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Gaurav Dahal (016-816)

Bijay Kumar Sah (016-811)
Sagar Dumre (016-834)
Sudip Karki (016-839)
Ankit Thakur (016-807)

Nepal Engineering College

Changunarayan, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Department of Civil and Rural Engineering
Kathmandu is a rapidly urbanizing with the building construction in every corner of
the city that one can see. Nowadays, with the awareness level of the building owners
increasing than in the past, the trend of having a building analyzed scientifically
before it is actually constructed is growing popularly, especially in the case of the
medium to large residential and commercial buildings, which is a good thing because
such a practice helps construction of the more safer buildings which can eventually
lead to avoidance of loss of lives and property in case of structural failure.

A designer has to deal with various structures ranging from simple ones like curtain
rods and electric poles to more complex one like multi storied frame buildings, shell
roof, bridges, etc. These structures are subjected to various loads like concentrated
loads, uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying loads, live loads, earthquake
loads, and dynamic forces. The structure transfers the loads acting on it to the
supports and ultimately to the ground. While transferring the loads acting on the
structure, the members of the structure are subjected to internal forces like axial force,
shear force, bending and torsion moments. Structural analysis deals with the analyzing
internal forces in the members of the structures.

Structural design deals with sizing various members of the structure to resist the
internal forces to which they are subjected during their effective life span. Unless the
proper structural detailing method is adopted the structural design will be no more
effective. The Indian Standard code for practice should be adopted thoroughly for
proper analysis design and detailing with respect to safety, economy, stability and

The project selected by our group is a Residential building located at Kathmandu.

According to IS 1893:2002, Kathmandu lies in Zone V, the severest one. Hence, the
effect of earth quake is predominant than wind load. Thus, the building is analyzed for
earthquake as lateral load. The seismic coefficient design method as stipulated in IS
1893:2002 is applied to analyze the building for earthquake. Special reinforced
concrete moment resisting frame is considered as the main structural system of the

The project report has been prepared in complete conformity with the various
stipulation in Indian Standards, Code of Practice for Plane and Reinforced Concrete
IS 456-2000, design aids for reinforced concrete to IS456-2000(SP-16), criteria
earthquake resistant design structure IS 1893:2002, ductile detailing of reinforced
concrete structures subjected to seismic forces – code of practice IS 13920:1993, hand
book on concrete reinforcement and detailing SP-34.

Use of this code have emphasized on providing sufficient safety, economy, strength
and ductility besides satisfactory serviceability requirement of cracking and deflection
in concrete structures. These codes are based on principles of Limit State of Design.

This project work has been undertaken as a partial requirement for B.E. degree in
Civil and Rural Engineering. This project work contains structural analysis, design
and detailing of multistoried building located in Kathmandu district. All the
theoretical knowledge of analysis and design acquired on the course work are utilized
with the practical application. The main objective of the project is to acquaint in the
practical aspects of Civil and Rural Engineering. We being the budding engineers of
tomorrow are interested in such analysis and design of structures which will, we hope,
help us in the similar jobs that we might have in our hands in the future.

1.1. Theme of Project Work

This group under the project has undertaken the structural analysis and
design of multistoried residential building. The main aim of project work under
the title is to acquire the knowledge and skill to emphasis of practical application
besides the utilization of analytical methods and design approaches, exposure and
application of various available codes of practices is another aim of the work.

1.2. Objective and Scopes
The specific objectives of the project work are:

 Identification of structural arrangement of the plan.

 Modeling of the building for the structural analysis.
 Detail structural analysis using ETABS.
 Structural design of structural components.
 Structural detailing of members and the system

To achieve the above objectives, the following scope or work is planned.

 Identification of building and requirement of space.

 Determination of structural system of building to undertake the vertical
and horizontal loads.
 Estimation of the loads including those due to earthquake.
 Preliminary design for geometry of structural elements.
 Determination of fundamental time period by free vibration analysis.
 Calculation of the base shear and vertical distribution of equivalent
earthquake load.
 Identification of the load cases and the load combination cases.
 Finite element modeling of the building and the input analysis.
 Structural analysis of building by ETABS for different cases of loads.
 Review of the analysis outputs for design of individual components.
 Design of RCC frame members, walls, mat foundation, staircase and
other by limit state method of design.
 Detailing of individual member and the preparation of drawing as a
part of working construction documents.

