How To Cope With Suicidal Thoughts
How To Cope With Suicidal Thoughts
How To Cope With Suicidal Thoughts
How to cope
This factsheet may help you if you are dealing with suicidal thoughts,
feelings, or intentions. It has ideas you can try to help you. It explains how
you can stay safe, and how you can get support. This information is for
adults in England who are experiencing suicidal thoughts. It’s also for their
loved ones, carers and anyone interested in the subject.
• You can talk about how you’re feeling with someone you trust.
Also, you can call an emotional support helpline like the
Samaritans on 116 123.
• You can contact your local NHS urgent mental health helpline to
get urgent support.
• You might also be able to get support from your GP, an NHS
crisis team, or an NHS community mental health team.
• You can try to do activities you enjoy, which take your mind off
what you’re thinking.
• If you feel you might harm yourself or try to take your own life you
o call emergency services on 999, or
o go to Accident and Emergency (A&E).
When you’re feeling suicidal, it can feel overwhelming. It may feel like you
have no other option than to act on these feelings. That there’s nothing
that will make the thoughts or feelings go away. Or that it’s the only way
the pain will stop.
Your feelings of pain are very real. But it’s important to know they can
There are things you can do in this moment. It may feel like nothing will
help. But there are things that you can do and you may feel differently
after you’ve tried them. See below for more information.
You can try to get through this moment or this day rather than focusing too
much on the future.
You may have felt like this before, and it may have passed. Try to
remember that this feeling is temporary and it’s likely to pass.
Have a look at the following ideas. You may find one or 2 things that help.
You can try to focus on just getting through now, or today, and not the rest
of your life.
You may have had these thoughts before, but you feel less able to cope
today. You might find that you are more able to cope in a few days.
It could be helpful for you to talk to someone about how you’re feeling.
There are different people who can help. You could speak to friends,
family or your GP.
Remember to be patient. Your friends and family may want to help but
might not know how to straight away. If this happens, you should tell them
what you want from them. You may want to talk about how you’re feeling,
or you may want them to help you get professional help.
If you don’t want to talk to people you know, you could call an emotional
support line. You can also use an emotional support app or use an online
support group.
You can find details or emotional support lines and apps in the Useful
contacts section at the end of this factsheet.
If you don’t have a crisis plan you can make one. You can start to think of
some things which you will find helpful.
If you don’t have a crisis box, you can make one. Section 4 of this
factsheet gives more information about how to make a crisis box.
You may find it too difficult to speak to anyone at the moment. That’s ok.
Being around people can help to keep you safe, even if they don’t know
how you’re feeling.
You could create a Wellness Action Plan to help you to be more self-
aware. It can help you to identify triggers in your life which can make you
unwell. It may help you to write down your triggers.
If you can understand what your triggers are, it can help you to be more in
control of your feelings or stress levels.
You can share your Wellness Action Plan with your family or friends if you
want to. Sometimes it is helpful to share your plan because it can help
them to understand you more.
You can read more about wellness action plans here: https://mentalhealth-
You can see an example of a wellness action plan here:
Different drugs have different effects. For example, cocaine can make you
feel happy and more likely to take risks when you take it. But you may feel
depressed after the effects stop.3
You may be more likely to take your own life if you take illegal drugs.
Go to a safe place
You can go to a place where you feel safe. Below is a list of places you
could try.
• Your bedroom
• Friend or family member’s house
• Mental health centre
• Crisis centre
• Religious or spiritual centre
• Library
• Peer support group
Stay away from things you could use to harm yourself, such as razor
blades or pills.
If you have a lot of medication, you can ask someone to keep it safe for
Ground yourself
When you are feeling suicidal, it can be helpful to do some exercises to
calm your nervous system. Especially if you are feeling panicked, worried,
or overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings.
You can do some grounding exercises that use all your senses. This can
help you to ‘be in the moment’ and to not focus too much on your
Hearing. Listen to a favourite song, sit in nature and listen to the sounds,
or sing.
Smell. Notice smells around you or find something you like the smell of.
Like some soap, a type of food, or an essential oil.
Taste. Find something to taste and do it slowly and mindfully. Savour each
moment. Notice the flavours, how it feels on your tongue, and what
thoughts you have about it.
Touch. Stroke or feel something comforting. Get in a dressing gown or
comfy blanket. Stroke a pet. Suck on some ice. Notice how the different
sensations feels in your body.
Try another grounding exercise
Distract yourself
You might feel it is impossible not to focus on your suicidal thoughts or
why you feel that way. If you focus on your thoughts, it might make them
feel stronger and harder to cope with. So, you can try doing things that
distract you. Think about what you enjoy doing.
Think about your strengths and positive things other people have said
about you. Regularly write down one thing you felt good about, something
good you did, or something good someone did for you.
You may not feel like focusing on the positive. But it might help you to
reframe your thinking. You could try one of the following exercises.
