Matching Mobile Applications For Cross-Promotion
Matching Mobile Applications For Cross-Promotion
Matching Mobile Applications For Cross-Promotion
Received: July 31, 2017 Abstract. The mobile applications (apps) market is one of the most successful software
Revised: December 21, 2018; October 16, 2019 markets. As the platform grows rapidly, with millions of apps and billions of users, search
Accepted: December 15, 2019 costs are increasing tremendously. The challenge is how app developers can target the
Published Online in Articles in Advance: right users with their apps and how consumers can find the apps that fit their needs. Cross-
August 26, 2020 promotion, advertising a mobile app (target app) in another app (source app), is intro- duced as a new app-promotion framework to alleviate the issue of search costs. In this
paper, we model source app user behaviors (downloads and postdownload usages) with
Copyright: © 2020 INFORMS respect to different target apps in cross-promotion campaigns. We construct a novel app
similarity measure using latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling on apps’ production
descriptions and then analyze how the similarity between the source and target apps
influences users’ app download and usage decisions. To estimate the model, we use a
unique data set from a large-scale random matching experiment conducted by a major
mobile advertising company in Korea. The empirical results show that consumers prefer
more diversified apps when they are making download decisions compared with their
usage decisions, which is supported by the psychology literature on people’s variety-
seeking behavior. Lastly, we propose an app-matching system based on machine-learning
models (on app download and usage prediction) and generalized deferred accep-
tance algorithms. The simulation results show that app analytics capability is essential
in building accurate prediction models and in increasing ad effectiveness of cross-
promotion campaigns and that, at the expense of privacy, individual user data can
further improve the matching performance. This paper has implications on the trade-
off between utility and privacy in the growing mobile economy.
Keywords: mobile applications • cross-promotion • matching • search cost • two-sided platform • topic modeling • machine learning •
deferred acceptance • algorithm • mobile analytics
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
866 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
We argue that a lack of efficient market design and In fact, CP has been successfully implemented in
subsequent increased search costs can be the cause of the industry. For example, Tapjoy6 has attracted over
demand concentration in the mobile app market (Evans 10,000 apps with more than 520 million monthly users
et al. 2011). App developers face challenges to spot- and now has been integrated with Google AdMob.7
light their new apps in the presence of millions of According to Tapjoy’s report, the CP network can sig-
other apps. Currently, app visibility heavily relies on nificantly increase user retention, user sessions, and in-
app markets’ in-house ranking systems (Carare 2012, app purchases.8 Social media apps, such as Facebook9
Ifrach and Johari 2014), which list the most popular and Twitter,10 which can be regarded as source apps
and fastest-growing apps in each app genre. Without in a broader definition of CP, have introduced similar
a proper search mechanism, consumers are mainly app-promotion mechanisms. Despite the continued
exposed to the top-ranked apps, which cover only a growth of the CP market, the mechanism and effec-
small fraction of the entire market. The dependency tiveness of this promotion are not well understood in
on rankings can further reinforce the demand con- the academic research and industry compared with
centration. Hence, developers are actively exploring other app marketing strategies.11
various user acquisition channels, including mobile The objective of this paper is to systematically
display ads (MDAs; Qiu et al. 2017), purchased down- understand the CP app-promotion framework by
loads (Li et al. 2016), price promotions (Askalidis 2016, analyzing data collected from a large-scale experi-
Li et al. 2017), and search ads.4 ment conducted in a mobile app ad platform in Korea.
Cross-promotion (CP) is introduced as a new form This platform shares a similar design with Tapjoy in
of targeted advertising in the mobile app market. In a that source app users can earn rewards by down-
CP campaign, an app (which we term target app) is loading corresponding target apps. In the experi-
exposed to potential users who are already using ment, 41,294 CP campaigns were conducted on 215
another app (which we term source app). Essentially, mobile apps (including 127 source and 128 target
consumers can be targeted based on their app usage apps) from November 2013 to May 2014. The cam-
behaviors (i.e., the source app they are using). CP paigns involved approximately 400,000 users whose
campaigns incentivize users to install and use the detailed behaviors (downloads and postdownload
target apps by providing in-app rewards (e.g., free usages) were tracked by an app analytics tool. One
game items) that can be used in the source apps. Both unique feature of this experiment is that source and
source and target app developers are motivated to target apps were randomly matched, enabling us to
participate in CP campaigns for the following rea- explore consumers’ preferences toward different app
sons: (1) because CP is a case of in-app advertising, matches and to design an app-matching platform to
source app developers can monetize their app visi- improve the CP ad effectiveness.
bility,5 and (2) target app developers can reach the To identify the determinants of CP ad effectiveness,
right users by selecting the right source apps as CP we apply multiple econometric models (e.g., linear
campaign partners. Conceptually, a CP network adds regression, tobit model, hurdle model, and two-stage
an extra layer of communication between app de- model) to analyze source app users’ decisions re-
velopers on top of the existing app platform, as il- garding target app download and postdownload
lustrated by Figure 1. With effective app matching, a usage with respect to different source–target app
CP network can help users find adequate apps and matches. Our models incorporate a novel app simi-
provide developers with an effective user acquisition larity measure using topic modeling (Blei et al. 2003)
channel, thus reducing search costs in the market. while controlling for the source and target apps’
Figure 1. (Color online) Conceptual Illustration of Cross-Promotion Network and App Store Platform
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 867
characteristics (e.g., app functional diversity, developer’s can potentially strengthen the vitality of the mobile app
experience, file size, ranking, etc.). The empirical ecosystem.
results show that source–target matching plays a The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
pivotal role in CP ad effectiveness: user retention In Section 2, we review the literature and discuss our
rates and their postdownload usage are high in well- contributions. We describe the data and variable con-
matched CP campaigns. The results also show that struction in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. In Sections 5
although people prefer to download target apps that and 6, we empirically explore consumers’ preferences
are different from source apps (variety seeking), they on apps using multiple econometric models and study
spend more time on target apps that are similar to the overall impact of CP on participating apps and
source apps (consistency seeking). This can be evi- the whole app market. In Section 7, we design an app-
dence of people’s two opposite behaviors that are matching platform for the CP network using machine-
well documented in the marketing and behavioral learning models and matching algorithms. Section 8
economics literature (Simonson 1990, Oliver 1999, concludes the paper with directions for future research.
Adomavicius and Tuzhilin 2005, Johnson et al. 2006,
Adomavicius et al. 2015). In addition, we empirically 2. Literature Review
evaluate the effects of CP participation on source and In this section, we review related studies in the infor-
target apps’ performance by difference-in-differences mation systems, marketing, and economics literature.
(DID) models. The results show that CP campaigns Specifically, our work is related to research strands on the
can significantly improve target apps’ performance, mobile app market, multiproduct promotion, and con-
especially for initially lower ranked apps. In other sistency- and variety-seeking behavior.
words, the CP can help mitigate the demand concen-
tration issue in the app market.
2.1. Mobile App Market and Mobile Advertising
Based on insights from the empirical results, we
With its rapid growth, the mobile app market has
propose an app-matching system based on prediction
attracted increasing attention from the information
models (on app downloads and usages) and matching
systems and economics literature. One strand of re-
algorithms. The current industry practice of source–
search is to investigate the effect of app rankings and
target app matching is mostly based on the public
app characteristics on apps’ demand. Using the daily
information available in the app market (e.g., app
genres, ranks, reviews), and we argue that the resulting top 100 apps data in Apple’s App Store, Carare (2012)
matchings can be suboptimal.12 Our machine-learning and Ifrach and Johari (2014) investigated the causal
models use different levels of information (e.g., public relation between best-seller rank information and app
features, analytics features, and individual user fea- demand. Other characteristics, such as rating, file
tures) to predict the ad effectiveness for possible app size, age, version, app genre, in-app purchase, and in-
matches. The cross-validation results show that an app advertising, are also shown to influence app’s
accurate download prediction model can be constructed demand (Ghose and Han 2014, Lee and Raghu 2014).
with privacy-preserving app features, whereas individ- With a larger number of apps in the market, the mar-
ual user features are necessary for accurate postdown- ket experiences a huge search cost (Levin 2011, Ershov
load usage prediction. Using the prediction models, we 2016). In such a crowded market, app developers
simulate different app-matching algorithms, including a have adopted different advertising strategies: mobile
generalized deferred acceptance algorithm (Gale and display ads (Qiu et al. 2017), purchased downloads
Shapley 1962, Roth 1984, Roth 2008). The matching (Li et al. 2016), price promotions (Askalidis 2016,
simulation results show that app analytics features (Han Li et al. 2017), and search ads.13 CP is a relatively new
et al. 2016) are essential in improving the CP ad ef- app-promotion strategy in the mobile app market,
fectiveness and that, at the expense of privacy, the use which has not been empirically investigated by re-
of individual user data can induce further improve- searchers. The only exception is an analytical paper
ments (Rafieian and Yoganarasimhan 2018b). (Guo et al. 2019) that analyzes when app developers
Our work has important implications for both ac- should offer reward advertising rather than direct
ademia and industry. To the best of our knowledge, selling of premium content. Compared with other
this is the first empirical study on the CP framework. promotion mechanisms, CP achieves a significantly
In that, this research contributes to the growing lit- large number of downloads because of the incentives
erature on the mobile app market, mobile advertising, provided to the source app users who download the
and multiproduct promotion. Our empirical results target app. To a certain extent, CP and the purchased
show the existence of consumers’ variety-seeking be- download share common characteristics in that both
havior discrepancy with digital products. Further- adopt an incentive mechanism, but a major difference
more, the proposed app-matching platform has practical is that in the CP framework, both the promoting and
implications by improving CP ad effectiveness, which the promoted parties are mobile apps.
