Journal of Orthopaedics
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Background context: Open laminectomy has been regarded as the standard surgical method up to date in de-
generative spinal stenosis or herniation of intervertebral disc. The conventional method may lead to instability
and provoke chronic lower back pain by scarifying facet joint, posterior ligamentous complex as well as para-
spinal muscle. For this reason, the new technique using an endoscope, which could protect soft tissue and facet
joint, recently got spotlight.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to introduce a new spinal surgical technique using a 30-degreed endoscopy
through bi- or tri- portals and to report the preliminary result of this technique.
Study design: retrospective study
Methods: One hundred five patients who were suffering from neurologic symptoms by degenerative lumbar
spine disease were included even after preoperative conservative treatment. Two or three portals were used for
each level. One portal was used for viewing, the others, for working of a certain instrument. Unilateral lami-
notomy was followed by bilateral decompression under 30° endoscopy. Clinical outcomes were analyzed in view
of modified-Macnab criteria, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), Visual analog scale (VAS), and postoperative
complications were analyzed.
Results: The ODI improved from 67.4 ± 11.5 preoperatively to 22.9 ± 12.4 postoperatively. VAS for leg de-
creased from 7.7 ± 1.5 to 2.4 ± 1.3 at final follow up. Eighty-eight percent of the patients were improved over
a level of good based on the Macnab criteria. There were not infection case.
Conclusions: The 30-degreed endoscopy had the advantages of obtaining a wider view. Full endoscopic de-
compression using 30-degreed endoscopy allowed satisfactory result clinically and reduction of surgical infec-
tion. It could be alternative method of microscopic laminectomy.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.-E. Kim).
Received 21 August 2017; Accepted 14 January 2018
Available online 31 January 2018
0972-978X/ © 2018 Prof. PK Surendran Memorial Education Foundation. Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.-E. Kim, D.-J. Choi Journal of Orthopaedics 15 (2018) 366–371
to Huang YH et al., the incidence of significant blood loss (over 500 ml)
during lumbar fusion was reported over 53% and substantial bleeding
in lumbar fusion is associated with a greater incidence of morbidities
and prolonged length of hospital stay.6 In case of open spinal surgery,
since the above problem may occur, various instruments and techniques
were invented in order to prevent these problems. Recently, biportal
endoscopic spinal surgery were reported by several authors7–10,and
have started to get spotlighted. So far, there are few reports that present
clinical outcomes, specifically technical reports about biportal endo-
scopic surgery for spinal stenosis. The purpose of this study evaluates
the unilateral biportal endoscopic spinal surgery for in degenerative
spinal stenosis and presents a technical note.
The study was carried out after the approval of the institutional
review board. All patients who received unilateral biportal endoscopic
decompression consented and signed prior to operation. The clinical
outcomes including Oswestry Disability Index, Modified Macnab cri-
teria, VAS, operation time, and complication rate were analyzed from
patients who were treated by unilateral biportal decompression using
30° endoscopy. The number of patients was one hundred five. These
patients were diagnosed with spinal stenosis and treated by our in-
stitution via unilateral biportal endoscopic decompression. Other pa-
tients with other diagnoses such as lumbar disc herniation or re stenosis Fig. 1. A lateral and anteroposterior view of this lumbar spine exhibits the locations of
due to adjustment segmental degeneration were excluded from the the two portals.
patient pool. Unilateral biportal endoscopic decompression was oper-
ated by a single surgeon. Instruments including basic spine instruments
and 30° 4 mm arthroscopy (Linvatec®) which were commonly used in
joint arthroscopy, and Arthrocare (Smith & Nephew®), 4.2 mm arthro-
scopic burr, shaver were used in operation. The procedures were op-
erated under spinal or general anesthesia. The patients were positioned
prone along with the abdomen free, the spine was flexed to widen inter
laminar space.
J.-E. Kim, D.-J. Choi Journal of Orthopaedics 15 (2018) 366–371
Fig. 3. Endoscopic images of (Right) 5.5 mm transparent plastic cannula and (Left) root retractor which can solve water congestion.
J.-E. Kim, D.-J. Choi Journal of Orthopaedics 15 (2018) 366–371
Fig. 5. (A) An endoscopic view of ipsilateral laminectomy. spinous process (white arrow), ligamentum flavum (black arrow). (B) Contralateral decompression with Over the top
technique. ligamentum flavum (black arrow), dura (white arrow). (C)The schematic view of ‘Over the top technique'., TP transverse process, SP, spinous process, LF, ligamentum flavum.
of disc protrusion which provokes a canal compromise. The operation is follow up. The postoperative mean ODI significantly improved from
finished after confirmation of bilateral decompression use of blunt 67.4 ± 11.5 to 22.9 ± 12.4 (P < 0.01). 88% of patients improved
probe (Fig. 6). After the instruments and endoscope were removed, the over a good base on the Macnab criteria. The recorded outcomes, ac-
skin incision were closed. After drain removal, postoperative MRI was cording to the modified Macnab criteria, were excellent in 81 patients
checked. (Fig. 7). (77%), good in 12 (11%), fair in 10 patient (10%), and poor in 2 patient
(2%) (Table 2). Complications with unilateral biportal endoscopic de-
2.2. Statistatical analysis compression by 30° endoscopy were limited to 3 cases. Although dura
tear occurred in 2 cases, symptoms improved after conservative treat-
All stastistical analyses were performed using Statistical Package for ment. One patient who had neurologic symptoms got revision surgery
Social Sciences (version 18; SPSS, Chicago, Illinois). Values are pre- due to postoperative epidural hematoma. The patient was treated again
sented as means ± standard deviation. Patient data was analyzed by unilateral biportal decompression by 30° endoscopy through the
using the paired t-test. P < 0.05 was regarded as statistically sig- same portals which were used previously.