What went well. Write down 3 things that went well so far today. You
might feel like nothing went well. But if you think you can always find
things, however small. It might be as simple as ‘I got out of bed’, ‘I made
breakfast’ or ‘I told someone I was not okay’.
Write down things you’re grateful for. Write down 3 things that you are
grateful for in your life. For example, running water, a close friend, and a
comfy bed. You could also write a letter of thanks to a loved one, saying
how grateful you are. You can focus on the positive things they give you or
You can find more examples of positivity exercises at the link below, which
some people find useful:
Problem solving
You can write down a problem you have and the things that might help to
ease or solve that problem. You can ask someone to help if this feels too
This might help you to reframe the problems into manageable challenges.
You could start with the small challenge and work your way up.
Exercise can have a good effect on your mood and thinking. Exercise is
thought to release dopamine and serotonin. 4 These are ‘feel good’
You can find out more about ‘Physical activity and mental health’ here:
Mindfulness is a type of meditation. It is when you focus on your mind and
body. It is a way of paying attention to the present moment. When you
practice mindfulness, you learn to be more aware of your thoughts and
feelings. Once you are more aware of your thoughts and feelings, you can
learn to deal with them better.
Mindfulness usually benefits wellbeing. But if it’s not working for you, or is
causing you difficulty, stop using it. You can try other relaxation technique
or contact your GP for advice.
Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises can help make you feel calmer and reduce stress.
Below are some exercises you can try.
Breathing exercises usually benefit wellbeing. But if they aren’t working for
you, or are causing you difficulty, stop using them. You can try other
relaxation technique or contact your GP for advice.
Slow breathing
• Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
• Keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
• Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
• Think about how your breathing feels in your body.
• Can you feel it coming in through your nostrils?
• Can you feel it going down your throat, into your lungs?
• Slow down your breathing as much as you can.
• You may find it useful to count as you inhale and exhale.
• See if you can expand your exhale, to make it longer than your
inhale. Can you feel your chest expanding? What about your belly?
• If you start to have upsetting thoughts, try bringing your focus back
to your breathing.
Box breathing
• Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
• Put on some relaxing music if you want.
• Take one deep breath in and out.
• Breathe in for 4 seconds.
• Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
• Breathe out for 6 seconds.
• Hold your breath for 2 seconds.
• Repeat this cycle for 5-10 minutes.
4-5-8 method
These thoughts are common but people who love you won’t agree with
them. You are important and unique, and you matter.
It’s important to know that many people have felt the way you feel, and
have overcome it. They have gone on to live happy and joyful lives. And
have often spoken out about how glad they are they didn’t ending their
Ending your life is very final. There are no second chances. If you’re
reading this now, this is your sign to know you’re not alone and to tell
someone you’re not okay. This may be a loved one, a healthcare
professional or someone else.
All of these different things you can do are called coping strategies. You
might want to have a list of them in your crisis plan, crisis box, or hope
book. You might also want to think about your own coping strategies and
make a list of them.
You can family or friends know what you are going through if you want to.
They may be able to offer support and help keep you safe. They may help
you see your situation in a different way or think of other options.
You can get emotional support from other places. You could talk to:
Staff who work on emotional support lines are trained listeners. They will
let you talk about your feelings and experiences without judging you or
telling you what to do.
You can find details or emotional support lines and apps in the Useful
contacts section at the end of this factsheet.
Peer support groups are where people with similar issues share
experiences with others and get mutual support.
You can search for local mental health support groups on the internet and
• Clic:
• Side by Side:
• 7 Cups:
• Sane:
• Togetherall:
• My Black Dog:
These support groups are for people experiencing mental health issues.
They are not crisis support groups.
3. How can I get professional support?
Passive suicidal thoughts are when you have thoughts of killing yourself,
but don’t have a plan to end your life.
Active suicidal thoughts are when you’re thinking about and planning to
end your life.
You can listen to your gut feeling and if you think your safety is in danger,
it’s best to act immediately. You’ll not be wasting anyone’s time as a
mental health emergency is as seriously as a physical health one.
They can assess what is happening and direct you to the best services
and support for your situation.
Staff at A&E can assess you and may arrange for a mental health
professional to see you. They will decide on the best next steps, which
can include:
You can search for your loved local A&E here:
NHS emergency services (999)
If you think your safety is at risk, you can contact the emergency services
on 999. They may contact mental health services such as the crisis team
or send an ambulance.
Your GP
GP practices usually keep some appointments free for urgent issues. You
might be seen by a GP or a mental health professional, like a community
psychiatric nurse (CPN). They can refer them to the local crisis team if
If you are supported by a crisis team, or have been in the past, then you
can contact them if you need urgent help.
NHS community mental health teams (CMHTs)
Community mental health teams (CMHTs) support people who have
complex or serious mental health problems in the community. They’re
usually only available during office hours on weekdays. You usually need
to be referred to the team by a mental health or social care professional.
If you’re being supported by your local CMHT you can contact your care
coordinator other key contact. If they are not there, talk to whoever is on
duty that day.
