Adamo, Cain and Mitroff (2017)
Adamo, Cain and Mitroff (2017)
Adamo, Cain and Mitroff (2017)
Vision Research
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Article history: A persistent problem in visual search is that searchers are more likely to miss a target if they have already
Received 8 April 2016 found another in the same display. This phenomenon, the Subsequent Search Miss (SSM) effect, has
Received in revised form 14 October 2016 remained despite being a known issue for decades. Increasingly, evidence supports a resource depletion
Accepted 27 October 2016
account of SSM errors—a previously detected target consumes attentional resources leaving fewer
Available online 18 December 2016
resources available for the processing of a second target. However, ‘‘attention” is broadly defined and
Number of Reviews = 3 is composed of many different characteristics, leaving considerable uncertainty about how attention
affects second-target detection. The goal of the current study was to identify which attentional charac-
teristics (i.e., selection, limited capacity, modulation, and vigilance) related to second-target misses.
Subsequent search misses The current study compared second-target misses to an attentional blink task and a vigilance task, which
Satisfaction of search both have established measures that were used to operationally define each of four attentional charac-
Visual search teristics. Second-target misses in the multiple-target search were correlated with (1) a measure of the
Attentional blink time it took for the second target to recovery from the blink in the attentional blink task (i.e., modula-
Vigilance tion), and (2) target sensitivity (d’) in the vigilance task (i.e., vigilance). Participants with longer recovery
and poorer vigilance had more second-target misses in the multiple-target visual search task. The results
add further support to a resource depletion account of SSM errors and highlight that worse modulation
and poor vigilance reflect a deficit in attentional resources that can account for SSM errors.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0042-6989/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.H. Adamo et al. / Vision Research 141 (2017) 258–265 259
and contrast enhanced imaging was found to possibly even exacer- target (Cain & Mitroff, 2013). This finding has been interpreted to
bate these errors (Franken et al., 1994). A better understanding of suggest that a found target is held in working memory, and thus
SSM errors is critical, as failing to detect targets could be a matter can hinder the processing of other targets. As such, once the item
of life-and-death. is physically removed, working memory resources previously allo-
A core means to counter SSM errors is to understand its primary cated to the found target can become available again, aiding in the
cause(s). By determining the cognitive mechanisms that give rise processing of other targets. With respect to attention, a first target
to these errors, it might be possible to enact steps to eliminate has been shown to induce an attentional blink (i.e., a decrease in
them. To date, there are three proposed theoretical accounts of second target accuracy when it appears 200–500 ms after a
SSM errors: the Satisfaction account, the Perceptual Set account, detected, first target) in a multiple-target search (Adamo et al.,
and the Resource Depletion account (Berbaum et al., 1991; Biggs, 2013). This study suggests that a detected, first target consumes
Adamo, Dowd, & Mitroff, 2015b; Cain & Mitroff, 2013; Samuel attentional resources that are necessary for second target process-
et al., 1995; Smith, 1967). Below, each of these theoretical accounts ing. Research on SSM errors has also demonstrated that a found,
is briefly discussed. first target amplifies the effects clutter (i.e., distractors within a
close vicinity to a target) has on second target processing
1.1.1. Satisfaction account (Adamo, Cain, & Mitroff, 2015b). Theoretically, this finding sug-
Originally, radiological researchers exploring the SSM phe- gests that if a found, first target is already consuming attentional
nomenon proposed that errors arose when an observer became resources, attentional distractions have a greater impact on target
‘‘satisfied” with the meaning of a search display after finding a tar- accuracy compared to if no first target was found.
get, causing them to prematurely terminate their search (Smith,
1967; Tuddenham, 1962). Since then, there has been mixed sup- 1.2. Current study
port for the Satisfaction account (Adamo, Cain, & Mitroff, 2015a;
Berbaum et al., 1990, 1991; Cain, Adamo, & Mitroff, 2013; While there is substantial support that cognitive resources can
Samuel et al., 1995). The evidence against a Satisfaction account be consumed by a detected first target, there is still ambiguity as to
has demonstrated that, on average, observers search for the same what is actually meant by ‘‘resources.” The terms ‘‘working mem-
amount of time regardless of how many targets are in the search ory” and ‘‘attention” are often broadly defined and can describe
display (Berbaum et al., 1991) and observers rarely quit searching overlapping cognitive constructs (e.g., Chun, Golomb, & Turk-
immediately after finding a first target (Cain et al., 2013). However, Browne, 2011; Kiyonaga & Egner, 2012), and this has left the field
there is recent evidence in support of a Satisfaction account, which with considerable uncertainty about what exactly is affected after
demonstrated that when observers searched for longer after find- the detection of a first target. The goal of the current study was to
ing a first target, they were more likely to find a second target, better understand how attention is affected after detecting a first
compared to observers who searched for less time (Adamo et al., target by identifying which characteristics of attention relate to
2015a). second-target misses.