4. Discussion
2.3. Surgical indication
Open decompressive laminectomy is known as the conventional
Radiating leg pain or neurogenic claudication dominant spinal ste- treatment of spinal stenosis. However, back pain and muscle atrophy
nosis, multilevel spinal stenosis Grade I spondylolithesis, can occur due to excessive dissection of the paraspinal muscle, espe-
cially postoperative multifidus.4 The number of posterior lumbar fu-
3. Result sions also increases due to inevitable iatrogenic instability, caused by
wide decompression including facetectomy.11 Adjacent segmental de-
The one hundred five patients were treated in our institution. There generation can occur after posterior lumbar fusion. On this account,
were forty six male patients and fifty nine female patients. The ages of spinal stenosis can recur and develop lower back pain over time.12
the patients ranged from 52 to 86 years old, with a mean age of Minimal invasive spinal surgical techniques were developed and spot-
71.2 ± 8.9. The operation was performed by unilateral biportal en- lighted to reduce surgical trauma and decrease the rate of iatrogenic
doscopic decompression. A record of blood loss was not acquired due to lumbar fusion surgery due to these problem. Problems also include
the character of the operation which uses continuous watery irrigation inevitable muscle dissection and difficulty of decompression at the
(Table 1). The mean follow up period was 14 months. The mean op- contralateral side in the case of ULBD (unilateral laminotomy with bi-
erative time for 1 level was 53 ± 13.5 min. The postoperative mean lateral decompression), which is most similar to the unilateral biportal
VAS for leg decreased from 7.7 ± 1.5 to 2.4 ± 1.3 (P < 0.01) at final endoscopic decompression technique. When tubular spinal surgery is
J.-E. Kim, D.-J. Choi Journal of Orthopaedics 15 (2018) 366–371
Fig. 7. (A) Central spinal stenosis of L4-5 is shown in this preoperative MRI. (B)
Postoperative MRI showing that the spinal canal was decompressed completely by uni-
lateral biportal decompression with 30°endoscopy.
Table 1
Record of blood loss.
Table 2
Recorded outcomes.
Fig. 6. (A) An endoscopic view of the contralateral side after decompression. annulus (red
arrow), contralateral facet joint (black arrow), traversing root (white arrow). (B) The Characteristic Value
complete decompression of the spinal canal. annulus (red arrow), ipsilateral facet (black
arrow), ipsilateral traversing root (white arrow). (For interpretation of the references to Age 52 to 86 (71.2 ± 8.9)
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Male/Female 46/59
Mean operation time for 1 level. 53 ± 13.5
Complication (dura tear) 2
operated, the diameter of tube is not wide enough to work properly in a (epidural hematoma) 1
16 mm tube. In addition, it has not been verified with regard to spinal (infection) 0
instability due to the damage of the supraspinous ligament by tubular
spinal surgery up to date.13 Although, microscopic decompression
technique is anatomically familiar to spine surgeons, more muscle not the tube. In addition, the triangulation technique is used as a basic
dissection is required compared to the unilateral biportal endoscopic concept for arthroscopy and biporal endoscopic surgery has a sub-
technique. It is relatively not easy to obtain good contralateral view stantial advantage over the other technique as it provides un-
depending on the patient. In contrast, the advantage of the unilateral constrained working space through two independent portals. Therefore,
biportal endoscopic technique is that it provides a good view of the while decompression of only the central stenosis is possible by the
contralateral, sublaminar foraminal area without additional incision. In single portal technique, the biportal technique can decompress both
addition, there is less muscle dissection. The risk of infection is low and central stenosis and lateral stenosis.
clear visualization and less intraoperative bleeding can be obtained due Unilateral biportal endoscopic decompression technique allows the
to continuous saline irrigation. However, the surgeon should under- decompression of the contralateral side and the identification of the
stand the concept of triangulation and overcome a steep learning curve contralateral facet as well as the traversing root without excessive re-
in order to perform this operation. Meningeal irritation can be caused sectioning of the bony structure. The portals made in the intermuscular
by excessive saline irrigation after surgery. plane of the multifidus provide space between the multifidus and the
Although Komp et al. recently reported a retrospective study related lamina in order to prevent failed back syndrome, which is caused by
to decompression surgery using single portal endoscopy in spinal ste- muscle atrophy and denervation of the posterior ligament complex and
nosis. There are disadvantages to viewing and working in a single portal the paraspinal muscle. Also, tissue debris did not congest due to con-
compared to two portals.14 The single portal technique is narrow in tinuous water flow through an in and out point. Although the pre-
vision because viewing and working are done by one portal. The single valence of spinal surgical site infection was reported 3.5% in validation
portal has also a limited working space. In the biportal technique, cohort study.5 There are not any infection cases up to date because of
working is done freely in the space between the muscle and the lamina, the continuous irrigation. It can be considered that the improvement of
J.-E. Kim, D.-J. Choi Journal of Orthopaedics 15 (2018) 366–371