The sky rocketing population and haphazard land use has decreased the land availability for construction of any structure requiring large plinth area. With due consideration to this fact, a High-Rise building seemed to be one of the best options. Taking into account this fact, we have come up with a project work on Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design of High-Rise Hospital Building located in Kathmandu Valley. It is intended to design the hospital so as to provide health facilities to the general public. The hospital will surely aid in the development of the society and hence country as a whole. The people will also be benefitted by the quality service provided by the hospital.
A designer has to deal with various structures ranging from simple to more complex ones like a multistoried frame building. All the structural members are subjected to various loads like concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads, live loads, earthquake load, wind load, etc. The structure transfers the loads acting on it to the supports and ultimately to the ground. While transferring the loads acting on the structure, the members of the structure are subjected to the internal forces like axial forces, shear forces, bending and torsion moments. Structural Analysis deals with analyzing these internal forces in the structural member developed as a result of various loading conditions or combinations. Structural Design deals with sizing various members of the structures to resist the internal forces to which they are subjected in the course of their life cycle. Unless the proper structural detailing method is adopted the structural design will be no more effective. A Standard Code of practice (Indian Standard code in our case) should be
thoroughly followed and implemented for proper analysis, design and detailing with respect to safety, economy, stability, strength. Besides the scarcity of land, earthquake is one of the dominant constraints while designing the multistory frame building in earthquake prone zone like Kathmandu. According to IS1893: 2002, Kathmandu lies on V zone, the severest one, hence the effect of earthquake is predominant to wind load. So, the building is analyzed for earthquake as lateral load. The seismic coefficient design method as stipulated in IS 1893:2002 is applied to analyze the building for earthquake. The 3- dimensional moment resistance frame with shear wall is considered as the main structural system of the building. This project work has been undertaken for the partial fulfillment of requirements for the Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering. This project work contains structural analysis, design and detailing of a hospital building located in Kathmandu Valley. All the theoretical knowledge on analysis and design acquired during the course works are utilized with practical application. The main objective of the project work is to acquaint us in the practical aspects of Civil Engineering.
title is to acquire knowledge and skill with an emphasis on practical application. Besides the utilization of analytical methods and design approaches, exposure and application of various available codes of practices is another aim of the work.
The specific objectives of the project work are: i. Preparation of the plan of the building to meet the requirements for its intended use. ii. iii. Identification of the structural arrangement of the plan. Modeling the building for structural analysis.
iv. v. vi.
Analyzing the structure using structural analysis program. Sectional design of the structural members. Preparation of detail structural drawing of the design.
Building Description
Building Type Structural System Plinth area covered Type of Foundation No. of Storey Floor Height Type of Sub-Soil Seismic zone Expansion Joints
: High-Rise Hospital Building : RCC Space Frame with Shear Wall : 1418 m2 : Mat Foundation : 16 + 1 (basement) : 3m : Medium Soil :V : Expansion joints are provided
According to IS 456-2000, Clause 27, structures in which changes in plan dimensions take place abruptly shall be provided with expansion joints at the section where such changes occur. Reinforcement shall not extend across an expansion joints and the break between the sections shall be completed. Normally structure exceeding 45m in length is designed with one or more expansion joints. The design is intended to serve quality service to the general public round the clock.
Identification of Loads
i. ii. Dead loads are calculated as per IS: 875( Part I) 1987 Seismic load is calculated according to IS :1893 (Part I) 2002 considering Kathmandu located at Zone V iii. Imposed loads according to IS : 875(Part II) 1987
Code of Practices
Following codes of practices developed by Bureau of Indian Standards were followed in the analysis and design of building:
i. ii. iii.
IS 456:2000 (Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete) IS 1893 (part 1):2002 (Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures) IS 13920: 1993 (Code of practice for ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces)
iv. v. vi.
IS 875 (part 1):1987 (to assess dead loads) IS 875 (part 2):1987 (to assess live loads) IS 875 (part 5):1987 (for load combinations) SP 16 and SP 34 (design aids and hands book)
Method of Analysis
The building is modeled as a space frame. SAP2000 V12 is adopted as the basic tool for the execution of analysis. SAP2000 program is based on Finite Element Method. Due to possible actions in the building, the stresses, displacements and fundamental time periods
are obtained using SAP2000 which are used for the design of the members. Mat foundation, staircase and slabs are analyzed separately.
The following materials are adopted for the design of the elements: i. Concrete Grade : M30 for the beams, columns, slabs and shear walls M20 for the foundation ii. Reinforcement Steel : Fe500 for staircase Fe415 for all other structural members The design of RC elements is carried out using Limit State Method. The design is based on various Indian Standards Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete IS 4562002, Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456:1987(SP-16), Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design Structures IS 1893-2002, Ductile Detailing of Reinforced concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces IS13920:1993, Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing SP-34. Various handbooks like Reinforced Concrete Designers Handbook Charles E. Reynolds and James C. Stedman, are extensively used in the progress of design. The design moments, shear forces, axial forces and torsions are taken as computed by computer software program SAP2000 V12 for the worst possible combination and a number of hand calculations are done so as to verify the reliability of the design results suggested by the software.
1.10 Detailing
The space frame is considered as a Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) with a special detailing to provide ductile behavior and comply with the requirements given in
IS 13920:1993. Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing SP-34 has been extensively used for the detailing of beams and columns.
1.11 Scope
The project work is limited to the structural analysis and design only. Design and Detailing of following structural elements is performed: 1. Slab 2. Beam 3. Column 4. Staircase 5. Mat plus Foundation Design and layout of the building services like pipeline, electrical appliances, sanitary and sewage system are not covered. The required parking facilities are assumed to be provided in a separate parking structure, however its design is not concerned with this project. The project is not concerned with the existing soil condition of the locality. The bearing capacity of the soil is assumed. The environmental, social and economical condition of the locality is not taken into consideration. The project work is only related with the practical application of the studied courses in the field. Detail cost estimate of the project is not included in this report.
Chapter 2
Structural System
Any structure is made up of structural elements (load carrying, such as beams and columns and non-structural elements (such as partitions, false ceilings, doors). The structural elements put together, constitute the structural systems. Its function is to resist effectively the action of gravitational and environmental loads, and to transmit the resulting forces to the supporting ground without significantly disturbing the geometry, integrity and serviceability of the structure.
Preliminary Design
Slab Each floor slabs are divided into different types as per end conditions defined in IS 456:2000. Design of General use Slab type S1 Size of slab = 6.7 X 6.1 m2 Ly/Lx = 6.7/6.1 = 1.098 <2 Therefore, the slab is two-way slab. Calculating, depth of slab d = span/ where, depends on support condition depends on span depends on % tension steel depends on compression steel is considered for flanged beam
or, d = 6100/(26*1*1.8*1*1) d = 124.9 mm So take D= 150 mm Thus effective depth of 125 mm is adopted. So, take overall depth, D = 150 mm. (Clear cover = 25mm)
Beam The design is as per IS-456:2000. Same section of beam is provided throughout the building. Span of beam = 6.1m Since Depth = span/(12~15) = 6100/13 = 470 mm Adopt 500 mm Column It is designed on the basis of IS 456:2000 & IS 456:1978. Column size: grade M25
Table 1: Calculation of preliminary loads on column Load(KN) 948 1887 3545 3785 7089 7075 2862 6285 2600 Size of column (mm2) 250*250 360*360 510*510 510*510 690*690 690*690 440*440 650*650 420*420
Thus, adopting the sizes as listed below: 450*450 mm2 500*500mm2 700*700mm2
Fig.1: Staircase Plan Passage= 6-2.7-1.2=2.1 Room Size=6 m X 6.7m Stair case Load Live load = 5 KN/m2 R X T=15 cm X 30 cm Height of floor: 3.0 m Riser = 11 Tread = 10 10 X 30=300 cm = 3m
Passage = 6.7-3.2=1.7m Effective span: Leff = c/c distance between support = 6.7 + .25/2 = 0.25/2 = 6.95 m Assume slab thickness= L/26 = 6950/26*1.4 = 200 mm Assume overall depth= 200 mm Load on going: (T2 + R2) = 0.30 2 + 0.15 2 = 0.335 m i. ii. iii. iv. Self weight of slab = 25 * 0.2 * 0.335/0.3 = 5.6 KN/m2 Step weight of steps = 25 * (1/2*0.15) Finish (thickness = 25 mm) Live load = 1.9 KN/m2 = 0.67 KN/m2 = 5 KN/m2 _______________ 13.15 KN/m2 Load on landing: i. ii. iii. Self weight of slab = 25 X 0.150 Finish Live load = 3.75 KN/m2 = 0.67 KN/m2 = 5 KN/m2 ______________________ 9.42 KN/m2
Determination of Stiffness Centre (SC) and Mass Centre (MC) Calculation of Centre of Stiffness ( block 1) For First floor: From IS:456-2000, Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ec) = 5000
Moment of Inertia (I1) =0.45*0.45**3/12 =3.417E-3 m4 Moment of Inertia (I2) = 0.5*0.5**3/12 =5.208E-3 m4 Moment of Inertia (I3) = 0.7*0.7**3/12=2.0E-2 m4 Height (h) =3m Stiffness (k1) =12EI1/h3=3.797E7=k (say) Stiffness (k2) =5.787E7=1.524k Stiffness (k3) =2.223E8=5.855k _ X = (k2+4k3+k1)*20+ (k1+k2+4k3)*40+ (k1+k2+5k3)*60+(k1+k2+5k3)*80 + (k1+k2+5k3)*100+ (k1+6k2)*120 (7k1+16k2+23k3)
=40.963 ft =12.49 m Similarly, centre of stiffness of block2 is = (12.19, 8.52) m. From excel sheet data centre of mass of block1 is = (20.38, 12.29) m. And centre of mass of block2 is = (12.21, 9.22) m. For block 1 Eccentricity ex= 1.275 m ey= 0.2 m For block 2 Eccentricity ex = 0.02 m ey = 0.7 m
As described earlier, the building is a RCC framed structure, located in the Kathmandu valley. Thus wind loads, snow loads, and other special types of loads described by IS 875 (part 5):1987 can be taken as negligible as compared to the dead, live and seismic loads.