Chun et al. (2011) have provided a framework that offers a nice
1.1.2. Perceptual Set account way to delineate the various aspects of attention. Specifically, they
The Perceptual Set account posits that once a first target is divide attention into four different characteristics: (1) Limited
detected, an observer is biased to search for targets that share sim- Capacity—attention is a finite cognitive resource that can be used
ilar characteristics to that of the first target (Berbaum et al., 1990, to process only a subset of the visual world; (2) Selection—atten-
1991; Biggs et al., 2015). Therefore, after finding a target of one tion is needed to choose which visual information is selected from
type (e.g., a tumor), the observer may be less likely to find a target the visual world to receive additional processing within working
of a different type (e.g., a fracture). Again, there has been mixed memory; (3) Modulation—attention is needed to facilitate the pro-
support for the Perceptual Set account. On one hand, results have cessing of visual information within working memory so that it can
not supported this account finding that observers committed an be acted upon and later remembered in long-term memory; and
equivalent amount of SSM errors regardless of whether two targets (4) Vigilance—attention must be sustained over extended periods
in the same array were similar or different in salience (e.g., if both of time to complete demanding tasks.
targets were a lighter shade of gray or one target was a lighter The experimental logic for the current study was to investigate
shade of gray and one was a darker shade of gray; Fleck, Samei, the relationship between attention (as defined by the four charac-
& Mitroff, 2010) or rotation (e.g., if one target was rotated 90 teristics described above) and SSM errors by taking advantage of
degrees and the other was rotated 180 degrees; Cain et al., individual difference measures. People vary along a number of fac-
2013). On the other hand, when SSM errors were assessed in a tors, and it can be highly informative to explore how these individ-
visual search environment that contained many different target ual differences relate to measures of cognitive performance. For
possibilities (i.e., akin to how airport security personnel search example, much has been learned about working memory and its
for scores of different types of dangerous items in carry-on bags), underlying mechanisms by exploring individual differences in
it was demonstrated that a second target is more likely to be executive attention (see Kane & Engle, 2002 for a review). Here,
detected if it is identical to a detected first target (Mitroff et al., SSM errors calculated from a multiple-target visual search task
2014). Moreover, second targets were also more likely to be were assessed in light of individual differences in performance
detected if they were the same color or the same category as that on two established attentional paradigms—an attentional blink
of the first target (Biggs et al., 2015b). and vigilance task. These tasks exhibit the four attentional charac-
teristics outlined above (Chun et al., 2011), making them a poten-
1.1.3. Resource Depletion account tially powerful tool for better understanding SSM errors.
The Resource Depletion account posits that once a first target is An attentional blink (AB) is defined as a decrease in second tar-
found, it consumes cognitive resources, such as working memory get accuracy when a second target is presented 200–500 ms after a
and attention, leaving less available to process a second target first target in a rapid serial visual presentation stream (Broadbent
(Berbaum et al., 1991; Cain & Mitroff, 2013; Samuel et al., 1995). & Broadbent, 1987; Raymond, Shapiro, & Arnell, 1992). Many mea-
To date, this account has received the most support. For example, sures can be extracted from the AB paradigm and three of them
if a first target is immediately removed from the display once it will be used to operationally define three of the four attentional
is detected, there is an increase in accuracy for detecting a second characteristics (Chun et al., 2011; See Fig. 1). The first measure is
260 S.H. Adamo et al. / Vision Research 141 (2017) 258–265
2.1. Participants
presentation with either the AB task or multiple-target visual and 0.8° pixels diagonally from one another. Each item
search task administered first. The vigilance task was always pre- (0.8° 0.8°) appeared for 40 ms with an inter-stimulus interval
sented last as to not tire out the participants before they completed of 960 ms. There were 24 targets and 96 distractors per block, with
the other two tasks. one practice block and six experimental blocks. Participants were
instructed to press the space bar every time a target appeared. A
2.3.1. Attentional blink task space-bar press was considered a hit if pressed within one second
This task was modeled after Chun and Potter (1995; see after a target appeared and a false alarm if pressed within one sec-
Fig. 2a), as this type of AB task with letters and number as stimuli ond after a distractor appeared. The total task took 14 min and was
has reliably demonstrated an attentional blink, lag-1 sparing, and broken up into seven blocks of two minutes each (with the first
recovery (e.g., Di Lollo, Kawahara, Shahab Ghorashi, & Enns, 2005; block serving as a practice block). While no feedback was provided,
Lunau & Olivers, 2010). White numbers and letters (Arial font; the experimenter made sure the participants understood the task
approximately 1° 1°) were presented on a black background before starting the experimental trials.