1.3 Limitations:
The major goal of this project is to learn and develop the skill of structural
analysis and design. Although the project work is an academic one, every effort
has been made for the project work as practicable as possible. It is expected that
the project report will prove to be helpful in the design of similar type of structure
such as commercial complexes, residential buildings, hotel buildings,
administrative buildings, commercials malls etc. There are some criteria within
which the scope of the project is limited which is listed below:
 This project work is limited to the structural analysis and the design only.
 Design and layout of the building services like water supply pipelines,
electrical appliances, sanitary and sewage are not covered.
 Design of parking facilities is not concerned in this project; however,
basement floor can be used as parking space.
 Soil survey like different soil tests is not carried out for the bearing
capacity of the soil.
 The environmental, socio-economic condition of that locality is not taken
into consideration.
 Cost estimate of the project is not included in this report.


To achieve above objective the following scope of the work is planned:

 Identification of the requirement of the space

 Determination of structural system of building to undertake the vertical and
horizontal loads.
 Estimation of the loads including those due to earthquake.
 Preliminary design for geometry of structural elements.
 Determination of fundamental time period
 Calculation of the base shear and vertical distribution of equivalent earthquake
load by seismic coefficient method.
 Structural analysis of building by ETABS
 Review of the analysis outputs for design of individual components.
 Design of RCC frame members, walls, mat foundation, staircase and other by
limit state method of design.
 Detailing of individual member and the preparation of drawing as a part of
working construction documents.

The typical flowchart diagram of the methodology which will be carried out are as

Analysis and study of Architectural Drawing of

the building

Analysis and Calculation of Structural Vertical


Seismic Load Analysis

Preliminary Design of the Building

Modeling and Analysis of Structure using Etabs

Complete Design

All engineering designs are based on past knowledge and experience.
Whether we perform a conventional design or introduce entirely new concepts, it
becomes necessary to support or justify our actions with reference to pre-existing
knowledge. This project, having a conventional design approach, is invariably
based on certain established practices. The literatures relevant to this project are
discussed below.

A. Nepal National Building Code (NBC 000-1994)

This code aims to standardize building construction practices in a way that
is practicable in the Nepalese context. But its development is relatively
recent and it still lacks many documents (codes) required to support it. To
compensate for this unavailability, the code frequently refers to Indian
Standard codes.

This code has classified the sophistication in design and construction into
the following four types:

I. International state-of-art
II. Professionally engineered structure
III. Buildings of restricted size designed to simple rules-of-
IV. Remote rural buildings where control is impractical
This project belongs to type-II according to this classification.
Furthermore, this code allows the use of international codes provided their
use also meets the NBC requirements. Hence, using IS codes for this
project is justified.

B. Indian Standard (IS) codes

The following IS codes shall be referred to in particular:

a. IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice

This code forms the main basis for the design of RCC structures in
this region. It includes the design of structural elements such as beams,
columns, slabs, staircase and footings. It also mentions the design criteria

for limit states of flexure, shear, compression and torsion and for limit
states of serviceability (i.e., deflection and cracking).

b. IS 875: 1987 (Reaffirmed 1997): Code of Practice for Design Loads

(Other than Earthquake) for Building and Structures
Part 1: Dead Loads – Unit Weights of Building Materials and
Stored Materials

Part 2: Imposed Loads

Part 5: Special Loads and Combinations

The codes provide information for estimation of design loads

on the structures. The part-1 provides the unit weights of
several construction materials as well as the materials that are
commonly stored in building. The part-2 presents data for live
loads that may be assumed for various building types; it does
not deal with the loads occurring in the construction phase and
those caused due to special vibrations. Part-5 deals with load
effects due to temperature, earth pressure, hydrostatic
pressures etc. It also prescribes various load combinations.

Parts 3 and 4 deal with wind and snow loads and are not
relevant to the present design.

c. IS 1893(Part 1): 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of

(Part 1: General Provisions and Buildings)

This code deals with the assessment of seismic loads on

various structures and design of earthquake resistant design of
buildings. It deals with the mechanics of seismic engineering
insofar as it is concerned with the methods of determining
seismic loads and the effects various irregularities in a
building can have upon its seismic response.

d. IS 4326: 1993 (Reaffirmed 2003) Earthquake Resistant Design and

Construction of Buildings – Code of Practice

While IS 1893 is concerned with mechanical aspects of
earthquake engineering, IS 4326 is concerned with the overall
architectural layout, material selection and construction
techniques for seismic resistance. For instance it provides
guidelines for special construction features such as separation
of adjoining structures and architectural plans for better
seismic resistance.