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
868 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
Mobile apps have also become one of the fastest- purchase history and product usage patterns. Similarly,
growing ad platforms.14 There is a growing literature our paper uses app download and postdownload usage
on mobile targeting, considering various factors, such data for predictions. However, two main differences are
as location, time, weather, trajectory, and product apparent between these works and ours. First, cross-
characteristics (Ghose et al. 2012, 2019; Luo et al. 2013; selling is mainly conducted among products within a
Bart et al. 2014; Molitor et al. 2015). More recently, single company, whereas CP allows multiple app pub-
Rafieian and Yoganarasimhan (2018b) investigate lishers to promote their apps to others’ customers. As a
how incorporating customers’ behavioral features result, incentive compatibility is a critical issue in CP
can significantly improve the display ad effectiveness matching, whereas one only needs to consider the focal
with machine-learning methods. In another paper of firm’s profit in conducting cross-selling campaigns.
Rafieian and Yoganarasimhan (2018a), they also ex- The second difference is the number of products in-
plore the impact of previous ads’ diversity on the volved in the promotions. Most cross-selling studies
consumer’s response to the current ad. Our paper involve a handful of products, and it is easy to rec-
contributes to this strand of literature by empirically ognize cross-product relationships. But hundreds of
evaluating how the CP ad effectiveness changes when thousands of apps are seen in mobile app markets. To
different levels of information (from public data to address the scalability issue in matching a larger
app- and individual-level usage data) is used in mobile number of apps, we build a text-mining approach to
app targeting. quantify app similarity based on textual descriptions.
Product bundling is the sale of two or more sepa-
2.2. Multiproduct Promotion rate products or services in one package (Stremersch
A CP campaign involves multiple products (source and and Tellis 2002). Prior studies focused on companies’
target apps). Thus, our paper is related to the literature optimality of bundling and bundling price (Venkatesh
on multiproduct promotion mechanisms, such as cross- and Mahajan 2009, Bhargava 2012). In addition, other
selling, product bundling, and recommender systems. papers consider how product bundling can be a strategy
Table 1 summarizes representative studies of multi- for new-product introduction or market penetration
product promotions and articulates the unique aspects (Stremersch and Tellis 2002, Lee and O’Connor 2003,
(incentives and sequential consumptions) of CP com- Nalebuff 2004). Related to our paper, Soman and
pared with other multiproduct promotions. Gourville (2001) analyze consumers’ behaviors after
Cross-selling is the practice of selling related products their product bundling purchase, showing that they
or services to existing consumers, which is a well-studied are less likely to consume the purchased products. CP
strategy in the marketing literature (Kamakura 2008). is different from product bundling in two aspects:
Existing studies have focused on how to improve the (1) consumers do not install two products (source and
effectiveness of cross-selling campaigns by accurately target apps) at the same time, and (2) the benefit to the
predicting the purchase probability of new products consumer is the in-app incentives that can be used in
using customer information (Kamakura et al. 2004; Li the source app rather than total price discount.
et al. 2005, 2011). In predicting the new-product adop- CP also shares some characteristics with recom-
tion, these papers use consumer demographics as well as mender systems, which is a widely adopted strategy
in online platforms. There are abundant studies devel- evidence of the existence of consistency- or variety-
oping new algorithms to provide customized recom- seeking behaviors in the mobile app context.
mendations to help customers find the most satisfying
products (Resnick and Varian 1997, Adomavicius and 3. Data
Tuzhilin 2005). There are three main approaches in 3.1. Data Description
recommender systems: usage-based collaborative fil- We use a secondary data set provided by IGAWorks,
tering (Schafer et al. 2007), content-based filtering a leading mobile ad platform in Korea. The firm’s
(Lops et al. 2011), and hybrid recommender systems product line includes a mobile app analytics tool
(Burke 2002). Our proposed CP matching framework called Adbrix and an app monetization platform
adopts the ideas of using the product content (e.g., supporting various promotions, such as MDAs
app descriptions) and user behavior (e.g., app download and CPs. It has the largest mobile ad network in
and usage patterns) to produce app matches. However, Korea, with thousands of mobile apps and more than
CP framework is distinct in that there is contract between 2.4 million users.
app developers, whereas no such contract exists among The data consist of three components: app metadata,
recommended products in recommender systems. funnel data, and usage data. First, the app metadata
include descriptive information about 383,896 mobile
2.3. Consistency- and Variety-Seeking Behavior apps in three major app markets in Korea: Apple’s App
Understanding people’s decisions in choosing mul- Store, Google’s Play Store, and SK Telecom’s T Store.15
tiple products helps us improve ad effectiveness. Each app record contains the app’s name, text de-
Previous studies in the marketing and behavioral scription, screenshots, developer, registration time,
economics literature found abundant evidence of peo- price, average rate, and file size, which is publicly
ple’s two opposite behaviors: consistency and variety available information in the app markets. Because app
seeking. On the one hand, marketing studies show ranking is an important factor in visibility (Carare 2012,
that consumers have loyal behaviors toward products Ifrach and Johari 2014), we collected daily rankings
and companies and exhibit stable preferences (Oliver from the three aforementioned app marketplaces. The
1999, Johnson et al. 2006, Fong 2017). For example, ranking data cover 250,422 apps (both free and paid)
studies show that people usually stick to a certain in 51 different app genres.16
taste in selecting products in online shopping (Linden Next, the funnel data provide information on mobile
et al. 2003), music streaming (Hariri et al. 2012), and app ad promotions, which include CPs and MDAs, that
mobile app usage (Natarajan et al. 2013). This stable the mobile ad platform has executed with its clients
preference is the basis for recommender systems and (app developers) from November 2013 to May 2014.
the proposed CP framework, in which new products Specifically, for the CPs, the data cover 41,294 cam-
are recommended based on consumers’ previous paigns involving 127 source apps (the media in which
purchases (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin 2005). the ads are placed), 128 target apps (apps to promote),
Another stream of studies, on the other hand, and about 400,000 users. The funnel data keep track of the
suggests that people are motivated to choose variety user acquisition channels: CP, MDA, or organic growth.17
in product choice (Simonson and Winer 1992, Read For each user acquired through a CP campaign, the
and Loewenstein 1995). McAlister (1982) explains associated source app is recorded in the data.
multiple reasons for the variety-seeking behavior, in- Lastly, the usage data include the detailed app usage
cluding managing satiation, which infers that con- records of 1.1 million users with 679 apps that adopted
sumers’ utility from the consumption of similar items the Adbrix analytics tool.18 The individual user-level
declines to meet internal needs, and being moti- data include daily app session times (i.e., how long a
vated by external reasons. Researchers conducted consumer uses an app in a given day), daily connection
laboratory experiments to find that people prefer counts (i.e., how many times a consumer executes an app
greater variety when making sequential decisions of in a given day), and daily buy activities (i.e., the number
individual items over time (Simonson and Winer of in-app purchases made by a consumer in a given day).
1992, Read and Loewenstein 1995). More recently,
Adomavicius and Tuzhilin (2005) extended the re- 3.2. User Acquisition Channels and
search domain on consumers’ variety-seeking be- Ad Effectiveness
haviors from consumable goods to digital goods, To compare different user acquisition channels, we
showing that the difference in variety-seeking pref- conduct a model-free analysis on the ad effectiveness
erences between bundled and unbundled consump- in terms of download and postdownload usage. From
tions is eliminated in the digital market. the app usage and funnel data, we collect three groups
Mobile apps can be regarded as durable goods of users based on the acquisition channels: organic
because they are used over time. We contribute to this downloads, MDAs, and CPs. Then we count the total
consumer behavior literature by providing empirical number of downloads for each channel and the average
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
870 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
number of downloads for each app. In addition, we a critical issue for both the CP platform and par-
gather postdownload usage data from consumers of ticipating target apps because the CP campaigns
each acquisition channel. An alternative ad effectiveness yield a low return on investment in the presence of
measure is the conversion rate (i.e., the probability of the free-rider problem.20 We find consistent results
download given an ad impression). However, because for the other postdownload engagement metric, con-
of the absence of ad impression data, we cannot mea- nection counts.
sure this metric. One of the purposes of this paper is to design an
The results are shown in Table 2. Among the advanced app-matching platform to improve the ad
analytics-enabled 679 apps, 137 have conducted MDA effectiveness of CP campaigns. To test the feasibility,
campaigns and 128 have participated in CP campaigns we conduct an in-depth analysis on CP campaigns. As
as target apps. Although our data source did not share the CP platform creates many-to-many matchings
the campaign cost data, Facebook’s pricing model of between source and target apps, one target app’s ads
cost per action (which is close to CP) is 10 times more are placed in multiple source apps. We divide a target
expensive than that of cost per click (which is close app’s users according to specific source apps. Then,
to MDA) according to an industry report.19 Although for each source–target match, we calculate the aver-
app developers can select the types of campaigns to age postdownload usage levels and identify the 1%,
conduct, our data show that the characteristics of 5%, and 10% best source apps for each target app.