in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream. Distractors
were digits 2–9 and targets were all letters from the English 2.4. Planned analyses
alphabet excluding the letters B, I, O, and Q. The same letters
and numbers were never repeated twice in a row. Each trial The goal of the current study was to examine the rate of SSM
began with a white fixation dot appearing in the center of the errors in a multiple-target visual search task in light of various
screen (0.25° diameter) and a space bar press initiated each trial. measures of attention taken from an AB task and a vigilance task.
Participants were asked to search for up to two target letters and As such, there were two broad phases of the analyses. First, it
report them at the end of each trial by typing the corresponding was necessary to establish that the current tasks replicated the
letters on a standard keyboard. The first target presented is standard effects from the three employed tasks. That is, it was
referred to as ‘‘T1” and the second is referred to as ‘‘T2.” A total important to first demonstrate that the AB tasks produced a blink,
of 16 items were displayed for 100 ms each with T1 appearing lag-1 sparing, and a blink recovery effect, that the multiple-target
between the 3–7 position and T2 appearing 1–8 positions (lags) search task produced a SSM effect, and that the vigilance task
after T1 (positions 8–15). Eighty-percent of the trials were dual- demonstrated a standard vigilance decrement effect across blocks.
target trials and 20% were single target trials where only T1 To foreshadow the results, all three tasks replicated the expected
appeared. Participants were asked to press the space bar for each outcomes.
target response if the corresponding target was not seen in the The second category of analyses focused on the core issue of
RSVP stream. There were 10 practice trials and 200 experimental they study—whether the AB and vigilance task dependent variables
trials with no feedback provided. However, the experimenter of interest (the blink magnitude, lag-1 sparing, blink recovery, and
made sure the participants understood the task before starting vigilance decrement) related to SSM errors. As outlined above,
the experimental trials. these four variables were operationally defined to reflect the four
attentional characteristics outlined by Chun et al. (2011) such that
2.3.2. Multiple-target search task the blink magnitude represents attentional capacity, lag-1 sparing
This task was modeled after Adamo et al. (2013; see Fig. 2c) and represents selection, blink recovery represents modulation, and
was used here as it has reliably demonstrated a SSM effect (e.g., the vigilance decrement represents vigilance. To specifically assess
Cain, Biggs, Darling, & Mitroff, 2014; Fleck et al., 2010). Participants the relationship between these four measures of attention and SSM
were asked to search for ‘T’ shaped targets amongst pseudo ‘L’ errors, a two-step analysis process was employed. First, the atten-
shaped distractors (the distractors were items without perfect tional measures were correlated with general search performance,
alignment of the two bars; the cross bar offset was between 1–4 which was defined here as the low-salience target response time,
pixels from center). Items were presented in one of four possible and with the percentage of second-target misses. These analyses
orientations (0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°) on a white background. There illustrated the relationship between the attentional characteristics
were 25 items per display and they were presented on an invisible and general search performance, and the attentional characteris-
8 7 grid (jittered 0–4 pixels in any direction from the center of tics and second target performance. Second, a partial correlation
the cell). Fifty percent of targets and 5% of distractors were high was conducted for each attentional measure that partialled out
salience (57–65% black), and the other 50% of the targets and the variance related to general search performance. These analyses
95% of distractors were low-salience (22%–45% black). Ten percent illustrated how the attentional characteristics uniquely related to
of the trials were single-target, high-salience, 10% were single- second-target misses.