Dead Loads: According to the IS 875:1964: The dead load in a building shall comprise the weights of all walls, partitions, floors and roofs and shall include the weights of all other permanent features in the building.
Live Loads: It means the load assumed or known resulting from the occupancy or use of a building and includes the load on balustrades and loads from movable goods, machinery and plant that are not an integral part of the building.
Seismic Loads: These are the load resulting from the vibration of the ground underneath the superstructure during the earthquake. The earthquake is an unpredictable natural phenomenon. Nobody knows the exact timing and magnitude of such loads. Seismic loads are to be determined essentially to produce an earthquake resistant design.
1. Response Spectrum Method: In this method the design earthquake forces are determined adopting IS 1893:2002. These design forces for the buildings located along two perpendicular directions may be assumed to act separately along each of these two horizontal directions. 2. Time History Analysis: In it the ground is subjected to a predetermined acceleration and subsequent stress in the structural elements are determined by appropriate methods.
Live Loads
1. On Floors: (IS875(part2):1987 table1) 2. On Partition walls: Live Load=1KN/m2 (Assuming a minimum live load as per IS 875(part2):1987, 3) 3. On roofs: Live Load=1.5 KN/m2 (Assuming access not provided except for the case of maintenance), (IS875(part2):1987)
Seismic Load
Seismic weight is the total dead load plus appropriate amount of specified imposed load. While computing the seismic load weight of each floor, the weight of columns and walls in any story shall be equally distributed to the floors above and below the storey. The seismic weight of the whole building is the sum of the seismic weights of all the floors. It has been calculated according to IS: 1893(Part I) 2002. IS: 1893(Part I) 2002 states that for the calculation of the design seismic forces of the structure the imposed load on roof need not be considered Base Shear Calculation According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Cl. No. 6.4.2 the design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expression:
Ah Z I Sa 2Rg
Where, Z = Zone factor given by IS 1893 (Part I):2002 Table 2, Here for Zone V,Z = 0.36 I = Importance Factor, I = 1.5 for high rise hospital building R = Response reduction factor given by IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Table 7, R = 5.0 Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient which depends on Fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta). According to IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 Cl. No. 7.6.1 The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta) in second of moment resisting frame building without brick infill panel may be estimated by empirical expression: Ta = 0.075h0.75 for RC frame building Where,
h= height of building in metre. This excludes the basement storeys, where basement walls are connected with the ground floor deck or fitted between the building columns. But, it includes the basement storeys, when they are not so connected. For h= 51 m Ta= 1.43 sec. And Sa/g = 0.95 (From IS Code 1893:2000) Fig 2 Now,
According to IS 1893 (Part I) : 2002 Cl. No. 7.5.3 the total design lateral force or design seismic base shear (VB) along any principle direction is given by VB = Ah x W Where, W = Seismic weight of the building Wblock 1= 149259.12KN Wblock 2 = 81603.644 KN Then,(Vb)block 1=0.513*149259.12KN=7656.99KN (Vb)block 2=0.513*81603.644KN=4186.27KN The total base shear is firstly distributed horizontally in basement in proportion to the stiffness. Then according to IS 1893 (part I):2002 C.L. No. 7.7.1 the design base shear (VB) computed above shall be distributed along the height of the building as per the following expression:
Additional Shear Calculation Due to Torsion in Building Center of Rigidity (CR) - A point through which a horizontal force is applied resulting in translation of the floor without any rotation Determination of Stiffness Centre (SC) and Mass Centre (MC) Calculation of Centre of Stiffness ( block1) For First floor: From IS:456-2000, Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ec) = 5000
Moment of Inertia (I2) = 0.5*0.5**3/12 =5.208E-3 m4 Moment of Inertia (I3) = 0.7*0.7**3/12=2.0E-2 m4 Height (h) =3m Stiffness (k1) =12EI1/h3=3.797E7=k (say) Stiffness (k2) =5.787E7=1.524k Stiffness (k3) =2.223E8=5.855k _ X = (k2+4k3+k1)*20+ (k1+k2+4k3)*40+ (k1+k2+5k3)*60+(k1+k2+5k3)*80 + (k1+k2+5k3)*100+ (k1+6k2)*120 (7k1+16k2+23k3)
=40.963 ft =12.49 m Similarly, centre of stiffness of block2 is = (12.19, 8.52) m. From excel sheet data centre of mass of block1 is = (20.38, 12.29) m. And centre of mass of block 2 is = (12.21, 9.22) m.
For block 1 Eccentricity ex= 1.275 m ey= 0.2 m For block 2 Eccentricity ex = 0.02 m ey = 0.7 m
Response spectrum Analysis: The response history analysis provides structural response r(t) as a function of time, but the structural design is usually based on the peak values of forces and deformations over the duration of earthquake induced response. The peak response can be determined directly from the response spectrum for the ground motion in case of single degree of freedom. The peak response of multi-degree freedom systems can be calculated from the response spectrum. The exact peak value of Nth mode response rn(t)=-rnstAn Where, An is the ordinate of the pseudo acceleration spectrum corresponding to the natural period Tn and Damping ratio . The peak value ro of the total response can be estimated by combining the modal peaks rno according to one of the modal combination rules. Because the natural frequencies of transverse vibration of a beam are well separated, the SRSS combination is satisfactory. Thus, Ro= )
Load Combination
In the course of analysis, different load cases and combinations are considered to obtain the most critical stresses in the element of the structure. The load cases considered for the structural analysis are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Dead Load (DL) Live Load (LL) Earthquake load in X (EQx) static Earthquake load in Y (EQy) static Eathquake load in X (Rx) response spectrum method Eathquake load in y (Ry) response spectrum method
Following load combination as per IS 1893(Part I):2002 are adopted: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. 1.5(DL + LL) 1.2(DL + LL + EQx) 1.2(DL + LL - EQx) 1.2(DL + LL + EQy) 1.2(DL + LL - EQy) 1.5(DL + EQx) 1.5(DL - EQx) 1.5(DL + EQy) 1.5(DL - EQy) 0.9DL+1.5EQx 0.9DL-1.5EQx 0.9DL+1.5EQy 0.9DL-1.5EQy 1.5(DL + Rx) 1.5(DL - Rx) 1.5(DL + Ry) 1.5(DL - Ry)
After checking the results, it was found that the stress developed are most critical for the following load combinations: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. 1.5 (DL + LL) 1.2 (DL + LL + EQx) 1.2 (DL + LL - EQx) 1.2 (DL + LL + EQy) 1.2 (DL + LL - EQy) 1.2(DL + LL + Rx) 1.2(DL + LL - Rx) 1.2(DL + LL + Ry) 1.2(DL + LL - Ry)
The characteristic loads considered in the design of foundation are: i. ii. iii. Dead Load plus Live Load Dead Load plus Earthquake Load Dead Load minus Earthquake Load
To find the stress at the various points of the foundation, depth of footing and reinforcements most critical factored loads are taken into account.