apps conducting MDA and CP campaigns are com- We find that the top 1% matches are 10 times more
parable (see details in Online Appendix A). Notably, effective than the average ones and that the top 10%
CP campaigns have generated a total of 1.3 million are seven times more effective than the average. The
new app installations, whereas MDA campaigns only results also show that the top 5% matches outperform
acquired fewer than a half million. In terms of per-app the MDA. Based on these observations, we argue that
downloads, a CP campaign, on average, acquired 10,469 the source–target app matches in CP campaigns are
downloads, which is about three times as many down- critical to acquire potentially active users. Hence, it is
loads as an MDA campaign (3,507). Moreover, the important to understand consumers’ preferences on
number of CP-induced downloads is even larger than app download and postdownload usage and find
that of organic downloads (9,638). Increases in down- determinants of the ad effectiveness of CP campaigns.
loads can significantly improve an app’s ranking and
visibility in the market. 4. Variable Construction
Postdownload user engagement can be measured In this section, we define our main dependent vari-
with various metrics, such as session time, connection ables, the ad effectiveness of CP campaigns, and then
counts, and purchase activities. In our analysis, we review various app- and user-level characteristics
focus on session time because (1) purchase activities that can have impacts on the ad effectiveness in dif-
are only available in apps with in-app purchase op- ferent app matches. Notably, some variables can be
tions, and (2) connection counts and session time are collected from the public domain (e.g., file size, app
highly correlated. On average, a user who organically genre, price, etc.), whereas others can only be con-
downloaded an app uses it for 3.6 hours, but the structed from the app analytics tools (e.g., number of
numbers are 2.411 and 0.203 for MDA and CP, re- daily active users). Among the variables, subscripts
spectively. Clearly, the users acquired by CP cam- i, j, and t denote source app, target app, and day, re-
paigns are the least active group, which aligns with spectively. The summary statistics of the main vari-
concerns about the free-rider problem (i.e., a situation ables are shown in Table 3. The variables are divided
in which a user downloads a target app just to obtain into the dependent and independent variables, which
the incentives in the source app rather than through are further grouped by public and analytics features
genuine intention to use the target app). This can be by the dependency on the app analytics and machine
dn_ijt No. of downloads of target app j for source 41,294 2.613 11.514 0 344
app i on day t
dn_ratio_ijt Download ratio for target app j for source 41,294 0.0117 0.0567 0 1
app i on day t
sess_ijt Session time on target app j of an average user 41,294 1.203 3.456 0 19.485
from source app i on day t (log)
conn_ijt Connection count on target app j of an average 41,294 0.152 0.577 0 8.010
user from source app i on day t (log)
size_i File size of source app i (megabytes) 41,294 14.509 14.978 1.6 158
size_j File size of target app j (megabytes) 41,294 35.769 44.582 1.7 337
if_rank_it One if source app i is listed on ranking of day t, zero 41,294 0.978 0.147 0 1
rank_it Daily ranking for source app i on day t (log) 41,294 3.132 1.706 0 6.526
if_rank_jt One if target app j is listed on ranking of day t, zero 41,294 0.858 0.349 0 1
rank_jt Daily ranking for target app j on day t (log) 41,294 1.623 1.513 0 6.265
dev_it No. of other apps of source app i developer before day t 41,294 5.121 12.982 0 153
dev_jt No. of other apps of target app j developer before day t 41,294 10.518 16.928 0 63
holiday_t One if day t is a national holiday, zero otherwise 41,294 0.092 0.289 0 1
cross_ijt No. of days since target j started its CP campaign 41,294 15.183 23.469 1 166
on source i as of day t
user_ijt No. of active users from source app i who view 41,294 1,871.121 4,548.281 0 94,948
target app j
avg_scr_it Average screen size of source app i’s daily active 41,294 1,165.5 195.9 97.5 2,073.6
users on day t (K pixel)
avg_sess_it Average session time on source app i before day t (log) 41,294 5.976 6.687 0 15.934
display_jt One if target app j runs MDA campaign on day t, zero 41,294 0.336 0.472 0 1
topic_ij App topic similarity based on topic model 41,294 0.270 0.290 0 0.999
topic_sq_ij Squared value of app topic similarity 41,294 0.157 0.233 0 0.999
entropy_i Functional diversity of source app i based on topic 41,294 0.972 0.485 0 2.107
entropy_j Functional diversity of target app j based on topic 41,294 0.882 0.577 0 2.107
learning. App genre distributions of source and target are highly skewed (see Table 3), we use the log-
apps are shown in Online Appendix A.1. transformed postdownload dependent variables in
the analysis.
4.1. Measures of CP Ad Effectiveness The CP platform needs to optimize ad effective-
To measure the effectiveness of CP campaigns, we use ness considering two different, possibly competing
three dependent variables: (1) the app download objectives from source and target app developers.
numbers (dn_ijt) or app installation rate (dn_ratio_ijt, Source app developers will seek to maximize the
i.e., the probability that the target app is installed, number of app downloads because they receive a cut
given an ad impression),21 (2) the postdownload total on each target app download transaction. In the
session time (sess_ijt), and (3) the postdownload total meantime, the objective of target app developers is to
execution count (conn_ijt) on a particular day t for maximize both the number of downloads and post-
an app pair (i, j). The first variable evaluates users’ download usage. More downloads may lead to a
short-term download decisions, whereas the latter higher app rank, which can significantly increase the
two assess users’ long-term postdownload usage app’s visibility. Greater usage will bring in more in-
decisions. Because the distributions of these variables app purchases, more advertising revenue, and a larger
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
872 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
network effect (Ghose and Han 2014, Ifrach and Johari app development and promotion. Hence, we use the
2014). From the CP platform’s perspective, one might number of other apps the developer of each source
want to maximize the number of downloads because and target app has developed on day t, which is
of the cost-per-install payment scheme. However, denoted as dev_it and dev_ jt.25
from a long-term perspective, the ad platform may User engagement level in source apps may have
also need to consider postdownload target app usage impacts on the CP campaign’s performance. On the
to attract more target app participations in the future. one hand, active user engagement in the source app
Considering stakeholders’ different perspectives, it is may have positive effects because those users are
crucial to design a matching market that can resolve incentivized to download target apps to receive re-
the issue of objective alignment. wards for better source app usages. On the other
hand, active source app users may be reluctant to shift
4.2. App-Level Characteristics to the new target app. To capture each source app’s
A large body of work (Ghose and Han 2014, Lee and user engagement level, we use the log-transformed
Raghu 2014, Yin et al. 2014) shows that mobile users daily average session time users spent on source app i
have preferences over apps with various character- (avg_sess_it) before day t. We do not use activity data
istics, leading to different aggregated market shares. on day t to avoid potential endogeneity issues.
The time-invariant app-level characteristics used in We also control for daily active users’ average
our analysis include functional diversity and app screen size (avg_scr_it) of source app i on day t. We
genres for both source and target apps. For time- include this in our analysis for two reasons. First,
varying app variables, we have app visibility in the mobile devices with a larger screen size are gener-
market, app developer’s experience, the engagement ally more expensive and have more advanced fea-
level and users’ device characteristics for the source tures. Thus, this variable can capture source app
app, and whether it has another type of campaign for users’ demographics to a certain degree. Second, the
the target app. screen size may impact users’ app usage pattern. For
Functional diversity is an important feature for an example, users tend to use more apps if they have
app. A simple way to capture this is the file size, larger screens.26
because a more complex app tends to have a larger file Lastly, many app developers conduct simultaneous
size.22 In that, we measure source and target apps’ file promotions in multiple channels, such as MDAs. We
sizes in megabytes (MB; size_i and size_ j).23 We com- use a dummy variable indicating whether target app j
plement the app size feature with the topic diver- conducted an MDA campaign on day t (display_ jt).
sity based on the description of each app. The idea is
that apps with more functions may indicate vari- 4.3. App Pair-Level Characteristics
ous topics in their descriptions. Using the latent For the app pair-level characteristics, we measure app
Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model from Section 4.3, similarity between source and target apps, which is
we measure the entropy of topic vectors of source and time invariant. One may use app genre to do the
target apps (entropy_i and entropy_ j). matching, but this approach can only generate a bi-
To control for the visibility of source and target nary variable. Thus, we collect text descriptions of
apps, we use each app’s daily ranking within each apps and measure pairwise app similarity using the
genre (e.g., games, social networking, music) during LDA topic model. For time-varying variables, we also
the CP campaigns. An app’s daily ranking is based on control for the CP campaigns’ durations and the
various app characteristics, including average app number of source app users who viewed a target app
store rating, review volume, download and install in the CP campaign.
counts, uninstalls, and so on. Thus, it can serve as a As discussed in Section 2.3, consumers exhibit
proxy for the app’s popularity and demand. Because consistency- and variety-seeking behaviors. In this
some apps are new in the market and have not study, we seek to investigate users’ trade-offs between
appeared in the in-house rankings (maximum rank is diversification and inertia in mobile app choices. In
1,499), we add two variables to control for the ranking the CP campaign term, we analyze the effect of source–
information of each source and target app: whether target similarity on app downloads and postdown-
the app is available on the in-house ranking on day t load usage behaviors.
