reinforced concrete construction during or after an
earthquake. The code 6 includes the detailing rules for flexural members, column and
frame members subjected to bending and axial loads and shear walls.

4. IS 456: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of


The design is based on the Limit State Method of design. We will be referring to the
part concerning design of reinforced structural elements.

5. IS 4326: 1993 (Reaffirmed 2003) Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction

of Buildings – Code of Practice:

With the knowledge of design requirements of the building, we will refer to this code
for selection of materials and adoption of methods necessary for making the building
earthquake resistant.

6. IS 5525: 1969 (Reaffirmed 1990) Recommendations for Detailing of

Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Works:

For reinforcement detailing, IS 5525: 1969 will be referred.

7. IS 1642: 1989 (Reaffirmed 1994) Fire Safety of Buildings (General): Details of

Construction – Code of Practice:

For ensuring fire safety, our building design will be complied with this code.

8. IS 2950 (Part I): 1981 (Reaffirmed 1998) Code of practice for design and
construction of Raft Foundations:

Since, the soil of Pokhara has low bearing capacity, we will be using a raft foundation
as it serves the best supporting capacity for structure in such a situation. For designing
raft foundation, we will be using IS 2950:1981 code.

III. Indian Standard Special Publications (SP):

For the clarification and explanation for the clauses and equations mentioned in
Indian Standard Codes, Bureau of Indian Standard has published some special
Publications including charts and tables for required values like material properties
and explaining examples of designs. The following design aids will be used for the
design of the structure:

1. SP 16: Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456-1978:

Particularly useful for the preliminary design, this handbook explains the use of
formulae mentioned in IS 456 and provides several design charts and interaction
diagrams for flexural, deflection control criteria, axial compression, compression with
bending and tension with bending for rectangular cross-sections.

2. SP 22: Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering (IS 1893:

1975 and IS 4326: 1976):

This handbook, with theoretical background and worked out examples, explains the
many of the code provisions related to RC design.

3. SP 24: Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain
and Reinforced Concrete IS 456: 1978

It explains the clauses of code IS 456. The logic behind the equations used in code are
well explained herein for the conceptual understanding.

4. SP 34: Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing:

The provisions and guidelines required for reinforcement detailing scattered

throughout various IS codes are compiled in SP 34 for easy access.

IV. Textbooks on RCC Design and Earthquake Engineering:

Many available books related to design of reinforced concrete structure and

earthquake engineering written by distinguished authors such as Pillai and Menon, SN
Sinha and AK Jain are based on the Indian Standard Codes of Practice and provide
sufficient theoretical background with illustrative examples. Besides these, other
books related to structural mechanics (Statics and Dynamics) will also be helpful for
performing and verifying the analysis output from computer software. Apart from
these references there may require data related to the past earthquake, the earthquake
zoning map and soil condition of the site. These data may be obtained from the
government authorities and other concerning organizations. The reports on the similar
projects prepared by the students of previous batches from different colleges were
also an important reference to the project.











Fig 1: Project Workflow

Nepal, lying on the collision zone of Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates, is highly
vulnerable to seismic activities and has a long history of damages due to earthquakes.
Hence, building construction in Nepal should consider the seismic loading based upon
the guidelines provided by Nepal Building Code (NBC:105:2020). However, Indian
Standard Building Codes are preferred in most of the cases which must meet or
exceed both qualitatively and quantitatively the requirements of NBC 105:2020.
Hence, for this project, analysis and design of the given building is aimed to be done
using NBC 105:2020 and Indian Standard codes of practice which follows the limit
state design method. The aim of the limit state design method is to see that the
structure built is safe, and it serves the purpose for which it is built. The limit state
that concerns with the safety of people and structure is known as the limit state of
collapse which includes the loss of equilibrium of structure, failure by excessive
deformation, fatigue, rupture, loss of stability of the structure or any part of it
including supports and foundations. The limit state that concerns with the functioning
of the structure or structural members under normal use, or comfort of people or
appearance of the construction works is classified as a limit state of serviceability.
The following methods will be carried out for the design and analysis of the building:

1) Group Formation
To start the process, a group of four members was formed as per the campus advice.

