CBT Welding Question
CBT Welding Question
CBT Welding Question
14. The pipe is vertical and weld is in vertical what the welding position is?
Ans: 2G Position
15. The welder welded 6” pipe and the minimum weld length how much required for RT?
Ans: Full Length
28. A welded joint has hoop stress of 20% in B31.8 what is its acceptance standard?
Ans: API 1104
39. Which ndt method is used for detecting lamination in non-bevel area of pipe?
Ans: Ultrasonic Test.
40. What defects comes due to usage of dump electrodes?
Ans: Porosity.
41. Welding machine calibration standard?
Ans: BS-7570
1) Duties of welding Inspector
ANS: - There are three stages of duties as follows:-
1) Joint fit up inspection (Root gap, bevel angle etc) . 4) Calibration of welding Machine & ovens.
2) Welder ID card . 5) Base metal, Thickness of base meta & consumable as per WPS.
3) WPS application . 6) Pre heat requirement.
1) Welding Parameters like current, Volt & travel speed. 4) Gas flow rate .
2) Welding process must be verified. 5) Consumable brand.
3) Interpass tempreture measurement.
1) Weld Visual Inspection.
2) Any PWHT requirement.
3) NDE requierement.
2) What is WPS
ANS: - WPS is stands for Welding Procedure Specification.
It is a written document which provides the direction to the person applying the material joining process.
3) What is PQR
ANS: - PQR is stands for Procedure Qualification Record.
PQR is record of variables recorded during the welding of test coupon & to fulfill the required Mechanical properties.
8) What is Polarity
ANS: - Polarity is determined whether the most of the arc energy is concentrated at the electrode surface or surface of the
parent material
20) If Welder qualified in 1 ½” Pipe diameter then what is his qualified range
26) For What diameter GTAW process shall be used for all Pass of weld
ANS: - The GTAW process shall be used for all passes for butt welds and socket welds in piping & nozzles less than 33.4mm
outside diameter (1” NPS). This does not apply to weldolets, sockolets, threadolets & welding bosses.
29) What is the time period for welder renewal & what are the tests are required for renewal
ANS: - Welder renewal time period is within 6 months with below requirements:-
A) Welder shall have passed Mechanical & visual examinations.
B) Alternatively welder may be qualified by volumetric NDE.
C) Renewal of qualification may be done on production work.
30) What type of inspection required during incoming consumable inspection.
ANS: - A) Physical inspection any damaged or rusty
B) Comply the heat number of each pack against MTC.
C) Tensile test, elongation test, impact test & radiography etc.
ANS: - Mechanical test is required to PQR qualification the PQR gives suitability of weld for required mechanical properties.
Tensile test indicates the strength of weld.
Bend test indicates the ductility of the weld.
37) For 20mm thickness how much impact test are required
ANS: - If PQR thickness exceeds 12mm & multiple processes or multiple consumables used, separate impact test specimens
shall be conducted for each process or each consumables.
40) Which Welding process is less sensitivity related to wind
D) None of the Above
53) IF the surface with GAS then PQR have to prepare with IMPACT TEST
54) For “ SOUR SERVICE “ PQR is prepared with hardness
59) Weldolet :-
ANS: - Weldolet is used for butt weld branch connection where standard TEE is not available due to size
60) Sockolet :-
ANS: - Sockolet is used for socket welding of branch connection where require reinforcing pad.
1) Pipes is identified by NB 1) Tubes is identified by OD
2) Thickness is identified by schedule 2) Thickness is identified by Birmingham wire gauge
62) Pre heat
Pre heat is done to slow down the cooling rate; pre heat temperature for CS above 19mm is 800C.
78) GTAW Process shall be used for all the passes for butt weld
Groove weld
Nozzles < 33.4mm OD or 1” NPS
Socket weld
79) GTAW Process shall be used for root pass for butt weld
Groove weld
Nozzles 60.3 mm OD or less
Socket weld
80) When internal coatings are specified on pipe lines , the GTAW process shall be used for the root pass of butt
welds ie for below 24” O.D.
82) Dissimilar metal welds are defined as any weld joint between ferritic steel & austenic steel, duplex stainless
steel or nickel base alloy.
83) Joint Preparation:- Oil, moisture, rust, scale, sand, paint or other foreign material shall be removed from the
weld surface & at least 25mm adjacent base metal prior to welding.
84) Buttering: - Buttering or weld build up on the prepared surface shall not exceed the lesser of 1/3 rd of the base
metal thickness or 10mm. Without the approval of CSD.
The buttering operation shall be witnessed by Saudi Aramco inspection.
The buttering shall be inspected by PT or MT after completion the build up but before final welding of the joint.
Buttering of joints between dissimilar metal joints requires prior approval by CSD.
85) Welding Environment: - GTAW, GMAW, FCAW shall not be used for field or yard fabrication unless adequate
windshields are used.