Chapter 4
A Frame element is modeled as a straight line connecting two joints. Each element has its own local coordinate system for defining section properties and loads, and for interpreting output. Each Frame element may be loaded by self-weight, multiple concentrated loads, and multiple distributed loads. End offsets are available to account for the finite size of beam and column intersections. End releases are also available to model different fixity conditions at the ends of the element. Element internal forces are produced at the ends of each element and at a user specified number of equally-spaced output stations along the length of the element.
Loading options allow for gravity, thermal and pre-stress conditions in addition to the usual nodal loading with specified forces and or displacements. Dynamic loading can be in the form of a base acceleration response spectrum, or varying loads and base accelerations.
Structural Analysis
The structural analysis is done using the SAP 2000(V12). Since the design is aimed for the adequate resistance to the earthquake, the analysis is done by both methods of analysis namely Static and Dynamic analysis. For the static analysis, the design lateral force is distributed to the various floor levels which is then distributed to individual lateral load resisting elements depending on floor diaphragm action. In SAP 2000, the modeling for rigid floor diaphragm is done. A floor diaphragm is modeled as rigid horizontal plane parallel to each other in X Y plane. Each floor diaphragm is established by a joint in the plane of the diaphragm called Master Joint of the diaphragm. The location of the master joint on each floor diaphragm is arbitrary and is selected by the user. For the convenience, the master joint is located at the center of mass of each floor. All the joints that exists on the diaphragm are connected to the master joint by rigid links and their displacement are dependent on the displacement of the master joint. Therefore these points are called dependent joint or slave joint. The lateral forces calculated earlier are applied to each master joint located on each floor of the building. IS 1893:2002 specifies that for the zone IV & V, the dynamic analysis shall be done for the regular buildings greater than 40 m in height and for the irregular buildings greater than 12 m. So the dynamic analysis is also done for the building by the use of response spectrum method in SAP 2000. The design base shear (Vb) is compared with the base shear (Vb) calculated using fundamental period (Ta). Where Vb is less than Vb,all the response quantities like member forces, store shears and base reactions shall be multiplied by Vb/Vb The natural period of the building calculated is 1.43 seconds whereas the period obtained from the analysis result of the SAP 2000 is 1.14 seconds.
Storey Drift It is the displacement of one level relative to the other level above or below. According to IS 1893:2002 Clause 7.11.1, the storey drift due to the minimum specified design lateral force with partial load factor of 1.0 shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey height which comes to be 12 mm. However, the storey drift value obtained from SAP analysis of the building is found out to be 11.3 mm which is lower than the limited value as specified by code. Hence, our building is safe against the storey drift.
Stress Envelope Stress envelope is the diagrammatic representation of maximum and minimum stress values in any given structural member resulting from different load combinations assigned for the analysis. The stresses in the structural elements are interpreted with the stress envelope which represents the maximum values of the stresses in the member.
analysis of building. The base shear and earthquake lateral force are calculated as per code IS 1893(part1)2002 and are applied at each master joint located on every storey of the building. Table 2: Sample output of SAP2000
Frame Text 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4668 4669 4669 DesignType Location FTopCombo FTopArea FBotCombo FBotArea VCombo VRebar Text m Text m2 Text m2 Text m2/m Beam 0.0000 envelope 0.0013 envelope 0.0009 envelope 0.0000 Beam 0.4877 envelope 0.0008 envelope 0.0006 1.5DL+1.5LL 0.0003 Beam 0.9754 envelope 0.0006 envelope 0.0006 1.5DL+1.5LL 0.0003 Beam 1.4630 envelope 0.0006 envelope 0.0006 envelope 0.0000 Beam 1.9507 envelope 0.0006 envelope 0.0006 envelope 0.0000 Beam 2.4384 envelope 0.0007 envelope 0.0009 envelope 0.0000 Beam 0.0000 envelope 0.0026 envelope 0.0014 1.5DL+1.5LL 0.0003 Beam 0.4790 envelope 0.0019 envelope 0.0013 1.5DL+1.5LL 0.0003
0.001267 0.001567 0.0018 0.002067 0.002267 0.002533 0.002667 0.002833 0.002633 0.003267 0.003 0.002967 0.002833 0.002667 0.002267 0.0017 0.0005
floor roof 15th 14th 13th 12th 11th 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th
U1 U2 -0.1201 -0.1417 -0.1147 -0.1404 -0.1083 -0.1331 -0.1021 -0.125 -0.095 -0.1163 -0.0874 -0.1069 -0.0793 -0.0968 -0.0708 -0.0863 -0.062 -0.0754 -0.0531 -0.0643 -0.0441 -0.0532 -0.0353 -0.0432 -0.0319 -0.0319 28
-0.0018 -0.00213 -0.00207 -0.00237 -0.00253 -0.0027 -0.00283 -0.00293 -0.00297 -0.003 -0.00293 -0.00113
Minimum spacing of expansion joint = Maximum deflection of Block 1 in positive X-direction + Maximum deflection of Block 2 in negative X- direction = 0.0113 + 0.0113 = 0.0226 m So we provided expansion joint of 30 cm.
Limit state of collapse for compression: Assumption: In addition to the assumptions given above from i) to v), the following shall be assumed: i.) The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial compression is taken as 0.002. ii.) The maximum compressive strain at highly compressed extreme fiber in concrete subjected to axial compressive and bending and when there is no tension on the section shall be 0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain at the least compressed extreme fiber.
The limiting values of the depth of neutral axis for different grades of steel based on the assumptions are as follows: Table 5: Limiting values of depth of neutral axis Fy 250 415 500 Xu, max 0.53 0.48 0.46
Materials adopted in our design: M20 (1:1.5:3) M30 (proportion according to Mix Design) Fe415 Use of SP16, IS456-2000, IS1893-2002, IS13920-1993, SP34:
After analyzing the given structure using the software SAP2000 the structural elements are designed by Limit state Method. Account should be taken of accepted theories, experiment, experience as well as durability. The code we use for the design is IS456-2000; IS1893-2002, IS13920-1993 and Design aids are SP16 and SP34. Suitable material, quality control, adequate detailing and good supervision are equally important during implementation of the project.
Use of different handbook for the design: The structural elements (special staircases, lift wall, basement wall) which are not described by the above mentioned codes and design aids were handled with the help of the handbooks viz. Reinforced concrete Designers Handbook Charles E. Reynolds. 5.2 Design Of Structural Elements The aim of design is the achievement of an acceptable probability that structures being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an appropriate degree of safety, they should sustain all the loads and deformations of normal construction and use and have adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effects of misuse and fire. After analyzing the structure using SAP 2000, the structural elements are designed by Limit State Method. In the limit state design concept, the structure shall be designed to withstand safely all loads liable to act on it throughout its life; it shall also satisfy the serviceability requirements such as limitation on deflection and cracking. The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability requirements before failure occurs is called a limit state. The aim of limit state design is to achieve acceptable probabilities that the structure will not become unfit for the use for which it is intended, i.e. it will not reach a limit state. The design is in compliance with clearly defined standards for materials, production, workmanship, and maintenance and use of the structure in service. Following are the sample calculation of the design process of single element as i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Slab Beam Column Staircase Shear Wall Basement Wall Mat Foundation
Depth (d)= Shorter span/(****) = 6100/(26 *1*1.6*1*1) = 146.6 mm Provide D= 150 mm And clear cover = 15mm Provide 10 mm d = 150 15 - 5 = 130 mm Since, Ly/Lx = 6700/6100 = 1.1 < 2 (Design as two way slab) d= 130 mm D= 150 mm
Design load Self weight of slab= 0.15* 25 = 3.75 KN/m2 Plaster = 1 KN/m2 Others = 1 KN/m2 __________________ 5.75 KN/m2 Live load = 3.5 KN/m2
Design load = 1.5 *(DL + LL) = 1.5 *(5.75 + 3.5) = 13.875 KN/m2
IS 456, Table 26
x=- 0.037 y =- 0.032 +ve moment at mid span x = 0.028 y= 0.024 For shorter span
Support Moment Ms = - x wLx2 = -.037 * 13.875* 6.12 = -19.1 KNm Mid span moment Mm = x w Lx2 = 0.028 * 13.875* 6.12 = 14.456 KNm
For larger span Support Moment Ms=- y *w*Ly 2 = -0.032 * 13.875 * 6.72 = - 19.93 KNm Mid span moment Mm = y *w*Ly 2 = 0.024 * 13.875 * 6.72 = 14.948 KNm
Check for depth from moment consideration Mu= 0.36 * xu,max /d*(1 0.42 xu,max /d)* bd2 *fck 19.93 X 10^6 = 0.36 * 0.48 *(1-0.42 * 0.48) * 1000 * d2* 30 d = 69.4 mm < 130 mm OK
Calculation of Area of steel Minimum area of steel (Ast,min)= 0.12 % of bD = 180 mm2 For shorter span, Area of steel at support ((Top bars)
Mu= 0.87 * fy* Ast * d(1- Ast*fy/bd*fck) 19.1 X 106 = 0.87 * 415 * Ast * 130 *(1Ast*415/(1000*130*30)) Ast= 426.3 mm2 Ab= 78.5 mm
> Ast
Provide 10 mm bars
Spacing Sv= 184.14 Providing 10 mm @ 180 mm c/c Then Area of steel Ast = 436 mm2 Pt= 0.29 % Again, Area of steel at mid span (bottom bar) 14.456X10^6 = 0.87*415*Ast * 130 *(1- Ast*415/ (1000*130*30)) Ast = 318. 8 mm2 > Ast min Providing 10 mm bars Ab= 78.5 mm
Spacing of bars Sv= 246.2 mm Providing 10 mm @ 240 c/c Then Actual Area Ast= 327 mm2 Pt = 0.22 % For longer span Area of steel at support ( Top bars) IS 456 :2000 Annex G.1.1 Mu= 0.87 * fy* Ast * d(1- Ast*fy/bd*fck) 19.93X 10^6 = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 120 *(1- Ast * 415/(1000*120*30)) Ast=446 mm2 >Ast min Providing 10 mm bars Ab = 78.5 mm2 Spacing of bar, Sv= Ab/Ast * 100 = 78.5 *1000/446 = 176 mm Providing 10 mm @ 170 mm c/c Actual Ast = Ab/ Sv * 1000 = 446 mm2 Pt= 0.3 % Again, Area of steel at mid span ( Bottom bars) Mu= 0.87 * fy* Ast * d(1- Ast*fy/bd*fck) 14.948X 10^6 = 0.87* 415*Ast *120*(1- Ast * 415/(1000*120*30)) Ast=330 mm2 >Ast min Providing 10 mm bars Ab = 78.5 mm2 Spacing of bar, = Sv = Ab/Ast * 100 = 78.5 *1000/330
=238 mm Providing 10 mm @ 230 mm c/c Actual Ast = Ab/ Sv * 1000 = 341.3 mm2 Pt= 0.23 % 6 Check for shear For short span, Shear force at the face of support V = w Ly = 13.875 * 6.7 = 46.48 KN
46.48/3350 = x/3220 X = 44.67 KN Hence tension reinforcement of slab contribute in shear For Pt = 0.29 % c = 0.39 N/mm2 And K = 1.3 K c *bd = 1.3 * 0.39 * 1000* 130/1000 = 65.91 KN > Vu OK .