target, low-salience, and 80% were dual-target with a high- and
low-salience target. Participants had 15 s to search the display, 2.4.1. Attentional blink
click on items they believed were targets, and press the space The three main variables of a typical AB task—the blink, lag-1
bar when they believed that all the targets had been detected. Fail- sparing, and blink recovery—were calculated using the conceptual
ing to complete the trial in this time frame was considered a time and methodological framework provided by MacLean and Arnell
out. Participants received a warning message following any time (2012). Blink magnitude was calculated as the difference between
out. There were 25 practice trials that contained accuracy feedback T2 accuracy at lag 2 and the average of T2 accuracy at lags 5–8
and 250 experimental trials with no feedback. (see Fig. 1). Only dual-target trials where T1 was correctly
identified were included in all AB analyses reported here. Lag-1
2.3.3. Vigilance task sparing was defined as the difference between T2 accuracy at lag
This task was modeled after Temple et al. (2000; see Fig. 2e) and 1 and lag 2, and blink recovery was calculated as the difference
has previously been used to explore individual differences in between T2 accuracy at lag 5 and T1 accuracy on single-target
observers’ vigilance (e.g., Helton, Matthews, & Warm, 2009; trials.
Helton et al., 2007). Participants were asked to search for gray The primary goal of employing the AB task, was to compare
(45% black) target letter ‘‘O’s” amongst distractor, backward and performance across participants between the three primary depen-
forward-facing letter ‘‘D’s” in a RSVP stream on top of a noisy mask. dent variables and multiple-target search performance. To explore
The mask consisted of dark-gray (80% black) hollow circles (0.2° in individual differences in the AB variables, curve-fits were
diameter) that were spaced 0.75° horizontal, 0.4° pixels vertical, employed, and they were based on the methods of Cousineau
262 S.H. Adamo et al. / Vision Research 141 (2017) 258–265
Fig. 2. Example stimuli and experimental data from the attentional blink (AB), multiple-target visual search, and vigilance tasks. (a) Sample AB task display where items are
presented one at a time for 100 ms in the center of the screen. (b) AB data where participants demonstrated lag-1 sparing with higher accuracy at lag 1 compared to lag 2, a
blink with lower accuracy at lag 2 compared to the average of lags 5–8, and blink recovery with similar accuracy at lag 5 compared to single-target accuracy (not pictured
here). (c) Sample multiple-target search task display where participants were asked to look for target ‘‘T” shapes amongst distractor ‘‘L” shapes on a white background. (d)
Multiple target search data in which low-salience, single-target trial accuracy was greater compared to ‘‘second-target accuracy,” which represents accuracy for low-salience
targets when a high-salience target was found first on dual-target trials. (e) Sample vigilance task display where participants were asked to detect target ‘‘O’s” amongst
backward or forward ‘‘D’s” on top of a noisy background. (f) Vigilance data where participants demonstrated worse target detection in block 6 compared to block 1. Error bars
represent the standard error of the mean.
et al. (2006).2 The blink magnitude is measured as the amplitude of General search performance was calculated as the response time
the curve in T2 accuracy and is the difference between the asymp- (RT) for low-salience targets in single-target trials or when the
totic and minimum performance. Lag-1 sparing represents the rela- low-salience target was detected first in dual-target trials. RT is a
tively high T2 accuracy typically found at lag 1 in comparison to a common measure used to assess search performance, such as the
minimum accuracy. The measure of lag-1 sparing ranges from 0 difficulty of finding different types of targets (e.g., Treisman &
(total sparing; same accuracy as asymptotic performance) to 1 (no Gelade, 1980). This measurement established a baseline to assess
sparing; same accuracy as the minimum performance). Blink recov- whether our attentional measures uniquely correlated with
ery represents the width of the attentional blink, with a lower value second-target misses when accounting for general search
representing a sharper blink, with a quick descent and rise out of the performance.
blink. To ensure the data were normally distributed, the parameters
for the blink, lag-1 sparing, and blink recovery were set to be at least 2.4.3. Vigilance
one fourth of a lag, as this was found to provide a normal distribu- Two measures were taken from the vigilance task. The first
tion for this data set. See Cousineau et al. (2006) for the equations measure assessed whether a general vigilance effect was found.