Wind velocity in the weld area for GTAW, GMAW or FCAW shall not exceed 8 KPH or 2.2 M / Sec.
94) Production welds hardness testing (For SAES W-011 on plot piping).
Maximum gap 3 mm
Minimum gap 1.5 mm BEFORE WELDING.
QA/QC organization to monitor work in progress without notice from Construction Organization
QA/QC organization shall be notified of the timing of Inspection or test in advance. However, the
inspection or test shall be performed as scheduled if the QA/QC organization representative is not
QA/QC organization shall be notified of the timing of inspection or test in advance. Inspection or test
shall not be carried out without the QA/QC organization representative in attendance.
Review: Review of Documents.
Nondestructive test
Nondestructive testing is a method that does not damage or destroy the material or product being tested.
Example: - Radiographic test, Ultrasonic test, Magnetic particle test, Liquid penetrant test etc.
Radiation sources :-
X rays
Gamma rays (iridium 192)
Cobalt 60
Selenium 75
Radiographic film :-
Industrial radiographic film shall be either Type I or Type II.
Film shall be selected to produce radiographs possessing acceptable sensitivity, density & contrast.
Type I film shall be used for radiography of pipe diameters of 8 inch or less NPS.
Radiographic contrast :-
Radiographic contrast is the degree of density difference between two areas on a radiograph.
Radiographic density :-
The overall degree of darkening of an exposed film is referred to as radiographic density.
Radiographic sensitivity :-
Radiographic sensitivity is the combination of radiographic contrast and radiographic definition.
Sensitivity is judged by IQI also called as penetrameter.
Densitometer :-
Densitometer shall be used to measure the density of the film. The densitometer shall be calibrated
(12 month) annually in accordance with ASTM E-1079.
Periodic calibration verification check shall be performed at the beginning of each shift. After 8 hours of
continuous use.
Radiographic Technique :-
A single wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography whenever practical. When it is not
practical to use single wall technique, then a double wall technique shall be used.
1) Single wall technique
2) Double wall technique
Ug = Ft / do
Ug = Geometrical Unsharpness
F = Greatest dimension of source
do = Source to object distance
t = object to film distance
Magnetic particle examination use for the examination on ferrous materials for surface indications by using wet
or dry method.
Yoke Technique :-
There are two types of yokes technique
A) AC yoke
B) DC Yoke
AC Yoke Technique :-
AC yoke method should be used for surface discontinuities, AC yokes shall be tested prior to use each day
with minimum 4.5 kg (10 lb.) lifting capacity.
DC Yoke Technique :-
DC yoke method should be used for subsurface discontinuities, DC yokes shall be tested prior to use each
day with a minimum 18 kg (40 lb.) lifting capacity.
Surface Preparation :-
All surfaces to be examined and dry adjacent area within 1” inch of the examination area shall be free
from rust, scale, slag, sand, grease & paint etc.
Surface Temperature :-
A) Surface temperatures shall not exceed 3160C when using dry particles.
B) Surface temperatures shall not exceed 500C when using wet particles.
Clean the examination surface and adjacent area within 3” inches of the examination area.
Sensitivity Verification :-
Pie gauge or burmah Castrol strip may be used to verify adequate magnetization of part.
Prod technique :-
The prod technique should not be used on highly polished or machined surface due to the possibility of
arc damage to the surface.
Direction of magnetization :-
For welds on flat surfaces, the yoke shall be placed across the weld at an angle of 300 to 450 from the long
axis of the weld. The second examination shall be perpendicular to the first examination forming an “X”
For examining circumferential pipe & fillet welds, the yoke shall be initially positioned, so the legs straddle
the weld & applied field is perpendicular to the long axis of the weld.
For second examination the yoke leg shall be positioned parallel to the long axis of the weld.
Standard Saudi Aramco developer is non aqueous is an aerosol can sprayed at 10” to 12” from the surface.
(From 250 to 300mm).
Inspection lighting :-
White lighting minimum 1000 lux.
Post cleaning :-
Wipe surface clean with dry cloth. Post cleaning shall be performed on all components that have been PT
Interpretation :-
Final interpretation shall be made within 10 to 30 minutes of applying the developer.
Safety (540):-
Penetrant materials shall not be heated above 540C or exposed to open flames.
Surface Preparation :-
Welds or area to be examined & 1” (25.4mm) on either side of the weld or area, shall be dry & free from
all dirt, grease, scale, welding spatter, welding flux, paint, oil & any other foreign material.
Developers should be applied (smoothly) lightly, if it is necessary to remove developer which was
determined to be excessive, the test shall be restarted at the pre cleaning step.
Instruments :-
The UTT instrument shall have an A-scan display to assist the operator in discrimination of
test results. Only portable hand held ultrasonic thickness instruments from the Saudi
Aramco approved equipment list are acceptable.