2) Title Selection
After team discussion, the title was finalized as “DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF

3) Proposal writing, Defense and Approval

After the process of title selection, proposal writing for our project was started where
all the pre- and post-processing works are included. And then the written proposal
was submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering.

4) Selection of Building and Data Collection
Upon approval of the proposal, a suitable building will be selected and the required
data for the design and analysis of the building will be taken.

5) Preparation of Detail Architectural Drawing

Detail Architectural drawing consisting of plan, elevation, section and structural
elements will be drawn with the help of familiar software AutoCAD 2021.

6) Preliminary Design
Floor plan will be structurally designed after acquisition of the floor plan by erecting
the plan with columns, beams and slabs without any load placement.

7) Analysis and design and result interpretation:

Analysis and design of the building shall be conducted based on Limit State Design
in various steps. This step requires knowledge of structural mechanics, reinforced
concrete and Earthquake resistant design of structure. After learning about these
topics, detailed analysis shall be carried out in following manner:

● Architectural plan of the building will be studied and modified according to

need with proper supervision from the supervisor.
● Loads (dead and live loads) excluding seismic loads will be estimated and
idealized based on Indian Code of Practice IS:875- 1987 (Reaffirmed 2003).
● Seismic loads will be estimated based on NBC 105:2020
● Preliminary design of structure members shall be done on the basis of
estimated loads bound by the control criteria provided by codes to determine
shape and size.
● Structure will be modeled using computer software ETABS-2016 published by
Computers & Structures Inc.
● Analysis of the building will be carried out by using ETABS-2016 whose
results are cross-checked using other software.
● Calculations will be done based on codes mentioned above.
● Final structural drawing will be made using analysis including ductile detailing

of reinforcement bars based on IS 13920 and other codes
● Required modifications to the architectural plan will be made based on results
of analysis.


Completed Works

Functional and Structural Planning of Building

Building Description

Type Commercial Building (Hotel)

Structural System RCC framed structure

Plinth area 814.9884 m2

No of story 5

Total height 19.68 m

Type of slab Two-way slab

Type of beam Rectangular

Type of column Square

Type of foundation Raft

Type of staircase Open newel staircase

Concrete Grade M25

Reinforcement Grade Fe500


Load Assessment and Preliminary Design

Preliminary Design

The preliminary sizes of structural elements were obtained based on deflection control
criteria and approximate gravity loads obtained by tributary area methods.

Preliminary Sizing of Slab

The depth of slab is obtained from deflection control criteria.

L/d = 32 for continuous two‐way slab

Or, d = L/32 = 5000 / 32= 156.25 mm

Where, L = Longest Shorter span of all slabs= 5000 mm

Adopt d = 155mm and D=180 mm with clear cover of 25 mm.

Load Intensity on Slab

Self‐weight of slab = 25 * 0.180 = 4.5 kN/m2

Imposed live load = 2 kN/m2 (for rooms, kitchens, toilet and bathrooms)

= 3 kN/m2(for corridors, passages, staircases, store rooms)

Floor finish = 1.5 kN/m2

Total load intensity = 8 kN/m2(for rooms, kitchens, toilet and bathrooms)

=9 kN/m2(for corridors, passages, staircases, store rooms)

Preliminary Sizing of Beam

Length of longest beam = 5000 mm

Deflection Control

For deflection control, as per IS 456:2000, Clause 23.2.1,

L/d ≤ αβγδλ


L = length of beam = 5000 mm

d = Effective depth of the beam

α = 26 for continuous beams

β = 1 for spans below 10m

γ = 0.8 (assuming the tensile steel percentage as 1.2%)