Check for deflection Along the shorter span Since, both ends are continuous the basic value may be taken as 26. fs= 0.58 fy*Ast,req / Ast,prov = 0.58 * 415 * 426/436 = 235.2 N/mm2 Pt = 0.26 % Modification factor (MF) = 1.85 dper= 6100/1.85*26 = 126.82 < 130 mm OK.
Check for development length Ld= s/1.6*4 *bd = 10 * 0.87 * 415/1.6*4*1.5 = 350 mm Ld< M1/V + Lo For short span
Ste p
Outpu t
Slab ID S2
Exterior Panel (three edges continuous and one long edge discontinuous) 1 Thickness of slab and durability consideration Clean spans Lx=6.1 m
Ly=6.7 m Depth (d)= Shorter span/(****) = 6100/(26 *1*1.6*1*1) = 146.6 mm Provide D= 150 mm And clear cover = 15mm Provide 10 mm d = 150 15 - 5 = 130 mm Effective length= Ly/Lx = 6700/6100 = 1.1 < 2 (Design as two way slab)
Design load Self weight of slab= 0.15* 25 = 3.75 KN/m2 Plaster = 1 KN/m2 Others = 1 KN/m2 ____________ 5.75 KN/m2 Live load = 3.5 KN/m2
Design load = 1.5 *(DL + LL) = 1.5 *(5.75 + 3.5) = 13.875 KN/m2
Considering unit length of lab w = 13. 875 KN/m IS 456, Table 26 3. Moment calculation For Ly/Lx= 1.1 -ve BM coefficient at continuous edge x= -0.037 y = -0.037 +ve moment at mid span x = 0.028 y= 0.028 IS 456, Annex Clause D.1.0 For shorter span Support Moment Ms = - x wLx2 = -.037 * 13.875* 6.12 = -19.1 KNm Mid span moment Mm = x w Lx2 = 0.028 * 13.875* 6.12 = 14.456 KNm
For larger span Support Moment Ms=- y *w*Ly 2 = -0.037 * 13.875 * 6.72 = - 23.045 KNm Mid span moment Mm = y *w*Ly 2 = 0.028 * 13.875 * 6.72 = 17.44 KNm 4 Check for depth from moment consideration Mu= 0.36 * xu,max /d*(1 0.42 xu,max /d)* bd2 *fck IS 456 Or, 23.045 X 106 = 0.36 * 0.48 *(1-0.42 * 0.48) * 1000 *
Calculation of Area of steel Minimum area of steel ( Ast,min) = 0.12 % of bD = 180 mm2 For shorter span Area of steel at support ((Top bars) Mu= 0.87 * fy* Ast * d(1- Ast*fy/bd*fck) 19.1 X 106 = 0.87 * 415 * Ast * 130 *(1Ast*415/(1000*130*30)) Ast= 426.3 mm2 Ab= 78.5 mm2 Spacing Sv= 184.14 Providing 10 mm @ 180 mm c/c Then Area of steel Ast = 436 mm2 Pt= 0.29 % Again, Area of steel at mid span (bottom bar) 14.456X106 = 0.87*415*Ast * 130 *(1- Ast*415/ (1000*130*30)) Ast = 318. 8 mm2 > Ast min Providing 10 mm bars Ab= 78.5 mm2 Spacing of bars Sv= 246.2 mm Providing 10 mm @ 240 c/c Then Actual Area Ast= 327 mm2 Pt = 0.22 % For longer span
> Ast
Provide 10 mm bars
Area of steel at support ( Top bars) Mu= 0.87 * fy* Ast * d(1- Ast*fy/bd*fck) Or, 23.045X 10^6 = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 120 *(1- Ast * IS 456 :2000 Annex G.1.1 Providing 10 mm bars Ab = 78.5 mm2 Spacing of bar, = Sv = Ab/Ast * 100 = 78.5 *1000/446 = 151 mm Providing 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c Actual Ast = Ab/ Sv * 1000 = 523.33 mm2 Pt= 0.35 % Again, Area of steel at mid span ( Bottom bars) Mu= 0.87 * fy* Ast * d(1- Ast*fy/bd*fck) Or, 17.44 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast *130*(1- Ast * 415/(1000*130*30)) or, Ast=387.6 mm2 >Ast min Providing 10 mm bars Ab = 78.5 mm2 Spacing of bar, Sv= Ab/Ast * 1000 = 78.5 *1000/387.6 =202.58 mm Providing 10 mm @ 200 mm c/c Actual Ast = Ab/ Sv * 1000 = 392.5 mm2
Pt= 0.26 %
Check for shear For short span, Shear force at the face of support V = w Ly = 13.875 * 6.7/2 = 46.48 KN
46.48/3350 = x/3220 X = 44.67 KN Hence tension reinforcement of slab contribute in shear IS 456, Table 19 Clause For Pt = 0.29 % c = 0.39 N/mm2 And K = 1.3 K c *bd = 1.3 * 0.39 * 1000* 130/1000 = 65.91 KN > Vu OK.
Along the shorter span Since, both ends are continuous the basic value may be taken as 26 fs= 0.58 fy*Ast,req / Ast,prov = 0.58 * 415 * 519/523.33 = 238 N/mm2 Pt = 0.35 % Modification factor (MF) = 1.85 dper= 6100/1.85*26 = 126.82 < 130 mm OK. IS 4565, Clause 26.2.1 8 Check for development length Ld= s/1.6*4 *bd = 10 * 0.87 * 415/1.6*4*1.5 = 350 mm Ld< M1/V + Lo IS 456, Clause For short span Ld< M1/V + Lo = (23.045/2)/44.67 + 0.12 = 378 mm > Ld OK. IS 456,Annex D, D.1.8 Area of torsion reinforcement = 0.75 /2 *area required for maximum mid span moment = 0.75/2* 387.6 =145.35 mm2 So, provide 10 mm @ 300mm c/c at a distance 0.2lx from the edge. 9 Torsion reinforcement
Design of Beams Grade of concrete = M30 Ref. Beam (4687) ID Calculation At section L=0 D=600 mm d = 560 mm b= 300 mm Grade of steel = Fe415
Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = ( 4.9247(1 + 600/300))/1.7 = 8.690 KNm (+ve) Mt = 6.448 (1 + 600/300)/1.7 = 11.38 KN-m (-ve) Maximum moment= 292.115 + 8.690 = 300.805 KNm (+ve) Minimum moment = -416.214 11.38 = -427.59 KNm (-ve)
Moment of Resistance of the beam Mu,lim = 0.36 x u,lim /d*(1-0.42*xu,max/d)*bd2 fck = 389.38 X 106 Nmm For +ve moment, Since Md< Mu, beam is singly reinforced.
