Emotion Recognition Based On Wireless, Physiological and Audiovisual Signals: A Comprehensive Survey
Emotion Recognition Based On Wireless, Physiological and Audiovisual Signals: A Comprehensive Survey
Emotion Recognition Based On Wireless, Physiological and Audiovisual Signals: A Comprehensive Survey
School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, China
1 Introduction
In this survey, we will give attention to the main division of artificial intelligence named
Affective computing. It is computed that relate to, or impact feeling [1]. Robot emotion
acknowledgment is a domain of study that pattern section of Responsive computation
[2]. Efficiency in emotion recognition paperwork is hard to compare because of the lack
of common databases [3]. Emotions accomplish a fundamental role in human aware-
ness, especially in perception, human interaction, personal intelligence, and making
decisions [4]. Emotion recognition is a nascent domain that has obtained much interest
from both the industry and the research community [5]. We can detect emotion based on
Physiological signals. It’s more suitable than another pattern. They are generated from
the secondary nervous system and primary nervous system. Therefore, they cannot be
counterfeit or hidden [6]. The primary physiological signals are (1) Electrocardiogram
(ECG), (2) Electroencephalograms (EEG), (3) Heart Rate Variability (HRV), (4) photo-
plethysmography (PPG), and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) [6, 7]. Valence and arousal,
the focus are subjective experiences categorized by Affective states [8]. In addition, a
person incorporates emotions into their valence-based conscious affective experience,
and arousal goals reflect the degree [9]. The focus of the valence stimulus is associated
with pleasurable or unpleasant aspects compared to arousal, a focus that causes the acti-
vation or inactivation of emotion is difficult to compare these studied approaches because
they differed in several ways. Therefore, emotions can be relieved by watching emo-
tional movies [10], video clips [11], and video games [12]. The techniques available to
identify a person’s emotions depend either on the audiovisual signal such as audio clips
and images or on the use of physiological sensors such as an electrocardiogram (EKG)
watch [13, 14] restriction. Audiovisual techniques cannot measure internal feelings and
use the external expression of emotions. For example, a person can be happy even if they
are not smiling [15, 16]. The second approach detects emotions by monitoring phys-
iological signals that change with the emotional state. A person’s heart rate naturally
increases with anger or excitement; there are also more compound changes that emerge
as variability in the period of a beat. This procedure uses body sensors such as EKG
monitors [15, 17]. This study has been used to enhance human–machine interaction in a
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P. K. Pattnaik et al. (eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Smart
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122 A. Alabsi et al.
variety of application aspects including clinical, industrial, military, and playful aspects
[18]. Several ways of detecting motion have been proposed. It may be separated into
two kinds: First, determining a particular emotion. Use emotional, behavioral traits such
as tone of voice, facial expressions, and body gestures. Second, you identify emotions
through signals. Physiological activities can be recorded through electrical signals than
non-invasive sensors.
These models are EKG, EEG and GSR [19]. Traditional multimedia encompasses
only two human senses, namely auditory and visual. The simultaneous involvement of
more than one pair of human senses enhances human experimentation in viewing mul-
timedia content. The various sensorial media (multimedia) are multimedia satisfaction
that can occupy more than two human senses concurrently [20, 21]. With this in notion,
there is presently a focus on multimedia to create a practical environment for multimedia
engagement. Many types of research talk about emotion recognitions by using different
techniques such as wireless signals, physiological signals, and Audiovisual Input, but
most research focus on physiological signals in EEG. Hence, we will focus on the three
techniques for recognizing emotion. The objective is to discriminate what has already
been done in systems accomplishment and see a glance of what could in the future.
For the framework, we are surveying from 2015 to 2020 for recognition of emotions.
The basic emotions are Happiness, Sadness, Surprise, Fear, Anger, and Disgust. Emo-
tions can be specified and evaluated from different levels of view, but complement each
other: (1) Psychological perception of the participant (self-assessment of the subject), (2)
Feedback of the structure of the participant (physiological signals), which is the goal, but
which can be through the personal body becomes contaminated. Condition and function
(influenced by medication or illness), (3) behavioral signals such as facial expressions,
voice, certain body movements, or even keypress patterns [22], (4) external evaluation
by peers, e.g. B. an adult, realizing the child’s condition [23].
the interaction between the pulses of the heart. And the autonomic nervous scheme [29].
However, the use of body sensors is difficult to manage and can affect the activity and
emotions of the user, making this method unsuitable for normal practice. EKG has been
demonstrated to be a dependable source of information for emotion recognition systems
[30]. Affective states of users such as happiness, sadness, stress, etc. The utility of the
EKG resides in many effective computer applications. However, ECG has considerable
potential in emotional computing; we often lack classification data for in-depth training
of monitoring models [31]. Perfectly study has suggested feature extraction procedures
using signal processing or medical diagnostic procedures (such as heart rate changes),
as well as statistical techniques for ECG emotion detection [32]. The acquisition and
identification method uses radio frequency (RF) signals. RF signals return from the
person’s body and are modulated by physical emotions. The benefits of RF reflections
can be used to determine a person’s breathing and average heart rate without being
connected to the body.
