CBT Questions-1
CBT Questions-1
CBT Questions-1
Q # 2 What is the dead leg in piping system. Piping sections that are potential for internal corrosion
due to flow stagnation. SAES-L-310 (When the length is longer than three times its pipe diameter,
or 1.22 m (4 ft.) whichever is less.)
Q # 4 Leak Test: Ans: A pressure test to ensure tightness of flanged and threaded joints at the test
pressure. It is normally conducted before initial start-up and after T&Is. This leak test is different
from tightness test specified below
Q # 7 If a girth weld having a 12mm thickness, what is the acceptance criteria for Undercut (ASME
B31.3 TABLE-341.3.2)
Q # 8 A girth weld having 150mm length Lack of penetration (LOP) (ASME B31.3 TABLE-341.3.2)
Q # 9 Blank Formula
Q # 12 what is the standard size of specimen (PQR) for V notch impact test (75MM X 10MM)
Q # 15 what is the root gap of header size Is 24 inch and branch size is 12mm.2.5 TO 3
Q # 17 Minimum requirement to verify or check the hardness of a girth welded joint. 225BHN
Q # 18 Minimum thickness or Sch of male part for threaded joint in normal fluid service
Q # 19 what is the standard for factory made wrought butt weld fittings. ASTM A234 WPB
Q # 20 Material Reheated up to below the transformation range and sudden cool. QUIENCHING
Q # 23 who is the responsible to provide the material, Etraction, Fabrication and Testing.
Q # 25 What is the requirement of examination percentage In category D fluids and Normal fluids
service. Not Required
Q # 35 Standard for Gate valve, Globe Valve, Check valve and Ball valve.