Abdelrahman Et Al. (2017)
Abdelrahman Et Al. (2017)
Abdelrahman Et Al. (2017)
Current digital systems are largely blind to users’ cognitive states. Systems that adapt to users’ states show great potential for
augmenting cognition and for creating novel user experiences. However, most approaches for sensing cognitive states, and
cognitive load specifically, involve obtrusive technologies, such as physiological sensors attached to users’ bodies. This paper
present an unobtrusive indicator of the users’ cognitive load based on thermal imaging that is applicable in real-world. We use
a commercial thermal camera to monitor a person’s forehead and nose temperature changes to estimate their cognitive load.
To assess the effect of different levels of cognitive load on facial temperature we conducted a user study with 12 participants.
The study showed that different levels of the Stroop test and the complexity of reading texts affect facial temperature
patterns, thereby giving a measure of cognitive load. To validate the feasibility for real-time assessments of cognitive load, we
conducted a second study with 24 participants, we analyzed the temporal latency of temperature changes. Our system detected
temperature changes with an average latency of 0.7 seconds after users were exposed to a stimulus, outperforming latency in
related work that used other thermal imaging techniques. We provide empirical evidence showing how to unobtrusively detect
changes in cognitive load in real-time. Our exploration of exposing users to different content types gives rise to thermal-based
activity tracking, which facilitates new applications in the field of cognition-aware computing.
CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); • Computing methodologies
→ Cognitive science; • Hardware → Displays and imagers;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Thermal Imaging, cognitive load, Thermal latency
This work is supported by the Victorian State Government and Microsoft through their contributions to the Microsoft Research Centre for
Social Natural User Interfaces (SocialNUI). It was partly conducted within the Amplify project which received funding from the European
Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 683008) and
received funding from the German Research Foundation within the SimTech Cluster of Excellence (EXC 310/2).
Author’s addresses: Y. Abdelrahman, A. Schmidt, Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart, email:
{yomna.abdelrahman, albrecht.schmidt}@vis.uni-stuttgart.de. E. Velloso, F. Vetere, School of Computing and Information Systems, The
University of Melbourne, email: {eduardo.velloso, F.vetere}@unimelb.edu.au. T. Dingler, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture
University, email: tilman@cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp.
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copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first
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© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
2474-9567/2017/9-ART33 $15.00
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:2 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
Building systems that extend our cognitive abilities, augment our intellect [10], work in symbiosis with humans
[35], and provide ubiquitous access to information [66] has been a core theme in human-centered computing
since its inception. These aspirations have carried on through multiple research programs, including Affective
Computing [47], Physiological Computing [12], and more recently Symbiotic Interaction [25] and Human
Amplification [51]. These cognition-aware systems aim to sense users’ internal states and to adapt their interface
and behaviour accordingly. Such systems offer opportunities to tailor educational activities in online learning
environments, to dynamically optimize work-flows for knowledge, to improve performance for assembly line
workers [14], and to focus users’ attention in critical systems. A crucial step in building cognition-aware systems
is capturing different aspects of users’ mental states, such as their cognitive load, loci of attention, and affect.
Despite over 50 years of work in the area, how to sense cognitive load in a robust, accurate, timely, and unobtrusive
way is still an open challenge.
Cognitive load has been measured traditionally in two ways: (1) by subjective self-reporting and (2) by observing
user performance in a task or in a set of parallel tasks. The NASA TLX is a common example of the first category,
where participants are asked to report their own load with regard to 6 different categories. Another example
where study participants are asked to report their own estimates can be found in Sweller et al. [62]. The drawback
of these approaches is that the answers are highly subjective. Furthermore, the self-reporting itself adds to the
cognitive load. Measuring cognitive load through the performance in the task itself or in a secondary task (e.g.
Lane Change Task for Automotive user interface, ISO 26022) only provides a rough estimate and is typically only
suitable to laboratory studies and not for creating cognition-aware real-time systems. For interactive systems
to be able to adapt their behavior accordingly, cognitive load information must be captured continuously and
automatically—introspection is often not sufficient. Physiological sensors, such as functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and galvanic skin response (GSR) sensors show potential as
possible solutions to this problem, but are limited in their application in ubiquitous computing environments
since they require users to wear obtrusive additional hardware (e.g. electrodes on their skin).