Techniques for processing brain signals are currently opening the window to new ways
of looking at emotions and other affective ones. The automatic acknowledgment of
emotions in artificial intelligence unit’s objective at human interaction will also play an
indispensable role [33]. The difficulty lies in deciphering this information and assigning
it to certain emotions [34]. As a result, emotion detection clinicians might be used every
day for a variety of aims, such as monitoring emotions in healthcare settings, games
and entertainment, teaching and learning, and optimizing performance in the field [35]
applications. Detection is high-precision detection, purpose estimation, and constant
neural models and has then been studied as a reliable technique [19, 36].
The aim is to analyze the establishment and change in the speaker’s emotional state
from the perspective of the speech signal to make the interaction between humans and
computers more intelligent. They used a computing device to assess the speaker’s speech
signal and process of change, get internal emotions and ideological actions, and finally
reach a smarter and more natural human–computer interaction (HCI), which is of great
importance to him developing a newer one HCI system and compliance with artificial
intelligence [37, 38]. In particular useful for upgrading the naturalness of speech due to
human–machine interaction. Various feature extraction methods have been proposed to
extract speech features. These properties like formants, tone, and short-term energy [39]
are useful for recognizing emotions.
It is to acknowledge human emotions from the flow of the muscles of the face, the
flow of the eyes, lips or eyebrows, and facial structures. Facial expressions employed
to acknowledge emotions are better advisable for your health care system since this
124 A. Alabsi et al.
Figure 3 demonstrates the construction of the radio signal used for recognizing emotion.
The operations on input data collection (audiovisual and physiology), preprocessing,
feature extraction, feature selection, classification, and achievement assessment can be
highlighted and discussed in the following subsections.
Wireless Signals
Preprocessing Classification
Input Feature Selection
Audiovisual Input
human movement. RF reflection can also be exploited to decide a person’s breathing and
average heart rate. Emotion recognition wants to extract the individual heartbeats and
measure small variance in the beat-to-beat intervals with millisecond scale accuracy.
Regrettably, new research that aims for segmenting RF reflections into specific beats
can’t achieve satisfactory accuracy for emotion recognition [46].
2.2 Preprocessing
2.2.1 Wireless Signal
Emotional intelligence (EQ) radio acts on the RF reflections from the human body. To
capture these reflections, EQ radio uses a radar technique called Frequency Modulated
CW Radar FMCW [60]. RF signal is used to modulate breathing and heartbeat. The
radio isolates the RF reflections from several objects or bodies into cubes established on
their reflection time; it then removes reflections from stable assets that don’t change over
time and magnifies human observations. To acknowledge emotions, EQ radio needs to
extract these intervals from the RF phase signal. The main limitation of beat interval
extraction is that it does not identify beat morphology in reflected RF signals. This is in
contrast to EKG signals wherever the heartbeat morphology has a known expected shape
and simple spike detection algorithms can extract beat-to-beat intervals. Recognizing
the dimorphism of the heartbeat would help us share the signal. Once they had a partition
of the reflected signal, they can use that to restore the person’s heartbeat to dimorphism.
This problem is exacerbated by two additional factors.
Beginning, the reflected signal is noisy; secondary, the chest movement enhances, so
breathing improves by orders of magnitude than the heartbeat replacement. In another
sentence, they run on a small signal-to-interference-to-noise ratio (SINR) scheme that
“interference” results from the displacement of the chest concerning breathing. SINR
describes the upper limit for how an RF action or gesture can be recognized since any
perceptible fluctuation is necessarily greater than the noise [61]. Attenuate the influence
of breathing on the type of preprocessing. The purpose of the preprocessing step is to
attenuate the respiratory signal and improve the SINR of the heartbeat signal. Remember
that due to the inhalation-exhalation process and the pulsatile effect, the heart rate (HR)
level is directly proportional to the complex change. Prepress is the heartbeat area.
The equalizer radio divides the acceleration signal into multiple beats. Remember, the
Emotion Recognition Based on Wireless, Physiological 127
main problem is that they cannot recognize the shape of the heartbeat to initiate this
separation process. Let x = (x1 , x2 , …, Xn ) suppose that the part S of element x = {s1 ,
s2 , …} sequence of length nA has its component (partially) in non-overlapping adjacent
128 A. Alabsi et al.
Table 1. (continued)
subsequences), where each part comes from | is | the purpose of his algorithm is to
determine the optimal partition S* that minimizes the segment variance, the official can
determine as follows [46]:
S∗ = arg min Var(S) (1)
They preprocessed the synthesized raw data to eliminate noise, extract detailed edges,
and obtain accurate solutions. Using Discrete Waveform Transformation (DWT) for
noise reduction, and for the time and frequency representation of the signal, for the
detailed multi-scale analysis shown in Fig. 4 [62].
Fig. 4. Using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for de-noising and smoothing signal
In [54], they used a second-order IIR notch filter, which removes the narrow-band
noise generated by EKG sensors or motion artifacts in users and power lines, and also
implemented a Butterworth low-pass filter to remove High frequency noise at 60 Hz.