used for each variable. This was calculated by comparing target accuracy between
blocks 1 and 6, with the expectation that there would be lower
2.4.2. Multiple-target search accuracy in block 6 than block 1. The second measure calculated
Three measures were calculated from the multiple-target was vigilance sensitivity and was based upon the participants’
search task. The first measure assessed whether there was an hit and false alarm rates across the six experimental blocks. Vig-
SSM effect with worse accuracy for low-salience, single-target tri- ilance sensitivity was calculated as d0 (Nevin, 1969), and it was
als compared to low-salience target accuracy on dual-target trials used to represent an individual difference measure of overall
in which a high-salience target was first detected (Adamo et al., vigilance.
2013). The individual difference measures focused on two mea-
sures from the multiple-target search task: second-target misses 3. Results
and general search performance. Second-target misses were
calculated as the difference between perfect accuracy (i.e., 100%) 3.1. Main findings
and the accuracy for low-salience targets on trials when a
high-salience target was detected first in a dual-target search. The three stereotypical AB components were found for the AB
task (see Fig. 1b). First, a blink was found with lower accuracy at
While there are many ways to measure different characteristics of the blink (see
lag 2 (M = 70.21%; SD = 18.83%) compared to the average of lags
MacLean & Arnell, 2012), the curve-fitting provided by Cousineau et al. (2006) 5–8 (M = 91.62%; SD = 7.26%; t(66) = 9.90, p < 0.001). Second, lag-
allowed for easy isolation of each AB measure of interest. 1 sparing was found with greater accuracy at lag 1 (M = 86.81%;
S.H. Adamo et al. / Vision Research 141 (2017) 258–265 263
Table 1
Correlation results for the attentional characteristics with general search performance and second-target misses. General search performance represents the average, combined
response times for low-salience targets when found first on single-target trials and for low-salience targets when found first on dual-target trials. Second-target misses represent
the average miss rate for a low-salience targets after a high-salience target was detected first on dual-target trials. The partial correlations represent the relationship between the
attentional characteristics and second-target misses partialling out the variance of general search performance. Each p-value represents a within-subjects, 2-tailed correlation.
The partial correlations were conducted using Bonferroni-adjusted alpha levels of 0.0125. Asterisks indicate a significant correlation.
Attentional characteristic Measure General search performance Second-target misses Partial correlation
Limited capacity Blink magnitude r(57) = 0.16 r(57) = 0.23 r(55) = 0.29
p = 0.24 p = 0.08 p = 0.03
Selection Lag-1 sparing r(57) = 0.09 r(57) = 0.16 r(55) = 0.15
p = 0.53 p = 0.22 p = 0.28
Modulation Blink recovery r(57) = 0.27 r(57) = 0.42 r(55) = 0.38
p = 0.04⁄ p = 0.001⁄ p < 0.01⁄
Vigilance Vigilance sensitivity r(59) = 0.25 r(59) = 0.57 r(57) = 0.54
p = 0.06 p < 0.001⁄ p < 0.001⁄
SD = 14.59%) compared to lag 2 (t(66) = 7.05, p < 0.001). Finally, a by a found first target leaving less available to process additional
typical blink recovery was observed with no significant difference targets (Berbaum et al., 1991; Cain & Mitroff, 2013). So far, research
between accuracy at lag 5 (M = 88.76%; SD = 11.55%) compared to in support of the Resource Depletion account has broadly demon-
overall T1 accuracy (M = 90.10%; SD = 5.98%; t(66) = 1.19, p = 0.24). strated that attention is a main contributor to SSM errors: for
Following the methods of Cousineau et al. (2006), the average and example, finding a first target induces an attentional blink for a
standard deviation for the blink components were calculated: blink second target (Adamo et al., 2013) and exacerbates the attentional
magnitude (M = 0.41; SD = 0.25), lag-1 sparing (M = 0.31; effects of clutter on second target accuracy (Adamo et al., 2015b).