By adding sensing capabilities to the environment rather than burdening the user, thermal imaging is a strong
candidate for the task of measuring cognitive load. Thermal cameras are both unobtrusive and able to capture
information from multiple users at a distance and at the same time. Previous research has shown that thermal
patterns reveal different aspects of our internal states, including affect [24, 60], stress [48], and deception [49].
Further, advances in miniaturization and mass production have continuously brought down the prices of these
devices. With consumer-grade cameras readily available in the market for a few hundred dollars, measuring
cognitive load at a larger scale becomes feasible.
In this article we present a novel method for estimating cognitive load based on users’ facial temperature
patterns using a commercial thermal camera. Our method works with off-the-shelf hardware and is applicable
for ubiquitous computing environments. It automatically estimates in near real-time the cognitive load of the
user and opens up new opportunities for large scale deployments of cognition-aware technologies.
In this paper, we advance the state-of-the-art of automatic cognitive load estimation through the following
• We propose a method for estimating four-levels of cognitive load by computing the temperature difference
between the user’s forehead and nose temperatures using computer vision techniques on the feed of a
thermal camera.
• We demonstrate the validity of our metric through a user study, showing that the estimate for cognitive
load strongly correlates with the task difficulty both in an artificial controlled task (Stroop tests [61] under
different levels of time pressure) and in a naturalistic task (reading text fragments of different complexity).
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:3
• We demonstrate (in a second study), that our method can estimate changes in cognitive load in near
real-time, with a latency of 0.7s making it suitable for creating cognitive-aware interactive systems.
• We release both our system implementation and our dataset as open source for future researchers to build
upon, replicate, and extend 1 .
Awareness of cognitive load and processes is an ongoing challenge for HCI research. Our work builds on two
strands of prior work: (1) cognitive load estimation and (2) thermal imaging.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:4 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
As promising tools within the HCI domain, thermal cameras show high potential for estimating cognitive load.
It overcomes the limitation of using contact sensors utilized in previous research and is more robust than other
contactless approaches, since the temperature signature is more resistant to conscious manipulation [24]. In this
paper, we investigate the use of thermal imaging to estimate cognitive load, exploiting the fact that cognitive
load influences the skin temperature (which is directly related to the conduction of heat from the blood to the
facial skin [43]) as a reflection of the activation of the ANS [11]. We therefore aim to leverage the correlation
between cardiovascular physiology and mental state, where they are capable of reliably differentiating between
levels of cognitive load [59].
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:5
facial temperature in terms of region of interest and direction of temperature change (i.e. increase or decrease in
the temperature) [23].
Compared to previously established sensors, the great advantage of thermal imaging is its contactless and
non-invasive operation. The contact-free recording of facial temperature with an thermal camera allows us to
isolate unsystematic data variation (e.g., users’ bias due to their awareness of being monitored, the movement
of the sensor or the stressful attachment of the sensor on the users’ body). Additionally, instrumenting the
environment is more user-friendly and allows the tracking of multiple users. Most of the research so far has
used MIR thermal cameras. For instance, StressCam [48] used the Indigo Phoenix thermal camera costing over
20, 000 USD. Jenkins and Brown [26], utilized the supraorbital region to identify cognitive state, yet they used a
non-commercial thermal camera. However, because FIR thermal cameras are commercially available and relatively
affordable, they present a compelling opportunity for expanding the reach of these applications. For instance, it
is now possible to buy smartphones with built in thermal cameras 3 . These cameras are becoming increasingly
smaller, with sizes as small as a 20mm 4 , yet maintaining high thermal sensitivity around 0.05◦ degrees. This
enables thermal cameras to be used in a diverse set of applications, by enhancing existing application scenarios
and exploring new ones. Previous research has shown that thermal imaging in the NIR and MIR bands can be
used to reveal different cognitive states. Stemberger et al. [60] explored the use of FIR to estimate cognitive load
levels, but they used a wearable tracking headset to identify the region of interest, and a neural network to build
a user dependent classification to three-levels of workload based on six region of interest. Or and Duffy [40], and
Kang et al. [27, 28], used the variation in the nose temperature as an indicator of cognitive workload. However,
they didn’t report on how different levels of workload influence the temperature change. Additionally, their
findings are confounded by facial temperature stress indicators [29].