Cutoff frequency You have also implemented a filter that eliminates high-frequency
noise with a cutoff frequency of 60 Hz, called a Butterworth low-pass filter.
on the results of Ref.[70], [71] to explain these functions in detail. The equalizer radio
also uses breathing characteristics. For breathing, EQ radio first recognizes each breath
and detects the peak after low-pass filtering [46]. Physiological characteristics vary from
subject to subject under similar emotional situations.
Domain Name
Time Mean, Median, Standard Deviation of NN Intervals (SDNN), pNN50, Root Mean
Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD), SDNNi, meanRate, sdRate, HRVTi,
Frequency Welch PSD: LF/HF, peakLF, peakHF. Burg PSD: LF/HF, peakLF, peakHF.
Lomb-Scargle PSD: LF/HF, peakLF, peakHF
Poincaré SD1, SD2, SD2/SD1
Nonlinear SampEn1, SampEn2, DFAall , DFA1 , DFA2
They calculated the frequency range and statistical characteristics (mean, standard
deviation, entropy, zero-crossing, and mean derivative) to identify operations in the data.
The main characteristics are the mean and standard deviation. You choose a window size
(without overlap) of 100,000 samples with a sampling rate of 1 MHz or 10 windows per
second to calculate the function [62].
In [74], the feature extraction stage is used to reduce the complexity dimension while
retaining relevant information. Returns the feature vector that characterizes the original
signal or a part of it. Generally, the feature curve is considered over time or in additional
areas. Features may not be capable to discriminate related classes. The best powerful
approach at this phase is principal component analysis (PCA). They divided the methods
of this step in Table 3 into the time domain, frequency domain, frequency-time domain
or time scale, statistics, and nonlinear measurement.
Domain Methods
Time Signal morphology (amplitude, extrema, intervals,
etc.), Rate of specific events, RMS
Frequency Frequency spectrum
Time–frequency or time-scale domain The Short-time Fourier transform (STFT), Wavelet
Transform (WT)
Statistical indices Mean, median, SD, skewness, kurtosis, etc
Nonlinear Measures of chaos, complexity, Entropy
In Ref. [75], they obtained 29 features from each emotion model in the Skin potential
signal. It includes 15, 13, and 1 in time-domain, frequency-domain, and nonlinear feature
in Consecutive. The features of the time-domain include the first quartile (q1), standard
deviation (SD), variable (var), the median value (median), the third quartile (q3), mean
value (mean), and root mean square (RMS) of the initial feeling pattern. They initiated
utilizing fast Fourier transform (FFT) on the feeling samples for extracting the unilateral
spectrum of frequency-domain attributes in the Skin potential signals. In Ref. [76], they
extracted the feature of differential entropy (DE) based on a short-term Fourier transform
with a 4-s Henning window and no overlap. It can be written as follows:
h(X ) = f (X ) log(f (X ))dx, (2)
They extracted ED features from the EEG signals in the five frequency scopes of all
channels. They are delta (1–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–14 Hz), beta (14–31 Hz))
And Gamma (31–50 Hz). The 62 EEG channels have an overall of 62 × 5 = 310
dimensions. Entropy can extract attributes, and it shows how much the results of each
trajectory can expect from each other. In the final analysis, a more complex or chaotic
system. In the final analysis, a more complex or chaotic system. Spectral entropy has
been successfully used in the extraction of EEG features. The Higuchi fractal dimension
(HFD) is a nonlinear method of extracting features. She has taken an important position
in the analysis of biological signals. Various clinical situations [4]. In Ref. [51] the
properties generated from the ECG peaks are shown in Table 4.
Emotion Recognition Based on Wireless, Physiological 133
Domain Methods
Time Mean, median, SD, entropy
Frequency Num artifact, HRV
Peak High frequency (HF), total power radio, normalization HF
Peak Low frequency (LF), total power radio
Nonlinear Dimension, correlation, entropy, fractal Dimension
2.4 Classification
Many algorithms in classification such as support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest
neighbors (KNN), deep neural nets (DNN), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR), convolutional neural network (CNN), a deep convolutional neural
network (DCNN), and so on (Table 5).
2.5 Conclusion
There are many techniques for recognizing emotion. We classify the three techniques
which includes wireless, Physiological, and Audiovisual. Hence the first technique is
134 A. Alabsi et al.
accuracy with few research papers. We envisioned this to be a significant step in the
emerging field of emotion recognition. Additionally, when our research used the beat
extraction process to define beat-to-beat intervals and used those intervals for emotion
detection, it retrieved the entire beat RF human heart, and the beats show a very rich
morphology. The audiovisual signal is not efficient since people may deliberately hide
or disguise emotions by manipulating their voices and facial expressions. In addition,
reaching audiovisual signals requires the subjects to work together. Hence, it is difficult
to apply them in very medical applications. In addition to using physiological signals
that require body sensors, this is cumbersome and can interfere with the actions and
emotions of the user, making this method unsuitable for normal use.
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