(if_rank_it and if_rank_ jt) and the log-transformed App developers provide detailed app descriptions
ranking number if it is among the top 1,499 apps in the app market so that potential users can un-
(rank_it and rank_ jt; Garg and Telang 2013).24 derstand the app’s features. In this sense, an app’s
Another variable that might reflect an app’s quality description can be a good representation of its fea-
is its developers’ prior experience. Presumably, app tures. Similar descriptions indicate common features
developers who have already released multiple apps of the apps, such as app genre and usage scenarios. To
before may have more resources and knowledge on measure the horizontal differentiation of the apps’
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Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 873
content, we can leverage various text mining approaches be the cosine similarity of the two topic vectors,
using keywords (e.g., term frequency–inverse docu- where the resulting values range from zero to one.27
ment frequency (TF-IDF; Salton and Buckley 1988), For extreme cases, P(i, j) 0 if the two apps do not
topic models (e.g., LDA; Blei et al. 2003), and vector share any common topics and P(i, j) 1 if the two apps
space models (e.g., doc2vec; Le and Mikolov 2014). share identical topics. To analyze curvilinear rela-
We decided to use the LDA topic model in the main tions, we also include the squared term (topic_sq_ij) in
analysis for the following reasons: (1) the LDA topic the analysis.
model overcomes the data sparsity issue (which The durations of CP campaigns may also affect ad
TF-IDF suffers from), (2) the resulting topics and their effectiveness. For example, if the campaign has exe-
keywords are human interpretable (whereas the di- cuted for a long time, the number of daily installs may
mensions obtained from the doc2vec model are not), diminish over time. On the contrary, multiple expo-
and (3) the LDA topic model is widely acceptable in sures to the same ad may lead to target app instal-
various research contexts, such as scientific articles lation (Xu et al. 2014). Thus, we control for the number
(Griffiths and Steyvers 2004, Wang and Blei 2011), of elapsed days since target app j’s promotion has
music (Hariri et al. 2012), social media (Ramage et al. been conducted on source app i as of day t (cross_ijt).
2010, Weng et al. 2010, Lee et al. 2016, Shin et al. 2020), The CP campaign’s performance will also depend on
and business descriptions (Shi et al. 2016). Nonethe- the number of source app users who viewed a tar-
less, as robustness checks, we also conducted empir- get app in the CP campaign (user_ijt). Because the
ical analyses using alternative text-mining approaches impression data are not available, we made an as-
and found consistent results, as shown in Online sumption that a daily active user of a source app had
Appendix E. an equal probability of viewing a specific target app
We apply the LDA topic model on the app de- among all target apps in the CP market.
scription corpus of 95,956 mobile apps in the Korean
market (Blei et al. 2003). As a natural language- 4.4. Time Characteristics
processing technique, LDA allows a set of docu- We control for time effects in the empirical analysis.
ments to be explained by “hidden topics,” which are Because people may have more casual time during
sets of related keywords. In our context, each app holidays and weekends, we add categorical variables
description is a mixture of a small number of app for each day of the week (weekday_t) and for each
features, and each word in the description is a real- month (month_t) and a dummy variable indicating
ization of the app’s features. For details on LDA, see whether day t is a national holiday for Korea (holiday_t)
Blei (2012). One important hyperparameter to choose in the model.
in LDA is the number of topics, which can be decided
based on quantitative and qualitative criteria. We 5. Empirical Analysis
varied the number of topics from 10 to 200, finding In this section, we conduct empirical analysis using
that 100 is the optimal choice in consideration of the multiple models to estimate the effect of an app match
trade-off between intertopic similarity and model fit. and the corresponding source–target app similarity
The quantitative evaluation in the hyperparameter on CP ad effectiveness. In our data, a CP campaign is
selection is described in Online Appendix B. For the identified as a (source app, target app, day) triple. We
qualitative evaluation, we report the 100-topic model use three dependent variables for ad effectiveness of
in Tables 3 and 4 of Online Appendix B. Because the CP campaigns: download rate, postdownload session
constructed topics are in Korean keywords, they are time, and postdownload connection count. It is essential
translated into English. The representative topics in for us to explore the impact on downloads and post-
the Korean app market include music (topics 0 and 27), download usages together for the following reasons.
social networks (topics 1, 14, 25, and 41), children First, a high number of downloads can help the focal
(topics 6 and 34), religion (topic 11), games (topics app obtain high visibility (ranking), which will further
16 and 27), foreign-language education (topics 19 attract more users and ads. Second, an app will have
and 33), e-commerce (topics 18 and 29), and utilities a long-term growth potential when enough active
(topics 10 and 13). We believe that the resulting topics users are acquired. We first evaluate the impact of app
provide a reasonable overview of the app market. matchings on CP outcomes using each measurement
Based on the LDA model, app i’s description can be separately. Then we consider the relationship between
represented by a topic vector Vi < Vi,1 , Vi,2 , . . ., Vi,K >, the download and postdownload usages to under-
where K is the number of topics, Vi,k is the nonneg- stand the comprehensive effect.
ative weight on the kth topic, and the sum of weights
is one ( Kk1 Vi,k 1). Given a pair source app i and 5.1. Model Specifications
target app j and their respectively topic vectors Vi We first conduct separate analyses for the three de-
and Vj , we define app similarity P(i, j) (topic_ij) to pendent variables. Our first model specification is a
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
874 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
linear model with source app, target app, and time topic_ij is negative, the magnitude is quite small, and
fixed effects. The main independent variables of in- it is not statistically significant. Hence, it won’t sub-
terest are topic_ij and topic_sq_ij, as we explore how stantially influence the overall trend. With other
the source–target app similarity influences the CP ad variables controlled for, the more similar the target
effectiveness. We also control for other app and time app is to the source app, the more usage it may attain
characteristics (discussed in Section 4). Then we try from CP campaigns. This indicates that even with the
tobit and hurdle models because of the large portion exploration of new app genres, users’ intrinsic pref-
of zero values in the postdownload usage variable, erences in app consumption do not change signifi-
with app fixed effects or app genre fixed effects based cantly (Oliver 1999, Adomavicius and Tuzhilin 2005,
on the models’ abilities to converge. Lastly, we de- Johnson et al. 2006). A plausible explanation is that
veloped a two-stage model to incorporate the rela- users tend to choose more diversified products because
tionship between user’s download and postdown- of the uncertainty on the target app characteristics at
load usage. The two dependent variables are actually download decision time. But once the target app char-
tightly connected to each other as a source app user acteristics are observed by users, consistency-seeking
makes sequential decisions: first, whether to down- behavior prevails. This phenomenon has been well
load the target app and, second, how much time to documented in the marketing literature (Simonson
spend on the downloaded app. Essentially, a user’s 1990, Simonson and Winer 1992).
postdownload usage behavior depends on the first- To better understand the marginal and overall ef-
step download decision because we cannot observe fects of topic_ij on the postdownload usage behav-
counterfactual postdownload usage of the users who ior, in Figure 2, we visualize how the download and
chose not to download the target app. However, in usage measures change when app similarity increases
our collected data, we do not observe which specific by 0.01 at different values of topic_ij as well as the
source app users were exposed to the target app overall impact of app similarity at different values.28
because of the absence of ad impression data. Thus, For both panels, the x-axis represents the source–
we apply an aggregated Heckman’s sample-selection target app similarity (topic_ij). In terms of the y-axis,
model (Heckman 1979) with a pair of apps as the unit the left panels show the percentage increase or de-
of analysis. Readers can find the details of our two- crease of downloads or postdownload session times
stage model in Online Appendix D. We also control when topic_ij is increased by 0.01 at each level. And the
for source and target app genre fixed effects. right panels show the overall impacts. For example,
the top left panel shows that the number of down-
5.2. Estimation Results loads will increase by about 0.005% if the app simi-
The estimation results for the download rate, post- larity increases from 0.25 to 0.26. An inverse U-shape
download session time, and postdownload connec- relationship between app similarity and number of
tion count using different models are located in Ta- downloads can be inferred from the fact that when the
bles 4, 5, and 6, respectively. The results from our app similarity is larger than 0.50, the percentage
two-stage model are listed in Table 7. For some of the change will be smaller than zero in the top-left panel.
postdownload specifications (e.g., Tables 5 and 6, This inverse U-shape can be directly observed in the
columns (5) and (6)), we did not include topic_sq_ij to top-right panel. The bottom-right panel shows that
avoid a potential multicollinearity issue. We observe app similarity has strictly positive effects on post-
an inverted-U relationship between the source–target download app usage time.
app topic similarity and the download rate in all
specifications, reaching the optimal matching at around 5.3. Other Control Variables
0.4–0.5 (which is around the 70th percentile of the We also find interesting results from some control
overall topic similarity distribution) for all specifi- variables. The coefficients of display_ijt are positive
cations. This could be the evidence of the variety-seeking and significant for both download and postdownload
behavior in the app download behavior (McAlister usage decisions, indicating that display ad campaigns
1982, Simonson 1990). In other words, users want would increase the visibility of the focal target app
to download new apps that are neither identical nor and motivate new users’ download and postdown-
too different from those that they are already using. load decisions.
Considering the postdownload usage stage, how- Source app developers’ experience levels (dev_it)
ever, we find a strictly positive relationship be- are found to have negative impacts on CP ad effec-
tween source–target app similarity and postdownload tiveness. The results show that when source app
usage in all specifications, which can be explained by developers are more experienced and established
the consistency-seeking behavior. For some of the producers (higher values of dev_it), users are less
specifications (Table 5, columns (1) and (3), and Ta- likely to download and use the new target app.
ble 6, columns (1) and (3)), although the coefficient of A plausible explanation is that because experienced
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 875
Notes. This table represents the empirical results showing how source app users’ target app down-
load behaviors vary with different source–target app pairs. Variables topic_ij and topic_sq_ij are the
source–target topic similarity and its squared term, respectively. Other control variables include source
app i’s and target app j’s time-varying app characteristics, the day’s characteristics, and time-varying
dyadic characteristics defined by source app i and target app j. In columns (1) and (2), the data are
analyzed by the panel data fixed effects linear model. In the column (3), the data are analyzed by the
tobit model. In columns (4) and (5), the data are analyzed by the hurdle model. FEs, fixed effects.