In this paper, we explore thermal imaging operating in the FIR band. We leverage the advances in miniaturization
and reduction in the prices of these devices, to explore the feasibility to not only detect the cognitive load, but
also to estimate four-levels of cognitive load, while maintaining the unobtrusive operation manner of thermal
imaging. We aim to investigate the possibility of using thermal imaging as a user-independent cognitive state
detector. Additionally, we also explore different metrics to avoid any possible overlap between other states e.g.
In summary, the aim is to address two major shortcomings of previous work concerned with estimating
cognitive load—the obtrusive and contact nature of traditional physiological sensors and the limitation in
detecting different cognitive load levels in a user-independent manner.
3 http://www.catphones.com/en-gb/phones/s60-smartphone
4 http://www.flir.com/cores/lepton/
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:6 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
literature—the forehead and the nose—as these can be monitored even if the user is wearing glasses. In summary,
in this work we focus on two research questions:
(1) Can we distinguish different cognitive load levels using a relatively low-cost, commercially available
thermal camera? More specifically, do the changes in facial temperature correlate with the level of difficulty
of the task? (RQ1)
(2) If so, how long after the increase in cognitive load can we detect the corresponding temperature fluctuation
(RQ2)? In other words, what is the latency of our method as a cognitive load sensor?
To answer the first research question, we built a system that monitors users facial temperature (see Section 4.3)
and observed how it changed as users performed two tasks with four levels of difficulty each (see Section 4.1). We
hypothesize that the higher task difficulty will result in a greater temperature difference. To address the second
research question we conducted a second study and measured how long the temperature started to change after
the task started or ended, and how long it took for it to reach its maximum level (see Section 5). We present our
results regarding the applicability of thermal cameras as a cognitive load sensor and suggest directions for future
work (see Section 6).
4.1 Design
We applied a repeated-measures design, where all participants were exposed to all three task conditions. We
studied the effect of the tasks on the facial thermal print. For the baseline we asked the participants to relax.
For the reading task we provided four types of different content types: 1) a comic, 2) an easy blog article, 3) a
scientific article and 4) a literary piece. We chose these content types because of their presumed differences
in cognitive demand. Additionally, we computed the readability index 5 for each text, which indicates the text
difficulty: the higher the value the more difficult the text is to read. The text found in the comic, easy blog, science
article and literary piece reported 26.6, 52.9, 68.2 and 77.9 respectively. All content used during the user study
was in German and all participants were native German speakers.
The Stroop test is a classic Psychology task for evaluating executive functions [61]. During the test, users are
asked to name the color of the font in which different words are written. The difficulty of the task lies in the fact
that the words displayed represent a different color to the one in which it is colored. For example, the word ’red’
would appear colored in blue, and the participant had to say ’blue’. In our study we also introduced four levels of
difficulty in the task by adding four levels of increasing time pressure: the higher the level, the less time users
had to respond. For varying the difficulty of the Stroop test, we considered four levels of difficulty provided by
the app Magic Colors6 . To overcome the effect of the repeated-measures experimental design, namely order effect,
the order of the tasks was counter-balanced using a Latin Square.
5 https://www.psychometrica.de/lix.html
6 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.accountmaster.in.MagicColors
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:7
Fig. 1. Study setup consisting of thermal camera facing the participant while performing the reading task.