SD = 0.29), and blink recovery (M = 0.07; SD = 0.81). Here, the aim was to better understand which specific characteris-
For the multiple-target search task, there was a typical SSM tics of attention might account for second-target misses in
effect was found with worse low-salience target accuracy after a multiple-target search. This experiment investigated four different
high-salience target was detected first (i.e., second-target accu- characteristics of attention (Chun et al., 2011) operationally
racy; M = 67.34%; SD = 21.30%; t(61) = 4.51, p < 0.001) compared defined as measures extracted from an attentional blink (AB) task
to single, low-salience target accuracy (M = 92.35%; SD = 12.27%; and a vigilance task. The results indicated selection (as defined by
see Fig. 2d). The averages and standard deviations for the lag-1 sparing in the AB task) and limited capacity (as defined by
multiple-target search characteristics used for the correlations blink magnitude in the AB task) were not predictive of second-
were second-target misses (M = 32.66%; SD = 21.30%) and general target misses. However, worse attentional modulation (as defined
search performance (M = 4.41 s; SD = 0.68 s). as blink recovery in an AB task) and worse vigilance (as defined as
For the vigilance task, a typical vigilance effect was found with sensitivity in a vigilance task) were predictive of more second-
higher target accuracy in block 1 (M = 78.97%; SD = 22.84%) com- target misses. These findings are discussed below in terms of their
pared to block 6 (M = 67.73%; SD = 28.46%; t(68) = 4.52 p < 0.001; possible interpretations and their implications for real-world
see Fig. 2f). The individual difference measure of d’ had a mean searches.
of 2.50 with a standard deviation of 1.28.
4.1. Non-significant correlations for lag-1 sparing (selection) and blink
3.2. Individual difference analyses with attentional characteristics magnitude (limited capacity)
The crux of the current study was using an individual differ- The current results suggested that lag-1 sparing and blink depth
ences approach to examine which attentional characteristics, if (i.e., limited capacity and attentional selection, respectively) were
any, relate to the ability to detect second targets in a multiple- not predictive of second-target misses. At first, this might seem
target visual search. Critically, the question at hand was about surprising given that previous research demonstrated that lag-1
second-target detection and not about general search performance sparing and an attentional blink were found to underlie SSM errors
overall. As such, the following analyses looked to reveal any rela- (Adamo et al., 2013). However, given that lag-1 sparing and the
tionships between the attentional characteristics and second- attentional blink only accounted for a relatively small amount of
target misses while controlling for general search performance. the total variance in second-target misses, it makes sense that cur-
This was accomplished by using partial correlation analyses to look rent results were not significant. Specifically, the results of Adamo
at relationships with second-target search misses, above and et al. (2013) showed that lag-1 sparing and the attentional blink
beyond the contributions of general search performance. only accounted for SSM errors when a second target was fixated
Tests of the four partial correlations with second-target misses 0–405 ms after a first target was fixated (the timeframe in which
(accounting for the contribution of general search performance) lag-1 sparing and the attentional blink typically occur), which is
were conducted using Bonferroni-adjusted alpha levels of 0.0125 likely why no relationship was found in the current dataset.
per test (0.05/4). The results indicated that modulation (r(55)
= 0.38, p < 0.01) and vigilance (r(57) = 0.54, p < 0.001) were sig-
4.2. Attentional blink recovery (modulation)
nificant (see Table 1). These partial correlations revealed that
worse attentional modulation and vigilance predicted more
While there are many differences between a typical AB task and
second-target misses in the multiple-target visual search and lim-
a multiple-target visual search task (e.g., search items that are dis-
ited capacity and selection were not predictive of second-target
played in the same place one at a time vs. spatially distributed
search items that are all displayed at the same time), the relation-
ship between blink recovery and second-target misses suggests
4. Discussion that SSM errors are likely due, in part, to the ongoing processing
of a first target. Since the width of the blink represents how long
The Resource Depletion account of SSM errors posits that cogni- the processing of a first target within working memory impacts
tive resources (i.e., attention and working memory) are consumed the detection of a second target (e.g., Bowman & Wyble, 2007;
264 S.H. Adamo et al. / Vision Research 141 (2017) 258–265
Chun & Potter, 1995), this reinforces the prediction of the resource also possible that there could be a contribution of state attributes
depletion theory (Berbaum et al., 1991; Cain & Mitroff, 2013)—a as well. An interesting extension of the study would be to test
found first target is a highly potent distractor that can consume the same individuals multiple times to assess the stability of the
cognitive resources necessary to find additional targets throughout various attentional measures.
the duration of search (Cain & Mitroff, 2013; Cain et al., 2014).