δ = 1 for no compression steel

λ = 1 for no flanged beams

Substituting, we get

d = 240.38 mm

Adopt d=300 mm and D=325 mm with effective cover of 25mm. Adopt b=250 mm

Flexural loads on beam

For Beam 3CD

Self‐weight of beam = 25×0.325 ×0.250=2.031 kN/m

Weight of wall, assuming 30% openings=20×0.25×3.0×0.7=10.5kN/m

Loads from Slabs

Effective Loading Area of Slabs on Beam =12.5 m2

Distributed load = (6.25X8+6.25X9)/5 = 21.25 kN/m

Total Distributed Load = 33.781 kN/m

Design Mid-Span Moment= 1.5 wL2/8 = 1.5 × 33.781 × 5.02/8 = 158.348 kNm

From annex G (clause 38.1) IS 456:2000

Mulim= 0.36 × fck × (Xulim/d) (1-0.42(Xulim/d))×b×d2

d =√((158.348*1000*1000)/(3.347*250))=435.019 mm

Adopt b=250mm, D=475mm(25mm clear cover)

Preliminary Sizing of Columns

The initial size of the column is assumed to be 500mm×500mm.

For Column 4E

Slab area = 25 m2

Load of slab = 23.25x9+(25-23.5)x8=223.25 kN x4 floors

Load of Walls (Assuming 30% openings)

= 0.7x20x(0.25x2.35+0.15x5)x3=56.175 kNx4 floors

Load of Beam = 25x(2.5-0.25)x4x0.25X0.475=26.718 kN X4 floors

Dead Load of Columns = 25X0.5X05X3=18.75 kN X4 floors

Load from Staircase cover

Slab = 25×9=225 kN

Walls = (2.5-0.25)X2X20X0.25X3=67.5 kN

Beam = 25X(2.5-0.25)X2X0.475X0.25=13.359 kN

Total load =4x223.25+4x56.175+ 4X26.718+4x18.75+225+67.5+13.359=1605.431


Factored Load = 1.5 × 1605.431 = 2408.1465 kN

Taking 2% steel, M25 Concrete and Fe500 Steel,

Pu=0.4fck Ac + 0.67 fy As

Or, 2408.1465X1000=0.4x25x98/100xA+0.67x500x2/100xA

Or, A=145948.27 mm2

Taking a square column,


Adopt column size of 400mm X 400mm

Load Assessment

The loads on the building are divided into two parts:

1. Gravity loads
2. Seismic loads

Gravity Load Assessment on the Building

The gravity loads acting on various structural elements are calculated with reference
to IS 875 (part I) for dead loads and IS 875 (part II) for imposed loads.

The details of loads due to unit volume of materials used and members supporting
those loads are given in table below:

S.No. Material Unit weight Members

1 Cement concrete for RCC 25 kN/m3 Beams, columns, slabs
2 Burnt Clay Bricks 20 kN/m3 Infill & Partition
3 Floor finishing 1.5 kN/m2 Load on Slabs

Detailed live loads due to different occupancy usage of space is calculated for our
type of building (commercial) based on load intensities provided below:

S.No. Live Loads on Specified Load Intensity Member loaded

1 All rooms and kitchens 2.0 kN/m2 Floor slabs, roof
2 Toilet and bathrooms 2.0 kN/m2 slabs and staircase
3 Corridors, passages, staircases 3.0 kN/m2 slabs
including fire escapes, stores

Gravity loads acting on different structural elements are calculated as shown below:

I. Terrace Level

a. Roof Slab

Self-Weight of Slab =4.5 kN/m2

Floor finishing = 1.5 kN/m2

Total Dead Load = 5.75 kN/m2

Imposed Load =1.5 kN/m2 (Access Provided)

Imposed Load for corridor and passage = 3 kN/m2

b. Beam

Dead load of main beam = 2.96875 kN/m

c. Column Square

Column = 4 kN/m

d. Wall = 5 kN/m2

II. Intermediate Level

a. Floor Slab

Self-Weight of Slab = 4.5 kN/m2

Floor finishing = 1.5 kN/m2

Total Dead Load =6 kN/m2

Imposed Load for corridor and passage = 3 kN/m2

Imposed Load for rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets = 2 kN/m2

b. Beam

Dead load of main beam = 2.96875 kN/m

c. Column

Square Column = 4 kN/m

d. Wall

Brick Thick Wall = 5 kN/m2

Remaining Works

With forementioned tasks completed following tasks are to be completed:

1)Etabs analysis

2)Detail Design of structural elements

3)Foundation Design(raft)

4)Staircase Design



To wrap up a commercial building is being designed accordingly as proposed with

above mentioned task completed.


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