Transducers :-
Transducers shall be within the manufactures operating specifications for the instrument
being used. When selecting a transducers consideration shall be given to the
surface temperature, expected thickness of the specimen and the resolution required.
Transducers may contain single or dual elements. Digital thickness meters with A-scan
presentation shall use only manufacturers provided transducers.
Calibration Blocks :-
Shall have a sound velocity within +/- 5 % of the material to be tested.
Use of SAMMS 4340 material is acceptable for most carbon and stainless steel application.
When absolute precision is required calibration shall be performed on blocks made of the
same material being tested or on known thickness values of the specimen.
Couplant :-
Couplant selection shall be depending on chemical compability with the surface and the
temperature of the specimen.
Calibration :-
The proper functioning of the examination system shall be checked and the equipment
shall be calibrated by the use of the calibration standard
1) At the beginning & end of each shift.
2) Every four hours during examinations.
3) When examination personnel are changed.
4) Any equipment is changed.
5) At any time that malfunctioning is suspected.
Apply couplant to the step wedge or calibration blocks and apply firm steady pressure to
the transduced during calibration.
All calibration values shall be within +/- 0.05mm of the known thickness value.
Examination :-
Surface Preparation
The test area shall be free of corrosion, insulation, weld spatter, surface irregularities or
foreign matter that might interfere with the examination.
Where coatings interfere with the examination, the coating shall be removed and
Measurement :-
Examination shall be conducted from the OD surface or ID surface, as applicable.
It is necessary that the examiner take into consideration the surface temperature of the
If the surface temperature is below 00c and above 1010c, the surface temperature shall be
measured and recorded.
Apply couplant to the probe or surface of the specimen.
For high temperature measurements, couplant should always be applied to the face of the
probe, not the hot part.
All digital readings shall be verified by viewing the A-scan presentation on the instrument
Thickness readings shall be measured and recorded to three decimal places when working
in inches.
Thickness readings shall be measured and recorded to two decimal places when working
in millimeters.
The transducer face shall be cleaned before each measurement at temperature greater
than 4000F as evaporated couplant can leave deposits on the transducer face.
The transducer shall not be held against “hot surfaces” for long time. It shall be held for
few second to establish steady reading and then removed immediately.
Use the “touch test” to monitor the transducer temperature. If the transducer face is too
hot to be held against your skin then it shall be cooled in air or water prior to taking
High viscosity couplants are not acceptable for calibration but are usually required for high
temperature measurements.
Post Cleaning :-
All water based couplant shall be completely removed from the specimen i.e., wiped with
a dry absorbent cloth or towel, fresh water wash etc.
Scope :-
This procedure is applicable for the ultrasonic examination of butt welds using pulse echo,
contact, manual technique based on the requirements of ASME Section VIII Division I and its
references. This procedure may be used for thickness from 6mm to 100mm.
This procedure is not applicable for TKY & Nozzle joints.
Calibration :-
Side drill hole shall be used for calibration to identify the discontinuity of weld joints.
VI Block shall be used to calibrate the ultrasonic instrument to verify the beam of exit
Distance amplitude correction to be drawn by using (SDH) side drill hole
First indication from 1/4T to 20% of sweep
Second indication from 3/4T to 60% of sweep
Third indication from square notch on the opposite surface of 80% of sweep.
Type of Defects :-
Planer defects: - Cracks, lack of side wall fusion and lack of penetration are unacceptable
regardless of length.
Non Planer defects: - Porosity, slag etc.
Probe selection :-
700 Angle beam for root.
600 Angle probe for side wall.
450 Angle probe for high thickness to identify toe crack at weld reinforcement.
Probes :-
2.25 MHz nominal frequency probe are recommended.
It is also permissible to choose other frequencies between 1 to 5 MHz
For Flat surface use a ½” to 1” diameter probe.
For curved surfaces below 18” diameter use a 10mm diameter probe.
The material for the blocks shall be of the same product form and equivalent P number
grouping as one of the materials being fabricated. P-Numbers 1,3,4,5 being considered equivalent.
Scanning :-
The scanning shall be carried out from one face of the plate or from outside if a pipe weld is
being examined.
The scanning speed shall be less than 150mm per sec.
The scanning shall be 100%, i.e. the entire examination volume shall be scanned by moving the
search unit in parallel paths with 10% overlap of the transducer in a direction perpendicular to
the scanning direction.
The scanning shall be done at a gain setting 6dB higher than the DAC reference; it is however
recommended to increase the gain 14dB above DAC.
This will bring 20% DAC to 100% DAC on the screen and ensure all indications 20% of DAC are
clearly observed.
The record of all indications shall be made in terms of the shape, location, depth and identity
of the reflector. The record shall include a sketch of the job showing clearly the location of all
recorded indications.