4.2 Apparatus
Our experimental setup consisted of a 13.3" laptop in front of a thermal camera (Optris PI1607 ) mounted on
a tripod. The optical resolution of our camera was 160×120 pixels and its frame rate was 120 Hz. It is able to
measure temperatures between -20◦ C and 900◦ C, and operates with a thermal sensitivity of 0.08◦ C represented
by the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD)8 . The wavelengths captured by the camera are in the
spectral range between 7.5μm and 13μm. The lens we use provides a 23◦ × 17◦ field of view. The thermal camera
uses USB as power source as well as to transfer data. It provides temperature information in the form of 16-bit
color values encoding the temperature information. The participants were asked to look to the front facing the
thermal camera placed at 1m from the participants and the screen as shown in figure 1.
4.3 Implementation
To answer the first research question, we built a system consisting of a thermal camera and an image processing
software that recognizes and analyzes the user’s facial temperature. Our application receives the data from the
thermal camera, recognizes the face of the user, and extracts the temperature of the forehead and nose. We used
the OpenCV library9 for image processing and facial points extraction.
To enhance the face recognition, we performed a series of preprocessing steps for each retrieved frame:
(1) Frame extraction: We sample each frame of the camera feed at 120fps, based on the cameras frequency.
(2) Noise filtering: We apply a 5 × 5 median filter to smooth the image. We convert the output to gray-scale
and apply a 2D Gaussian filter to further remove high frequency noise as performed by Shirazi et al. [50].
(3) Face Recognition: We detect faces in the frame using the Viola-Jones classifier [64] built into OpenCV.
7 http://www.optris.com/thermal-imager-pi160
8 NETD refers to the electronic noise that is interpreted as a temperature difference of an object
9 OpenCV: http://opencv.org/ (last access: August 12, 2017)
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:8 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
(4) ROI Identification: We identify the nose tip and forehead as the ROI (Regions of Interest). These ROI are
computed relative to the face coordinates extracted as shown below. We identified a 5x5 pixels window
to represent the ROI. We used a simple ROI identification approach to maintain a fast frame rate for the
algorithm. Unlike Stemberger et al. [60], we aimed to rely on the thermal camera solely without any
wearable tracking headsets.
xForehead = xFace + (4 * face.Width / 7);
yForehead = yFace + (face.Height / 6);
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:9
Fig. 3. The application interface used during the study, showing the detected face and ROI as well as visualizing their
temperature and listing the tasks order.
All the data was visualized by the experimenter in real-time in an accompanying application developed in C#
(see Figure 3).
4.5 Results
We analyzed the effect of the task difficulty on the recorded facial temperature. We used three metrics as our
dependent variables:
(1) Decrease in nose temperature.
(2) Increase in forehead temperature.
(3) Difference between nose and forehead temperature.
We defined the temperature change as the difference between the mean temperature during the baseline
recording and the mean temperature in the final minute of the task.
4.5.1 Effect of Reading task on ROI Temperature.
Nose Temperature. We tested the effect of the Content Difficulty on the Nose Temperature with a one-way
ANOVA. Mauchly’s test showed a violation of sphericity against Content Difficulty (0.07, p<.05), so we report
Greenhouse-Geisser-corrected (GGe = 0.45) values. We found a large significant effect of Content Difficulty
on the Nose Temperature (F 1.35,14.9 = 14.0, p < .0001, дes = 0.29). Bonferroni-corrected pos-hoc tests found a
statistically significant difference between all content types (p < .05), except between the blog and the science
article, and between the science article and the literary piece at p < .05. The mean decrease in temperature
between levels was of .27 degrees Celsius.
Forehead Temperature. We tested the effect of the reading Content Difficulty (4 levels) on the Forehead
temperature (difference to the baseline) with a one-way ANOVA. Mauchly’s test showed a violation of sphericity
against difficulty (0.01, p < .05), so we report Greenhouse-Geisser-corrected (GGe = 0.37) values.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:10 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
We found a significant large effect of Content Difficulty on the Forehead Temperature (F 1.12,12.33 =
19.78, p < .001, дes = 0.16). Bonferroni-corrected pos-hoc tests found a statistically significant difference between
all content types (p < .05), except between the science article and the literary piece. The mean increase in
temperature between levels of difficulty was .07 degrees Celsius.