∗ p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
developers would create higher-quality source apps, creative apps from new developers. The two-stage
their users are less likely to shift to new apps. For the model results show that established app publishers
coefficient of dev_jt, we find consistent results for the may have more knowledge on customer retentions.
download decision because it is plausible that variety- Considering the effects of ranking information
seeking users are more likely to download and try out about source and target apps, we controlled for four
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
876 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
Notes. This table represents the empirical results showing how source app users’ target app
postdownload average session time vary with different source–target app pairs. Variables
topic_ij and topic_sq_ij are the source–target topic similarity and its squared term, respec-
tively. Other control variables include source app i’s and target app j’s time-varying app character-
istics, the day’s characteristics, and time-varying dyadic characteristics defined by source app i and
target app j. In columns (1) and (2), the data are analyzed by the panel data fixed effects linear model. In
column (3) and column (4), the data are analyzed by the tobit model. In columns (5) and (6), the data are
analyzed by the hurdle model. FEs, fixed effects.
∗ p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
ranking-related variables: whether source and target that higher-ranked target apps would have better CP
apps are among the top 1,499 in the store ranking ad effectiveness for both download and postdown-
(if_rank_it, if_rank_ jt) and the log-transformed rank- load usage because the ranking information is a
ing (rank_it, rank_ jt). For all specifications, we find comprehensive measure of the focal app’s quality,
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 877
Notes. This table represents the empirical results showing how source app users’ target app
postdownload average connection counts vary with different source–target app pairs. Variables topic_ij
and topic_sq_ij are the source–target topic similarity and its squared term, respectively. Other control
variables include source app i’s and target app j’s time-varying app characteristics, the day’s charac-
teristics, and time-varying dyadic characteristics defined by source app i and target app j. In columns (1)
and (2), the data are analyzed by the panel data fixed effects linear model. In column (3) and column (4),
the data are analyzed by the tobit model. In columns (5) and (6), the data are analyzed by the hurdle
model. FEs, fixed effects
∗ p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
and customers prefer to download and use higher- controlled for in the analysis, which is a decisive
ranked apps. However, we find less consistent results factor of the ranking. This might also be partially due
for the source app rank. This is not very surprising to two opposite effects: (1) the users of high-quality
because the number of active users has already been source apps are more likely to download the target
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
878 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
Notes. This table represents the empirical results from the two-stage model. Variables topic_ij and
topic_sq_ij are the source–target topic similarity and its squared term, respectively. Other control
variables include source app i’s and target app j’s time-varying app characteristics, the day’s charac-
teristics, and time-varying dyadic characteristics defined by source app i and target app j. In columns (1)
and (2), the postdownload usage measure is session time. In columns (3) and (4), the postdownload
usage measure is connection count. FEs, fixed effects.
∗ p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
app to collect an in-app benefit, and (2) users who are users’ app consumption behaviors. For most speci-
satisfied with the source apps are less likely to migrate fications, users’ probability of downloading the target
to the target apps. app decreases as the target app size or functional
For the model specifications other than the linear diversity measure increases. Given that most target
and download tobit models, the results also show the apps are free, users’ primary costs to adopt and use
impacts of app file sizes (size_i and size_j) and func- an app are data usage and the storage space required
tional diversity measures (entropy_i and entropy_j) on for the new app installations. Thus, target apps with
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 879
Figure 2. The Marginal and Overall Impact of Source–Target App Similarity on Download and Postdownload Usage
larger file sizes may be less attractive in the download the app market. Another important aspect of the CP
decision and the overall usage patterns. In addition, framework is its impact on source apps. If the cam-
when the source app has more features (which can be paign’s outcome comes at the expense of the source
represented by a larger size and a higher functional apps’ performance because of substitution effects
diversity measure), new target apps will be less at- (i.e., users stop using source apps after downloading
tractive. Based on the results of the two-stage model, target apps), source app developers may be reluctant
we can see that for a given download, postdownload to join this promotion. Thus, we investigate how
usage will increase if the target app has more features the rankings of source and target apps, as well as
because these downloaded targets may have attrac- download and usage measures, will be influenced by
tive functionalities for users. CP participation.
Lastly, we observe that users with larger screen We use staggered DID models to evaluate the ef-
sizes (avg_scr_it) are less likely to download target fects. In our data set, 679 apps have adopted the app
apps in most model specifications. A plausible ex- analytics tool, which allows us to monitor individual
planation could be that the users with larger-screen users’ downloads and usage activities. We use the
mobile phones would have higher income, thus analytics-enabled apps without CP participation as
finding in-app rewards to be less attractive. Based on the control group. The apps that have participated
the two-stage model, conditional on a download de- in the CP as either source or target apps are in the
cision, users’ postdownload usages would increase if treated group.29 For each treated app, we create
the average screen size is larger. One potential reason dummy variables to indicate whether day t is after its
is that a larger screen would bring customers a better initial participation in a CP campaign (after_it and
user experience. after_ jt). To evaluate the impact of CP campaign
participation on an app’s subsequent performance,
6. Impact on Source Apps and Market we use the daily ranking of the app (source or target)
Demand Distribution as the dependent variable. 30 However, one limita-
In this section, we take one step back and investigate tion of the ranking data are that the rankings are
the effect of CP campaigns on the whole app market. reported up to a certain number (1,499 in our data),
One important question on CP framework is whether leaving a large number of missing values. We address
it will alleviate the winner-take-all phenomenon dis- this data issue with three approaches. In the first
cussed in Section 1. Specifically, we are interested model (Log_rank), following Smith and Telang
in whether lowly ranked apps are actually benefit- (2009), we replace the missing values with the maxi-
ing more from CP campaigns. If this is the case, the mum rank (1,499) and use the natural logarithm–
campaigns are not only helping target apps but also transformed ranking as the dependent variable. To
contributing to the long-tail demand distribution of control for app-level unobservable characteristics, we
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880 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
use a panel data fixed-effects linear model for the 7. Matching Platform Design
empirical analysis. In the second model (Top 50), we use Based on the insights from the empirical results, we
a dummy variable top50 to indicate whether the app’s design a CP matching platform that matches source
ranking is within the top 50. Lastly, we also use a tobit and target apps to maximize the ad effectiveness of
model (Log_rank with tobit) with app dummies to CP campaigns. In industry practice, one approach is
analyze the data with censored ranking (which has to use a real-time bidding system that allows target
the upper limit of 1,499). In addition, we add an in- apps to bid on the right source apps based on their
teraction (after_rank_ jt) between the after dummy expected ad performances. For this approach to work,
and the apps’ average ranking before their CP par- target app developers should have the capability of
ticipation to explore the moderating effect of initial predicting the ad performance on alternative source
rankings of the apps. For the control variables, we apps. However, as will be shown in Section 7.2, ac-
have a display ad dummy (after_display_t) and time curate ad performance prediction requires detailed
fixed effects (e.g., day of week, month, and year). We app- and user-level data on a large number of apps,
separately evaluated the effect on source and target which are not available to individual app developers.
apps. The number of apps included in the analysis has We argue that the CP platform has the informational
decreased from 679 to 643 and 615 because some advantage to collect comprehensive analytics data on
apps only served as either a source or a target app. the whole app market. Thus, we propose a centralized
Note that in the Top 50 model, the positive coefficient CP matching platform that can produce efficient app
of the after dummy indicates app performance im- matches for multiple CP campaigns.
provement, whereas it is the opposite in the other We first describe the overall design of the infor-
two models. mation system for the app-matching platform. The
The results are reported in Table 8. In all specifi- central tasks of the matching platform are (1) to collect
cations, it is shown that the apps participating in CP public and analytics information on the source and
campaigns as target apps experience ranking im- target apps in the CP market and (2) to match source
provement. From the perspective of source apps, and target apps that will produce the best match out-
we do not find that they suffer from substitute ef- comes in terms of expected downloads and postdown-
fects (e.g., ranking does not systematically change load usages. In doing so, the matching platform should
after CP participations), except for the probability of accurately predict the outcome of different possible
being ranked in the top 50, which is only significant at matches and choose the optimal one. We build super-
10%. This can partially explain why source apps are vised machine-learning-based predictive models using
willing to promote other apps to their customers. detailed app- and user-level features (as described in
Lastly, based on the interaction term’s coefficients, Section 4). Notably, some app features are publicly
we find that target apps with initial lower rankings available in the app markets (which we term public
tend to benefit more from CP campaigns. This may be features), whereas other dynamic app features (which
evidence that CP campaigns could potentially miti- we term analytics features) can only be constructed
gate this market’s winner-take-all issue. In sum, the by the matching platform that has access to the de-
results indicate that CP campaigns provide (1) a good tailed app analytics data (e.g., app execution time,
monetization tool without performance compromise in-app purchase). In addition, individual features (e.g.,
for source apps, (2) a user acquisition channel for device model, platform, carrier), which can create pri-
target apps, and (3) a mechanism to improve the vacy concerns, are also only available to the platform.
diversity of mobile app markets. Using different combinations of features, we train ma-
The results for download and usage measures chine learning models. Lastly, we run simulations to es-
are presented in Table 9. We use the log-transformed timate the ad effectiveness outcomes based on different
number of downloads and postdownload usage mea- features and matching algorithms (e.g., random, greedy,
sures with linear regressions. We find interesting re- deferred acceptance). By comparing the outcomes of
sults for source apps: CP participation (1) does not different models, we can show the marginal benefit
impact their new user acquisitions and (2) can even lead of using additional features on the matching perfor-
to a longer session time and more connection counts. mance. We find that the inclusion of analytics and in-
A plausible explanation is that as users get in-app re- dividual features significantly improves the ad effec-
wards by downloading target apps, they tend to spend tiveness of CP campaigns in terms of both download
more time in the source apps. This provides a ratio- and postdownload usages.
nale for source app to participate in CP campaigns.