For singly reinforced beam Md= 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 300.805 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast = 1735.8 mm2 Assuming 12 mm bar Asb= * 122 / 4 = 113.04 mm2 No. of bar = 1735.8 mm2 / 113.04 mm2 = 15.35 Say 16 Again, Take 25 mm bar Asb= * 252 / 4 = 490.87 mm2 No. of bar = 1735.8 mm2 / 490.87 mm2 = 3.53 Say 4 Number of bar at bottom = 4 no of 25 Area provided = 4 * * 252 / 4 = 1962.5 mm2 > A reqd. OK. For ve moment Md= 427.59 KNm M u,lim = 389.38 X 10^6 Nmm Md> M u,lim
So doubly reinforced section. M u,lim = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 389.38 X 10^6 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast1 = 2400.3 mm2 Md- M u,lim = (fsc fcc) Asc *(d-d) Assume d= 40 mm
SP 16
Corresponding tension steel Ast2 0.87fy* Ast2 = fsc * Asc Ast2 = 211.5 mm2 Therefore, Ast= Ast1 + Ast2 = (2400.3 + 211.5) mm2 = 2611.8 mm2 Asc= 215.7 mm2 Providing 25mm bar in tension in 4 nos.(bottom) In top Provide 32 mm bar No. of bars = 2611.8 / ( *322 )/4 = 2611.8 / 804.247 = 3.24 (say 4) Shear: IS456:2000 Clause 40.2 Table 19 For fck = 30 MPa Pt = 1.71 % c max = 3.5 N/ mm2 c= 0.793 N/ mm2
v = V/bd = 190.135 X 10^3/ 560*300 = 1.131 N/ mm2 c max > v >c Shear reinforcement required. Vus = Vu c* bd = 190.135 X 10^3 0.793 * 560 * 300 = 56911 N Assume 2-legged 8 mm stirrup So, Asv= 100.53 mm2 Spacing,
Sv = 0.87* fy* Asv* d/Vus = 0.87 * 415 * 100.53 * 560/56911 = 357.1 mm Minimum spacing is 300 mm Provide 2 legged 8 mm @ 300 mm Asc>0.4 * b * Sv/0.87fy > 99
At L=L i.e. 6.7056 m M3 222.15 -560.58 V2 230.09 -26.041 T 4.9247 -6.448 P 4.73 -3.54
Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = 8.690 KNm (+ve) IS456:2000 Annex 6.4. Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = 11.38 KN-m (-ve) Maximum moment= 222.15 X 106 Nmm (+ve) Minimum moment = -571966723.5 Nmm (-ve)
Moment of Resistance of the beam IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 M u,lim = 0.36 x u,lim /d*(1-0.42*xu,max/d)*bd2fck = 389.38 X 10^6 Nmm For +ve moment, Since Md< Mu, beam is singly reinforced. For singly reinforced beam IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 Md= 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 222.15 X 10^6 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast = 1222 mm2 Assuming 25 mm bar Asb= * 252 / 4 = 490.87 mm2 No. of bar = 1222 mm2 / 490.87 mm2 = 2.48 Say 3 nos Number of bar at bottom = 3 no of 25 Area provided = 3 * * 252 / 4 = 1472.62 mm2 > A req For ve moment
Md= 571966723.5 Nmm M u,lim = 389.38 X 10^6 Nmm Md> M u,lim IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 So doubly reinforced section M u,lim = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 389.38 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast1 = 2400.3 mm2 Remaining moment, Md- M u,lim = (fsc fcc) Asc *(d-d) Assume d= 40 mm d / d = 40 / 560 = 0.071 fsc= 354 N/ mm2 Asc = 1030.8 mm2 Corresponding tension steel Ast2 0.87fy* Ast2 = fsc * Asc Ast2 = 1010.65 mm2 Therefore, Ast= Ast1 + Ast2 = (2400.3 + 1010.65) mm2 = 3410.98 mm2 Provide 25mm bar No. = 2.09 (Say 3) Providing 25mm bar in tension in 3 nos.(bottom) In top Provide 32 mm bar No. of bars = 3410.98 / ( *322 )/4 = 3410.98 / 804.247 IS456:2000 Clause 40.2 Table 19 Shear: For fck = 30 MPa
Pt = 2.23 %
c= 0.84 N/ mm2
v = V/bd = 230.09 X 103/ 560*300 = 1.36 N/ mm2 c max > v >c Shear reinforcement required. IS456:2000 Clause 40.4 Vus = Vu c* bd = 230.09 X 103 0.84 * 560 * 300 = 88.97 KN Assume 2-legged 8 mm stirrup, Asv= 100.53 mm2 Spacing, Sv= 0.87* fy* Asv* d/Vus = 0.87 * 415 * 100.53 * 560/88.97X103 = 227.85 mm Provide 2 legged 8 mm @ 220 mm Asc>0.4 * b * Sv/0.87fy OK At L=L/2 M3 125 -51.76 V2 122.533 -90.57 T 4.52 -6.433
Since Md< Mu, beam is singly reinforced. For singly reinforced beam IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 Md= 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 125 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast = 653.38 mm2 Take 25 mm bar
Asb= * 252 / 4 = 490.87 mm2 No. of bar = 653.38 mm2 / 490.87 mm2 = 1.33 Say 2 (bottom) Shear: For fck = 30 MPa Pt = 0.54 % IS456:2000 Clause 40.4 c max = 3.5 N/ mm2 c= 0.51 N/ mm2
v = V/bd = 122.533 X 10^3/ 560*300 = 0.73 N/ mm2 c max > v >c Shear reinforcement required. Vus = Vu c* bd = 122.533 X 103 0.51 * 560 * 300 = 30.73 KN Assume 2-legged 8 mm stirrup Asv= 100.53 mm2 Spacing, Sv= 0.87* fy* Asv* d/Vus = 0.87 * 415 * 100.53 * 560/30.73X103 = 661 mm Minimum spacing is 300 mm Provide 2 legged 8 mm @ 300 mm
At L=0 M3 Max Min IS456:2000 Annex 6.4. 411.41 -441.82 V2 264.27 -296.58 T 0.7687 -1.20
Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = 1.36 KNm Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = 2.12 KNm Maximum moment= 411.41 + 1.36 = 412.77 KNm (+ve) Minimum moment =441.82 + 2.12 = -443.94 KNm (-ve)
Moment of Resistance of the beam IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 M u,lim = 0.36 x u,lim /d*(1-0.42*xu,max/d)*bd2 fck = 389.38 X 106 Nmm
For +ve moment, Since Md> Mu, beam is doubly reinforced. M u,lim = 389.38 X 106 Nmm IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 M u,lim = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 389.38 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast1 = 2400.3 mm2 Remaining moment, Md- M u,lim = (fsc fcc) Asc *(d-d) Assume d= 40 mm d / d = 40 / 560 = 0.071 fsc= 354 N/ mm2 Asc = 131.99 mm2 Corresponding tension steel Ast2 0.87fy* Ast2 = fsc * Asc Ast2 = 129.42 mm2 Therefore, Ast= Ast1 + Ast2 = 2529.61 mm2 Asc= 132 mm2 At bottom, providing 25mm bar No. = 2529.61/(*252 /4)=5.15 (Say 6) At top Provide 32 mm bar No of bars = 132 / ( *322 )/4 = 132 / 804.247 = 0.146 (say 1)