4.5. Real-world implications
4.3. Vigilance (vigilance sensitivity)
Going beyond the theoretical accounts linking modulation and
The results also indicated that when observers were in a less
vigilance to second-target misses, the results from the current
vigilant state, they were more prone to missing a second target.
study may also help to explain why certain visual search tech-
A reason for why poorer vigilance relates to more second-target
niques may improve target detection in real-world searches. For
misses in the current study can be found from research in support
example, a common practice in airport security screening is to
of the Mental Fatigue account of vigilance (also known as the
remove a prohibited item (if detected) in a carry-on bag and re-
‘‘Resource account”; e.g., Helton & Russell, 2011; Parasuraman,
search the bag (Biggs & Mitroff, 2014). This technique has been
Warm, & Dember, 1987; Warm et al., 2008). The Mental Fatigue
shown to decrease the amount of SSM errors made in multiple-
account proposes that there is a limited amount of cognitive
target searches similar to the one conducted in the current study
resources available and that they need to be replenished when
(Cain & Mitroff, 2013; Cain et al., 2014). The correlation between
used. However, when there is continuous demand for these cogni-
modulation and second-target misses found in the current study
tive resources, such as in vigilance tasks (e.g., continuous signal-to-
may help to explain why this technique is effective in reducing
noise discrimination tasks), these cognitive resources are utilized
SSM errors. Removing a found target would effectively result in
at a faster rate than they can be replenished. Hence, there is a
no modulation of a first target and free up attentional resources
diminished pool of cognitive resources, which results in a decline
that can then be utilized for detecting an additional target.
in performance found in vigilance tasks.
A study in support of the Mental Fatigue account demonstrated
that the pool of attentional resources needed for vigilance tasks 5. Conclusion
can also be diminished by holding items in working memory
(Helton & Russell, 2011). By having observers complete a spatial To summarize, the current study investigated a proposed cause
working memory task (i.e., remembering where items are located of SSM errors: attentional resources are consumed by a first target
on the screen) intermixed with a vigilance task (the same vigilance leaving less available to process additional targets. The goal of this
task used in the current study; Temple et al., 2000), observers study was to better understand how attention is affected after
showed a greater decline in vigilance and spatial memory over detecting a first target by identifying which characteristics of
time, in comparison to a control condition where these tasks were attention related to second-target misses. The results demon-
not intermixed. This finding suggests that the processing of an item strated that attentional modulation (as operationally defined by
in working memory and attentional vigilance draw on the same blink recovery in an AB task) and vigilance (as operationally
pool of cognitive resources and are detrimental to one another defined by target sensitivity in a vigilance task) related to
when performed in conjunction. When an item is processed within second-target misses.
working memory, this leaves fewer attentional resources available The finding that worse attentional modulation correlated with
for a vigilance task and when attentional resources are replenished second-target misses suggests that SSM errors occur, in part,
at slower rate, because of a vigilance task, there are fewer because once a first target is found, the first target is continually
resources available to process and item in working memory. processed after initial detection (i.e., attentional modulation) leav-
Extrapolating the Mental Fatigue account and Helton & Russel’s ing fewer attentional resources available to detect a second target.
(2011) results to the vigilance finding of the current study, it sug- Previous studies alluded to this finding by removing a first target
gests that fewer attentional resources were available to process a and observing an improvement in second target detection (Cain
second target. The combination of processing a first target in & Mitroff, 2013; Cain et al., 2014). The present study provided cor-
working memory (i.e., modulation) and a slower replenishing of roborating evidence to this prediction and did so not by experi-
resources over time (i.e., vigilance) resulted in fewer attentional mental manipulation (e.g., by removing a found target), but by
resources available to detect and process a second target. This exploring individual differences of the observer. Also, by defining
proposed explanation speaks towards the overlap between the modulation as blink recovery in an AB task, these results demon-
attentional characteristics and how the taxing effects on one char- strated the importance of exploring this often unreported measure
acteristic of attention can impact another. in the AB literature. With regards to this study, blink recovery was