From the perspective of target apps, as we expected, 7.1. Information System Design
both their number of downloads and in-app usage Figure 3 illustrates the design of an information sys-
increase after CP participation. tem to support the matching market for CP campaigns.
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 881
Target apps Source apps Target apps Source apps Target apps Source apps
Variables log_rank_jt log_rank_jt log_rank_jt top50_jt top50_jt top50_it log_rank_jt log_rank_jt log_rank_jt
Notes. This table represents the empirical analysis to show how the performance of source apps and target apps are influenced by the CP
participation. Variable after_rank_ jt is the interaction between the after_ jt dummy and each app’s average ranking before the CP participation;
after_display_t is the dummy that indicates whether this app has display ads in day t. In columns (1)–(3), the dependent variable is the log-
transformed ranking of the focal app, and the model is the linear panel data model with fixed effects. In col-umns (4)–(6), the dependent variable
top50 is a dummy that represents whether the app is a top 50 app and the model is the linear panel data model with fixed effects. The results with
the conditional logit model with fixed effects are quantitatively equivalent. In columns (7)–(9), the dependent variable is the log-transformed
ranking of the focal app and the model is the tobit model with app dummies. FEs, fixed effects.
∗ p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
The system consists of (1) the back-end subsystem, which training data set to build machine-learning models
keeps collecting public app market data and app ana- on ad effectiveness. Given a source app user, the
lytics data, and (2) the front-end subsystem, which model predicts whether the user will download a
conducts the real-time matching process between source target app and, if so, further predicts the degree to
and target apps on a daily basis. which the user will use the downloaded app. Note
The back-end subsystem collects (1) public infor- that the machine-learning training process is inde-
mation on the mobile apps in different app stores pendent of the daily data updates from the front-end
(e.g., Apple’s App Store, Google’s Play Store, and subsystem. Section 7.2 describes the details of the
SK Telecom’s T Store) and (2) app analytics data. The prediction models.
data collector, written in Python, uses the app mar- The front-end subsystem dynamically generates
ket application programming interfaces to collect var- matches between source and target apps. The inputs
ious app characteristics, such as app prices, app gen- of the matching process are (1) ad campaign requests
res, app descriptions, availability of in-app purchases, from target apps, (2) available source apps, and
reviews, ratings, rankings, file sizes, developers, and (3) predicted ad effectiveness provided by the back-
updates. Then, using the collection of app descrip- end subsystem. In the matching engine, we use a
tions, we build topic models to quantify pairwise generalized deferred acceptance algorithm (Gale and
app similarity using a Scala LDA implementation.31 Shapley 1962, Roth 1984, Roth 2008) to propose app
The analytics data provide more detailed informa- matches (described in Section 7.3.3). The app devel-
tion on the status of an app, which includes an opers are informed of the resulting matches, and the
active user list, per-user app usage activities (e.g., CP campaigns will be launched. In industry practice,
connection count, session time, in-app purchases), all the data points are updated on a daily basis, and
and mobile device information (e.g., Android/iOS thus the matchings are updated at the same fre-
platform, device model, wireless carrier). Notably, quency. Because the number of apps involved in the
we classify the analytics data into aggregated (e.g., CP promotions is only on the order of hundreds, most
summary statistics of all users) and individual data. of the matching algorithms can be executed within
Recorded in a relational database, the collection of a few seconds on a desktop computer with reason-
public and analytics data points is then used as a able performance. But we also simulate more crowded
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
882 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
Table 9. The Impact of CP Campaigns on Source and Target Apps’ New Downloads and Postdownload Usages
Target apps Source apps Target apps Source apps Target apps Source apps
Variables log_dn_ jt log_dn_ jt log_dn_ jt sess_ jt sess_ jt sess_ it conn_ jt conn_ jt conn_ it
Observations 91,188 91,188 85,656 91,188 91,188 85,656 98,367 98,367 98,367
R2 0.050 0.057 0.007 0.073 0.078 0.043 0.089 0.096 0.046
Number of apps 643 643 615 643 643 615 643 643 615
Notes. This table represents the empirical analysis to show how the number of downloads and postdownload usages are influenced by the CP
participation. Variable after_rank_ jt is the interaction between the after_ jt dummy and each app’s average ranking before the CP participation;
after_display_t is the dummy that indicates whether this app has display ads in day t. In columns (1)–(3), the dependent variable is the log
transformed number of daily downloads of the focal app. In columns (4)–(6), the dependent variable is the log transformed total session time the
focal app’s users spent on it. In columns (7)–(9), the dependent variable is the log transformed total connection counts from the focal app’s users
executed on it. FEs, fixed effects
∗ p < 0.1; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.01.
markets with thousands of apps and explore the scal- choose the best model and hyperparameters, which are
ability of the algorithms. In addition, we measure the then used for matching simulations.
marginal benefits of adding different levels of features
(public, analytics, and individual) on the prediction ac-
7.2.2. Feature Construction. To train a classification
curacy and ultimately ad performance.
model, one needs to have both positive and negative
samples. In our context, the data set should include
7.2. Building Prediction Models Using the ad impressions that are successful (dn_uijt = 1: a
Machine Learning user from a source app downloaded the target app) and
7.2.1. General Setup. We build supervised machine- those that are not (dn_uijt = 0: a user from a source app
learning models to predict CP ad effectiveness in was exposed to the target app but decided not to down-
terms of downloads, postdownload session time, and load it). However, because we do not have impression
postdownload connection count. The unit of analysis data, we can only observe positive samples (26,668 target
is (day t, source app i, target app j, user u). In other app installation events). Thus, to artificially generate neg-
words, for user u using source app i on day t, the ative samples, we make an assumption that a 10% random
model predicts the likelihood of download and post- sample of daily active users of a source app is exposed to a
download usage with respective to a target app j. Be- specific target app.35 The total number of observations
cause download action is a binary decision, we apply for the download prediction data (dn_uijt), including
classification algorithms from the machine-learning the negative samples, is about 1.3 million. We note that
literature. For postdownload usage prediction, we negative sample generation was only used to generate
apply regression algorithms because the outcome vari- a training data set for the download prediction model
ables are in continuous values. We use Python packages but not in the postdownload usage prediction. Thus,
Keras32 and Tensorflow33 for neural network models the number of observations for the postdownload usage
and Scikit-learn34 for the rest of the machine-learning (e.g., sess_uijt, conn_uijt) is 26,668.
models. We collect the CP ad effectiveness outcome Depending on their roles in the CP matching platform,
and app features according to the variable definitions stakeholders have different access levels of information.
from Section 4. With extensive cross-validations, we For example, an individual app developer can only
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access information from the public app market and its and then use the subsequent month data (April 15–
own app analytics data. Thus, we believe that the match- May 14, 2014) to generate the dependent variables of
ing process of the current industry practice (e.g., Tapjoy) the matching simulation.
can be simulated with the case that only public features are
available. By contrast, the CP platform has access to public 7.2.3. Download Prediction Model. The outcome var-
app market data as well as app analytics data from all iable (dn_uijt) and features are constructed according
the apps that adopted the analytics tool. to the definitions, as described previously. Then the
The variables constructed in Section 4 are used as best-machine learning model and hyperparameters
public and analytics features. We further define in- are selected from extensive cross-validation experi-
dividual user-level variables to control for individual ments. We split the 1.3 million observations into 60%
heterogeneity. The summary statistics of public and for training, 30% for validation, and 10% for testing.
analytics features are listed in Table 3, and those To mitigate the potential biases in data splitting, we
of individual user level features are listed in Table 10.36 report the average test performance over five dif-
First, following the idea of source–target app simi- ferent training/validate/test sets. For the download
larity, we calculate the topic similarity between a model evaluation metrics, we use precision (TP+FP ), re-
target app and the apps used by a user using call (TP+FN ), and F1 score (2 × precision+recall), where TP is
different weighting schemes: unweighted average true-positive count, FP is false-positive count, and FN is
(topic_avg_uj), session-weighted average (topic_sess_uj), false-negative count. Following Davis and Goadrich
and connection-weighted average (topic_conn_uj). (2006), we also report the area under the receiver oper-
Second, to control for user activity levels, we count ating characteristic curve (AUROC) and the area under
the number of unique apps a user used in a day the precision-recall curve (AUPRC) because our data set
(unique_app_daily_u), the total number of unique apps has a class imbalance issue (where there are significantly
a user used in the previous month (unique_app_total_u), more negative samples than positive ones).37 For all five
the app session time a user spent in a day (sess_daily_u), metrics, higher values are preferred.