For ve moment Md= - 443.94 KNm M u,lim = 389.38 X 106 Nmm Md> M u,lim So doubly reinforced section IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 M u,lim = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 389.38 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast1 = 2400.3 mm2 Remaining, Md- M u,lim = (fsc fcc) Asc *(d-d) Fsc= 354 N/ mm2 Asc = 308.03 mm2 Corresponding tension steel Ast2 0.87fy* Ast2 = fsc * Asc Ast2 = 302.02 mm2 Therefore, Ast= Ast1 + Ast2 = (2400.3 + 302.02) mm2r = 2702.02 mm2 Asc= 308.03 mm2 Providing 25mm bar in tension in bottom No. of bars = 308.03/(*252 /4)=2 At top, provide 32 mm bar No. of bars = 2702.02 / ( *322 )/4 = 2702.02 / 804.247 = 4.39 (say 5) and fcc = 0.446 fck (443.94 - 389.38 ) X 106 = (354 0.446 * 30) Asc * (560 40)
Shear: For fck = 30 MPa Pt = 1.7 % c max = 3.5 N/ mm2 c= 0.793 N/ mm2
v = V/bd = 190.135 X 10^3/ 560*300 = 1.131 N/ mm2 c max > v >c Shear reinforcement required. Assume 2-legged 8 mm stirrup Asv= 100.53 mm2 Spacing, IS456:2000 Clause 40.4 Sv= 0.87* fy* Asv* d/Vus Minimum spacing is 300 mm Provide 2 legged 8 mm @ 300 mm
At L=L/2
V2 279.87 275.8
T 0.7687 -1.2
Moment = 60.15 KNm Moment of Resistance of the beam IS456: 2000 Annex G-1.1 M u,lim = 0.36 x u,lim /d*(1-0.42*xu,max/d)*bd2fck = 389.38 X 106 Nmm Since Md< Mu, beam is singly reinforced. For singly reinforced beam
Providing nominal bar Top 2 nos 32 bar Bottom 2 nos 25 bar Shear: For fck = 30 MPa Pt = .684 % c< c max OK c max = 3.5 N/ mm2 c= 0.566 N/ mm2
At L=L
V2 301.57 -261.62
T 0.768 -1.2
Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = 1.36 KNm (+ve) IS456:2000 Annex 6.4. Mt = T(1+D/b)/1.7 = 2.12 KN-m (-ve) Maximum moment= 404.35 + 1.36 = 405.71 KNm (+ve) Minimum moment = -445.36 2.12 = -447.48 KNm (-ve)
Moment of Resistance of the beam M u,lim = 0.36 x u,lim /d*(1-0.42*xu,max/d)*bd2 fck = 389.71 X 106 Nmm For +ve moment, Since Md> M u,lim So doubly reinforced section M u,lim = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 389.71 X 10^6 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30)
Ast1 = 2403 mm2 Md- M u,lim = (fsc fcc) Asc *(d-d) Assume d= 40 mm SP- 16 d / d = 40 / 560 = 0.071 fsc= 354 N/ mm2 Asc = 90.33 mm2 Corresponding tension steel Ast2 0.87fy* Ast2 = fsc * Asc Ast2 = 85.22 mm2 Therefore, Ast= Ast1 + Ast2 = (2403 + 85.22) mm2 = 2488.22 mm2 Asc= 90.33 mm2 Providing 25mm bar in tension bottom No. of bar = 2388.22 * 4 / *25 2 =5.06 Say 6 In top Provide 32 mm bar No.of bars = 90.33 / ( *322 )/4 = 0.44 Say 1 For ve moment Md= 447.48 KNm M u,lim = 389.71 X 106 Nmm Md> M u,lim So doubly reinforced section M u,lim = 0.87 * 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) 389.38 X 106 = 0.87* 415*Ast * 560 * (1- Ast * 415/300*560*30) Ast1 = 2403 mm2
Md- M u,lim = (fsc fcc) Asc *(d-d) Fsc= 354 N/ mm2 and fcc = 0.446 fck (447.48 - 389.71 ) X 106 = (354 0.446 * 30) Asc * (560 40) Asc = 326.158 mm2 Corresponding tension steel Ast2 0.87fy* Ast2 = fsc * Asc Ast2 = 319.789 mm2 Therefore, Ast= Ast1 + Ast2 = (2403 + 319.789) mm2 = 722.789 mm2 Asc= 326.158 mm2 Providing 25mm bar at top No. 6 For Asc, No. of bar = 2, 16 mm (bottom)
The above design also fulfill the standards of IS 13920 : 1993, clause 6.1.1, clause 6.1.2,clause 6.1.3, clause 6.1.4, clause 6.2.1, clause 6.2.2, clause 6.2.3 and detailing is done also considering the standards of code IS 13920 : 1993, clause 6.2 and 6.3.
Design of column Grade of concrete M30 Reference Calculation Grade of steel Fe415 Rema rks Design of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Column of size 450 X 450 Sample Calculation: For Column ID -5374 Ultimate Load, Pu = 180.739KN Mux = 178.2433KNm (FRO Muy = 193.2118KNm Column Section =450mm 450mm Grade of concrete =M30 Grade of Steel = Fe 415 Design Steps: Assume following data Clear cover = 40mm Diameter of longitudinal Reinforcement = 20mm So, effective cover =40+20/2 =50mm Effective length =.65*3 =1.95m Effective length/least lateral dimension =1.95*1000/450 =4.33<12(short column) M SAP)
Minimum eccentricity =L/500+Least dimension/3020mm IS 456:2000 (cl.25.4) Moment due to minimum eccentricity Mux=Pu*eminx =180.739*.021 =3.795 KNm<178.243KNm Muy= Pu*eminy =180.739*.021 =3.795 KNm<193.212KNm Therefore, Mux = 178.2433 KN-m Muy = 193.2118 KN-m Assuming area of steel (p) = 3% p/fck =0.1 Assuming Steel is distributed uniformly on four sides, Determination of uniaxial moment capacity of the section about X-X axis Pu/fckbD= 180.739103 / (30450450) =0.0297 d/D = 50/450 =0.1 For given, d/D, Pu/fckbD and p/fck Mux,l/fckbD2= Muy,l/fckbD2 =0.14 (From chart 44) Using IS: 456-2000( SP-16 ) Puz =0.45fck Ac + 0.75 fy As = 0.45304502(1-0.03) +0.754150.034502 =4542.58 KN
Mux1 =Muy1 =.125*450*450**2 =382.725 KN-m
Pu/Puz =180.739/4542.58 =0.039 < 2 =1.0 SP :16, Clause 3.3 Or, (178.2433 /382.725)+( 193.2118 /382.725) =0.97 <1 Ok. So, Area of steel , Ast = 0.03 450450 = 6075 mm2 For check ,
Design of Transverse Reinforcement: Diameter of ties ( ) < largest bar diameter used in column (IS456:20 00, cl. .c.1) Determination of Pitch P<300mm <16 of longitudinal P<48tranverse bar Spacing.5times least lateral dimension of the section =.5*450 =225mm >6mm So , adopt dia. of ties () =8mm
For end portion of hc/6 from both ends: Spacing of ties = (B or D )/4 < 100mm =450/4 =112.5mm >100mm
So spacing of ties at ends in hc/6 portion = 8mm 100mm c/c For mid portion: Spacing of ties = (B or D ) /2 = 450/2 =225mm So provide 8mm 225mm c/c.
