CBT Questions
CBT Questions
CBT Questions
3) Welding qualification testing groove is in horizontal & pipe is in vertical position? What is the
5) What is the diameter of pipe when you welding external line-up clamp in pipeline?
6) Which gas is not using in purging?
7) What is the acceptance criteria of undercut?
0.8mm ASME B31.3
8) Which documents required for welding inspection when you are going for inspection?
Approved WPS, Approved weld map, calibration certificates, approved welder JCC
9) What is discontinuity?
An interruption of the typical structure of a material, such as a lack of homogeneity in its
mechanical, metallurgical or physical characteristics.
10) Acceptance criteria for RT?
ASME SEC 5 Article 2
11) Why we are doing charpy impact testing?
To check the toughness of the material/weld metal
12) What is the purging percentage in SS?
13) Why undercut are appear in welding?
Slow travel speed
High welding current
14) Why we are doing pre-heat?
To slow down the cooling rate
To improve weld ability
15) How to find the weld strength?
By tensile test
16) What is the best method to find the surface defect?
17) What is the best method to reduce the residual stresses except PWHT?
Peening, post heating
18) What is the delay time between root pass & hot pass in cross country pipeline?
15 mins for vertical up & 5 mins for vertical down
19) Lamination in weld how can be find out?
20) Lamination in pipe bevel prepared area?
21) Lamination in non-beveled area?
22) PQR, WPS, WPQ abbreviation?
PQR: Procedure qualification record
WPS: Welding procedure specification
WPQ: Welder performance qualification
23) What is the relation between WPS & PQR?
PQR is a supporting document of WPS which records the result of testing a test coupon
24) Nickel welding comparison with SS & CS?
Coefficient of thermal expansion, weldability
25) What is the design code for process piping?
ASME B31.3
26) DCEP & DCEN in which the current is constant?
27) Convex fillet weld calculation?
Throat thickness = 0.707 x leg length
Leg length = 1.141 x throat thickness
28) What is the difference between MIG & MAG welding?
MIG: Metal inert gas welding, the shielding gas is used either argon, helium or a mix of both or a
combination with oxygen.
MAG: Metal active gas welding, the shielding gas is used carbon dioxide instead of inert gas
29) SMAW essential variable other than GTAW?
t pass > 13mm
30) 2G welding position?
Groove horizontal & pipe in vertical position
31) Shielding helps to prevent oxidation?
32) Purging helps to molten weld pool?
33) Strength increases ductility?
34) Plant piping welding defect unacceptable?
35) Pre-heating is always required?
Below 10C & moisture
36) Which dia of electrode not used in all position?
37) TIG welding which conditions are wrong?
38) Welder qualified for 14mm thickness how much he be qualified?
ASME SEC 9 max to be qualified
API-1104 4.8 to 19.1mm
39) PT stands for?
Penetrant test
40) ASME SEC 8 code for?
Pressure vessel
41) Green strips in tungsten stands for?
Pure tungsten
42) MIG/MAG welding have what power source?
Constant current
43) AWS inspector can inspect which method?
44) What defect can be found if used damp electrode?
45) What is the primary element for weld symbols?
Reference line
46) Purging in SS is given for what purpose?
Prevent oxidation
47) Acceptance criteria for RT?
Piping: ASME SEC 5 article 2 / ASME B31.3
Pipeline: API-1104
48) Major difference between MIG/MAG & SMAW welding in nickel steel?
MIG/MAG: Semi-automatic or automatic, wire feed is automatic and active or inert gas is used
SMAW: Electrodes are used with no filler metal addition
49) Corrosion resistance alloying element?
50) Why we need to do PWHT after RT?