quite informative in terms of how observers process a found target
4.4. Future work and its implications for other visually demanding tasks.
The finding that poor vigilance was predictive of second-target
The current study was primarily focused on correlational rela- misses implies that when the attentional system is busy processing
tionships between multiple-target search errors and attentional a first target the deleterious effects of vigilance are compounded in
components. Several insights were found, but much more is left terms of processing additional targets within the visual environ-
to discover. For example, correlations do not speak to causation ment. Previous research exploring the underlying mechanisms of
and the mechanistic directions of the relationships. It would be vigilance has suggested that attentional resources needed for vigi-
theoretically interesting to conduct an intervention study where lance tasks can also be diminished by the processing of other items
vigilance was systematically manipulated (i.e., depleted) and mea- (Helton & Russell, 2011). The current results bolstered this finding
sure potential effects on multiple-target visual search perfor- by demonstrating how the processing of a first target in combina-
mance. Likewise, and as highlighted in the above example, there tion with poor vigilance can be predictive of more second-target
is potential ambiguity about whether the current results are neces- misses in a multiple-target visual search.
sarily tapping into ‘‘individual differences” measures. For example, Overall, exploring individual differences proved to be a fruitful
vigilance can be a trait or state attribute, and the current study pri- method in helping to identify the underlying mechanisms of SSM
marily treats it as a stable individual difference trait. However, it is errors. Theoretically, the results of the current study suggest that
S.H. Adamo et al. / Vision Research 141 (2017) 258–265 265
attention plays a key role in second-target misses and provides Cain, M. S., & Mitroff, S. R. (2013). Memory for found targets interferes with
subsequent performance in multiple-target visual search. Journal of
additional support for the Resource Depletion account of SSM
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(5), 1398–1408.
errors. Beyond the theoretical implications, the knowledge gained Chun, M. M., Golomb, J. D., & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2011). A taxonomy of external and
from this study can help us better understand why current and internal attention. Annual Review of Psychology, 62, 73–101.
future protocols used for improving target detection may or may Chun, M. M., & Potter, M. C. (1995). A two-stage model for multiple target detection
in rapid serial visual presentation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
not be effective. SSM errors are known to occur in critical, real- Perception and Performance, 21(1), 109–127.
world searches and by studying the underlying mechanisms to Cousineau, D., Charbonneau, D., & Jolicoeur, P. (2006). Parameterizing the
why observers miss a second target, we better understand how attentional blink effect. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60(3),
to eradicate the problem of SSM errors. Di Lollo, V., Kawahara, J., Shahab Ghorashi, S. M., & Enns, J. T. (2005). The attentional
blink: Resource depletion or temporary loss of control? Psychological Research
Acknowledgments Psychologische Forschung, 69(3), 191–200.
Dux, P. E., & Marois, R. (2009). The attentional blink: a review of data and theory.
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(8), 1683–1700.
Stephen Adamo was supported by pre-doctoral fellowships Eckstein, M. P. (2011). Visual search: A retrospective. Journal of Vision, 11(5), 1–36.
from the Ford Foundation and National Science Foundation. This Fleck, M. S., Samei, E., & Mitroff, S. R. (2010). Generalized ‘‘satisfaction of search”:
Adverse influences on dual-target search accuracy. Journal of Experimental
work was partially supported by the Army Research Office (grants Psychology: Applied, 16(1), 60–71.
W911NF-09-1-0092 and W911NF-14-1-0361) and through a sub- Franken, E. A., Jr., Berbaum, K. S., Lu, C. H., Kannam, S., Dorfman, D. D., Warnock, N.
contract with the Institute for Homeland Security Solutions, a G., ... Pelsang, R. E. (1994). Satisfaction of search in the detection of plain-film
abnormalities in abdominal contrast studies. Investigative Radiology, 29(4),
research consortium sponsored by the Resilient Systems Division
in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through Contract Helton, W. S., Hoolander, T. D., Warm, J. S., Tripp, L. D., Parsons, K., Matthews, G., ...
No. HSHQDC-08-C-00100. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions Hancock, P. A. (2007). The abbreviated vigilance task and cerebral
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the hemodynamics. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 29(5),
authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position Helton, W. S., Matthews, G., & Warm, J. S. (2009). Stress state mediation between
of DHS or of the U.S. Government. The study is approved for public environmental variables and performance: The case of noise and vigilance. Acta
release. Psychologica, 130(3), 204–213.
Helton, W. S., & Russell, P. N. (2011). Working memory load and the vigilance
decrement. Experimental Brain Research, 212, 429–437.
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