Column of size 500 X 500 Sample Calculation: Ultimate Load, Pu = 223.749 KN Mux = 85.6964 KN-m Muy = 65.986 KN-m Column Section =500mm 500mm Grade of concrete =M30 Grade of Steel = Fe 415 Design Steps: Assume following data Clear cover = 40mm Diameter of longitudinal Reinforcement =32mm So, effective cover =40+32/2 =56mm Effective length =.65*3 =1.95m Effective length/least lateral dimension =1.95*1000/500 =3.9<12(short
column) IS 456:2000 (cl.25.4) eminy=3000/500+500/30 =22.667mm>20mm Moment due to minimum eccentricity Mux=Pu*eminx =223.794*.02267 =5.073 KNm<85.6964KNm Muy= Pu*eminy =223.794*.02267 =5.073 KNm<65.986KNm Therefore Assuming area of steel (p) = 1% p/fck =1/30 =0.033 SP-16 chart-45 Pu/fckbD= 223,794103 / (30500500) =.0298 d/D = 56/500 =0.112~.15 For given, d/D, Pu/fckbD and p/fck Assuming Steel is distributed uniformly on four sides, Mux,l/fckbD2= Muy,l/fckbD2 =0.055 SP :16, Clause 3.1
Mux1 =Muy1 = .05530500500=206.25 KN-m
Puz =0.45fck Ac + 0.75 fy As = 0.45305002(1-0.01) +0.754150.015002 =4119.375 KN Pu/Puz =223.794/4119.375 =0.0542 =1 For check ,
SP :16, Clause 3.1 = (85.6964/206.25) + (65.986/206.25) = 0.734 <1 OK So, Area of steel, Ast = 0.01 500500 = 2500 mm2 Provide, 8-22mm Design of Transverse Reinforcement: Diameter of ties ( ) < largest bar diameter used in column (IS456:20 00, cl. .c.1) Clear height of column (hc) = 3000-2*150/2 =2850mm hc/6 =2850/6=475mm >450mm (OK) For end portion of hc/6 from both ends: Spacing of ties = (B or D )/4 < 100mm =500/4 =125mm >100mm So spacing of ties at ends in hc/6 portion = 8mm 100mm c/c For mid portion: Spacing of ties = (B or D ) /2 = 500/2 =250mm<300mm So provide 8mm 250mm c/c. >6mm So , adopt dia. Of ties () =8mm
Column of Size 700 X 700 Design of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Sample Calculation: For Column ID -5149 Ultimate Load, Pu = 483.829KN Mux = 253.43 KN-m Muy = 405.3476 KN-m Column Section =700mm 700mm Grade of concrete =M30 Grade of Steel = Fe 415 Design Steps: Assume following data Clear cover = 40mm SP :16, Clause 3.1 Diameter of longitudinal Reinforcement =32mm So, effective cover =40+32/2 =56mm Effective length =.65*3 =1.95m
Effective length/least lateral dimension =1.95*1000/700 =4.33<12(short column) Minimum eccentricity =L/500+Least dimension/3020mm eminx =3000/500+700/30 =29.33mm>20mm eminy=3000/500+700/30 =29.33mm>20mm Moment due to minimum eccentricity Mux=Pu*eminx =483.829*.02933 =14.19 KNm<253.43KNm Muy= Pu*eminy =483.829*.02933 =14.19 KNm<405.3476KNm Therefore SP-16 chart-44 Assuming area of steel (p) = 2% p/fck =2/30 =0.067 Pu/fckbD= 483.829103 / (30700700) =.0329 SP :16, Clause 3.1 d/D = 56/700 =0.08 For given, d/D, Pu/fckbD and p/fck Assuming Steel is distributed uniformly on four sides, Mux,l/fckbD2= Muy,l/fckbD2 =0.095
Mux1 =Muy1 = .09530700700=977.55 KN-m
=1 For check ,
So, Area of steel , Ast = 0.02 700700 = 9800 mm2 Provide, 8-32mm + 8-22mm Design of Transverse Reinforcement: Diameter of ties ( ) < largest bar diameter used in column >6mm So , adopt dia. Of ties () =8mm Clear height of column (hc) = 3000-2*150/2 =2850mm hc/6 =2850/6=475mm >450mm (OK) For end portion of hc/6 from both ends: Spacing of ties = (B or D )/4 < 100mm =700/4 =175mm >100mm So spacing of ties at ends in hc/6 portion = 8mm 100mm c/c For mid portion: Spacing of ties = (B or D ) /2 = 700/2 =350mm>300mm
The above design also fulfill the standards of IS 13920 : 1993, clause 7.1.1, clause 7.1.2,clause 7.1.3, and detailing is done also considering the standards of code IS 13920 : 1993, clause 7.2, clause 7.3 and clause 7.4.
Design of Shear wall Sample detailing of 2.6 m structural wall with boundary element at lower basement according to IS13920:1993 Materials: Grade of concrete = M30 Grade of steel = Fe415 Ref. Shell element :1079(57) Direction Dimension y 2 IS:13920:1993 Cl.9.4.1 2.6 no. 2 Mu(kNm) 89.44 Pu(kN) 8271.05 Step 1 Calculations Description: yz plane. Output
Check whether boundary elements are required: Extreme fibre compressive stress in the wall should not exceed 0.2 fck L = 3050 mm tw = 200 mm Ag = 610000 mm2 Ix = 4.73*E11 mm4 (200*30503/12) y = 1525 mm 0.2 fck = 6 N/mm2 fc = Pu /Ag + Mu.y/Iy Hence, boundar y elements required.
= 13.55mm2>0.2 fck
3 IS:13920:1993 Cl.9.1.5
Check whether two curtains are required: Two curtains of bars is required if thickness of wall is more than 200mm or if the factored shear stress is more than 0.25 fck. 1.25 fck = 37.50 > Vu Provide Shear stress = Vu = 16.05kN Providing two curtains. two curtains.
Minimum reinforcement required in longitudinal and transverse direction: 0.25 % of gross area
Shear strength requirement: Vu = 16.05kN v = Vu / twdw =0.0328 N/mm2 c = 0.37 N/mm2 for 0.25% of steel dw= effective depth of wall section taken as 0.8 * lw lw=.8L
Tb. 19 Tb.20
c,max = 4 N/mm2 v < c Hence, providing minimum reinforcement in each direction. Maximum spacing of reinforcement: Description max. spacing for 3.05wall max. spacing for 6.1m wall
IS 13920:1993 Cl.9.1.7
provide 12mm
Gross area per meter of wall = tw * 1000 mm2 (per meter of wall) = 200 * 1000 mm2 = 200000 mm2 The required area of reinforcement area of
reinforcement in each direction per meter of wall is, 0.0025 * 200000 = 500 mm2 per meter. Required spacing of 12mm dia. Bar (in two curtains, As = 2 * 113.04 mm2) : S (required) = (2 * 113.04) * 1000/ 500 = 452.16 mm Hence, Providing spacing of 400 mm for 3.05m shear wall. S > max. spacing as specified by code.
IS 13920:1993 Annex A
Flexure strength requirement : Mu = 89.44 kNm Pu = 8271.059kN d' = 26 d'/D = 0.1 = Pu/ = 0.636375 p/ fck = 0.0000625
= (0.87*fy*p ) / fck = 0.002256 xu/lw = ( +)/(2 + 0.36) = 1.626 xu*/lw = 0.69 Moment of resistance = Muv/fck tw lw2 = 0.5157 1 = 0.3548 2 = 0.4166 3 = -0.01739 therefore, Mux/fck tw lw2 = 0.1116 Muv = 6036.08985 kNm 7 Checking adequacy of boundary element: a. Calculations for the longitudinal bars: Let us assume that the size of column is adequate for boundary element. Size of boundary element : Length = 800 mm Breathe = 800 mm Take clear cover = 40 mm Dia. of bar = 25 mm Farzad Naiem Axial load on boundary element is calculated as, Axial load on wall/2 + moment / width of wall Ultimate axial load on boundary wall = 6652 kN IS 13920:1993 Percentage of vertical reinforcement in the boundary elements shall not be less than 0.8%, nor greater than
Cl. 9.4.4
6%. In order to avoid the congestion, practical limit would be 4%. Taking 2.5% of gross area as reinforcement bar. Ultimate load capacity of boundary element: Pu, = 0.4fck Ag + (0.67 fy -0.4fck) As
SP 16
where, Ag = 800 * 800 mm2 = 640000 mm2 As = 2.5% of Ag = 0.0025 * 640000 = 16000 mm2 Therefore, Pu,max = 11936.8 kN ( > 6652 kN ) Hence, provided size of boundary element is adequate for the ultimate load. Then, Dia. of bar = 25mm Ast = 491.07 mm2 no. of bars = As / Ast = 16000 / 491.07 = 32 Actual area of steel = 16198.84 mm2 Actual % of steel = 2.53% Hence, Provide 32 bars of 25 mm diameter distributed on the No. four sides of section . Min. spacing = dia. of bar = 25mm bars provided of Pu,capacity > Pu
= 5 mm more than the nominal maximum = 32 size of aggregate. Spacing in 800mm length= (800 2*40 25 )/(8 1) = 99 mm Hence, provide: Dimensio n no. of bars clear cover spacing 40 99 mm 40 99 mm 8 8 S mm 100 800 mm 800 mm
b. Calculations for the confinement bars: IS 13920:1993 Cl. 9.4.5 Boundary elements, where required, as per Cl.9.4.1 (already defined above), shall be provided throughout their height, with special confining reinforcement. Spacing of hoops shall not exceed 1/4 th of min. Cl.7.4.6 member dimension but need not be less than 75mm nor more than 100 mm of min. dimension = *800 = 200 mm Hence, Providing 100mm spacing. Cl. 7.4.8 Spacing of confine ment =
The area of cross section , Ash of the bar forming bars reinforcement shall not be less than, Ash = 0.18 S h fck / fy [ Ag / Ak 1 ]
Where, S = 100 mm h = 272 mm Providing 12mm rectangular hoops Ak = area of concrete core = 744 * 744 mm2 =553536 mm2 Ag = 800 * 800 = 640000 mm Therefore, Ash = 0.18 S h fck / fy [ Ag / Ak 1 ] = 55.28mm2 < 113.143mm2 Hence, providing 12mm confining bars at 100mm spacing as confining reinforcement. O.K
Concrete grade M20 Steel Fe415 Clear height of the basement wall , H =3 Specific weight of soil, soil = 16.5 kN/m3 Angle of internal friction, = 30. Surcharge load , = 19 kN/m2 Safe bearing capacity, qs = 150 kN/m2 2 IS 456:2000 Cl. 32.3.4 Let effective depth of wall, d = H/15 = 3000/15 = 200 mm Take clear 25 mm, diameter of bar = 16 mm Provide overall depth, D = 233 mm Effective depth, d = 200 mm Slenderness ratio = H/d = 15 < 30 O.K D = 240 mm, d = 207 mm Approximate design of section
Moment Calculations Coeff. of earth pressure Ka = (1 sin )/(1 +sin ) = 0.3333 Lateral load due to soil pressure pa = 1/2kaH = 24.50 kN/m Lateral load due to surcharge load ps = kawH = 18.81 kN/m Characteristic moment at the base of the wall, Mc =
paH/3 + psH/2 = 52.715 kNm Design moment Md = 1.5 Mc = 79.07 kNm 4 Check for the depth
Md = 79.07 kNm
Considering unit length of wall, Mu,lim = 0.138fckbd2 = 118.26 kNm > Md Depth of wall from moment consideration, d = (Md/0.138fckb) 5
1147.22mm2 Min. area of tensile reinforcement = 0.12% of bd = 248.4 mm2 Max. spacing = 3d = 621 mm or 450 mm Max. dia of reinforcement = D/8 = 30 mm Providing 16 mm bar, Ab = 201.143 mm2 Spacing of bar Sv = 175.25 Actual Ast = 1183.19mm Actual pt = 0.4605% For front face provide nominal vertical reinforcement 12mm @ 300mm c/c 6 Check for shear Shear force V = 0.5kaH2 = 23.98 kN Design shear force Vu = 1.5V = 35.96 kN Nominal shear stress v =Vu/bd = 0.174 N/mm2 Permissible shear stress c = 0.469 N/mm2 >v No shear reinforcement
IS 456:2000 Cl.