Forehead-Nose Temperature Difference. We tested the effect on the difference between forehead and nose
temperature (difference to the baseline) with a one-way ANOVA. Mauchly’s test showed a violation of sphericity
against Content Difficulty (0.09, p < .05), so we report Greenhouse-Geisser-corrected (GGe = 0.44) values.
We found a large significant effect of Content Difficulty on the Forehead-Nose Difference (F 1.32,14.54 =
23.26, p < .0001, дes = 0.38). Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc tests found significant differences between all levels
of difficulty. The mean increase in temperature difference between the forehead and the nose between levels was
of .34(±0.12) degrees Celsius.
Fig. 4. Temperature change between the baseline and the Reading tasks at different levels of difficulty for (A) the nose, (B)
the forehead, and (C) the difference between the forehead and the nose.
In summary, our reading tasks exhibited a significant increase in the forehead temperature and decrease in the
nasal temperature. We found a significant difference between all contents for the increase in the forehead-nose
temperature difference, and a larger effect size of the task difficulty on this metric. The difference between levels
of difficulty in the order of .34 degrees Celsius.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:11
Fig. 5. Temperature change between the baseline and the Stroop tasks at different levels of difficulty for (A) the nose, (B) the
forehead, and (C) the difference between the forehead and the nose.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:12 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
Forehead-Nose Temperature Difference. We tested the effect of the Task Difficulty (4 levels) on the difference
between forehead and the nose temperature (difference to the baseline) with a one-way ANOVA. Mauchly’s
test showed a violation of sphericity against Task Difficulty (0.18, p < .05), so we report Greenhouse-Geisser-
corrected (GGe = 0.68) values. We found a large significant effect of Task Difficulty on Forehead-Nose
Difference (F 2.03,22.36 = 37.97, p < .0001, дes = 0.20).Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc tests found significant
differences between all levels of difficulty. For each increase in the level of difficulty we found a difference of
0.42 (±0.13) degrees Celsius in the difference between forehead and nose temperatures as estimated by a linear
regression model.
In summary, we found statistically significant effects of task difficulty on temperature measures on (1) forehead,
(2) nose, and (3) the difference between the forehead and the nose. The largest effect was found in the difference
between the forehead and the nose.
4.6 Discussion
Informed by previous work, we hypothesized that an increase in the task difficulty would lead to a change in the
participants’ facial temperature patterns. Because forehead and nose are two of the most visible points on users’
faces and are two points recommended deemed feasible for temperature measurement by previous work [24], we
tested the effects of different tasks and their difficulties on temperature changes in these points.
We elicited increases in cognitive load both through an abstract task and through a naturalistic task. Our abstract
task consisted of a variant of the classic Stroop test, in which we increased the task difficulty by introducing a
time pressure. In this task, we found that an increase in the task’s difficulty lead to a change both in forehead and
nose temperature. The corresponding changes were related—an increase in task difficulty lead to an increase in
forehead temperature and a decrease in nose temperature. We therefore combined both metrics by calculating the
difference in temperature changes between the two. This proved to be the most robust metric, with a statistically
significant average increase of 0.42 (±.13) degrees Celsius between each difficulty level.
We confirmed the validity of this finding in a naturalistic scenario, consisting of reading four pieces of text
with varying levels of difficulty as measured by a readability scale—a comic book, a blog post, a scientific article,
and a snippet of Old German literature. Again, we found a significant effect of the task difficulty for all metrics,
in the same directions as in the Stroop task. Though this difference was not significant for all pairs of tasks in the
forehead and nose temperatures alone, they were significant for all pairs when combining the two by subtracting
the latter from the former. We found an average increase in the temperature difference between the forehead and
the nose of .34 degrees Celsius for between each level of difficulty.
The forehead temperature increases are correlated with metabolic increases in this ROI. This is presumed
to be due to the influence of muscle activation of the forehead muscle group [39, 59]. In parallel, the vessels in
the nose region experience vasoconstriction (tightening in the blood vessels) as response to increased cognitive
load [26, 59], reflecting a decrease in nose temperature.