e. IS 5525: 1969 (Reaffirmed 1999) Recommendations for Detailing

of Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Works:
The general techniques for detailing and scheduling of
concrete reinforcement are laid down in this code. The
symbols to be used in plans and schedules, the naming of
various structural components, arrangement of laps and
splices, details at beam-column joints etc. have been explained
herein. The code allows any suitable modifications depending
upon special situations such as seismic resistant design and
detailing. Design features of reinforcements are not dealt with

f. IS 13920: 1993 (Reaffirmed 1998) Ductile Detailing of Reinforced

Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces – Code of
Structural elements exhibit most efficient seismic resistant
behavior when they possess adequate ductility. Reinforcing
the structures such that they show ductile behavior when
subjected to dynamic loads is one of the main principles of
seismic resistant design. This code addresses this issue and
quantitatively describes the positioning and dimensions of
reinforcement in various structural elements such that they
show ductile behavior.

g. IS 1642: 1989 (Reaffirmed 1994) Fire Safety of Buildings (General)

: Details of Construction – Code of Practice:

Fire safety, although a separate and important topic in itself, is
often related with seismic resistant design because it has been
observed that fires are likely to follow earthquakes. Fire safety
demands attention in the design of air-conditioning and smoke
venting, special protection to plumbing, electrification and
surface finishes, as well as architectural considerations for
emergency exit and refuge areas. In addition to these, proper
provisions in the structural design (such as minimum
dimensions and cover of reinforced concrete members) are
necessary, and this is the only matter of concern in this
project. All of these issues are addressed in this code.

h. IS 2950 (Part I): 1981 (Reaffirmed 1998) Code of practice for

design and construction of Raft Foundations:
The building plan provided for the project will most probably
require a mat (raft) foundation, if it is a multi-storied building.
The design of such foundation has been explained in this code.
It covers the design of rigid (i.e., conventional method) as well
as flexible foundations.

C. Textbooks on RCC Design, Earthquake Engineering and other books

a. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design (Jain A.K.)
b. Design of RCC Structural elements by S.S. Bhavikatti
c. Limit State of Reinforced Concrete by P.C. Varghese


The project has been allocated to be completed in the time being of 9 th semester of
Civil and Rural Engineering. The first phase of the project which includes the
theoretical study of RCC design, documents related to seismic design and codes,
architectural corrections needed in the drawing and preliminary design of the

structure has to be completed during the first few weeks of 9th semester.

The second phase of the project will have begun after the first few weeks of the 9 th
semester. The second phase of the project will be comprised of the following tasks:

 Idealization of structure
 Load assessment
 Modeling and Analysis of structure
 Design
 Drawing and Detailing
The tasks can be divided as per following chart:-
Task Time duration

Group formation 5-7 days

Project Selection and Interaction with 5 days


Group Interaction and Project Briefing One week

Project Title and Objective Confirmation 2 days

Proposal Preparation and Submission Two weeks

SAP Study and Learning Three weeks

Drawing Received and Group One week


Preliminary Design of Work One week

Lateral Load Analysis Two weeks

Design and Analysis of Structural Four weeks


The project is entitled, “Design and Analysis of Earthquake Resisting Multistorey
Building” is carried out as prescribed by the Pokhara University and because of the
recent earthquake’s disastrous damages to the houses and buildings. Most of the loss
of lives was because of the collapse of building structures. Due to this catastrophic
incident, we think as we are the future engineers, we have to make the effects of
earthquake minimum. Even though we cannot make the buildings completely
earthquake resistant, we can at least make the loss of lives in less numbers.
From the analysis and design of the hospital building that we are going to do in this
project, we are concluded that a building can withstand substantial amount of
earthquake force to let us stay safe at the moment earthquake strikes and allows
insiders to prepare for safety measures.
The detailing of structure was done as per relevant IS Codes and NBC requirements.
The tools will be used in this project are SAP 2000, AUTO-CAD-7. The structural
members will be designed to restrain the dead, live load and earthquake loads.
Analysis will be done using SAP 2000. Manual vertical and lateral load calculation
will be carried out. Finally based upon the analysis result in Dynamic analysis i.e.
response spectrum method design of the member will be done. In dynamic case self-
calculated eccentricities will be given to the program during analysis. It shall find that
the building frame member have high torsion moment and torsion shear. Base shear
obtained in dynamic case will less than the static case.


a. Indian Standard (IS) codes

i. IS 456: 2000

ii. IS 875: 1987

(Reaffirmed 1997)
Part 1, Part 2, Part

iii. IS 1893(Part 1): 2002 (Part 1)

iv. IS 4326: 1993 (Reaffirmed 2003)

v. IS 5525: 1969 (Reaffirmed 1999)

vi. IS 13920: 1993 (Reaffirmed 1998)

vii. IS 1642: 1989 (Reaffirmed 1994)

b. Textbooks on RCC Design, Earthquake Engineering and other books

i. Jain A.K., Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design

ii. Varghese P.C., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete

iii. Neelam sharma, Design of Reinforced Concrete


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