Other services
Other services are provided in some areas by the NHS and other
providers, such as charities. These local services can include:
Rethink Mental Illness provide some of these services in some areas. You
can click the ‘Help in your area’ link on our website to search:
You can search online for local crisis services and your local NHS urgent
mental health helpline should know about them too:
Crisis plan
The aim of a crisis plan is to think about what support you need when you
are in crisis. They are sometimes called a safety plans.
The plan should be made before you are in crisis, but it is never too late to
start. You can ask someone to help you to make a crisis plan such as a
friend or support worker.
You could make a list of things that you could do to help yourself.
You can write down the names and numbers of people who would be able
to help you.
There is no set way for how a crisis plan should look. There is a crisis plan
template at the end of this factsheet which you can use.
You should keep your plan in a safe place, and you can change it as you
need to.
You can look online for templates of crisis plans. You’ll find a plan
template on the Papyrus website here:
You cac find more templates and guidance on how to fill one in, on the
Staying Safe website here:
Crisis box
A crisis box has many different names such as a ‘happy box’, a ‘self-
soothe box’, or a ‘hope box.’ You can call it whatever you like. It should be
personal to you.
The idea of a crisis box is that it is filled with items that make you feel
better. You can use it when you feel anxious, stressed, or suicidal.
If you don’t know what to put in your box, you can look online for ideas. It
can be helpful to have a mixture of items, that use all 5 of your senses.
The charity Papyrus has more information about crisis boxes. Click the
below link for more information:
You may also like to create a hope book. This could be a scrap book with
pages covering different things you like. And that make you feel good.
Papyrus has more information about their ‘HOPEBOOK’ below.
Emotional support lines
A charity that offers emotional support for people who are distressed.
Local branches offer telephone support and sometimes face to face
support. The Samaritans helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
National helpline offering supportive listening service to anyone throughout
the UK with thoughts of suicide or thoughts of self-harm. They are open
24/7 for those aged 18 or over.
A charity that provides text support if you’re experiencing a personal crisis
and are unable to cope.
Charity that offers emotional support to people under 35 who are suicidal.
They can also support people who are concerned about someone under
35 who might be suicidal.
C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
CALM is leading a movement against suicide. They offer accredited
confidential, anonymous and free support, information and signposting.
The provide this to people anywhere in the UK through their helpline and
webchat service.
Phone: 0800 58 58 58
Work with anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends
and carers. They provide a helpline and a free text-based support service
called Textcare. And an online supportive forum community where anyone
can share their experiences of mental health.
Support Forum:
Support line offers confidential emotional support by telephone, email and
The Mix
If you’re under 25 and need help but don’t know where to turn, call the Mix
for free. They’ll explore your situation with you and find organisations that
may be able to help you further.
Emotional support lines for LGBT+ people
Switchboard gives practical and emotional support for people in the
LGBT+ community.
Support adult survivors of childhood abuse.
Combat Stress
Charity that offers support to ex-service personnel who are experiencing
problems with their mental health. And their families.
Stay Alive
The Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK. It has
useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if
you are having thoughts of suicide. Or if you are concerned about
someone else who may be considering suicide.
Headspace is designed to help you to manage your mental health. You
can access the app for free, you will have access to basic packages. You
will have to pay a subscription to access more content.
Smiling Mind
Free meditation app.
Residential support
Maytree is a national registered charity based in London. They provide a
unique residential service for people in suicidal crisis so they can talk
about their suicidal thoughts and behaviour. They offer a free 4-night, 5-
day, one-off stay to adults over the age of 18 from across the UK. Their
aim is to provide a safe, confidential, non-medical environment for their
Crisis plan example 1
List three people you can call if you are feeling suicidal
Crisis plan example 2
Who can help me and how? Who can I call? What would I say to someone
else in my situation?
Where can I go that I feel What have I done before that’s If the suicidal feelings won’t
safe? worked? go away, what should I do?
• Go to A&E
• Call 999
What can I do to distract What things make me feel Any other helpful thoughts,
myself? worse that I should avoid? ideas.
National Institute for Health. Alcohol’s effects on the body. (accessed 15 November 2021).
National Institute for Health: National Institute on drug abuse. Drugs, brains and
behaviour: The science of addiction.
behavior-science-addiction/drugs-brain (accessed 15 November 2021).
NHS. Drug addiction: Getting help
getting-help (accessed 15 November 2021).
Lin TW, Kuo YM. Exercise benefits brain function: the monoamine connection. Brain
sciences. 2013 Mar;3(1):39-53. (accessed 15 November 2021).
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Depression in adults:
recognition and management. Clinical Guidance 90 (CG90). London; 2009. Para
NHS. GP appointments and bookings.
appointments-and-bookings/ (accessed on 12 July 2022).
© Rethink Mental Illness 2022
Last updated: October 2022 Next update: October 2025
Version: 9
This factsheet is available in large print.