Our findings validates the correlation of cognitive load and the selected region of interest and the measuring
metrics we selected. Fernández-Cuevas et al. and Ioannou et al. [13, 24] summarized and presented how facial
temperature and region of interest vary with different mental states. However, there were no states (e.g. stress,
guilt, joy...etc) that correlated with an decrease in the nose and an increase in the forehead temperature. For
instance, fear was correlated with decrease in both nose and forehead temperatures [24] and stress was correlated
with variation in the nose temperature [24, 28]. Other works identified stress as an equation of the difference of
the temperature of the nose and forehead [29] with a specific reading values between 34 and 36 degrees, rather
than the total temperature change.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:13
Our results answer RQ1 by showing that the order of magnitude of the temperature changes are large enough
to be detected by commercial sensors. For example, the FLIR One, a smartphone-compatible thermal camera and
one of the most affordable devices currently in the market, is capable of detecting temperature changes of 0.1
degrees Celsius and can hence be used to detect cognitive load.
5.1 Design
For this, study we applied a repeated-measures design, where all participants were exposed to all conditions. We
studied the effect of the duration of the task on the latency of the temperature change. We chose the Stroop test
as the task/stimulus, with task duration of 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. Each duration value was repeated three
Fig. 6. Example for one study sequence; each task on/off cycle was repeated three times.
5.2 Apparatus
The general setup was the same as in the first study, except that we used a more precise thermal camera with
higher thermal sensitivity: the Optris PI45010 with an optical resolution of 382×288 pixels and a frame rate of
80 Hz. It measures temperatures between -20◦ C and 900◦ C and operates with a thermal sensitivity of 0.04◦ C
represented by the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD). The lens we use provides a 38◦ × 29◦ field of
10 http://www.optris.com/thermal-imager-pi400
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:14 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
5.4 Results
We analyzed the effect of the different durations of the stimuli/tasks on the latency of facial temperature variations.
As in study I, We used the same three metrics as our dependent variables: nose temperature, forehead temperature
and differential temperature. Additionally, we investigated the following:
(1) Temperature change onset, refers to the time taken to first observe a change in temperature after the
commencement of the task. It is the time between the start of the task and the temperature reaching
3×standard deviation above the forehead baseline temperature or below nose baseline temperature. We
picked this method, as 99.73% of the data should be within ± 3 times the standard deviation, hence values
outside this range reflects temperature increase/decrease in the forehead and nose respectively.
(2) Temperature change saturation is the time taken to reach saturation in temperature change. This measure
describes the time between the onset to the time the temperature lies between ± 3×standard deviation.
(3) Temperature change offset, is the time taken after the task is stopped to observe temperature change. We
computed based on the time it took between the endof the task and the temperature reaching 3× standard
deviation below the forehead saturation temperature or above nose saturation temperature.
The baseline temperature for each participant was determined from the relaxing phase. This temperature was
compared to the facial temperature during and after the task. We tested the effect of the task duration on the
onset, saturation and offset times of the temperature change both in the nose and forehead area. There was no
significant difference observed between the task duration and the three metrics.
5.4.1 Latency in Nose Temperature Change. The onset for the nose temperature decrease was observed after
0.7s (± 0.2s) after the start of the task. It took 3.1s (± 1.2s) to reach saturation temperature . The offset for the
nose temperature was observed after 1.1s (±0.5s) the end of the task.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:15
Fig. 7. Temperature decrease on the nose during the 4 levels of difficulty with task duration of 5 seconds.
5.4.2 Latency in Forehead Temperature Change. The onset for the forehead temperature increase was observed
after an average of 1.2s (± 0.3s) after the start of the task. It took 2.3s (± 0.9s) to reach saturation of temperature
increase. The offset for the forehead temperature was observed after 1.6s (±0.9s) after the task was finished.
Fig. 8. Temperature increase on the forehead during the 4 levels of difficulty with 5 seconds task duration. The highlighted
areas indicates the duration of the task.
5.4.3 Latency in Total Difference Temperature Change. The onset for the differential temperature change was
observed after an average of 0.7 (± 0.2s) after the start of the task. It took 2.3s (± 1.2s) to reach the saturation
temperature difference The offset for forehead-nose temperature difference was observed 1.1s (±0.5s) after the
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:16 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
end of the task. As reported in study I, the Stroop test showed a statistically significant difference between the
levels and baseline in the three metrics. This was confirmed in the second study.