the total app session time a user spent in the previous For model selection, we use representative classi-
month (session_total_u), the app connection count a fication algorithms, such as logistic regression (Logit),
user had in a day (conn_daily_u), the total app con- Lasso, k-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector
nection count a user had in the previous month classifier (SVC), random forest (RF) classifier, feed-
(conn_total_u), the number of in-app purchases a user forward neural network (FFNN), and convolutional
made in the previous month (iap_total_u), and the neural network (CNN). AUPRC was used as the target
number of conversions by a user (conversion_total_u). metric in hyperparameter tuning. The hyperparameters
Note that these individual user variables are mea- tested in the cross-validation follow:38
sured based on individual user activities recorded by • KNN: # of neighbors = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}
the app analytics tool and that they can create privacy • SVC: kernel function = {radial basis function,
concerns. Because mobile app users’ preferences can linear, polynomial, sigmoid}
change dynamically, we use one-month data (March 15– • RF: # of trees = {20, 30, 40, 50, 100}, max tree
April 14, 2014) to construct the individual user features depth = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}
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884 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
dn_uijt One if source app i’s user u downloaded target 1,318,980 0.020 0.140 0 1
app j on day t, zero otherwise
sess_uijt Postdownload total session time on target app j 26,668 1.242 3.650 0 19.618
of user u from source app i on day t (log)
conn_uijt Postdownload total connection count on target app j 26,668 0.472 0.654 0 8.018
of user u from source app i on day t (log)
topic_avg_uj Average topic similarity between user u’s apps 1,161,534 0.434 0.390 0.000 1.000
and target app j
topic_sess_uj Session-weighted topic similarity between 925,282 0.475 0.413 0.000 1.000
user u’s apps and target app j
topic_conn_uj Connection-weighted topic similarity between 1,159,698 0.449 0.408 0.000 1.000
user u’s apps and target app j
uniq_app_daily_u No. of distinct apps user u uses daily 1,318,980 1.045 1.154 0 110.36
uniq_app_total_u No. of distinct apps user u uses in total 1,318,980 32.387 35.786 0 3,421
sess_daily_u Average session time of user u (minutes) 1,318,980 17.366 41.823 0 7,903
sess_total_u Total session time of user u (minutes) 1,318,980 538.340 1296.511 0 244,999
conn_daily_u Average connection count of user u 1,318,980 3.409 27.159 0 7,440
conn_total_u Total connection count of user u 1,318,980 105.693 841.925 0 230,649
iap_total_u No. of in-app purchases by user u 1,318,980 0.018 0.135 0 4
conversion_total_u No. of conversions by user u 1,318,980 0.282 1.478 0 29
platform_android_u One if user u’s platform is Android, zero otherwise 471,562 0.999 0.036 0 1
platform_ios_u One if user u’s platform is iOS, zero otherwise 471,562 0.000 0.022 0 1
platform_others_u One if user u’s platform is among others 471,562 0.001 0.028 0 1
model_samsung_u One if user u’s device is a Samsung model, zero 471,562 0.197 0.398 0 1
model_apple_u One if user u’s device is an Apple model, zero otherwise 471,562 0.000 0.016 0 1
model_others_u One if user u’s device is among others, zero otherwise 471,562 0.802 0.398 0 1
carrier_skt_u One if user u’s carrier is SK Telecom, zero otherwise 471,562 0.461 0.498 0 1
carrier_kt_u One if user u’s carrier is Korea Telecom, zero otherwise 471,562 0.253 0.435 0 1
carrier_lgt_u One if user u’s carrier is LG Telecom, zero otherwise 471,562 0.242 0.428 0 1
carrier_others_u One if user u’s carrier is among others, zero otherwise 471,562 0.044 0.205 0 1
Note. For the variable naming convention, u, i, j, and t stand for user, source app, target app, and day, respectively. Obs, observations;
SD, standard deviation.
• FFNN: # of layers = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, # of nodes in Using the best RF model, we next estimate the
a layer = {8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256} marginal effect of different feature groups. To mea-
• CNN: # of filters = {15, 20, 25, 30}, kernel size = sure the impact of the most basic features (public), we
{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, optimizer = {adam} include naive models that do not require any fea-
Using our computer server with a 2.86-GHz central tures: the first model (Rand_Down) predicts a user to
processing unit, the average training times in each download a target app with a probability of 50%,
hyperparameter combination were 6.22, 13.93, and and the second model (Avg_Down) predicts a user to
8.27 minutes for the RF, FFNN, and CNN models, download a target app with a probability of 2% (the
respectively. The total hyperparameter tuning pro- mean value of dn_uijt). Panel B of Table 11 shows that
cess required 18.16, 40.65, and 16.55 hours for the (1) the prediction model can achieve AUPRC of up
three models, respectively. to 33% even with the privacy-preserving features
Panel A of Table 11 shows the download prediction (public and analytics) and that (2) the inclusion of
results of different models when all features (public, individual-level features can boost the prediction
analytics, and individual) are used. We omit the re- accuracy by 11%. The result also shows that the
sults on Logit, KNN, and SVC because of their sub- marginal effects of public, analytics, and individual
optimal performances. The results show that RF is features are 19%, 12%, and 19% in the AUPRC, re-
the best model for download prediction (AUPRC of spectively. We observe qualitatively similar results
52.77%, AUROC of 92.34%, and F1 score of 45.83%). with the F1 and AUROC measures.
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7.2.4. Postdownload Usage Prediction Model. Following are used. The results show that RF has the best pre-
similar procedures in building download prediction diction performance for both postdownload session
models, postdownload usage prediction models are time (R2 = 0.22 and MAE = 2.44) and connection count
developed with feature construction, model selec- (R2 = 0.39 and MAE = 0.39).
tion, hyperparameter tuning, and cross-validation. Using the best RF model, we estimate the marginal
There are three major differences in the usage pre- effect of different feature groups on postdownload
diction model. First, we use regression models be- usage prediction. To measure the impact of the most
cause postdownload usage metrics are in continu- basic features (public), we again include naive models
ous values. Second, because postdownload usage is that do not require any features: in the first benchmark
highly skewed, we apply the log transformation to the (Avg_Sess, Avg_Conn), we use the average value
session time and connection count. Third, because over all apps as the “prediction” of each user’s post-
postdownload usage prediction is only relevant to the download usage, and in the second benchmark
users who downloaded target apps, we use the 26,668 (Avg_Sess_Src, Avg_Conn_Src), we use the average
observations with download actions (dn_uijt = 1). value over the specific source app as the prediction of
For model comparison, we use regression algo- each user’s postdownload usage.39 Panels B and D of
rithms such as linear regression (Linear), Lasso, RF Table 12 show the results on different feature groups.
regressor, FFNN, and CNN. The model evaluation Interestingly, we find that the prediction model works
metrics are coefficient of determination (R2 ), mean well (R2 = 0.22 and 0.39) only when all the features
absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error are available. However, when the models do not use
(RMSE). A higher value is preferred for R2 , and a individual user features, the prediction accuracy de-
lower value is preferred for MAE and RMSE. The grades significantly (R2 values are in the range between
specifications of the hyperparameters we tested in the 0.00 and 0.08). This result implies that it is necessary
cross-validation follow: to have individual user-level data in predicting post-
• RF: # of trees = {20, 30, 40, 50, 100}, max tree download usage levels.
depth = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}
• FFNN: # layers = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, # nodes in a 7.3. App Matching Simulation
layer = {16, 32, 64, 128, 256}, optimizer = {rmsprop} 7.3.1. General Setup. With the large number of apps
• CNN: # of filters = {15, 20, 25, 30}, kernel size = available in the app market, there is a significant
{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, optimizer = {rmsprop} search cost for app developers on both sides (sources
The average model training times in each hyper- and targets) to find optimal CP campaign counter-
parameter combination are 4.77, 4.78, and 4.77 sec- parts in an efficient manner. We propose a centralized
onds for RF, FFNN, and CNN models, respectively. matching platform to assign the matchings between
In total, the hyperparameter tuning process only source and target apps based on their predicted
took 13.94, 13.97, and 9.55 minutes for the three preference lists and different matching algorithms.
models, respectively. Notably, for each simulation, we use two different
Panels A and C of Table 12 show the postdownload models for matching simulation and the subsequent
usage prediction results of different models when all evaluation processes. To measure the impact of dif-
features (public, analytics, and individual features) ferent feature groups, matches are generated using
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886 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
prediction models, some of which use partial feature that a source app developer receives a fixed price per
groups. To evaluate the performance of the resulting target app download. This contract may not be the
matches from different algorithms and prediction most efficient scheme in terms of maximizing the
models, we always use the most accurate prediction effectiveness of the ad strategy because it does not
model (i.e., the RF model using full features: public + consider the various levels of benefit that a single
analytics + individual). download can potentially achieve. For instance, some
source app users may keep using the target app after
7.3.2. Utility Estimation of App Matches. In the simu- downloading, whereas free-riding users may download
lation, a critical operationalization step is to construct the target app only for the reward without usage in-
the preference list for each app based on utility values, tention. It is obvious that the former download is more
considering both cost and benefit for source and valuable for target app developers. Therefore, target app
target app developers to participate in the CP cam- developers should be willing to pay a higher price for
paign. Specifically, for target app developers, the cost such downloads with actual usage. Thus, the second
is the payment for each successful download, and the potential contract is benefit contingent, with the price
benefit is the corresponding number of downloads based on potential usage of the target app as a result
and postdownload usage gained from the CP cam- of the download. Following the literature, we assume
paign. For source app developers, the benefit is the cut that source and target app developers would share
on each download transaction, whereas the potential the benefit at a fixed fraction (Sørensen 2007).