table 19
IS 456:2000 cl.23.2
Leff = H+d = 3.207 m Allowable deflection = Leff/250 = 12.83mm Actual deflection = Psleff4/8EI+Paleff4/30EI = 11.5mm < 12.83 O.K
IS 456:2000 cl 32.5
Area of horizontal steel reinforcement = 0.0012DH = 864mm2 As the temperature changes occurs at the front face of the basement wall,2/3 of the horizontal reinforcement Is provided at the front face and remaining at inner face. i. So front face horizontal reinforcement = 2/3 of area of ho. Reinforcement = 576mm2 Providing 8mm dia bar Ab = 50.286 mm2 No of bars N = 576/50.286 = 12 Spacing = (H clear cover )/(N-1) = 269 mm Max spacing 3d = 621or 450 mm Inner face reinforcement= 1/3*1176 = 288 mm2 ii. Providing 8mm bars No of bars N = 6 Spacing = 166.7 mm Max spacing 3d = 621 or 450 9 Curtailment of Reinforcement No bars can be curtailed in less than Ld distance from the bottom of the stem,
Ld = 564mm The curtailment of bars can be done in two layers 1/3 and 2/3 height of steam above the base. Let us curtail bars at 1/3 distance i.e. 1000mm from base, Lateral load due to soil pressure, Pa = 10.65KN/m Lateral load due to surcharge load, Ps = 12.65KN/m Characteristics BM at base of the wall is, Mc = paH/3 + psH/2 = 29.625 kNm Design moment ,M=1.5 Mc=44.44KNm Ast = 620mm2 No. of bars = 8 Spacing = 142.8 Provide 10mm@140mm c/c
Design of Mat foundation Required data: Case considered = 1.5(DL + LL) Total design load (P) = 403065.4 KN (From SAP) From soil investigation report, Safe soil bearing capacity = 150 KN/m2 Grade of concrete = M20 Grade of steel = Fe415
Calculation of centre of gravity of plan area Taking moment of column load about outer face of the mat, X = = 95.31 ft Y = = 36.96 ft Geometric centre of mat foundation, X = = 100 ft Y = = 37 ft ex = X X = 100 - 95.31 = 4.69 ft =1.43 m ey = Y Y = 37 36.96 = 0.04 ft 0 m Calculation of MOI Ixx = 82190.29 m4 Iyy = 505873.19 m4 Area coverage of mat = 1532.17 m2 Mxx = P ey = 403065.4 0 = 0 Myy = P ex = 403065.4 1.43 = 576383.52 KNm = 263.07 KN/m2
Soil pressure calculation at different points: At corner A-2 A-2 = 263.07 + (18.79 - 30.48) = 249.18 KN/m2 At corner A-3 A-3 = 263.07 + (37.08 - 30.48) = 270.6 KN/m2 At corner B-1 B-1 = 263.07 + (0 - 30.48) = 228.33 KN/m2 At corner B-4 B-4 = 263.07 + (66.57 - 30.48) = 304.21 KN/m2 At corner C-1 C-1 = 263.07 + (0 - 30.48) = 228.33 KN/m2 At corner C-4 C-4 = 263.07 + (66.57 - 30.48) = 304.21 KN/m2 In x-direction the raft is divided into three strips, that is three equivalent beam
(i) (ii)
Beam A-A with 5.35m width and soil pressure of 270.6 KN/m2 Beam B-B with (5.35+19.9/2) = 15.3 m width and soil pressure of 0.5(270.6+304.21) = 287.41 KN/m2 Beam C-C with 9.95 m width and soil pressure of 0.5(304.21+304.21) = 304.21 KN/m2
The bending moment is obtained by using a coefficient of 1/10 as a centre of column, +M = -M =wl2/2 For strip A-A, Maximum moment = 270.6*6.12/10= 1006.25 KNm per meter For strip B-B, Maximum moment = 287.41*6.12/10 = 1069.45 KNm per meter For strip C-C,
Maximum moment = 304.21*6.12/10 = 1131.96 KNm per meter For any strip in Y-direction, taking coefficient of 1/10 with maximum centre to centre length of 6.7m For strip 1-1, Maximum moment = 228.33*6.72/10 = 1024.97KNm per meter For strip 2-2, Maximum moment = 0.5*(228.33+249.13)*6.72/10 = 1071.61KNm per meter Similarly, for strip 3-3, maximum moment = 1166.53 KNm per meter For strip 4-4, maximum moment = 1290.16 KNm per meter (i) Calculation of depth of foundation Depending upon moment criteria, taking maximum moment in either direction, Maximum moment is occurring for strip M = 1920.16 KNm per meter Mu,lim /(fck* b*d2) = 0.138 Mu,lim = 0.138*30*1000*d2 1290.16*10^6 = 0.138*30*1000*d2 d = 558.24 m
Calculation of depth from two way shear, The depth of the raft will be governed by two-way shear at one of the exterior column, in case location of critical shear Is not obvious it may be necessary to check all possible location. When shear reinforcement is not provided, the calculated shear stress at critical section shall not excess Ksc i.e, v = Ksc (clause 31.6.3, IS 456, 2006) Ks = 0.5 + 3 but not greater than 1
Then, 3 = (19.90+10.75)/66.57 = 0.46 Then, Ks =0.5+0.46 = 0.96 Shear strength of concrete, c = 0.25 *fck = 0.25 *30 = 1.37 N/mm2 = 1369.30 KN/m2 For corner, column say A-1 Column load = 4918KN (from SAP) Perimeter = Po = 2(d/2 + 750) = d + 1500 v = column load/(Po*d) 1.37 = 4918*1000/(d + 1500)*d d = 1287.71mm For side column say A-2 Column load = 6954.92 KN (from sap) Perimeter = 2(0.5d + 750) + (d+560) = 2d + 2000 v = column load/(Po*d) Solving, d = 1191.32mm Adopt, effective depth of 1300mm Total depth= 1350mm (clause 31.6.3, IS 456, 2000)
Alone x- direction Maximum negative moment = maximum positive moment=1131.96KNm/m Then, area of steel, Ast = 2476.97 mm2 Minimum reinforcement = 0.12 * 1000 * 1300 = 1560 mm2 ` Provide 20mm bar, area of single bar = 314.16 mm2 Providing 20 mm @ 140mm c/c in X-direction Alone Y- direction Moment = 1290.16 KNm/m Then, area of steel, Ast =2834.21 mm2 So, providing 20 mm @ 110mm c/c in Y-direction ok
Table 6: Summary of Calculation of reinforcement in foundation SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Mux (moment in X-direction) Muy (moment in Y-direction) Area of Steel in X- direction(Astx) Area of Steel in Y-direction(Asty) Number of bar in X-direction Number of bar in Y-direction Value 1131.96 KNm 1290.96 KNm 20mm @ 140 mm c/c 20 mm @ 110 mm c/c 8 10 Remarks Max ve moment= Max +ve moment Max ve moment= Max +ve moment Provided in per metre width Provided in per metre width Provided in per metre width Provided in per metre width