Fig. 9. Increase in the temperature difference between the forehead and the nose during the 4 levels of difficulty with task
duration of 5 seconds.
5.5 Discussion
Thermal variations due to vascular changes were consider as slow compared to other physiological monitoring
sensors [28]. However, recent research reported a latency of thermal response of 3.8 seconds after the stimuli onset
using functional infrared imaging, compared to 3 seconds of GSR [30, 38]. Our findings indicate a response latency
of 0.7sec using commercially available, far-infrared thermal imaging. One explanation for the faster response is
the camera sensitivity as well as the frame rate, where the camera we used had 0.04K thermal sensitivity and
80 fps, as opposed to the camera used by Kang et al. [28], which had 50 fps and operated in different spectrum.
Additionally, we relied on the temperature information of two regions of interest with a simple and real-time
ROI extraction approach, which might have influenced the latency of the extracted and observed temperature
As presented above, the onset in the forehead was longer than that of the nose 1.2±0.3 and 0.7±0.2 seconds
respectively. This reflects the fact that there are more vessels affecting the subcutaneous temperature in the nose
area than the forehead as reported by Berkovitz et al. [7]. This is also confirmed by the temperature variations,
where a temperature change of 0.09◦ was observed in the forehead as opposed to 0.33◦ in the nose area, for each
As mentioned earlier, the participants were two groups native Egyptians and Canadians. However, the observed
temperature change is consistent to that reported in the first study. This finding validates and confirms the results
from the first study, in which we observed a consistent change in forehead, nose and differential temperatures for
the different Stroop levels, although we had different groups of participants from that in the first study where we
had only Germans.
Our findings from the second study answers RQ2 and demonstrate the responsiveness of commercial thermal
cameras in estimating cognitive load.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
Cognitive Heat: Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging to Unobtrusively Estimate Cognitive Load • 33:17
In this work we described our approach to unobtrusively derive users’ cognitive load based on thermal imaging.
Therefore, we investigated the effects of four different task intensity levels on facial temperature changes. We
implemented a system capable of monitoring forehead and nose temperature to estimate current cognitive load
levels through a novel metric based on the difference between forehead and nose temperature.
Thermal imaging operating in FIR provides novel avenues for studying users’ cognitive states. We observed
substantial changes in facial temperatures upon the activation of the ANS due to a stimulus. While the nose
temperature—reflecting the vasoconstriction limiting the blood flow to the surface i.e., skin—decreases with rising
workloads, in parallel, the temperature on the forehead increases as muscular activity leads to metabolic increases
and increased blood flow in the underlying vessels. Based on these observations, we proposed a novel unobtrusive
technique for estimating and quantifying cognitive load and possibly other affective states. In addition, we
investigated the latency of temperature change and the ability of thermal cameras to capture those changes: we
found an average latency of 0.7 ±0.2 seconds.
Therefore, our system was able to unobtrusively estimate changes in cognitive load in close to real-time. The
exploration of content types gives rise to thermal-based activity tracking, which can empower new applications
in the field of cognition-aware computing: thermal imaging techniques, for example, can be applied in classroom
settings with multiple students being monitored in real-time to estimate cognitive load levels and assess current
difficulty of content. It could also be used in assistive systems in production environment, where the worker
is monitored unobtrusively without interrupting their work flow to estimate the current difficulty of the task
in hand. Additionally, our proposed system could be utilized in usability testing help identify user interface
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 33. Publication date:
September 2017.
33:18 • Y. Abdelrahman et al.
features that increase cognitive load. Awareness of cognitive demand allows systems to dynamically adapt to
users’ current cognitive capacities and either reduce task difficulty to prevent frustration or add complexity to
sustain interest and productivity.
This work was partly conducted within the Amplify project which received funding
from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 683008) and received funding
from the German Research Foundation within the SimTech Cluster of Excellence (EXC 310/2).
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