cost is the possible loss of active users to the target In our simulation design, we incorporate the two
apps. As shown in Section 6, though, source apps do payment schemes in the utility value estimation. The
not suffer from such issues. first one is the fixed-price model that was being used
Different payment exchanges are available between by our data source CP platform. For this, we use the
source and target apps. The first possible contract is download-maximization strategy, where the utility of
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a match for the target app is the expected number of deferred acceptance matching algorithms and examines
downloads. Second, we also consider the benefit- their computational scalability.41
contingent scheme with the usage-maximization For performance evaluation, we compare the de-
strategy, where the utility of a match is the expected ferred acceptance algorithms with two naive algo-
usage of the acquired users. In both scenarios, we rithms: random matching (random_match) and greedy
leverage the prediction models to predict the down- matching (greedy_match). With the random matching
load probability and postdownload usage level and algorithm, for a given source app, we randomly select
use them as the utility values in the preference list. seven target apps. In the greedy matching algorithm,
In CP industry practice (e.g., Tapjoy), target app the centralized decision maker—the matching plat-
developers make bids to source apps based on their form in our case—first sorts all possible source–target
expected utilities. In this case, app developers only pairs based on predefined utility values (either down-
have access to public app market data. We simulate load or usage). Then, in a greedy fashion, pairs will be
this scenario by using prediction models trained only matched until all the demands are met (e.g., all target
on public data. By contrast, arguably, the CP platform apps are fully matched). This greedy algorithm is dif-
can make a better-informed decision because it has ferent from the deferred acceptance algorithm because
comprehensive analytics data, which scenario is mod- the resulting matches may not be guaranteed to be stable.
eled by using the prediction models trained with a full
set of features (public + analytics + individual). 7.3.4. Simulation Results. The final step of the simu-
lation is to evaluate the matches generated by dif-
7.3.3. Matching Algorithms. Given the constructed ferent matching algorithms and different features.
preference list, the next step is to apply matching For a given hypothetical match made by the algo-
algorithms to generate source–target matches. Fol- rithm, we use the most accurate prediction model
lowing the matching literature, we use two deferred (RF with public + analytics + individual features) to
acceptance–based algorithms. The deferred accep- predict the download and postdownload usage met-
tance algorithm was first introduced by Gale and rics.42 Then we aggregate each app pair’s predicted
Shapley (1962) for one-to-one and many-to-one match- values (e.g., number of downloads and postdownload
ing games in the contexts of marriage and college ad- usages) to the day level. If the algorithms are to
missions. The algorithm has been applied to other maximize the total downloads, we keep download
matching markets, such as resident–hospital assign- performance as the ad effectiveness metric. Simi-
ments in the United States and school admissions in larly, we report the postdownload usage performance
the cities of New York and Boston. It is shown that the when the usage-maximization strategy is used. As
outcome of the algorithm is a stable matching, which mentioned in Section 7.2.2, we use the last 30-day data
guarantees that the matched pairs do not have in- for simulation and report the average daily perfor-
centives to deviate from the given matches. mance over the 30-day period. Specifically, for the
For the CP campaign case, each target app can be download metric, we count the total app downloads
advertised on multiple source apps, and each source (dn_uijt) from all CP campaigns in a given day. For the
app can promote several target apps at the same time. postdownload usage metrics, we aggregate the ses-
Thus, we extend the deferred acceptance algorithm sion time (sess_uijt) or connection count (conn_uijt)
to allow many-to-many matching. The quota (the from all the users who downloaded an app through
number of target apps that can be matched to a source any CP campaign from a given day.
app) is an important parameter of the deferred ac- The results are summarized in Table 13. The first
ceptance algorithm, and fairness is essential when we notable result is that the inclusion of analytics and in-
evaluate the performance of a matching as well as dividual features significantly improves the matching
the long-term success of the market. Therefore, the performance. In terms of the download metric, the an-
number of matches each source and target app has alytics features induce marginal performance improve-
should be balanced. We thus set a quota for each ments of 39% in all three nonrandom algorithms
target app as the number of ad slots available on all (greedy_match, src_da_match, tgt_da_match), and the
source apps divided by the number of target apps. marginal effect of individual features is around 28%.
Following CP industry practice, each source app can For the connection metric, the marginal benefits are in
be matched to at most seven target apps in our sim- a similar range (22%–38%). However, in the session
ulation.40 In addition, because either counterpart of hours metric, the marginal benefits were smaller
the two-sided market can make the proposal, we use (analytics 4.5%, individual 1%).
source app– and target app–proposing deferred ac- Interestingly, when only public features are used
ceptance algorithms (src_da_match and tgt_da_match). to train the machine-learning model, the perfor-
Online Appendix G provides the details of the generalized mances of nonrandom algorithms can be even worse
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888 Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS
Panel B: Metric = total session times from the users acquired in a day
(in terms of downloads and connections) than those of campaigns, we propose an app-matching platform using
random matching algorithms. This can be evidence that machine-learning models and matching algorithms. Our
the industry practice that only relies on public infor- simulation results show that the ad effectiveness of CP
mation may not be optimal. This also implies that when campaigns can be significantly improved with the use of
using machine-learning approaches in the CP matching analytics and individual user features.
process, it is essential to have detailed analytics data on We believe that our paper contributes to both the
the app usage characteristics to have accurate predic- academic literature and industry practice. From the
tion models and ultimately efficient app matches. academic perspective, our paper contributes to the in-
In terms of different matching algorithms, the target- formation systems and marketing literature on mobile
proposing deferred acceptance algorithm (tgt_da_match) ecosystem and mobile advertising. In addition, because
shows the best performance, whereas the differences CP campaigns are involved with multiple products, this
among the three nonrandom algorithms are mar- paper makes contributions to the research strand on
ginal. Overall, compared with the worst specification multiproduct promotions. Compared with other related
(random_match), the best specification (deferred ac- marketing strategies, such as cross-selling, product
ceptance with full features) shows 78%, 69%, and 68% bundling, and recommender systems, we articulate the
improvement in the download, session, and con- unique aspects of the new promotion framework: se-
nection metrics, respectively. quential purchases, products from different companies,
and incentives for user acquisition. The paper also
8. Concluding Remarks contributes to the broader literature on targeted ad-
The success of the mobile app market can be attrib- vertising by empirically measuring the improved
uted to its nature as a two-sided market (Rochet and matching efficiency with analytics and individual data
Tirole 2003). However, search cost issues arise as the (Marotta et al. 2018).
market becomes increasingly crowded with millions Our paper also has managerial implications for app
of apps and billions of users (Hagiu 2006, Evans et al. developers and platform managers. Our empirical re-
2011). Cross-promotion, advertising an app (target sults provide direct guidance to app developers con-
app) within another app (source app), is introduced sidering CP as one of their ad strategies. Specifically, our
as an innovative app promotion mechanism to ad- results show that app developers should choose the
dress this issue. Based on the data from a large-scale right partner apps to maximize the ad effectiveness.
random matching experiment, we identified signifi- With more knowledge on consumers’ preferences on
cant factors (including the topic model-based app app consumption, they will be able to choose the
similarity) that contribute to better app matching in source app that better fits their preference. From the
CP campaigns. We document the preference discrepancy mobile app platform’s perspective, our paper has set
over app users’ variety-seeking download behaviors an example of how to use app analytics data and
and consistency-seeking postdownload usage decisions. machine-learning models to improve ad effectiveness
To further improve the app-matching process in CP and enhance the diversity of the market. Lastly, by
Lee et al.: Matching Mobile Apps for Cross-Promotion
Information Systems Research, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 865–891, © 2020 INFORMS 889
comparing ad effectiveness with and without user be- The majority of mobile apps are free to download, and the main
havior data, we discussed the trade-off between the cost revenue sources of free app developers are in-app purchases and in-app
advertising. See (accessed February 12, 2020).
of privacy and the benefit of market efficiency (Rafieian 6
Tapjoy is a CP platform rewarding users with virtual currency for
and Yoganarasimhan 2018b).
other app games in exchange for watching ads or downloading
Our paper can have multiple extensions to address new apps. See (accessed
its current limitations. First, we can improve the February 12, 2020).
empirical and simulation analyses with additional 7
See HBS Digital Initiative, “Is Tapjoy Finding the Key to Mobile App
data sources. Specifically, the absence of ad impres- Monetization?,” (accessed February 12, 2020).
sion data prevents us from conducting individual- See the data source: (accessed February
level empirical analysis. For the same reason, we had 12, 2020).
to make some assumptions in the simulation analysis.
See Twitter, “Mobile App Promotion Guide,”
We may collect more data (e.g., ad impression and (accessed February 12, 2020).
app reviews) on the app market to conduct more de-
See Facebook, “App Install Ads,” (accessed
February 12, 2020).
tailed analysis at the individual level. For the prediction 11
models, we may consider constructing more individual Tapjoy employs real-time bidding to meet the supply and demand
of CP campaigns, which requires the target app developers to un-
user features for improved model accuracy. derstand how to choose the right source app. Another CP platform,
Second, our simulation used either a fixed unit price Tap for Tap, matches up apps based on a number for factors, such
for download (download maximization) or the fixed as app genre, app rating, and reviews. See
sharing fraction among source or target apps (usage (accessed February 12, 2020).
maximization). We could further improve the matching 12
See Business of Apps, “Promoting Your Mobile Apps Using Cross
efficiency using auction models, as for Hatfield and Promotion Networks,” (accessed February 12, 2020).
Kominers (2017). In this case, the unit price is en- See Adweek, “Apple’s Search Ads Are Generating Conversion Rates
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-more-time-in-app (accessed February 12, 2020). bution channel. Marketing Sci. 31(6):1014–1021.
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native similarity measures produce consistent results. Blei DM, Ng AY, Jordan MI (2003) Latent Dirichlet allocation.
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